團名:迪肯大學 ... 學號:10152013A ... 心得(1500 字以上)_中文心得:

出團日期:2013 / 07 /11 / to 2013 / 08 / 10 /
心得(1500 字以上)_中文心得:
第一天,我起的非常早,因為我們從高雄飛往胡志明市的航班是上午 07 點
半,我們不得不在上午 5:30 前抵達機場,而所有成員都準時到達。大家都非常
有去歌劇院裡面,因為糟糕的交通再加上 6 點就要離開胡志明市,所以我們看了
一眼就離開了。由於我們撘下午 10 時 30 分的航班從胡志明市飛往墨爾本,所以
我們又回到了酒店,並有快速晚餐。下午 6:00,我們準時離開酒店因為它是一個
們,把我們帶到迪肯大學。這時外頭只有 5℃,而我卻不覺得冷。花了一個小時,
面。在外頭等待了約 20 分鐘,我的轟爸來接我。回到家之後,他們不僅接待我,
式。首先,我在早上 7 點鐘起身。因為每天早上起床都很寒冷,我都要吸氣並數
長的旅途。雖然我花了 15 分鐘步行,但途中景色非常美麗,而且早晨的空氣很
新鮮,所以再遠都不覺得累。當我上了公車 767,約 30 分鐘就能抵達學校。
在學校,我是上 EAP 2 的課程。在課堂上,我有很有耐心朱迪思以及勤奮的
在購物中心來完成我的調查。最後,我整理了 15 名受訪者的意見,並開始做結
結束後,老師給我一些建議。最後,我通過 EAP 2,拿到了 69 分。在這裡學習,
由學校舉辦的第一次旅程是大洋路。因為它是在 Geelong 離學校很遠,所以
站是在沙灘上,我們有自製的三明治當午餐。約 40 分鐘後,我們向十二使徒前
久。因此,我們 3 點就離開大洋路。
有花太長時間就到達貝爾格雷夫火車站。我們坐了 11:00 的蒸汽火車。這是令人
多 30 公分高。因為太遠了,我不能看清楚他們,但是我有看到他們在海洋和海
走回家。這一次,它離我們很近,不到 50 公分的距離,總算把他們可愛的模樣
的流逝,我們不得不離開菲利普島, 22:30 到達迪肯大學。
Group:_Deakin University_
Student ID:_10152013A____
Date:From 10, 07, 2013 to 10, 08, 2013
Student Name:_YU-CHIEH, HOU_
What you has learned(1500 words)_English version:
This is the first time I went to Australia. Before I went to Australia, I had a lot of
things to prepare, for example, preparing the exam for the class in DULEI. Time
passed very quick, it’s time for me to study in Melbourne for one month.
On the first day, I got up in the early morning because our flight from Kaohsiung
to HO CHI MINH City was 7:30a.m., we had to arrive at airport before 5:30a.m. All of
the members in our group arrived on time, and everyone was very excited. After
taking some photos and saying goodbye to our parents, we went to departure, were
ready to get on the airplane.
It took us three hours to leave for HO CHI MINH City. There was a guy who
works in travel agent team, taking us to a hotel where we had lunch and took some
rest. After finished lunch, we went travelling around the city. First stop was War
Remnants Museum. In the museum, I realized the American soldiers were so mean
that they poisoned the Vietnamese during the war. It caused Vietnamese had the
abnormal babies. In addition, Japanese soldiers wanted to help Vietnamese. Second
stop was Red Church and Post Office. The Church was very beautiful and large while
the central post office sold a lot of things. Unfortunately, I didn’t buy anything
because we didn’t have enough time to stay for a long time, and we needed to move
on to the next stop-City Hall. The City Hall was the middle of HO CHI MINH City. The
tour guide said that City Hall must be the tallest building in the block and the statue
of HO CHI MINH was going to move out. Then, we went to Opera house which near
City Hall. However, we didn’t go into the opera house because of the terrible traffic
and limited time. After sightseeing in the whole afternoon, we went back to the hotel
to have a quick dinner. We had to take the flight from HO CHI MINH City to
Melbourne at 10:30p.m. We left the hotel at 6:00p.m because it was a long journey
to go to the airport. At the airport, I was broadcasted from the airport because of my
wrong flight ticket. No matter how I got on the plane on time.
This flight to Melbourne was a red-eyed flight because it flew in the night. I
didn’t sleep well on the plane; therefore, I felt exhausted after we arrived at
Melbourne. When we arrived at Melbourne airport, the study tour team from Deakin
University was waiting for us and taking all of us to the Burwood campus. At that
time ift was only 5℃ outside, I could not get used into the cold weather. It took an
hour driving to Deakin University. I was very excited because we were waiting our
host family. Waiting for 20 minutes, my home dad came and picked me up. Not only I
but also they took care of the other two girls, one is from China while the other is
from Thailand. My host family are very nice, they were patient when I didn’t
understand what they were talking about, cooking delicious meal every day and
making some sweets. I am very appreciated that I had a wonderful host family even
though sometimes they slept in; hence, I had to prepare my lunch by myself.
However, I do not think this was such a bad thing because I can learn something from
In weekdays, I had to get up in the early morning to go to school. I was more
regular in Melbourne than in Taiwan. First, I got up at 7 o’clock in the morning.
Because of the chilly weather in the morning, I had to count one two three and got
out of bed immediate, or I would feel very cold. Second, I washed my face and
brushed my teeth with the freezing cold water. After that, I prepared my own
breakfast and finished it. When all of the things were done, I said goodbye to my
home mum and went out quickly because I had a long walk to the bus stop. Although
it took me 15 minutes to walk, the sceneries on the way were very beautiful and the
air in the morning was fresh, and it was a good way to exercise. When I hailed the
bus 767, it took me 30 minutes to arrive Deakin.
In school, I was in class EAP 2. In the class, I had a patient teacher, Judith as well
as hard-working classmates. In this course, I had to finish the research report in one
month. I spent a lot of time on preparing the report, including questionnaire,
introduction, result and discussion, and conclusion. Because this report was about
the research, I had to go to the public places and found local people to answer my
questionnaire which was helpful for my research report. It was very tough to talk to
someone who you did not know before. When I was interviewing to someone, some
of them were passion while some of them were very mean. Therefore, I spent a lot of
time stay in the shopping centre to finish my research. Finally, I collated 15
respondents’ opinions and start the section of result and discussion. After few weeks,
I finished it and submitted to teacher. In addition, I had a presentation in the end of
the class. It made me a little nervous to give an English presentation in front of
people. Even being anxious, I had to do it; otherwise, I would lose the marks for
presentation. I shared my whole report in few minutes with classmates and teacher.
When I was on the stage, I was not very nervous as I thought. In the end of my
presentation, teacher gave me some suggestions. Finally, I passed EAP 2, and got 69
points. In school, I feel very happy and confident since I had a different way in
learning English. For example, there were four rooms for you to practice your English
during the ILC class, including listening and reading room, conversation room, movie
room, and computer lab. To sum up, the experience in Deakin University was
wonderful, and my English skills improve a lot.
