1 IDC 3O1 – African Canadian History Culminating Project Part A: Letter to Lawrence Hill Name: ________________________________________________________________ CRITERIA KNOWLEDGE Content: Demonstrates knowledge of facts and ideas. LEVEL 0 0-49% DID NOT REACH LEVEL THINKING Supporting reasons and arguments. Summary and conclusion. DID NOT REACH LEVEL APPLICATION Clarity, coherence and organization. Correct use of grammar, spelling and punctuation. DID NOT REACH LEVEL COMMUNICATION Expression of ideas in writing. Correct letter writing conventions (addressee, address, salutation, closing, etc) Comments: DID NOT REACH LEVEL LEVEL 1 50 – 59% LEVEL 2 60-69% LEVEL 3 70-79% LEVEL 4 80-100% Demonstrates emerging knowledge of facts and ideas. Emerging ability to support reasons and arguments. Developing ability to summarize the main arguments. Beginning to write with clarity and coherence and to organize information. Developing grammar, spelling and punctuation skills with some errors. Demonstrates some knowledge of facts and ideas. Adequate ability to support reasons and arguments. Satisfactory ability to summarize the main arguments. Approaching effective ability to write with clarity and coherence and to organize information. Adequate grammar, spelling and punctuation skills with some errors. Word choice and language level acceptable for purpose and audience. Acceptable style of letter presentation without major errors. Demonstrates good knowledge of facts and ideas. Effective ability to support reasons and arguments. Polished ability to summarize the main arguments. Effectively able to write with clarity and coherence and to organize information. Good grammar, spelling and punctuation skills with some errors. Demonstrates thorough knowledge of facts and ideas. Superior ability to support reasons and arguments. Exemplary ability to summarize the main arguments. Professional ability to write with clarity and coherence and to organize information. Outstanding grammar, spelling and punctuation skills with some errors. Word choice and language level appropriate for purpose and audience. Competent style of letter presentation without errors. Word choice and language level skilfully used to reflect purpose and audience. Distinguished style of letter presentation with no errors. Word choice and language level reflect some sense of purpose and audience. Developing an acceptable style of letter presentation. MARK 2 IDC 3O1 – African Canadian History Culminating Project Part B: OPTION 1 - Monologue: A dialogue with Myself Name: ________________________________________________________________ CRITERIA KNOWLEDGE Content: Demonstrates knowledge of facts and ideas. - monologue stays true to character selected to portray in the novel. LEVEL 0 0-49% DID NOT REACH LEVEL THINKING Presentation captures correct monologue style; monologue successfully captures thoughts/personality of character chosen DID NOT REACH LEVEL APPLICATION Appropriate Language and Vocabulary reflect time period and character, Costumes/Props Authentic, length of performance (3-5 minutes) DID NOT REACH LEVEL COMMUNICATION speaking techniques, mannerisms, stage presence, dramatic performance. Comments: DID NOT REACH LEVEL LEVEL 1 50 – 59% LEVEL 2 60 – 69% LEVEL 3 70 -79% LEVEL 4 80-100% The central idea of the monologue may be unclear, simplistic, or incoherent The central idea of the monologue is clear but conventional The central idea of the monologue is clear, thoughtful, and developed The central idea of the monologue is focused, insightful, and richly detailed Point of view and person are inconsistent; an implied listener is seldom evident. The monologue rarely reveals the thoughts, feelings, and context of the speaker Point of view and person are clear and consistent; an implied listener is evident. The monologue occasionally reveals the thoughts, feelings, and context of the speaker Point of view and person are clear, focused and consistent; an implied listener is established. The monologue interprets the thoughts, feelings, and context of the speaker Language and vocabulary are often inappropriate or misused Language and vocabulary are occasionally inappropriate or misused Language and vocabulary are appropriate to character Point of view and person are integrated; an implied listener is evident throughout the monologue. The monologue effectively elaborates the thoughts, feelings, and context of the speaker. Language and vocabulary appropriate to the character are used effectively Uses volume, tone, and pace inappropriately or ineffectively; limited use of nonverbal gestures and facial expression Uses volume, tone, and pace somewhat to suit the content and purpose; nonverbal gestures and facial expression are occasionally distracting or inappropriate to the character Uses volume, tone, and pace appropriate to the content and purpose; nonverbal gestures