vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xiv LIST OF FIGURES xix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF SYMBOLS LIST OF APPENDICES 1 2 PAGE xxvi xxviii xxxi INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background of Research 1 1.2 Problem Statement 5 1.3 Objectives of Research 6 1.4 Scope of Research 7 1.5 Significance of Research 7 1.6 Thesis Organisation 8 LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.1 Introduction 10 2.2 Coal Fired Power Plant in Malaysia 13 2.3 Coal Combustion Products 16 2.3.1 Introduction 16 2.3.2 Fly Ash 20 viii 2.3.3 2.4 2.5 Class C fly ash 21 Class F fly ash 21 Bottom Ash 22 Physical Properties of Coal Ash 23 2.4.1 Appearance and Shape 23 2.4.2 Specific Gravity 26 2.4.3 Particle Size Distribution 28 Mechanical Properties of Coal Ash 32 2.5.1 Compaction Behaviour 32 2.5.2 Permeability (Hydraulic Conductivity) 36 2.5.3 Strength 39 Shear Strength Parameter 39 California Bearing Ratio 44 2.5.4 Compressibility 2.6 2.7 2.8 Morphological, Mineralogical, Pozzolanic Activity and leachate Properties 48 2.6.1 Microscopic Examination of Particles 48 2.6.2 Mineral Composition 51 2.6.3 Chemical Analysis 53 2.6.4 Pozzolanic Activity 55 2.6.5 Heavy Metal and Corrosivity of Coal Ash 56 Properties of Coal Ash Mixtures 60 2.7.1 Particle Size Distribution 61 2.7.2 Compaction Characteristics 63 2.7.3 Permeability 65 2.7.4 Strength and Compressibility 66 Utilisation of Coal Ash in Geotechnical Engineering Work 2.9 2.10 45 67 Environmental Aspects of Coal Ash Usage in Geotechnical Engineering Work 70 Soft Clay Problems 71 2.10.1 Introduction 71 2.10.2 Bearing Capacity 72 2.10.3 Consolidation Settlement 74 ix 2.11 2.10.4 Properties of Soft Clay 74 Physical Modelling of Embankment 78 2.11.1 Full-Scale Tests of Embankment on Soft Soil 78 2.11.2 Full-Scale Test of Embankment using Fly Ash as Backfill Materials 2.11.3 Laboratory Physical Model Test 2.12 3 80 82 Introduction 82 Development of Dimension Model 82 Summary 85 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 86 3.1 Introduction 86 3.2 Research Activities 87 3.2.1 87 Research Design 3.2.2 Literature Search and Information Collection 89 3.2.3 Sample Collection and Preparation 89 Sample Collection 89 Preparation of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash Samples 3.3 91 Preparation of FA-BA Mixtures 91 Curing of the Samples 93 3.2.4 Equipment Preparation and Calibration 93 Sample Characterisation and Properties Establishment 95 3.3.1 Laboratory Testing Programme 95 3.3.2 Physical Tests 98 Specific Gravity 98 Sieve Test 99 Hydrometer Test 100 Atterberg Limit Test 102 3.3.3 Material Characterisation and Geochemistry Tests 103 Morphology Characteristics 103 Mineralogy Characteristics 104 Element Characteristics 105 x Thermal Analysis 106 Heavy Metal Study 107 pH Test 109 3.3.4 Mechanical Tests 109 Direct Shear Test 109 California Bearing Ratio 111 Permeability Test 112 Consolidation Test 115 Unconfined Compression Test 116 3.5 Analysis of Data 3.6 Determination of Settlement of FA-BA Mixtures as 118 Soft Clay Replacement 118 3.6.1 Laboratory Physical Model 118 Introduction 118 Model Size and Design 119 3.6.2 Size of Test Box Model Considering Soft Clay, ɸ = 34.030 121 122 Considering the Strongest FA-BA Mixtures, ɸ = 36.850 123 3.6.3 Fabrication of Model Test Box 124 3.6.4 Loading Frame for Soft Soil Preparation 125 3.6.5 Load Testing Assembly for Settlement 127 3.6.6 Testing Programme for Model Tests 129 3.6.7 Preparation of Sample 130 Soft Clay Preparation 130 Preparation of Full FA-BA Mixture Layer 132 Preparation of Partially Replaced Soft Clay with FA-BA Mixtures Layer 134 3.6.8 Settlement Test & Monitoring 134 3.6.9 Anaysis of Settlement Test Results 135 xi 4 PHYSICAL, MORPHOLOGICAL, MINERALOGY AND MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FA-BA