COURSE TITLE: COLUMBUS & THE EXPLORERS: Film & Literature For K-12 NO OF CREDITS: 6 QUARTER CREDITS [semester equivalent = 4.00 credits) WA CLOCK HRS: OREGON PDUs: INSTRUCTORS: ERIC LOW, M.A. 360/219-7986 60 60 LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: This course requires assignment responses to be posted in a password secured ONLINE website hosted by The Heritage Institute. COURSE DESCRIPTION: One of the essential components in Language Arts, Social Studies, and Reading is the study of the human experience. For this course you will be examining key people, places and events, during the Age of Exploration by European explorers into the New World. Our culture is fascinated with this topic and there are ample film, literature, and classroom resources to help communicate the scope and importance of the discovery of the early Americas to our students. This course will provide curriculum ideas for Language Arts, Social Studies, and Reading teachers of grades K-12 that meet state standards. This course will also provide video, literature and classroom resource ideas for teachers preparing for major themes of the Age of Exploration that can actively engage students around many of the major themes and events of this time period. There are books and videos on Explorers such as Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, Magellan, Ponce De Leon, Cortes and more. Many of these films are available at local libraries, from NetFlix, in video stores for purchase, and ESDs. You will choose 8 videos and 2 novels to view and write a unit plan on how youʼll use some of these in your teaching situation. In addition to film and literature, this course will also provide classroom resources on Exploration such as websites that offer interactive maps, lesson plans, art, music, lectures from leading scholars, etc. If you choose NetFlix (but is not required), a three-month subscription is about $30. (NetFlix also has an online video capability with the right operating system.) You will need to have access to both a DVD player and a VHS video player to enjoy the full range of media choices. LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, participants will: 1. Have a broader knowledge of the different video, literature, and classroom resource possibilities associated with the Age of Exploration for classroom use. 2. Develop greater skill in how to use videos, literature, and selected classroom resources for teaching purposes. 3. Develop a plan for a comprehensive teaching unit for the Exploration themes that apply to their teaching. 4. Apply extended reading and research on Exploration issues to lesson plans, if the credit option is chosen. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Participants will complete assignments and post responses online to specific questions outlined for each assignment. Completion of all specified assignments is required for issuance of hours or credit. The Heritage Institute does not award partial credit. HOURS EARNED: Completing the basic assignments (Section A. Information Acquisition) for this course automatically earns participants their choice of 60 Washington State Clock Hours or 60 Oregon PDUs. The Heritage Institute is an approved provider of Washington State Clock Hours and Oregon PDUs. Columbus & The Explorers 1 Rev 7/24/2012 UNIVERSITY QUARTER CREDIT INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS FOR UNIVERSITY QUARTER CREDIT Continuing Education Quarter credits are awarded by Antioch University Seattle (AUS). AUS requires 75% or better for credit at the 400 level (Upper Division) and 85% or better to issue credit at the 500 level (Post-Baccalaureate). These criteria refer both to the amount and quality of work submitted. 1. Completion of Information Acquisition assignments 30% 2. Completion of Learning Application assignments 40% 3. Completion of Integration Paper assignment 30% CREDIT/NO CREDIT (No Letter Grades or Numeric Equivalents on Transcripts) Antioch University Seattle (AUS) Continuing Education (CE) Quarter credit is offered on a Credit/No Credit basis; neither letter grades nor numeric equivalents are on a transcript. 400 level credit is equal to a “C” or better, 500 level credit is equal to a “B” or better. This information is on the back of the transcript. AUS CE quarter credits may or may not be accepted into degree programs. Prior to registering determine with your district personnel, department head or state education office the acceptability of these credits for your purpose. ADDITIONAL COURSE INFORMATION COURSE MATERIAL and/or TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: You will need high-speed (DSL) Internet access in order to easily view online resources. Some of the reading materials may be provided in the online course environment as PDF documents, a format readable by computers with Adobe Acrobat Reader. You may download a free copy of Acrobat Reader from our website,, if it is not already on your computer. You will need a VHS and a DVD player and access to the various films listed. A NetFlix account is suggested, but not necessary. A three-month NetFlix subscription is about $30. Your districtʼs ESD, local video stores and libraries will have these films. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: After determining your assignment choices, you may select books from among the following options: Please see list of books in bibliography for assignments Assignment #3 and #4. GETTING STARTED: • After registering for the course, you will be sent an email with the website address, password and course key you need to access your online course, along with log in instructions. • Access each assignment listed here in the online course environment and enter your responses. • Write your responses in a WORD document and then ʻcopy/pasteʼ them into the Responses box. • When all assignments are completed, CLICK the 'ALL ASSIGNMENTS COMPLETED'. The instructor will be notified that you have completed all assignments. • After the instructor reviews your work and enters his responses you will be notified by email. You will be instructed to log in and view those responses. SAVE a copy of assignments and responses. NOTES TO ALL PARTICIPANTS: • You are not required to be present (i.e. online) specific days or times. You will work at your own pace. • All responses will be posted online. Large documents, files, photographs or PowerPoint presentations may be attached as part of your response by using the “Share A File” option. • You may work collaboratively and submit similar responses on all assignments except the Integration Paper, which must be individually authored. • To maintain privacy, please do not refer to students in your papers by their actual names, but rather use an alias or designation such as “Student A.” Columbus & The Explorers 2 Rev 7/24/2012 ASSIGNMENTS REQUIRED FOR HOURS OR UNIVERSITY QUARTER CREDIT A. INFORMATION ACQUISITION Assignment #1: Please write a 1-2 page response to the following questions and post your answers in the online response box provided: a) Why did you choose this course? b) What kinds of themes and subjects are you looking for in film? Assignment #2: Refer to the bibliography, which you can download to your desktop as a MS Word file. In this assignment you will review film resources and pick the eight films you would like to view which best fit your teaching needs. From your list of eight films, two of the films you will need to select need to be a focus on an individual such as Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, Magellan, Ponce De Leon, Cortes, etc. Two more films need to be documentary in nature and focus on the major themes of Exploration. The remaining four films will be of your choosing from the remaining list and/or selections of your choosing as they relate to this time period. I have made a list of films, which I personally think are good and all are available from NetFlix. Many of these are also available in local libraries or ESDs. Since there are many videos about the Age of Exploration, you may select others that are not listed in this bibliography with prior approval of the instructor. Keep in mind that you will want to have use of a DVD player and have VHS viewing capability as well. Then once youʼve reviewed these sites and made your selections, in the online response box indicate your eight selections and briefly state what film sources you found most suitable. Assignment #3: a) For this assignment we will be looking at the historical setting of the Age of Exploration through non-fiction literature. Refer to the bibliography, you will need to select one of the books to read or other titles of your own choice, with the instructorʼs prior approval. Most of these books can be found at local libraries or for purchase at or another book outlet. Some of these books can be found on Google Books at b) While reading your selected book, create a timeline of key people, places, and events and post this timeline in the online box provided. You could create this as a power point for usage in your classroom teaching which could include images of key people and places. c) Referring back to your list of 8 film choices, you will now view two documentary films which pertain to the themes from this time period, making notes of the points made in the films that are relevant to what you want to convey to students. Include details that represent the various European countriesʼ points of view on the goals of exploration to the New World. Indicate what films you saw and discuss at least two key points for each perspective. Post online. d) Using Bloom's taxonomy, create 4-6 authentic questions that would engage students in deeper thinking about the Explorerʼs ideas of discovery in the New World as it might relate to the information presented in the films and book from this assignment. Assignment #4: For this assignment we will be looking at the historical setting of the Age of Exploration through fictional