|ilililfl ililttil ililtilil iltill os - 399 VersionCode lll SEMESTER B.Sc./B.Sc.(FADyB.C.A.(Semester Scheme) (Freshand Repeaters)/ IIISEMESTER B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./8. B.M./8.H,M.EXAMINATION, OCTOBERNOVEMBER 2012 (Repeaters) (Prior06-02Batch) INDIANCONSTITUTION QuestionBookletSl. No. TimeAllowed :3 Hours 205636 MaximumMarks:100 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. lmmediately afterthecommencement oftheExamination, youshould check thatthisBooklet doesnothaveanyunprinted pagesor items,etc.lf anyof theabove or tornor missing getit replaced defects isfound, bya Complete Question Booklet oftheavailable series. 2. Writeclearly theQuestion Booklet Version CodeA, B,C,D orE, intheappropriate space provided purpose, forthe intheOMRAnswer Sheet, EnterthenameoftheSubject, Reg.No.,Question Booklet versioncodeandatfixSignature on theOMRsheet.As the answersheetsaredesigned to suitthe OpticalMarkReader (O.M'R.) system,specialcareshouldbe takento fillthoseitemsaccurately. ThisQuestion Bookletcontains 100questions carrying equalmarks.All questions must be attempted. Eachquestioncontainsfour answers,amongthemone correctanswer shouldbe selected andshadethecorresponding optionin theoMR sheet. Alltheanswers shouldbe markedonlyontheOMRsheetprovided andonlywitha btack or blueinkballpointpen.lf morethanonecircleisshaded / wrongly shaded/ halfshaded for a givenquestionno markswillbe awarded. Questions areinbothEnglish andKannada. lf anyconfusion arisesintheKannada version. pleasereferto the Englishversionof thequestions. 7. lmmediately afterthefinalbellindicating theclosureof the examination, stopmakingany furthermarkings in the OMRAnswerSheet.Be seatedtill the OMRAnswerSheetis collected. Afterhanding overtheOMRAnswerSheetto theInvigilator youmayleavethe examination hall. i#&A : i.oalddd ddC adgtu e d{^rCeoe^nlde}dteie,agd. llllllllllllllllll llllllll Illllllll ddEoo *necso os - 399 (*eof 1'o) 3e'^laD*r D.etj/D'el' (FAD)/?'3':'o' ,l c'rao'/D'?i'o;bf'/ o&wq)/ 3dc raD{J *'"'/-1'?"1{ (66" qro65e 6 2012 ?i.d?,s";drt. doefl , *r*o5uor/ ddou (o&$q) (geo$cf 06 07 ?ror?r) qtdddd io&6ad ir8fl40S d.,drnoa3t {.,6*d1So$ - dod i#al) :3 flotiddc : 100 dod ewdddc erdrQr zterl'ruoat$rtd'r 1 . doeE*arrdoqJilooddd*lade*4Eodl:43ocef-;rq'dariide'd6Ddoo&de'da5Dood;de dod: uodO-edq bo€d:flx' doed .ao-ad:$d:e-,rortddloedldoegil'-*o ieod-olnd;de *r*rta*do-aproroadg3ed-gd*dllEoodlddo$d{$d A, B,C, D ufranEo$q(OMR)etDdddSJEo$O-erdaa*Rudnienn 2. 4{-OxltoOddrro"BJae6' nrD{AddO-zodos:de$' ddro" doeodrdnos3' "$d}4'E4d'grd {ddefrdoeo*a-'uob' (t".ao.ud.)d:eel.rtAd-tud wddd,rdo$ 3. (oMR) d'd-d w{d d%dddd}u.l,defdor"r.?'?" nboo$4d;"ooiz3e*.. oaz{o doea" azlotouoduJerd>dz3e$' ddA$ddood ido dDbsddJlud: erd:rbeoa.cA en:doiz3ed:' aeg-gdorterlo d*Dd -9E*dl:1EoJ:o 100 4. 4rd4rtddludflooad* "*1*tyo6d:d-d' uo$* ioornd d'e -9d47i {d.A wd-drtddge.e#ond>d-A' ":*':1d*qdnd-' dDs? {rso3ooeb dndaled:' dgrEo$o-dea' uoJ:*dnad wd-ddd1t".ao.eid.*d-d dDaeroujeced:, 5.ae4eruddzidd}0$^udniendL,.ao'eJd.*d-ddgjEo$arso$$ee]d-"gersa"oeoDobo$ -gdod dtad{j#:Qder dtrado- / t'"od8*od u,ocbde$-t'o& dnds3e$' rb$6 dQpod FDoc)outr dEC#dqtferdnado_/erdrddidqgier;nale)-03>$deeroddddloedorb$ae'tt 4'j64ddd} dod>&t^b"uo{zndo$ iqo {d.rtderioded eruosodd' d{d $6^uo{wdoco$+ 6. drs.,,t*r, d$b'Ndd:. -y'o,T'i1::":i:i::ilil3l*"-:3-Tf-r'J3ri -'o.d) d:,aocddldJod$d 7. doeflod: SHfr"."il?'R,E-odao$*ee,ozodd:,:**f i1."..Y:l-33#3$, #ffiH."