MIXTURES 136 4.1 Introduction 136 4.2 Physical Characteristics 137 4.2.1 Specific Gravity 137 FA-BA Mixtures 137 Kaolin 139 4.2.2 Particle Size Distribution 139 4.3 Morphology Characteristics 141 4.4 Mineralogy Characteristics 153 4.5 Mechanical Characteristics 155 4.5.1 Compaction 155 4.5.2 Permeability 159 4.5.3 Strength Behaviour 163 Unconfined Compression Strength 163 Direct Shear of FA-BA Mixtures 168 Direct Shear of Kaolin 175 Undrained Strength of Kaolin 176 California Bearing Ratio 178 4.5.4 Compressibility of FA-BA Mixtures 5 181 CHEMICAL, POZZOLANIC ACTIVITY, CORROSIVITY AND HEAVY METAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FA-BA MIXTURES 189 5.1 Introduction 189 5.2 Chemical Characteristic 189 5.3 Thermal Gravimetri Analysis 196 5.4 pH Characteristics 199 5.5 Heavy Metal Content 201 xii 6 SETTLEMENT OF SOFT CLAY REPLACED BY FULLY AND PARTIALLY FA-BA MIXTURES 204 6.1 Introduction 204 6.2 Properties of Compacted Soft Clay and FA-BA Mixtures 205 6.3 Settlement Results of Model Tests 206 6.3.1 Full Replacement 207 Time-Settlement Behaviour 207 Effect of FA Content 210 6.3.2 Partial Replacement 7 214 Time-Settlement Behaviour 214 Effect of Replacement Height Ratio 217 DESIGN CHARTS FOR APPLICATION OF COAL ASH MIXTURES AS ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS IN GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING WORKS 221 7.1 Introduction 221 7.2 Recommendations for the Selection of Design Parameters 222 7.2.1 7.3 Environmental Aspects 223 7.2.2 Design Aspects 224 7.2.3 Construction Aspects 225 Proposed Design Chart for FA-BA Mixtures as Replacement Materials 7.3.1 225 Unconfined Compressive Strength versus Fly Ash Content Charts 226 7.3.2 Settlement Chart for FA-BA Mixtures in Full Soil Replacement 232 7.3.3 Settlement Chart for Partially Replaced Soft Clay 8 by FA-BA Mixtures 234 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 236 8.1 Introduction 236 8.2 Conclusion 237 8.3 Contribution of Research 239 xiii 8.4 8.3.1 Ground Improvement 239 8.3.2 Sustainability 239 8.3.3 Economy 240 8.3.4 Originality 240 Recommendations for Future Research 241 REFERENCES Appendices A-N 242 248-350 xiv LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 2.1 TITLE PAGE Total energy supply and coal consumption in some countries in 2003 (Fujitomi and Matsui, 2005) 11 2.2 Generation mix by fuel kind (Energy Commission Malaysia, 2005) 12 2.3 List of Coal-Fired Power Stations in Malaysia up to year 2010 (Jaffar, 2009) 2.4 14 Coal demand estimations for year 2010 to 2030 (based on Year 2005) (Ghazali, 2007) 15 2.5 Worldwide FA production (Geertsema, 2007) 19 2.6 Chemical content of class C pulverised fly ash (ASTM C 618, 2004) 21 2.7 Chemical content of PFA class F (ASTM C 618, 2004) 22 2.8 Specific gravity and chemical composition of FA and BA 2.9 from the Wabash River Plant, USA (Kim et al., 2005a) 27 Typical specific gravity for different origins of Fly Ash 28 (Muhardi et al. 2010) 2.10 Permeability of Indian FA (Pandian, 2004) 36 2.11 Permeability of Indiana FA (Kim, 2003) 37 2.12 Permeability of the Wabash River Plant ash mixtures (Kim et al., 2005a) 37 2.13 Hydraulic conductivity of typical soils (Terzaghi et al. 1996) 38 2.14 Results of direct shear tests on Indiana Bottom Ashes (Huang, 1990) 2.15 Results of peak friction angle of Indiana FA from direct shear test (Kim, 2003) 2.16 40 41 Results of cohesion of Indiana FA from direct shear test (Kim, 2003) 41 xv 2.17 Results of strength parameters under different test conditions of FA from India (Pandian, 2004) 2.18 Peak shear strength parameters taken from direct shear tests for different age specimens (Tri Utomo, 1996) 2.19 42 Residual strength parameters taken from direct shear test on FA at different age specimens (Tri Utomo, 1996) 2.20 42 