vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF TABLES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 1 PAGE xviii xx LIST OF SYMBOLS xxii LIST OF APPENDICES xxiv INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background of Study 1 1.2 Statement of Problem 4 1.3 Objectives of Study 5 1.4 Scope of Study 5 1.5 Significance of Study 6 viii 2 PHOSPHOR REVIEW 8 2.0 Introduction 8 2.1 Luminescence and Photoluminescence 8 2.1.1 Phosphorescence 10 2.1.2 Luminescence Mechanism 10 2.1.3 Fluorescence 2.1.4 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 and Phosphorescence Mechanism 13 Applications in Solid State Lighting 14 Light emitting diodes 17 2.2.1 19 White Light Emitting Diode Phosphors 21 2.3.1 Developments of phosphors 22 2.3.2 Energy transfer and charge transfer 27 2.3.3 Concentration quenching effects 29 Design of phosphor 30 2.4.1 Host material 30 2.4.2 Activator 34 Phosphor synthesis 36 2.5.1 38 Solid state reaction THEORIES OF STRUCTURAL AND OPTICAL CHARACTERIZATIONS AND TECHNIQUES 41 3.0 Introduction 41 3.1 X-ray Diffraction Spectroscopy 41 ix 3.2 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy 45 3.3 Raman Spectroscopy 49 3.4 Scanning 3.5 Electron Microscope and Energy Dispersive X-ray 52 Photoluminescence Spectroscopy 55 3.5.1 Commission internationale de l'éclairage (CIE) chromaticity coordinate 3.6 4 5 56 UV-Vis-NIR (UV-Vis) spectroscopy 60 3.6.1 62 Band gap estimation PHOSPHOR SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION 64 4.0 Introduction 64 4.1 Phosphor Synthesis 64 4.2 Phosphor Characterizations 69 4.2.1 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) 69 4.2.2 Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy (FTIR) 71 4.2.3 RAMAN Spectroscopy 72 4.2.4 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 73 4.2.5 Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) 75 4.2.6 UV-Vis-NIR Spectroscopy 75 4.2.7 Photoluminescence Spectroscopy 76 STRUCTURAL STUDIES 78 5.0 Introduction 78 5.1 XRD Studies 78 x 6 5.2 IR absorption 5.3 RAMAN spectroscopy 103 5.4 Scanning Electron Microscope 115 5.5 EDX 119 5.6 Summary of structural analysis 124 OPTICAL PROPERTIES 126 6.0 Introduction 126 6.1 Optical absorption 126 6.1.1 134 6.2 6.3 7 92 Optical band gap estimation Photoluminescence properties 142 6.2.1 Eu2+/ Eu3+ doped samples 142 6.2.2 Dy3+ doped samples 154 6.2.3 Eu2+/ Eu3+ and Dy3+ co-doped samples 157 Summary of optical analysis 170 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION 172 7.1 Summary of findings 172 7.2 Recommendation for future research 175 REFERENCES APPENDICES A - D 177 201 - 213 xi LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 Configuration diagram of broad band emissions 12 2.2 Partial energy diagram of photoluminescence process 13 2.3 Cross section layout of (a) LED and (b) GaN LED chips 2.4 18 Band gaps energy and equivalent wavelength of III-N semiconductor with wurtzite (α-phase) and zincoblende (β-phase) structure at 300 oK (Montanari 2005) 2.5 Energy transfer luminescence process in a phosphor between sensitizer (S) and acceptor (A) 2.6 28 Microscopic atom arrangement of single crystal, poly-crystal and amorphous solid 2.7 20 31 Microstructure of alumina ceramic under SEM imaging (Shimai et al. 2013) 32 2.8 Illustration of diffusion process to produce SrSiO3 40 3.1 Basic layout of x-ray diffraction in atomic planes 43 3.2 Basic layout of Bragg-Brentano X-ray diffractometer setup 43 xii 3.3 Examples of IR active vibrational modes (a) symmetric stretching, (b) asymmetric stretching, (c) rocking, (d) scissoring, (e) wagging and (d) twisting. 3.4 Schematic diagram of Michelson interferometer in FTIR 3.5 Simplified 49 energy mechanisms of level infrared diagram showing absorption, Rayleigh scattering and Raman sattering 3.6 52 Schematic diagram of electron beam and specimen interaction and its interaction volume 3.8 50 Examples of Raman active vibrational modes (a) and (b) symmetrical stretching (c) symmetrical bending 3.7 47 53 Various modes of electron and atom interaction showing generation of (a) secondary electrons and characteristics X-rays and (b) back scattered electrons 3.9 54 CIE 1931 2o standard observer color matching function (International Commission on Illumination 2004) 58 3.10 CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram 60 4.1 Carbon powder for carbon monoxide atmosphere layout 66 4.2 Sample synthesis and characterization flow diagram 67 4.3 X-ray Diffractometer (PANAlytical X’Pert PRO MRD PW3040) in