ELECTRONIC FIELD DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM FOR HIGHWAY INSPECTION MAINTENANCE NOR HUSNA BINTI MOHD GHAZALEE A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master o f Science (Construction Management) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JA N U A R Y 2012 ELECTRONIC FIELD DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM FOR HIGHWAY INSPECTION MAINTENANCE NOR HUSNA BINTI MOHD GHAZALEE A project report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Construction Management) Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JA N U A R Y 2012 iv Special dedicated to my supportiveparents, my beloved husband and myprecious son. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Praise to Allah who has made it possible for me to complete this project report. Deepest gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor, Prof. Madya. Ir. Dr. Rosli Mohamad Zin for all the guidance, suggestion and advices throughou the making of this thesis. Thanks to all staff of Senai-Desaru Expressway Berhad (SDE) and Malaysia Highway Authority (MHA) for the cooperation and information given. Last but not least, sincere thanks to my husband and parents for the support, encouragement and understanding. May Allah bless all of you. vi ABSTRACT Compared to traditional maintenance inspection with paper sheets, electronic maintenance data collection can improve maintenance data management. The traditional process of collecting highway inspection data is based on paper sheets where the records are to be filed manually. The inspection in paper based is hard to be used whereby the inspector need to take out pen from his pocket to write up the inspection data manually, measure the length in critical condition such as slope and also need to bring camera to take the photos. Therefore, an Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) has been approached in this research for helping the inspectors to collect and record the field inspection data. The system uses a Tablet PC as a device to collect and record the inspection data. The objectives of this study are to review the current practice of field inspection process in highway maintenance; to develop a prototype of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) for highway inspection maintenance by using the technology of Tablet PC and to address the potential and limitation of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) in highway inspection maintenance. Data were collected from Malaysian Highway Authority (MHA) and Senai Desaru Expressway Berhad (SDE) by means of interviews and structured interview questionnaires. The prototype of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) was developed by using two type of Android application software; D atadroid and Smart Measure. The finding showed that the Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) has a great potential in field inspection maintenance as the system able to increase the accuracy of collecting field data, reduce the tools and equipment of inspection, prevent duplication of data, eliminate re-entry of data and speed up the inspection time. vii ABSTRAK Berbanding dengan pemeriksaan penyelenggaraan tradisional dengan helaian kertas, pengumpulan data penyenggaraan elektronik boleh meningkatkan penyelenggaraan pengurusan data. Proses tradisional mengumpul data pemeriksaan lebuh raya adalah berdasarkan lembaran kertas di mana rekod yang akan difailkan secara manual. Penggunaan kertas ketika menjalankan activiti pemeriksaan adalah sukar dimana pemeriksa perlu mengambil pen dari sakunya untuk menulis data pemeriksaan secara manual, mengukur panjang dalam keadaan kritikal seperti cerun dan perlu membawa kamera untuk mengambil gambar. Oleh itu, ‘Electronic Field Data Collection System’ (EFDCS) telah didatangi dalam penyelidikan ini untuk membantu pemeriksa untuk mengumpul dan merekodkan data pemeriksaan. Sistem ini menggunakan Tablet PC sebagai alat untuk mengumpul dan merekodkan data pemeriksaan. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji semula amalan semasa proses pemeriksaan bidang dalam penyenggaraan lebuh raya; untuk membangunkan prototaip ‘Electronic Field Data Collection System’ (EFDCS) untuk pemeriksaan penyelenggaraan lebuh raya dengan menggunakan teknologi PC Tablet dan bagi menangani potensi dan batasan ‘Electronic Field Data Collection System’ (EFDCS) dalam penyelenggaraan pemeriksaan lebuh raya. Data yang dikumpul daripada Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia (LLM) dan Senai Desaru Expressway Berhad (SDE) melalui temu bual dan soal selidik temuduga berstruktur. Prototaip ‘Electronic Field Data Collection System’ (EFDCS) telah dibangunkan dengan menggunakan dua jenis perisian aplikasi Android; ‘D3atadroid’ dan ‘Smart Measure’. Hasil daripada kajian tersebut menunjukkan bahawa ‘Electronic Field Data Collection System’ (EFDCS) mempunyai potensi yang besar dalam bidang pemeriksaan penyelenggaraan yang dapat meningkatkan ketepatan mengumpul data bidang, viii mengurangkan peralatan pemeriksaan, mengelakkan pertindihan data, menghapuskan semula kemasukan data dan mempercepatkan masa pemeriksaan. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xix INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Problem Statement 2 1.3 Aim and objective 4 1.4 Scope of study 4 1.5 Research methodology 5 1.6 Summary of the chapter 6 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Inspection and monitoring 10 2.2.1 Planning the inspection 11 2.2.2 Preparing the inspection 11 2.2.3 Performing the inspection 12 2.2.4 3 Preparing the report 12 2.3 Routine Maintenance Inspection Highway 13 2.4 Type of maintenance inspectionof highway 13 2.4.1 Generalinspection 14 2.4.2 Periodic inspection 15 2.4.3 Specialinspection 16 2.5 Inspection Target 16 2.6 Inspection Works 18 2.7 Inspection Programme and operation 20 2.8 Assessment 21 2.9 Report 23 2.9.1 Annual Summary Report 23 2.9.2 Monthly Summary Report 23 2.9.3 Daily Summary Report 23 2.9.4 Periodic or special Inspection Report 24 2.10 Process data collection forhighway inspection 26 2.11 Electronic Record Keeping 27 2.12 Technologies for data collection 28 2.13 The technology choice for field inspection 28 2.14 Field toolselection and comparison 30 2.14.1 Handheld 30 2.14.2 Tablet PC 31 2.15 Field data collection tools by other researchers 32 2.16 Benefitof electronically field inspectionrecord 34 2.17 Hardware Technology Choice 36 2.18 Android Operating System 38 2.18.1 Android Architecture 40 2.18.2 Application Framework 41 2.18.2 Library 42 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 43 3.2 Researchprocess 45 xi 3.3 Researchmethodology 3.3.1 Literature review 45 3.3.2 Data collection 45 Primary data 47 Secondary data 49 Data analysis 49 Content Analysis 50 Frequency Analysis 50 Average Index Analysis 50 Conceptual model development 52 3.3.4 Prototype development 55 3.3.5 Prototype testing and evaluation 54 3.3.6 Conclusion and recommendation 55 3.3.3 4 DATA ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction 57 4.2 Respondent Background 57 4.3 Current Practice to Collect and Record the Field Highway Inspection of SDE 4.4 4.5 60 Potential and limitation of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) 64 Comments and Main Benefit of the Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) 5 45 66 ELECTRONIC FIELD INSPECTION FOR HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Component of Electronic Field Data Collection 5.3 68 System (EFDCS) 69 The Developmentof Electronic Checklist 72 5.3.1 Create the inspection form 73 5.3.2 Create the workpackage 74 5.3.3 Workpackage delivered 76 5.3.4 Viewreport 76 5.4 Smart Measure Application 79 5.5 Application Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) in Tablet PC 80 5.5.1 Login 81 5.5.2 Main Menu 81 5.5.3 Fill Inspection Form 82 5.5.4 Submission of Field Inspection Data 85 EVALUATION OF ELECTRONIC FILED DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM PROTOTYPE 6.1 Introduction 87 6.2 Evaluation Questionnaire Design 88 6.3 Analysis of Evaluation Results 89 6.4 Prototype Limitation 94 6.5 Summary 94 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Realization of Study Objective 7.2.1 6 To review the current practice of field inspection process in highway maintenance 7.2.2 96 97 To develop a prototype of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) by using Tablet PC 7.2.3 97 To address the potential and limitation of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) 98 7.3 Recommendation of Further Improvement 99 REFERENCES Appendices A-T 100-101 xiii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 The inspection target in the inspection work 17 2.2 General Rating/Judgment 21 2.3 Inspection items and rating of slope 22 2.4 Type of Inspection report 25 2.5 Prioritization of functional capabilities for a highway Inspection field tool 2.6 29 Application of information technology to support field Data collection 33 2.7 Benefits of information technology implementation 35 2.8 Comparison of tablet PC hardware choices 36 4.1 Response data for year experience of respondents 58 4.2 Response of highest academic qualificationof respondents 59 4.3 Tools and equipmentused in current field inspection 61 4.4 Problems occur regarding tools and equipment 63 4.5 Response to the potential of electronic field inspection 65 4.6 Ranked benefit of electronic field inspection 66 4.7 Summary comment and main benefit of electronic field Inspection 68 6.1 Resultof evaluationprototype 90 6.2 The benefit of prototype program 93 6.3 The way of improvement 94 xiv LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAG 1.1 Chart of research methodology 6 2.1 Inspection Works Process 19 2.2 Process collecting the field inspection of highway 26 2.3 Android Architecture 39 3.1 The flow chartof methodology 45 3.2 Structuralmodel development 51 3.3 Sequence of prototype development 52 4.1 Percentage breakdownof respondent’sworking experience 59 4.2 Percentage of respondent’s highest academic qualification 60 4.3 Graph of Tools and equipment used in field inspection 62 4.4 Problems occur regarding tools and equipment 64 5.1 Componentof electronic field inspection 70 5.2 Flow chartof processof electronic inspection 71 5.3 Steps to produce inspection form by using D atadroid Software 72 5.4 Login interface 73 5.5 Create new form of checklist 74 5.6 Work package screen and active work package 75 5.7 Reportreceived by the D atadroid 77 5.8 GPS location 77 5.9 Report exportto Excel 78 5.10 Report exportto PDF 78 5.11 Function of Smart measure 80 5.12 Login screen 81 5.13 M ainmenuscreen 82 5.14 List of form to be choose, Checklist form item and Filled form 83 5.15 Set time, Set date and GPS marker 83 5.16 Select Smart Measure App, Set the height and Start measure 84 5.17 Selection for answers, Capture photo, and Signature 85 5.18 Form complete and form submit 86 6.1 Chart of the system performance rating 91 6.2 Chartof the applicability to field inspectionof highway 92 6.3 Chart of the general rating of prototype 92 xvi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ABBREVIATION FULLNAME D3 - D3atadroid EFDCS - Electronic Field Data Collection System EMS - Expressway Management System GIS - Geographical Information System GPS - Geographical Positioning System MHA - Ministry of Highway Authority PDA - Personal Digital Assistance SDE - Senai-Desaru Expressway SM - Smart Measure xvii LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Structure Interview Questionnaire 102 B Evaluation Questionnaire 105 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Compared to traditional maintenance inspection with paper based approach, electronic inspection system can improve the maintenance data collection and record. The traditional process of a highway inspection data is based on paper sheets where the records are to be filed manually. In regard to this situation, Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) would be approached in this research for helping the inspectors to collect and record the field inspection data of highway maintenance. The system can greatly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the inspection activity. Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) uses a technology of portable computer whereby it able to mobile the information here and there as the nature of field inspection is to move from one site to other sites. Therefore, there are new technologies available that use portable computers for collecting and recording the field data inspection. One of the technologies is Tablet PC which is likely to familiar in this 2000’an. It is varies in several brand such I-Pad by Apple and Galaxy Tab by Samsung. 2 The purpose of this research is to complement the traditional paper based highway inspection process with an electronic based inspection to carry out the inspection process by increasing the accuracy of collecting field data, maintaining a good record keeping, prevent duplicate data, eliminate re-entry data and reduce the inspection time. To achieve this research the Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) is developed by using a Tablet PC whereby android application software is used as tools for field inspection of highway maintenance. The system also generates a detailed inspection report together with the checklist and site measurement, GPS and photos of defect. 1.2 Problem Statement Highway inspection is one of the most important highway maintenance activities in order to identify the highway conditions as well as traffic condition. Inspections are performed to understand, evaluate, assessed and judge the highway conditions so that the roads can be maintained and repaired in good condition for the traffic and road environment. The physical highways that need to be inspected cover pavement, drainage, slope, bridge and tunnel. The requirement to carry out the inspection normally refers on the maintenance inspection guideline procedure by Malaysian Highway Authority (MHA). Slope inspection for example needs to check debris from drainage channels and slope surface in every 6 months. In this situation, paper based inspection is hard to be used whereby the inspector need to take out pen from his pocket to write up the inspection data, measure the length of slope and also need to bring camera to take the photos. Thus, in every inspection the inspector has to bring these items; checklist sheet, pen, camera and tape as well. If one of them is missing, they cannot proceed for the inspection. 