and facial expression suit the character Adjusts volume, tone, and pace to achieve a special effect or for impact; nonverbal gestures and facial expression enhance characterization MARK 3 IDC 3O1 – African Canadian History Culminating Project Part B: OPTION 2 - Art: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder! Name: ________________________________________________________________ CRITERIA KNOWLEDGE Artist Statement demonstrates clear connection to novel; Artist Statement Supports opinions of art works with reasons related to the novel. LEVEL 0 0-49% DID NOT REACH LEVEL THINKING Creative Thinking skills. DID NOT REACH LEVEL APPLICATION ELEMENTS OF DESIGN: Line, Texture, Color, Shape/Form, Value, Space PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN: Repetition, Balance, Emphasis, Contrast, Unity DID NOT REACH LEVEL COMMUNICATION Appropriateness of materials chosen; Effort to communicate with audience. Comments: DID NOT REACH LEVEL LEVEL 1 50 – 59% LEVEL 2 60 -69% LEVEL 3 70 – 79% LEVEL 4 80-100% Apparently purposeless: no intent can be seen beyond the need to have something; Does not support opinions with evidence from the novel. Intent can be seen to be emerging, but apparent randomness makes this unclear. Sometimes supports opinions with evidence from the novel. Uses creative thinking skills (in preparing and presenting the visual art piece) with some effectiveness. The student did the assignment adequately, yet it shows lack of planning and little evidence that an overall composition was planned. Follows a common pattern, and delivers an adequate product whose intent is seen. Usually offers opinions with supporting evidence from the novel. Uses creative thinking skills (in preparing and presenting the visual art piece) with considerable effectiveness. The artwork shows that the student applied the principles of design while using one or more elements effectively; showed an awareness of filling the space adequately. Clear, thoughtful exploration with clear intent/purpose. Consistently demonstrates critical thinking, and supports opinions with evidence from the novel. Chosen materials appear thrown together and quickly done, making project appear careless and unclear. Chosen materials soundly represent the idea or image, if in a common way. Effort has been expended to produce an acceptable product. Chosen materials contribute to an effective presentation of idea or image. Effort and attention to detail enhance project. Uses creative thinking skills (in preparing and presenting the visual art piece) with limited effectiveness. The assignment was completed and turned in, but showed little evidence of any understanding of the elements and principles of art; no evidence of planning. Chosen materials are inappropriate to project, making presentation less clear or more difficult to interpret. Little apparent effort has been expended in producing project. Uses creative thinking skills (in preparing and presenting the visual art piece) with a high degree of effectiveness. Planned carefully, made several sketches, and showed an awareness of the elements and principles of design; chose color scheme carefully, used space effectively MARK 4 IDC 3O1 – African Canadian History Culminating Project Part B: OPTION 3 - Alternate Chapter/Ending: What If? Name: ________________________________________________________________ CRITERIA KNOWLEDGE Content: Knowledge of the narrative genre of the novel. Understanding of ideas and theme. Understanding of the uses and effect of stylistic devices and point of view. THINKING Creative thinking skills. APPLICATION Application of the language conventions. Application of the writing process. COMMUNICATION Communication of ideas and theme. Communication to an audience for a purpose. Use of the elements of the narrative form. Comments: LEVEL “0” DID NOT REACH LEVEL DID NOT REACH LEVEL DID NOT REACH LEVEL DID NOT REACH LEVEL LEVEL 1 50 – 59% LEVEL 2 60-69% LEVEL 3 70-79% Shows very limited knowledge of the narrative genre; shows very limited understanding of ideas and theme; shows very limited understanding of stylistic devices and point of view. Uses creative thinking skills (in planning and writing the narrative) with limited effectiveness. Uses language conventions with limited accuracy and effectiveness; Uses the writing process with limited effectiveness. Shows some knowledge of the narrative genre; shows some understanding of ideas and theme; shows some understanding of stylistic devices and point of view. Communicates ideas and theme with limited clarity; Communicates with a limited sense of audience and purpose; shows limited command of the elements of the narrative form. Communicates ideas and theme with some clarity; Communicates with a some sense of audience and purpose; shows some command of the elements of the narrative form. Shows considerable knowledge