Besides, not only did I spend a lot of time in school but traveled around
Melbourne. On every Saturday, we travelled with school. There were three famous
places they took us to, including the Great Ocean Road, Puffing Billy, and Phillip
Island. In addition to my free time, I went to Melbourne city, and Chadstone
Shopping Centre, which was near my homestay.
The first trip which held by school was the Great Ocean Road. Because it was in
Geelong where was far away from school, we had to arrive at school very early. It
took us two hours to arrive at Geelong. The first stop in Geelong was the entrance of
the Great Ocean Road. We took some pictures in front of the entrance and went
down the bay. It was really beautiful Because of the soft mud, it was really hard to
jump high in the mud. However, we tried our best to jump into the sky and took the
photos. After getting on the bus, we were all ready for our advance. However, the
road was bending, it made me feel dizzy. Nevertheless, I saw a herd of cows and
sheep eating grass and walking on the way. The next stop was the beach, and we had
home-made sandwiches for lunch. We stayed for half an hour and went on our trip.
About 40 minutes, we toward to twelve apostles. It was windy, rainy, and freezing
cold at the bay. In spite of the freezing cold weather, I still went down the bay. When
I saw the scenery which I have not seen before, I was astonished. It was worthy for
having a glance to the scene even if the weather was pretty bad. Due to a long
journey to school, we were not able to stay for so long. Therefore, we departed from
the Great Ocean Road at 3 o’clock.
The second trip was Puffing Billy. Puffing Billy was closed to our school, so we
departed from Deakin in the afternoon. It did not take too long to arrive at Belgrave.
We took the steam train at 11:00. It was exciting because we can put our legs out of
the train even if it was really cold. After lunch, we went to see parrots, they are cute
and beautiful. Although I was scratched, I had a wonderful trip.
The final trip was Phillip Island, which the coolest one and expected by everyone
for a long time. The weather was not very good today, it rained a little bit. However,
we still go to Phillip Island. It took us about two hours to arrive. The first stop in
Phillip Island was Penny’s Chocolate Factory, it made me upset because we did not go
to visit the factory. Next stop was Nobbies Centre. It was chilly there but very
beautiful. Because of the rain, we saw the beautiful rainbow. It was romantic to see
the rainbow at the bay. The last stop was Penguin Parade. We waited for penguins
lined up and went back to their home at the beach. They are very tiny, it was only
thirty centimeters tall. Because we were not closed to the penguins, I could not see
them clearly; however, I saw them lined up between the ocean and beach, and then
walked for a long distances to go home. When we went back to souvenir shops with
the unsatisfied mind, suddenly I saw one penguin was searching for someone in the
grass. This time we were much closed to them. After that, I saw a line of penguins
were walking back to their home. This time it was very close to us. They are very cute,
lovely and tiny. After the exciting experience, I went into the souvenir shop and
bought some postcards with lovely penguins and koalas’ pictures. Departed from
Penguin Parade, we went to the Fat Seagull restaurant in Cowes. I ordered the cheese
chicken with chips and salad. It was very delicious. Time flied, we had to depart from
Phillip Island and arrived at Deakin University at 22:30.
It was a great experience for me to study in Melbourne. I am appreciated that I
can have a chance to be a study tour in Deakin University and travelled in Melbourne.
I learned a lot of things in Melbourne. I hope I can go there again someday.
出團日期:2013 / 07 / 09 / to 2013 / 08 / 11 /
心得(1500 字以上)_中文心得:
我的寄宿家庭成員只有媽媽 Jennie 和她女兒 Jessica,還有一隻狗。第一天他們來
菜沙拉,有時候也會烤法式鹹派,或者 BBQ,因為我的媽媽在她年輕的時候有在
景點哦!還有去 CAMBERWELL SUNDAY MARKET,是一個假日市集算是跳蚤市場,
景點,最可惜的應該是墨爾本舊監獄和 88 大樓了,一個參觀墨爾本的舊監獄,
看朋友的照片,很像是電影場景,然後 88 大樓是一個可以看夜景的地方,超美!
Student ID:_10152047a_
Date:from _07_, _09__, 2013 to _10_, 08_, 2013
Student Name:_Cai , Pei-Lun_
What you has learned(1500 words)_english version:
Open the mailbox find that they can participate in Xuehai time, really happy.
Then things began to prepare to go abroad, and finally to the day before departure to
the heart is both hope and nervous, because this is my first time abroad and went to
another hemisphere countries, very afraid of maladjustment, to go out that day, my
friends also welcome into our home I go abroad, really intimate group of friends.
Because there is so much to say about the way I used to classify narrative....
Only members of my host family mother Jennie and her daughter Jessica, have a dog.
The first day, when they come to pick me up in the car really embarrassed because I
do not know what to say, do not know how to speak, the heart will not fear that they
will not understand what I'm saying, or they do not know what I mean, but then to
get along after, I realized that I worry too much, but I found that as long as you dare
to speak, will be able to communicate, so do not as shy or afraid to speak English, oh.
Every night my mother would cook delicious food, my mom told me that Australia's
main food is potatoes, meat, and then my mother would mix lettuce salad,
sometimes baked quiche, or BBQ, because my mother her young family in Italy, when
there had been a nanny, it will cook authentic espresso food, super delicious pasta
and baked, and now also makes me really miss memorable Ah!!!!! !
Go to language school, I feel a bit like English lessons to go with my imaginary foreign
teaching little gap, probably because to teach students from around the world. But
the teacher in class, will be asked to think about our own problems, brainstorming.
At first I really do not like it, because this study with very different in Taiwan makes
me feel very nervous tension, but began to think for themselves, you'll find out the
original idea was so stirring, so do not afraid your answer is very strange, because the
teacher just want you to think about the process, rather than the result of your
Do not worry about your traffic problems because homestay will take you to teach
you how to take the bus, train, so you know how to go to school, and how to go
home. And the school will send you a transport card, it really super easy!! Go out do
not worry about, but it does not have to spend their own money, you can run around,
make good use of that card to be more, and then remember to bring the body
timetables and maps, that's very important so that you can know how to go home if
you get lost and considered a good time to go out and know a few of the home.
We have to go the Great Ocean Road, the scene saw Mother Nature, it is really
impressive with amazing, just because the weather is poor, only to see the Twelve
Apostles, there is no continuing look down, now that I think really Unfortunately, if
the moment there persist, undeterred by the rain will be able to watch more
beautiful scenery, but remember to wear more then rain raincoat, can wind and rain,
we will be spellbound.
The second is Phillip Island, also known as Penguin Island. That really is the value of
the day I think, because we have docked an intermediate station, very lucky that we
have two rainbow over there, super lucky!! But also saw red for words sunset, in
addition to touched or moved, there is a feeling of happiness. Then to the destination,
tourists on the beach waiting for fairy penguins to swim ashore and then go home, so
close contact with penguins really incredible to watch them walk home shaking ass,
in addition to moving outside, really good difficult to describe in words.
