IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. IA-22, NO. 12, MARCH/APRIL 1986 210 Stray Voltage: Sources and Solutions TRUMAN C. SURBROOK, MEMBER IEEE, NORMAN D. REESE, AND ANGELA M. KEHRLE is not a stray voltage source, but it can have an effect on the magnitude of the level of voltage measured. Most electrical distribution systems, both primary and secondary, are intentionally connected to earth at frequent intervals. This makes the earth part of the electrical network, making it absolutely necessary for persons working with stray voltage to realize that the earth is a conductor, connected in parallel with the system neutral conductor. The earth does not act as any kind of current "sink," absorbing electrons without limit. Any current entering the earth will result in a corresponding exit from the earth at some other location. In addition the entrance and exit points all have electrical resistance resulting in voltage drops wherever these currents flow. Thus animals, people, and equipment making contact between the grounded system neutral conductor and earth may be exposed I. INTRODUCTION to a difference in potential sufficient to cause abnormal S TRAY VOLTAGE, as it appears on farms, is a difference behavior and/or function. Controlled experiments have been conducted at Michigan in potential between some grounded surface or object and State University to determine the exact manner in which the the earth. It may also appear between two different points on a farm and electricity supplier neutral systems create neutral-tofloor or the earth. "The earth," as used in discussions of stray The dual goals of this research were to earth voltages. voltage, refers to a fictional "true earth" that is electrically the best method of locating stray voltage sources determine neutral and is the reference for all stray voltage measurements. to evaluate and procedures for the elimination of stray [2], In practice any point 20 ft (6.1 m) or so in normal earth from a were of such a magnitude as to affect where they voltages ground rod may be regarded as true earth. Note that experts disagree on the animal behavior adversely. These neutral-to-earth potentials appear to be harmful to of that cause a change a animal behavior. may level voltage animals, particularly in the dairy environment. Definitive 1 often chosen permissible value V to be the most While seems animal behavior studies are currently under way, but many V have been used. 0.5 low as levels as of voltage, stray that these small when potentials, researchers today believe Research on the effects of ac current on milking cows has contacted in the parlor by milking cows, may cause nervous behavior, kicking, and reduced feed and water intake, and been conducted in New Zealand [3], at Beltsville, [4], at the may aggravate certain infections already present [1]. These University of Minnesota [5], and at Cornell University [6]. factors are alleged to have an adverse effect on milk This research shows that some cows may exhibit physical reactions when as little as 2.0 mA passes through their bodies, production. Stray voltage arises because of voltage drop and ground while most cows react to 4.0 mA. These same studies have faults. A concerned effort must be made to identify the cause suggested vales of electrical resistance for various paths of the problem and to correct it. A number of solutions exist through the body of a cow. The lowest resistance path appears today, but none provide a permanent solution for all stray to be between the muzzle and all four hooves, with Gustafson voltage sources. The responsible solution to a stray voltage reporting values as low as 244 Q for one animal [5]. The resistance of the animal itself, however, is only part of problem is to identify the source or sources accurately before attempting a solution. The key is the understanding of the the total circuit resistance. The resistance of the contact sources of stray voltage. Note that grounding, or the lack of it, between the animal and earth is the subject of current study at Michigan State University, and it is believed that typical Paper REPC 84-B5, approved by the Rural Electric Power Committee of contact resistance values may vary around several hundred the IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at the 1984 Rural ohms resulting in total circuit resistances in the range of 1000 Electric Power Technical Conference, Nashville, TN, May 6-8. Manuscript Q [7]. This value also appears in the early New Zealand work released for publication January 11, 1985. Abstract-Stray voltage is caused by voltage drop and ground faults and may have its origin on the primary electrical distribution system or on the customer's secondary electrical system. The rms value of the neutralto-earth voltage along a primary distribution line may be at a value of zero some distance from the substation depending on the condition of the conductor resistances, grounding resistances, and the amount of load. Neutral-to-earth resistance is not the cause of stray voltage; however, the value of this resistance to earth at a particular