vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE DECLARATION PAGE n DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF APPENDICES XX xxiii xxv INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background and Rationale 1 1.2 Problem Statement 4 1.3 Objectives of the Study 5 1.4 Scope and Limitation 5 1.5 Significance of the Study 7 1.6 ThesisOutline LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.1 Introduction 10 2.2 Soil Liquefaction 11 2.2.1 FlowLiquefaction 13 2.2.2 Cyclic Liquefaction 14 vin 2.3 2.4 Liquefaction Susceptibility Criteria 15 2.3.1 M odifiedChineseCriteria 16 2.3.2 SimplifiedProcedure 21 Critical State Soil Mechanics 26 2.4.1 Steady State ofDeformation 30 2.4.2 State Parameter 35 2.4.3 Critical State Line of Sand Matrix Soils 37 2.5 Liquefaction Studies on Clean Sand 42 2.6 The Roles ofFines on Liquefaction Susceptibility 51 2.6.1 Effect of Fines Content on Liquefaction 2.6.2 Susceptibility 55 EffectofPlasticityonL iquefactionSusceptibility 66 2.7 Seismic Risk in M alaysia 76 2.8 Summary 79 METHODOLOGY 82 3.1 Introduction 82 3.2 TestingConcept 84 3.3 TestM aterials 86 3.4 TestingProgramme 87 3.5 SoilClassificationTest 91 3.6 M icrostructureCharacteristics 92 3.6.1 ScanningElectronM icroscopic 93 3.6.2 X-rayDiffraction 93 3.7 3.8 IsotropicallyC onsolidatedU ndrainedTriaxialTest 94 3.7.1 D escriptionofEquipm ent 95 3.7.2 SpecimenPreparation 97 3.7.3 SaturationProcess 101 3.7.4 ConsolidationProcess 103 3.7.5 M onotonicTriaxialC om pressionTest 105 3.7.6 Tw o-w ayC yclicTriaxialTesting 106 D ataA nalysisandR esultPresentation 108 3.8.1 M onotonicTriaxialC om pressionTest 109 3.8.2 Tw o-w ayC yclicT riaxialTest 110 IX 4 CHARACTERISTICS OF SAND MATRIX SOILS 112 4.1 Introduction 112 4.2 IndexProperties 113 4.2.1 ParticleDensity 113 4.2.2 ParticleSizeD istribution 115 4.2.3 LimitingDensity 119 4.2.4 Atterberg Limit 124 4.2.5 Soil Classification 128 4.3 4.3 4.4 5 M icrostructureCharacteristics 131 4.3.1 ScanningElectronM icroscopic 131 4.3.2 X-rayDiffraction 133 Shear Strength 135 4.3.1 Stress-Strain Relationship 135 4.3.2 Peak Deviator Stress of Sand Matrix Soils 137 4.3 .3 Relationship ofP eak Deviator Stress with Index Properties 142 4.3.4 M ohr-Coulom bFailureCriterion 147 4.3.5 C riticalStateFailureC riterion 158 Summary 179 LIQUEFACTION SUSCEPTIBILITY OF SAND MATRIX SOILS 181 5.1 Introduction 181 5.2 C yclicB ehaviourofC leanSand 182 5.1.1 Effect of Effective Consolidation Pressure 187 5.1.2 E ffectoflnitialD ensity Index 188 5.1.3 LiquefactionSusceptibilityCurve 190 5.2 5.3 Roles ofFines on Liquefaction Susceptibility 191 5.2.1 Effect ofFines Content on Soil Liquefaction 196 5.2.2 Effect ofPlasticity Behaviour on Soil Liquefaction203 5.2.3 E ffectofC ohesiononSoilL iquefaction 209 Liquefaction Susceptibility Index 210 5.3.1 Statistical Significance 210 X 5.4 6 5.3.2 DimensionlessAnalysis 212 5.3.3 M ultivariableRegressionAnalysis 213 Summary CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 218 221 6.1 Introduction 221 6.2 Conclusion 221 6.3 Contributions of the Study 223 6.4 Recommendations for Future Research 224 REFERENCES 225 Appendices A - G 241 XI LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. 2.1 TITLE PAGE The summary ofliquefaction susceptibility of Chinese Criteria 20 2.2 C orrectionfactorofSP T N -value(Y oud e? %A,2001) 22 2.3 Critical state parameters of sand, clay and sand matrix soils 2.4 38 Comparison of various specimen preparation methods for sand 46 2.5 Typicaltestfrequency(Ishihara,1996) 47 2.6 Definition on initiation of liquefaction by various researchers 49 2.7 F inescontentofliquefiedsoilsinpreviousearthquakes 52 2.8 Summary of some findings on liquefaction susceptibility 53 2.9 Various definitions of void ratios 2.10 Relationship between maximum and minimum void ratio 66 2.11 Summary of ground motion in some cities in Malaysia 77 2.12 