Unfortunately, the island can not shoot with the camera cute penguins, because
before there are many tourists, opened the eyes flash photography Xiadiao harm
penguins, so park just have such restrictions. So remember to use your eyes like
Also went to walk around the city of Melbourne, there are many attractions you can
go to, like the Victoria market to buy a bunch of souvenirs, but also to visit the
church, really like a movie scene!! Chinese city to buy a sheep oil, as well as to
Melbourne Zoo, I think it is a very good place, because the distance with animals
than in Taiwan, also near, recommended attractions Oh! there to CAMBERWELL
SUNDAY MARKET, is regarded as a holiday flea market, good shopping is good to buy,
there are You can pick up a bargain when it comes to recommendations of two oh.
After another went there many tourist attractions, the most unfortunate should Old
Melbourne Gaol and 88 buildings, and a tour of the old prison in Melbourne, look at
friends' photos, much like a movie scene, then 88 building is a place where you can
see the night , super beautiful! but a little expensive tickets, can be measured to see,
but I did not go to is pretty sorry.
Melbourne has a lot of good fun place, a month is simply not enough, so to go before
the first plan really well, and then have to remember to go out with a map and bus
schedule, then you can chat with the host family and more, do not just stuffy in the
room, as by talking not only about local customs, you can practice your English, this is
the fastest way to progress in English, you can learn authentic English usage. Go to
class when there do not be shy, get to know a few friends from different countries.
Went to Melbourne, feeling that she had something different, grow a little, also
personally exposed to the world culture, one can only say that I really want to go to
Melbourne, oh!
出團日期:2013 / 7 / 9/ to 2013 / 8 / 10
心得(1500 字以上)_中文心得:
國遊學的意念,終於在暑假完成夢想飛出去大開眼界了! 由於沒有跟團老師隨
因為班機問題,我們在越南胡志明市多逗留了一天,越南航空招待我們 city tour
以及 check in 當地飯店休息,這天我們見識到越南經濟發展的落後,還有他們幾
岌可危呢!接下來搭上 12 小時飛往澳洲的飛機,隨著飛機起飛,夢想也跟著起飛
了!一到澳洲墨爾本迎接我們的是他們冬天冷酷的 5℃,要入境澳洲還得經歷重重
邊生活型態跟台灣最大的不同就是澳洲一般的商店、營運場所都是下午 4.5 點就
三分之二以上的人都到 stadium 觀賽了,重點票價還不便宜大概要 900 多塊台幣
都依靠大眾交通工具上下班。開學第一天,依照程度分班我被分配到 EAP2,班
以到處都會看到 ENGLISH ONLY 的標誌,但是大部分的班級都是中國同學偏
DVD 閱覽室或者互動室。雖然在學校時間沒有很長,但是感覺學習吸收到的真
墨爾本整個玩遍,去了 88 樓大廈看夜景、逛他們的二手市集及夜市、去遊樂園
Group:___Deakin University_/ Australia____
to _08_, _10_, 2013
Student ID:_10123008A__
Date:from _07_, _09_, 2013
Student Name:_ Fang Yu, Yeh _____
What you has learned(1500 words)_english version:
一、Set out
It is always be my dream to study abroad and I feel very honorable to have the
chance to experience different life and culture of Australia. There were no direct
flights between Taiwan and Australia, so we had to take a connecting flight through
Vietnam. Because of the time of transfer, we stayed at Vietnam for one day and the
Vietnam airline offer us a wonderful city tour for free. When we took the flight from
Vietnam to Australia, I was so excited that almost couldn’t sleep. The moment when
we arrived at Australia was so chilly because there was the opposite season to
Taiwan. The process of passing the Melbourne airport’s security took us so much
time, and it represents Australia government has strict policies and does everything
very carefully. Everything is so fresh that I couldn’t wait to experience it on my own.
My homestay family member is an old couple named Uran and Joy and a dog.
My home mom and dad are very friendly and hospitable. They were being patient to
listen what I wanted to express and helped me how to get used to Australia’s lifestyle.
They treated me like the real parents and always worried if I got caught or not and
prepared lavish launch like beef noodles for me to bring to school. The happiest
moment is the dinner time of everyday. In order to show the respect to their religion,
We prayed before starting the meal and then I talked about my school life and shared
my feeling and they also told me the situation they met in their work shifts.
The weather in Australia was so chilly that I couldn’t adapted at the first week
and I found that most Australians can endure the temperature under 10℃!They
even can just wear a t-shirt at the outdoor but as a completely Asian, we had to put
on the sweater to kept warm. However, after staying at Australia for one month, I
almost couldn’t adapt the summer in Taiwan.
The biggest acquisition is I feel the sense of achievement of learning in Deakin
University. I love the way of learning English in here. The professor emphasizes on
brainstorming rather than memorize. This is why I learn English more efficient.
Although there are many Chinese in Melbourne, no matter at school、home or
anywhere, we all speak English.
三、School life
Before we started studying in Deakin University, we were asked to finish an exam
to test our ability of English so we were allocated to different class which divided into
different level. There are sixteen people in my class, one is Korean, one is
Vietnamese, one is Thailand and the other is all Chinese. Because it is language
school, if students spoke the language that isn’t English, they would have been
punished. We can see the sign called ”ENGLiSH ONLY” everywhere. The most
expected thing is my home mom always prepared lavish lunch for me such as beef
noodles. After few days in school, I gradually got familiar to my classmates and we
also promised that we will reunite one day.
四、Extracurricular Activities
Except school we had two days in every week to visit some famous attractions in
Melbourne. We have been to National Melbourne Gallery、Southern Cross、Flinder
street、some shopping centers、Great Ocean Road、Phillip Island、Zoo and even
Billboards Night Club!Everyone knows that stuffs in Australia are much more
expensive than Taiwan.
National Melbourne Gallery is the best place for family gathering. There are
different parts of collection that we can choose to visit, as for us, we choose art and
artists section to start our day. The art that impress me the most is “A lion attacking a
horse” by George STUBBS. I can’t tell why, but I felt astonish when I saw this piece of
great art. After this awesome moment, our stomach started to felt so hungry. Luckily,
there are some gallery café like “Persimmon”, “Gallery Kitchen” and so on,
“Persimmon” is our choice. It located at the Ground Level of National Melbourne
Gallery. I have chosen the Ham hock croquette as my lunch that cost me au27.
After the filling meal, we continue our visit. There are some interesting games during
our visit such as how to read labels and search for the oldest work of art or work out
what objects are made from. This is such a meaningful trip with my home family.
Now goes to the famous notable street in Melbourne, the Flinders Street. It is a
very bustling street in Melbourne. Most of the people choose Flinders Street Station
as the meeting point at here as it is one of the landmarks of the street. Others
landmark on Flinders Street included Federation Square, St. Paul Catheral, Young &
Jackson and so on.
In my opinion, Billboard Nightclub in Melbourne is totally different from Taiwan, the
atmosphere, the people involves, and also the decoration. The expenses there are
also much more expensive than Taiwan, no free flow, and the entrance fee is nt1000
for female and nt2000 for male. But in Taiwan, most of the nightclub cost only nt200
for female and nt 600 for male.