43 Peak and residual strength parameters taken from consolidated drained triaxial on FA at different age specimens (Tri Utomo, 1996) 2.21 43 CBR values according to Road Note 29 (TRRL Laboratory Report 1132) 44 2.22 Results of compression index for Indian FA (Pandian, 2004) 46 2.23 Results of coefficient of volume change, mv (cm2/kg) for Indian FA (Pandian, 2004) 2.24 Results of coefficient of consolidation, Cv (10-3/kg) for Indian FA (Pandian, 2004) 2.25 47 Results of compression index at different placement conditions for Indian FA (Pandian, 2004) 2.26 47 48 Mineralogy of the coal fly ash from the AE power plant (Suphi, 2005) 52 2.27 Mineral content in Candiota coal (Marcal et al., 2004) 52 2.28 Typical range of analysis from UK fly ash (Reed, 2005) 54 2.29 Chemical analysis of coal ash (Huang, 1990) 55 2.30 Indiana Administrative Code restricted wasted site type criteria Indiana Administrative Code, 329 IAC 2-9-3 (IAC 1993) 58 2.31 Compaction properties of ash mixtures (Kim, 2003) 64 2.32 Permeability of Wabash River Plant ash mixtures (Kim et al., 2005a) 2.33 Uses of Coal Combustion Products in Highway Applications (GAI and USIFCAU, 1993) 2.34 67 Utilization of coal ash and quantities used in each area during 2001 in the USA in thousand tons (Kim, 2003) 2.35 65 68 Utilization of Fly ash and quantities used in Europe for each area in 1999 (Meij and Berg, 2001) 69 xvi 2.36 Utilization of Fly ash and quantities used in each area in 1997 in UK (Sear, 2001) 2.37 Comparison of index properties of clay in different places (Jamal et al., 1997) 2.38 75 Classification properties of clay soil from West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia 2.39 69 76 Typical value of compression index of different type of soil (GEO5 user‟s guide, 2010) 77 2.40 Properties of kaolin used by previous researchers 78 2.41 Comparison of Delaware and Pennsylvania full scale FA embankment (after Yoon et al., 2009, Golden and DiGioia, 2003 and Ki, 2003) 81 3.1 List of major equipments 94 3.2 Laboratory tests and standard/method used 97 3.3 Laboratory testing programme for FA-BA mixtures 98 3.4 Laboratory model settlement programme 130 4.1 The value of specific gravity of coal ash mixtures 137 4.2 The comparison of specific gravity and iron oxide of FA-BA mixtures 4.3 139 Basic grain size indices and the classification of FA-BA mixtures from Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) 141 4.4 Summary of mineral composition of coal ash mixtures 155 4.5 Standard proctor compaction test results for coal ash mixtures 156 4.6 Coefficient of permeability, k of various mixtures at different curing periods 159 4.7 Unconfined compression strength of FA-BA mixtures at various curing period 4.8 Normal stress and peak stress obtained from direct shear tests on FA-BA mixtures at various curing periods 4.9 170 Shear strength parameters from direct shear test for FA-BA mixtures at various curing periods 4.10 164 Shear strength of FA-BA mixtures at normal stress 171 xvii of 50 kN/m2 at various curing periods 174 4.11 Direct shear test result of soft kaolin 176 4.12 Undrained shear strength results from vane shear tests on reconstituted soft kaolin 177 4.13 Variation of CBR values with FA content and curing periods 178 4.14 Shear strength of FA-BA mixtures at various normal stress (28 day curing period) 4.15 Summary result on compressibility characteristics of FA-BA mixtures 5.1 191 Chemical content of Tanjung Bin fly ash and bottom ash at pure condition (14 day) 5.6 191 Chemical content of Tanjung Bin fly ash and bottom ash at pure condition (0 day) 5.5 190 Chemical content of ash at pure condition (28 days) curing time 5.4 190 Chemical content of ash at pure condition (14 days) curing time 5.3 183 Chemical content of ash at pure condition (0 days) curing time 5.2 180 192 Chemical