A STUDY ON MARINE SAND AS A JOINTING MATERIAL FOR CONCRETE BLOCK PAVEMENT GRAWIRA GANJUR GIWANGKARA UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA A STUDY ON MARINE SAND AS A JOINTING MATERIAL FOR CONCRETE BLOCK PAVEMENT GRAWIRA GANJUR GIWANGKARA A project report submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil – Transportation and Highway) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JULY 2010 iii I dedicate my thesis to my beloved mother, father, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma, and all my family who always supported me in everything all the time. My thesis is also dedicated to all my friends who always helped me in completing my research. Thank You. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Syukur Alhamdulillah, after a year of hard work, with the will of Allah Almighty, finally this thesis is completed. The utmost thanks to Allah for giving me the strength to complete this thesis without any obstacles. I extend thanks also to my parents, my sister, my brother, my grandparents, and the whole family who always supported me either materially or morally to achieve what I aspire. I was not able to be here and accomplish my goals without the support of you all. To my supervisor; Prof. Ir. Dr. Hasanan Md. Nor; I thank you for all the guidance that you have given to me in the process of making this thesis from beginning to end. All the advices and instructions that you provide were very valuable in my learning process as a student. My thanks are also addressed to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Rosli Hainin, Mr. Che Ros Ismail, Dr. Haryati Yaacob and Mr. Mohd. Izuddin Md. Ithnan as my panels for all suggestions that are given to me for the perfection of my thesis. I also thank all the staff of Highway and Trasportation Laboratory who helped me during my work in the lab which are Mr. Azman, Mr. Suhaimi, Mr. Ahmad Adin, Mr. Rahman, Mr. Sahak, and Mr. Azri. My thank is also given to my entire friend who helped me to finish my thesis, especially for Nadra M.S., Habibi Ibrahim, Lanang A.P., Umar K.N, Windiarti, Bimo B.A., and Mahani. Last, my special thank is given to Mr. Azman Mohammed for his valuable contribution for my research. v ABSTRACT Concrete block pavement performance depends on many factors. Jointing material is one of the components that affect the performance of concrete block pavement. As there are many coastal areas around the world, then marine sand may replace the river sand as jointing material. The massive availability of marine sand and the ease of transportation make this material to be selected as a replacement for river sand. This paper presents a study of laboratory research of jointing material that was made from marine sand and mixtures of marine sand and Portland cement in comparison with river sand. The pavement was tested by push-in test and pull-out test under circumstance which was wetted condition. Water seepage test and erosion test were also conducted in this study. This research used 3 mm joint width, two cement percentages (6% and 8%), and three durations of after rain time (1 day, 3 days, and 7 days). The best performing jointing material for push-in test and pull-out test was shown by mixture of marine sand and 6% of Portland cement. In the water seepage test and erosion test, the best performing jointing material was show by mixture of marine sand and 8% of Portland cement. vi ABSTRAK Prestasi turapan blok konkrit bergantung pada banyak faktor. Bahan sambungan adalah salah satu komponen yang mempengaruhi prestasi turapan blok konkrit. Oleh kerana ada banyak daerah pesisir di seluruh dunia, maka pasir laut mungkin dapat menggantikan pasir sungai sebagai bahan sambungan. Ketersediaan pasir laut yang besar dan kemudahan pengangkutan membuat bahan-bahan ini dapat dipilih sebagai pengganti pasir sungai. Laporan ini menyajikan kajian penyelidikan makmal bahan sambungan yang dibuat dari campuran pasir laut dan; pasir laut dan simen Portland yang akan dibandingkan dengan pasir sungai. Turapan yang diuji dengan uji tekan dan uji tarik berada dalam keadaaan yang sudah dibasahi oleh hujan buatan. Uji rembesan air dan uji hakisan juga dilakukan dalam kajian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan jarak sambungan 3 mm, dua peratusan simen (6% dan 8%), dan tiga jangka waktu dari selepas waktu hujan (1 hari, 3 hari, dan 7 hari). Bahan sambungan yang paling baik untuk uji tekan dan uji tarik ini ditunjukkan oleh campuran pasir laut dan 6% simen. Pada uji rembesan air dan uji hakisan, bahan sambungan yang paling baik adalah campuran pasir laut dan 8% simen. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1. 2. TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF APPENDICES xii INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Objectives 3 1.4 Scopes of Study 3 1.5 Significant of Study 4 1.6 Thesis Organization 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1 6 Introduction viii 2.2 3. 4. Structure and Component of Concrete Block Pavement 7 2.3 Joint Width 9 2.4 Joints Interlocking Mechanism 10 2.5 Filling the Joints 11 2.6 River Sand 12 2.7 Marine Sand 14 2.8 Portland Cement Mixture 14 METHODOLOGY 17 3.1 Introduction 17 3.2 Flow Chart of Jointing Material Research 18 3.3 Laying the Bedding Sand 19 3.4 Laying the Pavers 20 3.5 Filling the Jointing Material 21 3.6 Compaction 21 3.7 Pavement Installation Procedure 22 3.8 Water Seepage Test 24 3.9 Erosion Test 27 3.10 Push-in Test 29 3.11 Pull-out Test 32 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 35 4.1 Introduction 35 4.2 Water Seepage Test 35 4.3 Erosion Test 39 4.4 Push-in Test 43 ix 4.5 5. Pull-out Test 48 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 54 5.1 Introduction 54 5.2 Conclusion 54 5.3 Recommendation 56 REFERENCES 58 APPENDICES 60 x LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 2.1 TITLE PAGE Components of CBP and factors affecting the performance of CBP 8 2.2 Tolerance of surface levels 12 2.3 Surface regularity of the surface course 12 2.4 Grading requirement for jointing sand 13 2.5 Grading percentages for river sand from Johor Bahru 13 2.6 Grading percentages for marine sand from Tanjung Balau 14 4.1 Water seepage result 36 4.2 Result for erosion test 40 4.3 Result for erosion test 41 4.4 Push-in result for 1 day after watering at 15 kN 44 4.5 Push-in result for 3 days after watering at 15 kN 44 4.6 Push-in result for 7 days after watering at 15 kN 44 4.7 Pull-out result for 1 day after watering 49 4.8 