3 At present, the Senai Desaru Expressway Berhad (SDE) has developed the integrated Expressway Maintenance System called EMS which consists of asset of highway, inventory, maintenance regime and application of GIS in future. The system operated in web-based platform where the internet applications are utilises. The system cannot be accessed if the internet is not available. Preliminary observation show that the system does not focus on the field inspection whereby the inspectors have to key in the inspection data into the system once he is back from the field inspection. In directly, re-entry work is happen. The inspector may have flexibility on time and place to key in the data as the system is internet basis. They can work on the data entry after office hour at home or any other places. On the other hand, maintenance highway inspection is an operation that requires a lot of man-hours. Traditionally the maintenance data has been collected with paper sheets, and if information systems have been used for maintenance data management, inspection records have been fed manually to databases. Mobile applications are needed for electronic collection of maintenance data, and as well for other field tasks of distribution utilities as described by Janne et al, (2007). In order to enhance the effectiveness and the quality of field data collection in highway maintenance, the Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) based on the Tablet PC is designed to enable collect and record field data, take photos and do the site measurement by using one tool only. The proposed system will simplify the existing process and acts saving tool for collecting and reporting highway inspection data. Furthermore, mobile inspection is easy to carry and suitable to handle in any situation. 4 1.3 Aim and Objectives The aim of this study is to develop an Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) for highway inspection maintenance in order to collect and record the field data. To achieve this aim, the following objectives have been set; i. To review the current practice of field inspection process in highway maintenance ii. To develop an Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) prototype for highway inspection maintenance by using the technology of Tablet PC. iii. To address the potential and limitation of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) in highway maintenance. 1.4 Scope of Study This study is limited to data collection and record activities for field inspection maintenance activities undertaken throughout the province on the Senai Desaru Expressway, Malaysia. The scope of study will focus on the development of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) by using the technology of Tablet PC and Android application software. 5 1.5 Research Methodology In general, the following methodology has been adopted in order to achieve the objectives and Figure 1.1 showed the flow chart of the research methodology; i. In order to achieve the first objective is to review the current practice of field inspection process in highway maintenance, the method for acquisition data will be obtaining from Ministry of Highway Authority (MHA), Senai Desaru Expressway Berhad (SDE) and some interviews among them will be conducted. ii. The second objective which is to develop a prototype of electronic field inspection for highway maintenance by using the technology of Tablet PC, D atadroid and Smart Measure application software will be chosen to develop the database system. iii. To achieve the final objective which is to address the potential and limitation of electronic field inspection, the method to acquire data is by giving the structure interview questionnaires and evaluation questionnaires to the inspectors and other related person and support by literature research from previous thesis which had been carried out before. 6 Identify Problems __________ _______________ Establish aims and objectives ____ i z ______ Data collection ¥ Literature Review Questionnaire Interview _________________ SZ_____________________ Development of prototype _________________ i i _____________________ Testing and Evaluation the prototype Ii Data Analysis _________________ iz _____________________ Conclusion and Recommendation Figure 1.1: Chart of the research methodology 1.6 Summary of the Chapters The study has been outlined to seven (7) chapters. The explanation of each chapter is as following; 7 1.6.1 Chapter 1 : Introduction Chapter 1 describes the overall intention of the study. It also explains the problems statement, objectives, the scope of study and the brief methodology adopted for the study. 1.6.2 Chapter 2: Literature Review Chapter 2 is a literature review on the background of research related to the environment of highway inspection in Malaysia, electronic record keeping and the tools selection for data collection. 1.6.3 Chapter 3: Methodology Chapter 3 describes in detail the methodologies of study to achieve the objectives. This includes methodology for data collection and data analysis for questionnaire and interview with expert panels. 1.6.4 Chapter 4: Data Analysis Chapter 4 will show the collection of data obtained from the questionnaire and interview by expert panels. 8 1.6.5 Chapter 5: Electronic Field Data Collection System for Highway Inspection Maintenance Chapter 5 discuss in details the development of Electronic Field Data Collection System prototype by using Android application software’s named D atadroid and Smart Measure. The structure and the environment of the developed prototype will be described in this section. The application method of the program also will be discussed. 1.6.6 Chapter 6: Evaluation of the Prototype Chapter 6 will discuss the evaluation of the prototype of electronic field inspection and also includes the aim and objectives of the evaluation, methodology, results and discussions on the overall evaluation process. 1.6.7 Conclusion and Recommendation Chapter 7 concludes the overall study on the subject and evaluate whether the objectives of the study are met. Recommendations for future studies are also suggested. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction Chapter 2 describes the process of field inspection of highway, electronic record keeping, electronic support in field data collection, inspection tools for field data collection and other consideration for the selection and technology choices. Field inspection process present recommended frequencies and specific area of inspection to look for in each of the following categories: road surface, drainage, slope, bridge, culvert, tunnel, traffic safety devices, traffic safety devices and miscellaneous. The use of electronic inspection system in the highway maintenance for helping inspectors during an inspection can greatly improve the effectiveness of the inspection activity. In order to enhance the effectiveness and the quality of field data collection in highway maintenance, the Electronic Field Data Collection System based on the Tablet PC was designed in order to collect and record field data, take photos and do the site measurement. 10 Tablet PC has been selected as an inspection tool for collecting and recording data. The technology options considered include PDAs and Tablet PC. Other considerations for selecting the field tool technology include the desire to minimize paper sheets and other equipment such as camera and tape and provide consistent look and feel to the inspectors in both the field and the office. In this chapter, the author proposes on how to properly collect and record the field inspection data of highway maintenance by implementing the electronic field inspection. 2.2 Inspection and Monitoring Highway inspections are one of the most important maintenance activities in highway maintenance. The main objective of inspection is to identify the road inventory conditions as well as traffic conditions. Inspections are performed to understand, evaluate, assessed and judge the road inventory conditions so that the roads can be maintained and repaired in good condition for the traffic and road environment. Inspection and monitoring are two of the most important maintenance activities to establish the highway condition. Proper inspections would greatly aid in the evaluation and condition assessment of the many slopes along the expressways and where appropriate, allow remedial works to be carried out. 11 According to Garrent (1998), an engineering inspection process can be divided into four stages; planning the inspection, preparing the inspection, performing the inspection and preparing the report. These inspection sub processes are described below; 2.2.1 Planning the inspection Planning an inspection involves developing a sequence and schedule for the inspection task, organizing field notes that will need to be taken and other needs during the inspection. During the planning stage, the elements that need to be inspected and what data needs to be collected is identified. 2.2.2 Preparing the inspection In preparing for an inspection, an inspector first reviews the sources of information available about the inspection object. For example, in highway inspection, inspectors review the previous inspection report, maintenance and repair records, etc. Previous inspection record is an important as the document present the condition of highway in previous time and indicate what the special attention might be highlighted. Maintenance and repair records are also valuable in that they identify which of defect found during the previous inspections were addressed and what additional maintenance was conducted. 12 2.2.3 Performing the inspection Once the inspector has planned and prepared the inspection, he then will do the inspection. This stage can be divided into two processes: data collection and data analysis. The data collection process involves collecting the actual conditions of the inspection elements. Data collection can be done either through visual observation or through the use of an inspection instrument. For visual observation, an inspector attempts to record the actual condition of an inspection element. Accurate records of these observations are obviously extremely important to the success of the entire inspection process. Once the data has been collected, the data has to be analyzed. When an inspection is performed without computing support, an inspector has to determine from the collected data what really happened to the inspection element. This process can be done by consulting the inspection manual or other sources of available knowledge. For example, highway inspection knowledge can be found in the highway maintenance manual. 2.2.4 Preparing the report After completing the inspection, inspectors require to submit a report in a particular standard format. If the inspection report is required, the inspector has to extract the data collected; the result of the analysis and the action required to be performed or has been performed. Based on the guideline book publish by Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia titled “Expressway Maintenance System” (M1), outline briefly the types and frequency of inspection works and its operation. 13 2.3 Routine Maintenance Inspection of Highway As a minimum, it is recommended that Routine Maintenance Inspections were carried out to ascertain the need for maintenance of man-made items including: i. Clearance of accumulated debris from drainage channels and slope surface ii. Repair of cracked or damaged drainage channels or pavement iii. Repair or replacement of cracked or damaged slope surface cover iv. Unblocking of weep holes and outlet drainpipes v. Removal of any vegetation that has caused severe cracking of slope surface cover and drainage channels vi. Re-grassing of bare soil slope surface areas vii. Repair of missing or deteriorated pointing in masonry walls viii. Removal of loose rock debris and undesirable vegetation from rock slopes or around boulders 2.4 ix. Repair of leaky exposed water-carrying services x. Repair or replacement of rusted steel slope furniture xi. Maintenance of landscape items on the slope Types of Maintenance Inspection of Highway There are various types of inspections that can be carried out depending on the objectives, scope, scale and frequency of the inspection. The thoroughness of each inspection may vary depending on its purpose. The inspection activities can be sub-divided into the following types: 14 2.4.1 General Inspection This on-foot visual inspection is carried out at regular interval (e.g. every 3 months) or as and when required depending on the slope conditions and needs. It is generally carried out in between the Periodic Inspection period. The inspection is a simplified inspection that is to be carried out by the Section personnel. The main objective of the inspection is to identify or check for common defects and deficiencies in the routine maintenance works on the slope as early as possible so that appropriate maintenance action can be carried out. Defects and deficiencies that are observed are to be recorded in the inspection form and reported to the Region Engineer for further action (i.e. repair, monitor or further investigation). The following are items to be observed, assessed and recorded in the General Inspection: Routine Works Checked To identify the type of works required by indicating Yes or No in the action required column. If works are indeed required, then details such as location, extent of works etc must be clearly indicated. To also indicate the other routine works required which are not on the form 15 Common Defects Observed To identify the defects observed by indicating Yes or No in the action required column. If action is required, indicate the details of work to be carried out, location, extent or severity of the defects, etc. To also indicate other defects observed which are not on the form Status of Routine Maintenance Determine whether it is Good, Average, Poor or Very Poor Sketch of Slope Provide sketch of slope indicating all defects Photographs Take photographs of defects for confirmation and record of the inspection finding. 16 2.4.2 Periodic Inspection This on foot inspection is carried out at specific intervals, to be determined by the Maintenance Engineer or as required by the Malaysia Highway Authority (MHA). Detail investigation is conducted periodically especially to the relevant structure such as bridge and slope. In general, the frequency may vary from once every 6 months or at more frequent intervals, depending on the requirement and overall condition of the highway asset. 2.4.3 Special Inspection Special inspection is the supplementary inspection of daily to periodic inspection in order to carry out the occasional cases such as storm and heavy rain. Immediate action is required upon completion of the repair works. 