
BNC NEC Meeting, Nov 1-2, 2010


National Executive Committee Meeting

Monday - Tuesday, November 1-2, 2010

Brandeis University - International Lounge, Usdan Student Center


President Leslie Pearlstein called to order the first meeting of the 2010-2011 NEC at 9:05 AM.


Leslie welcomed everyone and asked them to identify themselves. She recounted her participation in the following:

A meeting of the University Trustees when the appointment of Fred Lawrence as the next Brandeis

President as of 1/1/11 was approved.

The Florida Region Conference in October where chapters joined together for learning, camaraderie, and networking.

The fall Trustees meetings and Scholarship Luncheon, where she heard students express their appreciation of their financial assistance and the opportunity to have a “Brandeis experience.”

The dedication of the new, magnificent Mandel Center for the Humanities that makes the statement that humanities, architecture, and beauty are important to Brandeis.

Leslie invited feedback from the NEC.


Marty informed the NEC of the following:

University President-Elect Fred Lawrence will take office on 1/1/11 and meanwhile has been meeting with all constituencies on and off campus. The transition process is proceeding smoothly.

Marty plans to step down from her position as provost and resume teaching full-time.

Sue Wawrzaszek, University Librarian, has announced her resignation; an advisory committee will determine what kind of leadership is needed to be at the helm of the library.

The Rose Art Museum has added two new staff members: one is in charge of collections, and the other is a director of academic administration. A search committee has been formed to find a new museum director.


Janice reported on the following:

Inauguration of President-Elect Fred Lawrence - March 31, 2011

Janice is a member of the University’s Inauguration Planning Committee along with representatives from the Brandeis administration and staff. Janice is working closely with the University to be sure that, whenever possible, BNC members and chapters are included in the events. Florida members will be among the first to have an opportunity to hear from him as the featured speaker for the Rabb

Seminar on Sunday, January 16, in Palm Beach.

National Center Professional Staff

The staff is continuing its efforts to connect with members and more importantly to have them become more connected to Brandeis.


BNC NEC Meeting, Nov 1-2, 2010


A laptop computer, projector, and screen packaged for easy transporting have been sent to a member of the Boca Raton Chapter. The equipment will be used to inform new members about the

BNC, show BNC and University videos, and present BNC’s learning opportunities programs. This is a pilot program with the anticipation that Boca will have the equipment for a number of months and then pass it along to another nearby chapter.

Pilot Program for Life Members

A pilot program has been initiated to keep in touch with Life Members. Life Members in four chapters, Washington, Central Westchester, Santa Clara Valley, and Kansas City, were sent a letter from the National President with an update on Brandeis. It also mentioned our campaign, Fulfilling the Promise: Libraries and Scholars , and asked them to make a gift.


There have been many requests for more news from Brandeis in a format that chapter presidents and bulletin chairs can use easily in their speeches and newsletters. In response, a new online communication, Brandeis News Bites , with three to four current news items about the University, faculty, awards, students, etc., has been launched. The response to this new mailing has been excellent.

Connections has now been revamped. Each edition will now focus on one specific area, with membership, fundraising, and learning opportunities as a start.


Discussions at the June Leadership training meetings focused on how Membership, Fundraising, and Programming are interdependent. Fundraising is the BNC’s primary mission. In order to be successful, members are needed along with good programs that keep them interested in and connected to the BNC so they will become donors. New leadership across the country is also needed.

Getting new members involved will produce a pool of potential leaders. While the decline in

membership has been arrested, there is still a long way to go to build back some of the chapters.

The pool of major donors and major gifts prospects needs to be enlarged. Over

the last three years an average of $2.5 million has been raised, a large portion of which was from

bequests. If a strong record of financial support for Brandeis is to be continued, rebuilding the major

gifts pool is also critical to the BNC’s future.



Steve referred to the printed report that was distributed. Included was a schedule that tracks chapters’ cash holdings; the schedule is produced on a monthly basis.

The financial report contained information for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010, as well as the first quarter of the current fiscal year ending September 30, 2010. Reports are now in a new format to make it easier to understand. Distributed quarterly during the year, the report groups together items that net out to the amount of money available for library operations.

The year-end finished well and was ahead of the amount budgeted. Membership revenues were down from the prior last year, and chapter expenses were also significantly lower, reflecting less chapter activity. However, donation figures were higher.

The FY ’11 budget is a modest one and includes a 12% reduction for membership. The first quarter results are only interim numbers, because most chapter activities take place later in the year. There are challenges on the revenue side, and the BNC should be growing both membership and revenues.


BNC NEC Meeting, Nov 1-2, 2010



Beth reported on the following:

To date, $2.8 million of the $3 million goal has been raised for the Fulfilling the Promise campaign.

More than $1 million represented a single bequest. Beth reminded the NEC of the importance of being watchful of people who could be interested in making a planned gift.

