2011 學海遊學-迪肯大學團 中文心得報告 鄭思怡 自從得知有這個機會遊學我就很興奮,第一次的出國要到距離台灣七千公里 多的地方,真的很開心.由於台灣是副熱帶氣候所以打包行李的時候我帶了好多很 厚重的衣服,不敢想像七度的墨爾本是如何?也很開心義守大學提供我這個難得 的機會到外國進修,這真的是一個很棒的機會對於學生而言。 遊學團一大群人從小港機場要出發到香港,在香港轉遇站時真的很新鮮,那是國 際水平的機場,目不轉睛不想放過每一個細節,到了 68gate 要前往墨爾本了!前面的 等待都是值得的,開始在高空中飛行,等待,飛行,等待,最後順利的出了海關,知道嗎 在出機場的那一刻.冷空氣襲來,內心的興奮完全振奮了經過十幾小時的等待與飛 行,嗨囉你好墨爾本! 親切的 Scott 在出口等待我們,像澳洲聖誕老人的司機坐在右邊的駕駛座,親 切又爽朗的帶我們前往迪肯大學,路上車子是靠左邊開的與台灣不同,下著小雨墨 爾本有一點點的距離感,路上的建築廣告與路標都很新奇而有著設計感,我們前往 在迪肯等著我們的寄宿家庭。 第一眼見到的是 Joanne 的朋友與她的兩個女兒,來載我到我的寄宿家庭。 Joanne 媽媽一見到我就給我一個大擁抱,很溫暖的奶奶,家裡有一隻雪白的貓咪叫 snowy,然後我們與 Joanne 的朋友與女兒聊天喝茶,澳洲小女孩好可愛,很有主見又 勇敢思考,教育的方式不同會讓兩個同樣九歲的小孩思考方式與創造力大大的不 同。Joanne 媽媽帶我參觀了整個家裡真的很漂亮又很用心,很多從各國來的明信片, 可以知道 Joanne 媽媽對留學生的親切照顧,同時我還有一個也從台灣來的室友。 我們一同吃了晚餐之後,Joanne 媽媽說明天要帶我們坐 tram 去上學. 澳洲的電車很方便,這裡的時刻表都很準時不論是公車或電車,搭電車去迪 肯大學上課走了十分鐘的路,日後一個月這條路走了好多次。一開始見到了好多 韓國同學,也認識了幾位,我們彼此用英文溝通,因為不是自己的母語有時候表達 不清楚時會有些吃力,但是很開心我們可以有這個機會彼此認識,韓國人很勇敢的 說英文。來自沙烏地阿拉伯和蘇丹的同學他們很勇於用英文表達,三四十歲的人 也持續的學習的新的語言。 在澳洲迪肯大學他們有著完善的教學設施,例如先進的電子白板,還有提供 影音錄影帶和書籍雜誌的中心提供學生多元的學習方式,還有電腦中心和完善的 影印設備提供學生作專題作業,和提供多元的用餐環境還有 YMCA 裡有專業的 教練和提供學生運動的場合。圖書館一樓有著討論中心,蒐藏的圖書資料很多元。 這是台灣大學需要學習的地方,迪肯大學讓人感受到的是以學生為出發點,提供 所有可以提供的讓學生學習導致的結果是有著讀書風氣的不同,學生不僅是為了 考試而學習,這裡有許多想學習知識的迪肯大學生,這或許就是為什麼許多亞洲 學生想到國外進修,台灣的大學目前還沒有這種讀書風氣,學生和學校都有很大 的地方需要改進,從教育改善整個社會才會進步,我認為一所大學擔任著教育者 的角色是很重要,是整個完善社會的根基,想必這個道理很多設立學校的高官都 知道但這卻是他們最難修的一堂課。 學校提供了給我們三次的校外教學,第一次我們去了有名氣的大洋路,驅車 前往花了很長的時間,但所見的美景真的是很值得了,無尾熊掛在高高的樹上, 沿路有著野生的牛隻,我們去了 lighthouse,爬上燈塔螺旋狀的樓梯所見的美景, 海水是寶藍色的,礁岩壯麗的美景和天氣晴朗的一天,只有美麗可言,很幸運我 在這裡,坐在餐廳吃著澳洲的三明治看著白色燈塔和藍天的搭配的愜意。之後我 們去 twelve apostles 搭配著夕陽晚歸和巨大得岩石,相信二十四小時都有他不同 的美麗。澳洲提供著直升機高空體驗,但價值不斐。驅車返回家裡,要把大洋路 整個遊完可能要花個三四天才能完全體驗。 下一周是 puffing Billy 小火車,路上有完全不怕人的鸚鵡,甚至停留在我的頭 上。我們乘坐了小火車,火車像極了卡通湯瑪士小火車,是蒸氣火車,月台旁還有可 愛的車掌,也有煤氣火車行駛然後冒出濃濃的黑煙,火車停在湖邊我們在湖邊散 步享受 homemade 午餐,然後逛逛糖果店和一些特別的小店,這些小店都有寧靜的 氛圍賣的東西也很特別。這實在是一趟很可愛的小旅行。 第三次我們去了 Phillip island,這天墨爾本下著大雨,homestay host 告訴我甚 至下了五分鐘的冰雹,幸運的是我們前往的企鵝島出了大太陽,短暫的停留在跨 海大橋天氣真的很好,然後我們先到了介紹企鵝島的場所,有白色的標記代表著 是企鵝居住的洞。要前往海灘的路上看到好多小隻的小袋鼠散佈在各個不同的地 方,企鵝島是不能拍照得會傷害企鵝的眼睛,我們在接近六點的時間等著企鵝歸 來,等待是值得的一隻一隻小小的企鵝排隊的歸來,一上岸小碎步衝上沙灘,然 後開始尋找自己的窩,距離很近的看到小小企鵝在思考他的家在哪裡,還有一大 群站在紀念品店的門口,要回去時需要檢查車底或許會有小企鵝跟著回家。之後 我們晚餐在一家中國餐廳用餐,很有中國味的餐廳大家可能太想念台灣的食物了 把所有的菜都給吃光一點都不剩,能在外國吃到中國食物別有一番風味。我們和 帶隊的老師 Scott 聊了很多,他旅行過了三十五個國家,曾經待在日本八年,也 在中國待過幾年,旅遊過很多的國家,這給我了想要語言學好的動力,英語目前 在世界上是共通的語言,透過英語我們可以結識各國不同的人,還有可以旅遊世 界,透過語言這個工具去得知更多正在發生在世界上的事情。 此外,每個禮拜日或者是禮拜五晚上我們都會在墨爾本的市區旅遊,flinders street 是一個很漂亮的地方集合了很多人,在這裡可以觀察到各種不一樣的人, 馬車在街上行走,漂亮的哥德式建築交錯著澳洲特色電車,還有常見的抗議活動 不停的為這個城市添加不一樣的色彩。Eureka sky deck 可以俯瞰整個墨爾本市區 的美麗,我們體驗了空中電梯,腳下就是八十八樓的高景。Vitoria market 體驗的 最當地的民情,賣著生鮮蔬果還有傳統玩物與樂器。St Kilda beach 距離市區最近 的海邊有許多蛋糕店咖啡館,澳洲人午後開了一罐白酒坐在路邊閒聊著,Luna park 是小朋友的夢想樂園。走了很多的路不停的為自己在澳洲添加不同的回憶。 在每一個上課的日子裡,一天當中會交叉的聽說讀寫的課程和文法的用法, 還有專題報告需要和同組的同學一起分工合作,從中確實學習到了很多實用的英 文。努力熟記好英文單字,確實是說好英文的一大根基。最後,經過這一個月, 我從中獲益了許多,我認識了新的朋友來自世界各地,讓自己的眼界更加開廣, 不設限自己才能在學習的當中讓自己變的更優秀。英文是很重要的工具須要善用 他,努力的學習研讀然後,用來與人溝通,往後持續的學習是必須的,這一個月 在我人生中是很閃亮的,也是一個新的開端。 DEAKIN UNIVERSITY REPORT From Jeng Sz Yi 9879029a At the beginning, I was so excited about I got this change to go to Australia because this is my first experience to go aboard. After long distance flight we arrived at Australia. ‘’Hello Melbourne here I am’’ this is what I want to said when finished our flight; I was not tired and so excited about following trip in Melbourne. When I saw my home stay host, she gave me a big warm hug and welcomed me to live at her home, her name is Joanne, she has lovely house with good decoration and excellent bedroom for me. Joanne taught me how to take tram to Deakin University and she accompanied with me to go to school at the first day. Tram, train and bus in Melbourne are very convenient and on time, so it is very good for tourist to travel in this city. In the school, I made friends from a lot of countries and we chatted with each other in English. I knew friends from Korea, although they are not very good