2.5 Inspection target The Table 2.1 below indicates the inspection targets for each type of inspection works 17 Table 2.1 : The inspection target in the inspection work. (Source: Book of Expressway Maintenance System) Functional Category Classification o f Structure Pavement & shoulder Road Surface surface (flexible/rigid) Expansion joint (rigid pavement) Road curb Shoulder Drainage Road Surface Facility Median & Roadside Slope / embankment Bridge Adjacent Area Vegetation on slope Slope Specially treated slope Masonry / Rubble Retaining Wall Bridge and Concrete super structure Viaduct Concrete sub-structure Steel structure Slab Painting Shoe Railing & kerbs Culvert Concrete Box Concrete Pipe Corrugated Metal Pipe Tunnel Concrete Lining Entrance(portal) Lining Ceiling Panel Drainage Facility Shoulder Traffic Safety Traffic Barrier Devices & Guardrail i Median Shoulder Anti-Glare ROW Fencing Median Anti-falling Shoulder Median Objects fence Traffic Control Traffic signs & Gantries Devices Road markings Delineators Hectometres/Kilometres Others Noise Barriers Miscellaneous Landscaping Daily Inspection Periodic Inspection Every Every 6 (2) months years(s) X 0 X 0 0 0 0 X X X X X 0 0 0 0 X X X (X) X (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) X X X X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X X X X X 0 X X X 0 0 X X X Special Inspection/ Special Cases In case necessary 18 Note: (1) X : For Daily Inspection, the entire structure shall be inspected visually from a moving vehicle while for Periodic Inspection full inspection on foot shall be done. (2) O : Inspection of structured shall be done partially as full vision inspection is not possible in some cases. (3) * : Additional detail inspection and investigation may be necessary from time to time if damages/failure are detected by chance. 2.6 Inspection Works The various processes for each inspection works are illustrated in Figure 2.1. It is Important to establish this process to ensure that each inspections are followed up with appropriate action systematically. Any damages or defects detected during these inspections will damage recorded and rated according, to the specified rating criteria. 19 Figure 2.1: Inspection Works Process (Source: Book of Expressway Maintenance System) 20 2.7 Inspection Programme and Operation An inspection programme shall be set up before carrying out any periodic inspection. The inspection programme shall contain the following items: i. Types of inspection ii. Objects/components and items iii. Time schedule and inspection route iv. Inspection members v. Inspection methods vi. Tools and equipments Inspectors have to select and carry appropriate tools and equipment. The following tools are usually carried by the inspector: (i) Daily Inspection and Special Inspection Toots and equipments: Camera/ Polaroid camera/ video camera, binoculars, compact measuring tape, test hammer, measuring tape, survey pole, black board, chalk, torch light, maps, etc. (ii) Periodic Inspection Tools and equipment: Camera/ video camera, binoculars, magnifying glass, gauge, test hammer, measuring tape, survey pole, black calipers, clearance gauge, board, chalk, spade, rope, torch light, maps, etc. In addition, traffic safety equipment such as safety cones and a flag should be prepared. 21 2.8 Assessment The inspection findings/results will be assessed based on the rating criteria as show in Table 2.2 below. Table 2.2 : General Rating Criteria / Judgment (Source: Book of Expressway Maintenance System (M l)) A Emergency repair is required because the damage is serious such that traffic safety or a third party is, or likely to be jeopardised. B Repair is required because of heavy damage. C Repair is recommended although the damage is not heavy. D No need to repair because of no damage or minor damage. The example of inspection item slope is shown in Table 2.3. 22 Table 2.3 : Inspection Items and Rating of Slope (Source: Book of Expressway Maintenance System) Evaluation Inspection Item Slip slide Crack, swelling depression A Hindrance to traffic or a third party. Hindrance to traffic or a third party. Spalling., gully erosion Seepage water Fallen tree, Unusual growth of weeds Seepage water with mud or drastic change o f seepage water volume. Hindrance to traffic or a third party. Hindrance to traffic or to a third party. Withering o f grass Accumulation of earth Flaking stone boulder Hindrance to traffic or a third party B C Less possibility of further slip. Cracks, swelling or depression perceived from a long distance. Very minor slip. Less possibility of further failure, Wide range spalling or gully erosion. Possibility of failure. Drastic change of water volume. Less possibility of further failure. Partial spalling or gully erosion. Less possibility of failure. Seepage water. Less possibility of collapse. Fallen or inclined trees, or unusual No possibility of collapse. growth o f weeds. Covering rate of vegetation: less than 30%. presence o f water on the slope Unstable flaking stones or boulders on slope Small cracks, swelling or depression. Covering, rate of vegetation 30% to 70%- 23 2.9 Report Reports on inspection findings/results are very important for identifying road conditions and preparing repair and rehabilitation plans. Reporting forms for the various inspections shall be furnished and completed and the data are further recorded in a computer database. The necessary reports shall be prepared are as below; 2.9.1 Annual Summary Report This report summarizes the daily, periodic, and special inspection results/ findings annually. 2.9.2 Monthly Summary Report This report summarizes the daily inspection results/findings monthly. 2.9.3 Daily Inspection Report This report summarizes the daily inspection findings/results which has been conducted. Where necessary, it reports the detail damage detected with sketches or pictures/photographs. 24 2.9.4 Periodic or Special Inspection Report The reporting form used will be similar to that of daily inspection form as it reports periodic or special inspection results. It reports the periodic or special inspection results/findings. The Concession Company(s) required conducting a daily inspection and periodic inspection of the expressway as specified in the Maintenance Manual by LLM. Generally, periodic inspection shall be conducted based on each cycle of the respective maintenance activities. Periodic inspection programme is submitted to MHA by the Concession Company(s) prior to any inspection works. Generally all inspection conducted must be accompanied by a report and submitted to MHA. For those daily inspections, the Concession Company(s) shall summarize its report monthly and submit to MHA within the first week of the following month, while for periodic inspection, the report shall be submitted a month after its inspection has been carried out. Besides the daily and periodic inspection, special inspection as well as further detailed investigation from time to time is necessary to be carried out by the Concession Company whenever required or as instructed by MHA followed by the relevant reports. Special Inspection Reports for such as structures along the expressway, cut and embankment slopes, bridges, tunnel, etc., must be submitted to MHA immediately upon completion of these inspections. The Concession Company(s) required to conduct additional/detailed inspection should the report submitted found to be inadequate or insufficient. All counter measure works proposed and taken for short or long term must be briefed in the relevant report. Inspection report shall be verified and endorsed by an engineer. 25 Inspection Report for other public facilities and amenities along the expressway such as Rest and Service Areas, Lay-bys, Toll Plazas and its supervision buildings, etc., shall be submitted in January each year. Pavement Condition Assessment Report shall be submitted in January each year in accordance with the provisions stipulated under the Appendix in the Concession Agreement to ascertain if any section of the expressway is due for any overlay works. The frequency and details to be reported are described in Table 2.4 below; Table 2.4 : Type of Inspection Report (Source: Book of Expressway Maintenance System) ITEM 1 2 TYPE OF INSPECTION Daily inspection Periodic Inspection DESCRIPTION Routine inspection to evaluate road and traffic condition Public facilities and amenities (RSA,LB,Toll Plazas etc) More detailed investigation periodically especially relevant structures such as bridges and slopes Pavement Condition Assessment (PCA) M & E (Toll, Emergency Telephone, Street lighting, traffic light etc) 3 Special Inspection Suplementary inspection to daily and periodic inspection for occasional cases such as storm and heavy rain Repair Works Curative Maintenance & Repair Works REPORT TO MHA Monthly Yearly (January) One month after completion Yearly (January) Every 6 months Immediately upon completion Every 3 months 26 2.10 Process Data Collection for Highway Inspection Traditionally, inspectors execute the highway inspection according to the determined frequency time in order to accomplish the maintenance objective, check and rectify defects the highway assets. They required to carry checklist paper sheets and related equipment to perform the inspection and completed the checklist form at highway site and then transfer it to the database system. Management would take necessary action regarding the inspection details obtained from the field inspection. Below is the process of collecting field data of highway inspection. Inspectors require bringing checklist, tape and camera to the site Complete the checklist form at highway site Keep the field data into the file / Entry the inspection data to the database system Figure 2.2 : Process collecting the field inspection of highway 27 2.11 Electronic Record Keeping Electronic records are simply records in electronic format rather than having been printed or written onto paper. An “Electronic Record” means any document or record created, communicated and maintained by means of electronic equipment and includes, but is not limited to, electronic organiser, computer based diaries, appointment books and calendars, electronic mail, facsimile transmissions, websites and databases. As described above electronic records come in many different formats and are used for many different purposes. There are also viewed in different methods as well which can have an impact on what records are to kept and how those records are to be retained. For many years, the trend on field inspection of highway has been for more data to be stored and transferred electronically. The ease of use of email and electronic devices has increased the volume of documentation existing. The daily inspection report is efficiently generated and updated by computer as electronic storage afford easy to access and search capability. However, in addition to computer storage, it would be wise to print a hardcopy of each daily report at the end of each business day and have it signed by the inspector and placed in the file. If litigation occurs later, an original hardcopy is available from the files which can be compared with the electronic storage version as described by Edward and Randy (2004). 28 2.12 Technologies for Data Collection Many technologies are available to support the data collection functionality of the field inspection process. According to Sunkpho (2001), the data collected from these technologies can be used in two different forms; raw data (i.e. photo and measurement data) and identification data used as an index for retrieving more information about a specific item from a database, file or server. (i.e. inventory of highway) Visual inspection is inadequate for a complete inspection of certain facility component such as rail as many defects cannot be seen with the naked eyes as described by McNeil (1992). Present, mobile computer are becoming more powerful and less costly. The potential to apply the mobile computer provides more convenient and better solution in document keeping process. It is easier for inspector to bring one tool that represent for three instrument which are checklist, camera and measurement tape. Mobile computer can be in two form; Handheld and Tablet personal computer (Tablet PC). 2.13 The Technology Choice for Field Inspection A list of desirable functional capabilities for the field inspection tool has been identified by Teresa (2004) according to their result of brainstorming sessions. Some of the list has been adopted in this study in order to suit the environment of highway maintenance. The results are summarized in Table 2.8. 29 Table 2.5 : Prioritization of Functional Capabilities for a Highway Inspection Field Tool. (Source: Teresa (2004)) Priority High Medium Functional Characteristic Comment Record and store the database Traditional paper sheets based inspection required a lot o f paper in order to record the data and also some space to store the database. Avoid re-entering data This capability could save time. The time is saved by avoid recording data twice (after field inspection by paper checklist the inspector required to enter the data again into the database system. Digital camera The ability to capture, store, and annotate images associated with the inspection. Images could be annotated in the field or later in the office. Sketching bridge elements The ability to draw and store hand sketches associated with the inspection. This capability would be more useful for in-depth inspections. GPS location referencing Ability to support location based services. The GPS would be an added cost that probably would not provide any added benefits. Wireless network/Dial up Internet The wireless capabilities may not be practical at this time because o f the remote locations o f highways. Low 30 2.14 Field Tool Selection and Comparison Hardware options that were considered for highway field inspection include both handheld such as Personal Digital Assistant (PDAs) and Tablet PC. 2.14.1 Handheld A handheld is a convenient device as it able to fit in the palm of hand and the ultimate field device in terms of portability. One major advantage is especially for inspection purposes. This allows inspector to climb ladders, get on roofs, and enter attics and crawlspaces with ease, without worrying about the hassles of carrying bulky equipment. Although the handheld device is small, most models come with plenty of storage and memory so that the inspection software will run smoothly. Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) is a handheld computer with very small display screens (about 3 inches). They are intended to replace personal organizers providing handwriting recognition and touch screens. The latest generation of PDAs provides a range of functionality such as built in digital camera and wireless connectivity. PDAs are the least expensive of all of the hardware options. However, the inspection screens being developed were not designed for a small PDA screen. Selecting a PDA for the field tool means that a new inspection form would need to be designed, programmed, and maintained. In addition, specialized database software probably in future would be required to enable the PDA to communicate with the main database in order to download and upload data. 31 Since the handheld is designed to be small and convenient, some inspectors will find that the screen is too small for them, and want something with a larger screen. Furthermore, with the smaller screen, some inspectors may find it difficult to use the stylus pen or touch screen with precision. With the limited memory available in a handheld, most inspectors will not have any issue running their reporting software on it; however, by looking to other run programs related to the kind of business on it, the preference options may be limited. 2.14.2 Tablet PC According to Wikipedia (2011) a tablet personal computer (tablet PC) is a portable personal computer equipped with a touch screen as a primary input device and designed to be operated and owned by an individual. The term was made popular as a concept presented by Microsoft in 2001, but tablet PCs now refer to any tablet sized personal computer, even if it's not using Windows but another PC operating system. Tablets may use virtual keyboards and handwriting recognition for text input through the touch screen. A tablet PC has much larger viewing area and therefore the screens will be easier on the eyes. The field inspection software will run seamlessly since the majority of tablets offer more than enough memory. A tablet PC will also give the exact same look of the software as used to seeing on desktop or laptop and many practicable applications such as inspection software. 32 2.15 Field Data Collection Tools by Other Researches Information technologies for managing field data collection increase the reliability of inspections and the productivity of inspectors (Fortner, 2000). New technology is offering capabilities that have not been previously available (“Computer” 2001). New computer technologies are being used by inspectors to fill out the inspection form, access previous inspection reports, make sketches of the bridge elements, store photographs, and produce the inspection report while in the field. The use of an automated inspection system simplifies the data processing effort, improves inspection data accuracy, and permits bridge inspectors to devote more time to the actual inspection process as descried by Elzarka (1999). Table 2.6 summarizes the findings of a literature review by Terresa (2004) regarding the use of information technology to support bridge inspection data collection. Enabling technologies, such as handheld and pen based computers can improve field inspection (Thierrin, 1999). Notebook PCs, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), Wearable PCs, and Tablet PCs are examples of the equipment used to perform inspection. Pen based technology has been used at the South Carolina DOT with success. PDAs are used to input inspection data as opposed to paper forms. Tablet PC mobility, ease of use, and built-in wireless connectivity are enabling information workers to use their PCs in the field and office as well. Voice and handwriting recognition capabilities are not always reliable. The inspection process can take inspectors to irregular and unstable terrain where hands free movement is required. Pennsylvania experimented with a wearable computer that allows hands free operation for data input and retrieval (Garrett, 1998). Wearable computers are specially configured and programmed for applications such as bridge inspection; as such cannot be used for other general computing applications. Furthermore, the high cost of wearable computers could be a substantial deterrent (Nobel, 2000) and inspectors may need to overcome a 33 bias against wearable computers because of the strange look and feel that accompany the unit. Table 2.6: Applications of information technology to support field data collection. (Source: Teresa (2004)) Transportati Description of Field Tool on Agency Iowa Notebook PC accessing PONTIS for inspection Maryland PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant) to access PONTIS for bridge inspection Massachusetts Integrated Bridge Inspection Information System (IBIIS) is used for electronic data collection, storage, and retrieval using a Notebook PC and video camera (Leung 1996). Michigan Bridge inspectors use handheld touch-screen computers. Sketches and photographs can be incorporated into the handheld computer and downloaded at the office along with other field inspection data (Aveni 2001). Pennsylvania Experimental use of wearable computers for field inspection data collection (Sunkpho and Garrett 1998, 2002). South Pen-based notebook computers access the Automated Bridge Carolina Inspection System (ABIS) to enter inspection data Ontario Pen-based input (with numeric touch pad and drop down pick Canada lists) and voice recognition (for comments) used to enter field inspection reports. (personal communication with Don Hamilton, EarthTech-Edmonton) 34 2.16 Benefits of Electronically Field Inspection Record The documented potential benefits (Navarrete, 1999) of enabling the inspectors to electronically record data in the field for later transfer to a centralized database, where the data can be managed and analysed include the following; i. Reduced workload and costs ii. Qualified data iii. Shortened analysis time iv. Stored and easily accessible information The quantifiable benefit of technology for field data collection is in terms of time savings. Time savings leads to increased productivity. Inspectors realize time savings by immediately entering data into the files, instead of copying down information and inputting it later. Errors can be detected immediately, avoiding a further, unnecessary inspection as described by Aveni (2001). Non-quantifiable benefits may be realized through improved data quality, consistency, and completeness. New technology may help with consistently identifying the highway conditions. For routine inspections, new technology may reduce the variability in element level inspection ratings, inspection notes, and photographs as described by Phares and Rolander (2001). According to Simmons (2004), the benefits of IT implementation should be assessed before the decision to invest. The assessment may be an economic 35 analysis such as payback period or a qualitative description of benefits and or other factors. Table 2.7 describes the types of benefits that can result from investment in information technology. Table 2.7 : Benefits of information technology implementation. (Source: Simmons (1994) Type of Benefit Description Measure Increased Benefits attributed to cost Economic, through cost Efficiency avoidance or reduction avoidance or reduction. Increased Provide better information for Economic, through use Effectiveness decision making of information. Added Value Benefits which enhance the Usually no direct strategic position of the measure for IT system organization alone. Evaluate return from entire business strategy. Marketable Development of marketable Economic, through Product product or service establishment of market price. Development of Communication networks, Usually no direct Corporate measure. Corporate infrastructure IT hardware, database environments that provide little direct benefit but are required as a foundation for other systems policy decision 36 2.17 Hardware Technology Choices The author has choose Tablet PC as a field inspection tools in this research as the inspection activities such as capture photos, linear measurement and entry data can be done all in one by using one tool only. This kind of practice may prevent the inspector to carry lot equipment along the way during inspection. Author has considered two (2) brand of Tablet PCs which is I pad and Samsung Galaxy Tab. In the end, Galaxy Tab was selected for development and testing of a field data collection tool. The decision was made in based on a comparison of their features summarized in Table 2.9. Table 2.8 : Comparison of Tablet PC hardware choices Apple iPad 2 Samsung P1000 Galaxy Tab 2G: GSM 8 5 0 /9 0 0 / 1800/ 1900 Dimension(mm) WiFi model / WiFi + 3G (GSM/EDGE 850, 900,1800, 1900 MHz, UMTS/HSDPA 850, 1900,2100 MHz) 241.2 x 185.7 x 8.8 Item Weight 613 380 SARRating - Line of Text 9.7 inch, 1024 X 768, Ambient light sensor, Multi-touch LED-backlit IPS TFT 16M colours - Menu Type - Design Type Tablet Model Technology Screen size Screen Color 3G: HSDPA 900/ 1900/2100 190 x 120.45 x 11.98 600 x 1024 pixels, 7.0 inches TFT, 16M colors TouchWiz UI, Three-axis gyro sensor, Proximity sensor for auto turn-off Tablet 37 Keypad Lighting Accelerometer sensor, Proximity sensor Three-axis gyroscope, Magnetometer - Antenna Internal Phonebook - Internal Memory 512MB RAM / 16GB, 32GB, 64GB Memory Expansion - Battery Type 25Wh Talk Time(minutes) Standby Time(hours) Web Surfing :3G up to 9 hours Navigation key Soft Key Other keys TFT capacitive touchscreen, Accelerometer sensor Touch-sensitive controls Multi-touch input method, auto-rotater Internal Unlimited entries of phonebook, call records 16/32 GB storage, 512 MB RAM microSD, up to 32GB Standard battery, Li-Po 4000 mAh Connectivity Samsung P1000 Galaxy Model Bluetooth Apple iPad 2 Tab Yes, Ver 2.1 + EDR Yes, v3.0 with A2DP Infrared (IrDA) No No USB port No Yes EDGE Yes Yes Support 3G Yes No Data Types/GPRS Yes Yes (802.11 a/b/g/n) Yes, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g Yes (with 3G version) Yes, HSDPA, 7.2 Mbps; WIFI HSDPA HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps GPS Data cable Yes Yes microUSB v2.0(proprietary) 38 Camera Features Samsung P1000 Galaxy Model Apple iPad 2 Tab Lens Type CMOS CMOS Mega pixel 0 3.2 (Secondary VGA 2048x1536 Max. Resolution Camera) Digital Zoom 5X Flash No Yes Night Mode Yes - - - Geo-tagging, Auto focus, Secondary FaceTime Support Camera: 1.3 MP Yes, 720p HD (1280 Yes, 30 fps Frame Extra Features Video x 720) 2.18 Photo Format - - Video Format - 720x480 Android Operation System Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. The Android SDK provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications on the Android platform using the Java programming language. The features for Android are below; 39 i. Application framework enabling reuse and replacement of components ii. Dalvik virtual machine optimized for mobile devices iii. Integrated browser based on the open source WebKit engine iv. Optimized graphics powered by a custom 2D graphics library; 3D graphics based on the OpenGL ES 1.0 specification (hardware acceleration optional) v. SQLite for structured data storage vi. Media support for common audio, video, and still image formats (MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, PNG, GIF) vii. GSM Telephony (hardware dependent) viii. Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, and WiFi (hardware dependent) ix. Camera, GPS, compass, and accelerometer (hardware dependent) x. Rich development environment including a device emulator, tools for debugging, memory and performance profiling, and a plugin for the Eclipse IDE Android will ship with a set of core applications including an email client, SMS program, calendar, maps, browser, contacts, and others. All applications are written using the Java programming language. 40 2.18.1 Android Architecture The following diagram shows the major components of the Android operating system. Each section is described in more detail in Figure 2.3 below. A Home Contacts Brow ser Phone A F p p l ic a t io n L View System Content Providers Telephony Manager ... r a m e w o r k Activity Manager Package Manager 1 p p l ic a t io n s Resource Manager A ib r a r ies Surface Manager Media Framework SQLite O penGL | ES FreeType W ebKit SGL SSL libc Notificaoon Manager Location Manager n d r o id R u n tim e C o re Libraries A L in u x K Dalvik Virtual Machine e r n e l Display Driver Cam era Driver Flash Memory Driver Binder (IPC) Driver Keypad Driver WiFi Driver Audio Drivers Power Management Figure 2.3: Android Architecture 41 2.18.2 Application Framework By providing an open development platform, Android offers developers the ability to build extremely rich and innovative applications. Developers are free to take advantage of the device hardware, access location information, run background services, set alarms, add notifications to the status bar, and much, much more. Developers have full access to the same framework APIs used by the core applications. The application architecture is designed to simplify the reuse of components; any application can publish its capabilities and any other application may then make use of those capabilities (subject to security constraints enforced by the framework). This same mechanism allows components to be replaced by the user. Underlying all applications is a set of services and systems, including: • A rich and extensible set of Views that can be used to build an application, including lists, grids, text boxes, buttons, and even an embeddable web browser • Content Providers that enable applications to access data from other applications (such as Contacts), or to share their own data • A Resource Manager, providing access to non-code resources such as localized strings, graphics, and layout files • A Notification Manager that enables all applications to display custom alerts in the status bar • An Activity Manager that manages the lifecycle of applications and provides a common navigation backstack 42 2.18.3 Libraries Android includes a set of C/C++ libraries used by various components of the Android system. These capabilities are exposed to developers through the Android application framework. Some of the core libraries are listed below: • System C library - a BSD-derived implementation of the standard C system library (libc), tuned for embedded Linux-based devices • Media Libraries - based on PacketVideo's OpenCORE; the libraries support playback and recording of many popular audio and video formats, as well as static image files, including MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, and PNG • Surface Manager - manages access to the display subsystem and seamlessly composites 2D and 3D graphic layers from multiple applications • LibWebCore - a modern web browser engine which powers both the Android browser and an embeddable web view • SGL - the underlying 2D graphics engine • 3D libraries - an implementation based on OpenGL ES 1.0 APIs; the libraries use either hardware 3D acceleration (where available) or the included, highly optimized 3D software rasterizer • FreeType - bitmap and vector font rendering • SQLite - a powerful and lightweight relational database engine available to all applications CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY OF STUDY 3.1 Introduction The purpose of research methodology is to provide a sound platform for the researcher to achieve the aim and objectives of the study. This chapter highlights the chronological order of research methodology, discusses on how the research methodology will be conducted in order to achieve the objectives of this research. It is also important in obtaining relevant primary data from the selected group. From there, an analysis is conducted to study the data obtained from respondent and finally, based on the results obtained, a conclusion is derived. Two main aspects should be considered in order to obtain the best methodology in this research. First, the author has to review the current practice of field inspection process in highway maintenance system. An observation survey should be initially made in order to have a full understanding of procedures and activities involved in data collection in inspection of highway. Second, it is to develop a conceptual model for Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) prototype. The prototype will develop by using Android application software. 