As part of the BNC goal to keep connected to chapter fundraising, the November issue of

Connections will focus on fundraising;

Premier chapter fundraising events can now be posted online. Chapters like to hear what others are doing and to learn new ideas for fundraising.

Because it is expected that the campaign goal will be either attained or exceeded on time, the

Fundraising Team will be exploring ideas with the University for a new campaign and will also develop a $1,000 level recognition.

It is important to target Planned Giving and the cultivation of donors and to have a point person for this kind of giving. The team is looking for someone who is an avid supporter already involved in planned giving. She asked the NEC to send recommendations to her, Leslie Pearlstein, or Janice



The Phoenix Chapter requires board members to make a financial gift.

On a Reimbursement form, include a line that indicates the member is giving back the amount.

List Brandeis University at the top of a chapter’s organization chart; under that the National Center, and under that the chapter officers. Listing the University at the very top will help to build a philanthropic culture.

Get to know the University’s development officers; invite them to chapter events.

Volunteers who are available, whether professional or not, can visit chapters and offer services.

The first step toward effective fundraising is to share a passion for Brandeis.

Hold a planned giving event; notify the Fundraising Team if the chairperson is a good spokesperson.

Consider creating a category for an annual gift of $500; this would create an ongoing commitment.

Leslie referred to a Brandeis Fast Facts sheet included in the NEC packet. Copies will be e-mailed to the NEC to use in their chapters.

Beth announced the creation of new Book Fund cards that feature art work by Brandeis graduate students. Four cards in a packet of four will be priced at $14.00. Beth asked the NEC to support this new initiative and to help market the cards. Details were given in the following report.

New Book Fund Note Cards Beth Bernstein

Kali Foxman

Beth Bernstein, Director of Programming & Communications, and Kali Foxman, Communications

Specialist, introduced a new set of Book Fund cards, developed in response to members’ requests for new blank all-occasion cards. The Ten with Pen cards will be replaced with four different designs packaged together and priced at $14.00. The new cards are representative of the University, featuring


BNC NEC Meeting, Nov 1-2, 2010 art work by four post baccalaureate art students; credits to the artists are shown on the backs of the cards. The cards will be ready for distribution in January. Samples were shown.


It should be recognizable that the cards represent fundraising; indicate they are tax deductible.

Charge more; don’t be satisfied with lower profits.

Build a marketing plan using the 4 for $14 theme.

Set a financial target to establish it as a bona fide initiative.

Insert a note of thanks with the cards, information on what the donation supports, and instructions on how to re-order them.

The NEC suggested possible titles for the new cards: Brandeis Originals, Brandeis Blooms, Brandeis Art

Cards, Brandeis Brush Strokes, and ‘deis Designs.


Chapters can use cards as prizes or gifts.

Set a target for the chapter board, e.g., ask Annual Members to purchase one packet per year.


Student Representatives

The program’s goal is to sustainably connect students with every chapter that would like to be involved.

Twenty students, ten continuing participants and ten new ones, are working with chapters to create relationships and to speak at chapter meetings when at home during school breaks. They have recommended friends who could serve as Student Ambassadors and will communicate with them via email. Meanwhile, a letter-writing event was held recently at the National Center. Leslie added that chapters that receive communications from students should reply to them.


Carol referred to the report that was distributed.

The visioning project was undertaken to ensure the vibrancy of the BNC as a significant source of philanthropic contributions to Brandeis and as a learning community. The goals are to enhance the fundraising mission, successfully attract and retain members, and create a working structure to accomplish these. The project has been envisioned to be inclusive with participation at all levels of the BNC.

A steering committee, formed to develop a road map for the process, decided to seek professional advice in order to go forward. The committee is consulting with Professor Amy Sales from the

Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies to develop a process to gather data needed to create a vision for the makeup and structure of the BNC in the future.

Part One of the process will consist of a survey of new, current members. Participants will have joined in the past 3-6 years. Their answers to the questions asked will help the committee to understand and learn more about the current members/volunteers. The survey will be both webbased and conducted by regular mail.

Part Two will consist of focus groups. Participants will be asked to discuss the key issues facing the

BNC: What will chapters look like in the future? How can the BNC make Brandeis and fundraising key elements of the chapter of the future? And how can BNC motivate participation in

Brandeis programming? A small number of chapters nationwide with a mix of regions, chapter


BNC NEC Meeting, Nov 1-2, 2010 sizes, and capabilities will be identified. It will be necessary to ensure the chapters have an experienced facilitator and scribe who can report accurately and clearly and analyze and summarize the results. The Cohen Center will analyze both the survey’s data and the focus groups.

Following the report, the NEC participated in a sample focus group.



