COURSE TITLE: FROM LOCAL TO GLOBAL: Human Rights for All NO. OF CREDITS: 6 QUARTER CREDITS [semester equivalent = 4.00 credits] WA CLOCK HRS: OREGON PDUs: INSTRUCTOR: Wendi Fein 253.279.5812 60 60 COURSE DESCRIPTION: K-12 educators will develop invaluable lessons for their students around issues of equity, social justice and the human rights of the child by examining the texts, "A Critical Inquiry Framework for K-12 Teachers: Lessons and Resources from the U.N. Rights of the Child" and "Teaching Human Rights: Practical Activities for Primary and Secondary Schools.” In addition, a review of related literature, websites and videos will enable you to integrate these human rights issues into your curriculum and engage your students with thoughtful inquiry based lessons and activities. The development of a service-learning project will culminate the course. Required texts: A Critical Inquiry Framework for K-12 Teachers, approximately $14 used and Teaching Human Rights, approximately $15 used. Both are available at LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, participants will have: 1. Read and reflected upon specific lessons, concepts and resources in the required texts. 2. Select relevant human rights websites, videos and literature appropriate for classroom use. 3. Participated in at least two locally based human rights related activities. 4. Applied human rights knowledge and resources to the development of contextualized classroom lessons. 5. Shared lessons, activities, text and resources with colleagues, parents and administrators. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Completion of all specified assignments is required for issuance of hours or credit. The Heritage Institute does not award partial credit. HOURS EARNED: Completing the basic assignments (Section A. Information Acquisition) for this course automatically earns participant’s their choice of 60 Washington State Clock Hours or 60 Oregon PDUs. The Heritage Institute is an approved provider of Washington State Clock Hours and Oregon PDUs. FromLocal to Global 1 Approved 10/27/2015 UNIVERSITY QUARTER CREDIT INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS FOR UNIVERSITY QUARTER CREDIT Continuing Education Quarter credits are awarded by Antioch University Seattle (AUS). AUS requires 75% or better for credit at the 400 level (Upper Division) and 85% or better to issue credit at the 500 level (PostBaccalaureate). These criteria refer both to the amount and quality of work submitted. 1. Completion of Information Acquisition assignments 30% 2. Completion of Learning Application assignments 40% 3. Completion of Integration Paper assignment 30% CREDIT/NO CREDIT (No Letter Grades or Numeric Equivalents on Transcripts) Antioch University Seattle (AUS) Continuing Education (CE) Quarter credit is offered on a Credit/No Credit basis; neither letter grades nor numeric equivalents are on a transcript. 400 level credit is equal to a “C” or better, 500 level credit is equal to a “B” or better. This information is on the back of the transcript. AUS CE quarter credits may or may not be accepted into degree programs. Prior to registering determine with your district personnel, department head or state education office the acceptability of these credits for your purpose. ADDITIONAL COURSE INFORMATION NOTES: • You may work collaboratively with other teachers and submit joint assignments on all but the final Integration Paper, which must be individually authored and submitted. • Alternatives to written assignments (video or audio tape, photo collage, a collection of products, letters to editor, brochures and/or Web pages) may be submitted as substitute assignments with the instructor’s prior approval. • To maintain privacy, please do not refer to students in your papers by their actual names, but rather use an alias or designation such as “Student A.” REQUIRED TEXT A Critical Inquiry Framework for K-12 Teachers: Lessons and Resources from the U.N. Rights of the Child, by JoBeth Allen and Lois Alexander, and Teaching Human Rights: Practical Activities for Primary and Secondary Schools by Barry Leonard. MATERIAL FEE Approximately $15 each plus shipping from for the required texts listed above. HEADING REQUIRED FOR ALL ASSIGNMENTS A heading is required; please use the following format. Your Name: Course Number: Date: Assignment #: FromLocal to Global 2 Instructor Name: Course Name: Level: Clock/ PDU/ Credit (400 or 500) Approved 10/27/2015 ASSIGNMENTS REQUIRED FOR HOURS OR UNIVERSITY QUARTER CREDIT A. INFORMATION ACQUISITION