Embedded Citation Worksheet: Name: ______________________________ Date:__________________________

Embedded Citation Worksheet:
Name: ______________________________
Choose the correct example for each type of embedded citations:
1. Proper punctuation in an embedded citation looks like this:
a) “The language you use on this level is the language of practical sense” (Frye, 7)
b) “The language you use on this level is the language of practical sense.” (Frye, 7).
c) The language you use on this level is the language of practical sense (Frye, 7).
d) “The language you use on this level is the language of practical sense” (Frye, 7).
The rule is:
2. Proper embedded citation format looks like:
(Yann Martel, pg. 5)
(Martel, pp. 5)
(Martel, 5)
(5, Martel)
The rule is:
3. Which example of a citation is ideal?
a) On page 21 of The Singing School , Northorp Frye talks about now the story of finding the infant
Moses by the Pharaoh’s daughter is an example of a conventional type of story (Frye, 21).
b) The story of finding the infant Moses by the Pharaoh’s daughter is an example of a conventional
type of story (Frye, 21).
c) On page 21 of The Singing School , Northorp Frye talks about now the story of finding the infant
Moses by the Pharaoh’s daughter is an example of a conventional type of story.
d) On page 21 of The Singing School , it says that the story of finding the infant Moses by the
Pharaoh’s daughter is an example of a conventional type of story (Frye).
The rule is:
4. If you have more than one outside source or reference, used in one sentence, it should be cited as:
a) In Life of Pi, Piscine Patel says he just “wants to love God”, which is a reference to Jesus Christ’s
struggle with his faith during his 40 days and 40 nights or reflection in the desert (Martel 53,
2Cor. 5.17).
b) In Life of Pi, Piscine Patel says he just “wants to love God” (Martel, 53), which is a reference to
Jesus Christ’s struggle with his faith during his 40 days and 40 nights or reflection in the desert
(2Cor. 5.17).
c) In Life of Pi, Piscine Patel says he just “wants to love God”, which is a reference to Jesus Christ’s
struggle with his faith during his 40 days and 40 nights or reflection in the desert (Martel, 53)
(2Cor. 5.17).
d) In Life of Pi, Piscine Patel says he just “wants to love God” (Martel, 53)(2Cor. 5.17), which is a
reference to Jesus Christ’s struggle with his faith during his 40 days and 40 nights or reflection in
the desert .
The rule is:
5. Proper capitalization for embedded citations looks like this:
a) It is important in the story because, “Three nights later, old Major died peacefully in his sleep.”
b) “…tricky and boastful gods of ancient myths and primitive folk tales are characters of the same
kind…” is important for understanding modern myths because…
c) Frye says that, “everything that does improve, including science, leaves the literary artist out in
the cold.”
d) Both “b” and “c”.
The rule is:
6. A piece of work that has multiple authors in it should look like this:
a) The hypothesis of becoming resentful of your parent in stressful situations…(Bradley and Rogers
b) Dover has expressed increasing concern over… (Bradley, Rogers, 7).
c) … and in essence this means that students are the greatest creators of toxic waste in our planet
so far (Summer, Reichl, and Waugh 23).
d) Both “a” and “c”
The rule is:
7. A work that does not have an author for it should be cited as follows:
a) … as stated in the presidential commission (Report 4).
b) … and that is why Piscine Patel is actually an atheist in the novel, Life of Pi (Anonymous author,
c) … as stated in the presidential commission (An Inclusive Report of the American Government
Association 2010: An In Depth Analysis of Presidential Spending, 4).
d) … and that is why Piscine Patel is actually an atheist in the novel, Life of Pi (Book Review 4).
The rule is:
8. An online source should be cited as follows:
a) (Fox, pars. 4-5)
b) (P#4, P#5, Fox)
c) (Fox paragraph number 4 and 5)
d) (Fox pars 4,5)
The rule is:
1. Proper punctuation in an embedded citation looks like this:
d) “The language you use on this level is the language of practical sense” (Frye, 7).
The rule is: Only one form of punctuation at the end of the embedded citation.
2. Proper embedded citation format looks like:
(Martel, 5)
The rule is: (Last name, Page Number) comma in between.
3. Which example of a citation is ideal?
b)The story of finding the infant Moses by the Pharaoh’s daughter is an example of a conventional
type of story (Frye, 21).
The rule is: Do not reference the page number in your sentence, or the author unless it is necessary,
just discuss the idea and cite it at the end.
4. If you have more than one outside source or reference, used in one sentence, it should be cited as:
a) In Life of Pi, Piscine Patel says he just “wants to love God”, which is a reference to Jesus Christ’s
struggle with his faith during his 40 days and 40 nights or reflection in the desert (Martel 53,
2Cor. 5.17).
The rule is: (Last Name Page Number, Last Name Page Number) One large bracket, no comma in
between the last name and page number of each respective source, however there is one between
the two individual sources to separate them.
5. Proper capitalization for embedded citations looks like this:
c) Frye says that, “everything that does improve, including science, leaves the literary artist out in
the cold.”
The rule is: Always capitalize at the beginning of a sentence, even if your quote starts in the middle of
a sentence, and never capitalize the beginning of your quote if it begins in the middle of your existing
6. A piece of work that has multiple authors in it should look like this:
d) Both “a” and “c”
The rule is: (Last Name, Last Name and Last Name Page Number) No comma unless more than two
authors. Never exceed three authors in your embedded citation. Just leave out the last one(s).
7. A work that does not have an author for it should be cited as follows:
a)… as stated in the presidential commission (Report 4).
The rule is: Use the work’s title or a shortened version of the title when citing it in the text. (If you are
abbreviating a title, omit initial articles and begin with the world by which it is alphabetized in the
Works Cited List).
8. An online source should be cited as follows:
a)(Fox, pars. 4-5)
The rule is: (Last Name, pars. Paragraph Number OR Paragraph Number – Paragraph Number). “Pars.”
= paragraphs. Comma after Last Name.