Pull-out result for 3 days after watering 49 4.9 Pull-out result for 7 days after watering 50 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Typical concrete block pavement cross section 7 2.2 Optimum spacing for pavers (CMA, 2008) 9 2.3 Movements of the pavers (Mudiyono, 2006) 10 2.4 Schematic description of setting and hardening of 2.5 a cement paste (Soroka, 1979) 15 Compressive strength on cured concrete 16 (Integrated Publishing) 3.1 Flow chart of jointing materials tests 18 3.2 Laying the bedding sand 19 3.3 Pavers are laid on the bedding sand 20 3.4 Spreading the jointing materials on the pavement 21 3.5 Pavement compaction 22 3.6 Pavement before filled by jointing material 23 3.7 Pavement after filled with jointing material 24 3.8 Water seepage test points 25 3.9 Water seepage test 26 3.10 Water reduction measurement 26 3.11 Erosion test points 28 3.12 Spraying scheme 29 3.13 Push-in test points 31 xii 3.14 Setting the equipment for push-in test 31 3.15 Pull-out test points 33 3.16 Setting the equipment for pull-out test 34 xiii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Water seepage test result charts 60 B After rain charts on erosion test 63 C Push-in test result for 1 day after wetted tables 65 D Push-in test result for 3 days after wetted tables 70 E Push-in test result for 7 days after wetted tables 75 F Push-in test result for 1 day after wetted charts 80 G Push-in test result for 3 days after wetted charts 83 H Push-in test result for 7 days after wetted charts 86 I Pull-out test result for 1 day after wetted tables 89 J Pull-out test result for 3 days after wetted tables 94 K Pull-out test result for 7 days after wetted tables 99 L Pull-out test result for 1 day after wetted charts 104 M Pull-out test result for 3 days after wetted charts 107 N Pull-out test result for 7 days after wetted charts 110 O Block movements during the push-in test 113 P Block movements during the push-in test 116 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Road pavement is an essential part of a road to provide a good driving quality. There are three kinds of road pavement which are usually used; asphalt pavement (flexible pavement), concrete pavement (rigid pavement), and concrete block pavement. Concrete block pavement is one of the popular pavement systems because of many factors. The ease of application is one of the factors. Concrete Block Pavement (CBP) is made of interlocking blocks that are set on a compacted base of sand or sand and gravel. Jointing sand is vibrated into the space between the units, causing them to interlock, forming a tough, beautiful paved surface that is easily maintained. The history of concrete block paving dates back to 19th Century when paving stones were used in European countries for construction of roads serving as footpaths and tracks for steel-wheeled vehicles. Concrete block paving is presently used throughout most of the world, providing wearing surfaces ranging from lightly-loaded pedestrian precincts to heavily-loaded industrial areas such as dockside paving. 2 There are four basic components in CBP. The components are pavers, bedding and jointing sand, base course and sub-base, and sub-grade. Each component is affected by some factor. For example, bedding and jointing sand are affected by sand thickness, grading, angularity, moisture, and mineralogy. The sand between the pavers i.e. jointing sand lets them transfer loads to adjacent units. The joints eliminate cracking typical to asphalt or poured concrete pavements. Interlocking concrete block pavements have a host of repair advantages over conventional pavements. The pavements can be removed easily and re-used after repairs to underground utilities are completed. There are some studies for concrete block pavement and jointing sand is one of the areas being studied. Some studies try to get the perfect jointing sand by mixing it with additive agents. For example by mixing the jointing sand with cement. This mixture will have its own properties that can perform better. This report presents a research about jointing sand made from mixtures of marine sand and Portland cement. The pavement was wetted by an artificial rainfall and tested in certain times later. Portland cement starts to harden after 45 minutes to 10 hours according to the British Standard and ASTM. Even though cement reacts in a short time, it still needs to be tested for the performance when mixed with marine sand. The mixtures were also tested for water seepage through the pavement. In addition, the first three days are most critical in the life of Portland cement concrete. In this period, the hardening concrete is susceptible to permanent damage. After 7 to 14 days, the concrete compressive strength may result in 70-85 % of the 28 days strength. 1.2 Problem Statement Jointing material in concrete block pavement is a vital part of the pavement. The material for jointing is made from sieved river sand. As there are many coastal areas around the world, then marine sand may replace the river sand as jointing 3 material. The massive availability of marine sand and the ease of transportation make this material to be selected as a replacement for river sand. As an unbound material, jointing material is sensitive to erosion. The solution to the erosion problem is by adding an additive material such as Portland cement to hold the sand grains from erosion. The cement must be in low percentage (<10%) in order to prevent the pavement from becoming a rigid pavement. The addition of cement may also strengthen the pavement itself. 1.3 Objectives The objectives of this study were to: 1. Investigate the performance of marine sand and mixtures of marine sand and Portland cement as jointing materials in comparison with river sand. 2. Determine the best performing material or mixture for jointing sand. 1.4 Scopes of Study The scopes of study were: 1. This study was limited to jointing sand only. 2. The materials for jointing sand were marine sand, mixture of marine sand and cement; and river sand. 3. Rectangular paving blocks were used in this study. 4. The area width was 161 cm x 91 cm with 3 mm gap width in 90o herringbone pattern. The content of the additive material were 0%, 6% and 8%. The additive material percentages were taken from the previous study for the best result (6% - 8%). 4 5. Portland cement was used as the additive material. 6. The artificial rain was based on the real rainfall intensity data from the meteorological station in Malaysia. 