44 For this study, the main aim is to develop an Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) model by using a Tablet PC with Android application named D atadroid and Smart Measure. The methodology of this study is shown in flow chart as follow; Identify Problems 7 Establish aims and objectives 7 *o n tiio c le Data c - Literature Review Questionnaire _________ x z ____________ Development o f prototype Testing and Evaluation the prototype IT Data Analysis ____________ XZ ______________ Conclusion and Recommendation Figure 3.1 : The flow chart of methodology Interview 45 3.2 Research Process The research process is mainly divided into two phases. In first phase, this research involved literature review and look forward for highway inspection practice in order to identify the most common practice in data collection of highway inspection. Structure interview questionnaire will be carried out as a pilot study to investigate the current practice of field inspection in Senai Desaru Expressway. Besides, an interview also will be conducted with head inspector to gain more information regarding field inspection process. The data collection from interview and questionnaire will be analyzed to select and rank of the most particular items used in the highway inspection maintenance system. Later on, in second phase of this research will involve the prototyping method in process of creating a prototype. The prototype as a primary platform for the EFDCS and it will be tested by using Tablet PC. 3.3 Research Methodology Research methodology conducted in this study is to make sure the study was done with the right procedure. Research methodology contained seven (7) stages. They are listed below in chronological order: i. Literature review; ii. Data collection; iii. Data analysis; iv. Conceptual Model Development; 46 v. Prototype Development; vi. Prototype testing and evaluation; and vii. Conclusion and Recommendation 3.3.1 Literature Review In order to conduct a literature review, reading materials such as books, journals, online journals, online websites, conference papers and previous research are gathered. These reading materials provide a good source for secondary data and the collection data from the interviews and questionnaire serves as a benchmark for primary data collection. Most of the literature review is regard to the procedure and elements of highway inspection and also the current practice of data collection in field inspection system. The output of these reviews gives the better understanding of the method that required to be implemented in developing the prototype of Electronic Field Data Collection System. 3.3.2 Data Collection Data can be obtained from various sources and it is important to look for data at the right place. Data required for research purpose can be divided into two types, as discuss below. 47 Primary data The collection of initial information obtains from the target audience. The data collection was done through two methods as follows: i. Face to Face Interview A total number of 5 professionals from Malaysian Highway Authority (MHA) and Senai Desaru Expressway (SDE) have been approached for face to face interviews. Their views were obtained to evaluate the understanding and the current scenario over data collection in field inspection of highway maintenance. The experts also been asked about the opinion in establishing a quality of data maintenance. ii. The Structured Interview Questionnaires A structured interview questionnaire was distributed to the target personnel to obtain the required data. In this study, 4 of questionnaires were distributed to those who are involved in field inspection of highway at Senai Desaru Expressway Berhad. This main purpose is to identify the current practice of field inspection in highway maintenance in regard to inspection data collection. The potential and the limitation of Electronic Field Data Collection System were determined through the questionnaire method. 48 The structured interview questionnaire comprise of three (3) sections as below; a) Section A In this part, the respondents were asked about their general information and background. The purpose of this part is to determine the experience of the respondents whereby it were used in judging the performance of prototype. b) Section B In this part, the respondents were approached to give some views on the current method of checklist used for recording the field data inspection. c) Section C Questions in this section were designed to find out the potential and limitation of the proposed system in order to improve the current method in collecting and recording the field inspection data. The respondents were allowed to recommend and comment for the proposed method. These data collection was used to review the prototype development. 49 Secondary data Secondary data can be obtained through literature, references such as books, journals, conference papers, magazines, newspapers, reports, internet surfing and so on. 3.3.3 Data Analysis Data analysis is carried out for the qualitative data obtained from the questionnaire survey. Qualitative data collected through the questionnaire were first segregated and separated to answer different study objectives. The data will be categorized under different variables to represent the result of the research objectives. Different statistical methods are used such as content analysis, frequency analysis, and average index analysis. The discussions are mainly to evaluate the results obtained from the survey to compare any similarity with the expert’s opinions in conjunctions with the objectives of the study. The summary of the study are then presented with the recommendation along with the conclusion for further studies in this area. 50 Content Analysis Content analysis is used to analyse the number of response that the respondent’s gives in proposing to different variables based on the same questionnaires. The proposed variables are tabulated and analysed based on the opinions given by the respondents. Frequency Analysis The frequency analysis is used to represent result of data analysis of the number of response that the respondent gives to different variables in the questionnaire. The result has been tabulated in the form of frequency number and percentage according to total respondents. For graphic result presentation, pie chart has been used as the summary. Average Index Analysis In Average index analysis, the results are further summarized to obtain the level of importance in evaluating the factors which involve in the understanding of contract document. The respondents have been requested to gauge and evaluate the proposed factors element in every section of the questionnaire in structured interview questionnaire. 51 This stage is very important for this study as it described the result of the raw data collected from all sources. All the data obtained were presented in the form of Table, Graphs and Pie Charts to generate findings clearly and easy to understand. The average index is calculated using the following formula; Average Index = 'Laixi Lxi Where, Ai = value of importance scale (i=l, 2, 3, 4, 5) Xi = respondent frequency (i = l, 2, 3, 4, 5) In order to describe the potential and limitation of the proposed system, average index method was implemented in this study by using five scales to describe the potential and limitation of the proposed system. The scale that be used in this study were as shown below: l= least important 2=slightly important 3=moderate important 4=important 5=most important 52 The classification for average index value is as follow; 1 = ‘least important’ l.OO < Average Index < l.50 2 = ‘slightly important’ l .50 < Average Index < 2.50 3 = ‘moderate important’ 2.50 < Average Index < 3.50 4 = ‘important’ 3.50 < Average Index < 4.50 5 = ‘most important’ 4.50 < Average Index < 5.00 3.3.4 Conceptual of Model Development A conceptual model is a map of concept and their relationship. Concept is rough plan of an idea which is formulated before it is put into development. It gives the model developer better understanding of the model before start to develop a model system. Ting, (200l) has mentioned the significant of conceptual development as below; a. It presents a rough idea in the sketches of a paper so that the developer can visualize the idea. b. It allows the developer to see the bigger and entire picture of the idea. c. It allows addiction and rectification to be done before the development of the project commences. 53 All gathered information gained from the questionnaires and interviews analysis were blended and used to develop the model development of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) Regarding to this study, a conceptual model of EFDCS has developed as shown in the Figure 3.2 below; Figure 3.2 : Structural model development 3.3.4 Prototype Development Prototype is an easily modified and extensible model (representation, simulation or demonstration) of a planned system, likely including its interface and input/output functionality. The purpose of prototyping is the design 54 verification phase of product development used to demonstrate or prove aspects of a design. Prototyping is simply taking the design from the virtual and imaginary realm to the physical worlds. Figure 3.3 below shows graphically the steps that involved in developing the prototype of the proposed system Plan the study Design the form Create form and site measurement by using Android application software Test and evaluation the system Figure 3.3 Sequence of prototype development a. Plan and identify the output of the prototype. The output has to synchronize with the objective of the research. b. Design form of electronic checklist. The elements of highway inspection such pavement, slope, drainage and culvert and particular details in the existing paper checklist shall be considered in designing the checklist form. 55 c. The form of electronic checklist is created by using Android software application named D3 atadroid. The software is web-based application which internet application is necessary in order to create the form. The form has to design by using computer and it will be run by using Tablet PC. Smart Measure software is installed to Tablet PC and will be used to measure the site measurement. d. Testing and evaluate the system after developing the database to ensure that no errors occur. If there is an error, the system has to modify immediately. 3.3.5 Prototype Testing, Evaluation and Validation The evaluation of the prototype is to assess the performance of the prototype. The program was performed prototype testing for design optimization in order to ensure it function, operability, satisfaction, performance and reliability. When the development prototype is satisfied, the prototype will be tested in the real inspection situation with the real input and output. The results of testing need to be evaluated and validated by the inspectors in order to view the potential and limitation of the prototype. 3.3.6 Conclusion and Recommendation As a conclusion of the research methodology, all the literature review regarding to the current practice in recording data of field inspection highway, 56 structure interview questionnaire and interview session have been conducted in the first phase of this research. The development of the prototype is carried out at the second phase and the author required to test and evaluates the proposed system by using Tablet PC application. The relevant recommendation will be noted to improve the prototype development for next research in real inspection highway practice. CHAPTER 4 DATA ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction This chapter will discuss the analysis of data and interpreting of the results in the required manner. The data were analysed by using the Average Index (AI) method and other techniques to identify the practicability of using Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) for highway maintenance at Senai Desaru Expressway. 4.2 Respondent Background Four respondents had given a good cooperation to the questionnaire survey. Respondent’s experiences and the organization which serviced are very important in this study to determine the accuracy of the information given. 