at speaking, they are bravely talk to me in English, they are so powerful, friendly and polite to people. I’m glad to meet them in Deakin campus. In my class GE5, we have classmate from Hong Kong, China, Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Columbia, and Sudan. We got various change to exercise speaking in the class. Through chatting with classmate we can know what`s their culture and their food in their countries, it is interesting. Teacher teach us grammar, how to do the correct sentence, and we have to learn speaking, listening, writing, reading in one day. I think through one month learning my ability has been improving, and speaking could more confidence. We have project about do our self monopoly, so we have to team working to work out project, also have individual report for teacher. We also have exclusion, this is about we find map in the internet and setting route for others group, and we have to do others group question, we have to take public transportation and take pictures in the destination. In one day I worked with my partner to doing project in the Burwood, it is tired because we have to spend a lot of time to find out and get to the destination, and finally we finished our project, we learn how to communication with classmate through doing the project. In the weekend, we had exclusion to several place. The first week we took long time to get to destination which was great ocean road, we almost took four hours in the shuttle to get to there, the scene was really beautiful and the weather in there is wonderful, it is very suitable to spent whole afternoon lie in the meadow, we had been see the view in light house, and have good time with our friends there. Also, we are enjoy gorgeous nature view in the great ocean road, we don`t have chance to took helicopter; I think it must be very shocked by the views. Teacher who accompany us to there was treated us very well, so we really enjoy the journal except took too many times in the bus. The second trip we went to puffing Billy, we had delicious lunch box next to the lake, it is really relax for us and it`s good experience to took the old train there. The third trip was in Phillip Island, my home host told me that it got to feel freeze when we wait for the little penguin back home, and the true was really cold when we were waiting, when they back we could see they fast passed beach and going to find their home, sometimes it would cost them three or four hours to remember where is there home. Also we have food in Chinese restaurant, it taste really good, I think everyone all miss food in Taiwan even just passed three weeks time to study abroad. Except these trips we love to travel in the Melbourne downtown and find different things in Australia. We shopping everywhere, and went to outlet in the department, also I really enjoy exploring fresh experience in the Australia, we have been sky deck in Melbourne downtown, it was really beautiful I had ever seen, there was an experience could feel there was nothing and you could see people and cars in the street on the transparent elevator which is in the 88 floors. It was really interesting had those beautiful trip I had ever have. After this chance I feel fun and learning different things in different way, I think study aboard could really abroad your views and make different way to thinking, also made me want to study abroad again to challenge myself again, study abroad in Melbourne is one of amazing thing happen in my life. 2011 學海遊學-迪肯大學團 中文心得報告 許珮琳 9826057a(公共政策與管理學系) 出國前與在墨爾本的第一個禮拜 還記得得知自己可以去學海的消息是同學轉告我的,當時既驚訝又開心,終 於可以靠自己的力量出國看看外面的世界了。經過一連串的程序後,選了澳洲迪 肯大學。要出國的前一個禮拜,陸陸續續把東西放在行李箱內,當時抱著一顆既 期待又怕受傷害的心情,因為這是我生平第一次出國。踏入小港機場,與家人和 朋友道別,等待著飛機起飛,隨著飛機的加速,我們離開了台灣。第一次坐飛機、 第一次吃飛機上的食物,體驗隨著飛機起飛與降落的耳鳴生活,在我眼裡什麼事 都很新鮮。在香港與阿德雷德轉機,經過了 10 個小時的飛機生活,終於到了墨 爾本。