2011 學海遊學 澳洲昆士蘭團 中文心得報告 陳麗如 “我實在不敢相信我竟然可以出國!” 這句話是我第一句最想說的話,因為我 從來沒有離開台灣過,甚至連飛機都沒搭過,這是非常難得的機會,我必須先符 合某些條件,然後通過考試才可以得到這個獎學金。我一知道這消息馬上開心的 大叫,然後馬上打給我同學,因為她同樣也考到這個獎學金,我們在電話那頭不 停的尖叫,甚至開心到想哭,這可是我一進義守大學就設定好的目標,因為對我 來說,在我還沒真正有能力賺錢之前,出國這件事對我來說根本是不可能的事, 但如今,我卻做到了。 在出國之前,我上網查詢了很多有關昆士蘭的相關資訊,還去買了旅遊書, 甚至在飯店做短期的打工,想當作出國的零用金。第一次搭飛機,我既興奮又緊 張,頻頻看著窗外和拍照,在飛機上最棒的事就是可以在夜晚看到超多星星,在 白天又可以看到輕飄飄的白雲,只是第一次這麼長的旅途,我在飛機上幾乎都沒 睡,所以好累。 一下飛機,我們就遇到了一些問題,因為我們這團好像沒有人出國過,大家 都不知道怎麼填入境表,尤其澳洲的海關很嚴,又是英語系國家,我們都不敢掉 以輕心,大家蹲在地上研究了好久才敢到檢查行李的地方排隊。一出去我們就看 到一位漂亮的女老師拿著寫了"I‐SHOU UNIVERSITY"的牌子,還有兩位和藹可親 的司機,我們馬上開心的走向他們。一出機場,我馬上感受到一陣涼意,畢竟這 時候澳洲是冬天,雖然風吹得有點冷,但是太陽也很大,空氣又新鮮,所以相當 的舒服。 在布里斯本,我對所有的人事物都感到相當新鮮和新奇,尤其他們的文化和 習慣必定會和台灣有所差異,舉例來說:衛生紙要丟馬桶而不是垃圾桶、走路和 開車要靠左、一般家用自來水可以直接喝、到哪裡幾乎只能說英文…等,所以我 得學習適應,不過,到了新環境,也是讓我學習獨立的機會,畢竟在台灣,我只 要出門不是靠家人就是靠朋友,因為太容易迷路又沒什麼常識,所以,這次也算 是對自己的考驗。 這也是我第一次住寄宿家庭,讓我感覺好緊張,因為每天都會講到話,還是 用英文,我很怕會不知道要講甚麼,不過,我寄宿家庭的媽媽人真的很親切又好 客,她叫 Barbara,很喜歡大笑,很可愛,雖然有點年紀了,但還是很有活力, 有一次一回家看到她在家大喊大叫,我以為發生甚麼事了,原來只是在看足球賽。 她也是個很厲害的廚師,每次我最期待的就是晚餐時間,在開動之前的第一件事, 就是替晚餐菜色拍張照,因為實在太好吃了。平時家裡只有我和 Barbara,但家 裡並不冷清,她有養兩隻狗兩隻貓,牠們都非常溫馴非常乖,放學一回家,第一 件事就是去摸摸牠們;偶爾 Barbara 的兒子 Damien 和 James 也會來家裡,他們 兩個對我很好,Damien 生日還邀我去參加他的派對,有一次則是請我吃午餐, 最後一天晚上,我們還從很遠的地方走路回他家,他還幫了我不少忙,人真的超 好。 第一天去學校的時候,我真的又開心又緊張,一方面是因為可以認識到好多 來自不同國家的人,另一方面則是要考試。我們到了一個演講廳,前面站了好多 老師,每個看起來都很親切,老師們稍作介紹後,他們也要我們去跟不認識的同 學們打招呼,我還在不知所措的時候,有個義大利女孩衝了過來,她長得很漂亮, 又很熱情,雖然口音有點重,有時候聽不太清楚,不過,在學校只要碰到她我都 會超開心。我還記得我最後一天送她一個離別的小禮物,她開心的都要哭了,我 們都很捨不得彼此,希望哪天能夠再見面。 在昆士蘭大學,我們遇見了一個活潑大方的女孩,她叫 Victoria,也來自台 灣,雖然跟我們不同年紀,但就像親姐姐一樣,很照顧我們,同時也很瘋狂。第 一次台灣團的 BBQ 就是她籌劃的,去 South Bank 的路上,她講了很多關於澳洲 文化、語言的差別。我們買了好多食材,還有袋鼠肉!我都不知道原來袋鼠肉那 麼嫩那麼好吃!吃到一半的時候,她要我們到旁邊的草皮圍成一圈坐下,他祕密 的拿出一包包的零嘴,其中有一包是 licorice 軟糖,大家吃到眉頭都皺起來了, 不過,還是有很多超好吃的餅乾,我們還被她規定一定要講笑話,整個氣氛真的 是 high 到不行!晚上的布里斯本和真的很美,尤其是布里斯本之眼,我們待在 那拍照了很久才回家,那一天真的非常快樂。 有一次放學搭公車回家的時候,我看到有個金髮的外國人對我微笑,後面也 剛好沒位置,所以我就問他能不能坐他旁邊,一路上我們有小聊了一下,但他竟 然問我會不會說中文,我說會,然後…他就真的說中文,我嚇了一跳,後來才知 道,原來他以前在天津大學讀過一年的書,雖然我偶爾用中文他不見得聽得懂, 不過我已經很佩服他了,而且他還有學日文,竟然還是學校的數學老師,這更讓 我佩服不已。他人真的很好,我們幾乎每天都會用電腦聊天,還一起出去過幾次, 而且還被他請吃超好吃料理三次。他好像明年要再去中國,不過,我還是很希望 他有一天能來台灣,這樣我也可以請他吃很多超好吃小吃了。 看到很多旅遊書上的景點幾乎都有黃金海岸,讓我迫不及待到那裡,果然沒 有讓我失望,吹著海風,享受溫暖的太陽和藍天白雲,海水被照射的像純淨水晶, 尤其是那細緻的跟痱子粉一樣的沙灘,那裡簡直就是天堂。突然,我們看到一個 男人周圍聚集了好多海鷗,他拿著好多麵包,有些海鷗還飛在他身邊直接搶他手 中的麵包,我們羨慕到不行,還跟那個男人要了兩片土司,可是好像沒甚麼鳥緣, 牠們都不願意飛起來搶手中的麵包,所以我們只好用丟的,但牠們還是搶成一團, 模樣十分可愛。雖然路途遙遠,回到家已經點晚了,但還是玩得很開心。 8 月 7 日,Victoria 帶我們去 Lone Pine,她告訴我們一定要和無尾熊拍照, 雖然抱無尾熊拍一次照要 16 元澳幣,但她說,沒有經歷過這種特別的經驗,不 要說你來過 Lone Pine,所以,幾乎每個人都有去抱無尾熊。無尾熊幾乎和小嬰 兒差不多重,而且因為吃了很多尤加利葉,嘴巴好香好香,我很慶幸我沒有後悔。 裡面有相當多只有澳洲才有的動物,像鴨嘴獸和袋鼠,尤其可以和袋鼠超貼近讓 我們相當興奮,當然還有很多精彩的秀,像趕羊秀、剔羊毛秀、鸚鵡餵食秀…等, 相當特別。 8 月 13 日是個緊湊又充實的一天,Victoria 租兩台小巴士,她和她男朋友載 我們去黃金海岸烤肉,又吃了不少肉類,例如:袋鼠肉、羊肉、牛肉、豬肉、雞 肉、香腸…等,烤完就跑到海邊去玩,說實在的,那裏完全不像冬天,雖然很冷, 但還是可以看到很多人下水,其中有很多人都是被陷害丟下去的,幸好我逃過一 劫,因為後來每個人到了 Byron Bay 就很慘,他們一直發抖都沒停過。我們很幸 運,一到那裏就先看見一道彩虹連接著天空及海面。Byron Bay 真的很美也很特 別,可以和燈塔一起站在高處遠眺,夕陽及海絕對美到無法形容,而特別的地方 就在於你可以同時在左右邊看到日落和月昇,那是多麼難得的景象;在離開之前, 我們還看到野生山羊呢!接著我們還去了中國城,雖然沒有真正進去仔細逛,但 是感覺真的很不錯,尤其是看到很多國字,那種熟悉感覺絕對是無法言喻的。 最後兩個禮拜,我們有去 EKKA 和 Sunshine Coast。EKKA 在布里斯本是個很 特別的節日,原本是一個農業的秀,後來慢慢演變成一些活動的展覽,裡面還有 很多提供小孩玩樂的遊樂設施,晚上的秀真的很刺激,煙火也很美麗,來到布里 斯本一定要去體驗一下這特別的節日。聽說陽光海岸比黃金海岸還更漂亮,但是 路途真的太遙遠了,到那裏已經是下午 2.3 點了,而且我去背包客旅館 check in, 加上又要等待接駁車,所以到海邊的時候已經有點晚了,玩了一下水就衝去很遠 的地方買晚上的食材,當然,又是一堆肉,旁邊的兩個外國人看我們吃很多肉都 覺得很驚訝,然後,吃完就看電影,還配了餅乾,真不知道是甚麼胃,不過很滿 足、很幸福。隔天,我們借了衝浪板要去海邊玩,可是,一到那裡,竟然開始下 雨,我整個很沮喪,因為是最後一個假日;不過,又隔了一天,Victoria 邀請我 們去她家玩,她家真的很大,我們還吃了道地的義大利菜和 BBQ,後來又玩了一 整晚的遊戲,真的很開心,把失望感都補足了。 為了慶祝 ICTE‐UQ30 周年,我們在最後一天有個 Super BBQ。我不專心的吃 著那超大漢堡,滿腦子都是感傷我要離開的事實,我尋找我在班上的同學們和認 識的朋友們,一一的向他們道別和拍照,把回憶都記錄起來,我不希望遺漏掉任 何有關於他們的記憶。最後,台灣團的又聚在一起,Victoria 唱了一首歌送給我 們:"等我回來",大家不說話,只是一直哭一直哭,因為他給我們太多太多回 憶了,她說她在這第一次遇到那麼多台灣人,第一次覺得自己不孤單,所以希望 哪天我們能在相聚、能再回來。 事實上,我一點也不想回到台灣,許多的回憶和經歷都是我未曾體驗的,沒 有一天是不快樂的。我會記住每個我去過的地方、每個我在布里斯本遇到的人, 每分每秒每個回憶我都不容許忘記。我們共同許下承諾,我們一定會再回到這地 方,那個給我精采生活的地方。謝謝我的朋友們,謝謝布里斯本,這是最美好的 假期了。 “I can’t believe I can go abroad!” This sentence was the first word I wanted to say in my mind because I haven’t left Taiwan even taken a airplane. It was hard to get this chance. I had to have some conditions first, and then pass the exam. I was exciting and called my classmate who got this scholarship as well right away. To me, going abroad was an impossible thing before becoming a real adult, but I did it now. I searched lots of information about Queensland and bought the traveling book. I even went to work for earning traveling expenses. Before this study tour, I prepared completely. When I took the airplane first time, I was so nervous but exciting. I looked outside the window frequently. The best thing in the airplane was I could see lots of shining stars in the air. But it was a long trip for me on the airplane, I could not sleep well. It was a challenge for us to enter a country because we haven’t done this before. Finally we entered a country. we saw two nice drivers and a beautiful woman who picked us up. When I just left the airport ,I felt the cool wind right away. But I really loved this weather and air, it had a warm sun and fresh air in Brisbane. Everything was new for me. I need to adapt to a lot of customs different from Taiwanese, such us speaking English everywhere, walking on the left side, throwing toilet papers in the toilet not trash can, being allowed to drink tap water…etc. But these didn’t influence me, I still enjoyed every new things in Brisbane. It was also a good chance to make me be independent because I used to go outside with my friends or my parents. I haven’t had a good sense of direction and common sense at all. That was the first time I stay in homestay. My homestay mom’s name is Barbara. She is friendly and hospitable. She was also patient to listen what I said with my poor English. She likes pets the same as me, so there are two dogs and two cats in her house. Every day after school, I liked to pat and played with them. Barbara is really a good chef. The dinner cooked by her was pretty good. I expected the dinner time every day. I liked to chat with her during the dinner time. She really like my mother. When I was back to home after school, I used to tell her what happened at school. She was as great as my mother. On the first day at school, I was a little bit nervous to know lots of students from different countries. We went to an auditory and saw many teachers in front of us. They introduced themselves and told us something we needed to notice. After that, we had the little test. It decided that you were in which class. I was in 4 Orange class. There were many classmates from different countries. It made me happy because it was a new experience. I loved my class and teacher. They were all kind and interesting. Every day in the school made me joyous. I met a girl in the university of Queensland. Her name is Victoria. She is from Taiwan as well, but She has lived there for over one year. She is nice, energetic, beautiful, interesting and crazy. She organized the first activity and told us a lot of information and cultures about Australia. This time, only the Taiwanese could attend this barbecue in the South Bank. That was the first time I ate the kangaroo’s meat. It was very tender and delicious. After having barbecue , we played and games and told the jokes. It was a memorable time. At night, the ferris wheel named Brisbane’s eye in the South Bank was much more beautiful than in the morning. One day, I met a men on the bus after school. His name is Trent. He is Australian and he studies in UQ as well. To my surprise, he can speak a little Chinese! He is so talented. He studies Chinese, Japanese and teaches mathematics. Trent is really a gentleman. He brought us to city, brought me to many places, and treated me thrice. I almost chat with him on Skype every day until now. I think he will go to China soon, but I tell him “Welcome to Taiwan.” frequently. I really hope he can come to Taiwan. I really looked forward to going to the Gold Coast before I went to Australia. The same as I imagined, this was a wonderful place. There were a big sun, cool wind, bule sky and sea. I loved the sand especially because the sand is off‐white and the most comfortable one I have ever touched. We were very excited. We jumped on the sand and took pictures at the same time. Besides, we saw a men fed gulls with the bread. He stood around a lot of gulls. We were so envious, so we asked him for giving us a little bread. It was hard to imagine that I could so close to lots of gulls. Although