BUNWC National Board Meeting, 6/9/06

BUNWC National Board Meeting, 6/9/06
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Friday, June 9, 2006
National President Dorothy (Dottie) Pierce called to order the first meeting of the FY ’06-08 National Board
at 9:40 am.
Dottie welcomed the members of the board and acknowledged with appreciation those appointed by the
university. She noted that it is exciting for BUNWC to be in partnership with Brandeis University, and
that the current board will be pacesetters for what will follow in the years ahead. Dottie invited the
board to introduce themselves and describe briefly their respective areas of responsibility.
Marty Kraus, University Provost, commented that she looked forward to working as a partner with Dottie. She
said the university’s goal is to bring to the assets of BUNWC the assets of the university.
Jehuda Reinharz, University President, congratulated Dottie Pierce, the officers, board members, and university
representatives. He felt the organization is beginning a new era in its history. He said he has enormous respect
for BUNWC, that Dottie Pierce’s goals and mission were on target, and that he was especially pleased that the
Retreat’s programming coordinated with the Alumni College and the new Student Forum, reflecting BUNWC’s
integration within the university.
Shari Meehan
Shari thanked the board for agreeing to serve, thereby supporting Brandeis, and said BUNWC is making history
by sharing its governance with the university. She had two vital concerns: the relationship between BUNWC
volunteers and staff, and the organization’s fundraising mission. Shari asked the board to end the volunteer vs.
staff debate and instead enter into a “sacred partnership” embodying mutual respect for one another. She also
enlisted the board to make a commitment to uphold BUNWC’s mission to support the library. She described a
declining trend in the gift to the library’s operating budget, indicative of a lack of interest in library funds. Shari
said the university had rejected BUNWC’s initial budget, and it was only accepted after deep cuts to expenses
were made. She asked the board to respond affirmatively to her call for action regarding the two aforementioned
Dottie Pierce/Arlene Heyman
This region was eliminated two years ago, the result of a study by an ad hoc committee formed to determine the
viability of the regions. Arlene Heyman spoke in support of reinstating the Mid-Atlantic Region, citing the need
for a middle layer between chapters and the national organization. She said the area’s chapters are vibrant,
motivated, and attain many of their assigned goals. Four of the five chapters are close to each other
geographically. The issue had been brought to the NOC, which voted unanimously to reinstate the region. Board
members felt a region is essential for providing leadership and a connection to national.
A show of hands indicated approval to reinstate the Mid-Atlantic Region.
BUNWC National Board Meeting, 6/9/06
Dottie said that due to a reduction in the size of the board, the committees (teams) are now composed of both
board and non-board members. A brief listing of each team chair’s goals follows.
Fundraising and Special Events
- explore the idea of developing study groups at sea on both the east and west coast;
- develop a compendium of successful special events held by chapters nationwide;
- establish a speakers bureau;
- disseminate a Book and Author guidebook to chapters.
Bobby Starsky
Sue Karp
- concentrate on expansion and reinvestment;
- work with chapters in need;
- conduct workshops;
- consider an increase in dues, fees, and life membership; the team will submit a proposal.
Study Groups
- focus on new programs and syllabi;
- evaluate chapter study guides;
- review pricing in terms of fundraising;
- assist in marketing to publicize study groups;
- develop standards and guidelines.
Carolyn Latz
- bring leadership to chapters;
- work with chapters, and fill in for weak ones.
Carol Rabinovitz
in Charlotte Schiff’s absence
Public Image and Programming
- work on bulletins to ensure they represent Brandeis properly;
- publicize the university nationwide, not just in the northeast.
Francoise Marcus
- envisions every chapter having committed leadership;
- tailor programs to the needs of individual chapters;
- use a video of Ruth Messinger’s remarks as a leadership tool.
Dorothy Katz
Budget & Financial Compliance
Bernice Smilowitz
- phase 1 compliance is well underway;
- work with university, staff, and C/As to identify problem chapters;
- review forms and reporting system to simplify use by chapters;
- raise sights; expenses for events are too high, and proceeds too low;
- convince chapters to raise their revenues. Dottie Pierce mentioned BUNWC will work
with the university to place training sessions on the Internet.
Marsha Stoller
Major Funds
- major fundraising to be front and center;
- raise the level of giving.
BUNWC National Board Meeting, 6/9/06
Science for Life Campaign
Carol Kern
- the initiative is a part of the university’s campaign;
- it will support a state-of-the-art laboratory and endowed fund for research journals;
- a payment option will be offered as of 7/1/06, payable in one fiscal year with prescheduled
payments, information will be sent to chapters.
Goals and Awards
- ask chapters to increase accomplishments;
- establish additional awards for new categories, e.g., outstanding study groups,
Audrey Bernstein
Honorary Board Outreach
- rekindle in the honorary board a passion and commitment to BUNWC.
Audrey Bernstein
June Events
Joan Roude
- hold a June event to continue the passion created earlier in year. Shari Meehan commented
that last November Barbara Miller presented a report of a conference evaluation committee
that recommended a biennial conference be held in 2008, and a training program in 2007.
There are no funds for a national event, whereas there is a budget line for training. Joan
responded that her team is aware of this. A board member suggested training be conducted at
the local level.
Former National Presidents Advisory Board
Dottie Pierce
- the advice of former presidents will be sought, and conference calls held when needed.
Various comments and/or suggestions were made:
A member thought the fundraising teams should work with the Marketing department in the national
center to raise interest in supporting the library. Another recommended the development of a promotional film
about the library.
A member asked how one would explain the organizational changes to chapters and was told that chapters
will not be largely affected by the new rules of association. However, some of the board felt it was important to
send information to the chapters regarding the changes and their advantages.
When asked how organizational decisions will be made, Jehuda Reinharz answered that the issues will be
carefully considered. Dottie Pierce replied that she will seek consensus from the board before proceeding.
Board Meeting Schedule
The next meeting will be held on November 15.
Meeting adjourned at 11:15 am.