58 Table 4.1 and Figure 4.1 below present the working experience of respondents. One or 25% of the respondent had less than 3 years of working experience, one had 3-5 years, one had 5-8 years and the last respondent had over 15 years working experiences. Another three of respondents each had 3-5 years and over 15 years of working experience. Table 4.1 : Respondent’s working experiences Total of Percentage Respondent (%) Less than 3 years 1 25% 3-5 years 1 25% 5-8 years 1 25% 8-10 years 0 0% 10-15 years 0 0% Over 15 years 1 25% 4 100% Working Experience (Year) Total Working Experience ■ Less than 3 years ■ 3-5 years ■ 5-8 years ■ Over 15 years Figure 4.1 : Percentage breakdown of respondent’s working experience 59 Table 4.2 and Figure 4.2 below showed that the highest academic qualification that respondents had obtained. The qualifications stated in questionnaire are Diploma, Bachelor Degree, Master Degree and others. Two or 50% or respondents had obtained Bachelor Degree as their highest academic qualification and two or 50% of the respondent holds Others (SPM) as the highest academic qualification. Table 4.2: Respondent’s highest academic qualification Total of Percentage Respondent (%) Diploma 0 0% Bachelor Degree 2 50% Master Degree 0 0% Others 2 50% Total 4 100% Working Experience (Year) Figure 4.2 : Percentage of respondent’s highest academic qualification 60 4.3 Current Practice to Collect and Record the Field Highway Inspection of SDE As mentioned in the scope of study earlier, the information of current practice is required to be taken as it is a part of the research methodology in this study. A series of analysis was carried out in order to analyse the current practice used in field inspection of highway. From the structure interview questionnaire surveyed, all respondents (100%) did use the checklist to record the field inspection data. The form of inspection used is paper checklist and none of them used electronic checklist as their record of inspection data. All respondents (100%) have record the site measurement data, photos and report on defects into the checklist during carry out the field inspection. The elements of inspection are Road surface, slope, culverts, drainage, bridge, Vehicular box culvert, turf/landscaping and traffic safety devices. All respondents (100%) spent about a half day per day to execute the field inspection at highway. After the inspection data have been collected at field, all the respondents (100%) mention that they have to key in the checklist data into the existing database system by using computer and submit the data via the internet in order to record and store the data. Table 4.3 and Figure 4.3 present the tools and equipment used by the respondents during carry out the field inspection of highway. Checklist sheet, pen, measurement tape and camera are the tools and equipment that all the respondents (100%) bring into field to execute the highway inspection. One of them mention 61 that video camera, touch light, and white board required to bring along when it’s necessary. Table 4.3 : Tools and equipment used in current field inspection Tools and Equipment Responden tl Responden 12 Responden 13 Responden 14 Percentag e (%) Checklist sheet Pen Measurement tape Camera Touch Light Others (White Board) Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22% 22% 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 22% 22% 6% 1 6 0 4 0 4 0 4 6% 100% Tools and Equipment in Field Inspection 1.2 0.2 0 Respondent 1 Respondent 2 Respondent 3 Respondent 4 Figure 4.3 : Graph of Tools and equipment used in field inspection 62 Table 4.4 and Figure 4.4 present the problems that usually faced by the respondents in order to bring the tools and equipment during execute the field inspection. All the respondents felt that the tools and equipment tend to fall down at slope area and most of them mentioned that measurement also hard to execute in that area. Table 4.4 : Problems occur regarding tools and equipment Problem occur The equipment are hard to bring along No proper storage to keep the tools and equipment in safe Some tools and equipment such as camera tend to fall down at slope area The measurement is hard to execute at risky area such as slope and ravine area Total Respondent Respondent 1 2 Respondent 3 Respondent 4 Percentage (%) 0 0 0 1 13% 0 0 1 0 13% 1 1 1 1 50% 1 1 0 0 25% 2 2 2 2 100 % 63 Problems Occur Regarding Tools and Equipment 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Respondent 1 Respondent 2 Respondent 3 Respondent 4 Figure 4.4 : Problems occur regarding tools and equipment 4.4 Potential and limitation of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) In the section C of the structure interview questionnaire, the author gains the potential and limitation of EFDCS from the respondents. Among four respondents, two of them have heard about electronic inspection system and another two never heard of it. All the respondents (100%) thought that Tablet PC is easy to carry while doing the field inspection. Electronic record keeping will bring many benefits in term of convenience, makes the works more efficient, more secure on the data collected and the beneficial of Tablet PC application. Table 4.5 presents the responses of the benefits by using EFDCS. From Table 4.6, convenience is the most important and the most concerned benefit by the inspectors. Then the efficient of the system was 64 rank number two and followed by security of the documentation and the beneficial of Tablet PC application. Table 4.5 : Response to the potential of electronic field inspection No Benefits A Convenience Electronic field inspection able to record the inspection data and act as an inspection tools Electronic field inspection is more convenient than paper based checklist Efficient Electronic field inspection can makes the field inspection fast and easy Electronic field inspection makes the inspection become more efficient. The inspectors have no longer need to come back to base to record/entry the inspection data Security of documentation Electronic field inspection is more safer and more security than traditional paper based Security o f documentation is important in respect to my job Tablet PC Application Tablet PC is a good instrument to execute the electronic field inspection Tablet PC is easy to carry while doing the field inspection Most o f the inspection activities such as linear measurement and GPS can be done by using Tablet PC Quantity o f tool and equipments can be reduce by implementing the electronic field inspection 1 2 B 3 4 5 D 6 7 E 8 9 10 11 l No. of Respondent 2 4 3 5 Average Index 4.25 0 0 0 3 1 4.25 0 0 0 3 1 4.25 3.92 0 0 1 2 1 4.00 0 0 0 4 0 4.00 0 1 0 2 1 3.75 3.75 0 0 1 3 0 3.75 0 0 1 3 0 3.75 3.56 0 0 22 22 0 3.50 0 0 2 2 0 3.50 0 0 2 2 0 3.50 0 0 1 3 0 3.75 *Notes: 1. Total number of respondents are 4 2. Scale used: 1=Strongly disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Uncertain, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly agreed 65 T able 4.6 : R anked ben efit o f electronic field inspection Average Index Ranking Convenience 4.25 1 Efficiency 3.92 2 Security of documentation 3.75 3 3.56 4 Benefits The benefit of Tablet PC Application 4.5 Comments and Main Benefits of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) The last section of questionnaire is the comment and main benefit about the proposed system. The comments are in term of their opinion of the field inspection works and the main benefit of the proposed EFDCS. All the respondents were written down their comment due to the proposed EFDCS. Most of the respondents had mentioned that the electronic method make an easier to be carried out during field inspection compared to the existing current practice. One of respondents mentioned that the tools and equipment can be reduced by using EFDCS. Another respondent also commented that the system will speed the inspection works and reduced the paper as well. In term of main benefits of the proposed EFDCS, two of the respondents had considered that the proposed program is very convenient to the field inspection work whereby the process of collecting, recording and storing the inspection data can be done easily and faster. One respondent written that the 66 number of tools to bring at site can be reduced by using the electronic field inspection and another one respondent mentioned that the program may speed the inspection works. Table 4.7 below presents the summary of comments and main benefit of the electronic field inspection by the respondents. Table 4.7 : Comments and main benefits of EFDCS No. Comment Main Benefit 1 The EFDCS is easy to be carried out Very convenient to the field during field inspection compared to inspection work whereby the the existing current practice process of collecting, recording and storing the inspection data can be done easily and faster 2 The tools and equipment can be The number of tools to bring reduced by using EFDCS at site can be reduced by using EFDCS 3 Speed the inspection works The system may speed the inspection works 4 Reduced the paper All the respondents (100%) agreed that their company will plan to use the electronic field inspection in future. This shows that the SDE is interested to implement the program as the system will give beneficial to them. CHAPTER 5 ELECTRONIC FIELD DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM (EFDCS) FOR HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE 5.1 Introduction From the final product of this study, an Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) for highway maintenance was developed in order to carry out the field inspection activity. The main purpose of this system is to collect and record the field data by using the technology of Tablet PC. In this study, the electronic inspection will transform a paper-based checklist method into an electronic checklist method. The electronic forms cover everything that paper forms can provide such as capture photos, signatures, GPS coordinates and self­ validation. The inspector no longer needs to come back to base to enter the inspection data as they are able to submit over the web and export the data to PDF and Excel format to produce report. On the other hand, through the Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS), the conventional tools and equipment that being used during field inspection are eliminated as Android software applied in tablet PC capable to carry the activities such as site measurement, capture photo and GPS marker. Thus, the 68 EFDCS is very beneficial in field inspection of highway as it able to improve their field data quality, reduce the workload, save time and cost as well. 5.2 Component of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) The component of this system consist of electronic checklist, measurement tool, camera and Geographical Positioning System (GPS) marker and these item applied in one device; Tablet PC. Figure 5.1 : Component of EFDCS 69 By implementing the EFDCS, the inspector has no longer to bring the tools and equipment of inspection such as measurement tape, checklist, camera and GPS. The inspector just needs to bring a Tablet PC only as the instrument to carry out the field inspection. All tools and equipment activities for field inspection have been united in Tablet PC (All in one). After inspection of field data have been collected by using EFDCS, the data is submitted via internet to the database centre called D atadroid to store the inspection data and finally produce report. This process has been validated and agreed by the SDE officer. Figure 5.2 below presents the flow chart of process electronic inspection in highway maintenance. 70 Figure 5.2 : Flow chart of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) process 71 The system is developed by using two types of Android applications; D3atadroid and Smart Measure. D 3 atadroid is used to create the inspection checklist form and act as an electronic checklist, camera and GPS while Smart Measure is used to measure the distance and height of an object. These two applications are very useful to carry out the field inspection activities and it give a significant for inventory data collection in future. 5.3 The Development of Electronic Checklist 3 Form of electronic checklist was designed at D atadroid Android application. The form is designed via online, which mean Internet access is necessary. Below are the steps to produce a checklist form by using D atadroid software. Figure 5.3 : Steps to produce inspection form by using D atadroid software 72 5.3.1 Create the inspection form The inspection form is designed via internet access at D atadroid website. In order to enter into the website, login application is necessary. Figure 5.4: Login interface Before creating the inspection form, the features and element of highway inspection such as type of inspection, date of inspection, time of inspection, scope of works, element of defect, and site measurement need to be considered in designing the new checklist form. 73 Figure 5.5 : Create new form of checklist 5.2.2 Create the Work package Work package is used to assign form to users, the detail who, what, where and when the form are complete. After checklist form has completely created and saved, the form need to be assigned to the user (inspector) who are going to be used during field inspection at site. If there are two or more forms are required to be filled in at the site, then the forms are gathered in the Work package. 74 (a) L o o x a lina- atadroid Lite Sto'ag; R * n * ir iig: IC.OMa Mobile Un ts Rsraa rin g 1 Upgrade % Say goodbye to aaptr terms w c f ». Work Packages Workpeckages ara used :o assicn forms t3 jsers, they datai vnc. Ahat where and whan o ir f r m s are comple:ed. Your 5£ved Wcrfcpackagcs a e lis:ed belcw, c ick the Wiwxpackaga :hat ycu w isi :o view dt click 'Creste New WDf<pa;kage" Saved Work P ackages H iie ln c ctve 3 No. 545 Nane Cue Dale Planned Date Inspection Check is t f o ' SenaiO es«ru Status ACTVE E >press*\c^ E H (sa rple } 357 Jci V M easursm er. Form ACTVE 356 InsDecticn Check istfc r Senai De*<ru E > p re ss n i^ £22} rtCTVE Create New Workpackage DAT/CSOC 23tC |WX’C E S iS O A K W S V C W C E 5 (b) Figure 5.6 : (a) Work package screen (b) Active work package 75 5.2.3 Work package delivered After the work package has been activated, the form was directly sent via internet to the Tablet PC and the form is ready to be filled in. 5.2.4 View report After field inspection has been conducted, the inspection data is submitted online via the internet to the D atadroid website. All data which have been collected and recorded at field were stored in that particular database. To view the inspection data, the inspector need to login to the D atadroid website to open the data. The report can be export to Excel or PDF for better performance and appearance. All the field information required are contained in the report and able to print if necessary. 76 L oxi.1 ICD-». Latadroid Lite 3Cv *ie Stniwiiri iu 20 OVb l/obleJri)Rttuinnq1 llrmred« C M dbfe to m x t Icm a rc-n»M w g o k facka«c > rx»oRr» j jc h j w o m .1 jn t* acc o u m R e c ie v e d R eports 3in.iv ell le jx rli i t i >e/=*d ft_t \*Yw «pdLk-^yf liisf.vc.liun C h v c k lis l fui S v iia i Ct?saiu E x p i f siv'.ay (E22) w v e rs io n 2 (3 R c p o rtsi Q Pcco»t ID1 Sutmiijicr Date3 typerf Irwrcrttm 41M m Stbrritlcr3 1<tfftA77T7 lf**7JtV7 -.sllvInsptf-Jto-i r*7 * 7t rmr. ?n-i 10-r\ 4 tl 603 201"-12-10 1.