of the narrative genre; shows considerable understanding of ideas and theme; shows considerable understanding of stylistic devices and point of view. Uses creative thinking skills (in planning and writing the narrative) with considerable effectiveness. Uses language conventions with considerable accuracy and effectiveness; Uses the writing process with considerable effectiveness. Communicates ideas and theme with considerable clarity; Communicates with a clear sense of audience and purpose; shows considerable command of the elements of the narrative form. Uses creative thinking skills (in planning and writing the narrative) with some effectiveness. Uses language conventions with some accuracy and effectiveness; Uses the writing process with some effectiveness. LEVEL 4 80 – 100% Shows thorough knowledge of the narrative genre; shows thorough understanding of ideas and theme; shows thorough understanding of stylistic devices and point of view. Uses creative thinking skills (in planning and writing the narrative) with a high degree of effectiveness. Uses language conventions with a high degree of accuracy and effectiveness; Uses the writing process with a high degree of effectiveness. Communicates ideas and theme with a high degree of clarity; Communicates with a strong sense of audience and purpose; shows extensive command of the elements of the narrative form. MARK 5 IDC 3O1 – African Canadian History Culminating Project Part B: OPTION 4 - Marketing: Movie Press Kit Name: ________________________________________________________________ CRITERIA KNOWLEDGE Knowledge of the forms and purposes of advertisements in a press kit; Understanding of the relationship between an advertisement and its medium; Understanding of the uses and effects of aesthetic elements in advertisements. THINKING Creativity, planning and processing skills in creating the media product APPLICATION Application of appropriate language conventions in advertisement; application of media conventions and techniques; making connections among purpose, target audience, and medium; Application of technology for an advertisement. COMMUNICATION Communication of ideas and information in press kit; communication to audience for a purpose; use of the various advertisement forms (Director’s statement, Plot synopsis, cast Biographies, movie stills, other connected memorabilia) Comments: LEVEL 0 0-49% DID NOT REACH LEVEL LEVEL 1 50-59% LEVEL 2 60-69% LEVEL 3 70-79% LEVEL 4 80-100% Shows limited knowledge of the forms and purposes of advertisements in a media press kit; shows limited understanding of the relationship between an advertisement and its medium; shows limited understanding of the uses and effects of aesthetic elements. Shows some knowledge of the forms and purposes of advertisements in a media press kit; shows some understanding of the relationship between an advertisement and its medium; shows some understanding of the uses and effects of aesthetic elements. Shows thorough knowledge of the forms and purposes of advertisements in a media press kit; shows thorough understanding of the relationship between an advertisement and its medium; shows thorough understanding of the uses and effects of aesthetic elements. DID NOT REACH LEVEL Uses creativity, planning and processing skills in creating the media product with very little effectiveness. DID NOT REACH LEVEL Uses appropriate language conventions with limited accuracy and effectiveness; uses media conventions and techniques with limited effectiveness; Uses technology with limited appropriateness and effectiveness. Communicates ideas and information with limited clarity; Communicates with a limited sense of audience and purpose; shows limited command of the advertisement forms. Uses creativity, planning and processing skills in creating the media product with very some effectiveness. Uses appropriate language conventions with some accuracy and effectiveness; uses media conventions and techniques with some effectiveness; Uses technology with some appropriateness and effectiveness. Shows considerable knowledge of the forms and purposes of advertisements in a media press kit; shows considerable understanding of the relationship between an advertisement and its medium; shows considerable understanding of the uses and effects of aesthetic elements. Uses creativity, planning and processing skills in creating the media product with very considerable effectiveness. Uses appropriate language conventions with considerable accuracy and effectiveness; uses media conventions and techniques with considerable effectiveness; Uses technology with considerable appropriateness and effectiveness. Communicates ideas and information with considerable clarity; Communicates with a considerable sense of audience and purpose; shows considerable command of the advertisement forms. DID NOT REACH LEVEL Communicates ideas