it was a long trip to Gold Coast, we still had a great time. I liked to take a ferry, named City Cat, to city or South Bank. The sea breeze made me comfortable. It was also fast and convenient to many places. One day, we took on it to the South Bank, and found a famous chocolate shop. Originally, we just wanted to eat chocolate, but when we arrived there, we changed our mind right away. We were too hungry to think about another things. We went to Nando’s, a famous roast chicken restaurant, and two people ate the whole chicken. I liked its sauce, which have four flavors, from Lemon & Herb to Extra Hot. Most of us just chose the Mild flavor, but it was still too hot for us. However, we nearly ate them over and we were so satisfied that we took a rest for a while. Afterwards, we went to the Max Brenner Chocolate Bar. There were many people lined up and bought chocolate beverage. There were also many kinds of chocolate. I didn’t buy beverage or chocolate because they were too expensive for me. I just tasted a little bit from my friends’. Finally, I knew why this shop are so famous. On 7th August, Victoria brought us to Lone Pine. She told we must to do one thing was hugged koala and took a picture with it. It was so unbelievable that I could be very close to them. They were so cute. However, if I took a picture with koala, I needed to pay $16, but I thought it was an common time. After thinking a while, I still did it. And I didn’t regret it at all. The koala was heavy like a baby and its mouth smelled good. I thought it was because of the Eucalyptus Leaf. All the things in Lone Pine was my dream when I was a kid. I was so close to animals. I even could feed kangaroos on the big grass. There were many shows, such as Sheep Dog Show, Wild Lorikeet Feeding, and Sheep Shearing. This was a special experience. It was a compact day on 13th August. We went to the Gold Coast and had a barbecue there, and then we went to the Byron Bay. We were very crazy because we played the seawater in the winter. Some people were even thrown into the sea. I was not be thrown, but I thought they must be very cold especially to the Byron Bay. That was a beautiful and amazing place. You could see the sunset and the moonrise at the same time. The sun and the moon just on your right side and left side. We also saw the wild animals when we just left. We were all tired that day. Ekka is a special festival, so it has a day off in Brisbane. It is the annual agricultural show of Queensland, Australia. Its formal title is the Royal Queensland Show. It was originally called the Brisbane Exhibition, however it is usually shortened to Ekka. The Ekka starts on 11th August and the last day is on 20th August 2011. You can see lots of great shows there and rides for children. At night, we saw the Lumber Jacks, motorcycle stunts, some competitions, and the fireworks. It was so exciting. Lots of people said the Sunshine Coast is better than the Gold Coast, so we went there on the last weekend. Unfortunately, it took a long time to the Shine Coast. Moreover, I went to the backpacker’s hotel and check in. It was a little bit late to go back to the beach, so we just played for a short time. At night, we were very hungry and ate much meat, cooked by ourselves, but no vegetables. We seemed to shock two foreigners. After dinner, we watched the movie. At midnight, we played the poker and told the ghost stories. The next day, we lent surfboards. But the worst thing happened, it unexpectedly rained when we just arrived at the beach. We were so disappointed. I felt sad because that was the last weekend we could go outside and play. After the disappointed weekend, Victoria and her boyfriend invited us to their house. Their house is very big and beautiful. We ate the genuine Italian food and had a barbecue outside. Afterwards, we play an exciting game, and then stayed there overnight. I will remember that crazy night forever. To celebrate the ICTE-UQ 30th anniversary, it was held a Super BBQ outside on the last day. I took lots of photos with my classmates and friends to memorize them and every moment in Brisbane. I didn’t cry until Victoria sang a song for us. I love her so much. She looked after us and played with us these days. Actually, I was reluctant to leave Brisbane. All of memories I have never experienced before. I will remember every day, every places and every person I met in Brisbane. We also promise that we will be back to Brisbane one day. Thank you my friends. Thank you Brisbane. It was the most wonderful vacation. 2011 學海遊學 澳洲昆士蘭團 中文心得報告 醫放一 9953045A 張世君 前言 很高興能夠參加學校的 2011 年澳洲的昆士蘭遊學團,這些回憶是暑假最開心的事,同時 這五周是一生裡最難忘的時光!!我學到很多在台灣從沒有過的事物,同時也交到許多來自 不同國家的朋友。五周內,體驗、學習、外語溝通、享受 Australia 之美,等等許多方面都讓 我覺得自己成長很多。非常感謝學校提供這麼好的機會給我們,讓我們能過程中開闊視野, 想法和ㄧ些觀念不只侷限在台灣這個小島,外面的世界其實是非常值得我們多多去學習與了 解的。 記得七月二十三要從高雄小港機場出發時還有點捨不得台灣已習慣的生活呢!反觀,八月 二十三在布里斯本機場時,大家哭得唏哩嘩啦,都不想回國了(想必大家都在這短短的五周 內對澳洲留下了濃濃的感情!我們相約有機會在一起去那美麗的布里斯本,尋找當初那份純 真的感動,讓我們的再次旅行使回憶重溫、使所有的感覺在沸騰。) 經驗談 7/23 傍晚 5 點 50 就到達小港機場,好緊張喔!!一直很擔心自己有什麼東西忘了帶,但行 李已經很重啦(剛剛好 20 公斤呢~)。 七點多我們過海關就在後面的免稅商店亂逛,開始跟同團的同學互動聊天,我就開始說 我的冷笑話,哈哈!!高雄飛桃園明明 8:45 登機,居然 9:05 才開始登,沒吃晚餐得我們快餓昏 了呢~快 9:30 才起飛==。本來期待上了飛機有東西可以吃,沒想到居然只有飲料可以喝而沒 有餐點…直到抵達桃園機場時,因為我們坐坐後面還要等前面得下去我們才下。這時後艙的 空姐看我們在聊天說很餓,就把她們員工有多的晚餐給我們(有 2 個三明治,1 個御飯糰),我吃 三明治!!好吃~還送我們玩具呢(撲克牌,蠟筆)到了桃園不就後就轉搭下班飛機了 12 點 10 分才 起飛,雖然三明治墊了肚子,但還是餓…直到起飛ㄧ段時間後凌晨 1:40 才發餐點,第一次這 麼晚才吃晚餐啊!!! 吃完晚餐後聽聽音樂,看了一點神鬼奇航後,就睡了!!直到 4 點多醒來。哇!!腳整個超麻, 脖子痠,喉嚨乾,整個不是很舒服。但看看左邊窗外的空中景色從黑夜~有點亮~日出,全盡 收眼底,心情都好了!!10 點就看到澳洲大陸了,好美,不久抵達 Brisbane!!在飛機上填入境單 不是很會填,但澳洲海關又很嚴格,所以很緊張~我和同學們只剩住址沒填,因為我們都沒背 起來==。離開飛機後我們在入關前的空地坐下,有人拿出筆電開檔案讓我們抄!之後就入關 了,海關依你填入境單分派不同海關閘口。有隻超聰明的米格魯也是海關喔~牠會聞味道!我 很順利過關!!大家過完關後,外頭就有昆士蘭得人來接我們了。出了機場溫差有點大,還好我 有穿外套^0^,到了學校後我們就與寄宿家庭見面各自離開了。 我的寄宿家庭有媽媽,姊姊,另一個遊學生(泰國人),離開學校後,home 媽帶我去看公 車上學路線,之後回家,媽媽就和朋友去看音樂劇了,姊姊問我餓不餓,我說餓,因為沒吃 午餐啊~她準備義大利麵給我!之後聊了一下,跟姊姊和室友與狗狗(Rosie)玩了一下,我就進房 整理行李到晚餐時間!吃完晚餐後,送禮物給寄宿家庭,之後去洗澡,超級冷的,快凍死了…(第 一週都還很不習慣當地的氣候,後來就非常習慣了。甚至在只有 8 度夜晚穿短褲短袖!) 在這裡的第一週,很多事情都不懂。公車怎麼搭和電話 sim 卡及公車卡怎麼辦理是最重 要的事。我和同團的同學去了商場買公車卡(空卡 5 元+儲值 30 元)和 SIM 卡(29.95 元)!買 SIM 卡時店員似乎都聽不懂我們問的問題,但最後還是成功買了也順利可以打給彼此!!還記得第一 個周末是跟台灣團的去 SouthBank 烤肉我們先到 Toowong 買食材,在搭火車到到 Southbank, 這裡的風景真的是超級我的好朋友幫忙處理青椒,男生烤肉,上一批澳洲人烤完有剩下的食 物都給我們了^0^留下一些人烤肉,剩下的人道草地上進行活動,其中一個女生想當導遊所以 她在練習~今天吃很特別喔~有吃到袋鼠肉耶!!很嫩很好吃~吃完活動也結束後就收收準備回家 囉!!我們自己搭火車回家!! 隔天早上,早餐匆匆忙忙吃完早餐趕搭公車!坐到 Toowong 下車轉搭火車,坐了一個多小時 的火車才到 Gold Coast = =。我們坐公車和火車總是其他人的兩倍真的很衰耶在火車上大家 都睡著了,似乎都很早起床所以太累了~在火車上看到好多美女,真的都很漂亮喔!!>///< 到黃金海岸後要轉搭公車,因為公車還沒來,菀芳要我陪他去上廁所,他拉著我跑(但是 我是反著跑的,叫她別讓我反著跑還一直拉著我==,最後就撞到東西啦~~很痛耶!!真是的 == ),公車到了後我們開始找海邊在哪,問路問啊問,看到"鹹酥雞"三個中文字,就停下來看 看熟悉的中文字,哈哈!!沒想到老闆也是台灣人,是華僑。問完路後就走到海邊了!哇!這裡真 的是無比的漂亮啊~~~我們脫掉鞋子踩在細細的白沙上,看著廣大無邊的湛藍大海~在沙灘上 拍照,寫字,玩樂,實在是太棒了!我愛上這裡啦~~走著走著看到好多鳥,有一個外國人給我 們麵包餵,這些鳥都不怕人呢,一隻一隻的跑過來吃!!哈哈有趣的照片看就知道啦~。在海邊 待到 2 點,大家都餓了。我們到大街上找餐廳,最後大家點了雞肉吃,因為這裡的東西實在 太貴了,大家都很珍惜食物,連骨頭都肯到碎掉了,甚至盤上的醬料都舔得乾乾淨淨==,我 想回台灣後一定都會覺得:哇塞!東西這麼便宜啊!!!之後就東逛逛西逛逛,我買了一件外套喔 (20 元)!!在一個有會講中文姊姊的地方買的,她是香港人,但中文非常棒,超親切的啦!!後來 去逛愛迪達的店,亭均跟菀芳買了外套(100 元!!!!!!!!!!)超貴的!但是因為這台灣沒有賣,所以 他們覺得值得啦~在準備回家的路上大家都在說下次要請 HOME 媽做中餐,因為外面賣的東 西實在太貴了==我們克難到連盤子上的醬都舔得乾乾淨淨==。沿途回去看到一個小攤販(是擺 一些 PARTY 的傳單)那個大姊姊超漂亮的,大家都想要跟她拍照,她也很樂意跟我們一起拍(尤 其是跟我,哈哈!!她一直說我很可愛,還問我的名字也給我她的名字>///<哈哈)當然也就順便 推銷 PARTY 囉!!我們預約下周六的,內容是 5 杯飲料+保齡球+晚餐=20 元。大家都交錢後就 離開 Gold Coast 了! 在班上上課學習也特別的快樂,ICTE-UQ 老師上課的方式跟台灣的英文教育有非常大的 差別,這裡老師上文法會讓你愛上學習它。她們用很生動的方法上課,經由很多方式解釋複 雜的文法觀念。常常也會搭配遊戲來教導,讓我們在快樂的氣氛下學習。重點是,這裡的老 師都非常友善,有任何的問題不要怕提問,她們都很樂意也很有愛心地協助我們!像我們班上 的老師就非常的好,她是我一生當中見過最好的老師了。在課程中我學會了以前常常弄不清 的文法,也學會了很多英文觀念與技巧,還有一些澳洲英文特別用法。 還有好多好多經驗都很值得分享。但我覺得看文字敘述不如親自體驗會更能感受當下的 快樂!!布里斯本真的值得再去一趟,五周其實有點短,才正開始熟悉這環境,就要道別離了…… 我告訴自己,我一定會再回去那裡的。因為,我已深深愛上它了! 總結 這五周我真的學到好多,自己生活的所有大小事都得自己照料(食、衣、住、行、娛、樂); 也認識了好多來自不同國家的朋友,這是我這趟旅行裡最開心的事情,因為他們,我的人生 變得有所不同。從很多角度來看,我覺得我變的比前更有自信,在人與人之間的相處技巧與 溝同等方面的能力都大大有進步呢! 或許其他人對我的改變沒太大的發現,但這些都只有自己知道,也最了解。 許多特別的經驗與學習歷程的感受是無法言喻的。在當下的體驗是多麼的美好與開心, 多麼希望時間暫留在那最愉快的時光裡……但我們都知道天下沒有不散的筵席,人有悲歡離 合,月有陰晴圓缺。這句話時多麼得實在,也因為如此使人難過卻迫於無奈。大家在機場哭 得生離死別,我們都想在那就算是多停留一秒也好啊……令我很難過的還有和我的 homestay 的家人分離的時候,我永遠忘不掉她們對我的好,生活的關切與英文方面的學習。最後的擁 抱 home 媽是多麼的緊,好不想分開。還有讓我更難過的就是和我一位很要好的朋友道別,我 們之間連最後一句再見都沒說就彼此分離了,她簡訊上說:不說再見,才不會捨不得離 開……。看到這則簡訊眼淚已墜下,為什麼我們最後的分開是如此的令人難過!!多麼想再最後 一次的見面,擁抱及好好說聲再見。一切難道是上天早已安排好的?!我當下非常難過,直到 上了飛機還在流淚。但現在想想這也許是對我們倆最好的離別方式吧!如果正式的告別,恐 怕哭得更慘,更捨不得離開了吧。旅程有開始就有結束,這是不變的真理啊!就讓這些美好的 「人、事、物」永遠永遠地存在我的心裡,我永遠不會忘掉 Brisbane 的這一切。 