出團日期:2013 / 07 / 09 / to 2013 / 08 / 10 /
心得(1500 字以上)_中文心得:
下學校之後,就開始我們的寄宿家庭生活。Homestay 的家庭陸續來將我們接走,
Liz 給我的第一印象就是”親切”,笑笑地迎接我,帶我回他溫暖的家,家裡只有
了許多。Liz 是一個很親切的人,每天早上會準備豐盛的午餐讓我帶到學校,晚
每天早上,Liz 會開車帶我到火車站,然後自己坐火車轉公車去學校,我們大
家最期待的大概就是 City Tour 了吧。Peter 印了墨爾本市區的地圖,給了我們七
個地點並且要自己規劃路線,星期三那天就拿著那張地圖親自去 City 裡走一趟。
因為這天不用上課,整天都在 City 活動,所以大家顯得特別興奮,結束後隔天還
早上七點起床,準備一下就出門上課,中午在學校吃著 Liz 準備的午餐,下課在
冷了,覺得有些可惜。星期日學校沒有形成所以我們就自己拿著 Myki 卡坐車到
Group:Australia, Deakin University
Date:from 07, 09, 2013 to
Student ID:10151094A
Student Name:Hsin-Ping Chen
08, 10, 2013
What you has learned(1500 words)_ english version:
I’m very excited to go to Australia. Thanks for I-Shou university. Our school gives
us a good experience. We have an opportunity to understand different lifestyle and
meet many new friends. We went to the Vietnam first. And stayed there half a day.
Vietnam is very hot and there are many people. The next day, we arrived in the
Melbourne airport, it’s winter in Melbourne now. Everyone felt cold because it’s
summer in Taiwan. Everyone looked tired because we stayed at the plane around 10
hours. Despite the weather is cold, we were very happy and excited. We looked
forward to starting our new life in Melbourne.
We went to the Deakin University and the teacher introduced the environment for
us. After that, we waited for our homestay family. I looked forward to seeing my host.
A lovely woman came to the school and asked something to our teacher. She was my
home mom, Liz. She looked friendly. She took me to her lovely home. And she
introduced her family member for me. She has three children, but they live in the
USA and Queensland. She lived with her cat. Sometimes, she will go to the nearby
park to do some exercise or have a party with her friends. Liz’s cat is a cute boy. His
name is Louis. Liz taught me how to take the bus and train. She took me to the train
station and told me how to use the Myki card. Liz cooked very well. She prepared a
lot of food for me. She cooked a lot of delicious food and snack. We chatted and told
each other something interesting in life or in the school. And after dinner, we will
watch TV programs, Master Chef or The Block. We enjoyed the TV programs and
shared the opinion with each other. Liz is a nice and lovely person. I really enjoyed
my time in Melbourne. Thanks for Liz because she took care of me and taught me a
lot of knowledge. I thought that I will miss her and Louis in the future.
We had to go to school Monday to Friday. In the EAP1 class I meet many new
friends. They came from many different such as China, Brazil, Thailand, Vietnam and
Colombia. I tried to do my best to talk to everyone. It was hard to me because I didn’t
have chance to speak English when I was in my hometown. I was very afraid of
speaking English before. But since I came to Melbourne, I tried to talk. Because
everyone came from different countries, they spoke different languages. We came to
Melbourne to learned English. I thought I should be brave to talk and try to
communicate with my classmates. It was a very special and uncommon experience.
I was very happy. I made many new friends from different countries and learn many
different lifestyle. We shared our opinion with our team member and did homework
together. We had a city tour in week 2. We had to go to the city and follow the
direction on the map. And after the city tour, we had to do the oral presentation
about the city. I was very nervous. I never did that before. I prepared to the
presentation and find some information. And I finished that successfully. We learned
reading, listening, writing and note-taking. Teachers asked everyone to participate in
the class. I thought that it was very important to train us to speak English. We had ILC
time . ILC time was one hour, we can go to the ILC room to read some English books
or watch movies. We can play many different games in the ILC room. But we had to
speak English in this room. English only. We can improve our English
listening ,reading or speaking skills. This was a good environment to learn English.
In the weekends, we went to the Great Ocean Road, Phillip Island with teachers.
I thought that I really had a beautiful memory on Phillip Island. Although it was rainy,
when we arrived, the rain became smaller. We saw the amazing and pretty double
rainbow. And we saw the cute penguins. We have a good time. I went to the Queen
Victoria Market, Melbourne zoo, museum, Fitzroy garden, DFO, Harbor Town,
St.Kilda, Sunday market with my friends. We went to these places by ourselves. We
took the bus and train to start our adventure. We went to the Queen Victoria Market
and bought many souvenirs such as pens, post card and Lanolin. The Melbourne zoo
attracted me to visit it because Liz said it was a very fantastic zoo. I went to the zoo, it
was really a big zoo. I found many Australia animals in the zoo. There were many
foreign children to visit the zoo. Everyone was happy and really enjoyed it. We took
many pictures. One of our favorite places was supermarket. It was different from
Taiwan’s. It was big and had a lot of different food. I loved the yogurt. It had many
flavors and it was very delicious. Sometimes, we’ll go to the supermarket after the
class. Because it was very convenience. We brought many Tim Tam. It was a
chocolate and it was really famous in Melbourne. We loved Tim Tam so we bought
many Tim Tam to take back our home.
Melbourne is really a beautiful city. It gave me a good impression because the air is
fresh and clean. People are very friendly. Melbourne has many beautiful structures.
The Flinder Street Station is very spectacular it looked very pretty and classic. There
are many gardens and cathedrals in the city. Melbourne city is very big and neat. We
went to the Fitzroy Garden and visited the Captain Cook's Cottage. I bought a post
card to myself and took many pictures in the garden. It was really a big and amazing
garden. The air was very fresh here. After that, we went to the St. Pastrick Cathedral.
We walked all day. We were a little tired but we were very happy because it was
worthy. We made many valuable and unique memories.
In the last week, we had a big exam and everyone had to do the oral presentation.
I was very nervous about the oral presentation because I never used English to do
the presentation before. I spent many times to find more information about the
presentation. My topic was ‘’Health and well-being in India’’. It was really a difficult
task for me. I was the first one to do the oral presentation in my class. My teacher,
Janet, gave me many opinions and encouraged me to do that. Peter and Janet said
‘’You will be fine. Don’t worry about it.’’ I talked my idea to them and they told me
how to do it better. Liz said I can do it very well. I was still very nervous. After the
exam, I showed my presentation to everyone. I had to stand on the stage and talk
about health and well-being in India. Janet helped me a lot. I was very grateful for her.
Finally, I finished the presentation. Janet said ‘’you are a brave girl.’’ I thought I did it
well. Thanks for my teachers, Peter and Janet. They always gave me some different
ideas and advice. They encouraged me and gave me more confidence. So I can
finished the difficult task in a short time.
We left our parents so we had to be independent. We had to do many things by
ourselves. I thought that this is a special experience. I can live with the local family. I
can go to the English school to learn how to use it well. I made many new friends and
we had a happy time in the school. We went to the city together. In the weekends,
we took train to Glen Waverley’s supermarket to buy some food. And then, we went
to the park to start our BBQ time. We were very happy and enjoyed it. I made many
special and beautiful memories in Melbourne. I was very delight .
The last day in Melbourne, Liz drove her car to take me to the Deakin university.
Because we had to arrive at school by 5 AM. It was too early so she took me to the
school and said goodbye for me. We were very sad because it was time to leave.