7. The tests were conducted in various times after the pavement was wetted with water. The times are 1 day, 3 days, and 7 days after. 8. The testing equipment was the push-in and pull-out testing machine available at the Highway and Transportation Laboratory of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 1.5 Significant of Study Jointing material was used to fill the joints of concrete block pavement. The usage of marine sand instead of river sand was to get a replacement material for jointing material in coastal area. The addition of Portland cement in jointing material was to get a better concrete block pavement performance. When it rains, the cement reacted with water (rain) and held the sand grains from erosion. This condition also strengthened the pavement system. This study was to determine the change in performance of concrete block pavement due to the addition of cement to the jointing material. 1.6 Thesis Organization This thesis consists of five chapters, and the contents of each chapter are explained as follows: 5 CHAPTER 1: This introductory chapter presents the background of the development of Concrete Block Pavement (CBP) used throughout world. It also explains the statement of problem, objective, and scope of the study and the significance of this research. CHAPTER 2: This chapter reviews the component of CBP. The application of jointing material made from mixture of sand and additive material such as cement from previous study is also discussed in this chapter. . CHAPTER 3: This chapter presents testing methodology used in this research. The equipment were available in highway and transportation laboratory of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. CHAPTER 4: This chapter contains the analysis about the test data. The results from all tests are presented in this chapter. The finding and discussion about the results also presented in this chapter. CHAPTER 5: This chapter summarizes the main conclusions of this research and recommendations are made. 6 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction Commonly, there are two types of pavement, rigid pavement and flexible pavement. Rigid pavement is usually represented by concrete pavement and flexible pavement by asphalt. Actually, in the ancient time, there was another type of pavement. Rather than to build a continuous surfacing, this pavement was constructed from many pieces of blocks. This type of pavement was called block pavement. Nowadays, the block is made from concrete and it is called concrete block pavement. This type of pavement is very popular now. Even though the material for concrete block is rigid, but the pavement system is flexible (Mudiyono, 2006). During 1970s concrete block pavement was introduced to Britain Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. Subsequently the use of block paving spread to Middle-East and Asia. Most of this regions, especially North America, have experienced a sustain growth in the paving maker (Shackel, 2003). Many factors affect the performance of concrete block pavement. It started from supporting layers until the block itself. Many researches had been conducted to analyze the concrete block pavement in order to get the best performance. Different shape of block, block thickness, laying pattern, bedding sand thickness, etc, may 7 contribute to different performance of the pavement. This chapter of this report discussed about the research conducted by previous researcher or by reviewing the existing literature available. 2.2 Structure and Component of Concrete Block Pavement The concrete blocks are laid on the sand called bedding sand and jointed by jointing sand. This composition will receive the load from the surface of the concrete block pavement. Blocks and pavers bedded on a sand laying course, in common with other forms of flexible paving, deform under traffic as a load (Lilley, 1991). The load will be transferred to the supporting layers through bedding sand. Some of the loads will be transferred to the next blocks through jointing sand. See Figure 2.1 below. Figure 2.1: Typical concrete block pavement cross section. 8 As the load forces on the pavers, then it will be transferred to bedding sand, sub-base, and sub-grade. See Table 2.1 below for the concrete block pavement components and factors affecting them. Concrete pavers act as a zipper in the pavement (Sharma, 2007). When the need arises to make underground repair, interlocking concrete pavement can be removed and replaced using the same materials. Unlike asphalt or poured-in-place concrete, paving blocks can be opened and closed without jack hammers and with less construction equipment. The process of reusing the same paving units is called reinstatement. Table 2.1: Components of CBP and factors affecting the performance of CBP Pavement Components Factors Affecting Performance under Traffic Paver Shape Paver Thickness Pavers Paver Size Laying Pattern Joint Width Sand Thickness Grading Bedding and Jointing Sands Angularity Moisture Mineralogy Material Type Base course and sub-base Grading Plasticity Strength and Durability Soil Type Sub-grade Stiffness and Strength Moisture Regime (Shackel, 2003) 9 2.3 Joint Width The joint width for concrete block pavement is in the range from 2 until 5 mm and should be maintained with jointing sand inside (CMAA, 2000). According to Shackel, the jointing width is about 3 mm + 1 mm, it means the joint width is in range of 2 – 4 mm. There were two ways to check the joint width. The first was by measuring the length and width of paving unit and project area. From these measurements the joint width is calculated. The second way is by direct measurement to the joint width. The study about the optimum jointing width has been done before. The use of bedding sand mixed with cement as jointing sand will require 5 mm or 7 mm width of jointing gap for the best result (Azman, 2004). The width of the joint depends on the joint filler. Bedding sand has a larger size than jointing sand and requires larger joint. This study was used marine sand as jointing sand which was has a finer size than river sand. Based on the requirement, this study used 3 mm joint width. Figure 2.2: Optimum spacing for pavers (CMA, 2008) 10 2.4 Joints Interlocking Mechanism The movement of the paving units usually will cause rutting or heave on the pavement (Mudiyono, 2006). In normal situation the movements of the pavers are rotations, translations, or combinations of both rotations and translations. See Figure 2.6 