IDC 3O1 – Grade 11 African-Canadian History

IDC 3O1 – Grade 11 African-Canadian History
Early African Civilizations Group Project: Helpful Hints for your RESEARCH
As you conduct research for your project, there are several things you
should consider and discuss during your presentation:
 Artifacts
 Climate/Geography (its effect, influence, significance on African culture and
 Daily Life
 Resources found in the Regions.
 Civilization’s economic life (how did they make a living? Trade, agriculture,
hunting, gathering?)
 Traditions/rituals/values/beliefs
 Government/Social Structure of Civilization
 Technology (tools, weapons, etc)
 Stories/fold tales/legends
Still having problems? Try to answer these questions to help guide you:
o Where was your civilization located?
o What were its natural surroundings?
o How did geography affect your civilization?
o How did your civilization change its environment?
o How did your civilization begin?
o What factors led to the growth of your civilization?
o Who were the important people?
o What caused the decline of your civilization?
o What were the roles/jobs of women and how were they treated?
o What were the roles/jobs of me?
o How important was farming to the economy?
o How important was trade, what items were traded, and with whom did
they trade?
o What were some of their important religious beliefs?
o What types of art were created?
o What were some examples of the architecture of the civilization?
o How was art and architecture related to religion?
The Songhai was one of the largest
African empires in history.