Assignment #1: Introduction • In a 1-2 page introduction, describe your current professional situation, some low and high points in your teaching career and share why you chose this course. Please also share your involvement in human rights issues personally and professionally. Send to instructor: Subject line to read ‘Local to Global #1’. Assignment #2: Text: A Critical Inquiry Framework for K-12 Teachers • Read: Grades K-6 teachers: Chapters 1-5 OR Grades 7-12 teachers: Chapters 1, 6-8 • Respond to the following in a 2-3 page paper: a) Chapter 1: What does Critical Inquiry mean to the authors? How do you interpret it for you in your classroom? Give at least two (2) examples. b) Chapters 2-5 (grades K-6 teachers) or Chapters 5-8 (grades 7-12 teachers) 1) Read each assigned chapter carefully. 2) Summarize the specific study/lesson and UN article from each of the four (4) chapters. 3) Describe how you could adapt at least two (2) of the study-lessons to your own classroom. Send to instructor: Subject line to read ‘Local to Global #2’. Assignment #3: Text: Teaching Human Rights • Read: Grades K-4 teachers: Introduction, Chapter 1 Grades 5-12 teachers: Introduction, Chapter 2 a) Introduction: Respond in a 1-2 page paper to each of the key topics in this chapter and its application to your teaching and classroom. b) Chapter 1 (grades K-4 teachers) or Chapter 2 (grades 5-12 teachers): 1) Read the assigned chapter carefully. 2) Summarize the specific study/lessons and UN article from the chapter. 3) Describe how you could adapt at least three (3) of the activities to your own classroom. Send to instructor: Subject line to read ‘Local to Global #3’. Assignment #4: Text: A Critical Inquiry Framework for K-12 Teachers and Teaching Human Rights • Read: Chapter 9 in A Critical Inquiry Framework for K-12 Teachers. • Read: Just a Beginning, the last chapter in Teaching Human Rights • Write a 1-2 page reflection for each text addressing the following questions: a) Which of the articles from the excerpts and full text of the UN Rights of the Child surprised you? Why? b) Which articles would you most likely address in your curriculum? Why? Send to instructor: Subject line to read ‘Local to Global #4’. FromLocal to Global 3 Approved 10/27/2015 Assignment #5: Human Rights Websites Pick at least five (5) Human Rights websites to review and write a 1-2 paragraph summary of each including: its effectiveness, the ease with which it can be navigated, and its potential usefulness in your classroom. You can use the suggestions below or other human rights related websites. • • • • • • • • • • • • Send to instructor: Subject line to read ‘Local to Global #5’. Assignment #6: Short Videos, Feature/Documentary Films View at least five (5) YouTube or other short videos related to a Human Rights topic that would be appropriate for your classroom. Here are a few suggestions on Human Rights songs/dance to introduce the topic, but I encourage you to find your own as well, selecting a theme that works for you and your students. You can also include some feature films/documentaries as appropriate. • Intro Human Rights • Human Rights Song • Human Right video song/dance • Human Rights song Thailand 6th graders • Human Rights song uses "damn" in lyrics MS/HS • Trying to get students from a wealthy private and poor public US school 3 miles apart to connect Send to instructor: Subject line to read ‘Local to Global #6’. Assignment #7: “Rethinking Schools” Website & Articles Spend some time perusing the “Rethinking Schools” website. Find two (2) articles of interest to you that are related to the teaching of human rights. You can go to the home page to look at the current issue of the journal and a list of articles. You can also go to the tab "archives" and where there is a table of contents and full text of selected articles available on line. Click on the issue cover or number for the table of contents and links to articles. Write a two (2) page response and reflection of the articles. Explain the basis premise of the articles and their relevance for your classroom or school/district. Home page Archives Send to instructor: Subject line to read ‘Local to Global #7’. FromLocal to Global 4 Approved 10/27/2015 Assignment # 8: Literature related to a Human Rights Issue Using Chapter 9: Bibliography of Children's literature and related resources, compile a list of at least 6-8 literature sources applicable to your classroom that are related to human rights and the UN Rights of the Child. Share these resources with colleagues. • Related