and information with some clarity; Communicates with some sense of audience and purpose; shows some command of the advertisement forms. Uses creativity, planning and processing skills in creating the media product with a high degree of effectiveness. Uses appropriate language conventions with a high degree of accuracy and effectiveness; uses media conventions and techniques with a high degree of effectiveness; Uses technology with a high degree of appropriateness and effectiveness. Communicates ideas and information with a high degree of clarity; Communicates with a strong sense of audience and purpose; shows extensive command of the advertisement forms. MARK 6 IDC 3O1 – African Canadian History Culminating Project Part B: OPTION 5 - Music: Create a Soundtrack and CD cover Name: ________________________________________________________________ CRITERIA KNOWLEDGE Understanding of text; Makes connections between information in the text and songs selected for soundtrack. THINKING Development of ideas; Evidence of thought in song selection. APPLICATION Mechanical errors; use of quotes and lyrics from songs selected. COMMUNICATION CD cover design, liner notes, sound quality of CD. Comments: LEVEL 0 0-49% DID NOT REACH LEVEL DID NOT REACH LEVEL LEVEL 1 50-59% LEVEL 2 60-69% Conveys a vague or inaccurate understanding of the text; makes few or shallow connections between information and ideas in the text and the soundtrack. Develops ideas simply; uses some details from the text; There is little evidence of thought in song selection Conveys a basic understanding of the text; clearly states connections between information and ideas in the text and the soundtrack. Conveys a thorough understanding of the text; makes valid, clear connections between information and ideas in text and the soundtrack Demonstrates an in-depth analysis; makes insightful connections between information and ideas in the text and soundtrack Develops ideas inconsistently: uses some relevant and specific details from the text; There is some evidence of thought in song selection The writing has some errors and shows a general understanding of the mechanics of writing; Some quotes are used from the song and/or the book, and some quotes are not introduced, cited, and analyzed properly. Develops ideas clearly and consistently; uses relevant and specific details from the text; There is evidence of good thought in song selection The writing is generally free of errors and shows good understanding of the mechanics of writing; Quotes are used from the song and/or the book, and all quotes are generally introduced, cited, and analyzed properly. The CD shows good care and consideration to both the contents of the CD as well as the book that it is representing. The cover is reflective of the time and care that was put into its creation Develops ideas clearly and fully cites a wide range of relevant and specific details from the text; There is evidence of careful thought in song selection The writing is strong, formal, free of errors and shows understanding of mechanics of writing; Quotes are used from the song and/or the book, and all quotes are thoroughly introduced, cited, and analyzed properly. The CD shows excellent care and consideration to both the contents of the CD as well as the book that it is representing. The cover is highly reflective of the time and care that was put into its creation DID NOT REACH LEVEL The writing has many errors and shows little understanding of the mechanics of writing; No quotes are used from the song and/or the book, and no quotes are generally introduced, cited, and analyzed properly. DID NOT REACH LEVEL The CD shows little care and consideration to either the contents of the CD or the book that it is representing. The cover is not reflective of time and care put into its creation The CD shows some care and consideration to both the contents of the CD as well as the book that it is representing. The cover is reflective of some time and care that was put into its creation LEVEL 3 70-79% LEVEL 4 80-100% MARK IDC 3O1 – African Canadian History Culminating Project Part B: OPTION 6 - Aminata’s Journey - Travel Itinerary/Travelogue Name: ________________________________________________________________ CRITERIA LEVEL 0 0-49% KNOWLEDGE Synthesizing Information; Tourist Characteristics. DID NOT REACH LEVEL THINKING Creativity. Completeness. DID NOT REACH LEVEL APPLICATION DID NOT REACH LEVEL Collecting Information; COMMUNICATION Written Presentation; Overall Quality Comments: DID NOT REACH LEVEL LEVEL 1 50 – 59% LEVEL 2 60-69% LEVEL 3 70-79% LEVEL 4 80-100% Unable to identify and describe attractions relevant to tourists’ interests based on the novel; Demonstrates limited understanding of tourist considerations (i.e. spending money, meals, accommodations) Demonstrates some understanding of attractions relevant to tourists’ interests based on the novel; Demonstrates some ability to understand tourist considerations when planning an itinerary Demonstrates a through understanding of tourist attractions relevant to tourists’ interest based on the novel; Demonstrates a high degree of understanding of tourist considerations when planning an itinerary Tour demonstrates a lack of creativity and no additional resources; -critical aspects (i.e. title page, dates, times, descriptions) of tour are incomplete Tour demonstrates an attempt at creativity but needs further development; -some aspects of the tour are incomplete but this does detract from the overall product Some ability to extract relevant information from various sources; Demonstrates considerable understanding of selected attractions relevant to tourists’ interests based on the novel; Demonstrates considerable ability to understand tourist considerations when planning an itinerary Tour demonstrates creativity but does not include any additional resources; some aspects of the tour are incomplete but this does not detract from the overall product Considerable ability to extract relevant information from various sources; Tour description is well written -minimal spelling and grammatical errors; tour is neat and appealing Little ability to extract relevant information from various sources; Tour description is poorly written -spelling and grammar unacceptable; Tour looks messy Tour description is unclear -several spelling and grammatical errors; tour could be set up more neatly, has little appeal Tour shows excellent creativity and includes additional resources; all aspects of the tour are complete Outstanding ability to extract relevant information from various sources; Tour description is extremely well written -no mistakes in spelling and grammar; tour is very neatly set up, has great visual appeal MARK 7 8 IDC 3O1 – African Canadian History Culminating Project Part B: OPTION 7 - Illustrated Children’s Book/Comic Book Name: ________________________________________________________________ CRITERIA LEVEL 0 0-49% KNOWLEDGE Content is clearly related to the novel. Book/Comic clearly summarizes main concepts in novel. THINKING Creative Thinking skills. DID NOT REACH LEVEL DID NOT REACH LEVEL APPLICATION Application of the language conventions. Application of the writing process. DID NOT REACH LEVEL COMMUNICATION DID NOT REACH LEVEL Illustrations Comments: LEVEL 1 50-59% LEVEL 2 60-69% LEVEL 3 70 – 79% LEVEL 4 80-100% There is little evidence of creativity in the story. Story is difficult to understand. Content is typically confusing or contains more than one factual error. The story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions, but they distract from the story making it somewhat difficult to understand. The content is generally accurate, but one piece of information is clearly flawed or inaccurate. Uses Creative thinking skills (in planning and writing the children’s story/comic book) with some effectiveness. Grammar and usage were typically correct but errors detracted from presentation. The story contains a few creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's comprehension and enjoyment of the project. Most of the content is accurate but there is one piece of information that might be inaccurate. Uses Creative thinking skills (in planning and writing the children’s story/comic book) with considerable effectiveness. Grammar and usage were typically correct and errors did not detract from the presentation. The story contains many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's comprehension and enjoyment of the story and the project. All content throughout the presentation is accurate. There are no factual errors. Original illustrations relate to the text on the page. Original illustrations are somewhat detailed, attractive, and relate to the text on the page. Uses Creative thinking skills (in planning and writing the children’s story/comic book) with limited effectiveness. Repeated errors in grammar and usage detracted greatly from the presentation. Illustrations are not present OR they are not original. Uses Creative thinking skills (in planning and writing the children’s story/comic book) with a high degree of effectiveness. Grammar and usage were correct and contributed to clarity, style, character and story development. Original illustrations are detailed, attractive, creative and relate to the text on the page. MARK IDC 3O1 – African Canadian History Culminating Project Part B: OPTION 8 - Photo Essay: Say Cheese! 