Everyone didn’t want to leave here. We discovered many interesting things and made
a lot of friends here. The most important thing was that we learned many different
things in Melbourne. We tried to take care of ourselves without our parents, We used
English to communicate with each other. It was an interesting memory in my heart.
We hope someday that we can back to Melbourne. We loved this beautiful and
lovely city. Everyone was friendly and did their best to help us. I will never forget that.
Goodbye Melbourne, I’ll be back.
出團日期:2013 / 07 / 10/ to
2013 / 08/ 10/
南有半天的時間可以有 CITY TOUR,這真是認識一個國家的好方法,因為這個轉
和轉機時間總共 16 小時,這也是我第一次做那麼長久的飛機,在飛機上睡覺真
的很不舒服,但因為心中興奮的心情也蓋過身體的不舒服,經過 16 小時的飛機
一出機場就看到迪肯大學負責來帶領我們的老師 SCOTT,它真的是一位很有
的,台灣現在是夏天都 30 幾度,但到南半球則是 10 幾度的氣溫,想到要在這氣
溫下生活一個月就頭痛,之後我們到了學校,SCOTT 大致上帶我們參觀一下學
校,之後就等著被 homestay 領回家,結果我跟我同學是最後一個被領走的,還
以為我們 home ma 不要我們了,見到我們 home ma 時他就給我們一個大微笑
之後 home ma 就帶認識家裡附近和教導我們如何我們坐公車去上學,以後這
站,所以很多同學剛開始都做過站或下錯站,這也是一個很棒的體驗。 但澳洲
電子白板和視聽設備,其中就是 ILC 時間,讓我聽力最進步的時間,在 ILC 時間
在澳洲的每個禮拜學校都會安排行程讓我們去玩,分別是 Great ocean
road 、puffing billy、Phillip Island 這 3 個行程我都有參加,原本想說 puffing billy
我的 HOME MA 和奶奶都是希臘人,他們是奶奶年輕時才移民到澳洲,所以
道理,而這些我會永遠記在心中。平時只要回家吃晚飯後 HOME MA 都會問我們
冠賭城、DFO、victoria market 、聖科達、、、等 還有去了山上一間得了很多獎
牌的派店( pie in the sky),在這逛街的途中也買了許多紀念品和巧克力,澳洲人
禮時迪肯語言學校的負責人就給我們每人 2 顆精美的巧克力做為紀念。
尼其中台灣就佔了 6 個了,但這也沒影響我們英語的口說,只要出了教室還是會
跡,古老的建築、友善的人們、好吃的美食、我的 home ma 和奶奶,這都是讓
07,10, 2013
08, 10, 2013
Student ID:10025027A
First, I would like to appreciate school that provided a wonderful opportunity for
us to go abroad.. I felt very excited about that I got this chance to go to DEAKIN
University to study for one month. I was heard the News by me friend. Before I went
abroad I did some homework about Melbourne and written down in my notebook. I
also planed many places that I wanted to go. I was waiting forward to it.
We transferred the plane in Vietnam and waited for more than ten hours, but
our school planed a city tour for us in Vietnam. It was very nice and especially made
me unforgettable was motorcycle. The motorcycle’s shape was different than
Taiwan. It made me felt interested. This was my first time to take long time airplane.
It really made me uncomfortable to sleep in a small space. After long flight we
arrived in Melbourne.
When we arrived in Melbourne airport the first person we saw was Scott. He
was a really nice guy who gave us some information about Melbourne. After one
hour we arrived at school and waited for our home stay host to picked us. We were
the last people who leave school. But Scot said we were lucky last.
First sight I saw my host I think she was a pretty woman and friendly person.
Then she gave me a big hug. I really felt very warm. Before we went home our host
showed us the road to school and also the bus stop number we should take to school.
When we arrived home our host introduced her mom (EVA) to us. She was from
Greek. She looks like a young woman and very graceful. In this one month she
will prepare our meal every day.
Every day we went school we should take our handmade sandwich for lunch. It
was different than in Twain because we can bought anything I want. But in here the
price was really high, so most of student took their own lunch to school. The
weather in Melbourne was really so cold that I wore many cloths every day. The
temperature average 5℃~8℃. But after a week I got used to it. I love the weather in
School arranged three scenic spots for us. For instance, Great Ocean Road、
puffing Billy and Phillip Island. I participated in these three places. It was really freeze
when we went to Great Ocean Road but I took many nice pictures from there. It was
worth for people who first time to come there to saw beautiful scenery. Puffing Billy
was my most recommend place. You can put your feet out of the train. It was really
interested for me. This place also had a good view and fresh air. The last place Phillip
Island you can see really small penguin on the beach. We had to wait for them came
home from sea. I had good memory in these places.
On the weekend we planed many places that we want to go. For example Victoria
market (It sold many souvenirs in lower price so many tourist will buy gift from
there.)、DFO、crown casino、southern gate(shopping mall) 、Melbourne centre、、、
and so on. I bought many gifts from these places. I really want to stay here more than
one month because there were still many places for us to explore.
There is an interesting thing that I could not forget. In Australia, they have
Draught for ten years before. They need to save water until today. In my
homestay, I can only take 3~4 minutes shower every day. After few days later, I
got used of it and enjoy saving water in here. Besides, I had hot water bottle in my
bed, so I feel warm during I stay in my room.
Most of my classmates were from Asia. Like Taiwan、Korea、Japan、Thailand and
China. We had good relationship in one month. I also learned different languages
from different countries. I enjoyed learning English in here. My English listening also
improve in this month. In Deakin we had ILC time for student learn English in
different ways. You could choose to talk to teacher 、play English game or watching
English movies. It was really improve my English listening. After the class I still speak
English with my friend. I thought that was a good way for me to practice. Before we
went back to Taiwan we had a happy dinner with whole class to say goodbye. I made
many friends in there and learned different culture.
One month was too short. I had many memories and my footprint in Melbourne.
I earned many life experiences from Eva. Eva just like my life teacher who taught me
many things. At the end of the day, she said if you want ,our door always open for
you. And I want to thank all people who help me in Melbourne. This month was my
first time that I could listen and speak in English as much as I could. I have the
greatest winter vacation this year.
出團日期:2013 / 7 / 11 / to 2013 / 8 / 10/
心得(1500 字以上)_中文心得:
GPO 錢包,書中的相片一張一張的被我發現,彷彿經歷了一趟奇幻的冒險旅程,
就讀語言學校,當大家聽到我是 STUDY TOUR 時,都羨慕我們可以沒有壓力的
Great Ocean Road、可愛的 Phillip Island、慵懶的 S.kilda 海岸市集、什麼都
不奇怪的 Camberwell 跳蚤市集、以捐獻聞名的 Lentil as anything 素食餐廳、
在山中小鎮吃了奪獎無數的 Pie in the sky、在 Puffing Billy 體驗了把腳放在窗
外的蒸氣火車、彷彿身在熱帶雨林的 Zoo 以及 LV 集團經營的酒莊小酌香檳!最
Victoria Market 的冬季夜市,與同學們相約去一探究竟,想要品嚐美食的人千
強自己的英文能力,準備 IELTS 考試,等我成功申請到學校,我一定會再來墨爾
Group:Deakin University
Date:from 7, 11, 2013
8, 10,
Student ID:10171010A
Student Name:Ruo Ling Huang
What you has learned(1500 words)_english version:
Exactly, when I found my name on the list of study tour scholarship,
I am so happy to beyond description, thank for I-Shou university
giving us the chance to study abroad, I am so appreciate and thankful.