2011 年學海-澳洲昆士蘭大學 醫放一 9953045A 張世君 It is pleased to participate in the school's 2011 Study Tour of Queensland in Australia, these memories are the summer's most fun thing, and that five weeks is the most memorable moments in life!!I learned a lot in Taiwan never had things handed also many friends from different countries.Five weeks, experience, learning, foreign languages, to enjoy the beauty of Australia, and so many ways I feel a lot of growth.Very grateful to the school to provide such a good opportunity for us, so that we can broaden our horizons in the process, some ideas and concepts - the island of Taiwan is not only confined to the outside world is very much worth a lot to learn and understand. Every day ,It is exciting for me to go to ICTE-UQ .Because that I can see my lovely teacher and friends. I need to cherish the shortest time I am in Brisbane .In here, I think I become more confident and also happier. Thisfive weeksI really havelearneda lot,Everything you should do it by yourself .For instance, food ,clothing,housing, transportation,entertainment;alsoknow a lot of friendsfrom different countries,this is mytourtravelthe mostunforgettable thing , because of they,my lifehave become different.In many ways, I think Ibecomemore confidentthanbefore,in interpersonalcommunication, interpersonal skillshave improvedgreatlytoo! Maybeother peopledo notfindtoo much changeof mydiscovery,but these areknown only by myself.Manyspecialexperience andlearning processisnotput into words to explain the feelings.In the currentexperienceis so beautifulandhappy,how I wishto staytemporarilyat thattime which is the mostenjoyabletimein Australia .However, weall knowthat “All good things always come to an end .", people havejoys and sorrows, monthalso wanes.Howwasitwhenthis sentence, but alsosadbecause of thispeopleisforced.Wecriedat the airportthe edge of death, we want tobeinitstaysone secondis good too......I amvery sadtherewhen I separated from myhomestayfamily,Iwill neverforgetthemformy goodof lifeconcerns andaspects of learningEnglish.The lasttime my homestaymom had hugged ,I was crying . How muchIdo not want toseparate from them . There iseven moresadis thatIandone of myverygood friendssay goodbye , goodbye between usdid notevensaythe last sentence ofseparationto each other, andher message said:do not saygoodbye,I will not be sad.Seeing thismessage , My tearhave beenfalling, why do weseparatethe lastis sosad!!HowI want to havethe lastmeet ,hugandsay goodbyeproperly .DidGodhas already arrangedit for us ?!I am very sad until on the plane.But nowI thinkthis may bethe bestfor both of usto leave !Ifa formalfarewell,probablycryeven worseand more reluctant to leave.Anything that has a beginning must have an end , whichis very infallible!Letthese beautiful"peopleand things,"always in my mind,I will neverforgetall of thisin Brisbane. Schoollearningin classis particularlyhappy,Theyuse a veryvivid ways to explain complexgrammarconcepts.Often also teachwith agame,we havelearnedina happyatmosphere.The point is thatthe teachers hereare very friendly and if youhave any questions ,do not be afraidto ask them ,theyarealso verywillingtoassist us in caring!Asour classteacheris verygood, she isthe best teacher I haveever seenin my life.I havefigured outthegrammar I did not understand clearlybefore ,andhave learned much aboutEnglishconcepts andskills . Also havesomespecialAustraliannative language . Thereareall sorts ofexperiencesworth sharing.But I thinkto seenarrativeasto experiencethe joy ofthe momentwillfeelbetter!!Go toBrisbaneis really wortha trip . Five weeksis a somewhatshort,onlynowbecome familiar withthisenvironment, we mustleaveand say goodbye... Itoldmyself, Iwill definitelygo backthere.BecauseI havea deep loved it! Until now , I still have connected with my friend who I met in Australia and my homestay family . I think I need to do it because on one hand ,my homestay took care of me when I was in Brisbane .On the other hand , I must cherish the special friendship . The chance we met is predestination , thus , we have to continue as well as cherish it . Good interperson can help us if one day you need help . To summarize , this trip I got lots of experiences . I will not forget everything and everyone I knew and I met in Australia . 2011 年學海-澳洲昆士蘭大學 醫放一 9953045A 張世君 2011 學海遊學 澳洲昆士蘭團 中文心得報告 張菀芳 學海獎學金,其實是我選擇義守大學的其中原因之一,它是一個對學生很有助 益的獎學金。 一開始我並沒有注意到學校給的電子郵件,是後來經過班上同學提醒,我才能 順利申請到這獎學金,我很感謝他! 這次很榮幸能獲得這機會到海外遊學,而在遊學期間我也接觸到更多平常接 觸不到的事物。 還記得那天機場大家碰面時大家興奮但又害怕的氣氛,興奮是因為我們即將 前往另一個遙遠地方學習新的事物,但害怕則是因為離開了自己熟悉的地方熟悉 的家人與朋友,要與文化與語言大不同的人相處,許多的期待與憂慮在我們內心交 纏。我們大約七點在高雄小港機場集合,等待時間則是由旅行社人員宣布注意事 項,終於到了九點多,我們搭上接駁機前往桃園國際機場,經過了幾十分鐘我們 抵達了桃園,又是一個多小時的等待,大家就把握這時間打電話跟台灣的家人與 朋友道別。 經過了大約十小時的飛行,我們抵達了澳洲昆士蘭的布里斯本,還記得那天 的陽光美麗的微笑著,似乎說著“歡迎你們的到來"!校車司機是個白髮的和藹 老先生,非常的親切有活力,第一刻即讓我們感受到澳洲的熱情與友善,也讓我 對澳洲有了更大的期待。 在前往學校的路途上,大家互相聊著收到學校來函時的興奮心情與對寄宿 家庭的期待,經過了好一段時間,終於抵達了昆士蘭大學,在還沒下車時,我們 看到一個很可愛的外國小女孩,大家猜測著是誰家的寄宿家庭小朋友,在老師點 名配對寄宿學生後,我意外的發現她是我寄宿家庭的小朋友,她是一個很貼心很 可愛的小女孩,我的寄宿家庭媽媽是一個很開朗很親切的人。 寄宿家庭爸爸幫我把行李搬上車後,我們便出發前往一個生日派對,那是一個靠 海的公園,但我記不得那名字,因為那時的我其實已經很疲憊了,但派對上的人 都很友善,但因為剛開始很緊張又不擅長英文口說,所以很多時候很想跟他們聊 天但都不知怎麼表達。 派對結束後,我們返回寄宿家庭,也就是我未來一個月要居住的地方,路途 上,我因為很疲憊所以在車上便睡著了,過了很久,終於到達了目的地。 我的寄宿家庭的色調主要以白色為主,一進去便讓覺得有中看似簡單但卻充滿家 庭溫馨的感覺,不會讓你有旅行的那種陌生感,一進入我的寢室,就看到一隻可 愛的白熊布偶擺放在床上,它後來也成為我晚上入睡的好夥伴。 第一天,是始業式和入學分級考試,聽完學校簡介讓我更期待這五周的課程,下 午學校也帶我們逛了一圈布里斯本,它是一個很美麗的城市。 第二天公布了我們的班級,我的班級導師是一個很開朗很溫柔的人,她先玩了一 個團康遊戲好讓我們能記住彼此的名字,第二次則是請我們以隨機點人方式自我 介紹,那也使我在任是大家第一天後便記起了大家的名字。 很快的,我們也熟悉了彼此,上課也顯得更活潑有趣,我們班上有台灣人、 中國人、韓國人、日本人、利比亞人……等,我覺得來到國外的另一大好處即便 能學習到許多台灣學習不到的文化,並且跟貼近的接觸到。 接下來幾天,每天都期待著上學,而有一天,我們認識了一位很熱情的台灣學生,她 雖然只在那邊待了一年,但英文口說程度卻非常好,她除了在這些日子裡帶領我們 遊玩布里斯本還教了我們許多學習英文的技巧與當地英文慣用語,讓我們更快適 應當地生活。 她帶領我們台灣團的第一個活動是 south bank 的 BBQ,讓我們認識了許多在 那留學或遊學的台灣學生,除了 BBQ,她也買了許多當地有名、好吃並且特別的零 食,而那些食物幾乎也成為我帶回台灣的伴手禮,而其中令我印象最深刻的應該 就是 Licorice,它的外型黑黑長長的,看起來就非常不可口,味道就像台灣的中藥八 角一樣,但它卻是澳洲人最愛的零嘴之一,也是很多澳洲人的童年回憶,這也讓我 學習到,每個地方都有著不同文化,從某一角度,我們可能無法接受,但從另一 個角度去看,它卻是唯美的事物,所以處理事情、看待事情,不該永遠以自己角 度出發,而該從許多不同層面去切入,這樣會使自己過得更好。 結束了今天的第一個行程,大家帶著愉快的心情搭車回家,這是我們的第一個星 期五下午。 接下來的日子裡,那位人超好的台灣學生也帶了我們去 byron bay、gold coast、 lone pine 以及搭乘 city cat,最後那星期的星期一晚上我們更是去了她家 BBQ。 Byron bay 是澳洲最東邊的海岸,那裡有一座 light house 很漂亮,從那邊往下看的 景色更是美不勝收,還有一個很特別的景象就是我們可以同時看到 sun set 和 moon rise,雖然因為一些因素我們沒有看到那美麗特別的影像,但卻是很值得去 的地方。 Gold coast 是布里斯本最著名的景點之一,它的沙子跟台灣任呵一處自然海 岸的沙子絕對大不同,砂質非常柔細,顏色是漂亮的象牙白,踩起來非常舒服, 即使現在正是那時的冬天,還是讓人想脫鞋到下面踩踩沙灘甚至玩玩海水,布里 斯本的太陽更是不分春夏秋冬都勤勞的上班,幾乎每一天你都可以擁有溫暖的陽 光,那裡的陽光會讓你想一直擁有它,跟台灣的艷陽大不同,是一種很舒服的溫 暖感。 Lone pine 是布里斯本著名的動物園,裡面除了有無尾熊、袋鼠、鱷魚、鸚鵡、 綿羊等供觀賞外,還可以付費與無尾熊合影,而且可以觸摸到袋鼠,站在牠身旁 與牠合照,是一個很棒的地方,另外還可以看到澳洲特有生物-鴨嘴獸,雖然它 位於較偏僻的地方,但搭乘公車還是可以抵達的。 City cat 是當地的大眾運輸工具之一,因為布里斯本擁有一條美麗的布里斯 本河,所以有時搭船會是最方便的選擇,沿途的景色也是很漂亮的,並且有許多 可以下船遊玩的景點。 我們這期間當然也有自己遊學團的出遊時間,我們去了 museum、city、food festival、 harbour town、DFO、max brenner 以及當地著名的一個節慶-EKKA。 Museunru 就是像台灣一樣,,每個時期都有不同的展覽,那時同時有許多不 同的展覽,其中令我印象最深的的是 rock around the block-rock'n'george,他 是布里斯本的一個傳奇人物,裡頭除了對於他事蹟的介紹,更展覽了它的一些手 繪圖、開過的汽車與穿過的服裝,而旁邊還有一個簽名紀念處,而我當然也毫不 猶豫的簽了一個大名留念囉! City 算是布里斯本的市中心,那裡有非常多的商店、銀行、shopping mall, 而 china town 也位於 city 裡,那裡最有名的一條街則是 queen street,plaza 則是一 座很大的商場,類似於台灣的百貨公司。 Food fastival 是在 south bank 舉辦的一個美食節,本來我們很期待可以看到很多不 同的美食,但不知是我們沒有仔細尋找還是就真的如此,因為我們只找到一攤冰 淇淋攤販-BenandJerry's,再來只有在一個圓形廣場的美食品嘗,但那似乎是 一個比賽,所以我們也只能在旁邊乾瞪眼。 Harbour town 是一個大型 outlet 購物商場,它是由許多品牌商店一間間聚集 而成的露天區域,而商店當然不可能是露天,非常多的品牌在那都有,但很多當 然是台灣沒有的,很多的澳洲人很喜歡到那天尋寶,是一個購物天堂。 DFO 也是一個 outlet 大商場,它位於布里斯本機場附近,而不同於 harbour town 的是它是室內商場,但規模上我覺得 harbour town 還是略勝一籌。 Max brenner 是一間巧克力餐廳,類似於台灣簡餐店,但旁邊有販售巧克力, 它們的巧克力非常的綿密順口,非常的另人回味,喜愛巧克力的人,到布里斯本 一定要到那去嘗嘗,據說它還是聞名全世界的巧克力餐廳呢! EKKA 是當地很重要很盛大也很著名的一個節慶,於每年 8 月 17 號前後共 計十天的時間舉辦,今年則是 8/11~8/20,而 8 月 17 號則是這一星期中最盛大的 一天,那天整個布里斯本都放假,路上可以看到許多的澳洲人都為它盛裝打扮, 每天晚上都會有許多的表演,最後都會有一個煙火秀,其中令我印象最深刻的就 是汽機車特技。 這三十五天,除了英文上的學習,更次學習到許多不同的文化、許多不同的 人生道理,更認識了許多朋友,除了台灣的朋友外,還有日本、韓國、中國、香 港、科威特、利比亞、阿拉伯、俄羅斯甚至是當地的澳洲人,這是一個很特別的 回憶與經驗,雖然今年沒有帶隊老師,剛開始會擔心很多事,但我覺得這樣反而 讓我們自己學習並且獨立許多。 澳洲的物價非常高,除了學校的零用金外,自己絕對要多帶,否則絕對不夠 用,那裡的商店也都幾乎很早關門,大約當地下五六七點左右幾乎都拉下鐵門了, 所以如果有需要買什麼,下午放學後就須趕快出發。 