for blocks movement. The movement shown as (a) is a rotation. The movement shown as (d), (e), and (f), are translations. The movement shown as (b) and (c) are combinations. The joints on the pavement can influence the movement. Larger joints width can make the pavers move easily. The jointing material has an important role in this situation. Characteristic of each jointing material will provide a different condition for the joints interlocking system. The type of jointing material and the width of the joint will act together to prevent the movement of the blocks. Figure 2.3: Movements of the pavers (Mudiyono, 2006) 11 2.5 Filling the Joints The jointing material has to be dried to make it easier in filling the joints. Before the joint filling operation is conducted, there are parameters should be checked first. The parameters are joint width and blocks level (Interpave, 2005). According to BS 7533-4, there are more parameters to be checked. The parameters to be checked were • The surface level tolerances (See Table 2.2) • The flatness of the pavement (See Table 2.3) • The difference in level at the joint of adjacent paving units (See Table 2.3) • Joint width consistency • Joints correctly aligned • No damaged or broken units Dry sand is obviously easier to spread and fill the joints than damp sand, but there is a problem to dry the sand during wet weather. Even though no rain at all, some countries have a high humidity which makes the sand difficult to dry. The problem to fill the joints is about the sand movement in the gap after initial filling (Lilley, 1991). When jointing sand is filled to joints in the first time, there is a stack of sand in the joints entrance. This situation makes the further sand difficult to enter. The surface vibration from compactor can reduce this problem. After few days from the first joints filling, the jointing sand drops naturally and make the joints look empty. Consequently, more sand has to be filled again to the joints. This process has to be repeated several times. In wet weather, the joints filling technique described previously may not work well. It has been a practice in Europe to gently wash the jointing sand into the joints (Shackel, 1990). This technique should be done carefully in case the jointing sand is washed away. Besides that, there must be an impermeable seal to prevent from infiltrating to the base course. 12 Table 2.2: Tolerance of surface levels Layers of pavement Maximum permissible deviation from the design level (mm) Sub-base Road-base Laying course Surface course +5 -10 +5 -10 +5 -10 +6 -6 (BS 7533-4 2006) Table 2.3: Surface regularity of the surface course Measurement of surface regularity Flatness of pavements when laid Differences in levels at joint of adjacent paving units Tolerances 3 mm under 3 m straight edge 2mm (BS 7533-4 2006) 2.6 River Sand Jointing material use for filling the pavement is depends on the type of pavement and purpose of the joint (Lilley, 1991). Jointing materials also have different forms such as sand, mortar, and sealants. The sand that is used for jointing 13 material has finer size than bedding sand. The river sand was used as one of the jointing materials in this study. The size of the sand was according to the requirements from ASTM C 144 as seen on Table 2.4. River sand that is used was fully dried or had 0% moistures content. The grading for river sand from Johor Bahru can be seen in Table 2.5. Table 2.4: Grading requirement for jointing sand Natural Sand Manufactured Sand Percent Passing (%) Percent Passing (%) No. 4 (4.75 mm) 100 100 No. 8 (2.36 mm) 95 – 100 95 – 100 No. 16 (1.18 mm) 70 – 100 70 – 100 No. 30 (0.60 mm) 40 – 75 40 – 100 No. 50 (0.30 mm) 10 – 35 20 – 40 No. 100 (0.15 mm) 2 – 15 10 - 25 No. 200 (0.075 mm) 0-1 0 - 10 Sieve Size (ASTM C 144) Table 2.5: Grading percentages for river sand from Johor Bahru Sieve Size Percent Passing (%) ASTM C 144 No. 4 (4.75 mm) 100.00 100 No. 8 (2.36 mm) 98.64 95 - 100 No. 16 (1.18 mm) 79.15 70 - 100 No. 30 (0.60 mm) 46.73 40 - 75 No. 50 (0.30 mm) 18.42 10 - 35 No. 100 (0.15 mm) 4.27 2 - 15 No. 200 (0.075) 0.50 0-1 Pan 0.00 0 14 2.7 Marine Sand One of the jointing materials for this study was marine sand which has a finer size than river sand. Marine sand was taken from Tanjung Balau, Johor. The distribution size of the marine sand did not meet the requirement. However, the marine sand was the new material for jointing material, so this material was still used in this study. The distribution size of marine sand can be seen on Table 2.6. Table 2.6: Grading percentages for marine sand from Tanjung Balau 2.8 Sieve Size Percant Passing (%) ASTM C144 No. 4 (4.75 mm) 100.00 100 No. 8 (2.36 mm) 99.93 95 - 100 No. 16 (1.18 mm) 99.59 70 - 100 No. 30 (0.60 mm) 98.53 40 - 75 No. 50 (0.30 mm) 31.44 10 - 35 No. 100 (0.15 mm) 0.84 2 - 15 No. 200 (0.075 mm) 0.04 0-1 Pan 0.00 0 Portland Cement Mixture Cements are adhesive materials which capable of bonding together particles of solid material into one unit. Cements may be classified into two groups (Soroka, 1979). The first is non-hydraulic cements. This kind of cement cannot react and harden in water. The second type is hydraulic cements. Hydraulic cements are able 15 to set and harden in water, and also give a solid product. In most standards for ordinary Portland cement (BS 12, ASTM C 150), usually a minimum 45 minutes of initial setting time was specified. For final setting it is different between British Standard and ASTM. A maximum 10 hours was specified in BS 12 and 8 hours in ASTM C 150. In addition, the first three days is most critical in the life of Portland cement concrete. In this period, the hardening concrete is susceptible to permanent damage. After 7 to 14 days, the concrete compressive strength may result in 70-85 % of the strength in 28 days. Figure 2.4: Schematic description of setting and hardening of a cement paste (Soroka, 1979) 16 Figure 2.5: Compressive strength on cured concrete (Integrated Publishing) 17 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This study was referred to previous studies, journals, technical standards, books, and internet websites. The modelling study in the laboratory was held to get the detail data from jointing sand of the concrete block pavement. The jointing sand had a different grade with bedding sand. Herringbone laying pattern was used for this study with a rectangular type of concrete blocks. The usage of sand as a gap filler was for blocking the water seepage and strengthen the pavement. The water could not fully block by the sand because there were voids on it. At least it could reduce the water seepage to a minimum, thus preventing the pavement from failing. The location of this study was in the Highway and Transportation Laboratory of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia with a 222 cm x 171 cm sized testing pavement for water seepage and a 161 cm x 91 cm sized testing pavement for erosion test, push-in test and 18 pull-out test. The marine sand was taken from Tanjung Balau in Johor and the concrete block paving was obtained from a factory in Johor Bahru. 