content of Tanjung Bin fly ash and bottom ash at pure condition (28 day) 192 5.7 Mass loss of Ca(OH)2 (at 5000C to 600)0C) for ash mixtures 197 5.8 pH value of FA-BA mixtures 199 5.9 AAS test results at 0 day curing period 202 5.10 AAS test result at 14 day curing period 202 5.11 AAS test result at 28 day curing period 202 6.1 Properties of reconstituted soft clay (kaolin) 205 6.2 Properties of compacted FA-BA mixtures 206 6.3 Settlement of soft clay layer and the layer of FA-BA mixtures at 3, 7, 14, and 28 days after loading 6.4 Settlement at day 28 of soft clay layer and the layer of FA-BA mixtures 6.5 208 209 Values of constant A, B and C from Equation 6.1, obtained from Fig. 6.2 211 xviii 6.6 Regression equations of A, B and C with coefficient of determination, R2 6.7 212 Settlement of partially replaced soft clay with 50%FA–50%BA mixtures at 3,7,14 and 28 day of loading 216 6.8 Settlement at day 28 of soft clay layer and the layer of FA-BA217 6.9 Values of constants c and m from Equation 6.3 6.10 Regression equation of c and m with coefficient 218 of determination, R2 219 7.1 Values of constant c and m from Equations 7.1 and 7.2 227 7.2 Regression equations of c and m with coefficient of determination, R2 229 xix LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 1.1 Location of coal fired power plants in Peninsular Malaysia (Mahmud, 2008) 2.1 2 Energy input in power stations for (a) Year 1998 and (b) Year 2005 (Ghazali, 2007) 12 2.2 Coal-fired power stations in Malaysia (Jaffar, 2009) 14 2.3 Tanjung Bin Coal-Fired Power Plant, Johor (Muhardi et al., 2010) 2.4 16 Schematic diagram of a coal fired power station (Meij and Berg, 2001) 17 2.5 Schematic diagram of coal ash generation (FHWA, 2002) 18 2.6 Production of coal ash in the USA (Kim, 2003) 19 2.7 Fly ash and bottom ash collected from coal-fired power plant (Muhardi, 2010) 2.8 20 Fly Ash particles at 2000x magnification (American Coal Ash Association, 2003) 23 2.9 Particle shape of the bottom ash (Chen et al., 2008) 24 2.10 Coal ashes as by-products of coal burning (a) Fly ash (b) Bottom ash (Kim et al., 2005a) 24 2.11 Typical gradation ranges of coal ash (Kim, 2003) 29 2.12 Grain size distributions of bottom ash and fly ash (Lee, 2008) 30 2.13 Grain distributions for each FA, BA and coal ash mixtures (Kim et al., 2005b) 31 2.14 Compaction curves of ash mixtures (Kim et al., 2005b) 32 2.15 Typical compaction curves for Western Pennsylvania bituminous FA (Kim, 2003) 2.16 Typical compaction curves for Western United States lignite and 33 xx sub bituminous FA (Kim, 2003) 2.17 Dry density and water content relation for Indian fly ash and soils (Pandian, 2004) 2.18 45 SEM photographs of fly ash and bottom ash (Ctvrtnickova et al., 2010) 2.21 38 CBR value with different proportions of fly ash with different kinds of soil (Sahu, 2001) 2.20 35 Hydraulic conductivity versus FA content from Wabash River Plant (Kim et. al., 2005b) 2.19 34 49 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) photomicrographs of bottom ash (a) pure specimen and (b) 28 days compacted specimen (Lee, 2008) 2.22 Particle size distributions of the Wabash River Plant fly ash, bottom ash, and fly-bottom ash mixtures (Yoon, 2005) 2.23 63 Compaction curves of fly ash and bottom ash mixtures from the A.B.Brown Plant (Kim, 2005) 2.26 62 Compaction curves of fly ash and bottom ash mixtures from the Wabash River Plant (Kim, 2003) 2.25 62 Particle size distributions of the A.B.Brown Plant fly ash, bottom ash, and fly-bottom ash mixtures (Yoon, 2005) 2.24 50 64 Hydraulic conductivity againt FA content of FA-BA mixtures of coal ash from from Wabash River Plant (Kim et al., 2005b) 2.27 Failure modes of shallow foundation (redrawn after Vesic (1973) by Das, 2004) 2.28 66 72 Failure mechanism from general shear failure of shallow