A handout of current membership information was distributed. The figures reflect current annual membership with this year’s goal along with Life Member numbers for each chapter. Compared with last year, numbers are currently down approximately 5.1% with the second billing having been sent about the third week of September. On June 30, 2010, only 34 out of 55 chapters were at 80% after the full year, perhaps indicating a new trend.

More chapters are showing interest in Boomer and men’s groups. There are new Boomer groups in

Tucson, Rancho Bernardo, and Greater Washington, and Phoenix has an organized men’s group.

To date, 738 men have joined or renewed their BNC membership this year. Phoenix found that perhaps the key to having successful study groups is to schedule some of them at dinner time or in the evenings to accommodate Boomers and working people.

The M Team will continue conducting pod-calls with the chapters. Chapters are linked by their membership size. There is now a Facebook presence and a membership e-mail chain to encourage chapters to share their successes and challenges. Region Presidents have been added to the e-mail chain, so they can read the suggestions and be informed about events taking place nationally.

Many older chapters have not attracted future members or leaders, perhaps because they may be located where there are many other organizations in strong competition with the BNC, and where gated communities limit the numbers of members. In order to grow, Joanie felt BNC must make a serious effort to go into new communities, some of which may still have interested Life Members or parents of current students or alumni, or alumni themselves who may help organize a new BNC chapter in a new city. She asked the NEC to think about new ways to seek new members via new chapters. Joanie invited discussion about Boomers, men’s groups, targeting new demographics and cities, and planning for the future.


Before study groups start their discussions, announce news about the University.

Integrate Boomer and Men’s groups within chapter activities



The Team’s goal has been to expand usage of Brandeis-authored materials and to connect members to

Brandeis. The team communicates with each other via an e-mail chain and conference calls. Each team member acts as a mentor to 6-7 chapters and contacts learning coordinators to find out how the programs are working. Beth Bernstein said the team is trying to build flexibility in chapter programming by having new themes and shorter study options for those with time constraints. Other opportunities include a collection of 17 ‘deis Flicks, faculty participating in UOWs for chapters across the country, and joint events with Brandeis alumni


BNC NEC Meeting, Nov 1-2, 2010


List Brandeis offerings in membership bulletins

Have chapter leadership study groups

Send first class mailings for accurate tracking


Meeting reconvened at 9:05 AM


Michael Swartz, Associate Vice President of Gift Planning, asked the NEC to suggest ways to improve the securing of Planned Gifts (PGs). He said a PG can be made in cash or with appreciated stock. A PG offers tax incentives and other benefits.

Making a PG involves careful consideration; it might involve a financial planner due to tax issues to consider. Michaele Whelan asked the BNC what can be done differently on a chapter level to enhance the opportunities for Brandeis, and what can University Development officers do to open channels of communication.

There are two prototypes who do not necessarily fit the typical donor: people with double income and no children, and those with income and no children; Michael encouraged the NEC to think about those who might fall into those categories. There are others who attain wealth because they live modestly and are likely to donate to a cause that helps those reach their potential.


The topic itself can be frightening to some members; they will need to be advised they will receive benefits by making a gift and that it is a win-win that offers an investment with security. Stress in a non-threatening way why it is important to support the University.

Have a local attorney give a brief sketch of the process at a meeting.

Have a member who has made a gift speak at meetings.

Michael said that rather than solicit, he prefers to make educational presentations.

Janice Fineman said Michael can talk to chapters about planned giving and discuss it in an unintimidating way. Talking points will be sent to NEC members, so they will feel comfortable about making presentations. Janice asked the NEC to identify prospects; connections and cultivation are important, but chapters also need to plant a seed by talking about PGs and have chapter members talk about what planned giving has meant to them.

A handout about Planning Giving was distributed. Two Planned Giving ads will be sent to chapters to place in every bulletin issue. Information about Planning Giving can be found on the

Brandeis website on the home page under “Support Brandeis.”



Referring to his distributed report, Ron said the team was restructured in June to include region presidents and is working well; it hopes to have more region representatives on the NEC.


BNC NEC Meeting, Nov 1-2, 2010

Certain topics are being addressed as priorities:

Identifying criteria for leadership prospects and proposing names to be considered by the

Nominating Committee.

Region Presidents were asked to identify characteristics of weak chapters.

Awards and certificates - the team agreed that all national awards to chapters should be made in person, with liberal recognition of successful chapters by the regions.

Region Guidelines - Western Region co-presidents have developed draft guidelines for the management of regions that address how regions are best organized, and how presidents can stay in touch with their chapters.

Characteristics of strong chapters - the team would like to submit these to the National Center to forward to chapters.

Identifying the Best of the Best - determining which chapters deserve special recognition for activities unrelated to formal goals, and how to profile them more extensively than through national awards.

How to strengthen chapters’ connections with Brandeis and the BNC.

Conduct a pilot program in April for chapter leaders from the New England Region similar to

June’s Leadership Training.