最後,深深的謝謝義守大學提供了這機會讓我們有機會出國遊學,接觸更廣 的世界,了解自己還須努力的地方很多! Brisbane is a beautiful place. People in Australia are friendly. That is all my think to the Aussie. It is a treasure chance to go abroad this summer vacation and the tuition were all paid by I‐SHOU university. In this summer vacation, I learned not only English but also many different culture from different friends in university of Queensland. I knew many friends in Australia. They are all from different country , including Korea、Japan、 Hong Kong、China、Arab、Israeli、Italian、Australian、English and our country friends. I like them and they were all friendly. My homestay is from England and have been lived in Australia for two years. There are a couple and two lovely children in my homestay. One child is a pretty girl who is six years old and the other one is a lovely baby boy who is only 8 months old. I enjoyed being with them. The little girl gave a drawing which was drew by herself for me. At the moment, I thought ‘’ what a sweet girl ‘’ ! I was deeply touched. The deed decreased so much fear. I usually asked my homestay mom some questions about English speaking skills and she always answered me happily. The food was cooked by homestay mom and dad was great. They often cooked England food and they were special. The first day to University of Queensland, we had orientation and test to have the different level. The foreign students liked to sat on the lawn, it was different from Taiwan. They also liked to sat under the sunshine. In library, there were many groups of students discussing the homework. There were a bar in school and many students loved to go there. Drinking is a common entertainment activities in Australia. I like most of people in Brisbane. They are all enthusiastic and kindly. The bus drivers in Brisbane were also friendly. In the beginning, it was a new and unknown place to me so I was not sure which bus stop I had to get off. When I felt scared, the nice bus driver helped me to find the right bus stop. And once I took the wrong bus to school and a friendly bus driver also helped me to get off the other bus stop to take the right bus to UQ. The story was beset with various problems. That day, I missed the bus to go to UQ. As a result, I decided to wait to the next bus. However, I did something wrong. That day, I ate breakfast too slowly. Even though I ran as fast as I could, I still missed the bus. Then I waited for the other bus to change in Indooroopilly and took the bus to UQ. I thought it was still about 30 minutes to take the bus. Therefore, I made a decision walked to the other stop in free time. I started to walk and looked at the scenery. Finally, I found I had walked through 6 bus stops. I was pleased to do it. Suddenly, I glimpsed the timetable and found a huge mistake. The bus stop I walked to is not the right direction of Indooroopilly. When I fell in depression, the bus driver who picked me up on the wrong stop told me he could help me to go to the right bus stop. Then he drove the bus to the stop that I could catch the bus to UQ and showed me which side was correct to wait to the bus. It was a lucky experience in my life. I deeply appreciated his help. That made up my mind to help others as possible as I can. I was really touched by the kind bus driver’s kind deed. Finally, I do hope the nice driver will be healthy and nice everyday. In UQ ICTE, we learned many English skills, including speaking, listening, reading and writing. Expect listened the conversation in CD, we also watch the film to improve out listening. The teachers in ICTE all have many experience of teaching English. ICTE is a nice place to improve our English. First, there are many foreign classmates, so we have to communicate in English. As a result, our English will be advanced. Second, we can learn about many cultures from other countries. This can add to our knowledge of different cultures. The third reason why ICTE is a nice place is it has rich resources. This makes it convenient to get information for our homework. Another point is it also has a few disadvantages in ICTE. First, the tuition is too expensive. Many people want to improve English in ICTE but they usually give up doing it. Second, the one level system is not perfect. For example, even if someone good at English reading and listening but is not fluent in speaking English, they have to study all skills in same level. Finally, class time is too long. Sometimes, students are very hungry in second class. As a result, they can not concentrate well. During the five weeks, my English speaking and listening both were advanced. In Taiwan, our education focus on reading and writing. However, we often ignore the English speaking and listening. After this summer vacation, I thought if our government put more focus in English speaking and listening, Taiwanese student will be better in communication with foreigner. In addition, I learned many locution to the Australia. For instance, aussie usually say ‘ G’day mate ‘ replaces ‘ Good morning ‘ to their acquaintance. ‘ wanna cuppa ? ‘ is means ‘ would you care for some tea ? ‘ . Furthermore, the local often say ‘ cheers ‘ as ‘ thanks ‘ to someone. In Australia, food and dunnage are all very expensive. For example, the subway hamburger is more than twice as much as price. The chips is the cheapest food in school so we ate it for our lunch many times. The mineral water in Australia is also high price as milk. Therefore, we often drank milk replaced mineral water. In the beginning, I was too shy to speak English. I was always nervous when the teachers asked me questions. However, I became brave and had more confidence to express myself in the end. We went to many places during these 5 weeks. The most impressed on me is EKKA and Lone Pine. Except for the foreign friends, we also knew Taiwanese friends. I learned the happiness could be had through open mind to accept the different thought from different people. It was so nice to know them. They leaded us to go sightseeing in many famous places. The last day in UQ ICTE, the school held a celebration party to us and congratulate ICTE on its 30 years old birthday. The BBQ party was so good and the teacher announced the ranking about the photo in ICTE competition. Although we did not get the prize, we still felt worthy. What a memorable memory was ! In Australia, I just had to learn English and no other subjects had to learn. How relaxing it was. As a result, l enjoyed those days in Brisbane. Finally, I deeply appreciate I‐SHOU University gave me the chance to go abroad. It is a great scholarship to be set. I do hope I could go abroad to study by myself. 2011 學海遊學 澳洲昆士蘭團 中文心得報告 職治系 9855006a 侯書慈 謝謝學校提供海外遊學獎學金,讓我有這麼好的機會能到國外遊學,知道我 通過了英文考試真的很開心,好棒喔真的沒想到我得到這個機會耶,超級興奮的, 一開始還會擔心英文不懂怎麼辦,擔心東擔心西,不過一到機場,這些擔心都變 成期待,在沒有老師帶領之下,相信要培養獨立自主的我們一定可以的,我們從 高雄小港機場搭飛機到桃園機場轉機,再搭半夜的飛機到"澳洲布里斯本",大 夥就這樣一起出國遊學去。 8 個小時漫長的旅途,我們到了澳洲布里斯本,澳洲的海關堪稱有名嚴格, 終於見識到了,成功出關後,學校已經派人在外面迎接我們的到來了,出了機場 門口,因為澳洲正值冬天,所以我還在想外面會不會冷,不過一走出去好涼爽喔, 布里斯本的冬天真舒服,原本還擔心昆士蘭前陣子嚴重水災不曉得現況會如何的 我,在去學校的旅途上,發現其實他們修復的還滿好的,看不太出來是遭逢淹水, 所以好開心喔,我們就要在這展開五週的遊學之旅了,期待。 寄宿家庭:我很幸運,我的 hostfamily 人很好,他們也對接待外國學生很有 經驗了,所以他們很了解我們會有什麼需求,我的房間也很舒適,也有暖氣機所 以早晚不怕會冷,hostfamily 給我們很舒服的感覺,他們不會干涉我們太多,都 很放心的讓我們自由的使用,對我們的行動也很放心讓我們很自由,只要你有報 備就好。在溝通方面,他們也會盡可能的要讓我們了解也會有耐心的聽我們講話, 有時候也會糾正我們教我們用詞,只要你肯講,其實不用擔心溝通困難的。在寄 宿家庭我體驗到了澳洲人的生活,飲食文化,比較要努力的是淋浴時間,澳洲水 很珍貴所以寄宿家庭會希望你節約用水,洗澡時間有限;另外我的寄宿家庭晚餐 時間比較晚,所以在這之前會容易肚子餓,久而久之就會在晚餐前吃點小點心了。 跟寄宿家庭相處了五週,最後都會陪他們的小孩玩,有時候會聽不太懂小孩子在 說什麼,久了慢慢進入狀況後,覺得自己英文溝通能力有進步了,也比較敢開口 了,現在好懷念每天回家 homestay 女兒說"Sue,can you play with me?"。我很幸 運遇到一個很棒的日本房友,同時又很有緣的我們是同班同學,超棒的,一開始 到那裏什麼都不懂,她帶著我一起走去火車站搭火車再轉搭公車去學校,之後得 知我們又是同班同學後,我們每天就一起出門一起搭車一起上學一起回家,就這 樣我跟她的感情變得很好,我們可以互相照顧,一起去上學,一起下課一起走回 家,一起出去玩,房友兼同學,我真的很幸運能認識那麼好的房友,而且她是日 本人,我們只能用英文溝通,所以我又有更多時間和機會可以講英文聽英文了, 房友真的很重要,很幸運我有一個好房友,日本人的整潔、守時、禮貌她都有, 我們每天都早早就出門,我們總是有很充裕的時間可以搭車,有時候這台公車太 滿了沒位置坐,我們都可以很放心的說"還早,搭下一班吧",這五週我們只有早 到沒有遲到過,在她的身上我學到了很多好的習慣,也因為她我結交了不少日本 朋友,也因此我認識了日本人相處的模式和不同的生活習慣和文化,當然我也學 到了一些日文單字。很開心我有一個好的 homestay,好的 hostfamily,舒適的生 活環境,網路是無線的也不用錢,還有一個那麼好的房友,又很幸運我們還是同 班同學呢。 ICTE-UQ:我喜歡在 ICTE-UQ 上課的感覺,和來自世界各地不同國家的同學 一起上課,小班制一班十幾個學生,老師比較容易可以顧到每一個學生,時常分 組一起討論一起做老師給的練習,這種感覺真的很好,老師上課也很生動活潑, 布論是和老師或是同學間的互動都很良好,是很輕鬆愉快的在學習,大夥還會一 起互開玩笑,上課的氣氛真的很棒,我喜歡這種感覺,認識了不同國家的同學, 認識了他們的文化和我們不同的地方,也只能用英文溝通,英文溝通能力無形中 又有了進步。我在 ICTE-UQ 時間是從早上九點到下午三點四十五分,星期一比 較長上到四點,然後早上十點四十五到十一點十五是休息時間,午餐是中午一點 到兩點,每天就這樣規律的上下課,我喜歡我們很早就下課了,也不用那麼早回 家,所以下午就有空閒時間可以去做自己想做的事,我們通常就去逛逛街或者去 超級市場買點東西再回去,比較不習慣的是一點才吃午餐,因為每天都很早就吃 早餐所以一點才休息吃午餐每天都在肚子餓,一陣子就知道了在早上休息時間先 吃個點心再繼續上課就可以撐到一點再吃午餐了。昆士蘭大學很大很漂亮,多采 多姿,每個禮拜三校園內都會有攤販來擺攤賣東西,有時候還會有免費試吃的烤 香腸,好喜歡這樣的大學感覺,在校園可以看到來自世界各國的學生,不同的生 活習慣和模式,感覺很新鮮,是一個很棒的國外大學體驗。 生活習慣:我喜歡澳洲廁所都是有衛生紙的,公共廁所都滿乾淨的,那裏的 衛生紙都是可直接丟入馬桶,很方便,廁所都備有衛生紙真的很好,我對衛生紙 的需求大部份就是如廁,所以很開心這裡廁所都有衛生紙,我就不用擔心衛生紙 帶不夠了。 交通:澳洲駕駛是右駕,道路靠左行駛,跟台灣完全相反,一開始去的時候 真的不太習慣,會搞錯常常開車門開到駕駛座去,走路不自覺靠右就逆向了,不 過久而久之習慣了就還好了。再來有一點我覺得很方便,就是 gocard,這張卡可 以搭火車、公車、船,只要買這張卡儲值錢要到哪都很方便,不過成人卡的票價 很貴,是當地學生價的兩倍,差超多的。