location will affect the level of stray voltage. A four-wire single-phase feeder system supplying farm buildings from a single metering point is effective in preventing on-farm secondary neutral voltage drop, provided the four-wire system is extended to all farm loads, and provided no high-magnitude ground faults are present. Isolation of the primary and secondary neutral systems at the distribution transformer is effective in preventing off-farm sources from entering the customer's system. This separation may be accomplished using a number of commercially available devices. T. C. Surbrook and N. D. Reese are with the Departme-it of Agricultural Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1323. A. M. Kehrle is atRua Antonio Carvalho 47, Bairro dos Estados, 58000- Joao Pessoa, PB, Brazil. IEEE Log Number 8405837. [3]. Using the preceeding assumptions it is apparent that it requires a voltage of 2.0 V to drive a current of 2.0 mA through a standing cow, this being the lowest current value to 0093-9994/86/0300-0210$01.00 © 1986 IEEE 211 SURBROOK et al.: STRAY VOLTAGE result in an observable reaction in the animal. Neutral-to-earth voltages below 1.0 V therefore are unlikely to cause an adverse reaction in a dairy cow. Ground Rod 1st Shell - 2.0 ohms 2nd Shell - 1.1 ohms 3rd Shell - 0.85 ohms II. GROUNDING THE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM The purpose of grounding a customer-owned electrical system is discussed in the National Electrical Code (NEC) [8, fine print note to sec. 250-1]. The system is grounded to limit voltage transients due to lightning, line surges, or unintentional contact with higher voltage lines, to stabilize the conductor-to-ground voltages during normal system operation, and to facilitate operation of protective devices for ground faults. Typical rural distribution lines are connected three-phase four-wire wye and solidly grounded. Voltage classes vary, but the 12470Y/7200-V system appears to be most common. There are also areas in Michigan with extensive 4800-V delta distribution. This system is not intentionally grounded but does have enough capacitive coupling in most cases to allow some ground current to flow during ground fault conditions. This current is seldom high enough to operate feeder overcurrent devices. The customer-owned electrical system is not always required to be grounded. The NEC [8, sec. 250-5 (b)] permits certain electrical systems to "float" with respect to ground with no solid connection to earth. The NEC [8, sec. 250-23 (a)] requires that there be a system connection to earth in addition to the one installed by the electrical power supplier. When several buildings are served by the same electrical system on the same premises, the grounded system conductor may be connected to earth at each building. This is usually done in the case of agricultural buildings. III. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS TO EARTH A grounding electrode is used to connect an electrical system to the earth, and [8, secs. 250-81, 250-83] specify what type of electrodes may be used. An example of such an electrode is a metal underground water piping system which shall be used if present and in direct contact with the earth for at least 10 ft (3.05 m). This water pipe system must, however, be supplemented with an additional electrode. The metal frame of a building must be used if it is effectively connected to earth. In the case of many farm buildings, a ground rod -ill be used. This is a 5/8-in (1.59-cm) diam galvanized steel rod driven 8 ft (2.44 m) into the earth. The earth has a finite resistivity expressed in Q * cm. Thus a cube of earth, of 1000-9 cm resistivity, 1 cm on a side, will have a resistance of 1000 Q between any two nonadjacent sides. A typical resistivity value for sandy loam soil is in the area of 4000 Q -cm. When considering the grounding electrode shown in Fig. 1, the earth surrounding such an electrode may be thought of as being composed of successive 1-cm thick shells, each slightly larger than the previous one. Each shell going outward from the rod will therefore have a larger volume as the diameter increases at each step. The larger volume means a lower resistance as each shell may also be thought of as a large number of 1-cm cubes, all connected in parallel. The first shell Fig. 1. Electrode resistance. around a typical ground rod will thus have a surface area of about 1215.5 cm2 (188.4 in2) and a resultant resistance of about 2 Q. The second shell then has a resistance of about 1.1 9 the third shell 0.85 9, and so on, with the resistance of each successive shell decreasing steadily until they are so large as to possess no appreciable resistance. After that point is reached, succeeding shells are ignored. Taking all these resistances in series results in a limiting value of about 20 9 for the rod. For the purpose of analyzing the farm grounding system, this resistance is thought of as being connected to a massive earth medium of zero resistance. It is also assumed that the earth is homogeneous and that it acts as a pure resistance. None of these