literature. Refer to the bibliography, you will need to select one of the books to read or other titles of your own choice, with the instructorʼs prior approval. Most of these books can be found at local libraries or for purchase at or another book outlet. Some of these books can be found on Google Books at a) These books focus on an individualʼs experience during this time period. While reading your selected book, create a biographical sketch of one key character. The biographical sketch should include such details as age, appearance, interests, location, and primary role during this time period. Then, from the characterʼs perspective, answer the following question in a 100 word theory—How challenging was exploration to the New World? Post these responses in the online box provided. Columbus & The Explorers 3 Rev 7/24/2012 b) Again referring back to your selection of 8 films, you will now view the two videos that focus on specific individuals such as Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, Magellan, Ponce De Leon, Cortes, etc. As in the above assignment, create a biographical sketch of one key character and post this in the online box provided. The biographical sketch should include such details as age, appearance, interests, location, and primary role during this time period. Then again, from the characterʼs perspective, answer the following question in a 100 word thesis—How effective was the leadership during the Age of Exploration? Post these responses in the online box provided. Assignment #5: a) Referring back to your list of 8 films, you will now view the four remaining films on your list. Then in a 2-page review indicate which films you viewed and narrate a couple of vignettes that inspired you as a teacher. Describe in general terms how you plan to use any of the strategies and techniques in your teaching. Indicate grade level and content area/ theme. b) Post this review to the online response box and indicate the films you viewed. Assignment #6: Describe in general terms how you plan to use any of the films viewed in your teaching. Give emphasis to as many different points of view in regard to this time frame (i.e. English Explorer, Spanish Explorer, French Explorer, Natives in the New World, King of a specific country, etc). Indicate your grade level and the course or theme you are teaching. Review the pages below on effective ways for asking questions and make a list of “rich” (ie. engaging) questions you would pose to your students given the films you would choose to show. Post in the online response box. Right (and Wrong) Way to Ask Questions in the Classroom Confessions of a Reluctant Teacher Never ask students a question you already know the answer to. Assignment #7: For this assignment you will be examining a number of websites that offer interactive material, power point demonstrations, and example lesson plans that you can use for your teaching situation. Spend some time reading and exploring all of the websites. These websites are found in the bibliography section of this document. Select five of the websites and in 3-4 pages submit a review, to the online box provided, which details the following: • How information on the websites could be accessed directly by students to supplement a lesson on this subject. • How teachers could use the websites to gain additional material not on the videos. • Specific elements which you found helpful and interesting. • Your overall impression of the websites. Assignment #8: Often times history overlooks multiple perspectives of a significant event and only the “traditional” point of view is taught. To give a fair and accurate portrayal of European Exploration and Colonial Expansion we must look at the injustices forced upon the indigenous people of the New World. For this assignment you Columbus & The Explorers 4 Rev 7/24/2012 will be examining arguments for representing the indigenous peopleʼs perspective of European exploration and colonial expansion into the New World in todayʼs classroom. a) Read the following arguments for representing the indigenous people of the New World in todayʼs classroom: pdf b) Based on these resources, create a list of questions to engage your students to think critically about the biased role of history in regard to limiting the point of view of the indigenous people of the New World during the Age of Exploration. Post your responses in the online box provided. This completes the assignments required for Hours. Continue to the next section for additional assignments required for University Quarter Credit. Columbus & The Explorers 5 Rev 7/24/2012 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS REQUIRED FOR UNIVERSITY QUARTER CREDIT B. LEARNING APPLICATION (Required for 400 and 500 Level) In this section you will apply your learning to your professional situation. This course assumes that most participants are classroom teachers who have access to students. If you are not teaching in a classroom, please contact the instructor