還有那裏的火車開門和行人要過馬路都 是要自己來的,要自己動手按鈕火車門才會開、行人通行號誌才會亮,這是我覺 得不同於台灣的地方,如果你沒按火車門不會自動為你而開、你就永遠等不到過 馬路了,很特別。還有很棒的地方是大部分駕駛都會禮讓行人優先過馬路,感覺 超好的。 飲食:澳洲食物的價格真是給他有夠貴的,幾乎都是台灣的 3 倍以上,每個 都換算成台幣很難買的下手,只有牛奶和吐司比較便宜,所以前幾個禮拜中餐為 了省錢都買吐司然後抹果醬,變成早中餐都是吃吐司抹果醬,原以為回台灣就不 再吃吐司了,不過回台後反而懷念那邊的土司,那邊的土司比較不甜而且很多都 是全麥的價格不會很貴,回台灣根本找不到這樣的土司,好懷念喔!在那裏其實 吃的很多元,各國料理都有,所以只要不擔心價格問題去那邊不需要擔心吃不習 慣,我們常跑到日式料理店,韓國餐館等去吃飯,最後都不把價格換算成台幣就 給他點下去就對了,去澳洲不用擔心找步道你想要吃的,甚至到中式餐館還可以 跟她說國語呢,還有我最愛的珍奶也有,不過很貴又沒有台灣好喝。還有那裏食 物偏甜,所以我想如果再繼續待下去,不胖也難。 氣候:南半球氣候剛好和北半球相反,所以我們暑假去那邊剛好是澳洲的冬 天,布里斯本冬天不會很冷,只有早晚溫差比較大,早晚溫度較低,不然平常只 需穿一件短袖上衣加外套就好了。布里斯本冬天氣候涼爽,在太陽下很溫暖,很 舒適,只是剛到那邊早晚會不習慣溫度比較低而以。習慣了布里斯本的冬天後, 氣候是很棒的,遇到下雨的頻率極少,雨滴也很細,不太需要撐傘。 遊樂: Ekka,South Bank,Byron Bay,Lone Pine Dream World,Noosa,Sea World It's very great that I had this opportunity to go abroad.Thank you my university.At first I felt so nervous,I worried about if I can't speak English well what should I do. After we arrived to the airport,my feeling only excting and can't waiting to go to Brisbane. When we arrive Brisbane ,we went to the University Queensland and our host family already wait there to pick us up.That's the first we meet eachother,I was shy and nervous.I usually can't follow what my hostfamily say so I felt sad but they are so patient ,they always wait me and repeat again if I can't understand.I am so lucky I have such a kind hostfamily,they let us feel comfortable,you can do what you want to do because they think we are adult so thay didn't have to worry about us so much.What's more, I was so lucky I got a good homemate,she is Japanese and she has been there for few months.We walk to take train and bus to go to school together everyday.There are so amazing thing that we also are classmate.I was so glad that I can go to school and study with her.We always chatting on the way to the school everyday.We are so match,we always talk many things what inside our heart.She just like a older sister that always take care me. Thak you God give me such a nice homestay and a good homemate.There have many new experience that I got from homestay,such as I have to be more independent to take care myself and live with foreigner who has different culture with us. Also I can practice my English because I just can talk in English with them. Although at first I can't communicate in English very well but I think you don't need to afraid make mistake,just try and your English will become better. That's good to live in homestay. Let's talk about the University of Queensland.At the first day is opening ceremony,the teacher said “you are here so please English only,you can speak your own language in your country for free and you have to pay money to come here….". That's unforgettable,is so touch my heart and after I talk to myself don't speak English as possible as I can. Sometime is very difficult to do that because you can meet many Taiwanese friends and you will speak Chinese directly. I like study at ICTE-UQ. Your classmate are come from different country. The only way you can communicate only talk in English. That great to improve you English ability. And the student there in one class never over 20 students. I like small class because teacher is easier to take care every student. And the classmate are more closer with eachother. I made many new friends that come from different country. Is very special that you can know their country and culture. Everyone in our class is very friendly and some guys are funny that always make us laughing. I was so enjoy studying English at ICTE-UQ. The University of Queensland is very big and beautiful. I can see many kinds of people in the campus everyday there is like new so fresh and exciding. I miss that time in UQ. It's a wonderful uni time there. At the fist week, I didn't know everything there. Thanks God I got a good homemate and she is also my classmate. So we can go to school together, she can teach how to go to take train and bus. Even more she can tell me how to do something in Brisbane. I am so lucky I met nice hostfamily, they always think what is the best for us. They are so helpful and sweet. First week I met many nice friends there,they are so kind and they will help you if you need them. What's more I made many Taiwanese friends there. We also had a Taiwan group there. At the first we took train to South Bank and had BBQ there. I feel so good that we set this group. Go abroad to another country you will need help and this group can let us easy to take care eachother. At the first week I learn many new things there , I saw the Australia life style and I speak a lot in English. At the second week,I already know how to do something in Brisbane. We start to plan what will we do at there. We went to Brisbane city to hang out with our friends. We join ICTE activity to go to Byron Bay. Byron Bay is a very beautiful place in Queensland. There have beautiful beach and a famous light house. If you go up to see visit light house you can see many beautiful views there. I saw the sun between the mountain and saw the whales in the sea. You have to take a long time to go to Byron Bay but I think is worth to go there. Is so beautiful and you can feel so relax there. The second week we start be familiar to live in Brisbane. We start know how to save our lunch cost. We went to supermarket to buy bread and prepare lunch by ourself. I think it's a good way to save money because the meal there are so expensive. We started hang out with friends , went to different kind of reataurant and explore in Brisbane . At the third week,we already familiar how to do many things. We can know how to take public transports,we can know how to go to city very well. So if we have time we will go to city. Go window shopping and have dinner in different country's restaurant. At the third week we also start felt that we have to cherish everyday in Brisbane. We only have two weeks can be there. At the weekend we went to amusement park,Dream World. I went to try many scaring rides. It's so terrible but exciting. I think is my first time to go there and also the last time so even though I felt afraid I still went to try. I think my heart be more stronger after I took those scaring rides. I had a wonderful time to go to Dream World. At the fourth week, we start to felt upset because we only have one more week in Brisbane. We start plan to go out to eat dinner with friends. Cherish every moment with classmates and friends. And our classmate are more closer than before. During we had friends have to go back to their country so we had dinner and said goodbye to them. I hate that moment, I don't wanna say good bye to them. At the fourth I felt so bad,I don't wanna leave Brisbane. At the final week in Brisbane. Don't need to say anything ofcourse I am down. This week I set many schedule as possible as I can because I need more time to be with my friends. Also we have to prepare our exam at last two days so last week is so busy. But I was so happy those time with my friends. I will miss them so mush so I cherish everyday at ICTE-UQ. At final week ,I start spent a lot of money to buy souvenirs. I bought a lot of Australia famous cookies,its name is Tim Tam. At final week I went many place where I want to go;I eat many foods what I want to eat ;I bought “Boost"everyday which is famous drink shop in Australia. I did anything I want to do at my last week at ICTE-UQ and in Brisbane. I had a wonderful trip in Australia. I enjoy studying at ICTE-UQ. I love my friends there. This is a good experience to go to Brisbane. Thanks our uni for giving us this good opportunity to go abroad and study English. I will keep learning English and I hope my English canl become more better that I can go abroad to study again. 2011 學海遊學 澳洲昆士蘭團 中文心得報告 魏宏凱 找不到一句話或一個詞,最適當最生動的來表達出這五個禮拜所帶給我的一 切感受。或許可以說像是酸甜苦辣都俱備的大鍋菜,包含許多歡笑和淚水,我不 會說完全苟同也不會說哪裡少了些什麼。人生一般,我在澳大利亞找到了些什麼 以往不曾有過也不曾想過的,當然,我的一部分也隨著五個禮拜過去,留了一些 什麼在澳大利亞,繼續隨著布里斯本河因 City Cat 而產生的水紋,緩緩的波動在 澳洲這塊瑰麗的土地上。 是什麼開始的我有些記不清,猶豫在迪肯與昆士蘭兩間大學跳著腳,後來終 於瀟灑的在昆士蘭大學底下簽下自己的名字。直到現在,我打著這篇文章的同時, 何其感謝那張寫著六號的錄取單和慶幸半睡半醒之間然有好好的把考券寫完,然 後囂張無比的第一個交券。應該是即將要飛往澳洲的前一兩個禮拜吧,我開始擔 心,擔心自己這一個月會對台灣這個光怪陸離的國家太過懷念,離不開燒餅油條; 不適應沒有雞排與鹹酥雞的日子,不習慣,說不得中文的環境與生活…..。事後 想想,那種太過無謂的煩惱,可貴又可笑。那種即將第一次離開如此理所當然的 生活的憂慮,以後回想起來嘴角會不禁上揚的。 拋下所有的煩惱與未解決的惱人瑣事,我拖著一個多月的輕快行囊,伴著其 他十二個有緣的朋友們,頭也不回的揮別台灣。已經沒有印象的海關跟飛機,讓 我滿頭大汗並全身水腫且痠痛無比。