School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia 4.4 69 Infrared Absorption Spectrometer (Perkin Elmer Frontier) in Department of Chemistry, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 71 xiii 4.5 RAMAN Spectroscopy (Horiba Jobin Yvon HR 800 UV) in School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia 4.7 Modular Coating System (Quorum Q150R) in School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia 4.8 72 74 Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray (Hitachi TM3000 Tabletop SEM) in Faculty of Biosciences & Medical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 4.9 74 UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV3101PC) in Department of Physics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 4.10 75 Photoluminescence spectrophotometer (JASCO FP8500) in Ibnu Sina Institute, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 76 5.1 XRD patterns of SBS-a series 79 5.2 XRD patterns of SBS-c series 80 5.3 Rietveld refinements of SBSED-c XRD diffraction pattern 5.4 81 Graph of crystallite size against samples from SBS-a and SBS-c series 5.5 82 Graph of unit cell volume against samples from SBSa and SBS-c series 5.6 Simulated crystal 83 structure of SrB2Si2O8 and BaB2Si2O8 viewed from (101), (110) and (011) plane. 86 5.7 XRD patterns of BBS-a series 87 5.8 XRD patterns of BBS-c series 88 xiv 5.9 Rietveld refinements of BBSED-c XRD diffraction pattern 5.10 89 Graph of crystallite size against samples from BBS-a and BBS-c series 5.11 90 Graph of unit cell volume against samples from BBSa and BBS-c series 5.12 91 FTIR spectra of SrB2Si2O8 phosphor specimens sintered in air 5.13 93 FTIR spectra of SrB2Si2O8 phosphor specimens sintered in CO 5.14 93 FTIR spectra of BaB2Si2O8 phosphor specimens sintered in air 5.15 95 FTIR spectra of BaB2Si2O8 phosphor specimens sintered in CO 95 5.16 Illustration of bonding in SrB2Si2O8 and BaB2Si2O8 100 5.17 FTIR spectra of SrB2Si2O8 against BaB2Si2O8 101 5.18 RAMAN spectra of air and CO sintered SBS samples 104 5.19 RAMAN spectra of air and CO sintered SBSED samples 5.20 Modelled 105 danburite rings in SrB2Si2O8 and BaB2Si2O8 108 5.21 RAMAN spectra of air and CO sintered BBS samples 109 5.22 RAMAN spectra of air BBSD sample and CO sintered BBSED samples 5.23 110 RAMAN spectra of SrB2Si2O8 against BaB2Si2O8 by SBSED-c and BBSED-c sample comparison 114 xv 5.24 Low magnification SEM images of SBS samples 117 5.25 Low magnification SEM images of BBS samples 118 5.26 EDX spectra of SBS series sample sintered in air atmosphere 5.27 EDX spectra of SBS series sample sintered in CO atmosphere 5.28 129 Normalized diffused reflectance spectra of BBS-a samples in UV-Vis-NIR region 6.4 127 Normalized diffused reflectance spectra of SBS-c samples in UV-Vis-NIR region 6.3 123 Normalized diffused reflectance spectra of SBS-a samples in UV-Vis-NIR region 6.2 122 EDX spectra of BBS series sample sintered in CO atmosphere 6.1 121 EDX spectra of BBS series sample sintered in air atmosphere 5.29 120 130 Normalized diffused reflectance spectra of BBS-c samples in UV-Vis-NIR region 131 6.5 Kubelka-Munk function of SBS-a series samples 132 6.6 Kubelka-Munk function of SBS-c series samples 133 6.7 Kubelka-Munk function of BBS-a series samples 133 6.8 Kubelka-Munk function of BBS-c series samples 134 6.9 Linear regression fits of (F[r]hv)1/2 and (F[r]hv)2 against hv of sample SBS-a 6.10 135 ([F(R)hv]2 versus hv plots of samples from SBS-a series 136 xvi 6.11 ([F(R)hv]2 versus hv plots of samples from SBS-c series 6.12 ([F(R)hv]2 versus hv plots of samples from BBS-a series 6.13 145 Eu2+ emission and excitation schematic diagram in SrB2Si2O8 host 6.19 143 De-convolution of Eu2+ 4f65d1 → 4f7 emission of SBSE-a sample by using Gaussian fitting 6.18 143 Emission spectra of BBSE-a and BBSE-c excited at 390 nm 6.17 139 Emission spectra of SBSE-a and SBSE-c excited at 390 nm 6.16 137 Plots of band gap energy against doping condition from all samples in each series 6.15 137 ([F(R)hv]2 versus hv plots of samples from BBS-c series 6.14 136 146 Excitation spectra of SBSE-a (λem = 437 nm), SBSE-c (λem = 437 nm), BBSE-a (λem = 405 nm) and BBSE-c (λem = 405 nm) 6.20 De-convolution of Eu3+ emissions of BBSE-a samples using Gaussian fitting 6.21 151 Depicted transitions of Dy3+ and Eu3+ in BaB2Si2O8 phosphor. 