foundation (Sutjiono and Najoan, 2005) 83 3.1 Flowchart of research activities 88 3.2 Tanjung Bin coal-fired power station Pontian, Johor 90 3.3 Supplied kaolin in bags, stored at a dry place in the laboratory 90 3.4 Apparatus for standard proctor compaction test 92 3.5 Curing of FA-BA mixtures sample 93 3.6 Portable data logger type UCAM-70A 95 3.7 Pycnometer test apparatus 99 xxi 3.8 Sieve tests apparatus 100 3.9 Hydrometer test apparatus 101 3.10 ZEISS SUPRA 35-VP scanning electron microscope 103 3.11 X-ray diffractometer of type Siemens Diffraktometer D5000 105 3.12 X-ray fluorescence of type Bruker AXS Model S4 Pioneer chemical element of sample 106 3.13 TGA/SDTA 851 Model (METTLER TOLEDO) 107 3.14 TRACE AI1300-AAS model 108 3.15 pH meter test equipment 109 3.16 Direct shear test equipment 111 3.17 California bearing ratio (CBR) test equipment 112 3.18 Falling head permeability equipment 113 3.19 Schematic diagram of constant head permeability test 115 3.20 Oedometer consolidation test equipment 116 3.21 Unconfined compression test apparatus 117 3.22 Schematic diagram of laboratory settlement model test 119 3.23 Sectional view of the test models series for (a) Double layer (b) Single layer (FA-BA mixtures) (c) Single layer (soft clay) 121 3.24 Details of loading plate and model test box 125 3.25 Schematic diagram of loading frame for preparation of homogeneous soft kaolin clay soil 126 3.26 Schematic diagram of loading frame for consolidation tests 128 3.27 Details of load connection frame 128 3.28 Dimension of loading plate model (strip footing) 129 3.29 Location of vane shear tests on the reconstituted soft clay soils 131 3.30 Preparation of homogeneous soft clay by consolidation process 132 3.31 Mixing of FA-BA mixtures in concrete mixer machine 133 3.32 Completed compacted FA-BA mixture in test box model 133 3.33 Settlement test on prepared soft clay model 135 4.1 Specific gravity at different FA composition 138 4.2 Grain size distribution of coal ash mixtures 140 4.3 SEM micrograph of coal ash mixtures particles (0 day) (Magnification ×1000), (a) 0%FA; (b) 30%FA; (c) 50%FA; (d) 70%FA; (e) 90%FA; (f) 100%FA 144 xxii 4.4 SEM micrograph of coal ash mixtures particles (14 days) (Magnification ×1000), (a) 0%FA; (b) 30%FA; (c) 50%FA; (d) 70%FA; (e) 90%FA; (f) 100%FA 4.5 145 SEM micrograph of coal ash mixtures particles (28 days) (Magnification ×1000), (a) 0%FA; (b) 30%FA; (c) 50%FA; (d) 70%FA; (e) 90%FA; (f) 100%FA 4.6 SEM micrograph of coal ash mixtures particles (0%FA) (Magnification ×1000), (a) 0 day; (b) 14 day; (c) 28 day 4.7 151 SEM micrograph of coal ash mixtures particles (100%FA) (Magnification ×1000), (a) 0 day; (b) 14 day; (c) 28 day 4.12 150 SEM micrograph of coal ash mixtures particles (90%FA) (Magnification ×1000), (a) 0 day; (b) 14 day; (c) 28 day 4.11 149 SEM micrograph of coal ash mixtures particles (70%FA) (Magnification ×1000), (a) 0 day; (b) 14 day; (c) 28 day 4.10 148 SEM micrograph of coal ash mixtures particles (50%FA) (Magnification ×1000), (a) 0 day; (b) 14 day; (c) 28 day 4.9 147 SEM micrograph of coal ash mixtures particles (30%FA) (Magnification ×1000), (a) 0 day; (b) 14 day; (c) 28 day 4.8 146 152 Crystalline compounds at 50% FA-BA mixtures from XRD Difractograms 154 4.13 Dry unit weight at various coal ash mixtures 157 4.14 Optimum moisture content at various coal ash mixtures 157 4.15 Coefficient of permeability coal ash mixtures at various curing periods 4.16 Coefficient of permeability coal ash mixtures at various fly ash composition 4.17 164 Variation of unconfined compressive strength of FA-BA mixtures with curing periods for different fly ash content 4.19 161 Variation of compressive strength of FA-BA mixtures with FA contents for different curing periods 4.18 160 165 Bar chart on increased in unconfined compressive