FM Project Files Management Procedures Issued: January 10, 2011

FM Project Files Management Procedures
Issued: January 10, 2011
Revised: December 11, 2012
Applies to: All Facilities Management Employees
To establish a standardized process for the record keeping of documents related to all projects assigned to
Facilities Management (FM). These records, whether electronic or hardcopy, are important records of the work
performed by FM and must be organized for easy retrieval by authorized FM staff. By establishing a standardized
folder, FM can facilitate consistency amongst projects, reduce workload by using a template and ease the
alignment of electronic and hardcopy file structure.
A. Record – Any document, device or item, regardless of physical form or characteristic, created or received,
that serves to provide evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations,
or other activities of a project.
B. Non-Record – Any document that does not document the function, policies, decisions, procedures,
operations, and activities of a project.
C. FAMIS – Current software purchased by the University to manage the maintenance, repair and
renovation of its facilities.
D. Capital Renewal and Deferred Maintenance (CRDM) – Projects for the maintenance and repair of public
areas in buildings and grounds approved by the CRDM committee for execution.
E. Job Order Contract (JOC) – A University of Houston contract with select vendors as defined by the JOC
F. Continuing Services Agreement (CSA) – A University of Houston contract with select professional
services vendors as defined by the CSA process.
G. Project Manager (PM) – Any employee assigned to manage a project.
H. Records Manager (RM) – Any employee assigned by the Lead Senior Manager to oversee the proper
execution of the Records Management Plan.
It is the responsibility of the Project Manager to keep accurate records of projects to serve as a historical record
for its real estate and for auditing purposes. These records serve as evidence of the decisions/approvals made
throughout the project as well as serving as a benchmark for future projects. All documentation should be filed in
a way to allow for quick and easy access by all employees and supervisors of FM.
The project folder serves as the basis for organizing all project documents. By keeping both electronic and hard
copies of these documents, it ensures all pertinent documents will be available.
Facilities Management Project Files Management Procedures
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FM Project Files Management Procedures
Issued: January 10, 2011
Revised: December 11, 2012
A. Identifying Records
If you answer “yes” to any of the questions below you may have a record:
 Was it created in the course of project business? (i.e., correspondence, agreements, contracts)
 Does it document project activities and actions? (i.e., change orders, purchase requests, approval
 Is it mandated by statute or regulation? (i.e., asbestos manifest)
 Does it support financial obligations or legal claims? (i.e. invoicing, funding agreements)
 Does it communicate project requirements? (i.e., policies, procedures, drawings, specifications)
Once a project is created, the following nomenclature must be utilized when referencing any project files. The
Project Manager will be given a drop down option box that will limit the selection of specific categories.
PeopleSoft Naming Convention:
Building Number; Work Type: Location: Space Type; Work Order Number
Ex: 518RenoW212Lab245458
Project Folder Naming Convention: (Exterior Tab)
Building Number; Work Type; Location; Space Type; Work Order Number; Project Number
Ex: 518RenoW212Lab245458_M000088
B. Project Folders
1. After a work order is assigned to MPP, the Principal Project Manager will direct the designated RM to
build the project folder. The RM will be responsible to set up the initial electronic and hardcopy project file
using the standard Project File Structure. Project Managers should consult with the RM to discuss
projects where one project folder will not accommodate all needed information. The administrative staff
will then build separate folders for each phase of the project.
2. Each work order will have its own folder which should be an eight part classification type folder.
3. The RM will label the folders in the following ways:
Interior tabs:
Work Order
Contract Documents
Interior Tab
Meeting Minutes
Project Evaluation/Closeout Materials
Facilities Management Project Files Management Procedures
Exterior Tab
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FM Project Files Management Procedures
Issued: January 10, 2011
Revised: December 11, 2012
Interior tabs will be affixed from left to right starting from the inside cover and proceeding to the preformed
tabs. Project Evaluation/Closeout Materials label should be affixed centered at the bottom of the folder due to
conflict with the exterior tab label.
If the Project Number is not known at the time of the folder creation, the RM should leave this space blank
and the PM will be responsible for handwriting in the number once known. The PM should request that the
RM make a new label to reflect the change.
The RM will place a Project Summary Form under the Work Order Tab for the PM to fill out.
C. Project Folder Filing Procedures
1. The PM will file all project documents in the project folder under the appropriate tab. It is the PM’s
responsibility to keep the folder orderly throughout the duration of the project.
2. The PM will store their project folders so that they are made easily available for management. The intent
is that all project information is available to the delegated authority in the event that the PPM is not
3. Upon project close out, the PM will purge duplicate forms, correspondence and/or paperwork that adds
no value. The PM will send the folder to the RM for filing.
4. RM will ensure that the project summary form (Attachment A) is completed. They will then batch scan all
project documents, in the order of the Standardized File Structure, to the Archivist for uploading in the
ADEPT system. The Project Summary Form should be the first document in the batch scan.
5. The RM will give the project folder and associated reports, surveys and operation and maintenance
(O&M) manuals to the Archivist for permanent filing and retention.
6. The PM will ensure that copies of O&Ms are distributed to the Zoned Maintenance and/or Technical
Trades Shops.
D. Electronic Files Area
1. An area shall be designated on the Plant Operations shared drive for the electronic filing of project
documents. The area shall have folders for each building (ex: 585 – General Services Building). Within
each building folder, RM shall make a folder titled with the year, project number, work order number and
project title (ex: WO#0100142 - Repair Roof Leak)
2. The RM will then add interior folders reflecting the Standardize File Structure.
3. PM’s will save all electronic project documentation in the electronic file area.
4. Upon project close out, the PM will purge duplicate forms, correspondence and/or files that add no value.
5. The PM will transition the electronic file, via the Shared Drive, to Archivist for permanent retention.
E. E-Mail Management
Facilities Management Project Files Management Procedures
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FM Project Files Management Procedures
Issued: January 10, 2011
Revised: December 11, 2012
1. All significant e-mail records are to be saved in a Outlook Data File (.pst).
2. When sending e-mails, make sure the subject line is descriptive and brief. The subject line must include
the project number, work order number, and topic.
3. Once the project is completed, the PM shall purge duplicate correspondence and copy the project e-mail
folder into the electronic project folder.
F. Facilities Management Software
1. All FM staff shall utilize the most current UH facilities management software to its fullest extent in the
documentation of project events. Pertinent dates, events and costs shall be logged into the appropriate
area as defined by the training sessions.
2. All employees shall be trained by the designated trainer no later than 20 working days after
implementation of this regulation and/or hire.
G. Consolidating Existing Project Records
All existing project records will need to be consolidated into the main project file (hard and electronic) following the
new Standardized File Structure by the end of FY 2011. This includes hardcopy and electronic documents. The
assigned RM will assist the PMs in completing this transition.
Facilities Management Project Files Management Procedures
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FM Project Files Management Procedures
Issued: January 10, 2011
Revised: December 11, 2012
Attachment A
Project Summary
Project Name: ________________________
Project Number: ______________________
Contract Number: _____________________
Project Manager: ______________________
Work Order Number: _________________
Completion Date: ______________________
Building Number(s): _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
Building Name(s): ______________________________
Brief Description of the Project:
Facilities Management Project Files Management Procedures
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