I searched the information about Melbourne beforehand, finding some
lovely attractions I must go, and I am so excited that I can’t wait
anymore. On the day we flight, everyone took a good mood and heavy
luggage at airport, after we said goodbye to our parents and teachers,
it’s time to get on the plane, surprisingly, take plane, transfer plane, we
done all things by ourselves, I never do this before, so I feel very
We transferred the plane at Vietnam, visited this hustle and bustle
city by drop, we took the bus through around the city, oh my
god…their traffic is so horrible, I can’t believe what my eyes seen,
there’s no traffic signal, no principle, no police, every motorcycles
through the narrow side near bus and car, I think they all be trained
After a long flight, we arrived at Melbourne, I saw a broaden sky,
warmer sunshine, clearest ocean, what a spectacular scene. teacher
picked us back to Deakin university and wait for our host family, on
seeing my host mother-JO, she talked with me and ask me something,
we chatted just like a friend. on our way to go home, she taught me
how to take train to Box hill and take bus to Deakin, and than we
went to Box hill centre to buying some foods, vegetables, fruits, and so
There are four people in my family, Jo is my host mother, Euan Is
my host father, Fanny is my roommate, and a cute dog named Earny
as well. Jo is good at cook, whenever she cook I feel my mouth was
watering, Euan is a big fan in football, after dinner, he always sit on
the sofa and watch the sports live shows, he listens sports on the radio
when he drives the car as well. Fanny is a girl who studies very hard,
her teacher is very strictly, and she must do many report, I am so
respect her.
Before the class beginning, we went to city by ourselves just
according the map and ask someone help, we find the Royal arcade,
there is a famous sugar shop names” suga”, we saw the process of
making candy, it’s pretty cool! we also visited southgate, harbor town,
central pier, the sites near the river and bridge, it’s a good place to
walk along and have a cup of coffee.
On the first day to school, I made new friends all over the world
including China, Japanese, Vietnamese, Colombian, brazilin, and so
on…I’m so lucky to meet a Taiwanese in my class, it’s very kind of
him. Although my classmates are all friendly,
I think this class isn’t I want, so I changed my class from EAP2 to
IELTS. “It will be hard, are you sure?” teacher said, but I think it’s
really helpful if I want to take the test for IELTS, why not!!! In the
IELTS class, I’m the younger one, everyone in my class are excellent,
we have four focus courses including listening, reading, speaking and
writing, the writing and speaking are more difficult to me, so I keep
my diary in English everyday, practice speaking English everyday.
Every weekends, I went to many beautiful places like Great Ocean
Road, Phillip Island, Puffing Billy, Olinda Town , Sunday
Second-hand Market and winery, my favorite site is Puffing Billy, when
we took the train trough the mountain, everyone in this town shaking
hands to us, wearing smile on their face. It seems that I come into the
fairy tale, the house, the people, the scenery, every things are amazing.
I really had a wonderful time those days. we are so fortune to meet the
Victoria winter night market on last week, there has a variety cuisines
that you must feel hungry, I tried a big bread, this is not a common
bread, there is hot soup inside, and you ate like a bowl. Interesting,
isn’t it?
Time past such as river, in my last day In Melbourne, Deakin gave
me a certificate and gift, Jo written a card for me, my friends gave me
a big hug, and I have to pack my luggage at night, I don’t want to
leave, I want to stay here and company you guys, especially my host
mother and father, I am so appreciate them. 10, August
2013 ,6:00am,”it’s time to go to school, and your plane is
10:35am”Euan said, we waving farewell and burst into tears each
others, I promise that I will come back in the future!
Thanks for I-Shou give us this special chance to study abroad at
Deakin University, I am not only improve my English skills but also
broaden my horizons, definitely, it’s a beautiful memory in my life.
出團日期:2013 / _7_/ _9_/ to 2013 / _8_/
心得(1500 字以上)_中文心得:
一些小功課給我們希望我們會複習今天所上的東西,最重要的是每一個 course
完都要發表一個 project,每個班都不一樣,我們班的我覺得最有趣,是要每個
小組做一個自己的廣播秀。10~12 分鐘裡從音樂、廣告、到要說的內容全部都要
洲的食物,但因為 EVA 我這一個月總是非常期待晚餐也非常的習慣!她真的好會
Student ID:_10025036A_________
Date:from _7_, _9__, 2013
to _8__, _10__,
Student Name:_FENG,KUO-TING_
What you has learned(1500 words)_english version:
First I really appreciate that school gave me a chance to go to Australia for a
month .It’s definitely an unforgettable experience for me. Because I learned a lot and
had fun a lot. Even now I still can’t believe that I am back to Taiwan because
everything there is so nice that I don’t want to come back. Also thanks for the city
tour in Vietnam it makes the boring transfer times more interesting. Reflect my
whole trip, how lucky I am! It’s a really wonderful experience to study oversea for a
month. First arrived in Melbourne, I really love the cold weather there. Australian is
so friendly. And the classmates and teachers in Deakin are so nice, too. Through the
orientation, I realize Deakin is really big and beautiful. I love the school so much. Also
thanks for a really nice homestay. Just like my second home that I never get
I was a little nervous while the first day to class because I have to know so many
people from different countries. Actually it’s just a worry; all of them are so friendly
that we get along with each other really fast. Each person will be divided in to
different class and my class is in GE6/7.My teachers are Melody and Sharron. There
are so nice. They told us that in Australia teachers love question. It really makes me
feel more relax because I do have lots of question, but I’m too shy to ask. In class, I
always share my point and ask question. Different from Taiwan, students are always
quiet without discussing and asking. Studying here has much more fun. I was really
happy in this class because not only the teachers and classmates are so nice but also
our project is really terrific!!It’s we have to make our radio show and we actually
have to go to a real radio station to finish the project. It’s really excited and fresh for
me. Teacher also makes us go to the group which the people are from different
countries. So we always use English while we discuss the project. It’s a 10~12
minutes radio show so I think it’s quite professional. All of our members always
follow the schedule and work so hard to finish our radio show. At the final, we’ve all
done a good job. The radio show must be pretty good. I really learned a lot from this
project. We also learned some grammar, but the most is speaking and listening. In
class, we always discuss something. We have so say our thought and suggestion. It
really helps my speaking skill because sometimes I am too shy to speak English in
front of people. On the other hand, every day we have ILC time. It’s an hour that you
can choose watching DVD, playing games or reading whatever you want just learning
English independently. I like it because sometimes I watch DVD without subtitle it
really help my listening. Sometimes I use the time to know my classmates more, but
we still use English. I like everything in Deakin.
Second, I really satisfy with the homestay. My house is really big and beautiful.