books by Rethinking Schools Send to instructor: Subject line to read ‘Local to Global #8’. Assignment #9: Participation Local Activities Participate in at least TWO human rights related activities in your community: a march or protest, a community forum, a food bank, a film, a museum that focuses on human rights/diversity, write a letter to the editor, a response to a local blog, attend a diversity festival. Write a 1-2 page reflection to the activities and your participation OR share pictures/blog or video from the experiences. Send to instructor: Subject line to read ‘Local to Global #9’. This completes the assignments required for Hours. Continue to the next section for additional assignments required for University Quarter Credit. ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENTS REQUIRED FOR UNIVERSITY QUARTER CREDIT B. LEARNING APPLICATION In this section you will apply your learning to your professional situation. This course assumes that most participants are classroom teachers who have access to students. If you are not teaching in a classroom, please contact the instructor for course modifications. If you are a classroom teacher and start or need to complete this course during the summer, please try to apply your ideas when possible with youth from your neighborhood, at a local public library or parks department facility (they will often be glad to sponsor community-based learning) or with students in another teacher’s summer classroom in session. Assignment #10: (Required for 400 and 500 Level) Long term project Create a long term project (Unit) of at least 5-7 lessons related to a human rights issue(s) appropriate for your class and curriculum. Each lesson should include: • a) Name of Unit: subject(s) area. • b) Objectives for the lesson, common core standards addressed. • c) anticipatory set • d) materials used • e) description of lesson • e) delivery format • g) how you will assess learning. What evaluative tools will you use? • Send to instructor: Subject line to read ‘Local to Global #10’. FromLocal to Global 5 Approved 10/27/2015 Assignment #11: (Required for 400 and 500 Level) Long Term Project: Teaching Teach the Unit you designed in assignment 9. Also share the Unit with at least one (1) colleague and 1 (one) administrator. Share the comments and assessment of learning of your students, indicating in a 2-3 page paper what went well and what could be improved. Send to instructor: Subject line to read ‘Local to Global #11’. Assignment #12: (Required for 400 and 500 Level) Service Learning Project: From Local to Global Create a short term service learning project with your students that will give your students both a voice and leadership role. Consider how a local project can have a global effect. Students should initiate ideas, work out details, lead the project and evaluate its effectiveness. If you are a substitute or aren't in a classroom, please contact me for an alternative assignment. • Briefly submit a summary of the project, its effectiveness and what/how you would change the project. • Attach student comments and your evaluative rubric as well. • Share the project with parents, colleagues, your community and/or administrators. Send to instructor: Subject line to read ‘Local to Global #12’. 500 LEVEL ASSIGNMENT Assignment #13: (500 Level only) In addition to the 400 level assignments, complete one of the following: Option A) Prepare a presentation, for colleagues or another group, highlighting instructional strategies and relevant materials that you have learned from this course. The presentation can be in the form of a Power Point or other design with instructor’s approval. Include a copy of any handout(s) you will use OR Option B) View three (3) feature length films that relate to a human rights issue of personal interest and summarize and reflect on their impact in a 4-6 page paper OR Option C) Read a book of personal interest that is related to human rights and summarize and reflect on its impact in a 2-3 page paper OR Option D) Suggest another assignment of your own choice, with instructor’s prior approval: travel related to human rights, another class project, local events, etc. Send to instructor: Subject line to read ‘Local to Global #13’. FromLocal to Global 6 Approved 10/27/2015 ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENT REQUIRED FOR UNIVERSITY QUARTER CREDIT C. INTEGRATION PAPER (Required for 400 and 500 Level) Assignment #14: Write a 2-3 page Integration Paper answering these questions: 1. What did you learn vs. what you expected to learn from this course? 