出機場後被巴士帶到了迪肯大學,很多寄宿家庭的家長等待著我們,老師 一一唱名,同學們陸陸續續的被帶走,一個短髮俐落的女子(Kate)帶著兩個可愛 的小妹妹(Alice&Lucy)和一個韓國同學(Sun),就是我的寄宿家庭。 在回家的途中,Kate 先帶我們去公車站,跟我們解釋要怎麼上下學,然後回 到家中。Kate 跟我們解釋一些規定,如餐前要幫忙擺放刀子與叉子、餐後要幫忙 擦洗鍋子、一人只有四分鐘的洗澡時間、洗澡前要記得把毯子放在地上、洗澡後 要沖洗浴缸與擦洗衛浴分離的玻璃、如果有需要甜點或點心請自行去購買…等規 定。 第一天的晚餐讓我既期待又興奮,是滷雞腿、蔬菜和白飯,而澳洲的白飯是 細細長長又扁扁的,對我而言很特別。晚餐搭配著 Alice 喜歡的音樂,我們度過 愉快的晚上。飯後 Alice 跳著他在學校學的舞蹈,我和 Sun 一起共同欣賞,這是 我在澳洲的第一個夜晚。而我的寄宿家庭父親(Blair)是從紐西蘭移民過來的,他 為人很親切。真的很開心能跟他們一起同住在一個屋簷下。 第一個禮拜的學校生活,基本上都在認識校園與同學,學校發給我們手機與 無線網路卡,讓我們可以互相聯絡。下課後我們大家約一約去了 chadstone shopping centre,這是 Kate 介紹的,是一個很大很大的購物中心,在途中我們不知道到哪 站要下車,但藉由詢問公車上的乘客我們得知要如何前往,而賣場裡面東西種類 很多,但是都不便宜。 第一個禮拜的假日學校安排了大洋路的行程,坐了將盡快四小時的公車才到 達大洋路,路途的蜿蜒讓我們都很不舒服,但途中看到了樹上的無尾熊與路邊的 野牛,讓我們很興奮。最後看到大洋路的風景後,一切都覺得很值得,那裡的風 景讓我們想忘都忘不了。而星期日我們一群人去了維多利亞市場,這是一個很大 也很便宜的批發市場,賣的東西大致上都很類似,在那裡我們買了很多紀念品還 吃了很有名的果醬甜甜圈。 上課方式 這裡的課程我覺得很特別,因為我喜歡小班制的上課方式,在互動的過程中 我們可以學到很多,例如透過玩些小遊戲、辯論、演戲…等,讓我們有機會可以 和同學互動,也可以表達自己的看法並了解其他不同的思想與看法。 透過班上老師安排的城市之旅,去參觀 Channel 7 和 ACMI(Australia centre for the moving image ),讓我們多了很多靈感去製作我們的電影,並與同組的同學一 起撰寫劇本、剪接與拍攝影片,從中學習到很多。 班上的同學來自許多不同的國家,如:義大利、日本、泰國、韓國、中國、 香港、台灣,透過和他們聊天,了解文化間的差異,也交到了許多朋友。我喜歡 一個班級有不同的老師,像我們班就有兩個老師,透過不同老師的教課,可以學 到不同的東西。 旅遊 我們去過很多地方,如:Puffing Billy、Phillip island、Lygon Street、Melbourne Museum、Royal Exhibition Building、Old Melbourne Gaol、Mt. Buller、Eureka Tower、 Doncaster Shopping Centre、Chadstone Shopping Centre、Flinders Street Square、GPO、 DFO、Melbourne Centre、The Black Avenue、St. Patrick's Cathedral、St. killda beach、 Warribee Zoo、Great Ocean Road、Queen Victoria Market、Channel 7、ACMI…等。 讓我印象深的是 Eureka Tower,這是一個 88 層樓的塔,我們是接近下午才到 那的,進去塔中需要 13 元澳幣,到達最高樓你可以看到墨爾本的夜景,最特 別的是他有個箱子會從 88 層樓往外移動,而這個箱子四周透是透明的玻璃, 如果要進去觀看還需要 10 元澳幣,我覺得花那個錢很值得,因為真的很漂亮 也很壯觀。第二個想推薦的是 Mt.Buller,剛好我們去澳洲是冬天,所以可以 去滑雪、賞雪、堆堆雪人,對於沒看過雪的我就覺得很新奇,看著皚白色的 雪從天空中飄落,坐著沒有玻璃的纜車,踏著厚厚的雪堆,這一切都很特別。 如果想購物的話,超級推薦 DFO,他是個 outlet 的購物中心,很多名牌商品 與運動商品,去到那邊一定會滿載而歸。而 St.Killda Beach 也是個不錯的地方, 平日都只是個沙灘,附近有一條很有名的蛋糕街,而星期日比較特別,因為 星期天有市集,有很多手工的東西可以選購。那條蛋糕街的蛋糕都很精緻, 也很好吃,不過有點甜。澳洲的沙灘和台灣的大不相同,這裡的沙都是細沙, 也有很多海鷗。最特別的是這裡有個小型的遊樂園,是個提供親子互動的場 所,但是這裡並不是一票玩到底,而是每個設施都要單獨購票。 文化 澳洲的房子大部分都只有一層樓,裡面地板都是木製,擺設都很像 IKEA, 西方國家很重視居住、飲食與休閒,像是墨爾本的商店一般都只開到五點,過了 五點後就不賣了,只有星期五和周末會開比較晚。 澳洲和台灣有很多不同,像是過馬路要按按鈕、車子靠左邊行駛、駕駛座在 右邊、搭公車和電車與火車只需要用同一張卡、房間與浴室和廁所都沒有鎖、水 龍頭的水可以直接喝、公共運輸都很準時、衛生紙直接丟馬桶、節約用水、網路 費很貴、房子的架構、垃圾只要用桶子放在外面就會有垃圾車來收、牛奶和吐司 很便宜,還有很多露天咖啡,而飲食也有很大的不同如:喜歡微波食物、很多商 品都是直接微波就可以吃的、午餐都是三明治、巧克力都很甜。澳洲很多事情都 跟台灣不同,所以對我來說很多事情都很新鮮,值得一提的是,他們的網路,跟 Kate 聊天的時候才發現他們的網路很貴,他們繳一定的錢只能使用一定的流量, 如果下載太多東西,這個月就只剩下一定的流量可以上網,要等到下個月才能恢 復原本的流量;還有不能放入洗碗機的大型鍋子就只能放在洗碗槽內用熱水浸泡, 然後洗一洗再用布擦一擦,所以很節約用水。 結論 一個月的澳洲生活對我而言事乎太快了,總覺得適應不久後,時光飛逝,也 要離開澳洲了,在澳洲的生活幾乎每天都很開心,剛開始超不適應他們午餐只吃 三明治,就覺得對我們亞洲人來說怎麼可能夠呢,還記得有次我跟 Kate 反應我 的午餐不夠,然後他就跟我說因為他們覺得午餐只是小餐,所以只吃三明治而已, 而吃這麼少不僅是為了晚餐做準備,因為在他們的概念裡晚餐是大餐,另一方面 也是為了健康著想。 我很喜歡每天起床跟他們說早安、離開家說 have a nice day,也很喜歡和 Blair 與 Kate 聊天,跟他們分享今天去了哪裡、買了什麼東西,喜歡西方國家進門前 會先敲門,不隨便了解別人的隱私。 我很喜歡 Blair 和 Kate 教導他們小孩的方式,因為他們不是用打、罵教育,而 是用鼓勵的方式,且他們不會阻止小孩想學什麼,讓小朋友了解哪些是他們想學 習的並且可以自己學習,其中我覺得很溫馨的是小朋友要睡覺前 Blair 還會念故 事書給他們聽,感覺好特別。 在這一個月我體驗了很多以前沒做過的事情、感受不同的文化、學習許多不同 的事項,我很慶幸我有這次的機會可以出國,經過這一個月的洗禮,讓我的世界 變得更加廣闊。 Deakin University Student number:9826057a Department:Public Policy And Management Name:Pei-Lin,Hsu Date:100.09.08 Before abroad and the first week in Melbourne I can't believe when I knew news that I can go abroad for study tour, and I was very excited and happy about that. After many process, I chose Deakin University of Australia. A week before went abroad, I put many things in my luggage and I was so excited, because it's my first time to go abroad. When I walked to the airport, I said goodbye to my family and my friends. Though speeding up of the airplane, we left Taiwan. It's my first time to take airplane and eat food on the airplane, so those are very fresh for me. After transferring in Hong Kong and Adelaid, we arrived at Melbourne. When we left the airport, a