3.2 Flow Chart of Jointing Material Research Start Material Properties: Beach Sand, River Sand, Paver, and Portland Cement Sample 1 Herringbone 90o pattern, Rectangular block (80 mm), 3 mm of joint width, River Sand + 0% of cement. Sample 2 Herringbone 90o pattern, Rectangular block (80 mm), 3 mm of joint width, Marine Sand + 0% of cement. Sample 3 Herringbone 90o pattern, Rectangular block (80 mm), 3 mm of joint width, Marine Sand + 6% of cement. Sample 4 Herringbone 90o pattern, Rectangular block (80 mm), 3 mm of joint width, Marine Sand + 8% of cement. Installation of CBP Erosion Test Water Seepage Test Curing of samples: 1 day, 3 days, and 7 days Push-in Test Data Analysis Define the optimum performance for samples Conclusion Figure 3.1: Flow chart of jointing materials tests Pull-out Test 19 3.3 Laying the Bedding Sand The installation process started from laying the bedding sand. According to CMMA (2000), the thickness of bedding sand must not less than 25 mm after compaction. Refering to that requirement, this study applied 60 mm bedding sand thickness before compaction in order to get the thickness not less than 25 mm. The sand has been protected from either excessive drying out or wetting to ensure uniform moisture content. Varying moisture content leads to irregular compaction of the blocks into the sand. Bedding sand was flatten but still in loose condition. Figure 3.2: Laying the bedding sand 20 3.4 Laying the Pavers The concrete block pavers were produced by Sun-Block Sdn. Bhd. The pavers were made from ordinary Portland cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water. The pavers used for this study were in rectangular shape and laid on 90o herringbone pattern. The pavers were laid one-by-one by hand due to the small size of the pavement area. Figure 3.3: Pavers are laid on the bedding sand 21 3.5 Filling the Jointing Material Jointing materials were fully dried before it was used for filling the joint gap. The jointing materials were spread out on the laid pavers and filled the gap. When the gap was filled, then the excess jointing materials were swept away. After all the gaps were filled with jointing, then the pavement was ready to be compacted. Figure 3.4: Spreading the jointing materials on the pavement 3.6 Compaction After the blocks have been laid, it was necessary to compact them. Recommendation for compactor in Britain were should have 0.35 – 0.5 m2 plate area, a centrifugal force of 16 – 20 kN, and a frequency of vibration about 75 – 100 Hz 22 (Shackel, 1990). The compaction was run after the jointing material has filled the jointing gap. Each compaction involved two passes of the compactor. Any units which were structurally damaged during the compaction were immediately removed and replaced. Once joints were filled, it was difficult to make any adjustment (CCAA, 1986). Figure 3.5: Pavement compaction 3.7 Pavement Installation Procedure The installation procedure for bedding layer, paver, jointing material, and compaction were described as below: 1. Frame was placed on the floor and held with steel bar. 2. Rectangular cross-section bar was placed as a zero point of measurement (datum). 23 3. The flatness of the frame was measured by water level gauge. 4. The distance from floor until the rectangular cross-section bar was measured. 5. Bedding sand poured inside the frame and flattens. 6. The distance from bedding sand surface to the rectangular cross-section bar was measured to know the thickness of the bedding sand. 7. Pavers were laid on the bedding sand with Herringbone 90o pattern. 8. Jointing gap was 3 mm for each sample. 9. Jointing materials were put into the joint gaps. 10. After all gaps were filled, then the pavement was compacted with compactor. 11. The excess sand for jointing material was swept away. Figure 3.6: Pavement before filled by jointing material 24 Figure 3.7: Pavement after filled with jointing material 3.8 Water Seepage Test Water Seepage Test was held in order to know the performance of the pavement to resist the water from infiltrating through the joint gap. The jointing sand was the important part from the pavement to resist the water. Four types of jointing material have been tested which were: • River sand + 0% cement (Sample 1) • Marine sand + 0% cement (Sample 2) • Marine sand + 6% cement (Sample 3) • Marine sand + 8% cement (Sample 4) 25 The spraying process needed equipment such as: 1. Ready tested pavement model 2. Water tank 3. Stopwatch 4. Ruler The water was seeping from the transparent container to the pavement. The size of the water container was 43 cm x 43.5 cm. The seeping time was taken every 1 cm reduction. The volume of the water for every 1 cm level reduction was 43 x 43.5 x 1 = 1870.5 cm3. Totally there were ten measurements for this test. Every sample had five testing points. 4 3 5 1 2 Figure 3.8: Water seepage test points 26 Figure 3.9: Water seepage test Figure 3.10: Water reduction measurement 27 3.9 Erosion Test Erosion test was held in order to determine the performance of each jointing material in case of rain. There were four types of samples based on the jointing material. The same as water seepage test, the samples used were: • River sand + 0% cement (Sample 1) • Marine sand + 0% cement (Sample 2) • Marine sand + 6% cement (Sample 3) • Marine sand + 8% cement (Sample 4) The spraying process needed equipment such as: 1. Ready tested pavement model 2. Water tank 3. Stopwatch 4. Pump machine 5. Sprayer 6. PVC pipe 7. Water 8. Caliper or ruler The water used was a simulation of actual rain. However, the water pump available in the laboratory has produced higher intensity than actual rain. The water pump generated much greater amount of water than the highest rainfall rate in Malaysia. The water pump used to have power equal to 8.91 ml /s whereas the highest level of rainfall in Malaysia was only about 0.00253 ml /s in the Kuantan area in February 2009. This condition is not an issue because if the intensity was much higher and the samples could survive, then there would be no problems if the pavement is exposed to real rain situation. 