#;il;"-*in-'oa*"-1:i:-::aoddddds*edL(oMR)er oC do d do edzld:d:' ou ocq eea ; I ogi oe{ # oeo*ao da d.aJE IfiffiiltlffiI tHilltfiltil tHt ilil os - 3gg '-3- 1. TheConstitution of Indiais a) briefestconstitution b) bulkiestconstitution c) a mediumsizedconstitution d) an evolvedconstitution r;nddddoaqiEdd) a) uEz^:drcoddo,r6ad b) qda docead c) d$rab ria9ddoaqrEd d) edlddoa6ad 2. TheIndianConstitution cameintoforceon a) January26,1950 b) November26,1g4g c) January2},1949 d) January1,1950 rpd do.)trDdd) elQd"dauE n trr orlu odeil^ a) rddo26,19s0 c) xddo2o,1949 vw b) ddouor26,1949 d) xddo1,1950 3. Thefirstmeeting of Constituent Assembly washeldintheyear a) 1946 b) 1e50 d) 1e48 c) 1949 do,rOadddanido$ dode.rddr.iddd ddr a) 1946 c) 1919 b) 1950 d) 1948 4. WhowastheChairmanof DraftingCommittee of IndianConstitution ? a) JawaharlalNehru b) Dr.B.R.Ambedkar c) Dr.Radhakrishnan d ) K . M .M u n s h i qrEdd doaqnddddd:dtueo$ a) wandcnoEefdddo c) esD. o?e" drff "Cd*e o$Ed:? b) ero.s).e:crr.eloaJe{o d) d.oo.$q SPACEFORHOUGHWORK A lllllllllllll llllllll lilll I|||ililt os - 399 was Assembly of Oonstituent 5. ThePresident b) JawaharlalNehru a) Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Prasad d) Dr.Rajendra c) Dr.S. Radhakrishnan ioaead dajoadqJc: udd*oanddd: uozJeQoc a) erc.ze.ud. c) err.Drf.ctDQ"drW b) uandooaef dddrD d) aa.cndeoqid;;ao" advisorto the constituent 6. Who of the followingactedas the constitutional ? assemblY b) Dr.B.R.Ambedkar a) B.N.Rau Sinha d) Sachidananda Prasad c) Dr.Rajendra d ro dcnndodd) dqJo$ doDq'JorD{dde-r oepad dzSoa ddndddo^;d a) ze.oaf.oitf b) 6tJ.LeJcf. eeouJed,d c) 6D.oadeo{ dlDcf d) iceodod r,an 'LJ@ by is basedon ObjectiveResolution 7. Thepreambleof theConstitution b) Dr.B.R.Ambedkar a) JawaharlalNehru d) Patel c) Gandhi ioaOadd{:ndd ? o3lad deo$dd&eoro$dd1ut'o,lQ dddro a) asamdcnsEef c) rooQ b) ci. te.eJcf.eouJed*cf d) de,3eer assembly? president of theconstituent g. Whoactedas the provisional b) C.RajagoPalachari Sinha a) Sachidananda Nehru d) Jawaharlal c) Dr.RajendraPrasad tloJ:r cdrEotudd&c$i& ? udd*o-cn aoao*od ioapad dr"jandqJob a) d{cndod xiila- b) :r. ooxrloemetJ?,rJO c) a-r,oadeoqid-o d) osmdosEer dddra SPACEFOR ROUGHWORK A |fitilil tillt iltililt ilililtil iltl os - 399 9. Article1 of the IndianConstitution refersIndiaas a) unionof states b) Unitarystate c) euasi-Federal d) None ztrJdd ioOqcdd dode-:daeob d-d qDddd a) oaxrdd b) aao{dmu, c) ud-doobE d) oJngdo eo_ "dge^l 10.Thetimetakenby Constituent Assembly to prepareConstitution of India years, a) 3 12months,19 days b) 5 years,10months, 17days years, c) 2 11months,1Bdays d) 4 years,03 months,04 days qnd icacrEdddlde":iu: doooaddaio iqJoiDdricJ:doodidbcbddf a) 3 ddr, 12 Eorldo, 19 adddJ b) 5 ddr, 10 Eorldc, 17 0drldc c) 2 ddr, 11 Bodq;b, 18 odddr d) 4 ddr, 03 Sodd:,04AdddJ 11. HowmanyCommittees wereset up by the Constituent Assembly for framing theConstitution ? a) 13 b) 17 c) 09 d) 08 ioaead daSier:do&Waddz3oa izp;o*a;,lddA;edddosjd.rab"? a) 13 b) 17 c) 09 d) 0s 12. WhichStateof Indiahasa separate Constitution ? a) WestBengal b) Sikkim c) UttarPradesh d) Jammuand Kashmir doDqndddldooad? eEdddolDd oaardgidred a) da*a3: uonod b) ,tusdo c) w$d qided d) dgub{ aesred 13. Whichwordwasaddedto thePreamble of Constitution by 42na amendment in 1976? a) Sovereign b) Socialist c) Republic 1976do-42de eei d6cr dvosdioagadd $4ddri deo,q,d dd a) dddneaEo b) ddnrano c) rleooaa, SPACEFORROUGHWORK A d) Democratic o) {rodE{d OS - 399 lllI lllll llllllll lllll Illllllll -s 