for course modifications. If you are a classroom teacher and start or need to complete this course during the summer, please try to apply your ideas when possible with youth from your neighborhood, at a local public library or parks department facility, (they will often be glad to sponsor community-based learning) or with students in another teacherʼs summer classroom in session. Assignment #9: In assignment #2 through #7 you have examined a variety of resources on the Age of Exploration. From this material develop a unit of 4-6 lessons you can implement with your students. Incorporate as many points of view from this time period, including a point of view from the indigenous people, in order to give your students a complete perspective of this topic. Your unit should contain the three resources you examined earlier in this course—non-fiction text, fictional book, and web resources. Your unit should include: • Description of lessons • Expected student outcomes • Activities • Sequence of activities • Method of assessment • Follow-up learning Describe any suggested texts or other reading students will do. You may also replace the above outline with your school or districtʼs own lesson plan format, if there is one. You may include slide shows, art, music, period costumes, etc. Assignment #10: Execute the lesson from assignment #9 and provide a summary of the studentsʼ assessment of the lesson. Include your post lesson thoughts on the presentation and student performance. Assignment #11: Choose one of the following: • Create an annotated bibliography of various resources that you could use and share with colleagues. The list should include resources of European exploration from a variety of different European countries. It should also include literature that could be used in a classroom setting. OR • Another assignment of your own choice with the instructorʼs prior approval. Examples might be: a slide show from the classroom resource web sites, lesson in which the class will be baking food from this time period, developing a fictional play on an important topics from this period, etc. Columbus & The Explorers 6 Rev 7/24/2012 C. INTEGRATION PAPER (Required for 400 and 500 Level) Assignment #12: Complete the requirements for university quarter credit by submitting a final 2-3 page Integration paper. A heading is required. Please use the following format: Your Name: Date: Course Name: Course Number: Number of Credits: Level: (400 or 500) Advisor Name: Respond online to each of the 5 questions below. (First list the question and then write your answer) 1. What did you learn vs. what you expected to learn from this course? 2. What aspects of the course were most helpful and why? 3. What further knowledge and skills in this general area do you feel you need? 4. How, when and where will you use what you have learned? 5. How and with what other school or community members might you share what you learned? INSTRUCTOR COMMENTS ON YOUR WORK: Be sure to mark the “All Assignments Completed” section in the online course environment as this will notify me that you have completed the course. Upon receiving notification of your completion of all course assignments, your instructor will provide written comments online. QUALIFICATIONS FOR TEACHING THIS COURSE: Eric Low, M.A., has been a history teacher in the state of Washington since 1992. He has lived, taught, and studied in Southwest Washington for the past 15+ years. Eric has a Masterʼs degree in history from Eastern Washington University with an emphasis in Americaʼs West and has been an active researcher of Washington State history for over 20 years. Eric currently teaches history at Winlock High School and serves as a Lead Teacher for ESD 112s “Constitutional Connections” American History grant. Columbus & The Explorers 7 Rev 7/24/2012 COLUMBUS & THE EXPLORERS: Film & Literature For K-12 BIBLIOGRAPHY NOVELS Select 1 fiction and 1 non-fiction book (they are divided below) from this list (or a different book of your choosing with instructorʼs prior approval) to complete assignments #3 and #4. Many of the following can be found in local libraries, ESD libraries, in Google Books, or for purchase. Fiction Chippendale, Neil. Sir Walter Raleigh and the search for El Dorado. Chelsea House Publications (July 2001). ISBN-10: 0791064352. Lost colony -- English venture forth -- Raleigh, Ireland and Queen Elizabeth -- Disgrace and El Dorado -End of an era. Crichton, Michael. Pirate Latitudes. Harper (November 24, 2009). ISBN-10: 0061929379. It is 1665, and the island of Jamaica is a British outpost in the midst of Spanish occupied waters. When rumours of gold aboard a Spanish galleon reach the ears of Charles Hunter, an English privateer, he organizes a ruthless gang to steal the gold. His successful acquisition is just the beginning of a series of thrilling adventures that deliver a surprising ending Dorris, Michael. Morning Girl. Hyperion Book CH (January 1, 1900). ISBN-10: 078681358X. A well-written