bus picked us up to Deakin University, and many home stay families waited for us. Many of us took away by many families, and I saw a woman who has shot hair and brought two little girls, and they are my home stay family. On the way to go home, Kate took us to the bus station and taught us how to take bus to go to school and go home. After arriving home, Kate explained rules of home stay, for example helping to set up knives and forks before dinner, helping to wash dishes, four minutes shower for a person, putting carpet on ground before having bath, washing the bath after taking shower, you should buy some cookies if you want to eat and so on. First day's dinner was chickens with rice and vegetables, it was so delicious. Australia's rice is thin and flat. It's so different between Australia and Taiwan. Eating dinner with music that is Alice's favorite music is so special for me. After dinner, Alice danced to us and we had a nice night in Melbourne. On the other hand, my home father comes from New Zealand and he called Blair. I'm very happy to stay with them, and they are very kind. First week of Deakin University, in basically, teachers showed us buildings, and looked around the campus, and gave us mobiles and USB. It's good for us to contract with everybody. After school, we went to Chad stone Shopping Centre, Which introduced by my home mom and it's a very big shopping centre but things are not cheap. However, we had no idea how to go to this shopping centre, so we asked people. I think that asking people something is good way for us to practice English. First holiday, we went to The Great Ocean Road and took bus for four hours to arrive there. We felt dizzy, because road was so wind, but on the way to get there, we saw many koalas and cows, and we were very excited. When we arrived there, we saw beautiful views that could take my breath away and beyond description. I couldn't forget those amazing views. Although took four hours to get there, it was so worth for me. And Sunday we went to Queen Victoria Market which is a huge market and sold many souvenirs. It's a good place for shopping. The special thing is a car parking at the market to sold donuts that inside has jam. It's delicious for me. The way of class The way of class is special for me, because I like small class. Small class have many benefits, because small class is good for us to learn more and learn well though some activities, for example playing small games, debating, act some roles and so on. Though that, we can not only know each other but also express our opinions. Besides, we can know other people's opinions and exchange different views. Though the city tour, we went to Channel 7 and ACMI and we got many inspirations to make our movie from city tour, and then we wrote scripts and made video and cut video together. From this homework, I learned many things. Classmates in the same class from different countries, for example Italy, Japan, Thailand, Korea, China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Though chatting with different people from different countries and knowing different cultures and becoming good friends. Besides, I like different teachers teach us, because I can learn different things and culture from them. Traveling We have got many place in Melbourne, for example Puffing Billy、Phillip island、Lygon Street、Melbourne Museum、Royal Exhibition Building、Old Melbourne Gaol、Mt. Buller、 Eureka Tower、Don caster Shopping Centre、Chad stone Shopping Centre、Flinders Street Square、GPO、DFO、Melbourne Centre、The Black Avenue、St. Patrick's Cathedral、 St. killda beach、Warribee Zoo、Great Ocean Road、Queen Victoria Market、Channel 7、 ACM and so on. Most impressed place is Eureka Tower which is eighty eight building and the price of entrance is thirty AU dollars and you can see