More needs to be done at the June training sessions. Assign NEC to act as mentors and follow up to find out how many trainees assume leadership roles. Remind region presidents in August to track and mentor attendees.

Part of the mentoring process is to recognize members’ talents and follow up. Establish a central repository.

Educate new members about the BNC; have orientations;

Assign mentors to accompany new members to meetings.

Conduct board orientations throughout the year.

Have a “One-Day Board Fair” to orient new members; people cannot always attend frequent orientations.

There is a lack of continuity in the organization; successors are not always assigned or trained.

Create a Mentoring Award.

Conduct regional training sessions.

There was discussion regarding ways to connect members to the BNC.

Focus on one topic at region conferences.

Always talk about Brandeis at the start of meetings and events.

Have CIOs share information via e-mail.

Designate one person in the chapter to ensure that new members are contacted with follow-up.


Several NEC members will be retiring this year. According to the Strategic Planning Committee’s statement on the NEC’s Terms of Office and Rotations, members can serve two 3-year terms with a twoyear absence in between. To begin the rotation three years ago, ½ of the incoming NEC would serve 2 years, and ½ would serve three years. As a result, the NEC has ½ serving each of two years, with no one coming on board the third year. To equalize the number of NEC members coming and going each year, the Nominating Committee is proposing to change the rotation so that 1/3 will be replaced each


BNC NEC Meeting, Nov 1-2, 2010 year. A sheet showing the proposed rotation for the NEC was distributed; the same rotation would be applied to University appointees as well.

The Committee will work via conference calls. It will consider its own suggestions first and then ask the chapter and region presidents for their suggestions. The final list will be submitted to the

University President for his review, and the slate announced in the spring.

WEB UPDATE Kali Foxman

Communications Specialist

Now on the BNC website:

Information about programming, chapter events, and membership has been updated.

A Student Ambassadors page under “About BNC” includes student photographs and biographies.

A “Look with Pride” video.

A listing of all study guides.

A link to a page about Planning Giving.

A listing of ‘deis Flicks films with descriptions; some have trailers available.

A page for renewing membership.

A Chapter Events form for submitting details about upcoming events.

A link to Facebook that contains good information for CIOs.

A link to BrandeisNOW that contains University news.


Ruth Young reported in the absence of Ellen Atlas. The Goals and Awards team had two conference calls: the first was devoted to deciding on chapter financial goals, and the second to deciding on awards to be recommended for 2010-2011. The only major change affected the national awards. The team felt the Membership, Financial, and Book Fund Awards should be given by the national organization rather than by regions. The goals are set by national teams in conjunction with the national staff and not at the discretion of the region presidents.

The criteria for achieving all awards have remained the same, with a small change in wording that explains that study groups are included in a Learning Opportunities program and that emphasizes that all copies of bulletins should be sent to the National Center in order to be eligible for a Chapter of the Year award. The team also suggested that chapters might want to give a Volunteer Achievement

Award, because this was well received when presented by the Western Region Presidents at their last region training session.


The BNC is working on new pilot programs for both parents and Brandeis alumni to strengthen a mutual connection.


Efforts are underway with the Alumni Office to bring faculty out to the field for joint events. The

BNC is exploring ways to introduce alums to BNC’s learning opportunities.


A letter will be sent to parents in a few selected areas that have strong and active chapters. The pilot program and intended letters will be discussed with chapters before the letters are sent. The letters will introduce parents to the BNC and invite them to take part in BNC programs. It is hoped they will meet BNC members, learn more about their chapters’ programs and events, and become a part of the BNC.


BNC NEC Meeting, Nov 1-2, 2010


New Brandeis cards - the NEC was asked to suggest a name for the new BNC cards.

There was a consensus to call the cards Brush Strokes.

Florida Conference - Barb Sander and Maxine Greenfield reported that every Florida chapter was represented. The conference fostered camaraderie; longtime colleagues reconnected with one another and met new ones. It was noted that rather than attend sessions about activities they already knew or were involved in, the participants would have preferred hearing more news about the University.

CLOSING REMARKS Leslie Pearlstein

Leslie asked the NEC to forward to her their thoughts on the issues discussed during this meeting. She said one of their responsibilities is to act as ambassadors for the University, and that she hoped they would carry the good word about Brandeis to their communities. Leslie commented that it is especially important for the NEC to stress how integrating fundraising, membership, and programming will strengthen the chapters.

NEC members are also responsible for assisting in fundraising and setting an example for the rest of the organization. Leslie hoped they would increase their minimum NEC gift of $1,000 and that

Brandeis and the BNC are at the top of their philanthropic priorities. She also asked them to consider making a Charitable Gift Annuity.

Leslie thanked the professional staff for all that they do to support the work of the BNC, and the

NEC for their efforts as volunteers.

The next NEC meeting will convene on June 7, 2011.

Meeting adjourned at noon.