9 Name: ________________________________________________________________ CRITERIA LEVEL 0 0-49% KNOWLEDGE Knowledge/understanding of issues and concepts associated with novel. Creativity. DID NOT REACH LEVEL THINKING -Relevant use of picture/information to investigate topic. -Caption accompanies picture DID NOT REACH LEVEL APPLICATION Quality of photos/images selected DID NOT REACH LEVEL COMMUNICATION Use of structure, grammar, and language conventions. Comments: DID NOT REACH LEVEL LEVEL 1 50-59% LEVEL 2 60-69% LEVEL 3 70-79% LEVEL 4 80-100% Researched information presented shows a limited degree of understanding and depth Lacks creativity, lacks originality, does not follow assignment, message incomplete or disjointed, does not attract attention of audience Includes images/ information that are of little value to the novel. Caption offers poor explanation/ description for images selected. Researched information presented shows some degree of understanding and depth. Questionable creativity and originality, subject is weakly related to assigned topic, message unclear, loses audience attention Researched information presented shows a considerable degree of understanding and depth. Somewhat creative, original, subject is of assigned topic, conveys a message, attracts audience attention Includes images/ information that are of some value to the novel. Caption offers limited explanation/ description for the images selected. - most photos unclear with unwanted elements, 7-8 photos included, few depict elements of novel. Includes images/ information that are of considerable value to the novel. Captions offers considerable explanation/ description for the images selected. - photos generally clear, some photos included unwanted elements, 9-10 photos included, most photos accurately depict elements of novel. Researched information presented shows a high degree of understanding and depth. Highly creative, non-typical; unique, appropriate to chosen topic, conveys strong message, engages audience immediately Includes images/ information that are of high value to the novel. Captions offers excellent explanation/ description for the images selected. Uses proper structure, grammar and language conventions with some effectiveness. Ideas confusing, wordy, repetitive, all text not focused on novel or photos. Uses proper structure, grammar and language conventions with considerable effectiveness. Ideas understandable, but fuzzy; a bit wordy, all text not focused on novel or photos. Photos unfocused; grainy, unwanted elements included in most photos, only 5-6 photos included, photos do not accurately depict elements of novel. Uses proper structure, grammar and language conventions with limited effectiveness. Ideas unclear, focus unclear, word choice weak, does not suit photos, wordy, repetitive. - photos clear, all photos are free of unwanted elements, 10+ photos included, photos accurately depict elements of novel. Uses proper structure, grammar and language conventions with a high degree of effectiveness. Presents original idea with great detail; concise, focused wording that relates to novel. MARK IDC 3O1 – African Canadian History Culminating Project Part B: OPTION 9 - Create a Movie Trailer: Lights, Camera, Action! Name: ________________________________________________________________ CRITERIA LEVEL 0 0-49% KNOWLEDGE Knowledge of the dramatic form; understanding of information and ideas; understanding of the uses and effect of dramatic elements THINKING Creative thinking skills. DID NOT REACH LEVEL DID NOT REACH LEVEL APPLICATION Application of language conventions in script and dialogue; Application of oral and visual communication conventions and techniques and authentic costumes/props to convey ideas from the novel. DID NOT REACH LEVEL COMMUNICATION Communication of information and ideas; communication to an audience for a purpose; use of the dramatic form; use of video effects Comments: DID NOT REACH LEVEL LEVEL 1 50-59% LEVEL 2 60 – 69% LEVEL 3 70-79% LEVEL 4 80-100% Shows limited knowledge of the dramatic form; Shows limited understanding of information and ideas; Shows limited understanding of the uses and effect of dramatic elements. Shows some knowledge of the dramatic form; Shows some understanding of information and ideas; Shows some understanding of the uses and effect of dramatic elements. Shows thorough knowledge of the dramatic form; Shows thorough understanding of information and ideas; Shows thorough understanding of the uses and effect of dramatic elements. Uses creative thinking skills (in preparing and presenting the dramatization) with limited effectiveness. Uses language conventions with limited accuracy and effectiveness; Application of oral and visual communication conventions and techniques with limited effectiveness. Uses creative thinking skills (in preparing and presenting the dramatization) with some effectiveness. Uses language conventions with some accuracy and effectiveness; Application of oral and visual communication conventions and techniques with some effectiveness. Communicates information and ideas with limited clarity; communicates with a limited sense of audience and purpose; shows limited command of the dramatic