2. What aspects of the course were most helpful and why? 3. What further knowledge and skills in this general area do you feel you need? 4. How, when and where will you use what you have learned? 5. How and with what other school or community members might you share what you learned? Send to instructor: Subject line to read ‘Local to Global #14’. INSTRUCTOR COMMENTS ON YOUR WORK: Please indicate by email to the instructor if you would like to receive comments on your assignments. QUALIFICATIONS FOR TEACHING THIS COURSE: Wendi Fein, M.A., enthusiastically brings her years of teaching experiences since 1980 to the development and implementation of her courses. Presently, she is teaching Adult Education, Developmental Math and English as a Second Language at Tacoma Community College in Washington state. She spent 25 years teaching in K-12 public schools with a focus on special education, math, dance, PE, study skills and English/World Cultures. In addition, Wendi has traveled and volunteered extensively around the world, bringing her stories, photography and passion for human rights and equity into the classroom. Wendi holds a B.A. from the University of California, Santa Barbara and an M.A. in Special Education. FromLocal to Global 7 Approved 10/27/2015 FROM LOCAL TO GLOBAL: Human Rights for All BIBLIOGRAPHY HUMAN RIGHT LITERATURE *** This is an excellent collection of many human rights books for all grade levels. Easy search options. EXAMPLES: Akbarpour, Ahmad. Good Night, Commander. 2008. Groundwood Books. A young boy who has lost his leg — and his mother — in the war, acts out imaginary battles against his enemies, seeking revenge, until he “sees” that the “enemy” is young, too, and also has experienced loss. Bales, Kevin. Ending Slavery: How We Free Today’s Slaves. 2008. University of California Press,, Berkeley & Los Angeles, Ca. What can people, community and governments do to end slavery now? Bales, Kevin. Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy Kevin Bales University of California Press, 2004 This book pulls back the curtain so that we can learn how slavery is escalating worldwide and how we can eradicate it. Beller, Ken & Chase, Heather. Great Peacemakers: True Stories From Around the World. 2008. LTS Press. The award-winning Great Peacemakers brings together the compelling stories of 20 people who have (or had) a strong commitment to living a peaceful, compassionate life and to bringing about a peaceful, just world. The book is divided into five categories: Choosing Nonviolence, Living Peace, Honoring Diversity, Valuing All Life, and Caring for the Planet. Profiles of the peacemakers are each about five pages, and there is also a page of quotes from each person profiled. BOOKS FOR YOUNGER READERS Alika. Marianthe's Story: Painted Words & Spoken Memories. 1998. Green Willow Books, New York, New York. There are two tales in the same book. The first is the story of Mari starting a new school in North America after her family immigrates. The second is her description of life in the village where she was born. Its double format would serve as a lovely model for students to replicate with their own stories and illustrations about family and school experiences, including immigration. Amnesty International. We Are All Born Free: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Pictures. This beautiful collection celebrates each human rights declaration with an illustration Bunting, Eve. A Days Work. 1997. Clarion Books, New York, N.Y. Veteran storyteller, Eve Bunting, introduces students to the experience of many Mexican Americans in Southern California in a compassionate and realistic way,. Francisco is told to help his Grandfather (who can't speak English) find work. The rights of children to love, belong, and to learn, especially as they relate to important values, are addressed with simplicity and warmth. Choi, Yangsook. The Name Jar. 2003. Dell Dragonfly Books, New York, N.Y. This is a story of a young Korean immigrant arriving in a new school where she is worried no one will be able to pronounce or remember her name. She decides to pick a new one, though her decision is soon FromLocal to Global 8 Approved 10/27/2015 complicated by a number of factors. The story is a lovely introduction to the right of every child to have a name. As well, it is a fine example of children's rights to express their particular cultural beliefs and traditions. Cohn, Diana. !Si, Se Puede!