28 The erosion test was held on samples of size 161 cm x 91 cm with water sprayer at 135 cm high above the pavement. Each sample was arranged for as many as 20 points of measurements. These testing points were made in the grid system. Water was sprayed three times with a time of ten seconds for each time. The measurement data acquisition were performed four times, respectively before the water being sprayed, after the first spraying, after the second spraying, and after the third spraying. The measurements were taken on the surface changes at the decided points as a consequence from the water movement. Figure 3.11: Erosion test points 29 Figure 3.12: Spraying scheme 3.10 Push-in Test Push-in Test was carried out in order to determine the performance of the pavement in receiving a load on it gradually. The load that was applied to the samples was limited to 15 kN because of the limited ability of the equipment to hold the load. All samples were watered by the simulation rain and tested after three different times, i.e. 1 day, 3 days, and 7 days. The samples were: • River sand + 0% cement (Sample 1) • Marine sand + 0% cement (Sample 2) • Marine sand + 6% cement (Sample 3) • Marine sand + 8% cement (Sample 4) 30 Each sample has five testing point and in each testing point, there were two measurements (on each edge). Push-in test needed some equipment such as: 1. Ready tested pavement model 2. Steel frame for hydraulic jack 3. Steel frame for transducer 4. Hydraulic jack 5. Hydraulic pump 6. Data logger 7. Transducers 8. Load cell 9. Steel plate The procedures for push-in test were as follow: 1. The same pavement model was used as for the pull-out test. 2. The steel plate on was used on the test point. 3. The hydraulic jack was placed on the prepared steel plate 4. The load cell was placed between the hydraulic jack and steel frame. 5. The transducer was placed on each edge of the test point. 6. The transducer and load cell were connected to the data logger to record the data. 7. The hydraulic jack was connected to the hydraulic pump. The hydraulic pump was a manual pump. 8. These steps were repeated on the other tested pavers. 31 Figure 3.13: Push-in test points Figure 3.14: Setting the equipment for push-in test 32 3.11 Pull-out Test Pull-out test has the similar characteristic as push-in test. The difference was about the load direction. The best performance was shown by the maximum load that the block can resist. All samples were watered by the simulation rain and tested after three different times, i.e. 1 day, 3 days, and 7 days. The samples were: • River sand + 0% cement (Sample 1) • Marine sand + 0% cement (Sample 2) • Marine sand + 6% cement (Sample 3) • Marine sand + 8% cement (Sample 4) Each sample has five testing point and in each testing point, there were two measurements (on each edge). Pull-out test needed some equipment such as: 1. Ready tested pavement model 2. Small steel frame for hydraulic jack 3. Steel frame for transducer 4. Hydraulic jack 5. Hydraulic pump 6. Data logger 7. Transducer 8. Load cell 9. Bolt plug The procedure for pull-out test was as following: 1. The pavement model was set in place. 2. The hydraulic jack was placed on the small steel frame. 33 3. The bolt plug was put on the prepared hole and connected to the hydraulic jack with screw. 4. The load cell was set on the hydraulic jack to get the exact load when pulling out the paver. 5. The transducer was placed on each edge of the test point. 6. The transducer and load cell were connected to the data logger to record the data. 7. The hydraulic jack was connected to the hydraulic pump. The hydraulic pump was a manual pump. 8. These steps were repeated on the other tested pavers. Figure 3.15: Pull-out test points 34 Figure 3.16: Setting the equipment for pull-out test 35 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction This chapter presents the collected data, calculations and analyses from all tests. The performances from each type of jointing materials are presented in this chapter by tables and graphics. Each test is presented in the following sub-chapters. 4.2 Water Seepage Test The result for water seepage test is tabulated in table 4.1. According to the table, the highest average time was sample 4 (marine sand + 8% cement) from all points and the lowest average time was sample 2 (marine sand + 0% cement) from all points. For sample 1 (river sand + 0% cement) and sample 3 (marine sand + 6% cement) have an equal performance according to the table 4.1. 36 Table 4.1: Water seepage result Water Reduction (per 1 cm) 10 - 9 9-8 8-7 7-6 6-5 5-4 4-3 3-2 2-1 1-0 TOTAL TIME : AVERAGE : Water Reduction (per 1 cm) 10 - 9 9-8 8-7 7-6 6-5 5-4 4-3 3-2 2-1 1-0 TOTAL TIME : AVERAGE : Water Reduction (per 1 cm) 10 - 9 9-8 8-7 7-6 6-5 5-4 4-3 3-2 2-1 1-0 TOTAL TIME : AVERAGE : Time (minutes) Sample 1 16.07 33.37 56.93 81.23 109.17 141.60 178.57 222.25 270.42 325.85 1435.45 143.55 Sample 1 22.75 46.82 78.03 112.40 152.57 198.98 248.85 302.82 360.45 423.02 1946.68 194.67 Sample 1 27.85 56.58 89.73 127.83 175.37 224.65 281.40 339.93 404.47 471.93 2199.75 219.98 Point 1 Sample Sample 2 3 9.93 15.58 20.73 34.77 32.68 60.62 44.78 88.00 58.37 118.17 72.88 154.37 87.70 192.28 102.98 231.92 120.77 273.02 139.28 315.47 690.12 1484.18 148.42 69.01 Sample Sample 4 1 23.33 18.48 53.07 40.37 86.63 70.60 124.95 101.55 168.40 132.98 217.72 169.23 281.97 210.53 351.67 258.80 426.60 313.63 507.13 371.33 2241.47 1687.52 168.75 224.15 Time (minutes) Point 3 Sample Sample Sample Sample 2 3 4 1 11.35 20.70 27.72 26.22 24.15 47.32 59.05 53.92 37.68 76.22 94.73 89.43 52.08 107.17 140.75 128.70 68.52 136.98 195.73 174.27 86.85 172.38 259.93 224.20 106.78 211.57 341.28 276.33 129.12 256.48 426.40 333.80 153.68 303.63 517.25 393.32 181.10 354.95 611.80 456.55 851.32 1687.40 2674.65 2156.73 168.74 215.67 85.13 267.47 Time (minutes) Point 5 Sample Sample Sample 2 3 4 14.47 25.18 31.22 30.05 51.87 68.82 47.38 85.90 109.92 67.22 118.48 162.25 88.32 157.32 222.12 112.18 195.02 291.62 138.02 241.40 379.05 166.33 289.13 469.60 196.52 345.20 563.43 229.92 402.87 658.50 1090.40 1912.37 2956.52 191.24 109.04 295.65 Point 2 Sample Sample 2 3 9.98 16.02 21.45 37.68 34.43 61.68 48.48 89.07 63.82 121.85 80.62 161.08 99.33 203.05 120.58 248.73 144.25 294.87 169.33 343.45 792.28 1577.48 