portrayal of life on a Bahamian island prior to Columbus' arrival, written from the point of view of two young siblings of the native Indian culture. Only at the end of the book--after the reader has gotten to know this family and this culture--do we learn that the strangers who have appeared on the beach are Columbus and his men, and that the native people's lives are seriously in peril Duble, Kathleen Benner. Quest. Margaret K. McElderry (March 25, 2008). ISBN-10: 1416933867. The story of Hudson's final attempt to find the Northwest Passage, told in four distinct and alternating narratives by four different characters. Together, they present the views of a range of people living during the Age of Discovery--explorers, sailors, family members left behind, investors..."An absorbing work of historical fiction. Hesse, Karen. Stowaway. McElderry (June 1, 2002). ISBN-10: 0689839898. Inspired by the true story of a young stowaway on Captain Cook's ship, Stowaway is "an imaginative tale firmly anchored in fact" (PW). Eleven-year-old Nicholas keeps a journal while on ship (the book is written in journal format) and writes about life aboard the Endeavor, the different places they stop, and more. Have your students read this book during units on the Age of Exploration. Sis, Peter. Follow the Dream: The Story of Christopher Columbus. Knopf Books for Young Readers; 1st ed edition (September 9, 2003). ISBN-10: 0679806288. Portraying Columbus from his boyhood to his first landing in the Americas, Sis's (Waving; Alphabet Soup) account is straightforward but somewhat flat. Though his minimal text often reads like a rushed summary, his artwork is extraordinary. With their rich, earthy hues, fine cross-hatching and, in many instances, the semblance of parchment or aged oils, these illustrations recall the maps, charts and paintings of Columbus's own era VanderMeer, Ann. Fast Ships, Black Sails. Night Shade Books; First Edition edition (November 4, 2008). ISBN-10: 1597800945. This collection of 18 short stories ranges from humorous and romantic, to dramatic and terrifying with pirates aplenty. The settings take the reader on a journey from the high seas, to outer space and cyberspace Waldman, Stuart. Magellanʼs World. Mikaya Press (October 12, 2007). ISBN-10: 193141419X. A beautifully illustrated book about Magellan and his voyages. Full page maps and lush illustrations make this book stand out. Columbus & The Explorers 8 Rev 7/24/2012 Yolen, Jane. Encounter. Sandpiper; 1 edition (September 20, 1996). ISBN-10: 9780152013899. The imaginative story examines the first meeting between Columbus and the indigenous peoples of San Salvador (the Taino) through the eyes of a young native boy. The unnamed narrator has been warned in an ominous dream that the strangers may bring trouble to his people. His concerns are ignored, however, and the Taino greet their guests with customary feasting and gifts, only to be repaid by the abduction of several of their young people. Non-Fiction DeAngelis, Gina. Francisco Pizarro and the Conquest of the Inca. Tandem Library (July 2000). ISBN-10: 0613325842. Empire of the Sun God -- Who was Francisco Pizarro? -- Long quest begins -- Conquest of Peru -- Bloody end DeAngelis, Gina. Hernando Cortés and the conquest of Mexico. Chelsea House Publications (October 1999). ISBN-10: 0791055167. A biography of the explorer whose brutal conquest of the Aztecs in Mexico was responsible for the first Spanish settlements in the New World Dreher, Diane. Exploers Who Got Lost. Tor Books / Tom Doherty Associates; 1 edition (February 7, 2005). ISBN-10: 0812520386. Many key discoveries of the Age of Exploration were actually the result of explorers getting dreadfully lost and 'stumbling upon' new lands! This book provides biographies of eight important explorers, their routes and navigation systems, plus includes discussion about their mistakes, errors in judgment, wrong turns... A fun counterpoint to the glorious portrayal of the Age of Exploration found in most text books Goodman, Joan. A Long and Uncertain Journey. Mikaya Press (April 7, 2001). ISBN-10: 096504937X. This well written account of Vasco da Gama's 1497 voyage is packed with interesting historic details without losing the broader context and impact of the voyage. Paired with "lavish, earth-toned watercolor illustrations" (SLJ), this a great classroom resource. Harmon, Daniel. Juan Ponce de Leon and the search for the Fountain of Youth. Chelsea House Publications (February 2000). ISBN-10: 0791055175 A biography of the Spanish explorer and governor of Cuba, who attempted to find the Fountain of Youth in the New World. Marcovitz, John. John Smith: Explorer and Colonial Leader. Chelsea House Publications (October 2001). ISBN-10: 0791064336. "Two great stones" -- Captain -- Jamestown -- Exploring Virginia -- Colonists get to work -- Exploring New England Marrin, Albert. The Sea King: Sir Francis Drake and His Times. Atheneum; 1st edition (May 1, 1995). ISBN-10: 0689318871. A "gritty, graphic, and gripping account" (SLJ) of the life of Sir Francis Drake, who circumnavigated the globe in the 16th century. Sarabande, William. Beyond the Sea of Ice: The Voyages of Henry Hudson. Domain (November 1, 1987). ISBN-10: 0553268899. This "introduction to Hudson's voyages...will spark readers' interest." (Booklist) Readers learn about Hudson's voyages during the Age of Exploration and read journal entries made by Hudson and his crew. Includes full page paintings and helpful fold out maps showing Hudson's four voyages Columbus & The Explorers 9 Rev 7/24/2012 COLUMBUS & THE EXPLORERS: Film & Literature For K-12 VHS, DVD & WEB SITE RESOURCES Web Sites to be reviewed: This website contains a variety of teacher resources about the Age of Exploration. It includes a timeline, maps, biographies, and lesson plans. This website contains a variety of teacher resources about the Age of Exploration. It includes Power Points on early exploration, Vikings, pirates, and many of the European explorers. This website contains a variety of teacher resources about the Age of Exploration. It includes a timeline, maps, biographies, and lesson plans with a focus on the Conquistadors. This website contains a variety of teacher resources about the Age of Exploration. It includes a timeline, maps, biographies, and lesson plans—including study guides and quizzes. This website contains a variety of teacher resources about the Age of Exploration. It includes a timeline, maps, biographies, and lesson plans. This website contains a variety of teacher resources about the Age of Exploration. It includes a timeline, maps, biographies, and lesson plans including image downloads. This website contains a variety of teacher resources about the Age of Exploration. It includes a timeline, maps, biographies, and lesson plans. This website provides a detailed curriculum list of nearly all of the European explorers. loration.pdf This pdf provides some detailed lesson plans on the Age of Exploration. This website provides material on some of the more famous explorers such as Columbus, Ponce De Leon, Marco Polo, etc. This website provides a comprehensive list of early maps of the New World and the explorers routes hitherto. VHS & DVD RESOURCES Educational Service District Many ESDs have Age of Exploration videos available for use at your school. Check selections. Local Library Systems Many local library systems have Age of Exploration videos available for use at your school. Columbus & The Explorers 10 Rev 7/24/2012 NetFlix NetFlix is an online DVD site where you can order many commercial and documentary movies which are mailed to you. A monthly subscription costs about $10, and you receive one DVD at a time. As soon as you have seen it, return the DVD and you are supplied a second choice. If you choose NetFlix, they have a documentary section and all the films listed and described below are available from NetFlix. If you work quickly, it would be possible to view all the movies easily in two months or less. DVDs FROM NETFLIX—SELECT 8 NOTE: I HAVE PROVIDED A DIRECT LINK TO THE FOLLOWING NETFLIX TITLES. IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE A NETFLIX ACCOUNT THEN THE TITLE SHOULD COME UP AUTOMATICALLY. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN EXISTING NETFLIX ACCOUNT THEN YOU WILL NEED TO TYPE IN THE TITLE OF THE VIDEO. Ancient Mysteries: The Fountain of Youth 1995. More than 20 years after accompanying Christopher Columbus on his second excursion to the New World, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon set out on his own expedition in search of, it was said, the mythical Fountain of Youth. Instead, he discovered Florida. But what if his motivations were more material? In this installment of "Ancient Mysteries," historians and other experts suggest that profit and fame were Ponce de Leon's chief incentives. Captain John Smith and Pocahontas 1953. Far from simple animated characters, Pocahontas (portrayed in this 1953 film by Jody Lawrance) and Captain John Smith (Anthony Dexter) were real-life personalities caught in a time and relationship both buoyed and limited by human complexities. This dramatization of the famous affair explores the captain's initial doubts about their pairing, which give way to true affection, an idyll shattered by the jealous rages of Pocahontas's former flame. Christopher Columbus: The Discovery. (1992) PG-13 Dreaming of finding a new route to the Indies, Christopher Columbus (George Corraface) asks for backing from Queen Isabella (Rachel Ward) and King Ferdinand (Tom Selleck) -- who agree to fund him after subjecting him to a grueling interrogation by the head of the Spanish Inquisition (Marlon Brando). Once Columbus sets sail, he faces sabotage and mutiny as he journeys to discover a new world in this bracing historical saga. Christopher Columbus: Explorer: 1995. This biography reveals the life of famed Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, who set out to find a new