night views of Melbourne. The most special thing is that a glace box will out off the top of building, but if you want to enter the box, you have to pay ten AU dollars. You can see the beautiful night view in a box, and I think that it's so worth to do that. Second place that I want to recommend is Mt Buller, because it's winter in Australia and it's a nice place to see snow, ski and heap up the snower. It's so special for me, because this is my first time to see snow and seat the cable car without glace. If you want to shopping, I really suggest you to go to DFO, Which is an outlet mall and sell many brands. In addition, St. Killda Beach is another nice place, and normally it's a beach and has a cake street. However, it's different on Sunday, because there is a market which sells many hand-made things. Cakes of the cake street are exquisite and delicious, but so sweet. Also, different between Taiwan's beach and Australia's beach is that Australia's beach has fine sand and many seagulls. The most interesting thing is the amusement centre, because this place is small and provides for children. Culture Mostly, Australia's house just has one lab and inside is woods, and Australian places importance on life and leisure, like shops are closed on five o'clock pm in Melbourne, only Friday and weekend shops will close later. Many different things between Taiwan and Australia, for example if you want to cross the street, you should put on the button, using same ticket when you take tram, train, or bus, and bathroom and bedroom have no lockers, Internet's fees are expensive, milk and toast are cheap, and lunch is sandwich. To deserve to be mention is Internet, when I chat with Kate, she told me their Internet's fees are very expensive and not allow download too much things from the Internet. They pay same money for using Internet, but company of Internet just gives them definite flow rate. Conclusion It's so quickly for my trip in Australia. Firstly, I have long time in school, and eat sandwich every day, so I want to go back to Taiwan in that time. However, when I adjust myself to new life, I don't want to go back to Taiwan. I very enjoyed the short time in Australia, and my friends and I went to many places in Melbourne. I have many good memories in Melbourne, if I have chance to choose what country I want to go, I will choose Australia again. Firstly, I didn't adjust myself to eat sandwich in everyday's lunch, and I thought that it's not enough for Asian. When I told to my home mom that sandwich was not enough for me, and she told me that Australian ate sandwich every lunch, because they thought lunch is a small meal and dinner will have big meal. They eat sandwich for lunch is not only lunch is a small meal but also for health. I like say good morning when I weak up, and say have a nice day when I left house to Kate and Blair. I also like chat with Blair and Kate, and share them that where did I go and what did I buy. On the other hand, I like that they will knock door before entering, and not intrude other people's privacy. I like the way of teaching, because their education's way is encouraging not hit, and they are not stop from what children want to learn. One of those things that I feel warm is that Blair will read story before kids go to sleep. I think it's so special, because it likes the action of story. I undergo a lot of experiences, including many first experiences during this month, and I learn many new things and experience different cultures. I'm very glad to have this chance to go abroad. After this month, I have different view to watch this world and my future. 2011 學海遊學-迪肯大學團 中文心得報告 醫務管理學系 9951007A 李昀真 一、前言 在進入義守大學前的暑假,收到英語夏令營的邀請函,立刻毫不猶豫決定參 加,提升自身英文能力,開拓視野。現在回想起來,很開心我做了一個帶給我不 同人生的決定,有保障名額而且通過考試,讓我到我夢想已久的國家-澳洲一個 月。 當我得知考上學海的時候,第一時間打電話給爸媽,全家都非常開心,朋友 們也替我感到驕傲。