strength at different intervals of curing periods for various fly ash content in FA-BA mixtures 4.20 Shear stress versus horizontal displacement from direct shear 166 xxiii tests for 50%FA-50%BA mixtures at different normal stress 169 4.21 Peak friction angle of coal ash mixtures at various FA content 172 4.22 Cohesion intercept of coal ash mixtures at various FA content 173 4.23 Peak friction angle of coal ash mixtures at various curing time 173 4.24 Cohesion intercept of coal ash mixtures at various curing time 174 4.25 Shear strength of coal ash mixtures at various FA content 175 4.26 Shear strength of coal ash mixtures at various curing time 175 4.27 Variation of CBR values with curing periods at different FA content 4.28 Variations of CBR values with FA contents at different curing periods 4.29 5.5 193 Effect of curing periods on the SiO2 composition at different FA-BA mixtures 5.4 193 Effect of curing period on the Al2O3 composition at different FA-BA mixtures 5.3 187 CaO content at various fly ash compositions at difference curing period 5.2 185 Variation of compression index and swelling index with curing time 5.1 184 Changes of coefficient of volume compressibility with curing periods 4.35 184 Coefficient of consolidation versus pressure at different phase in consolidation test for 70%FA mixture at 28 day curing period 4.34 182 Relationship between coefficient of consolidation with FA contents and the variation with curing periods for all mixtures 4.33 182 A typical e-log graph for 70%FA mixture at 28 day curing period 4.32 181 A typical settlement versus square root time curve at 70%FA, 28 day curing period 4.31 179 Shear strength of FA-BA mixtures at various percentages of FA at 28 day curing periods 4.30 179 194 SiO2 content at various fly ash compositions at different curing period 194 Percentage of Chemical Content at 50% fly ash 195 xxiv 5.6 Mass loss of Ca(OH)2 for FA-BA mixtures at various curing periods 5.7 197 Effect of FA compositions on mass loss of Ca(OH)2 at 0, 14 and 28 day curing periods 198 5.8 pH value of FA-BA mixtures at different curing period 199 5.9 Arsenic value of FA-BA mixtures at different curing period 202 5.10 Cadmium value of FA-BA mixtures at different curing period 202 6.1 Time-settlement relationship of soft clay layer and layer of FA-BA mixtures at various FA compositions 6.2 208 Relationship between settlement of layers of FA-BA mixtures and FA content at various loading time 211 6.3 Correlation between constant A and time 211 6.4 Correlation between constant B and time 212 6.5 Correlation between constant C and time 212 6.6 Correlation of settlement with FA content at various loading time 6.7 Time-settlement relationship of footing on 50%FA-50%BA mixtures at various replacement height ratio 6.8 213 215 Effect of partial replacement of soft clay on the settlement with layer of 50%FA-50%BA mixtures at various loading time 218 6.9 Correlations of constants c and m with time of loading 219 6.10 Correlation of settlement with height replacement ratio at various loading time 7.1 Relationship between unconfined compressive strength and FA content at various loading time for FA>50% 7.2 229 Correlation of unconfined compressive strength with FA content at various loading time for FA > 50% 7.6 228 Correlation of constant m with loading time at (a) FA> 50% and (b) FA< 50% 7.5 227 Correlation of constant c with loading time at (a) FA> 50% and (b) FA< 50% 7.4 227 Relationship between unconfined compressive strength and FA content at various loading time for FA<50% 7.3 220 Correlation of unconfined compressive strength with 231 xxv FA content at various loading time for FA < 50% 7.7 Design charts (UCT-Ash Mixtures) of unconfined compressive strength for FA-BA mixtures 7.8 232 Design chart (Settlement-FRAM) of settlement for