157.75 79.23 Sample 4 25.27 53.68 86.08 125.43 169.75 221.37 289.13 357.65 431.47 513.05 2272.88 227.29 Point 4 Sample Sample 2 3 13.82 27.38 29.12 55.67 45.92 85.90 63.78 119.75 82.52 155.83 101.80 191.37 123.45 233.62 147.35 276.25 173.08 329.60 202.33 385.03 983.17 1860.40 186.04 98.32 Sample 4 29.07 63.85 103.23 153.10 209.55 275.70 360.35 446.00 534.75 627.35 2802.95 280.30 37 Sample 1 (marine sand + 0% cement) had the lowest average time because water could easily seeping through this material. Marine sand has a rounded surface so that the interlocking action between the grains of sand is not very strong. Different things happen on the river sand which has a rough surface. This condition makes the river sand grains interlock better. By having strong interlocking, water could not seep through the pavement easily. The cement that was added to the marine sand can give a fairly significant effect. The cement content of 6% could make the marine sand perform like river sand. With higher cement content, which is 8%, it turned out that the marine sand has a performance far above the river sand. This could have happened because the cement act as the glue between the grains of the marine sand and make it more solid so the water is not easy to seep through the pavement. By adding the cement to the marine sand up to 8%, the performance was better than no cement at all. For example, in the point 1, the performance of marine sand + 8% cement was almost three times better than the performance of marine sand + 0% cement as shown in figure 4.1. The other results are presented in Appendix A. The seepage time from point 1 to point 5 was increasing for every sample. This condition was caused by the gradation of the base course which was a floor in laboratory as shown in figure 4.2. Even though the pavement was flat, but when the water had reached the floor, then water was flowing to the lowest level of the floor. 38 The lowest level of the floor was near point 1. That was why the results in point 5 had a higher time than in point 1. Time (minutes) Reduction (cm) Figure 4.1: Water seepage result for point 1 Figure 4.2: Water flow on the floor as base course 39 4.3 Erosion Test In this test, there were two condition of jointing sand in the gap. First, the jointing sand was eroded and reduced. Second, the jointing sand accumulated or pile up by the eroded jointing sand. From table 4.2 and table 4.3, value in negative (-) means the jointing sand was eroded (after rain condition 1 from figure 4.3). The positive values mean the jointing sand was added by the eroded jointing sand (after rain condition 2 from figure 4.3). Figure 4.3: Jointing sand conditions in erosion test 40 Figure 4.4: Erosion test Table 4.2: Result for erosion test Sample 1 River Sand + 0% Cement Sample 2 Marine Sand + 0% Cement Depth Difference (mm) No Point 1 A1 2 A2 3 A3 4 A4 5 B1 6 B2 7 B3 8 B4 9 C1 10 C2 11 C3 12 C4 13 D1 14 D2 15 D3 16 D4 17 E1 18 E2 19 E3 20 E4 AVERAGE : After First Rain 0.90 -0.25 -3.65 0.50 2.15 0.30 -0.10 -1.30 -1.60 1.75 -2.45 -0.85 1.10 -5.30 0.65 -0.30 0.30 0.50 0.55 -1.70 After Second Rain 2.15 -2.40 0.75 1.00 -0.55 -5.05 2.40 -0.40 -0.95 -0.60 -1.20 -1.00 1.00 -5.85 3.95 -3.70 0.10 -7.95 -1.35 1.20 -0.79 After Third Rain 3.30 -3.95 5.85 3.50 -0.02 -6.63 3.17 -0.97 -1.80 -0.22 -2.42 -1.62 1.70 -9.57 5.48 -5.03 0.23 -10.43 -1.62 1.03 Depth Difference (mm) No Point 1 A1 2 A2 3 A3 4 A4 5 B1 6 B2 7 B3 8 B4 9 C1 10 C2 11 C3 12 C4 13 D1 14 D2 15 D3 16 D4 17 E1 18 E2 19 E3 20 E4 AVERAGE : After First Rain -1.25 4.65 4.75 1.10 -2.50 9.85 3.15 1.70 3.40 4.25 2.30 -4.80 -5.15 2.50 3.55 2.15 3.15 6.05 3.00 -1.15 After Second Rain -0.25 2.55 3.60 -4.25 -3.35 8.35 3.35 -1.45 2.75 3.00 2.80 -5.95 -6.25 1.55 4.00 -2.85 -0.25 6.25 1.50 1.25 1.67 After Third Rain 1.00 4.20 4.85 -6.25 -2.10 8.75 5.15 1.40 5.20 7.00 3.30 -7.80 -4.50 1.00 7.00 1.20 -1.35 8.45 3.75 2.60 41 Table 4.3: Result for erosion test Sample 3 Marine Sand + 6% Cement Sample 4 Marine Sand + 8% Cement Depth Difference (mm) No Point 1 A1 2 A2 3 A3 4 A4 5 B1 6 B2 7 B3 8 B4 9 C1 10 C2 11 C3 12 C4 13 D1 14 D2 15 D3 16 D4 17 E1 18 E2 19 E3 20 E4 AVERAGE : After First Rain 0.70 0.20 -1.80 -1.75 4.80 0.20 -1.45 -0.80 -1.25 0.45 -0.10 1.25 0.25 0.30 2.20 -1.50 -0.25 0.60 0.45 0.80 After Second Rain 0.00 0.25 0.15 0.00 -7.55 -2.40 -2.70 1.15 -0.35 1.55 -0.25 0.60 -0.50 -0.35 -2.55 -1.00 -1.25 -0.15 0.60 0.25 -0.49 After Third Rain 0.23 0.40 -0.40 -0.58 -8.47 -3.13 -4.08 1.27 -0.88 2.22 -0.37 1.22 -0.58 -0.37 -2.67 -1.83 -1.75 0.00 0.95 0.60 Depth Difference (mm) No Point 1 A1 2 A2 3 A3 4 A4 5 B1 6 B2 7 B3 8 B4 9 C1 10 C2 11 C3 12 C4 13 D1 14 D2 15 D3 16 D4 17 E1 18 E2 19 E3 20 E4 AVERAGE : After First Rain 2.00 0.25 0.85 0.65 0.35 -4.10 -4.00 0.15 0.25 -0.10 -1.05 3.40 -2.05 -0.60 1.65 -0.10 1.00 0.65 0.65 0.20 After Second Rain 1.70 0.30 0.75 0.05 -0.40 -7.95 -3.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.05 2.30 -4.30 -1.60 3.15 -0.95 3.05 0.55 0.20 -0.50 -0.24 After Third Rain 2.93 0.48 1.28 0.28 -0.42 -11.97 -5.33 0.12 0.22 0.17 -0.28 4.20 -6.42 -2.33 4.75 -1.30 4.40 0.95 0.48 -0.60 The best performance will be shown with an average value near zero. This means that erosion and piling that occurs was very small. From table 4.2, the differences of average values from zero as initial condition for those samples are: • Sample 1 (River Sand + 0% cement) = 0 – (-0.79) = 0.79 mm • Sample 2 (Marine Sand + 0% cement) = 1.67 – 0 = 1.67 mm • Sample 3 (Marine Sand + 6% cement) = 0 – (-0.49) = 0.49 mm • Sample 4 (Marine Sand + 8% cement) = 0 – (-0.24) = 0.24 mm Sample 2 has the farthest value from zero. This means that Sample 2 experienced erosion and piling the most. Sample 2 which was a marine sand could be easily eroded because of bonding between grains was not very strong. Fine grains of marine sand surface was the cause why the bonding was not so strong. 