在選擇學校之前,我已經決定好去澳洲,結果如我所願是澳 洲墨爾本的迪肯大學。 墨爾本在我的認知中,是個美麗的城市,當我實際踏上那片土地後,我非常 既興奮又期待,因為這是我第一次出國,認識它之後更讓我深深的愛上了它。 二、寄宿家庭 再出發之前,家人都很擔心寄宿家庭的生活問題。學校安排每位學生在不同 的家庭,父母擔心萬一有任何問題,語言溝通不良,沒有人可以幫助我,但事實 上這些事情是我們多想了。 我的寄宿家庭跟其他同學的很不一樣,有別於大部分的住宅,我的家是兩層 樓的,而且分成兩部分,前面是住外公和外婆,後面才是我的寄宿家庭。第一天 到學校接我的是外公和外婆,我剛開始以為他們就是我的 home pa 和 home mom, 後來回到家後才知道並不是這麼一回事。我的 home pa 在我剛到澳洲的第二天就 到印度去工作了,而 home mom 則是印度舞舞蹈老師,上班時間並不固定,在加 上外公和外婆家也是寄宿家庭,因此我們的午餐和晚餐都是外婆替我們準備的。 我的韓國室友跟我一樣同一天抵達澳洲,他二十二歲,就像一個姐姐無微不至的 照顧我,我們也會互相教對方自己國家的語言及分享生活方式。他在我準備離開 要到機場的時候,在車外哭著朝我揮手。使我對在寄宿家庭與他相處的日子更加 思念。每天晚餐我和室友都會到外婆家與其他學生一起用餐,另外有三個男生比 我們早到兩個禮拜,兩位來自台灣,另一位來自日本,剛開始我們並沒有任何互 動,直到有一次我們忘記帶鑰匙只得留在外婆家等 home mom 回家,那三位男生 突然跑來找我們聊天,那位日本男孩還拿著翻譯機向我韓國室友請教韓文,那晚 我們聊了很許多,當他們要離開的前一晚,我們很不捨的一起拍照留戀,且互相 道別。後來外婆家來了一位日本女生,雖然與他相處只有短短的一個禮拜,但是 卻也令我難以忘懷。 我的 home mom 是澳洲與印度的混血兒,年輕的時候是知名的印度舞舞者, 在我回台灣的前一個周末,她帶我和室友到她的舞蹈工作室參觀,這是我第一次 看到印度舞,後來也讓我們看他表演時的影片,我深深的覺得這個舞蹈很難,非 常強調力道及眼神。 三、迪肯生活 在出國之前,學校要求我們寫一篇作文作為能力分班依據,我一直很擔心沒 有人會跟我在同一個班級,也很害怕自己在全英語的環境,會聽不懂老師的教學 內容,直到看到正式的分班表後,讓我鬆了一口氣。雖然我的班級 GE8 只有我 一個,但是我們和 GE7 的在同一間教室上課,所以我們班總共有五個人是來自 於台灣,至於其他同學,除了一個女生來自義大利之外,其餘的人都是來自亞洲 國家,有中國、韓國、日本、泰國。 在迪肯大學廣大的校園內,可以看見很多來自不同國家的人種,在我們主要 活動的 la 大樓更是隨處可見中國人及韓國人。我們的老師有兩個,一個是像媽 媽一樣的 Leigh,另外一個就像朋友般的高挑美女 Marija。還記得剛開始上課的 第一天,我聽得很吃力,因為 Leigh 的講話速度有點快,再加上還沒完全適應全 英環境,因此一整天我都是迷迷糊糊的聽課。經過幾天之後,漸漸習慣老師們的 發音,國外的教學方式真的跟台灣有很大的差異,台灣的學生只要安靜的坐在台 下聽著老師講課就好,但是國外的老師會要求我們與同學有互動,上課也要積極 發言,再加上台灣的英語學習環境強調的是讀跟寫,聽的方面我還可以,但是開 口說英文真的很難突破心理障礙,上課的時候曾和一個韓國男生同組,他說我應 該要放開心胸,享受這門課程,不應該這麼安靜寡言,在那之後,每堂課我都提 起精神,專心集中注意力在課堂上,也會努力的想話題與分組夥伴聊天,讓我開 始有了講英文的勇氣。 在這一個月的學習過程中,最讓我感到困難的是分組拍影片,我的組員共有 兩男兩女,一個男生來自泰國,另一個是上海人,還好有一個台灣女生跟我同組, 讓我不那麼害怕。從決定主題、寫劇本到拍攝影片,全部都要由我們自己討論和 製作。在台灣我從來沒有這種經驗,但是我的組員們都很幫助我,我們的影片主 題是關於每個國家有不同的飲食文化,經由這份作業,讓我學到該怎麼與來自不 同國家的人用英文溝通與分工合作,也認識了泰國的特色食物跟吃飯習慣。 另外我還學到了一項非常重要的技巧,就是如何在有限的時間內寫出一篇結 構完整且對於討論的主題具有說服力的英文短文,我想這對我將來的英文寫作很 有幫助。老師們也要求我們每天都要寫日記,我想這是為了讓我們的遊學之旅能 利用文字記錄下美好的回憶,也讓我們練習寫作吧!在一個禮拜的課程安排中更 是有四小時的「ILC」 (Independent Learning Centre)時間,有別於台灣,在那些時 段,學生們可以看電影、弄電腦或者到會話教室,我們很常到會話教室玩遊戲, 雖然在那裡只能說英文,但是我們都玩得很開心。 四、美麗的墨爾本 從以前就一直覺得墨爾本是個很漂亮的城市,一直到我真正踏上這個地方之 後,讓我深深的愛上了它。天氣多變的墨爾本,隨處可聽到烏鴉的叫聲,在 CITY 裡現代與古典的建築比鄰相對,可是一點衝突感都沒有,在 CITY 的十字路口處 都會有身穿紅色外套的人,他們會協助人們解決問題,在路旁也有馬車可讓遊客 坐著觀光,雖然在市區裡每個人走路的步調都很快,但還是可以感受到外國人那 種享受生活的感覺,不像在台灣大都市裡那種緊張的壓迫感。 在這一個月內,學校每個禮拜六都會帶我們去著名的觀光景點,我們更是利 用課餘時間及星期日,拿著交通地圖四處跑,不讓我們的澳洲之旅留下任何遺 憾。第一周「大洋路」(Great Ocean Road)沿路的海岸景觀,其中最壯觀的就是 「十二門徒石」(Twelve Apostles),海浪日復一日的拍打著岩石,伴隨著美麗的 落日,雖然天氣寒冷,但是美不勝收的畫面令我印象深刻。第三周我們到了 「Puffing Billy」 ,第一次搭蒸汽小火車的感覺很新鮮,一路上美麗的風景和熱情 打招呼的人們,讓我深深愛上了這個城市。第四周學校帶我們去「菲利普島」 (Phillip Island)看可愛的神仙小企鵝,那天早上外面下著滂沱大雨,讓我擔心不 能玩得很盡興,但後來天空放晴了,在傍晚五、六點的時候,遊客們坐在沙灘上 的看台等待小企鵝們上岸,第一次近距離看到企鵝,也是第一次聽到企鵝的叫 聲,可愛的小企鵝令我印象深刻。 今年的生日對我來說很特別,第一次在國外過生日,在那天下課之後,我們 到 CITY 裡的「Eureka Skydeck」 ,從 88 樓看下去的墨爾本,燈火燦爛的夜景,令 我們驚呼連連,雖然天氣真的冷到讓人直發抖,但是大家仍然拿著相機努力記錄 著這一幕。 在墨爾本也有很多便宜的 outlet 購物中心,最具代表性的「Victoria Market」 更是讓我印象深刻,那個市場很像台灣的傳統市場,各式各樣的食物和生活用品 應有盡有,只要用心逛一定會發現便宜的寶物! 五、總結 一個月的時間說長不長,說短不短,對於學習英語的我們來說,或許這些時 間並不足,但是在寄宿家庭與學校同學的相處下來,讓我更有勇氣開口說英文, 也讓我認識了來自不同國家的朋友,讓我今年的暑假充滿美麗的回憶。在我離開 前,home mom 跟我說回台灣後還是要練習英文,別忘記英文這個語言。生活在 墨爾本的那幾個禮拜,英文變成了我生活中的一部分,將來我仍然會努力充實自 己的英文能力。很感謝學校給我這個機會能夠出國,讓我遇到了這麼棒的寄宿家 庭和室友,也讓我在這個暑假有滿滿的收穫、過得如此精彩。 English report I was so happy that I got the scholarship to have a chance to learn English in Australia in this summer vacation. My family and friends were also very excited and congratulation to me. Before school told we choose where we want to go, I have been decided to go to Australia. Fortunately I really got the chance to study in Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. In my impression Melbourne is a beautiful city. When I arrived the city I felt so excited because this is my first time abroad. Every thing was special to me. Before I go abroad, my family was worry about home stay. Because everyone in my group will be live in different home stay. My parents thought if I have any