Earthquake in Peninsular Malaysia (Marto e? 78 3.1 The composition percentages of reconstituted sand 63 2013) matrix soils 87 3.2 Thecom positionpercentagesofplasticfinesm ixtures 88 3 .3 Testing programme of soil classification tests 89 3.4 Testingprogram m eoftriaxialtests 90 3 .5 Summary of the soil classification test 91 3 .6 Strength of the association (Dancey and Reidy, 2014) 3 .7 Strength of regression behaviour (Marto, 1996b) 1100 111 xii 4.1 The correlation equation between maximum and minimum void ratio 122 4.2 Index properties and soil classification of soil specimen 129 4.3 Peak deviator stress of sand matrix soils 4.4 Summary of consolidated undrained triaxial test for clean sand and sand-kaolin mixtures 4.5 148 Summary of consolidated undrained triaxial test for sand-fines mixtures 4.6 138 149 Summary of consolidated undrained triaxial test for sand-bentonitemixtures 150 4.7 Shear strength parameters of sand matrix soils 153 4.8 Stresses of clean sand and sand-kaolin mixtures at critical state 159 4.9 Stresses of sand-fines mixtures at critical state 160 4.10 Stresses of sand-bentonite mixtures at critical state 161 4.11 Critical state parameters of sand matrix soils 170 4.12 Correlation of critical state parameters and fines content 172 4.13 Correlation behaviour of critical state parameters and plasticity index 5.1 The number of cycles at the initiation of liquefaction forcleansan d 5.2 177 182 The number of cycles to initiate liquefaction for sand matrix soils (CSR=0.1) 192 5.3 Results of correlation analysis 211 5.4 Results of multivariable regression analysis 213 5.5 Regression statistics from multivariable regression analysis 5.6 213 Results of ANOVA test from multivariable regressionanalysis 214 xin LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. 1.1 TITLE PAGE The boundary limit ofliquefiable soils (Ishihara e? %A,1980) 2.1 2 Liquefaction related phenomena (Robertson and Wride, 1998) 12 2.2 Schematic diagram of flow liquefaction (Baki, 2011) 13 2.3 Schematic diagram of cyclic mobility (Baki, 2011) 15 2.4 M odifiedC hineseCriteria(Finn, 1991) 17 2.5 Definition of clay fraction for various code (after M ossandC hen,2008) 18 2.6 Susceptibility criteria proposed by Seed e? 2.7 Susceptibility criteria proposed by Bray and (2003) Sancio (2006) 2.8 19 Summary ofliquefaction susceptibility criteria of Chinese Criteria 2.9 1983) (2001) 26 Isotropic view ofH vorslev surface and critical state line (SchofieldandW roth,1968) 2.13 24 Revised liquefaction susceptibility curve for earthquake of magnitude 7.5 by Idriss and Boulanger (2006) 2.12 23 Revised liquefaction susceptibility curve for earthquake of magnitude 7.5by Youd e? 2.11 20 Original liquefaction susceptibility curve for earthquake of magnitude 7.5 (Seed e? 2.10 18 28 Schematic diagram of critical state and instability line (Lade, 2002) 29 xiv 2.14 Behaviour of soil distinguish by CSL in compression space (Baki, 2011) 30 2.15 Undrained behaviour of Ottawa sand (Youd, 2003) 32 2.16 Schematic of various effective stress path (Yoshimine 34 and Ishihara, 1998) 2.17 Generalised Nor-Sand model introduced by Jefferies (1993) 35 2.18 Definition of state parameter (Been and Jefferies, 1985) 36 2.19 CSL of sand matrix soils (Stamatopoulos, 2010) 39 2.20 Relationship between critical stress ratio and the clay 40 content (Naeemifar and Yasrobi, 2012) 2.21 CSL of sand with different fines content in compression space (Naeini and Baziar, 2004) 2.22 40 Dependency of CSL on grading characteristics in 41 compression space (Wood and Maeda, 2008) 2.23 CSL of sand-fines in compression space (Abedi and 42 Yasrobi, 2010) 2.24 Undrained behaviour of sand at different density (Rahman and Lo, 2014) 43 2.25 Undrained behaviour ofloose sand (Sadrekarimi, 2014b) 43 2.26 Stress path of sands with various roundness (Cabalar e? 2013) 2.27 Effect of density on Oued Russ sand (Krim e? 2.28 Undrained response of silty sand (Yamamuro and 44 2013) 45 45 Wood, 2004) 2.29 Undrained cyclic response ofR ed Hill sand (Lombardi e? 2.30 Failure mode in cyclic triaxial test (Hyodo e? 2.31 Number of cycles for liquefaction initiation (Salem e? 2.32 2013) 1991) 48 50 Transition behaviour of fines (Boulanger and Idriss, 2006) 2.33 47 2014) 54 Effect of silt content on liquefaction resistance of sand matrix soils (Amini and Qi, 2000) 55 XV 2.34 Stress path of Ottawa sand (Lade and Yamamuro, 1997) 56 2.35 Cyclic resistance ofM onterey Sand (Polito and M artinII,2001) 2.36 57 Schematic diagram of sand-fines interaction (Lade andY am am uro,1997) 2.37 58 Schematic diagram of fine threshold content (Lade e? %A,1998) 2.38 58 Transition behaviour of sand-fines mixtures (Y am am uroandC overt,2001) 2.39 59 Soil classification system and contact density for sand matrix soils (Thevanayagam and Martin, 2002) 2.40 61 Cyclic stress ratio in function of density index (Cubrinovski e? ,2010) 62 2.41 Variation of void ratio (Papadopoulou and Tika, 2008) 2.42 Pore pressure generation of sand matrix soils (Carraro e? 2009) 2.43 Effect of types of fines on liquefaction 2.44 Clayey sand behaviour (Ghahremani and 67 67 Ghalandarzadeh, 2006) 2.45 69 Liquefaction resistance plotted by Guo and Prakash (2000) 70 2.46 Effect of plasticity on liquefaction (Gratchev e? 2.47 Liquefaction resistance of sand matrix soils at various 2006) 71 density(P arkandK im ,2013) 2.48 Microfabric of sand, silt and kaolin (Carraro e? 2.49 Cyclic resistance of various soils (Beroya e? 2.50 Effect ofbentonite content and microstructure (Gratchev e? 2.51 2009) 72 2009) 73 73 Microfabric of different mine tailings (Geremew 74 Schematic diagrams of clay at different pH (Gratchev e? 2.53 71 2007) andY anful,2012) 2.52 65 2006) 75 Liquefaction resistance at various pH (Gratchev and Sassa, 2009) 75 xvi 2.54 Seismic hazard map ofM alaysia (Marto e? 2007) 2.55 Location of epicenter of 2015 Sabah Earthquake 76 (T heStar,2015) 79 3.1 Overallframework 83 3 .2 Loose state sand matrix soils specimen in compression space diagram 85 3.3 The materials used to reconstitute sand matrix soils 86 3.4 S E M m odelZ E IS S E V 0 50 93 3.5 B rukerD 8 X-rayDiffractometer 94 3 .6 GDSLAB test plan for consolidated undrained triaxial test 95 3.7 EnterpriseLevelD ynam icTriaxialSystem (ELD Y N ) 96 3 .8 General setup of a soil specimen inside a triaxial cell 98 3.9 Schem aticofm ouldsetupbeforesoildeposition 98 3 .10 Test setup for saturation ramps 3.11 Typical cell and pore pressure developed with time 102 duringsaturationram p 102 3.12 T estsetupforB -check 103 3 .13 Test setup for consolidation 104 3 .14 Typical changes of pore pressures with time during consolidationprocess 104 3 .15 Test setup for monotonic triaxial compression test 105 3 .16 Schematic diagram of extension top cap configuration 106 3 .17 Test setup for two-way cyclic triaxial test 108 4.1 Particle density of sand matrix soil 114 4.2 Particle density of plastic fines mixtures and sand matrix soils (20 % fines) 4.3 115 Particle size distribution of clean sand and plastic finesm ixtures 116 4.4 Particle size distribution of sand matrix soils 117 4.5 Coefficient of curvature for sand matrix soils at various fines content 119 4.6 Minimum and maximum densities of sand matrix soils 120 4.7 Minimum and maximum void ratios of sand matrix soils 121 xvii 4.8 Relationship between maximum and minimum void ratios of sand matrix soils 4.9 122 The relationship between various void ratio and fines content 124 4.10 Atterberg limit of plastic fines mixtures 125 4.11 Classification of plastic fines using plasticity chart (afterH ead,2006) 4.12 126 Atterberg limit of sand matrix soils with 20 % fines by weight 127 4.13 SEM image ofkaolin 132 4.14 SEM image ofbentonite 133 4.15 X R D resulto fk ao lin 134 4.16 X R D