form; Limited use of video effects. Communicates information and ideas with some clarity; communicates with a some sense of audience and purpose; shows some command of the dramatic form; Some use of video effects. Shows considerable knowledge of the dramatic form; Shows considerable understanding of information and ideas; Shows considerable understanding of the uses and effect of dramatic elements. Uses creative thinking skills (in preparing and presenting the dramatization) with considerable effectiveness. Uses language conventions with considerable accuracy and effectiveness; Application of oral and visual communication conventions and techniques with considerable effectiveness. Communicates information and ideas with considerable clarity; communicates with a clear sense of audience and purpose; shows considerable command of the dramatic form; Considerable use of video effects. Uses creative thinking skills (in preparing and presenting the dramatization) with a high degree of effectiveness. Uses language conventions with a high degree of accuracy and effectiveness; Application of oral and visual communication conventions and techniques with a high degree of effectiveness. Communicates information and ideas with a high degree of clarity; communicates with a strong sense of audience and purpose; shows extensive command of the dramatic form; Thorough use of video effects. MARK 10 11 IDC 3O1 – African Canadian History Culminating Project Part B: OPTION 10 - Cook Book and Food Review Name: ________________________________________________________________ CRITERIA KNOWLEDGE Understanding of text; Makes connections between information in the text and recipes selected for the cookbook. THINKING Creative thinking skills. APPLICATION Application of the language conventions. Application of the writing process. Application of accurate pictures/images. COMMUNICATION Communication of information and ideas; Communication to an audience for a purpose. Comments: LEVEL 0 0-49% DID NOT REACH LEVEL LEVEL 1 50-59% LEVEL 2 60-69% Conveys a vague or inaccurate understanding of the text; makes few or shallow connections between information and ideas in the text and the recipes Uses creative thinking skills (in preparing and presenting the cookbook) with limited effectiveness. Conveys a basic understanding of the text; clearly states connections between information and ideas in the text and the recipes. DID NOT REACH LEVEL Uses language conventions with limited accuracy and effectiveness; Uses the writing process with limited effectiveness. Uses pictures with limited effectiveness. DID NOT REACH LEVEL The cookbook shows little care and consideration to either the contents of the recipes or the book that it is representing. The final product is not reflective of time and care put into its creation The review communicates with a limited sense of audience and purpose. DID NOT REACH LEVEL LEVEL 3 70-79% LEVEL 4 80-100% Conveys a thorough understanding of the text; makes valid, clear connections between information and ideas in text and the recipes Uses creative thinking skills (in preparing and presenting the cookbook) with considerable effectiveness. Demonstrates an in-depth analysis; makes insightful connections between information and ideas in the text and recipes Uses language conventions with some accuracy and effectiveness; Uses the writing process with some effectiveness. Uses pictures with some effectiveness. Uses language conventions with considerable accuracy and effectiveness; Uses the writing process with considerable effectiveness. Uses pictures with considerable effectiveness. Uses language conventions with a high degree of accuracy and effectiveness; Uses the writing process with a high degree of effectiveness. Uses pictures with a high degree of effectiveness. The cookbook shows some care and consideration to both the contents of the recipes as well as the book that it is representing. The final product is reflective of some time and care that was put into its creation. The review communicates with some sense of audience and purpose. The cookbook shows good care and consideration to both the contents of the recipes as well as the book that it is representing. The final product is reflective of the time and care that was put into its creation. The review communicates with a considerable sense of audience and purpose. The cookbook shows excellent care and consideration to both the contents of the recipes as well as the book that it is representing. The final product is highly reflective of the time and care that was put into its creation. The review communicates with a strong of sense audience and purpose. Uses creative thinking skills (in preparing and presenting the cookbook) with some effectiveness. Uses creative thinking skills (in preparing and presenting the cookbook) with a high degree of effectiveness. MARK