assumptions are strictly true, but they may be used for the purposes of analyzing the farm grounding system. The circuit diagram of Fig. 2 represents a simple singlephase rural electrical distribution system serving one farm customer. Note that the earth forms a parallel path for neutral current flow due to the numerous connections between the neutral and earth. Obviously, some current must flow in the earth as well as on the neutral conductor itself. Assume now that 50 mA flows in earth electrode 1 of Fig. 2 where the electrode is an 8-ft (2.44-m) driven ground rod with a resistance of 20 Q. This current will thus produce a voltage drop of 1.0 V across the resistance of the rod. This neutral-toearth voltage can be measured by connecting a voltmeter between the ground rod and the earth a short distance from the rod. Lowering the resistance of the rod may appear to be an answer to the problem, but the more common result will be to increase the current through the lower resistanCe rod with the result that the voltage across the rod remains nearly the same. For example, if the electrode resistance were decreased to 8 Q but the current increased to 90 mA, approximately 0.7 V would remain as a neutral-to-earth potential. It is important to determine what condition is causing the current to flow in the earth. There will always be some current, but it is usually low enough to avoid generating troublesome stray voltages. IV. PRIMARY NEUTRAL-TO-EARTH VOLTAGE Consider a single-phase primary electrical distribution system originating from a substation. A 3-km section of 7200V grounded neutral distribution line was simulated by Michigan State researchers using a network-solving computer program. Fig. 2 is a representation of the electrical network used to study distribution system earth currents using this model. The neutral conductor is grounded at the substation and nine more times at equal spacings alone the line. The primary neutral conductor was assumed to have a resistance of 0.424 9 for each equal line segment, and each transformer was IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. IA-22, NO.1 2, MARCH/APRIL 1986 212 RC9 4 1 Fig. 2. tR2 RL R3 RG ,R:;8ii Distribution line model. Fig. 3. connected to true earth through a 25-Q grounding electrode. Equal loading was applied to each of the nine transformers by using a 6800-Q resistance between the primary ungrounded conductor and the neutral. The first simulation was conducted to study the effects of substation grounding resistance on the neutral-to-earth voltages along the distribution line. Fig. 3 is a graph of these potentials showing magnitudes and instantaneous polarity. Note that the curve rises sharply at first, then levels off toward the end of the line. It is to be expected that, as more sections are added to the line, the line will approach the characteristics of a long transmission line with a flat characteristic impedance remaining unchanged as the line lengthens. These voltages may be measured with a voltmeter, but the polarities will not, of course, be observed. Note in Fig. 3 that the neutral-to-earth voltage is lower at the substation when the substation ground mat resistance is lowered to 1 Q from the more typical 5-Q value and that the point on the line with zero neutral-to-earth potential moves closer to the substation as the mat resistance is lowered. The overall effect along the whole line, however, is not nearly as great as might be expected, suggesting the the substation ground mat resistance does not greatly affect general neutral-to-earth potential conditions over the entire line. The next simulation was conducted to study the effect of the customer's transformer grounding electrode resistance on the neutral-to-earth potentials along the distribution line. The results are shown in Fig. 4. All transformer grounding electrode resistances are 25 Q except at the transformer indicated. At this location, resistances of 5 and 50 Q were substituted to observe the effects on neutral-to-earth potentials along the distribution line. Note that the point of zero neutralto-earth potential shifted away from the substation as the transformer grounding resistance was reduced. It is important to remember that this is a simplistic model, and a more detailed study is required before firm conclusions can be drawn on effects of grounding resistances at a specific location in this manner. Clearly, a major change in grounding resistance at one location will have some effect on neutral-toearth potentials along the distribution line. The final distribution line simulation shows the effects of neutral conductor resistance on neutral-to-earth potentials along the line. The simulation was made using 5 Q as the substation ground mat resistance and 25 Q at each transformer grounding electrode along the line. This is represented by the smooth neutral-to-earth voltage curve of Fig. 5. An extreme case of neutral resistance is simulated by placing 5 Q of resistance at the point indicated in Fig. 5. The neutral-to-earth 8v Primary neutral-to-earth potentials. 