resultofbentonite 134 4.17 Typical test results of deviator stress against cumulative axial strain 4.18 Typical test results of excess pore pressure against cumulative axial strain 4.19 151 Mohr-Coulomb effective stress failure envelope of sand matrix soils 4.25 146 Mohr-Coulomb effective stress failure envelope of cleansand 4.24 144 The plot of peak deviator stress versus clay content and plasticity index 4.23 141 The plot of peak deviator stress versus density and mean grain size 4.22 139 Peak deviator stress of sand matrix soils at various effective consolidation pressure 4.21 136 Peak deviator stress of sand matrix soils at various fines content 4.20 136 152 Shear strength parameters of sand matrix soils at variousfinescontent 154 4.26 Shear strength parameters of different sand matrix soils 155 4.27 Effective failure envelope of sand matrix soils 4.28 Effective stress paths and critical state line of clean sand 162 157 xvin 4.29 Critical state line of clean sand in compression space 163 4.30 Critical state line of clean sand in v versus In p' plot 163 4.31 Critical state line of sand matrix soils in stress space 165 4.32 Critical stress ratio of sand matrix soils at various fines content 4.33 Critical state line of sand-kaolin mixtures in compression space 4.34 168 Critical state line of sand-bentonite mixtures in compression space 4.36 167 Critical state line of sand-fines mixtures in compression space 4.35 166 169 Compression index and intercept of CSL on v axis in compression space of sand matrix soils at various fines content 171 4.37 Critical state parameters against fines content 173 4.38 Critical state parameters against plasticity index 175 4.39 Critical stress ratio against density and plasticity index 178 5.1 Typical results of sinusoidal axial stress versus number ofcycle 183 5.2 Typical results of excess pore pressure development 184 5.3 Typical results of cumulative double amplitude 185 5.4 Effective stress path ofloose sand in two-way cyclic loading 5.5 Effective stress path of dense sand in two-way cyclic loading 5.6 186 186 Effect of effective consolidation pressure on cyclic behaviour of sand at 20 % Io and 1Hz cyclic frequency 188 5.7 Effect of density index on cyclic behaviour of sand at 100 kPa c '3c and 1 Hz cyclic frequency 5.8 189 Liquefaction susceptibility curve of SAND100 at Io of 20 %, effective consolidation pressure of 100 kPa and cyclic frequency o f l H z 191 XIX 5.9 Number of cycles to initiate liquefaction against fines content of sand matrix soils ( c '3c = 100 kPa, CSR=0.1 and f = l Hz) 5.10 Liquefaction resistance of sand matrix soils against fines content 5.11 209 Effect of density ratio on liquefaction susceptibility of sand matrix soils at various plasticity 5.22 208 Liquefaction resistance of sand matrix soils against effective cohesion 5.21 206 Liquefaction resistance of sand matrix soils against plasticity index 5.20 206 Liquefaction resistance of sand matrix soils against plastic limit 5.19 205 Liquefaction resistance of sand matrix soils against liquid limit 5.18 203 Liquefaction resistance of sand matrix soils against clay content 5.17 201 Relation between mean grain size and state parameter with fines content 5.16 200 Liquefaction resistance of sand matrix soils against state parameter 5.15 199 Liquefaction resistance of sand matrix soils against coefficient of curvature 5.14 197 Liquefaction resistance of sand matrix soils against mean grain size 5.13 195 Liquefaction resistance of sand matrix soils against density 5.12 194 215 Effect of plasticity on liquefaction susceptibility of sand matrix soils at various density ratio 217 XX LIST OF SYMBOLS A - Activity &max - Peak ground acceleration B - Pore pressure coefficient c' - Effective cohesion Cc Coefficient of curvature Cu Coefficient of uniformity Cw Correction factor for depth CE - Correction factor for energy ratio