problems no one can help me because I can not speak good English. But actually I think that we were thought too much. My home stay is different from other friends they living. Because my home' structure is two floors and divided into two parts. One part is for home mom's parents and the other is where I living. The first day when I arrived school was grandfather and grandmother picked me up. At first I thought they were my home pa and home mom. But that was not true after I arrived our home. My home pa went to India for his work when I lived there after one day. My home mom is a teacher who teaching the dance of India. Her working time was not fixed. They don't have any child. Because my home mom said she was enjoy the life with her husband. My grandfather and grandmother they also are home stay. So my lunch and dinner were prepared by my grandmother. My home mom was a famous dancer when she was young. Before I go back to Taiwan, she took my roommate and me to her academic. That was my first time saw India's dance. She also show the video when she was dancing. I felt so excited and I thought this kind of dance is very difficult. My roommate was came from Korea also arrived Melbourne same as me. She is twenty-two years old and she looked after me like a sister. Sometimes we were taught each other our country's language and lifestyle. The last night before I go back to Taiwan, I cooked some Chinese food to my home mom and my roommate's Korea friends. She also cooked Korea food for me. The flavor was so local and delicious. I still remember when I was already to go to airport, my roommate was very sad and kept crying. She was giving me a card. Inside the card she writing some Chinese words, I was so touched. Every day we went to grandmother's house to eat dinner. There have three boys in her house. One was come from Japan and the other two from Taiwan. The last night before they leave Melbourne, we took many pictures together. After two days another Japan girl came to grandmother's house. Although we just meet for one week, we still have good friendship. Before I study in Deakin University, I was worried about that I can't understand what teacher said. Luckily there have four people in our group were in same class with me. Deakin University has wide campus and has a lot of Asia people study in there. Most of my classmates were all came from Asia countries. Only one girl came from Italy. In my class GE7/8 has two teachers. One teacher is like our mother, Leigh. Another tall and young teacher, Marija is like our friend. The first day I was very serious in class. I was little be can't understood what teacher said. But after few days, I have getting better. I felt the most difficult thing during study in Deakin was our group project. We have to write the script and film a movie by ourselves. Our topic was talking about different country have different food. According to this project, I learned how to communicate with people in English, I also knew the characteristics of Thai food and eating habits. Furthermore I have been learned a very useful skill is how to write a good essay in limited time. I think it will be helpful to me when I writing in the future. Everyday we need to write our journal after school. Write diary not only can help us record what happened in everyday in Melbourne, also can help us improve our writing skill. Study in Deakin , most specially program was “ILC" (Independent Learning Centre). In that one hour, we can choose watching movies, playing computer or practicing speaking with teachers. The last day we study in Deakin, we have some test. I think I failed the speaking test. After finished all test, we took many pictures with our classmates. We got along with one month. In that time I can felt everyone was sad. I was so happy I can