There are from Greece, but speak English very well. My host mother is a really nice
person through she is a busy woman. Vanessa always teach us that there’s no
‘’problems’’ in our life, what you have to find is a ‘’solution’’. It really encourages me
a lot because sometimes we will feel afraid if something is too difficult. She always
encourages us to chase our dream and believes that one day our dream will realize.
She’s always smiling and funny. We always sing with her dance with her. Being with
her is full of happiness .Vanessa is not only my host mother but one of my Australian
friends. And EVA she is also a wonderful woman who really good at cooking .My
friends say that maybe I can’t get used to Australian food, but I really enjoy the
dinner every day. We always eat restaurant food! When we are eating, she always
shares her experience and story to us. She told us that a girl should be independent
and educated. We have to look after ourselves. She also said that recently young
people don’t like to save money. She wants us to start save money when we are
young. The day when we have to go back, she gave us a money box. She make us put
on the desk so we will always remember her and it’ll also remind us saving money.
We said goodbye to each other and she told us that the door is always open for us.
My homestay is the main reason that I don’t want to leave Melbourne.
We also make good use of our times, every weekend and after class we look
around Melbourne. School gave us a monthly travel card to play around Melbourne.
It’s really nice and useful. It’ll be really inconvenient without the MYKY card. The
excursions arranged by school are nice, too. The view of The Great Ocean Road is so
stunning. And the Philip Island is wonderful. A teacher whose name is Leena, she
took us to the Island. One the way she always talked to us and she is so funny and
friendly. I really like her. She is a wonderful teacher. Looking at the little penguins is
also a fantastic experience. They’re really cute. Also the dinner in Philip Island was so
yummy! Sum up everything that I really enjoyed the excursions a lot.
We also planned lots of private excursions. First is the beautiful train station
Flinder street. There are lots of shops and buildings. And the highest tower in
Melbourne which name is EUREKA. Queen Victoria market is full of different stands
and shops. We have a really good lunch here. It’s also a nice place to choose
souvenirs. And a nice restaurant provides delicious food, but you can pay how much
you want. Reflect your feelings and donate the money. Puffing Billy is a place you can
take a lovely steam train. Melbourne zoo is another wonderful spot because I can see
the kangaroo so clearly. And the surrounding of the zoo is just like a forest. Some
Sunday markets are interesting, too. There are still lots of places I didn’t mentioned.
All of them make me love Melbourne more.
And the people I met in Melbourne are wonderful, too. Once I miss the time to
get off the bus, my friend and I were so worried. So we asked a staff what to do. She
just held my hand and took me to a right stop. Australian always ‘’how’s going’’,
thank you and excuse me. Even now I still used to use these words in my life cause
that makes people feel respect and polite. I really like the way they do in Melbourne.
And my classmates, there are one Tai, two Koreans, three Japanese and four Chinese
in my class. There’re all really nice people. I also joined some activities after class for
example, playing badminton. We exercise at the gym which you can know more
people. It’s really interesting and they also provide some sandwiches and drinks. I
really like there is always so much fun in school. At Deakin , going to school become
one of the expectations.
At first I worry about if I can leave my hometown for a month. After the study
tour I think a month is not enough. I don’t want to leave here. Everything in here is
wonderful. My school is a beautiful and interesting place. In Australia, I like to go to
school so much. My teachers are kind and friendly. They make me keep asking and
discussing. I also made lots of friends internationally. We work and have fun together.
When we are going leave .They even held a goodbye party for us. They said if I travel
there countries must tell them because there are going to guide me. I also appreciate
the study tour team in Deakin because they always solve our problems with passion.
One month in Deakin makes me love learning and studying more. My homestay, I will
miss you two forever. They always treat me like there family. One day when I come
back again I will visit them again for sure. And Melbourne is a wonderful city which is
always full of kind and nice people. And the air and the water is really clean. I really
admire that Australian can self-control so well. They still insist to take shower in five
minutes even there’s not lacking water. This summer I have a wonderful experience. I
improved my English, met lots of nice people and also realize what I want to do in
future. This is the best summer vacation ever!!!
I-Shou university study tour
職治系 劉育瑄
I can’t believe that I got this chance to go aboard, Although it just a short time for
me , this trip gave me lots of great memory, I just felt that I was in the Alice’s
wonderland every things like a dream. I thought that I was a lucky one , because I
meet the best home stay family in the world , they are crazy、friendly、worm and
gave me lots of love. I don’t know how to appreciate to my lovely family , I just
told myself that I have to come back in Australia one day , I also want to thanks
my university they gave me this chance to broaden my horizontal.
In this study tour , everything is wonderful .I learned many things about
culture、food、weather、people and love, In western country, The family gave
them lots of love for each other, they like to share their feeling today, So I like to
said : in this house we don’t have the secret, It’s truly and honest. I also feeling
that the western people are not different for the Asian people. I mean the heart is
not different, they also like to complain the day, they shout、crazy、upset、
sensitive, it just let me feel that we are the same in the world and we just the
speck of starlight in the dark , Although we say the different language ,we still
could use feeling to know their emotion. Sometime I didn’t know what they are
talked about to me, they still patience and told me again and again even use body
language. In this period , everyday training that me felt my English ability to been
better and better. When I went to Australia two days ago I felt so sad because I
thought I would leave my family one day. My heart told me straightly that I didn’t
want leave them.
The Deakin university, It’s very excellent university include beautiful
instruction、friendly teacher 、modern facilitate and pretty campus. To be frankly,
Deakin university many things are more beautiful than I-Shou university. In the
language school , I met many friends from many country like China、japan、Korea、
Turkey、Colombia、Vietnam. They are out going and friendly. I also learned many
things about their culture. It’s very fun .we are connect each other every day .
The last day in Australia, we prepared the farewell party after test. There are also
performances, like graduation. Everyone felt sad, though we just got along in five
weeks. At night, we embarked on a journey back to Taiwan. At 11 p.m., we said
‘good bye’ to Melbourne . It is really a rare experience, I will never forget that. If I
have chance, I also want to do it again.
真希望他們很好,抱著既期待且興奮的心情,當看到 home ma 牽著可愛的小朋
在澳洲的最後一天,考完試之後,學校也準備一個 Party 來歡送學生,當天
Federation Square
You can see many painting here.
the band , WOODLOCK
My favorite, Graffito
So cool and normal in Melbourne. Why this activity is not popular in Taiwan?
Fish & Chip
The famous food , you don’t need to find because you can see anywhere.
Queen Victoria Market
Very big market, you can buy some souvenir here.
Mountain Dandenong. You can see the Whole View in the Melbourne.
IT’s very spectacular!!!!
How a comfortable road!!!
the shopping mall
The Finder station.
If you afraid that you will lose direction, you can find this station. It’s very easy to
see it.