/Yes We Can! 2005. Dinco Puntos Press, El Paso, TX. A chronicle of the April 2000 Janitor Strike in Los Angeles, told through the eyes of a young boy whose mom is one of those striking workers. Fleming, Virginia. Be Good to Eddie Lee. 1993. Philomel Books, a Division of the Putnam & Grosset Group, New York, N.Y. This is a story of a gentle boy with Down's syndrome and the ignorant attitudes and prejudices he endures from local children, and sometimes members of his own family.. The right of every child to be treated with dignity and to be given the resources to flourish, even when he may have limited mental capacity, is treated seriously but not didactically. Passages could be turned into wonderful role plays in the classroom, especially since the dialogue between the children rings so true. Pilkey, Dav. ‘Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving. 2004. Orchard Books, New York, N.Y. School children visit a turkey farm and befriend the turkeys. When they learn what’s planned for their new friends, they try to save the turkeys from certain doom. Williams, Karen Lynn. Galimoto. 1991. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, New York, N.Y. This is a delightful read-aloud story about a creative and determined boy who wants to make a special and quite complicated toy from wires he finds. The setting is a small village in West Africa, and the people and daily activity there are wonderfully portrayed in gentle watercolors. Elementary students may be surprised to know that several children's rights relate to play and movement, and Kondi's travels through a day collecting scrap materials to construct his galimoto (toy truck), introduce readers to an imaginative and resourceful young boy, as well as the sights and sounds of his village on the sea. Books for Older Readers Ellis, Deborah. Parvana's Journey. 2015. Groundwood Books, House of Anansi Press, Toronto, Ontario. This is a story of Parvana's brave search for her mother and siblings across the northern tip of Afghanistan. Ellis, Deborah. The Breadwinner. 2015. Groundwood Books/Douglas & McIntyre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Deborah Ellis' chronicles of Parvana's life before her family is lost to her. Fenner, Carol. Yolanda's Genius. 1997. Aladdin Paperback, New York, N.Y. Set in modern day Chicago and in suburban Michigan, the novel looks at diversity in a uniquely appealing way. Galentino, Richard. Off to Serve. 2010. Hidden Spring, West Linn, OR. “Volunteer, teach, donate, create, care, contribute, build, help, lift-up, develop, give back, and make a difference in the world. ”Richard Galentino’s rhyming illustrated book offers an inspiring read about the value of serving others. As the illustrations take readers around the world, the text offers useful bits of advice, including the importance of collaboration and self-care. La Valley, Josanne. The Vine Basket. 2013. Clarion Books, New York, N.Y. Merighul is a 14 year-old Uyghur girl forced to leave school and help her family when her brother leaves home. Now that she is no longer attending school, Merighul is being watched closely by the local FromLocal to Global 9 Approved 10/27/2015 government, which sends teenage girls to work in factories in southern China. Merighul strives to convince her father that she can both go to school and make money to save her family from poverty. O’Brien, Anne Sibley and O’Brien, Perry Edmond. After Gandhi: One Hundred Years of Nonviolent Resistance. 2009. Charlesbridge, Watertown, MA. Anne has devoted her life to peace and environmental activism. After the September 11 terrorist attacks, her son Perry enlisted in the military, over his mother’s strong objections, and served a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Perera, Anna. Guantanamo Boy. 2012. Albert Whitman and Company. Park Ridge, IL. Khalid Ahmed is a 15-year-old living in Rochdale, UK. Khalid’s chance appearance at a protest and his penchant for playing video games leads to his kidnap and arrest. Awakening in an unfamiliar location, in shackles, no one will tell him where he is or why he was taken. Khalid finds himself interrogated by U.S. soldiers who have used misinterpreted evidence and lies to brand Khalid as a terrorist. Perkins, Mitali. Bamboo People. 2010. Mitali Perkins Charlesbridge, 2010 In reality, there are always more than two sides to every story. Bamboo People takes readers into the political and military conflict of modern-day Burma (Myanmar) through the eyes of two young boys who are struggling to find their way. Rhuday-Perkovich, Olugbemisola. 8th Grade Superzero. 