route to Asia and discovered the New World instead. Through rare art and artifacts, period accounts and interviews with historians, the program chronicles Columbus's struggles and triumphs from persuading Spain's royals to fund his explorations to his thrilling discovery of the New World and the controversy surrounding his place in history. Christopher Columbus: Explorer. (1995) NR This biography reveals the life of famed Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, who set out to find a new route to Asia and discovered the New World instead. Through rare art and artifacts, period accounts and interviews with historians, the program chronicles Columbus's struggles and triumphs from persuading Spain's royals to fund his explorations to his thrilling discovery of the New World and the controversy surrounding his place in history. Columbus: The Lost Voyage. (2007) NR A far cry from his first voyage, the fourth expedition of Columbus was to be the great explorer's last -- a journey fully documented in this History Channel presentation based on the book by historian and Columbus & The Explorers 11 Rev 7/24/2012 adventurer Martin Dugard. As Dugard visits key sites from Columbus's voyages -- including Panama, Jamaica and Hispaniola -- dramatizations and interviews with local experts bring to life the ill-fated journey that resulted in mutiny. Conquistadors. (2000) NR Beloved historian Michael Wood recounts the adventures of the great Spanish conquistadors whose encounters with the Americas changed the modern world -- and all but obliterated the mighty Aztec and Incan empires. Literally walking in the footsteps of the conquerors Cortés, Pizarro, de Vaca and others, Wood examines the effects of the conquistadors' bloody campaigns, and communes with modern descendants of the Aztecs and the Incas. Great Adventurers: Sir Francis Drake(1999) NR From his early career as a privateer to his secretly commissioned expedition by Queen Elizabeth I, this documentary explores the life of famed British navigator and explorer Sir Francis Drake. Drake's many accomplishments include being the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe and the man credited with defeating the Spanish Armada in 1588. This fascinating film includes footage shot aboard a replica of his celebrated ship, the Golden Hind. Great Adventurers: Sir Walter Raleigh(1999) NR This fascinating documentary explores the life of Sir Walter Raleigh -- an explorer, poet and favorite of Queen Elizabeth I who rose swiftly to fame and fortune only to suffer from a slow and tragic fall from grace. After many adventures, including voyages to colonize the New World, Raleigh fell victim to dark intrigues and political maneuvering at the close of Elizabeth's reign -- ultimately ending up with his head on the executioner's block. The Great Inca Rebellion 2007. This thought-provoking National Geographic program sheds new light on the long-held assumption that 16th-century Spanish conquistadors swiftly overtook the Incan empire with little resistance. Based on physical evidence recovered from the remains of those who died in battle and stunning reenactments produced with CGI animation, the program suggests that the Spanish assault on the ancient civilization may have lasted as long as 20 years. Marco Polo. 2007. Marco Polo (Ian Somerhalder) joins two priests on a quest to establish trade with Kublai Khan's (Brian Dennehy) empire and convert the Mongols to Christianity. But when the priests -- who question the existence of the rumored realm -- turn back, the Italian merchant forges ahead. This Hallmark Channel movie explores the true story of the valiant 13th-century explorer and his experiences after he's stranded in the East. B.D. Wong co-stars. The New World(2005) PG-13 Set in 1607 at the founding of the Jamestown Settlement, Terrence Malick's epic adventure chronicles the extraordinary actions of explorer John Smith (Colin Farrell) and Native American princess Pocahontas (Q'Orianka Kilcher). As English settlers and Native Americans clash, Smith and Pocahontas find their worlds colliding and their hearts entwined, but ancestral loyalty may tear them apart. Christian Bale and Christopher Plummer co-star. Penn of Pennsylvania 1942. Clifford Evans plays the titular Penn -- Quaker leader and founder of the colony of Pennsylvania William Penn -- in this biopic that follows the great man's journey from upper-class Brit to New World leader. Eschewing a comfortable existence in his native Britain for the great unknown of life in the Colonies, Penn is willing to risk all in pursuit of religious freedom. Deborah Kerr stars as Penn's wilfe, Gulielma. Plymouth Adventure(1952) NR This Academy Award-winning drama (for Special Effects) stars the dashing Spencer Tracy as Christopher Columbus & The Explorers 12 Rev 7/24/2012 Jones, captain of the seafaring Mayflower, which is carrying Pilgrims from England to the New World. As a storm looms on the horizon, Jones falls for the wife (Gene Tierney) of