be their classmates. Now we also contact in Facebook. Melbourne weather is easy changeable, and I can hear the calls of crows everywhere. Modern and classical architectures are relatively near in city, but there is no sense of conflict. Although everyone was fast walking in City, but I still can felt that foreigners enjoy the feeling of life, it's not like the tension of pressure in the Taiwan capital. School took our I-SHOU study tour to some famous tourist attractions in every Saturday. My friends and I always took the traffic map after we finished school or Sunday. We don't want to leave any regrets after we go back to Taiwan. The first weekend school took us to “The Great Ocean Road". The one of the most spectacular landscape along the coast is “Twelve Apostles". Although the weather was cold , but I still deeply remember the spectacular scenery in my mind. Next Saturday we went to “Puffing Billy" to take the steam train. I was so excited because this was my first time to take steam train. The scenery was very beautiful and the people who waved their hand enthusiastic to us. That is why I so like the beauty city. On week four, we went to “Phillip Island" to saw the cute little penguins. Actually before we went to Phillip Island, it was has heavy rain in that morning. I was very worried that maybe we can't have fun when we see the penguins. Luckily, the sky cleared up before we arrived Phillip Island. All visitors sit on the beach stands to waiting for the small penguins ashore to go back to their home to have a good sleep. I was first time to saw the penguins so close and also was first time to hear the calls of penguins. Then we have dinner in Chinese Restaurant. Everyone was missed Chinese food. Each food was so delicious. I was very happy in that day. This year's birthday was very special for me. I celebrated my nineteen years old in Melbourne. In that day , we went to “Eureka Skydeck" which is the tallest building in Melbourne. The night view looked down from eighty-eight floor was very beautiful. Every one who saw the view was feel amazing. Although the weather was really cold to people shivering, every one still holding the camera to record this unforgettable scene. There also have many cheap outlet shopping centers in Melbourne. The famous tourist attractions “Victoria Market" is like the traditional market in Taiwan. There sold variety of food and household item. My friends and I were buying T-shirt which clothes have printed Australia or Melbourne picture at Victoria Market. As long as you pay attention if shopping in there, you will find some cheap and useful treasures. In Melbourne have many special and beautiful tourist attractions. The view was I never seen in Taiwan. If I have a chance, I still want to go to Melbourne again. I really love the lovely city. One month is not long but it is also not short. Maybe four weeks to us to learn English in Melbourne is not enough. But I have more courage to speak English after I got along with the home stay and classmates in Deakin. My summer vacation in this year was has many wonderful memories. I also meet some friends who came from different country. Before I leave Melbourne, my home mom was told me I still need to practice English after I go back to my country and don't forget the language. English was become a part of my life when I living in Melbourne. Actually I am not afraid English and really like the language now. I will efforts to enrich my English ability in the future. I am so happy that I-SHOU University provided the scholarship to me and let me have the chance to abroad to Australia. I still remember everything happened in Melbourne. I am so pleasure that I have such kind home stay and great roommate. I think I have full harvest and have splendid memories in this summer vacation.