5 ohs 25 oim _ 0 9 Resistance to earth change here Fig. 4. Primary neutral-to-earth potentials. 5 olms in neutral 8v, 0 Base 4 wirI e-;" Fig. 5. * , , ,-i Case 9 Primary neutral-to-earth potentials. potential profile changes sharply at the location of the high resistance, resulting in improvement in neutral-to-earth potentials at some locations and worsening elsewhere. The existence of neutral-to-earth potentials with opposite polarities along the line helps explain voltages measured during actual stray voltage investigations where zero or nearly zero voltages were measured on a distribution line some distance from either end of the line. V. SECONDARY NEUTRAL-TO-EARTH POTENTIALS Stray voltage on the secondary side of the distribution transformer is caused by voltage drop on the neutral conductors and by ungrounded conductors faulting to earth. Ground faults can cause potentially lethal voltages to appear on faulted equipment as well as producing a farmwide neutral-to-earth voltage. Both conditions can be prevented if all equipment is grounded through a separate equipment grounding conductor as required in [8]. Most cases of secondary neutral-to-earth potentials are caused by excessive secondary neutral drop due to one or more of the following conditions: * * * * excessive resistance at a connector or termination, feeder inadequately sized for the load carried, excessive feeder length, extreme imbalance of 120-V loads on the feeder. 213 SURBROOK et al.: STRAY VOLTAGE Load Fig. 6. Typical farm secondary distribution system. Poor electrical system grounding is frequently considered to be a cause of stray voltage, and many times it is suggested that lowering this resistance will mitigate stray voltage conditions. The results of this approach are variable and often disappointing. The following examples will serve to illustrate how onfarm sources of stray voltage occur and the effect of electrical system grounding on these sources. An analysis of stray voltages originating on the customer's system must begin with a clear understanding of the secondary neutral and grounding system. A typical farm electrical distribution system with a central metering point and threewire single-phase feeders to each of the buildings is shown in Fig. 6. The grounding electrode system on a typical farm electrical system consists of a grounding electrode bonded to the neutral at the transformer, another at the central metering point, and one at each building. These grounding electrodes are required by the NEC; however, they are frequently not present on many farms. The buildings of Fig. 6 are shown with the grounding system properly isolated from the neutral except for the bond at the main disconnect. Most farm buildings contain electrically operated equipment with grounded metal parts making direct contact with the earth, effectively lowering the total system grounding electrode resistance at the building. Farm equipment, such as metal stanchions embedded in concrete, may have a resistance to earth from 100 Q or less to 1000 Q and more. Voltage drop along any feeder neutral has the potential of creating neutral-to-earth voltages at any point on the farm. This is illustrated by the example of Fig. 6, where a 20-A lineto-neutral load is applied at building A. It is assumed that no other loads are producing neutral current at the same time. The amount of the neutral-to-earth voltage at a building will depend on the grounding resistance at each building, the amount of voltage drop present on each feeder neutral, the phase angle of this voltage drop, whether or not an off-farm source is also present, and whether or not a ground fault is present. An electrical circuit diagram for the feeder voltage drop problem is shown in Fig. 7. The grounding electrode resistance at the transformer, at the meter location, and at each building is assumed to be 25 Q, the maximum desirable value specified by [8] and [9]. It is assumed for this example that grounding electrodes on the primary circuit are not a part of this example except for the transformer grounding electrode. This would be the case when the neutrals have been separated at this transformer. The neutral-to-earth voltages were then determined using vra Fig. 7. Secondary system schematic diagram. (VTE = voltage, transformer neutral to earth; VME = voltage, meter neutral to earth; VAE = voltage, building A to earth; RT = transformer, resistance to earth; RA = building A, resistance to earth.) the same computer program as was used to study stray voltage on the primary distribution system. An analysis of the secondary circuit can also be conducted using hand calculations as the circuit is relatively straightforward. Note that the neutral-to-earth voltage at building A is 1.68 V. Also note a smaller value of neutral-to-earth voltage at the other buildings, the metering point, and the transformer. These other values of neutral-to-earth voltage will not be identical, but they will be of the same order of magnitude provided other voltage-producing conditions are not present. Table I summarizes the values of neutral-to-earth voltages obtained at the transformer, meter, and