但從下午就沒再進食的我們,看到午夜的排 骨飯套餐還是感動的不可自拔,伴著王傑、陳奕迅、黃鶯鶯等人的歌聲,半夢半 醒之間我忘了數有幾個亂流造成的心悸,清醒的睜開眼時,澳洲的艷陽透過飛機 窗口照在隔壁小隊員熟睡的臉上,布里斯本和善的先對我們露出了微笑, Cheers!! 別問我對澳洲的文化衝擊跟人文風情在先,澳洲海關就讓我吃足了苦頭。寫 了兩次的居留證明、照片不似本人等等問題,最後還差點沒被沒收了相機。還好, 重重如此幸運的阻撓後,親切的學員司機還是把我們順利載到了昆士蘭大學。一 路上對於天空,河岸甚至是左右相反的行使規則驚嘆連連的我們,壓根沒想到五 個禮拜後我們會一把眼淚一把鼻涕的不想回去。我還記得大家第一眼看到自己的 Home Father&Mother 時既緊張又帶點期盼的表情,在我跟親愛的 Mel 握手時,有 種難以言喻的溫暖。從今天起,你們就是我在澳洲的父母親,我就是你們的異國 小淘氣那種可愛的感情油然而生。 捧著一杯簡單易得的五十嵐,卻沒有在澳洲千辛萬苦買到的珍珠奶茶那種感 動與狂喜。人皆如此,易取易得的總不懂得珍惜。買到 Go Card 跟手機 SIM 卡就 值得大家到布里斯本市區買杯飲料慶祝,或是到 South Bank 吃頓好吃的 Nando's 辣雞肉。我們在澳洲,學到了什麼叫做知足的快樂,以及體會到簡單的幸福。在 這愜意的國度,我們享受到緩步走在路上,可以隨意停留的隨性,沒有人催促, 沒有誰皺眉。有的,只有真實的你自己。在這高速運轉的渺小星球,我們在有限 的生命中匆匆走過,過分壓力也許成就了我們,但也確讓我們錯過了許多美好的 什麼。你可以率真的表現你自己,不用在意任何人的眼光因為也沒有人會刻意去 在意。身材再差也可以穿短裙;再怪的髮色與髮型也不會有人笑你是嬉皮。我在 澳洲人眼裡看到了尊重與一種平等的神采,或許這也是這個國家這麼多元文化的 關係。那些煩悶古板的,所有的枷鎖在這裡得到釋放,也難怪人民如此親切和善。 我們已習慣對未來的事物不是排斥便是盲目崇拜與接受,眼睛被陳舊的思維給矇 住,如何看得清? 啊,想起當我們踏在如痱子粉的海灘上時,放縱的跳盡情的奔跑在 Gold Coast 和 Sunshine Coast 上,從未如此清澈的海水洗滌著我們疲累的心。在澳洲,路上 幾乎沒有垃圾,馬路平坦沒坑洞,海灘乾淨無比海水可透至10公尺幾乎還很清 楚。天空是一種靛藍到深處無怨尤的狀態,像是一條綿延不絕的藍天鵝絨布,點 綴了潑墨般的白雲在上頭,將整個澳洲給搭起了一個天頂。在這裡你還會因為動 物而驚嘆,第一是隨處可見的各式野生動物,隨意飛翔的野生鸚鵡;不知名的長 嘴鳥、大老鼠、雁鴨等等……,毫不畏懼人只要一些薯片,全都靠過來乖乖的繞 著你打轉,這的確給人很大的不可思議;第二就是台灣值得學習的了,在澳洲的 路上看不到流浪動物。不管是在繁忙的市區還是郊區,你看不到任何一隻狗或貓 在路上遊蕩。澳洲人對動物有一種令人肅然起敬的尊重,不知是先天性使然,還 是後天文化影響,對於動物,他們不只把他們當動物,而是像人一樣,有權力過 好的生活的一個存在。台灣,我們自徐為一個高度進步的國家,卻連這種基本的 態度都沒有,怎麼談未來更多? 對於這五個禮拜,我沒有在課堂上趴下來打瞌睡除了我自己感到驚訝,更讓 我吃驚以及開了眼界的是澳洲的教學風格。昆士蘭大學比起台灣的大學更為放鬆, 步調慢到一種近乎凝結的狀態,卻又像奶油一般溫潤。人們來這不只為了上課學 習新知識,更是來學校思考並探索自己生命的寬度以及意義。躺在陽光下,累了 就睡不然就著書本神遊,或許一不小心就想通了什麼也說不定;而老師們上課的 風格與方式同樣叫人咋舌,在這裡會自發性想要去得到什麼了解什麼,你會人生 中第一次感到準時交作業是多麼讓人感到舒暢並有一種難以言喻的小小驕傲感。 老師們與學生幾乎沒有距離,不似我們是種權威式的存在,相反的他們選擇與學 生當好朋友,傾聽並學習我們身上有的不同文化以及我們各自獨特的民族性。我 在澳洲人身上再度的看到反向思維的成功以及謙卑帶來的效益。 記得要回來那一天,我們帶著滿行李箱的糖果,擰著鼻子帶著眼淚跟各國的 朋友們還有 Home Father&Mother 擁抱,並不想離開這片美好的土地。回國一個 多禮拜了,這份情感依舊。澳洲的朋友們說就當我們一直翹課了,明年夏天我們 約定好再回去澳大利亞,再好整以暇的去學校報告說不好意思請了這麼長的假。 也或許吧,撇開經費跟期限問題,沒回來台灣享受一下便宜的物價以及重溫那種 壓力的環境,會讓我們太過安逸,還年輕的我們可還不能過了頭呢!但不能否認 的是,那種 Laid Back 的生活態度以及哲學,已在我們心中悄悄扎了跟根,像那 橡木桶裡的溫醇老酒,慢慢的、細細的發酵著,發酵著………。 Actually , it was very hard to say goodbye to Australia and friends came from all over the world. To us , it was not just a simple、ordinary study tour , it more like a amazing trip to increase our outlook and knowledge , and most important , make a lot friends and feel the culture shock. We couldn't forget the wind from Gold Coast , the lovely sunshine in the South Bank , the sunset and moonrise in Byron Bay……and so on. We were not only got and learned many things from Australia , but also we left some parts of us in Australia , keep living with the people there ; keep floating with Brisbane river…… I still recall the flavor of those dishes that made by my dear homemother , she is a fantasy cook that I was very expect dinner everyday. She is from Switzerland and my homefather is from London. Both of them aren't Australian , but inside their mind , they are totally Australian now. They teached me how to live in Australia style , and in Australia's point of view to see this world and to cope with everything. I was very surprise and admire Australians' life style , they call it “Laid back" means very relax and comfortable. They don't think job or work is the resource of pressure and stress , on the contrary , Australians think jobs just a preparation for another vacation to relax and enjoy their life. How about us ? Are we know ourselves very well ? Are we living wonderful and colorful ? Life is too short to do everything , we should explore our life more rather than just waste most of our time on jobs and works , of course both of them are important , but it's not all of our life. Oh , I must say , Australia's environment is really really clean ! ! You almost could not see any garbage on streets ; And even in the city , the air still fresh that it makes me so impressive!!We should learn Australians attitude to environment and do something、change something making our tomorrow better,we only have this earth,we share this world to each other and we could not be so selfish,or we will lose our paradise,isn't it?! Most of us miss some food in Australia very much , Tim Tam's sweet taste ; ice cream's rich flavor…… I remember the first time we saw the price of water was so expensive that makes us shock!!But later when we found that there are a lot of cheap candy,it's just like we falling into heaven。Although almost everything it's very expensive in Australia , but the feeling is totally different from Taiwan. You'll be contented easily because everything is harder to get 。Taiwan is a convenient country and that makes people don't know to treasure everything they have,that's why there are a lot wasting, food、nature resource and so on,we always take everything for granted that it's really bad for ourselfives。Showing our respect to everything and trying to adjust our mind , then we could not only can save more but also happier,it won't be late from now。 Just like yesterday,I met a lot friends from different countries in Australia;Just like yesterday,Sunshine coast's weather was so cool……It has been about half month since I went back to Taiwan。But I just couldn't all the day and couldn't be used to speak Chinese talk to my foreign friends。I want back my usual life but just something strange……All of our group have this weird feeling,so we promised,not only promised to our friends in Australia but also promised to ourselives, We will go back to Australia no matter how far and need how much time and money!Australia just like another home to us now, how could you don't want to go home? 2011 學海遊學 澳洲昆士蘭團 中文心得報告 護理 2B 張翔軍 很快的,一個半月的遊學,就這樣結束了,第一次人生出國,很榮幸代表了 義守大學到澳洲昆士蘭大學研習,很多人說:「在短暫的人生裡,試著多看看這 奇妙的世界,你將會發現,浩瀚的宇宙,是多麼的璀璨。」沒錯,對於第一次出 國的我,光是澳洲的一個省裡的一個小都市,就足以讓我驚豔的忘記了呼吸,好 多好多數不盡的美好回憶,就這麼深深的永遠烙印在我的腦海裡,永遠都揮之不 去,並且讓我有了以後去外面探索更多的驚奇的事的想法或是在國外念書甚至是 工作的念頭。 出國當天,因為是在機場集合,爸爸媽媽因為工作的關係,沒有下來高雄 陪我等到上飛機那一刻才離去,傍晚戰戰兢兢的到達機場之後,雖然因為在出 國前說明會中而有認出幾個面孔,但是還是不敢過去打招呼,大家都在自己的 父母旁邊,每個人看起來都好緊張,直到旅行社的人員到現場之後,把大家集 合起來,彼此才熟絡了起來,看得出來每個人眼裡的小火花,都非常興奮即將 踏上一段前所未有的冒險旅程,仔細說明完登機事項之後,旅行社人員以及每 個同學的父母,都目送我們進入海關,當時我心裡想:「我們的戰鬥要開始了 啊!」從我們這一屆開始,沒有陪同的老師帶團,所以同伴彼此的照顧,更顯 得重要,我自己是真正到進入海關後,透過聊天,和大家熟了起來,然後飛機 往前衝刺,並且竄進了滿天星斗的雲朵後,「張翔軍,好好把握這次在國外的 所有一分一秒,不要浪費了啊,或許,再次回到澳洲的懷抱,也是畢業當兵後 三四年的事了呢。」我對自己這麼說。 隔天早上八點,我們降落在澳洲這片美得讓人尖叫連連的土地上,在機場 裡,有一段可愛的回憶,我想昆士蘭團的同學應該一輩子都不會忘記,你看過 一群人圍成一圈並且坐在地上,手上拿著不知道該從那一項開始填寫起才好的 入境卡而彼此交頭接耳、眉毛皺到快連成一直線的情境嗎?這真的是太美好的 回憶了,在大家順利的通過之後,從出海關那一刻,我立刻有不想再回到台灣 的感覺,因為空氣真得是和台灣差別太大了,空氣中有微微綠葉的芳香,真的 很奇妙,遠遠就看到兩位美麗的女生,手上高高舉著 I-Shou University,Welcome To Brisbane!之後,由可愛到不行的公車司機載著我們這群臉上充滿問號的小 毛頭前往昆士蘭大學,一路上,公車司機很熱情的用麥克風跟我們聊天,雖然 我耳朵也有在聽,但我的眼睛卻不放過任何外面的風景,甚至是行使在路上的 最平常的汽車,澳洲人真的很愛種樹,無時無刻我都看的見高大挺拔的樹出現 在我的眼前,經過了差不多半小時,最緊張刺激的時刻來了,還沒下公車就看 見了好多好多的 Homestay 已經站在路旁等著領他們要照顧的學生,分配完後, 我和我的 Homestay(Ewan)互相做了簡短的介紹,Ewan 就很興奮的問我想不想 繞一繞校園,我當然說好啊!Ewan 人好 nice,在逛校園途中,也仔細的教會 我怎麼每天搭公車上學,或是放學可以搭哪一班公車去 city 玩,逛完校園之後, 我們就回家了,因為 Homemom(Elizabeth)還在墨爾本探望她家人的關係,第一 天晚餐就由 Ewan 接手,才第一天,我們家晚餐就是 BBQ,真的是幸福到極點, 在晚餐後,Ewan 也帶我和同一天到 Brisbane 韓國遊學生 Gull 到最近的一間購 物商場 Indooroopilly 去辦電話卡(Optus)和公車卡(Go Card),這兩樣東西在 Brisbane 是絕對必備的物品,有一半以上的澳洲人會使用 Optus 是因為網內互 相傳簡訊不用錢,另外,在 Brisbane 不論是幼稚園、國中、高中、大學、上班 族,幾乎人人都使用 Go Card,因為在這裡,公車是他們核心的交通工具,只 不過會比較花錢,不過難得第一次出國旅行,我也就沒有把它放在心上,盡情 享受每天的生活就對了。 隔天,第一天到學校,人好多啊,因為也是當地大學生的開學第一天,走 在校園裡,真得彷彿是自己要在這邊念書一樣,耳邊充滿了英文,雖然對自己 的英文有一定程度的自信,但是要跟外國人說話,還是會有些卻步,第一天都 要進行分班測驗,我是被分配到 Level 4,還不錯,大致上聽得懂,老師也很 幽默,讓我從第一天就愛上學校裡的一切,也暗暗下定決心以後一定要用功唸 書,畢業後再次回到昆士蘭大學讀碩士,每天中午,都可以練習自己的英文, 因為一定得用英文買午餐,對吧!?其實不是只有這時可以練習自己的 Listening 和 Speaking,只要你有心,任何時間都可以練習學校的生活不要形容得太多, 等到以後學弟妹真的也到昆士蘭大學體驗後,你們一定會愛上這裡的一切,開 放式的教學,和藹的公車司機,午餐時跟當地的學生坐在同一張桌子吃飯,這 種感覺,要親自體驗才知道。 每個禮拜的週末,當然不容許我們白白的浪費掉,畢竟只待在澳洲五個禮 拜(最後一個禮拜是禮拜五晚上就搭飛機了),在這裡,我想先跟學校小抱怨一 下,其實,像我們這次是最後一個禮拜五考試,然後晚上就匆匆忙忙地趕飛機, 為什麼不等到禮拜日在搭飛機呢,是想省在 Homestay 家的那兩天住宿費,還 是另有原因,我不知道,但是,或許某些人一輩子就出這麼一次國,當然希望 能多留在國外多玩個一兩天,學校如果不能支付這兩天的住宿費,我想,還是 會有同學認同我的意見,並且自付這兩天的住宿費的,本來我自己也以為是禮 拜六才搭飛機,結果當同學說是最後一天考完試的晚上就要趕飛機,我心都沉 了,我還沒看夠美麗的 Brisbane 啊!所以,我想在這裡幫以後的學弟妹謀個福 利,如果恰巧最後一個禮拜是禮拜五回國,就延後兩天,等到禮拜日再回來吧! 好了,澳洲有非常多非常多的景點可以去體驗,像是 Sounth Bank(可以在那邊 烤肉)、Gold Coast(黃金海岸,這裡美呆了,我們也曾因為餓到快發瘋,在這裡 點了一盤價值 300 元的牛肉炒飯,這裡我來了 3 次!!)、Sunshine Coast(有別於 Gold Coast 的熱鬧,這裡多了份寧靜閒暇,躺在沙灘上,曬著溫暖而不刺痛的 陽光,你會真心希望自己是個澳洲人,這樣每個週末才能來這裡玩!!)、Harbour Town 與 DFO(這是獨立的兩個 Outlet,時尚的物品在這裡都以 5 折甚至是更低 的折扣來賣,像我就在 Harbour Town 買了一見 CK 的外套才 100 澳,原價是 250 澳呢!!)、Byorn Bay(唯一能同時看到太陽落下月亮升起的地方!!!!!這個地方是我 們在學校有認識一位同樣來自台灣的留學生,她開車載我們來玩的,不過學校 其實也有這個地方的週末旅遊,如果沒有像我們認識在這裡求學又可以開車上 路的朋友,可以參加學校的,但是學校比較貴,要 65 澳),Lone Pine(最有名的 動物園,與袋鼠和無尾熊的距離是零!!!!!如果來澳洲,真的就要來一次,讓你 拍只有在澳洲才有的無尾熊拍到手軟。)