<03707,1C3.C703Z7 3eiNinacecbo-i * O Dec201' 2H<* Vt'2 ^01*.12-19 l.attJJi'U/.Ui.k;t£ ii .'SiNirsptctio-i 4 WUBCZJT 1*:WJ n D i&! mrao’ In^parrlrn a l?lrA EXPORT AL L TO EXC EL j tm EXPORT SELECTED A S INDIVIDUAL PDF S | DELETE SELECTED C u sto m R y p ii h Mo ija to T rrso rt; s i t o t contact u j r y o t urou d I I t b tr ttf e I c is ta n reto rt Figure 5.7 : Report received by the D atadroid The GPS location and photo of defects contained in the field data inspection also can be viewed in this report. atadroid Lite Suyij;aMili]pnl<»|M|MitIk itoracsharranur3:21.tut usblleJrt9Renalrno:1 & R e c ie v e d R ep ort ’E I3 \ " \ ID \ \ s v ,v * V \ \ • ‘ ‘ V, . -> J 1 V. %. vorolon 4 |1 R *p o ra | [» E+3W all reoons rscie»,ed- X 1 * v \ \ i ■**f> ' Drvsi xi O n 2 % j* v w V V . J* ** \ \ T 4 « . . . . \ ♦, „• X \ V. \ % -% A Jf" ^ m % ^ ‘V in ICCMC'A'MkS * Jf C M I sh I f mil 1! * jr / tpi li M * V usl ____ Tam sr 2® s:d * •>.v 1 ' G o o g le t \ % / C V — . . . W E X P O R T ALL t - o Cuatom R*pora Figure 5.8 : GPS location D ELETE SELECTED j 77 Inspection C hecklist for Senai Desaru Expre ssw ay (E22) I Mon Jan 16 03 *0 24 JTC 2012 i* of dak* of feme of acopc of km gpe •la m e n ts datact length n inspection in e p e c lo n location lo c a lo n of de lect deacnptlon (m) tandth (m | h eight Jm) P*1®*0 0 af *•*•«>• '"** *•*•” c ,,r * ~ raportad inapccloi‘1 received 4121d23 2011-12-20 una {alee 1 5797217 daily 20 dec 66666666 mpeclioei 2011 14 27 hi* civil and ’ atnxluaa 23 0 1 563078 toad 7 103 BO tistaca jln oeruaang ' 77 Figure 5.9 : Report export to Excel Figure 5.10 : Report export to PDF ■ ■ true me ,00 m»pector on cmi 78 5.4 Smart Measure Application Smart Measure is applied in this electronic inspection program in order to help the inspector to measure the site condition such as length of crack pavement, height and width of slope, and length of broken drainage. By using Smart Measure, the inspector has no longer to bring measurement tape to the field. In addition, the measurement in critical condition such as slope or steep area can be conducted in easy way. Smart Measure boasts a very good concept for a measuring application. It allows inspector to measure the approximate distance and height of an object. This application utilizes Tablet PC’s camera and accelerometer to triangulate the distance or height of an object using basic geometric equations. The important point is, the inspector need to calibrate the program and Table PC to avoid inaccuracy. To calibrate the program, inspector must identify the height he will holding the Tablet PC while measuring. Once the calibrations were done, hold the phone at the entered height level and aim the camera at the ground/base of the object. In order to get very accurate measurements, the inspector need to find a constant height of the Tablet PC’s camera from the ground that he input into the program. Smart Measures can calculate the height and distance of an object that is as far as 80 meters. However, in order to get 100 % precise values, then it is recommended that not go further than 50 meters from the object. Besides the accuracy levels, the Smart Measure provides a useful alternative to the traditional measuring tape and calculating distances via foot paces. presents the function of Smart Measure Figure 5.11 below 79 S TEP I Phone's height (h) = A A ' n g 's height (H ) = AA” height = h + H Figure 5.11: Function of Smart Measure 5.5 Application of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) in Tablet PC Tablet PC is used as a working platform in order to run the EFDCS. Sub topics below describe the application of the EFDCS from the beginner step to the end of the form. 80 5.5.1 Login Inspector requires to key in the correct username and password to get into the main menu of checklist form. The username and password used had to be assigned during creating the work package in D atadroid website. New Users Create an account and forms at h t t p s y / w v w .d a t a t fr o id n m / j r o we recommend cresting you- Kctxfrt from yow PC Figure 5.12 : Login screen 5.5.2 Main Menu In main menu, inspector requires to select “Create New Report” to start the field inspection or “Report in Progress” to continue the previous inspection. Figure 5.13 presents the main menu screen. 81 Figure 5.13: Main Menu Screen 5.5.3 Fill Inspection Form Figure 5.14 presents the forms for field inspection of highway maintenance. The inspector required to choose one form only in order to conduct one inspection. After completing the form, the inspection will continues for other inspection with the new forms. Figure 5.14 - 5.16 present the process of filling the inspection forms. 82 n % i O ________________ ^ t tf m rh Cotod'odr yrraPro InspcctJ<rtCi«e<le£f(rSXE22 7 j r o s « t f t h ^ w jf ncf^rYTrc-: ctra'Jtr t fil .tin t M m w m m r Krrn '•. r-.-^-r r~» ^nT.-'ir-;•»«r'- r i i 'w n ? f . *1 - a v v t- £. CTSlccrtm 5 .0 M < « .IS .« ? 7 5 « 7 Eknr«m <tfd r f r t Indgs ft twf<r- ,1»*rrtf4tix WTWfc y u ng m t M . (a) (b) (c) Figure 5.14: (a) List of form to be choose, (b) Checklist form item, (c) Filled form (a) (b) (c) Figure 5.15: (a) Set time (b) Set date, (c) GPS marker 83 In order to enter the measurement item in the checklist form such as Length, Width and Height, click the Home button and select the Smart Measure application in the Main menu. Then, set the height of Tablet PC’s height while measuring into the object and finally start measure the object and get distance. Figure 5.16 presents how the application works. tnnfinn bask ii jiij/ns to mei-iui a! :::....■ ■■:111■ ........ ■■■; : ( H r ^ m in[ li i r J M h i r I P £ ' | h n J h lW ) .6 (b) (a) D is ta n c e (m l 2.0 g e i Hisi.ini'i.1 (c) Figure 5.16: (a) Select Smart Measure App (b) Set the height, (c) Start measure After getting the distance, turn back to D atadroid application by clicking Home button. Then, continue fill the checklist form by entering the distance number into the form. Repeat the same step for other site measurement such as length, width and height. 84 In some item, the data can be easily entered by clicking the selection answers. It will cut the time of entering the data. Besides, the electronic checklist form that is created by D atadroid able to capture the photo (if necessary) and signature for self-validation. Bl%Bl sMS. w ______ rj V.* i a u*rM QV.4 • S u»ru -<rm* Fro % ETemarv: < f defect Intpocto-s S a U w e fa r src E22 LHdgh:(M) |m ororf«cx rl 3 .MobTy or defect I L i n r p e x y r ^ r o roqjnrf <4 Gflpcrtaj^y & Inspectors doSCCTi litM rE p e x c r < by ID-O v* 7 I verify trat sre r^ « ik riN s b e a ^ o r> 9 x t « 3 vxxr Atvfr to the r-4 qxdfcation rf hjpvay ratitHiance qmfcJre C ft S g n t n | ^ (a) (b) (c) Figure 5.17: (a) Selection for answers, (b) Capture photo, (c) Signature 5.5.4 Submission of Field Inspection Data Once the checklist form has completely filled by the inspector, the data need to be stored online in D atadroid website. The internet application is required in order to submit the data and view report. After the data has been submitted, the report can be exported either in format Excel or PDF as mentioned before in 5.2.4 View report. 85 (a) (b) Figure 5.17: (a) Form complete, (b) Form submit CHAPTER 6 EVALUATION OF ELECTRONIC FIELD DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM PROTOTYPE 6.1 Introduction This chapter will discuss the evaluation of the Electronic Field Inspection prototype that includes the aim and objective of the evaluation, methodology, results and discussions on the overall evaluation process. The purpose of the evaluation is to obtain the feedback from the inspectors and further improvement and development can be made after evaluation process. In this chapter, it also concludes the overall finding of this study. Aim and objective of the evaluation; S To assess the performance of the prototype and the satisfaction of the output; S To determine the applicability of the prototype to the environment of field inspection activity; 87 S To obtain the comments and recommendations for improving the prototype. Before the prototype is test runs on the field, the prototype had gone through several trial runs with appropriate refinement to improve it. The process is continuous until the prototype is ready to be demonstrated to the real situation of field inspection. When the prototype is ready, the inspectors and site engineers were invited for demonstration. Once the prototype was demonstrated, the summative evaluation was undertaken and the findings were used to improve the final prototype. 6.2 Evaluation Questionnaire Design Evaluation questionnaire was designed based on the aim and objectives of the evaluation stated in sub-chapter 6.1. Appendix B had shown the sample of the evaluation questionnaire. The questionnaire was divided into three sections as describe as follow; i. Section A In this section, various questions about the prototype satisfactory were asked. The questions asked in this section were in Liker-scale form. From here interviewee has to choose the suitable answer among five choices. The scale were 1 (poor), 2 (fair), 3 (satisfactory), 4 (good) and 5 (excellent). It was divided into three sub heading as follow; 88 ii. • General • The system performance • Applicability to field inspection of highway Section B In this part the interviewee was requested to give their comment on the benefit of the prototype, the limitation, and the way to improve it. 6.3 Analysis of Evaluation Results This section is report the feedback from the evaluation participants that responses to the questions and give comment for the further improvements. The target evaluation personnel were the inspector who conducted the field inspection in Senai-Desaru Expressway. Most of the respondent had given a good respond to the evaluation questionnaire and had commented on the improvement to overcome the shortcoming of the prototype. The comments of the respondents are considered very significant in order to improve the developed prototype. Table 6.1 presents the result from the evaluation of the prototype on the aspect of system performance, the applicability to the highway maintenance and general rating of the prototype. Table 6.2 presents the comments from the respondents about the benefit of prototype system, ways for improving and other comments about the prototype system. 89 Table 6.1 : Result of evaluation prototype of EFDCS Poor Questions 1 System Performance % Fair 2 % Rating Satisfy 3 % 0% 0% 4% Good 4 % Excelen^ 5 % J 96% 0% I 1 How even the Electronic Inspection System (ElS)does helps in field inspection works? 0% 0% 0% 4 100% 0% l 2 How well does the inspection template provided in the system? 0% 0% 0% 4 100% 0% j 3 How well does the system reflect the field inspection work in a real situation? 0% 0% 0% 4 100% 0% j 4 How well does the system save time in back to office job? 0% 0% 0% 4 100% 0%| 5 How well docs the system manage the documentation between site and office? 0% 0% 1 25% 3 75% 0% l 6 How well does the system reduce the paper work load? 0% 0% 0% 4 100% 0% ] 0% 0% 12.5 % 87.5 % 0% 1 1 Applicability to Highway maintenance 7 How effective is the system in field inspection system? 0% 0% 1 25% 3 75% 0%| 8 How convinced are you that professional team will accept this proposed system 0% 0% 1 25% 3 75% 0% 1 9 How effectively will the system increase the speed o f field inspection? 0% 0% 0% 4 100% 0%l 10 Is it applicable to field inspection highway in next few years? 0% 0% 0% 4 100% 0% j 0% 17% 25% 58% 0% 1 2 50% 0% j 25% 3 50% o%! 25% 75% 0%l General 11 How well the prototype is designed? 0% 1 25% 1 25% 12 How user friendly is the system? 0% 2 25% 2 0% 0% 13 W hat is your overall rating for the prototype system? 1 3 Generally the respondents had rated the prototype as good in the aspect of overall rating. During the filling up of the evaluation questionnaire, an informal interview had conducted with the respondents. Most of the interviewees had given 90 a good cooperation and had given several good comments on the prototype. Figure 6.1 presents the pie chart of overall rating on the system performance. The System Performance Rating 00964% ■ Poor ■ Fair ■ Satisfy ■ Good ■ Excellent Figure 6.1: Chart of the system performance rating From the above chart, 96% of respondents had rated the system performance of prototype as good. This is because the prototype has the common inspection features and the inspection template is easy to use and user friendly. Only 4% of the respondent found that they are less satisfied with the system performance due to the reduction of paper work load and documentation management. Some of them reflected that the prototype can only assist on reducing paper work load as the features in the prototype are totally same in the existing inspection checklist form. In the other hand, most of the respondents (87%) had rated the electronic field inspection prototype as good in the aspect of its applicability to field inspection of highway maintenance. Most of the respondents had confidently agreed that the industry professional will accept the prototype and use it in future. 91 This may be due to its convenience and also take consideration of work productivity improvement. Therefore, the prototype has a great potential to be expanded to a better product. Figure 6.2 presents the pie chart of overall rating on the applicability on the field inspection of highway. Applicability to Field Inspection of Highway o% o% ^_ 0% ■ Poor ■ Fair ■ ■ 87% j ■ Satisfy ■ Good ■ Excellent Figure 6.2 : Chart of the applicability to field inspection of highway The general rating of the prototype evaluation was falls in the categories of good (58%) and satisfies (25%). The organization of the prototype is the key for respondents to rate the prototype in aspect of user friendly and overall rating. Figure 6.3 presents the general rating of the prototype. 