2013 澳洲迪肯大學
團名: 澳洲迪肯大學
出團日期:2013 / 7 / 9 to 2013 / 8 / 10
這次是我第一次出國,也是第一次搭飛機,所以在出發前特別興奮!! 想到在
個多月就開始準備行李,由於 7.8 月的澳洲是寒冷的冬天,所以準備了很多衣服。
雖然 7.8 月在當地會很冷,但澳洲人習慣會在學校及家裡裝設暖器,所以在學校
有導遊自動帶我們去 city tour,不過我們卻在機場等了快一個小時,還好我們的
排,不然呀~ 我們或許還會等更久呢!! 接著,我們搭著小巴士到小飯店放行李
後就開始我們 city tour 的行程。越南的天氣跟台灣夏天差不多,中午天氣炎熱,
沒有想像中的可怕, 由於知道我們是遊學團,所以海關只是稍微問問,安全過
關。一出機場就有一位人超級 nice 的老師帶我們到 DEAKIN university. 到了學校,
和我室友 Kathy 是第四位被領回家的學生,這一天由於寄宿家庭媽媽-Chrissy 早
上要上班,所以是寄宿家庭爸爸-Ian 來接我們回家,在車上我們聊了很多,他跟
庭,Ian 真的很貼心,幫我們超重的行李搬到 2 樓,而且還幫我們準備了午餐。
我和 Kathy 坐完長途飛機真的超累,所以吃完午餐我們就上樓休息。
大約 5 點多 Chrissy 終於回家啦! 她才剛回到家就上樓找我們聊天,Chrissy 是
車站牌,雖然 Chrissy 已經講的很詳細,但我和 Kathy 天生方向感不佳,在澳洲
家! 我為了謝謝她,我還送了一盒鳳梨酥給那位好心的老奶奶。
開學第一天,我被分配到 EAP4-B,我們班算是中國人較少的班級,有來自俄羅
除了上學外,最重要得當然是 city tour 囉! 很高興我們這一團有一位很稱職的
小隊長- 楉淩,多虧她的帶領,讓我們在澳洲玩得很開心,也去了很多很有趣的
OLINDA 小村莊,酒莊-CHANDON…..等等。實在去了太多太多的地方,所以無法
利用 Facebook 與寄宿家庭的媽媽-Chrissy 以及在迪肯大學認識的同學聊天,而我
們可以透過 Facebook 知道彼此的近況。而我也答應了 Chrissy 和 EAP4 的老師 2
年後一定會再回到澳洲讀書!! 這一個月的遊學真的很值得,相信在澳洲遇到的
2013 DEAKIN university
Group:DEAKIN university
Student ID:isu10041038a
Date: from 9, 7, 2013 to 10, 8, 2013
Student Name:HSIAO, CHING-JU
English version:
It was an unforgettable experience for me in my 2013 summer vacation. I’m so
glad that I won a scholarship to go to Deakin University in Australia. This is my first
time to leave my country, and I will need to communicate with people in English all
time. It is a very wonderful experience for me to practice English and to make friends
from different country. Also I learn lots of special things in Melbourne. It was very
interesting for me to know many culture differences. I compared the Melbourne
culture with my culture and then I can introduce to my friends and my family.
9 / 7 / 2013~ 10 / 7 / 2013
Tonight, we took the flight to Melbourne. We spent about ten hours flighting. I was
very nervous and anxious but a little excited to meet my host family. Finally, we
arrived in Melbourne. The flight was not good because I couldn’t fall asleep on the
plane at all. We met Scott at the airport. I think they had waited for us for a while
because our flight delayed. And then they took us to Deakin University
and let us wait for our own host family at school.
11 / 7 / 2013
That’s our first time to go to Melbourne city. Everything in the city was marvelous.
I think Melbourne is a clean and developed city, including convenient transport,
polite Melbourne citizens and drivers. Although people jump the light, drivers still
give way for people to cross the road. And they never sound the horn. We took a
walk along the bank of Yarra river. We saw Princes Bridge, Arts centre. We also went
to Southgate and had lunch there. I like the candy shop in Southgate because visitors
can try candies which were just done and we can also watch the process of making
13 / 7 / 2013
We go to the Queen Victoria Market to look around and buy some souvenirs for
my friends. In the Queen Victoria Market, there are many interesting and cheap
souvenirs. I bought some key rings and clock which shape is like Australia. Then we
ate hot doughnut. This shop is very famous in Victoria Market. So we bought 6
hot doughnut and share each other. It is really tasty. I can’t forget it!!
15 / 7 / 2013
We started our class this week. The way we learn English in Melbourne is very
different from the way we learn in Taiwan. In Australia, we learnt English by playing
games and writing down everything you heard from the tape. We also had a class
named ILC. We could use the leisure time to improve our English by playing some
games, getting into conversation with friends in conversation room, reading books or
even watching English DVDs to improve our English.
This is the timetable of my lessons!!
20 / 7 / 2013
Today, we went to the Great Ocean Road. Each the shape of the rock is eroded by
the waves of the ocean. That would be the most majestic scenery I ever seen when I
saw Twelve Apostles. Blue sky and ocean made me feel peaceful. Then the diver took
us the see koalas. Maybe the koalas were cold because they were sleeping and they
didn’t move at all. We only saw their big and cute rumps. When I was focusing on
koalas and looking forward to seeing they moving their bodies. There was a parrot hit
my head with its claws.
21 / 7 / 2013
My home stay mommy, Chrissy , invited us to her house which she live in when she
was a child. Chrissy has a family. There are many people in her family. Kathy and I
played many games with childs. They are very cute and kind. And we ate a lot of
different kinds of pizzas. Today, Kathy and I are really happy because we like their
members in their family. ^^
3 / 8 / 2013
Today we went to Phillip Island to see penguins.
My home stay parents told me that we could see
hundreds of penguins back from the ocean to
their homes. Maybe we were unlucky on that day,
because there were not many penguins appeared.
But I think it’s enough for us. It’s my first time to
close to penguins. Especially the moment we saw
the first penguin came back from the ocean. Its
short and fat body is so lovely. It’s worth waiting
for these penguins to come back although it was
really chilly in that night. We left the beach
afterwards. Teacher told us penguins have to
make sound to let their family know where their
home is. What an incredible ability of animals it is!
4 / 8 / 2013
Today, we buy some souvenirs at Sunday market. There
are many small shops in Sunday market. This Sunday
market is near the Art gallery and plant garden. There
are also sale lots of tasty foods. Kathy and I buy candles
for our home stay mommy because she really loves
candles. She likes to put candles everywhere in her
house. After we shop, we sit on a chair and enjoy the
show. Aboriginal of Australia play the Instruments In the
middle of the square.
6 / 8 / 2013
I get up early in this morning because I will go to
OLINDA with my friends today. OLINDA is a small
town, it located in the mountains. It has fresh air
and many beautiful views. When we arrived, we go
to eat pie at pie in the sky firstly. This shop is very
famous in OLINDA. I order Korma chicken, it really
yummy. If you go there, you must to try it!!
9 / 8 / 2013
Today was the last day of our English course at Deakin University. School held a
graduation ceremony for us. I’m so proud of each one of us. Also my classmates are
held a small farewell party for me. We take pictures together and they sing a song for
me. Thanks my teachers and my classmates for giving me an unforgettable memory. In
the past one month, I had a wonderful life at school. I’m sure that I would miss my
friends, teachers, home stay parents. Everything happened in Melbourne was so cool
and fantastic. It’s the best experience in my life I ever had!!!
Thanks for my university to give us this nice chance to go to Melbourne to have
a study tour. I am not only improve my English skills a lot but also made many kinds
of friends in the world. Last but not the least, I also broaden my horizons.