other buildings, and building A with different values of neutral-to-earth resistance at the transformer and at building A. The source of the stray voltages is 0.08 Q of corrosion resistance in the feeder neutral to building A. Note that lowering the building A grounding resistance from 25 to 5 2 (Table I) reduces the stray voltage at building A but increases it elsewhere on the farm. This effect has been verified under controlled field conditions as well. Increasing the grounding electrode resistance at building A to 200 Q simulates a case of a nonexistent grounding electrode with the grounded equipment in the building providing the only earth connection. The stray voltage under these conditions increases slightly at building A and is reduced at other locations on the farm. Stray voltage can also be caused by ground faults on electrical equipment. To illustrate this, a ground fault is introduced at building A of Fig. 6, and the new circuit connections are shown in Fig. 8. The only source of stray voltage in this example is the ground fault, and the feeder neutral conductors have normal resistance. It is important to note in this analysis that a ground fault can create a stray voltage at any location on the farm, even in a different building. The amount of stray voltage produced at locations other than at the faulted equipment depends upon whether or not a low-impedance equipment-grounding conductor is IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. IA-22, NO. 2, MARCH/APRIL 1986 214 TABLE I NEUTRAL-TO-EARTH VOLTAGES PRODUCED AT KEY POINTS WITH NEUTRAL RESISTANCES CAUSING THE STRAY VOLTAGE Grounding Electrode Resistance-0 Neutral-Earth Voltages RT Transfer RA Building A VTE Transfer 25 25 25 5 5 25 200 25 1.08 0.41 0.13 0.25 VME Meter VAE Building A 0.98 0.31 0.03 0.15 1.00 1.68 1.97 1.84 ~~~~~~~~~~Lcad 120v T VIE ~~~~~~A m -1O Ve . Is w ra Ground I Fault Fig. 8. Secondary system with ground fault. present and also upon the fault impedance path comprised of the fault resistance and the equipment-to-earth resistance in series. Table II summarizes the stray voltage produced by different fault resistances to earth. All grounding electrode resistances to earth are set at 25 Q for this example. The current flow in the circuit is determined by the load resistance and the fault resistance. A nearly equal neutral-to-earth voltage is produced at all locations on the farm. The level of neutral-to-earth voltage decreases as the fault resistance to earth increases. When a fault does occur in a piece of farm electrical equipment the resistance of the fault and the equipment-to-earth resistance is almost always more than 100 9 [10]. Keep in mind that the fault current uses the earth as a conductor when a lowimpedance equipment-grounding conductor is not present. It is important to install equipment-grounding conductors that will remain at a low impedance over time on all farm electrical equipment. TABLE II NEUTRAL-TO-EARTH VOLTAGES PRODUCED AT KEY POINTS WITH A GROUND FAULT AT BUILDING "A" CAUSING THE STRAY VOLTAGE Fault-to-Earth Resistance-Q VTE Transfer 20 100 200 300 20.85 4.95 2.60 1.15 Neutral-to-Earth Voltages VAE VME Meter Building A 20.71 4.84 2.50 1.04 20.31 4.44 2.09 0.64 farm neutral either by opening the bond between the primary and secondary neutrals at the transformer or by introducing an impedance between the neutrals. Some electrical power suppliers will open the bond and add another grounding electrode at the transformer on the secondary neutral [11]. Another approach is to install a fast-acting thyristor switch VI. SOLUTIONS between the primary and secondary neutrals that will close in the event of a high-voltage contact. Still another commercial before of voltage the sources stray It is important to identify available is a saturable reactor installed between the device "shotgun" the Taking solutions. at undertaking attempts [12]. These techniques will not stop on-farm sources neutrals could that data valuable cover up simply may approach become important at a later time. A publication describing a from reaching the animals. A four-wire feeder system on a farm with the neutral and the simplified approach to stray voltage source identification is available from the authors [2]. The source can be traced to on- equipment-grounding conductor bonded only at the central farm and/or off-farm origins. The on-farm sources can and metering point will prevent secondary neutral voltage drop should be corrected to reduce the neutral-to-earth voltage to from being applied to the equipment where it may affect levels that will not be bothersome to animals. Some new animals [13]. The four-wire system must, however, be run to devices are coming on the market that have the potential of all farm loads to be effective because, as illustrated in Fig. 7, a offsetting neutral-to-earth voltage without eliminating the voltage drop to one building may produce a stray voltage at source. It is important, however, to identify and eliminate the another. The four-wire feeder system will not, however, prevent on-farm ground faults from producing stray voltage. source