14'Thepreamb|etotheconstitutiondeclaresIndiaas a)SovereignSocialistSecularDemocraticRepub|ic RePublic Democratic b) Sovereign SecularRePublic c) Sovereign country d) IndePendent oGd' e&AdrD n dooWadd{4 dd o::: qiDdddd}dr oeBCn #Ja ddnxamo woooreed $miq{d dracnr' a) dddnQc-oo -g*de# deaoazs, b) dddriQr-ro rieomq c) dddnQoo tnoor9ed d) {d€ oa{ whohave grantsrightto voteto allthosemenandwomen 15,our constitution theageof attained a)18yearsb)21yearsc)23yearsd)1gyears $dendd crad dcoearso$d}dooad:d d)dJdtb* uo3'ori ddgdocqrDdd dd*dloead? d) 19ddr c) 23ddr b) 21ddr a) 18ddr l6,Theconstitutionoflndiaprovidesthecitizenswith citizenship b) Double citizenship a) Multiple d) Noneoftheabove citizenship c) Single rpddddooqaddaadorieea$d)cb a) udedaBdd.d c) nd eDdd.d b) a"rtPd* d) dreOdo1>$do e*'r- ? whichPartof ourconstitution in included are Rights Fundamental 1 7 .The d) PartlV c) Partlll ll Part b) I Part a) eode>hd ? qDdd docQadd oJDd zprid O-d:oe ?'iladddJddddld d) PartlV c) Partlll b) Partll a) Partt SPACEFORROUGHWORK A llilllllllll illlllllllll |Iilflil os - 399 -7- is Federation 18. ThefeaturecommontobothlndianandAmerican b) Singlecitizenship CourttointerpretConstitution a) Supreme d) SeventhSchedule System c) Presidential zpcddabQ uabeouadiccJ::d dqec1>eldidnd e.td*ra a) ddpre4"-uo:tooJroodiotpadd efrradom b) ad aioddd ^\ pgigon{r d^dd o o "/ "w,J".i* d) addedoa{ ofour thescheme wehaveborrowed ofCanada 19.FromtheConstitution Rights b) Fundamental principles of Statepolicy d) Directive a) Federation court c) Supreme ddaadoaqndoodord o$Dddqddeidooaqsd? b) d:oozJod ddc*rl+1: ioolr:! drdt a) udo*t"l d) orrurOdreddddddst) c) ddpre{anrolne.toJ: Rights? fromthelistof Fundamental rightwasremoved 20. Inwhichyearproperty d) 1e60 c) 1980 b) 1e76 a) 1978 o$EdddrdO-u1o3, dd*qd:oe-rqiadddldd dqouod drtcbmadenob$? d) 1e60 c) 1980 b) 1976 a) 1978 Rights? theFundamental we haveborrowed 21. Fromwhichconstitution d) Canada c) UK b) ussR a) USA a{s{:?^.'rniA^d \,\ ,/clc^J^ruc^,iLy'ercuwvL a) Cr:..lxf..r ? dde5 dd6bdoo6ded d:oe.lCod d$dd I r o b) Cl.,tr".oxf.sd c) o3r:.d. d) Eda-o A Statewhichdoesnotpromoteor interferein the affairsof religionis referred to as d) Sovereign c) Democratic b) Socialist a) Secular oaqd"brddlud:ioic$ende) erdom r^,od: t'abrd {dmadddO$d*d dndoeo;J erdo5adoC>ddd)-sDd? d) dd*EQ6Do c) SzodE{d b) ddnxana a) eoaor8ed o( SPACEFORROUGHWORK A t- Iilililt ililt illfiil lllll ll os - 399 in the preamble of the enshrined 23. The ldealsof Liberty,equalityandfraternity from wereadoptedunderlnspiration constitution b) FrenchRevolution Revolution a) TheRussian Declaration of lndependence d) UNCharter c) American doaqndd {4ddorre-tdoierrn&d CDd)dd d,eddoJ:dsavcnd? d*Edd nl* qDgrd*dsddrddc xnodo$d a) doo,,*ag.U c) ed:eotadmodo$,doedd b) $ozr Boe d) DdoiodoJ:ioaQad ? Rightsareprotected RighttheotherFundamental 24. BywhichFundamental b) Rightto equality remedies a) Rightto constitutional d) None c) Rightto freedom o1:Ddaboc-rtiodddT.addd:oe-rqiadddJdsjd#ri acdeaacnd? b) idraddd dd] a) doDpron€ddoaadd dd:* d) o:nd;do ere-:- c) qdo$rdddc* hasbeengrantedunder remedies 25. Rightto constitutional c) Article31 b) Article29 a) Article35 doDoaaadddoffi-. g -))i' d) Article30 s^si-J 16 )OO 6OdNJ.roJtC^9L\rcDc"J0J a) 35deaQ b) 29deaQ c) 31deaq d) 30de.rQ as by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Rightswasdescribed 26. Whichoneofthe Fundamental ? the"HeartandSoul"of theConstitution Remedies b) Rightto Property a) Rightto Constitutional d) RighttoFreedom c) RighttoReligion docqadd "€dol, abQ ud"' ?e.e:d,eeoded*o Edndo1>dd:oszJod dd*$* e6Dt aod>ue6xreiod? a) doDqnot{ddooadd ddg b) u4o$ dd;* c) eaa:rd d$d d) qdo$rddQ SPACEFORROUGHWORK A os - 399 Irilililfiilililililril11ilfil intheArticles hasbeenprovided 27. Rightto equality c) 24to 26 b) 29to 30 a) 18to22 d ) 1 4t o 1 8 ddrDddd dd*qC"d aBrld: z"drlooDd? a ) 1 8o o d 2 2 b) 29 ood30 c) 24ood26 d) 140od18 is nota Fundamental Right? 28. Whichoneof thefollowing a) Rightto property b) Rightto freedom c) Righttoequality d) Rightto cultural andeducation ddtuJdrldO-oltdd d: dm c,rz"Joddqn e.:j ddg b) xnodo$rd a) ugolr ddo* c) idnddci d#d dd>d d) saoi#d nbQ d,r{sdd equalitybeforeLawto 29. Article14guarantees a) Allpersons b) Citizens of India in territory c) All personsresiding of India d) Persons of Indianorigin 14deDQCDmdoed .rc:odOj*Dddc;& a) "rendsddc c)Dorl(angdazud)eead ? b) qDddd ddddr acn_algddc d) zpdeeoJ:dros dooad:d dddsb c) qrEdddde-:dO_asr,$xbedrd waseliminated fromthelistof Fundamental Rightsduringthe 30. Rightto property tenureof a) MorarjiDesai b) RajivGandhi c) Indira Gandhi d) CharanSingh o$Edepadd edpocelqr&o$a$Q*""?iod ddldddogor:od drld:madooud:? a) dooa*r de;ool: c) qoaoarrooQ b) oadeaorDoQ d) ddra" xron' SPACEFORROUGHWORK A os - 399 |ilililtilil iltIilil tilil tilt -10- principles ? directive of Statepolicyis incorporated 31. lnwhichpartofourconstitution d) PartI b) Partlll c) Partll a) PartlV docqoddoJ:EdqrEddo-cx,&dreddddodddluddaldnoad? c) elorlll a) qndlV b) ziDdlll d) eparil principles intheArticles in ourconstitution of StatePolicyareincluded 32. Directive d) 38to43 b) 36to51 c) 39to54 a ) 3 7t o 5 2 ddddd$z,drLrooad ? ddgdocpdd o$EdoQrldccnxrOdredd c) 39 ood54 a) 37 ood52 b) 36 ood51 d) 38 0od43 principles into of StatePolicymaybe classified 33. Directive Communist Liberaland Gandhian andLiberal b) Gandhian a) Socialist andCommunist d) Socialist c) LiberalandCommunist nd oD%&dr edddd.drlddr4beri dff r edoden a) ddnwosao,rnoQeor6abQ wccodoro6 d:Q dabooamo b) rooQeaao,eruoodana ab* dabaoamo c) eruoadilEa d) ddnroDo abd.Jddlso"ca6 aimsat establishing a welfareStateinthecountry? 34. Whichpartoftheconstitution principles of Statepolicy b) Directive a) Preamble Duties rights d) Fundamental c) Fundamental oar, ;e*ddc1:rboC)dldooad ? doapadd CrEdWDddoaidO_dejadso b) oax,Odredddd"dd,> a) $4dd /.leod d) d:ooe.Jodddr{,dd: c) atmoqiaddd,Tddc Dutiesareborrowed fromtheconstitution of 35. Theconceptof Fundamental d) America c) Russia a) lreland b) Australia olDdiooqcdaoddrne.rejndddrdrdd,:,,qodd$"dricbdra.dretond? a) menrrom" b) u{e0oln c) dryr $PAEHFOB ROUGHWORK A d) ed:eom |tlnilm|ffiill os - 399 -11- Dutiesof IndianCitizens 36. Fundamental wereincorporated intheconstitution in a) 1976 b) 1e52 c) 1979 d) 1981 od ddr 4nddd apdd dm o zJodddr d,dddlioc OaddO_erddatdo a) 1976 b) 1e52 c) 1979 d) 1eB1 37. Respecting ourNational Flagis a a) Fundamental Duty principles c) Directive of Statepolicy -{{rt* nDdddc}$dd) ddr{ a) droe-rzJod c) oE%edreddd{ b) Fundamental Right d) None b) Croe-tqioddd) d) o$ad;do erc^^ 38. BywhatAmendment andin whichyear"Childeducation" is madecompulsory between agesof 6 to l4years? a) B6and2000 b) 86 and2002 c) 68 and20o2 d) 68and2000 o$Ed,gCldB$d: ddrd;6 ood 14 ddrdodnd Ad"Isoddldaa;rJrrtoex,d ? "bddd a) 86 tbdJ2000 b) 86 drdJ2002 c) 68 dbdr2002 d) 68 drdJ2000 39. Whichoneof thefollowing is notoneof theorgansof government ? a) Press b) Legislature c) Executive d) Judiciary ddndd)ddO_Crrdd) iac r dd e odarc he-:_ ? a) #dar: b) uodaod c) uoCnrorl d) anrC>od 40. ln parliamentary formof government theCouncilof Ministers is responsible to the a) RajyaSabha b) LokSabha c) Parliament d) UnionCabinet am0 r d>ot^:o i6EFo dddio$ O_al:o$abod e-: fl zracuoooJ>ndrd)en a) oaqizPrl b) eloeddzprl c) a;ae)rd:oo.3ri d) deoqi6"deod[^frl I SPACE FOR ROUGHWORK A itlllttn os - 399 -13- 46. lf the President hasto resignfromthe officehe shouldaddresshis letterof resignation to b) VicePresident a) PrimeMinister c) Speaker d) ChiefJusticeof India r-oC de$cnide dq sr$d*oadeand.: doduCrx.rde_ erdd;ddg cnxeoEd:dg olDoridOpEd? a) {6add:og c) ledo/i?.rrde b) wdmid d) qDddddD$doarclnQedd> 47. TheFirstCitizenof lndiais a) ChiefJusticeof lndia c) PrimeMinister qrDddddode; drd cl:E& ? a) qDddddrQi"r"lrQedd: c) dqiEdd:o9 b) President d) Speaker b) (Jdc^Ucrg d) Aedcr/dWDdo 48. TheParliament of Indiaconsists of a) LokSabha,Speaker andPrimeMinister b) LokSabhaandRajyaSabha c) President, LokSabhaandRajyaSabha d) President andPrimeMinister qtD ddd anOr d: cttr z.driooa&d C) a) eloediaJ, iqnis ** dpdd:og drQ ooardg b) eloeddzJ c) oaid3, dnedizj dr{ cnqdg d) oaide ** do.dd:og 49. LowerHouseof the Parliament in lndiais a) LokSabha c) Legislative Council qDddd une)rubot3dddabflddiddd) a) eloeddqJ b) oaq,id b) RajyaSabha d) None c) DAEddodQ SPACEFORROUGHWORK 1 r A d) oln$dn exr_ rr os - 399 llllllil||l llllllll lllll |ililllll -14- of Indiawas 50. ThefirstPrimeMinister Nehru a) Jawaharlal Nanda c) Gulzarilal qnddddods dpd So9 a) raodoerDef dddro c) rbm*oetJefdoen Shastri b) Lalbahadur Prasad d) Dr.Rajendra ag b) ercefz^tddqo d) aa.oadeoqid-d of Chairman of Indiais theex-officio 51. TheVicePresident b) RajyaSabha a) Loksabha d) None Commission c) Planning andddwdoa{de obd)dd ddoru{ edd*oanm.d? b) o-crrizP a) eloeditJ d) Cn$do ue-t- c) Coeroa eJCoer( of Indiais 52. ThePresident a) PranabMukherji Prasad c) Dr.Rajendra Patil b) Smt.Prathibha d) HamidAnsari WEdddoa{da a) deozf dlc*r c) esr.oadeoqidoo" b) )eubedeqo uouseef d) da:ecn edtJ^o in Indiais commission Planning 53. Thechairman'of b) VicePresident c) PrimeMinister d) None a) President o1lad:? ero3raedd rpddd oSoezgo) "drd;e d) odn$do uoc) {end d:o9 b) wdoo{ds a) oa{ds andCouncilof' thePresident between 54. Whoactsas channelof communication ? Ministers d) ChiefMinister a) PrimeMinister b) VicePresident c) Speaker oa{dO ab{ n?Jddodttsddoddr ded:dCnn o$a& roo$r Odrs"i^:ed ? a)-{mdso9 b) wdm{ds t) nunutt*'g SPACEFOR ROUGHWORK A titlf;flt$ttiltHiltIil os - 399 -15- 55. TheVicePresident of Indiais a) NazmaHeptulla b) HamidAnsari =;dd*Ad c) Hidayathulla d) None en:doad,dg a) dwgdQo_ b) dAcecneor.ro c) toemC:de,!erg" d) Cnd;Co ue-:_ 56' Whopresides overthejointsessionof boththeHousesof parliament ? a) SpeakerofLokSabha b) PrimeMinister c) Chairman of RajyaSabha d) President acaeruborJd wqJo$dddddwoeJ eededddel{{um&.*o$D&dtuxbEd? a) doedid$:Jedcr n) dqDdd:og d) cn{de c) D%ipo$ =4{s whopresides overthemeetings ofthecouncilof Ministers ? a) President b) Speaker c) PrimeMinister d) VicePresident 45.:c9.$odod dqio$udrflUo$dldD* det'cEd? a) oi d3 b) dz,pDde c) dcDdabog d) wdcnids WhowasthefirstSpeakerof LokSabha? a) Malavankar b) HukumSingh c) K,S.Hegde d) NeelamSanjeevReddy uneziz;m xe de-rizpds o$adr? a) d>e:oodo b) d:dcdr,lori'' c) E..rr.drl d) &ee-ro dodedCa RajyaSabhais knownas a) UpperHouse b) LowerHouse c) Both d) None oar, deJoJ:d1 adocJ:ddo$lscd ? a) airec-rrd b) dddrd c) addo d) olndldn exl SPACEFORHOUGHWORK os - 399 Iltililt ililt lilililt lllil ilill|l -16- Protection Act? enactedConsumer 60. Inwhichyearthe IndianGovernment d) le8e b) 1eB6 c) 1970 a) 1950 otDd#dr qndddard ryddd dd*.=utobp3rqdzs&dr? a) 1950 b) 1986 c) 1970 d) 198e of Stateis appointed by 6 1 . TheChiefMinister b) Governorof State of India a) President d) StateLegislature c) ChiefJusticeof HighCourt cnardd::crd>o$otd1 deabddDd:ddcnd> ? b) oaa;rdoaaroerd> a) qDdddoa{de d) oaxruoduaod dlc, oorC>Qedd> c) drdoeu3rd of Fundamental Dutiesin the recommended the inclusion WhichCommittee ? Constitution b) SwaranSinghCommittee a) Rajamannar Committee d) GonrualCommittee c) J.V.P.Committee qndde)_d:oe;eJodddr d,dddl deoder aqad{ dn ad ituE o$ad)d>? doCI b) {dea'x,orio'ia:3 da)g a) oauabdD4cf d) rtoecna"efitue c) d.c..:.r.dtue Rajyasabha is a House a) Permanent c) Hasmaximumlifeof 5 years np L.,c.r(p^ o b) Hasa maximumlifeof 6 years d) Hasno fixedterm ?o{a{rr d (^J\,\./iv a) endodddd c) do{ 5 ddrdd edQ b) do{ 6 ddrdd edQ d) o$ad)de&drod erdQas_ provides ? foramendment to theConstitution 64. WhichArticleof lndianConstitution c) Article358 d) Article360 b) Article356 a) Article368 4Ddddoa6addo$EdcQcr) ioapadd*sd)odadrDddddladodgd? d) 360deaQ b) 356deaQ c) 358deaQ a) 368deaQ SPACE FOR ROUGHWORK A Ilfillilt ililt fililllt ililt ililtftl os - 399 - | t- 65' Centre-state relations areenumerated inwhichpartsoftheIndianconstitution ? a) 10and11 b) Bandg c) 11and12 d) 5and6 qrdd docaDddcDd wErld$bdeoqi-cn rld q dozoofr adoxb{ .b ? a) 10ail*11 b) B "n* 9 c) 11dbda12 d) 5 abe 6 66. HowmanyStateshavebicameral legislature ? a)2 b) 6 c)4 .ra$,oar.ddq idd uodaodad ? e.J .. A O cS a)2 b)6 d)8 c)4 d)8 67' ThePanchayat Rajsystemwasforthefirsttimeintroduced in the stateof a) Rajasthan b) Karnataka c) Gujarat d) Bihar o$Ed o-cr, d o-do de.ranori d ozocre oE?f dd d{o$d.l erddax,do suenorr$ ? a) oaaxnd b) doared L; .C*-g" d) s36icr 68' who appoints stateErection commissioner ? a) President b) Governor c) ChiefMinister d) Minister otx, z$oodma erob)dddlob& dea3:d dnd:md ? a) oa{de b) oex_.r-re-rd: *rrcr*rog "i 69.Whois knownas Bismark of India? patel a) SardarVallabhai c) Gandhi d) aboQ b) Nehru d) MaulanaKalamAzad 4odddt'elg6rrooC otld$ ddCDedd:? -oc) a) dcnro derpcoJ:"dLjeG b) dddrD c) naop d) dfooaandercdyqr?sEeJs 70. Thechiefcommanderof Defenceforces of Indiais a) President b) PrimeMinister c) Governor d) ChiefMinister qDddddd*- ddrld a$aadodandd cDd:? -)q cJ\9 b) doad nbog c) oaarane.rd: SPACEFOR ROUGHWORK A I d) dralabog |liltilil ililtilt tiltilil| ltil iltl os - 399 - 1t la' 65. Centre-State relations areenumerated inwhichpartsofthelndianConstitution ? a ) 1 0 a n d1 1 b) Band9 c ) 1 1a n d 1 2 d) 5and6 4Ddddooqnddcx- qaddd:decdroczs,,dd ioeoofradoxb$C ? a) 10obQ11 b) BdJ*e c) 11"bd;12 d) 5.^b$6 66. HowmanyStateshavebicameral legislature ? a)2 b) 6 c)4 oai: or,ddO_E idd enduaodad? a)2 b)6 c)4 d)8 d)8 67. ThePanchayat Rajsystemwasfor thefirsttimeintroduced in the Stateof a) Rajasthan b) Karnataka c) Gujarat d) Bihar c$Ed cnr, d e)_ do d e-rzroori i oanoJ:d o 6e ddd{o$ d} E:dd ax,dod,enor:$ ? a) oaana.i b) doored c) rbz;cno d) r,lolcn 68. Whoappoints StateElection Commissioner ? a) President b) Governor c) chiefMinister oax,z$ucdmaso:r:Eddl oiD$ deabdCnd>qd ? a) o{de b) orxroce-:d: c) d;:$r$o$ d) Minister d) ubog 69. Whois knownas Bismarkof India? patel a) SardarVallabhai c) Gandhi a__?JJ ^6_*_ r .r{. n{nii_ l*^*.;gt'g[? q:Jc./rreLJen)go- F c.,JO(JJ OJJ0OOJ46ON_ a) io-oro dc.r4noJ:' de3eer c) naop b) Nehru d) MaulanaKalamAzad o b) dddro d) dfaenuodendy ereoef 70. Thechiefcommander of Defence forcesof lndiais a) President b) PrimeMinister c) Governor qtrddd d** dddd C:oadodNEo$dolDd:? b) dqDdc>o9 c) oaarmod> SPACEFORROUGHWORK A d) ChiefMinister s-7-os - 399 Itillil|| tilil ilttilt illfi til|I|l -18- providesspecialstatusto Jammuand 71. WhichArticleof IndianConstitution Kashmir ? a) Article356 b) Article370 AEdddoaqndd o$EdeQd) *dgdl* a) 356deo6 b) 370dea6 c) Article360 d) Article358 uagrdd* ndedne;ddnd&ead ? c) 360deap d) 358dea6 72. Howmanymembers arenominated to LokSabhabythePresident of lndia? a)3 b)2 c) 12 eloeddqJri .rdgddd,dd1ocide in abddeadn d:E d ? a)3 b)2 c) 12 d) 10 d) 10 73. Howmanymembers arenominated totheRajyasabha bythePresident ofIndia? a\ 12 b) 10 c) I d)s cnq dzprim$deouod anabddeorlnod dddd do{, ;rdrr? a)12 b)10 c)e d)s 74. Governor holdshisofficeduringthepleasure of the a) President b) PrimeMinister c) ChiefMinister d) Speaker oaq aae$: olDd .a{ d o:: r C u Quodd O_dl ocbd oo$?Jd: dl ? a) cn{de b) deEdd:o9 c) dr$rabog d) drpde 75. TheGovernorof the Karnataka is a) Ramadevi b) H.R.Bharadwaj c) N.D.Tiwari d) Noneof theabove doart^lddoaasrune.lcb c1:D&? ' a) ddnde,r c) oor,a..36tJo b) dztr.uO. qnden*as" d) olnfldo esc.t* SPACEFOR ROUGHWORK A ililtffiln os - 399 -19 76. TheCtief Justiceof SupremeCourtof Indiais a) R.C.Lahoti c) S.H.Kapadia b) Y,K.Sabhanryal d) Noneoftheabove qDdddxbgeodoeusrd du), anrolne edd> a) ucf.:r.e.rdoer^3 b) { d.ddOaner c) a:i".oz:1". dmGo$E d) ojn$do ee.r_ Tl. Whoappoints andadministers oathfortheChiefMinisterandCouncilof Ministers ? a) PrimeMinister b) Governor c) President d) ChiefJusticeof HighCourt ,, dr$rabogab{ abogabododd.lc$a$deubd dna erdorlddd cea.rad? a) dwadabog b) oaerrunetd> c) cn{de d) {,dner,:rddl$, qclneeddl I 78, UnionListconsists a) 99subjects b) 52Subjects deoqidrde,drfooacbdcb a) eeDdo$dddl b) s2 cdo$ddq c) 61Subjects d) BBSubjects c) 61ado$dddl d) 88ad$dddl 79.Whatistheageof retiremerlt fortheJudges ofSupreme Court? a) 68years b) 6s years c) T2years d) 62years d{pre{, *rot"e.ro$danralneedd e* do$xb a) 68ddr b) 65ddr c) T2ddr d) 62ddr 80.Judicial activism hasledtotheincrease inthepowerof a) Legislature b) Executive c) Judiciary d) press o0,Cn odd$ olns eeldo1rlo$Ed dd u pm d d?dpdriaodeoun Ad ? a) mdaoodd b) oaolnrodd c) oorcnorld SPACEFORROUGHWORK A v r d) dnd"sd iltililt ltill llilllll tilil Iilililil os - 399 of fromtheConstitution 8't. Theconceptof JudicialReviewhasbeenborrowed d) Russia c) France b) Britain a) USA Ad ? d d ddro d,e;o esorodddl otEd i oa6ada od an,or:da d:d r o$ x., d) dw;,, c) 49,q b) ?&rrou a) Cr:.-rs".a aretherein lndia? 82. Howmanytypesof emergencies c)3 b)2 a\4 d)None d:d:r dox,edqdz apdddO-adgurlo$ a\4 c)3 b\2 d) Cn{do "ao_ in a Stateis popularlyknownas Machinery of Constitutional 83. Thebreakdown Rule b) President's a) Nationalemergency d) Noneofthese c) Financialemergency oaes, d ios 6ain{d ob o$d d:,lddd1ad od: ddc:en rbd)dr ? b) oo{d8 ueod a) oaEecl d:$r dox6e d) oJn$dn ee-:$$r dox6e c) dcoaox,d undertheArticle canbe proclaimed emergency 84. Financial c) 360 b) 256 a) 356 d) 352 n{n{ \An{rl q.Jca,/()c./n $/ d;g|>r ? dedcdd w \1/\:A/c dOXrgo$$ \.\ .rUC, C^JW\-\}J../ deomld o( r O a) 356deaQ b) 256d€DQ c) 360deaQ d) 352deaQ India? of lndependent General 85. WhowasthefirstIndianGovernor b) C. RajaGopalachari Naidu a) Sarojini c) Nehru d) Patel 4do9 qnddd dods tpd9eoS;dddro rddef ol;E&? b) tu.oaarioedoelozrJo a) ddoex&oaolr:* c) dddo d\ v,, isipr"re ww\v SPACEFORROUGHWORK A os - 399 -21- 86. ffinance lssuingpowerlieswith a) PrimeMinister c) AttorneyGeneral b) President d) ChiefMinister do| eanC*dedaild eqa da cbd cf) a) $wadd:€ri b) oa{derf c) eo.yrOr rdds"ri d) C>$rabo$ri 87. Whofunctioned as President whenthe partof President andVicePresidents werevacantin 1969? a) Dr.Rajendra Prasad b) Nehru c) Hidayathulla d) Patel 1969do-cn{ie tbdi wdoaide &drbAdd& c$E&? a) aa.oadeoqigixno' c) baaoJ:de,rle>_ drdridJ araoouoardo-cidecnff rrc:r b) dddo d) du3eer 88. Thefatherof LocalselfGovernment in Indiawas a) LordRippon c) LordCanning b) LordDalhousie d) LordWarrenHasting qDddd{eeof:dordd aoabd o1lD$? a) enarr oE6f c) oa"r ror&on' b) eres"r6tef6D& d) eneo'rasodddery:rr' 89. AnnaHazareheadedwhichmovement ? a) ChipkoMovement c) GreenMovement b) Fightagainstcorruption d) PeasantMovement ees6id?sJdo$Dd Cdodqro*dedrdo da",e,d$? a) aSdo*e zddcdp c) dxr& rddcdp b) Eim*z,od D&d droeoDr^l d$dp d) d,rddaidcds SPACEFOR ROUGHWORK A I I I i os - 399 |ilililil ililtlil llill ilil| ililill 90. TheCentralVigilance wasestablished intheyear Commission a) 1964 b) 1960 c) 1980 d) 1970 Eeod, EsEdd eroSoed sa;ddCndddr oJnScb? a) 1964 b) 1e60 c) 1980 wasestablished 91. NationalWomen's Commission intheyear c) 1991 a) 1986 b) 1ee2 d) 1970 d) 1ee0 aj:aqneioinedraddCnd ddr oi&s ,€C) a a) 1986 b) 1992 c) 1991 Development 92. National Councilwas established intheyear a) 1949 b) 1950 c) 1952 d) 1990 d) 1954 ,,DS*o3, cQ{qabode ngddcDd ddr a) 1949 b) 1e50 c) 1952 d) 1e54 provides 93. WhichArticleof lndianConstitution fortheestablishment of InterState Council? a) Article225 b) Article263 c) Article356 d) Article360 qrEdd docqndd oJDd.)QCDeroddo-ox, d:odp o%dduri dedcdd? a\ 225deap b) 263deap c) 356dea6 d) 360deap in Karnataka 94. InwhichyearStatelnformation Commission established ? a) 1990 b) 2000 c) 1995 d) 19S oaq dnb8 sCoerl danrt^idde)_na.ddCnd ddr a) 1990 b) 2000 c) 1995 d) 1es 95. Judgesof the Supreme Courtareappointed by a) President b) PrimeMinister c) Governor Minister d) Finance d{n r e{ an,Cn oobd *, ofn Oedddlded;ddrEdddd) a) cnide b) dqnd$og c) cnq,merd> SPACEFORROUGHWORK A d) dr,aic ubog llffllilt ilIil tffililt lfilf tfil lill -23_ os - 399 96. Whodecideswhethera bill is moneybillor not? a) President b) Speaker c) PrimeMinister d) Vicepresident z.oe$*drodo$d1 deaaad a$drodollDe eecdraeaoel:Odroxbddd) a) oaido b) teddHzrrde c) dqrrdabog d) onr-i-J Jo w vwwoerl.c"J€ 97' whichArticfeprovidesfortheestablishmentof Nationaf commissionof sc/sT ? a) Articfe338 b) Articfe336 c) ArricteSS5 d) Articfe334 crDd a QolDdoa{ra.vdoa{dodddd orge o$ ercro eddqddrr erd-Edp eEd ? a) 338deap b) 336deaQ c) 335deap d) 334deco 98. Ruleof Lawmeans a) Nomanis abovethe Law of Land b) Proceduraf rulesto be foflowedstricily c) Lawsareframedunderconstitutional framework d) Noneof these acdo&d erpddo$erdr a) ooEddedS cnSd ucdocnod $eddc_ b) uado.derd:dd# c) io.)pro€d afodqpO_uodroed ddd d) olnddo eo_ 99. Sovereignty indemocracy restswiththe a) PrimeMinister b) peopre c) president d) Government d rsDdhbd,dO_iddrred.rdd o$adOJJ? a) doadalogo$o- b) rddoc) ooiieo$o_ d) iaorddo_ 100.A moneybiffpassedbyLoksabha canbederayed byRajyasabha for a) 1Odays b) 14days c) 3months d) 2months eloeddzJor: od oorurd dearax,d $d/o do$d1 0aa;rdzJ adpaae.rdde a o$e,ld: cl:? a) 10 odd$ q 14Tt, c) 3 ,eorlq;b d) 2 .eodeb SPACEFOR ROUGHWORK