42 Sample 4 showed that there have been few indications of erosion and piling. With the existence of as many as 8% cement content in the marine sand, it can make the marine sand became more resistant to erosion. Water and cement mixture will turn into paste and serve as a glue for marine sand grains. Marine sand grains attached to each other makes it difficult for the water to wash them away. The changes of the jointing sand are presented in graphics as shown in Appendix B. Figure 4.5: Pilling sand Figure 4.6: Eroded sand 43 4.4 Push-in Test Push-in Test was carried out in order to determine the performance of the pavement in receiving a load on it gradually. As there was limitation in the test, then all the samples were compared by the displacement at 15 kN. The displacement used in the comparison was the displacement in the average of two measurements. In order to get the displacement at exactly 15 kN, then interpolation was used from the data below and upper 15 kN. The results are summarized and shown in table 4.4, table 4.5, and table 4.6. Detailed results are presented in Appendix C to Appendix H. Table 4.4: Push-in result for 1 day after watering at 15 kN Sample River Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 6% Cement Marine Sand + 8% Cement Point 1 0.833 0.865 0.594 3.328 Displacement (mm) Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 1.283 0.904 1.619 0.391 0.197 1.290 0.512 0.354 0.406 0.662 0.506 0.325 Point 5 2.438 1.737 0.625 0.650 Table 4.5: Push-in result for 3 days after watering at 15 kN Sample River Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 6% Cement Marine Sand + 8% Cement Point 1 0.643 0.237 2.654 0.560 Displacement (mm) Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 0.610 0.830 1.215 0.369 0.221 0.904 0.480 0.506 0.811 0.495 0.568 0.460 Point 5 0.972 0.221 0.494 0.461 Table 4.6: Push-in result for 7 days after watering at 15 kN Sample River Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 6% Cement Marine Sand + 8% Cement Point 1 1.267 1.370 2.260 1.499 Displacement (mm) Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 0.364 0.617 1.871 0.630 0.573 1.333 0.872 0.362 0.175 1.290 0.527 0.319 Point 5 5.031 0.901 0.563 0.571 44 Displacement (mm) Point Figure 4.7: Displacement at 15 kN from each sample for 1 day after watering Displacement (mm) Point Figure 4.8: Displacement at 15 kN from each sample for 3 days after watering 45 Displacement (mm) Point Figure 4.9: Displacement at 15 kN from each sample for 7 days after watering The best performance was shown by the least displacement from each point. All the best performance from each point can be summarized as follow: 1 day after watering • Point 1 = Marine Sand + 6% cement • Point 2 = Marine Sand + 0% cement • Point 3 = Marine Sand + 0% cement • Point 4 = Marine Sand + 6% cement • Point 5 = Marine Sand + 6% cement 3 days after watering • Point 1 = Marine Sand + 0% cement • Point 2 = Marine Sand + 0% cement • Point 3 = Marine Sand + 6% cement • Point 4 = Marine Sand + 6% cement • Point 5 = Marine Sand + 0% cement 46 7 days after watering • Point 1 = River Sand + 0% Cement • Point 2 = River Sand + 0% Cement • Point 3 = Marine Sand + 6% Cement • Point 4 = Marine Sand + 6% cement • Point 5 = Marine Sand + 6% cement From the previous summary, mostly the best performance was shown by marine sand + 6% cement. It means that this sample has a good behavior when the load was working on it. Cement contained in the sample 3 (marine sand + 6% cement) could function well as a grain binder but could still provide friction against the surrounding surface. Sample 1 (river sand + 0% cement) and sample 2 (marine sand + 0% cement) also could provide friction against the surface around but easily separated because there was no binding substance, while for sample 4 (marine sand + 8% cement), cement was likely too much and made the surface of the marine sand bound to be smooth and reduce friction. The details of the size and the surface of marine sand and river sand can be seen in figure 4.10 and figure 4.11 The movement of blocks was also not always uniform. There was a movement from the two ends of the block that move does not together. This was because both ends of the block did not have the same friction. When there was one end pressed, then, on the other end could come to move with the same or different displacement. The details movement of the block can be seen on Appendix O. 47 Figure 4.10: Marine sand (left) and river sand (right) at 50x magnification Figure 4.11: Marine sand (left) and river sand (right) at 250x magnification 48 Figure 4.12: Push-in test detail 4.5 Pull-out Test Pull-out test has the similar characteristic with push-in test. The difference was about the load direction. The best performance was shown by the maximum load that the block can resist. The best performance was shown by the maximum load from each point. The results from the test are summarized in table 4.7, table, 4.8, table. 4.9. Detailed results are presented in Appendix I to Appendix M. 49 Table 4.7: Pull-out result for 1 day after watering Sample River Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 6% Cement Marine Sand + 8% Cement Sample River Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 6% Cement Marine Sand + 8% Cement Point 1 Displacement (mm) 14.964 14.822 1.675 1.687 Point 4 Displacement (mm) 4.672 1.503 1.615 1.428 Load (kN) 2.872 2.359 3.330 3.175 Load (kN) 3.863 5.241 5.270 3.753 Point 2 Displacement (mm) 3.654 1.481 5.935 2.021 Point 5 Displacement (mm) 9.285 1.262 2.595 1.428 Load (kN) 3.957 2.299 3.980 3.698 Point 3 Displacement (mm) 2.003 4.457 11.845 4.303 Load (kN) 6.511 6.162 7.310 9.507 Point 3 Displacement (mm) 1.527 0.134 4.860 1.044 Load (kN) 4.430 7.581 10.700 5.281 Load (kN) 2.638 4.480 3.229 3.753 Table 4.8: Pull-out result for 3 days after watering Sample River Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 6% Cement Marine Sand + 8% Cement Sample River Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 6% Cement Marine Sand + 8% Cement Point 1 Displacement (mm) 1.373 0.195 1.205 2.891 Point 4 Displacement (mm) 3.125 0.159 1.785 0.437 Load (kN) 2.976 3.255 3.780 2.543 Load (kN) 5.326 4.425 8.410 5.520 Point 2 Displacement (mm) 24.248 0.989 11.165 6.140 Point 5 Displacement (mm) 1.418 0.214 1.865 0.885 Load (kN) 4.644 4.007 4.480 5.799 Load (kN) 2.643 4.544 4.720 3.484 50 Table 4.9: Pull-out result for 7 days after watering Sample River Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 6% Cement Marine Sand + 8% Cement Sample River Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 0% Cement Marine Sand + 6% Cement Marine Sand + 8% Cement Point 1 Displacement (mm) 1.481 0.164 1.160 2.776 Point 4 Displacement (mm) 1.392 1.122 1.360 0.001 Load (kN) 3.061 1.568 2.930 4.261 Load (kN) 3.633 2.225 5.420 3.713 Point 2 Displacement (mm) 7.609 1.253 0.550 1.717 Point 5 Displacement (mm) 1.959 1.561 0.210 3.312 Load (kN) 3.170 1.677 3.180 2.105 Point 3 Displacement (mm) 11.678 0.924 1.990 3.157 Load (kN) 1.005 1.125 0.940 1.712 Load (kN) Point Figure 4.13: Maximum load from each sample for 1 day after watering Load (kN) 5.575 3.270 9.450 7.671