、EKKA(Brisbane 的年度盛事,讓你直 線走路都難,享受與澳洲人人擠人的樂趣吧,這裡什麼都有,賽馬秀,煙火秀, 展覽秀‧‧‧好多好多),讓我印象也很深刻的,我們也去了一次夜店,好 High 好 High!! 五個禮拜,其實一眨眼就過去了,到最後一個禮拜的禮拜五考完試後,學 校會為我們辦一個 BBQ,除了享受美味的食物之外,還可以跟各國的人交流, 我前面也說過,我們認識了一個也在昆士蘭大學求學的女生,我們彼此的感情 很好,所以她特別準備了一首歌送給我們,她開口還沒唱到副歌,我們大家哭 成一團,我不得不說,我是一個愛哭鬼,哭到整個眼睛腫到像是被拳擊手猛力 揮好幾拳那樣,她說她不喜歡說再見,所以我們約好在未來,我們一定還要再 見面,不管是她回台灣過假日,或是我們暑假再去澳洲找她,都要以更好的自 己在相見,當晚,她沒有辦法來送機,因為她已經繳錢參加學校的一個船上變 裝 party,啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊,都是學校啦,如果是禮拜日 才搭機,我們就可以再多一個美好的回憶了,最後一個晚上待在澳洲,我們在 機場,發瘋似的彼此拍照,或是拍機場內部,為的,僅僅只是不想錯過任何一 個能留在眼裡的澳洲的印象,終究,還是搭上了那返鄉的飛機‧‧‧‧‧‧在 未來,當自己從腦海裡翻箱倒櫃的抽出這一段記憶來回味,我想,我們彼此的 臉上都會不自覺的揚起吶大大的笑容,那一年,我們一起在澳洲留下的,抹也 抹不掉的珍貴回憶。 2011 The University Of Queensland Report Chang Hsiang-Chun Before I shared my wonderful journey , I wanted to appreciate that I-Shou University gave me this opportunity to go to abroad with scholarship . It was my first time to go to another country to feel different customs and traditions . Once again , I'm really thanking to my school and if I had second chance to attendance the exam to go to abroad , I will try my best to get it !! At the first day before we took on the plane , all of us were so exciting and chatted with each other how beautiful Australia it is ! After that , when we arrived the Queensland at the next day , we were so surprised that the air of Queensland was so fresh and purity . Suddenly , a man came closer to us and ask : Are you guys come from Taiwan of I-Shou University ? He is a bus driver and he took us to go to University Of Queensland to meet our homestay . After we arrived the school , it was a special experience that someone you don't know and he called your name and you ready to live with him for five weeks . My homefather is called Ewan , we introduced to each other for a while , then he very excited to ask me if I wanted to look around the campus with him or not . Of course I said yes to him . He was a nice guy , he told me about the school very detailed that I can knew it about everything . Because my homemother went to visit her mother at Melbourne and she will come back at the next day , so Ewan cooked the dinner for us , it was very delicious !! Then , he took me to the shopping center which called Indooroopilly to buy cell phone's sim card and Go Card which is used on the bus or train or City Cat . I was so happy that I can met my homestay who were so take good care of me . Start from the second day , I took the bus to go to the University by myself . It was an unique experience that you can't image so many foreigner sat around you . The school's life was one of a point in this journey . I made so many friends who are from Chile , Saudi Arabia , Japan , Korea or China . We liked each other so much not even just on the class , sometimes we went to the city together after the class . One of my the most happiest impression was that the school had a huge activity and all of the ICTE-UQ's student can enjoy the BBQ at the last day . We sat together and shared our camera's pictures to each other . Sadly , I can't stop crying with my tears because I don't like to say good-bye . I hugged to all of my classmates and we promised that we will meet again in the future . Expect about the friendship , I liked the way when teachers teaching classes . Every teacher is respect your question and thought so that you can create unlimited views in your mind . Besides , teachers liked to teach students with games that students will have more focus on the class . I fell in love with Brisbane and I hope that I can come back to see it one day or even live here forever . We just came to Brisbane for five weeks , so we had many plans to go in every weekends . The first weekend , we went to the Gold Coast , it was one of the most famous sightseeing at Queensland . There were so many shopping store that you can choose which one you want to look around or you can just sat in front of the store to chat with your friends . But the most important thing was the beach !!! The scenery of the beach was so amazing , you will feel just like in heaven , anything is wonderful ! Except the beach , we found a delicious restaurant called “Nando's" , it sold chicken and you can choose the spicy level , we often choose the most spicy level so everyone sweat after we enjoy the meal haha . The Gold Coast is so much beautiful so we came here for three times during this five weeks . At the second weekend , we went to the Harbour Town , it was a place where it sold many things just like Adidas , Nike , Gucci , Burberry , Calvin Klein Jeans , New Balance … and so on . All the things in the Harbour Town are discount , so you can buy it with the lower price , as for me , I bought a Calvin Klein Jacket and it cost me 100 AUD , but its original price was 250 AUD , I was so lucky !! Others friends were also bought many things , too . Besides , we went back to the city after the Harbour Town , we liked to walk on the city street and shared the daily life experience to each other because we were so lucky that we can come to Australia !! At the third weekend , we went to the Byron Bay , it was a cliff . The reason we went to the Byron Bay because you can see the sunset and moon rise at the same time !!! Unfortunately , it was cloudy when we came there , so we just saw sunset and moon rise at the different time , not at the same time . But it's fine , because we went to the night club after the Byron Bay!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so exciting that we can went into the foreign night club and it was so much different between the Taiwan's night club . Foreigners were so enthusiasm and friendly , but we didn't stay at the night club for lone time . However , it was a wonderful experience , I still will go into the foreign night again ! At the fourth weekend , we went to the Sunshine Coast , but it was not a good trip , because I loved my homestay , so I promised them I will go back for dinner , then I had to leave my friends earlier . However , I won't regret , because my homestay took good care of me , so I would like to go back home earlier . Expect all these weekend's experience , I'd like to share others cherish memories to you . My homemother took me to the church to enjoy the band live , because my homestay are Christian , and I'm Christian , either . We had a wonderful night at that time . Besides , my homemother said she will buy a Bible to me after I go back to Taiwan . How lovely !!! I loved my homestay forever and everlasting . Another thing was that we had a Queensland's Holiday at this time . It called “EKKA". In this day , all citizens can have one day off . We took the train to the EKKA , there were so many interesting things that we can found it , such as farm , Roller Coaster , Horserace , Fireworks Show … and so on .It was my first time to go to abroad . For me , I had so many unique experiences that I won't forget it for the rest of my life . To sum up , I'm really happy that I can attendance this trip , I met so many friends from all of the world and we still keep in touch on the msn or skype . I'm so grateful that school give me the opportunity that I can improve my English and increase my knowledge . At the last day , my homestay took me to the school , after I got off the car , I started crying , I hugged my homefather and homemother so tight , because I really really love them so much . I told them I will come back to visit them again and they say they always open the door and waiting for me . For me , it was a special experience about this trip , I trust that I will come back to Brisbane and know it again !!! Thanks to my friends and the people who helped me when I was at Brisbane , do not forget our promise , we will meet again to each other in the future . Last but not least , give to my all friends with all the best luck !! 2011 學海遊學 澳洲昆士蘭團 中文心得報告 職能治療系 二年級 侯明怡 真的很謝謝義守大學提供了這麼好的一個機會讓我能來一趟異國之旅,為我 的大學生活又增添了幾分令人回味無窮的生活小事。 在懵懵懂懂的大一時,自己也曾經報考了學海獎學金,但當時跟本完全憑運 氣去考試,在那次的考試中,讓我懂得,其實自己的英文並沒有我想像中的優秀, 比自己優秀的大有人在,如果再不好好的加強自己的英文,即使大二我還有機會 能再去應試,也還是可能錯失了這個難得可以出國的大好機會。有了第一次的經 驗後,使得我更想加強自己的英文,並希望能在大二的學海考試中,看到到自己 努力的成長,幸好皇天不負苦心人,讓我在大二的考試中,成功的考到了學海的 獎學金,只能說這種感覺實在太棒了,雖然現在離當時已經過了兩個多月了,但 是那種興奮和喜悅是到現在都忘不了的。 還記得當時的說明會總是開在義守的本部,對於分部的人而言,除了舟車勞 累外,又多添了幾分危險,但是有了出國的動力,使在分部的同學有了動力,往 往都是幾個人約一約一起到本部開會,更是提早和可能是異國同伴的人相見歡, 因此在公車上又多了幾分的樂趣。 