CB - Correction factor for borehole diameter CR . Correction factor for rod length Cs - Correction factor for sampling method C02 - Carbon dioxide Dio - Effective size D30 . Diameter corresponding to 3 0 % finer D 50 . Mean grain size D60 - Diameter corresponding to 60 % finer e - Global void ratio ef . Interfine void ratio Cg - Equivalent intergranular void ratio Granular void ratio c g 6s - Intergranular void ratio Csketeton - Sand skeleton void ratio ^max - Maximum void ratio Cmin - Minimum void ratio ec - Critical void ratio Sa - Axial strain ^DA * Double amplitude shear strain XXI f - F requency fih - T hreshold fines content g - A cceleration o f gravity ID - D ensity index IG - G rading state index Ip - P lasticity index m - M ass M - C ritical stress ratio in stress space - M om ent M agn itude N - Standard penetration resistance (Ni)60 - C orrected N by an energy ratio o f 60 % h am m er efficiency (Ni)60CS- C orrected N by fines content N, - N u m b er o f cycles Pmax * M axim um density Pmin * M inim um density Ps * P article density P20 - D ensity at 20 % P50 - D ensity a t 5 0 % * E ffective internal friction angle P^ * M ean norm al effective stress q - D ev iato r stress Qmax * P eak deviator stress R - C oefficient o f correlation R^ - C oefficient o f determ ination Td - Stress reduction factor Su (criticat)- U ndrained shear strength at critical state Su (peak) - P eak undrained shear strength O - Total stress o' - E ffective stress c 'i - E ffective m ajor principal stress c '3 - E ffective m in o r principal stress o' 3C - E ffective consolidation pressure T - Shear stress Tcyc - C yclic shear stress am plitude xxn u . Pore water pressure Uf - Pore water pressure at failure Au - Excess pore water pressure Vs - Volume of solids Vv - Volume of void v - Specific volume X - Compression index in compression space (slope of v vs In p' graph) r - Intercept of the CSL with v axis in compression space V - State parameter ^'cs - Critical state frictional angle - Effective frictional angle w - Moisture content WL - Liquid limit wp - Plastic limit xxin LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AASTHO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ANOVA - Analysis of variance ASTM - American Society ofTesting and Materials BS - British Standard BSCS - British Soil Classification System CC - Clay Content CE - Extremely high plasticity clay CRR - Cyclic Resistance Ratio CSR - Cyclic Stress Ratio CS - Critical State CSL - Critical State Line CSSM - Critical State Soil Mechanics DSC - Digital Signal Controller CU - ESP - Effective Stress Path EFE - Effective Stress Failure Envelope ELDCS - Enterprise Level Dynamic Control System ELDPC - Enterprise Level Pressure Controller ELDYN - Enterprise Level Dynamic Triaxial System FC - Fines Content FOS - Factor of Safety GDS - Geotechnical Digital System IL - Instability Line MI - Intermediate plasticity silt MS - Malaysian Standard MV - NCEER - National Centre for Earthquake Engineering Research Consolidated Undrained Very high plasticity silt xxiv PT - Phase Transformation PTL - Phase Transformation Line QSS - Quasi Steady State SC - Silt Content SC - Clayey Sand SEM - Scanning Electron Microscopic SM - Silty sand SP - Poorly graded sand SP-SM - Poorly graded sand with silt SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Science SPT - Standard Penetration Test SPT-N - Standard Penetration Resistance SS - SteadyStateofD eform ation SSL - Steady State Line uses - Unified Soil Classification System USS - Ultimate Steady State XRD - X-ray Diffraction XXV LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX TITLE PAGE A Calibration Certificate 241 B Particle Density Test 245 C Particle Size Distribution Test 249 D L im itingD ensityT est 255 E Atterberg Limit Test 256 F Mohr-Colomb Failure Envelope 260 G Critical State Line of Sand Matrix Soils 264