92 The General Rating of Prototype o%n o% ■ Poor ■ Fair ■ Satisfy ■ Good ■ Excellent Figure 6.3 : Chart of the general rating of prototype In the section C of the evaluation questionnaire, respondents were requested to give their comment on the benefit of the prototype and the shortcoming of the system and the way to improve it. All the respondents had given different comments and their comments are in the list Table 6.2 and Table 6.3 respectively below. Table 6.2: The benefit of the prototype program The benefits of the prototype 1 The prototype program reveal that the field inspection data can be easily conducted by using electronic checklist form 2 Tools and equipment can be reduced as the proposed system used one instrument only to act as checklist sheet, measurement tape, camera and GPS as well 3 Reduced the workload as the inspector has no longer to entry the data into the existing database after field inspection has been carried out 4 Speed the field inspection time 5 Improve the data quality in highway maintenance system Table 6.3: The way of improvement 93 The way of improvement 1 The items in the electronic checklist can be improved The integration between D atadroid and existing database (EMS) of 2 SDE may enhance the quality of data highway management Inventory asset of highway management could be developed into the prototype as the process of collecting and recording the inventory 3 data is similar to the electronic field inspection. From the evaluation above, most of the respondents had given a good feedback and also gave some comments to improve the proposed system. The comments of them can be used as the reference to improve the prototype for future development and expansion. 6.4 Prototype Limitation From the evaluation process, the prototype of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) has several limitations as follow; S The site measurement by using Smart Measure is limited to short distance only (less then 80m). S The field inspection can be conducted if internet access is not available but the submission of field data is depended on it. If no internet access, the data cannot be submitted. S Not all people familiar with the Tablet PC application and need proper user guide 94 6.5 Summary This chapter had described the summative evaluation of the prototype. The study adopted questionnaire and informal interview technique in evaluating the prototype. The results from the evaluation show that the prototype has an overall good performance base on the demonstration session. Although the prototype concept is new to the highway maintenance, yet the respondent agreed that this prototype concept will be adopted in the future. Finally, the limitation of prototype, comments and suggestion from the evaluation were used to refine the prototype. CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 7.1 Introduction This chapter is to summarize and provide conclusion to this study as well as recommendations for future improvement and development. It indicates the key findings, confirmation of the targeted aim and objectives and overall summary of the whole study. 7.2 Realization of Study Objective The discussions herein reflect the accomplishment of the each specific objective. From the data collection and the analysis together with the discussion in Chapter 4 and Chapter 6, the results have confirmed and concluded as sub­ chapter follow. 96 7.2.1 To review the current practice of field inspection process in highway maintenance This objective was achieved based on the execution of extensive literature review and background study. From the review, the conclusion for this objective is as follow; i. The inspection of highway maintenance has its common inspection process to conduct the field inspection. The common practice of field inspection starts from data collection by using some tools and equipment, submission the field data and finally produce report. ii. In Malaysia the field inspection highway still practice on paper based record for data collection and record. In regard to the enhancement of technology, highway concessionaire has used the same form of a database system in order to manage their highway management. 7.2.2 To develop a prototype of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) by using of Tablet PC The prototype of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) was successfully developed by using Android application software and Tablet PC. With the existing prototype, it is hoped that field inspection activity able to increase the field data quality, reduce the tools and equipment of inspection, eliminate re-entry data and speed the field inspection time. 97 7.2.3 To address the potential and limitation of Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) This objective was achieved based on the execution of literature review, structured interview questionnaire, interview session and evaluation and demonstration of prototype. The conclusion of the finding for this objective is described as follow; i. Most of the respondent had rated the EFDCS prototype as good in the system performance as the inspection features and the inspection template is easy to use and user friendly. However, some of them reflected that the prototype can only assist on reducing paper work load as the features in the prototype are totally same in the existing inspection checklist form. ii. Most of the respondent had rated the EFDCS prototype as good in the aspect of its applicability to field inspection of highway maintenance and they confidently agreed that the industry professional will accept the prototype and employ it in future. iii. The overall rating of prototype by respondents is good due to the design of the prototype is fulfilling the need of the respondent in field inspection of highway. iv. The limitation of the EFDCS prototype are the site measurement by using Smart Measure is limited to short distance only (less than 80m), the submission of field data is depend on internet access and not all people familiar with the Tablet PC application. 98 7.3 Recommendations of Further Improvement Even though the EFDCS prototype had been developed, the author had found out there is always a space for improvement. From the study findings, some recommendation and following suggestion had been made and to be adapted for future improvement and enhancement of the prototype system. The prototype has revealed a number of areas for further research and development including; i. Further study on the integration between D atadroid and existing database (EMS) of SDE may enhance the quality of data highway management as both databases works in web-based application. ii. 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Ting Ding Kiat (2009), E-site Organiser fo r Project Monitoring System, Master, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai. 101 APPENDIX A STRUCTURE INTERVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA QUESTIONNAIRE FORM TITLE ELECTRONIC FIELD DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM (EFDCS) FOR HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE CASE STUDY: SENAI-DESARU EXPRESSWAY (E22) Prepared By NOR HUSNA BINTI MOHD GHAZALEE Master o f Science in Construction Management Objective Study: This study is aimed to review the current practice o f field inspection process in regard of recording and collecting the inspection data in highway maintenance. Besides that, it also helps to address the potential and limitation of developing the electronic field inspection for highway maintenance. This study intends to develop a prototype of Electronic Field Inspection. Guidance: 1. Please tick or fill in the blank with appropriate information 2. All information filled in this questionnaire is CONFIDENTAL YOUR CO-OPERATION IS HIGHLY APPRECIATED THANK YOU 102 SECTIONA : General Information Please tick (v) at the answer for the following questions: A1. How many years of working experience do you possess? | | Less than 3 years | 3 - 5 years 10 - 15 years A2. | 5 - 8 years 8 - 10 years _____ Over 15 years The highest academic qualification do you possess? Diploma Bachelor Degree | | Master Degree Others (Please specify : ................................................................................ ) SECTION B : Identifying the current practice in process recording thefield inspection data. B1. Does your concession use a checklist to record the field inspection data? Yes B2. The form o f field inspection checklist used Paper checklist B3. No Electronic checklist What type o f inspection do you conducted? ( You can tick more than one) Daily inspection Special inspection Periodic inspection 103 B4. Please tick the item that you record in the field inspection checklist (You can tick more than one) Site measurement data Photos Report on defect/failure Report on accident Others (Please specify:.......... B5. What kind o f item do you inspect? (You can tick more than one) B6. Road Surface Drainage Slope Bridge and Viaduct Culvert Tunnel Traffic Safety Devices Traffic Control Devices Turf/Landscaping Others (Please specify:.. How long do you spend time to execute the field inspection a day? Half day Full day Depends on the weather B7. Have you been carried out the special inspection? Yes (Please specify:..................................... No B8. How do you submit your field inspection checklist? | | Send the checklist to other person for further action Key in the checklist data into the database system by using computer Send report by using electronic checklist 104 B9. Please tick the tools and equipment that you carry during field inspection. (You can tick more than one) Checklist sheet Measurement tape Pen Camera Video camera Chalk Touch light Test hammer Others (Please specify:.......... B10. Please tick the tools and equipment that you usually left behind. (You can tick more than one) B11. Checklist sheet Measurement tape Pen Camera Video camera Chalk Touch light Test hammer Never left behind Others. (Please specify:............. ) Please tick the problems that usually occur in order to carry the tools and equipment during execute the field inspection? (You can tick more than one) The equipment (i.e: checklist, camera and tape) are hard to bring along No proper storage to keep the tools and equipment in safe -------| | The measurement is hard to execute at risky area such as slope and ravine area _____ B12. Some tools and equipment such as camera tend to fall down at slope area and deep drain. Others. (Please specify:.............................................................................. ) Have you face the problem to handle the measurement tools before? _____ Yes (please specify:......................................................................... ) No 105 B13. How do you record the captured photo data? | | After capturing the photo, I return back to the base and upload the digital photos data into the existing system After capturing the photo, I return back to the base and pass the camera to other person in charge to record the photos data After capturing the photo, I return back to the base and print out the photos data and record them. After capturing the photo, I email the photos immediately at site. SECTION C: To address thepotential and limitation o f Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) fo r highway maintenance. C1. Have you heard about electronic inspection system before? Yes C2. Have you seen a Tablet PC before? Yes C3. No Have you use the android application software in Tablet PC before? Yes C4. No No Do you think a Tablet PC is easy to carry while doing the field inspection? Yes No 106 C5. Please rate the following factors according to weightage of influences. The following factors have five possible responses 1 = Strongly disagree 2 =Disagree 3 = Slightly agree 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly agree No Rating Questions Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) capable to record the inspection data and act as an inspection tools such as checklist, camera and measurement equipment 2 3 4 Electronic checklist is more convenient than traditional paper based checklist in order to record the data 2 3 4 Electronic checklist can makes the field inspection fast and easy 2 3 4 Electronic checklist is more safer and more security than traditional paper based in term o f recording data. (no missing data) 2 3 4 Security o f documentation is important in respect to m yjob 2 3 4 Tablet PC is a good instrument to execute the electronic field inspection in highway maintenance 2 3 4 Tablet PC is easy to carry while doing the field inspection 2 3 4 By using Electronic Field Data Collection System, most o f the measurement activities such as linear measurement can be done by using Tablet PC 2 3 4 Quantity o f tool and equipment to bring along for field inspection can be reduce by implementing the Electronic Field Data Collection System 2 3 4 10 The inspectors have no longer need to come back to base to record/enter the inspection data 2 3 4 11 Electronic Field Data Collection System makes the inspection become more efficient. 2 3 4 12 Every concession should implement the Electronic Field Data Collection System to conduct the field inspection 2 3 4 107 C6. Is your company planning to use Electronic Field Data Collection System in future? \ \ Yes \ \ No C7. In your opinion, in what way the proposed system can improve the field inspection? C8. Can you consider the main benefit o f the proposed system? “THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION” 108 A P P E N D IX B EVALUATION QUESTIONNAIRE TITLE ELECTRONIC FIELD DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM (EFDCS) FOR HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE CASE STUDY: SENAI-DESARU EXPRESSW AY (E22) A. This evaluation questionnaire should be completed following a demonstration o f the prototype program (Please circle one o f the ratings among 5 choices to represent the best answer or your assessment) 1 : Poor 2 : Fair 3 : Satisfactory 4: Good Questions 5: Excellent 1 Rating 2 4 3 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 System Performance 1 2 3 4 5 6 How the Electronic Field Data Collection System (EFDCS) does help in field inspection works? How well does the inspection template provided in the system? How well does the system reflect the field inspection work in a real situation? How well does the system save time in back to office job? How well does the system manage the documentation between site and office? How well does the system reduce the paper work load? Applicability to Highway maintenance 7 8 9 10 How effective is the system in field inspection system? How convinced are you that professional team will accept this proposed system. How effectively will the system increase the speed of field inspection? Is it applicable to field inspection highway in next few years? General 11 How well the prototype is designed? 1 2 3 4 5 12 How user friendly is the system? 1 2 3 4 5 13 What is your overall rating for the prototype system? 1 2 3 4 5 109 B Miscellaneous 14. What do you consider the main benefit of the prototype system? 15. In what way the system can be improved? 16. Further comment: