The Rupture of Silence: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in... AAS 124B Spring 2000 Fridays: 9am – 12pm

The Rupture of Silence: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa
AAS 124B
Spring 2000
Fridays: 9am – 12pm
Room: Rabb, Du Bois Lounge
Faculty Associate: Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela
Office: Rabb 217
Telephone Numbers: (718) 736(617) 496-4969
♦ Critical reading of the theoretical text.
♦ Participation in class and critical discussion and questioning that engages with the readings.
♦ A mid-term paper of 6-10 pages based on the examination of public testimony as a medium
through which traumatic memory is addressed. Will provide 40% of the grade. Due March
10, by 12.30pm.
♦ A final paper (12-15 pages) on a topic to be chosen by students. Consultations with students
(individually or in small groups) concerning topics will be scheduled during April. The final
paper will provide 60% of the grade.
1. 21 January – Introduction to the course: Political Negotiations and how the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was established.
Alex Boraine: The Healing of a Nation? Introduction
Michelle Parlevliet: “Background to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission”
Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report: “The Mandate” (Excerpts)
Martin Meredith: “In the fullness of time.” In Martin Meredith, “Coming to terms: South
Africa’s search for truth. New York: Public Affairs, 1999.
2. 28 January – Transition to democracy: The TRC debate in South Africa.
♦ Antjie Krog: “The TRC and National Unity”
♦ Martha Minow: “Introduction” and “Facing History.” In Between vengeance and
forgiveness. Boston: Beacon Press, 1998.
♦ Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report: “Historical context.”
♦ Tina Rosenberg: Confronting the painful past.” In Martin Meredith, “Coming to terms:
South Africa’s search for truth.” New York: Public Affairs, 1999.
♦ Tina Rosenberg: “Haunted Land.” In Tina Roseberg, The haunted lands: Facing Europe’s
ghosts after communism. New York: Vintage Books, 1996.
♦ See also: Appendix 1: “The political calendar during the era of destabilisation.”
3. 4 February* – Amnesty: The dilemma between justice and reconciliation.
Guest: Beth Lyons
♦ Martha Minow: “Trials” and “Truth Commissions.” In Between vengeance and forgiveness.
♦ Beth Lyons: “Between Nuremberg and amnesia: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission
in South Africa.” Monthly Review, 49, 1997.
♦ Aryeh Neier: “The trouble with amnesty.” In War crimes: Brutality, genocide, terror, and the
struggle for justice. New York: Times Books, 1998.
♦ Medard R. Rwelamira: “Punishing past human rights violations: South African context.” In
Confronting past injustices: Approaches to amnesty … in South Africa and Germany.
Durban: Butterworths, 1996.
4. 11 February – Political memory and the politics of memory
Screening of video footage from TRC hearings
♦ Martin Meredith: “In the fullness of time.” In Coming to terms, Martin Meredith. New York:
Public Affairs.
♦ Barbie Zelizer: “Collective memories, images and the atrocity of war.” In Remembering to
forget. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.
♦ Herbert Hirsch: Section on “Politics, memory, and mass death,” Chapters 1-4 In Genocide
and the politics of memory. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina press, 1995.
♦ Judith Herman: “Terror.” In, Trauma and recovery: The aftermath of violence. Basic Books.
5. 18 February – “Framing the witness:” Public hearings and reporting on TRC testimonies.
♦ Barbie Zelizer: “Covering atrocity in word.” In Remembering to forget. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 1998.
♦ Shoshana Felman & Dori Laub: Testimony: Crises of witnessing in literature, psychoanalysis,
and history (Chapters 1–3). New York: Routledge.
♦ Annette Wieviorka: On Testinony. In Geoffrey Hartman (ed.) Holocaust remembrance: The
shapes of memory. Oxford: Blackwell.
6. 25 February – Trauma and memory
♦ Dori Laub & Nanette Auerhahn: “Knowing and not knowing massive psychic trauma: Forms
of traumatic memory.”
♦ Dori Laub: “Truth and Testimony: The process and the struggle.” American Imago, 48,
♦ Lawrence Langer: “Deep Memory: The buried self.” In Holocaust testimonies: The ruins of
memory. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991.
♦ James Young: “Video & Cinemagraphic Testimony.” In, Changing the shape of memory, The
American Jewish Committee, 1993
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7. 10 March – The language of trauma: Narrative and art
♦ Susan Brison: Trauma narratives and the remaking of the self.” In, Mieke Bal, Jonathan
Crewe & Leo Spitzer (Eds.) Acts of memory: Cultural recall in the present. Dartmouth:
University Press of New England, 1999.
♦ Lea Hamaoui: Historical Horror and the Shape of Night. In, Carrol Rietner (ed.), Elie Wiesel:
Between memory and hope. New York: New York University Press.
♦ John Beverly and Marc Zimmerman: “Testimonial narrative.” In, Literature and politics in
the Central American Revolutions. Austin: University of Texas Publishers.
♦ Stevan Weine: “Artists witnessing ethnic cleansing.” In Charles B. Strozier & Michael Flynn
(eds.), Genocide, war and human survival. Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 1996.
Recommended: Elie Wiesel: Night. Translated by Stella Rodway. New York: Hill & Wang, 1982.
This lecture will be followed on Saturday 11 March by a class trip to the Pucker Gallery in
Boston, where Bernie Pucker will give a lecture on and illustration of Samuel Bak’s work.
Transport from Brandeis will be arranged. Time TBA.
8. 17 March* – The language of trauma: Re-enactment of traumatic memory
Screening of video footage from TRC public hearings and excepts from “Death & the Maiden”
♦ Antjie Krog: “The wet bag and other phantoms.” In, Country of my skull. New York:
Random House, 1999.
♦ Cathy Caruth: “The wound and the voice.” In, Unclaimed experience: Trauma, narrative,
and history. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1996
♦ Judith Herman: “Remembrance and mourning.” In, Trauma and recovery: The aftermath of
violence. New York: Basic Books.
9. 24 March* – The gendered nature of trauma
Guests: Victoria Sanford, Peace Fellow at the Bunting Institute; Sindiwe Magona, writer and
author of Mother to Mother, Beacon Press, 1999.
Screening of segments from “Long Night’s Damage,” TRC documentary by Iris Films
♦ Doris Sommer: “Not just a personal story: Women’s testimonios and the plural self.” In Bella
Brodzki and Celeste Schenck (eds.) Life lines: Theorising Women’s autobiography. Ithaca:
Cornell University Press.
♦ Laura Brown: “Not outside the range: One feminist perspective on psychic trauma.” In
Cathy Caruth (ed) Trauma: Explorations in memory. Baltimore: John Hopkins Varsity
♦ Begoná Aretxaga: Engendering a nation and the gendered politics of suffering. In, Shattering
silence: Women, nationalism and political subjectivity in Northern Ireland, 1997.
Recommended: Sindiwe Magona: “Mother to Mother.” Boston: Beacon Press, 1999.
10. 31 March – Perpetrators’ narrative and the appropriation of the language of victims.
♦ Ron Rosenbaum: “The war over the question why?” In, Explaining Hitler. New York:
HarperCollins, 1998.
♦ Primo Levi: “The memory of offense.”
♦ Judith Herman: “Captivity” and “The dialectic of trauma continues.” In, Trauma and
recovery: The aftermath of violence.
11. 7 April – The act of apology: Forgiveness and healing traumatic wounds
Martha Minow: “Vengeance and forgiveness.” In, Between vengeance and forgiveness.
Mary Baures: Letting go of bitterness and hate. Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
Robert Bies & Thomas Tripp: “Getting even and the need for revenge”
Simon Wiesenthal: The Sunflower, Chapter 1. New York: Schocher Books, 1976.
Schedule discussion of topics for term papers
12. 14 April – Individual memory, collective memory, national healing and the challenge of
Students expected to watch outside of the class period Bill Moyers’ documentary “Facing Truth,”
for class discussion
Presentation by students
♦ Archbishop Desmond Tutu: “Foreword by Chairperson.” In, The Truth and Reconciliation
Commission Report, Vol. 1.
♦ Nico Fridja: “Commemorating.” In James Pennebaker, Dario Parez & Bernard Rimé (eds.)
Collective memory of political events. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, 1997.
♦ Tina Rosenberg: “Official Exorcism.” In Tina Rosenberg, The Haunted Land: Facing
Europe’s ghosts after communism. New York: Vintage Books, 1996.
♦ Henry Steiner: “Introduction” and “The relevance of Truth Commissions to different types
of conflict.” In “Truth Commissions: A comparative assessment.” Cambrideg: Harvard Law
School Human Rights Program, 1997.
13. 19 April, WEDNESDAY – Working with trauma: Reflections
Guest: Victoria Sanford
Screening of footage from TRC public hearing
♦ Dori Laub: “Bearing witness or the vicissitudes of listening.”
* All these classes will be open to the University Community.