2010. Scholastic Inc., New York, N.Y. Due to an unfortunate incident at the beginning of school, Reggie is determined to keep a low profile. But when his church youth group gets involved in helping people who are homeless at Olive Branch, a local shelter, Reggie embraces his role as a community activist. Shea, Pegi. The Whispering Cloth: A Refugee's Story. 1996. Highlights Press, Pennsylvania, PA. This may at first look like a picture book for young children, but it actually is a heartbreaking representation of refugee experience. Many human rights can be fruitfully discussed in light of this refugee story: the right to religious and cultural expression, the right of children not to be exploited as laborers. HUMAN RIGHT FILMS a variety of films from festivals, categorized All levels Food, Water & Livelihood Housing & Sanitation Health & Healing Globalization Governance & Politics Indigenous Rights Equality & Fair-share Leadership & Transformation Economies & Ethics Sustainability & Simplicity From Freewill, Freedom & Duty Peace & Nonviolence Art & Creativity Science & Discoveries Energy & Resources Environment & Ecology Earth as Mother Animals as Friends Farming & Food System Designs & Ideas Integral Theory & Practice Evolution Spiritual Awareness Communities WITNESS is an international organization that trains and supports people using video in their fight for human rights. Film it. WITNESS is a leader of a global movement that uses video to create human rights change. FromLocal to Global 10 Approved 10/27/2015 3 1/2 Minutes-10 Bullets High School s/3-1-2-MINUTES-10-BULLETS/1604041/2015-0725T15 This delves deeply into the Michael Dunn murder trial. 12 Years as a Slave High School In the antebellum United States, Solomon Northup, a free black man from upstate New York, is abducted and sold into slavery. A Borrowed Identity High School Arab/Jew/Disabled Hotel Rwanda High School The true story of Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager who housed over a thousand Tutsi refugees during their struggle against the Hutu militia in Rwanda. (2004) Little Tin Man High School Tired of being overlooked for bigger roles, a struggling dwarf actor sets out to be cast as the Tin Man in Martin Scorsese's remake of The Wizard of Oz. Through both humor and human insight, this film explores an individual's relentlessness not to accept the status quo. Selma High School David Oyelowo stars as Martin Luther King Jr. in this historical drama set during the height of the 1960's civilrights movement. It depicts the poignant struggle and marches from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama to secure voting rights for black people. TRAILER: Slingshot High School Slingshot focuses on noted Segway inventor Dean Kamen and his work to solve the world's water crisis. An eccentric genius with a provocative world view, his inventions help people in need and ease suffering. Kamen is an inspiration for future scientists. Alive Inside Middle/High School This emotional documentary follows Dan Cohen, a social worker, as he tenaciously fights a broken healthcare system. Through phenomenal footage of actual Alzheimer’s' patients, he proves the powerful effect of music in combating memory loss and restoring dignity and a sense of self. Captain Abu Raed Middle/High School Abu Raed is an lonely janitor at the airport in Amman, Jordan. He experiences his dream of traveling vicariously through books. Finding a discarded Captain’s hat in the trash at work, he is followed by a neighborhood boy who spots him wearing it as he walks home. The next morning he wakes up to find a group of neighborhood children at his door, believing him to be an airline pilot. Friendships and stories enchant! FromLocal to Global 11 Approved 10/27/2015 Dancing in Jaffa Middle/High School After decades of bloodshed, it’s hard to imagine what can bridge the divide between Israeli Jews and Palestinians. But Pierre Dulaine has an idea: dance. He begins teaching ballroom dancing in Jaffa at the city's mostly segregated schools. His ultimate goal is to get the kids from the Jewish schools to dance with those from the Arab schools for a big competition. Remember the Titans: Middle School The true story of a newly appointed African-American coach and his high school team on their first season as a racially integrated unit. HUMAN RIGHT EDUCATION WEBSITES HUMAN RIGHTS ARTICLES Home page Archives Effective Tools for Teaching Human Rights 10 activities to do on Human Rights Day Origins of multiculturalism FromLocal to Global 12 Approved 10/27/2015