6.23 150 Excitation spectra of SBSE-a, SBSE-c, BBSE-a and BBSE-c (λem = 613 nm) 6.22 147 153 Emission spectra of SBSD-a, SBSD-c, BBSD-a and BBSD-c recorded at 350 nm excitation 155 xvii 6.24 Excitation spectra of SBSD-a, SBSD-c, BBSD-a and BBSD-c (λem = 575 nm) 6.25 Emission spectra of SBSED-a and SBSED-c (λex = 390 nm) 6.26 164 PL excitation spectra of BBSED-a and BBSED-c (λem = 613 nm) 6.33 164 PL excitation spectra of BBSED-a and BBSED-c (λem = 575 nm) 6.32 163 PL excitation spectra of BBSED-a and BBSED-c (λem = 406 nm) 6.31 161 De-convolution of Eu3+ emissions of BBSED-a samples using Gaussian fitting 6.30 160 PL emission spectra of BBSED-a and BBSED-c (λex = 350 nm) 6.29 159 PL emission spectra of BBSED-a and BBSED-c (λex = 390 nm) 6.28 157 Excitation spectra of SBSED-a and SBSED-c recorded by observing 435 nm 6.27 156 165 Decay curves of (a) BBSD-a against BBSED-a (λem = 575 nm), (b) BBSD-c against BBSED-c (λem = 575 nm), (c) BBSE-a against BBSED-a (λem = 613 nm) and (d) BBSE-c against BBSED-c (λem = 613 nm) 6.34 167 CIE coordinate of all phosphors plotted in CIE chromaticity diagram with approximate color zone and actual images of all phosphors under UV excitation 168 xviii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 2.1 TITLE PAGE Electromagnetic radiation wavelength and color (Bruno and Svoronos 2005) 2.2 9 Overview of emission color, field of applications and shortcomings of recently developed and important phosphors 2.3 24 Emission color and ground state energy of commonly used phosphor activators (Xie et al. 2011, Lakshmanan 2008) 35 4.1 List of compositions and notion for each sample 68 5.1 Crystallographic data of synthesized samples from SBS series 82 5.2 Ionic radii of relevant atoms (Shannon 1976) 84 5.3 Crystallographic data of synthesized samples from BBS series 5.4 89 FTIR vibrational band assignments for SBS and BBS series 98 5.5 RAMAN band assignments 112 5.6 Summary of structural analysis 124 6.1 Optical band gaps of all specimens with allowed direct band gap type 138 xix 6.2 Luminescence decay constant, τ of BBS samples 6.3 Summary of emission color and chromaticity 6.4 167 coordinate of all prepared phosphors 169 Summary of optical analysis 170 xx LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BAM - BaMgAl10O17 BSE - Back scattered electrons CIE - Commission International del’Eclairage CO - Carbon Monoxide COD - Crystallography Open Database CRT - Cathode ray tube CT - Charge transfer CTB - Charge transfer band DRS - Diffused reflectance spectra EDX - Energy dispersive X-ray et al. - et alia (and others) etc. - et cetera (and other things) FL - Fluorescent lamp FT - Fourier transform FTIR - Fourier transformed infrared FHWM - Full width half maximum GOF - Goodness-of-fit HDTV - High definition television HOMO - Highest occupied molecular orbital xxi ICDD - International Centre for Diffraction Data IR - Infrared KM - Kubelka-Munk LCD - Liquid crystal display LED - Light emitting diode LUMO - Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital MQW - Multiple quantum well NBO - Non-bridging oxygen NIR - Near-infrared PDP - Plasma display panel PL - Photoluminescence RGB - Red/Green/Blue SEM - Scanning electron microscope SSL - Solid state lighting TV - Television UV - Ultraviolet Vis - Visible VUV - Deep ultraviolet WLED - White light emitting diode YAG - (Y,Ga)2Al5O12 xxii LIST OF SYMBOLS %T - Transmittance µ - Reduced mass ε - Absorptivity ηT - energy transfer efficiency θ - Diffracted angle λ - Wavelength χ2 - Goodness of fit A - Absorbance a - Eu2O3 dopant concentration (mol%) b - Dy2O3 dopant concentration (mol%) c - Velocity of light d - Spacing between planes D - Diffusion coefficient Do - Maximum diffusion coefficient at infinite temperature E - Energy EA - Activation energy for diffusion h - Plank’s constant I - Samples spectrum intensity I(λ) - Spectral power distribution xxiii Io - Background spectrum intensity Is - Peak intensity of the sensitizer in the presence of acceptor Iso - Peak intensity of the sensitizer in the absence of acceptor k - Force constant of a bond l - Thickness m - Mass M - Sr or Ba n - Integer value R - Gas constant - Reflectance of an infinitely thick sample S - Intensity ratio T - Temperature v - Frequency x, y - chromaticity coordinate - standard observer color matching functions , , X, Y, Z - Tristimulus values xxiv LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A TITLE Sample composition and PAGE stoichiometric weight calculations B CIE 1931 2o standard 201 observer color matching function in 1 nm interval C 202 Standard NIST Si (SRM 640) scan with FWHM, Gauss de-convoluted FWHM and D Lorentz de-convoluted FWHM fittings 211 List of publications 212