經過幾翻廝殺和較量後,我如願的填上了澳洲的昆士蘭大學,當我一知道考 到了學海的獎學金後,我就一直希望自己能如願的填到昆士蘭大學,因為昆士蘭 大學實在有太多吸引我的地方,除了能夠住在寄宿家庭體驗當地生活外,更多的 是對澳洲的憧憬和嚮往,除了美麗的沙灘,不同的文化外,當地美食更是讓我想 嘗鮮(ex :袋鼠肉,鱷魚肉……)。 一直懷抱著滿心期待和擔心到澳洲後會不習慣的恐懼心情,這種感覺在心中 已經持續很久了,直到飛機落下,昆士蘭大學的公車載我們和寄宿家庭的人相見 後,才慢慢的放下了心中的不安,原來澳洲人對於不認識的人都是這麼和善啊, 更是覺得自己小心眼,真不應該胡思亂想。 再來就要提到和我在澳洲生活息息相關的寄宿家庭,我的 home 媽和我說, 我可以叫他 lulu 就行了,lulu 是一個很可愛又和好客的媽媽,她很喜歡做菜,而 且做菜更是她的興趣,所以幸運的我就有口福拉,lulu 每天的晚餐都用不同的菜 色,讓我在澳洲的五個禮拜裡,體驗了各種不同的當地美食。 我在澳洲的家雖然只有一層樓,但是卻超乎想像的非常的寬闊,其中包含了 一個中型的游泳池,我的寄宿家庭只有我和我 lulu,原本還擔心只有兩個人的家 庭會不會很無聊或是很尷尬,但是她都很熱心的和我聊天,讓我不孤單,在看電 視節目時,更會和我討論節目的劇情,讓我也能很快的投入於任何一個節目。 還記得第一天到 lulu 家後,才發現澳洲的路都很大條而且路和路之間都好像,在 台灣本來就是路痴的我,在澳洲更加的擔心我迷路的毛病,不過 lulu 好像看出了 我的心情,好心的 Lulu 開車載著我的沿路指著公車站牌給我看,並告訴我上車 和下車的地方的特別之處,讓我在第一天放學後可以順利的回到家。 在來說說澳洲的交通公具,他們的交通公具幾乎是火車不然就是公車或者是開車, 而其中最特別的是 city cat,city cat 也是澳洲的交通工具之一,但是他特別的點 在於,他是船,台灣人應該很難想像坐船去上學吧!而且在澳洲也有計程車,但 是 lulu 和我見面第一件交代的事就是要我在公車最末班前回家,因為澳洲的計程 車是很貴的!除了上述的交通工具之外,就只剩走路了,但是澳洲地大路大學校 大,如果想用走路去上學或是出去玩,是一件非常非常挑戰體力的事。 所以如果要去上學,我都只坐公車,有時會想念在台灣騎車的方便和自由,但是, 公車有公車的方便,雖然我很想念在台灣騎著摩拖車時拂在臉上的風,但是我更 喜歡澳洲的空氣,連我這個在台灣一早就會狂打噴嚏的人而言,到澳洲後都聽不 到自己的鼻涕聲了,這不是奇績是什麼呢! 在來要講到我最嚮往的昆士蘭大學了,昆士蘭大學佔地非常大,還記得第一 天到學校報到時,竟然在學校迷路了,真的一點都不誇張,即使我在昆士蘭大學 學習了五個禮拜了,但我連他的校園都還沒有走完,真的非常大。 在昆士蘭大學裡,各個國家的學生都必需平均的分散到各班,畢竟我們是出國學 英文的不是學母語,所以在課堂上老師完全禁止我們講除了英語之外的語言。昆 士蘭是小班教學,班級人數雖然不多,卻包括了來自各個國家的人,有的比我年 輕,有的比我年長,有的出國為了再進修,有的出國為了找到好工作。在班上, 因為大家都來自不同的國家,所以每個人都有自己國家的小故事,也藉著這個機 會讓別的國家的同學可以更加認識台灣。 在課堂上我們常會盡情的大笑和參與討論,因為過了這個村就沒了這個店了, 反正以後可能再也遇不到了,那還有什麼好害羞的呢!在學習的過程中我發現, 如果想在澳洲過的自在點,就要努力的參與班上的討論或活動,不然老師會一直 在課堂上請你發言,所以主動的和同學交流學習,是一件在課堂上一定要做的事, 也因為不想一直被點名,所以不斷的促進我用英語和同學交談,聊出自信,更敢 勇於發言,因為台灣注重的多是筆試,所以用英語和別人交談是我們最大的弱點, 在澳洲學習五個禮拜後,我對於自己的口說能力更加的有自信,不再擔心別人會 取笑我,因為其實他們都聽得懂。 說到澳洲的美景,在澳洲的五個禮拜,我和同學都會利用週末去各個有名的 景點參觀,澳洲的海灘很多,而其中最有名的莫過於黃金海岸,這是我夢寐以求 的景點,而黃金海岸果然沒有讓我失望,湛藍的海水,乾淨的天空,金黃色的沙 灘,因為他的美麗使我想把每個細節緊記在心。 還有 Dream world ,Dream world 是一個澳洲的遊樂場,這個遊樂場非常大, 裡面的設施就像台灣的六福村或是劍湖山,但是他比六褔村還大,而且裡面的設 施比六福村的多又更刺激,他在一個很遠的地方,如果我們想要到逹那裡,必需 坐超過二個小時的火車,但是這一切是值得的,因為我也好喜歡 Dream world 的 環境,有一個設施甚至可以從最高處看到一坐完整的山,那個景像真的令人印像 深刻。 這次去澳洲是一個非常快樂的經驗,雖然我是第一次出國,但是我好喜歡出 國享受的樂趣,我想等我有能力賺錢後,我會希望能再去更多的國家旅行,而且 我也會希望能再次造訪澳洲,因為那裡還有很多很多的地方和景點還沒有去過, 澳洲真的很美。也再次的謝謝學校提供這個機會給我,我很開心最後我有考到學 海的獎學金,我也相信經過這次的旅行,我的英文有更加的進步,也增加動力讓 我更想學好英文,因為英文真的很重要。 Hou Ming Yi I am so happy that ISU gave me a wonderful chance to have a trip to Australia in my summer vacation , it made my college life more colorfully and more exciting . I can’t believe I have been there for five weeks . I think it was too short for me ,because I learned a lot in Australia. I liked the life in Australia, because the life there is so slowly and so easy , I am enjoyed in it . I missed the life in Australia, because I made a lot of friends in UQ . The weather there is more colder than Taiwan . the first time I arrived to Australia , I felt very cold and a little Uncomfortable, but after that ,I thought I was adapted the weather in Australia , so I like the weather there now. After I back to Taiwan ,I feel more hotter than Taiwan, so I don’t like Taiwan ‘s weather now. People in Australia were very friendly and talkative, I loved people here , too! One time I wanted to find my friend by trains ,but I lost my way, when I felt sad ,an old man came to me and asked me whether need help, at that time ,I was so moved . I like people in Australia all. It was my first time to take the airplane, and it was my first time to go abroad . It took us more than eight hours to arrived to Brisbane, it’s a really long distance. I had a little worry before I went to Australia ,because I afraid I will airsick . fortunately, I was not airsick, and I had a good slept on the plane. When we arrived to Brisbane’s airport, UQ’s bus came to take us to meet our home stay family, and that was the first time I met my home mother. I know she is a woman ,but she is a little different in my imagine. She is more younger and more pretty than I think. Her name is Lulu ,and she is a lovely and friendly woman, after we met first time ,than she took me to her home .her home is bigger than I think ,there were included a big swimming pool. The roads in Brisbane are very big ,and every roads are very similar and complex. I was afraid I will lost my way after school, and Lulu is so nice ,and she maybe known what I worried about, so when she took me to her home, she pointed bus stops one by one for me . So I never lost my way in the five weeks. Lulu is very good at cooking , so I was so lucky that I have eaten all Australia’ s special food, and I never eat same food in five weeks . There were only two people in my home stay ,sometimes I felt a little boring, but Lulu usually talk with me . When we were looking at TV programs, Lulu always tell my what will happened in the future. Lulu is so cute and nice, so I like Lulu very much, and I missed her when I back to Taiwan. This summer vacation I was studying in UQ, I studied in UQ’s Language schools, UQ’s Language schools is so big , I remembered that when I first time to school, I lost my way in UQ, it was so big that I can’t believed .UQ is more bigger than any school in Taiwan . I really hoped I can walk all around in UQ, but after five weeks ,I still can’t finished UQ in five weeks, so I really hope one day I will finish walk around UQ. The transports in Australia were buses, trains, and cars. The most special transport is City Cat, it is a ship. Taiwanese must very are hard to think about go to school by ship, but I really like took ships to school, beside the river all beautiful houses and bridges. Except the above ,walking is a kind of transport in Australia, but Australia is too big , so if we want to walk to school, it must need to take a long time , so if we just walk to school ,it must be a big challenge . in the common days, I When I usually took the bus to school, but when we went to famous places we usually took the trains ,because the famous place are very far from UQ or our home stay. The air in Australia is so fresh, and that is why I like Australia so mush, but I missed motor cycle when I lived in Australia. The bus in Australia is very convenience, but if you miss the bus, you must need to take more than one hour to wait for the bus. In UQ, there are fifteen or sixteen students in a class ,and the students in my class were from different country, so we just speak English in my class. We all had a little story about our own countries, and I can introduce Taiwan’s famous place to other county’s people. I was proud of Taiwan, because Taiwan has good weather in four seasons. There were many Taiwanese studying in UQ, so I felt very happy when I met Taiwanese in Australia. I like studying English in UQ, because the teachers there are very funny and lively, when you are too shy to talk with classmates , teachers will help you to talk with friends and give you more confidence ,after that you will have more and more confidence to talk with foreigners and classmates. On the weekend , my friends and I all like to visit famous places, I most like is Gold Coast, Gold Coast is a beach, and there are many kinds of shops on the streets. The cars there are so cute , there are many colors on the cars. Fortunately, my friends and I saw five rainbows., Gold Coast has big beaches, clear sky and gold sands. I like Gold Coast very much. I also like Dream World. Dream World is a playground in Australia , Dream World is a very big place, there are many different kinds of games in the Dream World. Dream World is similar with Taiwan’s playground, but it’s more exciting than Taiwan. I remembered one of the most exciting game, on the top ,it can see a mountain. It was so beautiful that I thought I will remember the view for a long time . I have a lot of fun in Australia and I think if I can save money in the future, I will want to go to Australia again, because the views there are very beautiful, and I still have a lot of places didn’t been, so I very want to go to Australia again. I have backed to Taiwan for one month, but I like Australia’s weather than Taiwan ,so I am missing Australia now, I also miss my friends in Australia. although we all backed to each countries, but we still keep in touch. When we met on face book , we still chatted to each other . Thank for ISU to give me this chances to go abroad again , I want to go to different countries in the future, because I am so enjoyed on vacation. I hope I can meet my friends who I made in Australia in somewhere. .