FA-BA mixtures in full Soil replacement 7.9 231 233 Design charts (Settlement-PR50FA) of settlement for 50%FA-50%BA mixtures in partial replacement of soil with Su = 20 kPa and vertical stress = 216 kPa 234 xxvi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AAS - Atomic absorption spectroscopy ACAA - American Coal Ash Association ASTM - American Society of Testing Material BA - Bottom ash BS - British standard CCP - Coal combustion product CD - Consolidated drained CU - Consolidated undrained FA - Fly ash FA-BA - Fly ash – bottom ash FBA - Furnace bottom ash FEA - Finite element analysis FGD - Flue gas desulfurization HSM - Hardening soil model JKR - Public works department LEM - Linear elastic model MCCM - Modified cam clay model MCM - Mohr coulomb model OMC - Optimum moisture content PFA - Pulverised fuel ash SEM - Scanning electron microscopy SG - Specific gravity SSM - Soft soil model UCS - Unconfined compressive strength UK - United Kingdom ULS - Ultimate limit state USA - United States of America USCS - Unified soil classification system UTHM - Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn UTM - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia TGA - Thermal gravimetric analysis xxvii XRD - X-Ray diffraction XRF - X-Ray fluorescence xxviii LIST OF SYMBOLS B - Width of foundation c - Cohesion of soil Cc - Compression index cincrement - Cohesion increment cpeak - Peak cohesion cd peak - Peak cohesion for consolidated drained c‟peak - Peak cohesion for consolidated undrained cresidual - Residual cohesion cd residual - Residual cohesion for consolidated drained c‟residual - Residual cohesion for consolidated undrained Cs - Swelling index cu - Undrained shear strength CU - Coefficient of uniformity cv - Coefficient of consolidation D - Depth factor Df - Depth of foundation DH - Depth to firm stratum D10 - Effective size D30 - Diameter finer than 30 % D60 - Diameter finer than 60 % E - Young's stiffness Eincrement - Stiffness increment Em - Young's stiffness of aluminum alloy Eoed - Oedometer stiffness Ep - Young's stiffness of concrete Eur - Unloading stiffness E50 - Secant stiffness F - Factor of safety xxix g - Gravity, 9.81 m/s2 G0 - Elastic shear modulus Gref - Shear modulus Gs - Specific gravity H - Height of embankment h - Thickness of soil layer Hs - Depth of failure Ip - Plasticity index kx - Horizontal permeability ky - Vertical permeability Ls - Linear shrinkage mv - Coefficient of volume change N - Scale factor Ns - Stability coefficient t - Test time w - Natural water content wL - Liquid limit wopt - Optimum moisture content wp - Plastic limit - Slope angle εa - Axial strain - Internal friction angle peak - Peak friction angle d peak - Peak friction angle for consolidated drained ‟peak - Peak friction angle for consolidated undrained residual - Residual friction angle d residual - Residual friction angle for consolidated drained ‟residual - Residual friction angle for consolidated undrained - Unit weight of soil d - Dry unit weight of soil dmin - Minimum dry unit weight of soil dmax - Maximum dry unit weight of soil sat - Saturated unit weight of soil xxx unsat - Unsaturated unit weight of soil ν - Poisson ratio n - Normal stress 1 - Major principle stress 3 - Minor principle stress - Shear stress ψ - Angle of dilatancy xxxi LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Instrumentation calibration 248 B Hydrometer analysis 251 C Dry sieving test data 257 D Specific gravity data 260 E X- ray diffraction analysis 263 F Compaction test analysis 272 G Direct shear test analysis 277 H Permeability test 283 I Unconfined compression test 289 J California bearing ratio test 301 K One-dimensional consolidation test 304 L Thermal gravimetric analysis 329 M Laboratory physical model test results 338 N Standard error analysis 350