one of the passengers, William Bradford (Leo Genn). Can the vessel withstand such scandal -- or is it just a distraction in a teapot already suffering a tempest. The Road to El Dorado. PG In this animated feature set in the 16th century, Kevin Kline and Kenneth Branagh voice Spanish con men who see dollar signs when they win a map to the legendary city of gold. But when they reach El Dorado, things don't go according to plan. They're initially mistaken for revered gods, and as they begin to integrate into Mayan society, they reconsider their motivations and test their friendship and sense of adventure. Shipwreck: Captain Kidd. NR With the aid of dazzling computer graphics, this National Geographic documentary dips beneath the surface to explore the remains of a 300-year-old ship rumored to carry a precious cargo of gold, silver and riches plundered from the East Indies. Abandoned in the 17th century by notorious privateer Capt. William Kidd, the Quedagh Merchant went undiscovered until a team of 21st century archaeologists unearthed it using modern technology. Tall Tales & Legends: Ponce de Leon. (1986) NR Get to know the legendary European explorer with an impossible mission in this retelling of the myth of Ponce de Leon (Michael York). Executive producer Shelley Duvall plays host to viewers young and old alike who are eager to learn about de Leon's search for the fountain of youth. This is no ordinary educational series, however; instead, it's a show infused with good humor, one that mines the absurdity of de Leon's quixotic quest. When Worlds Collide. 2010. Exploring the roots of Latino culture, this thought-provoking documentary transports viewers to the intersection of two vastly different worlds -- the "Old World" of European Spain and the "New World" of the Americas. Stops along the way include the Cerro del Tepeyac of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico, the bustling city of Granada in Spain's Andalusia region, and Philip II's Escorial palace outside of Madrid Or, choose a different video with instructorʼs prior approval. VHS & DVD RESOURCES Educational Service District Many ESDs have Age of Exploration videos available for use at your school. Check selections. Local Library Systems Many local library systems have Age of Exploration videos available for use at your school. NetFlix NetFlix is an online DVD site where you can order many commercial and documentary movies which are mailed to you. A monthly subscription costs about $10, and you receive one DVD at a time. As soon as you have seen it, return the DVD and you are supplied a second choice. If you choose NetFlix, they have a documentary section (upper right under favorite genres on the home page) and all the films listed and described below are all available from NetFlix. If you work quickly, it would be possible to view all the movies easily in two months or less. Columbus & The Explorers 13 Rev 7/24/2012 COLUMBUS & THE EXPLORERS: Film & Literature For K-12 LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Grade Level: ____________ Subject: __________________________________________________________________________ Theme/Topic: _____________________________________________________________________ Student Outcomes: (with connection to State standards) Required Materials and Equipment: Agenda: (The major events of the day posted for public viewing. Schedule warm-up, bathroom breaks, surprises (pop quiz), guest speakers, specials, assemblies, movie clips, outside assignments etc. so students can manage their time with you.) Warm Up: (A 1-2 sentence task, written or drawn on the board, to be completed alone or in groups prior to the beginning of the lesson. At the elementary level it would be used for classroom transitions, and in grades 7-12 to define one content area from another. The warm-up is designed to access learning from the previous lesson and settle students into the flow for the present lesson on hand.) Anticipatory Set: (Attention Getter to kindle student interest) Direct Instruction (10-20 mins): (Input, Modeling/demo, giving directions, check for understanding) Guided Practice (x mins): (Under teacherʼs direct supervision, students individually apply or practice what they have just learned and receive immediate feedback) Closure (x mins): (Actions designed to cue in students that they have arrived at an important point in the lesson or at the end of the lesson; often closure consists of review and clarifying key points) Independent Practice: (Student directed, may be incorporated before closure or as outside assignment. The aim is repetition in enough different contexts so that the learning may be applied to any relevant situation, not only the context in which it was originally learned.) Assessment and Follow-Up: (Self-reflection, collaborative rubric, other rubric, anecdotal evidence, teacher created quiz/test etc., peer review, standardized test, exhibition, portfolio piece(s)) Columbus & The Explorers 14 Rev 7/24/2012