whenever possible. The fault current will still enter the earth and flow to the to the on coming from can be source prevented off-farm An 215 SURBROOK et al.: STRAY VOLTAGE grounding electrodes, thus producing the same effects as illustrated in Table II. An equipotential plane may be established in critical areas where animals feed, drink, or are milked. This approach is encouraged with all new construction, but attempts to establish equipotential planes in existing facilities have met with variable success. The greatest control is necessary to provide a way for animals to approach an equipotential plane without being exposed to a bothersome difference in voltage. VII. CONCLUSION Stray voltage may be produced on the primary electrical distribution system or on the secondary electrical system. The causes are voltage drop and ground faults. Grounding will affect the level of stray voltage, but it is not in itself a cause. The source can be identified and, in many cases, eliminated. When this is not practical, commercially available devices are available that will mitigate the stray voltage to a level that is believed to be tolerable to the animals. [13] installations of magnetic saturation blockers for minimization of stray voltage on dairy farms," ASAE paper 156-170, 1984. T. C. Surbrook, N. D. Reese, R. J. Gustafson, and H. A. Cloud, "Designing facilities to prevent stray voltage," in Proc. 2nd Nat. Dairy Housing Conf., 1983. Truman C. Surbrook (AM'83) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in agricultural engineering from Michigan State University, East Lansing, in 1965, 1969, and 1977, respectively. He has worked in the area of electrical power as applied to agriculture for 20 years. Presently, he holds the position of Associate Professor with responsibilities in teaching and research. His areas of research involve neutral-to-earth voltage, electri> cal wiring for agriculture, and robotics as applied to agricultural machinery. Dr. Surbrook is a licensed Master electrician and serves as an alternate member of the National Electrical Code Making Panel 1l. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Michigan. REFERENCES [1] H. A. Cloud, R. D. Appleton, and R. J. Gustafson, "Stray voltage problems with dairy cows," Agricultural Extension Service, Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, North Central Regional Extension Pub. 125, 1980. [2] T. C. Surbrook and N. D. Reese, "Stray voltage measurement and source identification procedure," Michigan State Univ., Agricultural Eng. Information Series AEIS 484, Oct. 1983. [3] M. W. Woolford, "Small voltages on milking plants," in Proc. 2nd Seminar Farm Machinery and Engineering, Hamilton, New Zealand, 1972, pp. 41 47. [4] A. M. Lefcourt and R. M. Akers, "Endocrine responses of cows subjected to controlled voltages during milking," J. Dairy Sci., vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 2125-2130, 1982. [5] R. J. Norell, R. J. Gustafson, R. D. Appleman, and J. B. Overmier, "Behavioral studies of dairy cattle sensitivity to electrical currents," Trans. ASAE, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 1506-1511, 1983. [6] D. V. Heinke, R. C. Gorewit, N. R. Scott, and D. M. Skyer, "Sensitivity of cows to transient electrical current," ASAE paper 823029, 1982. [7] T. C. Surbrook and N. D. Reese, "Stray voltage on farms," ASAE paper 81-3512, 1981. [8] National Electrical Code, National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, ME, 1984. [9] National Electrical Safety Code, Inst. Elec. Electron. Eng., 1984. [10] T. C. Surbrook and N. D. Reese, "Grounding electrode to earth resistance and earth voltage gradient measurements," ASAE paper 823507, 1982. [11] L. H. Soderholm, "Stray voltage problems in dairy milking parlors," ASAE paper 79-3501, 1979. [12] J. Donald, C. M. Hertz, and I. Winsett, "Results of initial field Norman D. Reese received the B.E.E. degree from Cleveland State University, Clevela}id, OH, in - ; _ ~~1961. He worked 20 years in the electrical utility industry, both for power companies directly and as a consultant. He has been in the Agricultural Engineering Department at Michigan State University the last four years, teaching courses in electrical technology. His work experience includes design of protection systems for EHV transmission lines and m large plants as well as distribution system design. His foreign assignments have taken him to Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, and he has done work for clients in Turkey, Bolivia, and Iran. Mr. Reese is a licensed Master electrician. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Michigan. S X Angela M. Kehrle was born in Joao Passoa, Brazil. She received the B.S.E.E. degree from Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil, and the M.S. degree in agricultural engineering from Michigan State Univeiiity in 1970 and 1984, respectively. She has five years' experience in rural electrification with the electric company, SAELPA, serving the State of Paraiba, Brazil. Presently she is an Electrical Engineer for the same company in Joao Passoa.