BNC NEC Meeting, October 17-18, 2011 NATIONAL COMMITTEE (BNC)

BNC NEC Meeting, October 17-18, 2011
National Executive Committee Meeting
Monday - Tuesday, October 17 -18, 2011
Brandeis University - International Lounge, Usdan Student Center
President Leslie Pearlstein called to order the first meeting of the 2011-2012 NEC at 9:20 AM.
Leslie Pearlstein
Leslie introduced guests Ellen Kaplan and Ellen Atlas, who would be giving reports later, and thanked the
professional staff for their efforts on behalf of Brandeis and the BNC volunteers. Leslie then noted some of the
many activities in which she participated since last June.
 Following the June NEC meeting, emerging leaders from across the country attended the Leadership
Training program, during which they took part in workshops on fundraising, membership and
learning opportunities. The 20 trainees reported they appreciated seeing the various buildings on
campus, learning about the academic disciplines and what the BNC is about. They said they would
like more face-to-face meetings for an exchange of ideas.
 During the summer, the Visioning Committee worked to complete its agenda on schedule, and the
details of the new campaign have been finalized.
 A new Leadership Development Team has been created and will be chaired by a new vice president.
 Leslie’s travels this year will include meeting with chapter and region leaders in the Mid-Atlantic,
Western, and Florida regions. Participating in region and chapter programming gives her the
opportunity to strengthen the connection between the chapters and the University and bring the
national presence to the local chapters, leaders, and members.
Leslie introduced the new university provost, Dr. Steve Goldstein ’78.
Steve Goldstein
Steve said his schooling at Brandeis was influential in teaching him to think, take risks, plan, and take
responsibility. At Brandeis, science is one of its pillars, and the neurosciences are one of its strengths. He said
the strength of the BNC lies in bringing the importance of Brandeis to the public, and that it is a voice asking the
public for its support. Steve felt the university does not recognize how impactful it is in the world and needs to
communicate its successes more effectively. Brandeis is one of the most responsible institutions in terms of
financial stability. The faculty partners with Brandeis and needs to look forward with optimism.
Janice Fineman
Janice reported on the following:
Over the summer she and Leslie Pearlstein worked to form the national teams, prepare for the new
fundraising campaign, move forward with the Visioning project, and keep in touch with the
volunteers. The National Center is working on updates to the BNC website, coordinating with the
University on roll-out events, and preparing fundraising and membership materials for chapter use.
Planning is well underway to ensure as many chapters as possible have a program featuring Brandeis
The Region presidents have been planning region meetings and visiting their chapters, and chapters
are already planning programs and events for this year.
BNC NEC Meeting, October 17-18, 2011
For the past year the committee for the Visioning Project has been working on a strategic plan for the
future of the BNC, and is starting to see results based on discussions and research.
BNC is making strides in Membership, although there is still much to be done to increase the rolls
and attract younger members, both women and men.
The strength of the BNC lies in its volunteer leadership. There is a need to develop ways to bring the
volunteers the tools they can use to be even more effective, to help them connect to the university,
and also to help identify new leaders.
The Fundraising team has taken on the challenge to revitalize the pool of $1,000 and above donors. A
new program to help build a strong core of donors at this level has been created in conjunction with
BNC’s new campaign, Sustaining the Mind: Scientific Research and Scholarship. This should result
in higher levels of giving and more robust fundraising. Both the campaign and the emphasis on major
donors are critical to the BNC’s continuing success. It is paramount for the BNC to put fundraising
first and foremost and find ways to get this message out to all levels of the organization.
Each volunteer is proud to support Brandeis and probably in many of the same ways:
Brandeis University is strong. The US News and World report rating rose from 34th place to 31st place
this year.
It has an outstanding student body. Meeting with the students is always a special experience. Just to
listen to what classes they take, what activities they are involved in, and how much being at Brandeis
means to them is an inspiration. The upcoming “Imprint” and in the BNC’s campaign kits are
examples that illustrate how Brandeis students view Brandeis and why they chose to attend.
The NEC will also be able to read about the great research taking place in the labs.
There is a wonderful new administration team who, with President Lawrence, are re-energizing all
parts of the university.
Janice said the BNC is poised to go forward in all areas important to its success, and it is a pleasure to work with
the president and vice presidents as they engage the national teams in doing this.
Carol Kern, Chair
The Visioning Committee will continue to work together until the end of 2012. It is presently concentrating on
boomer age women and men to join the ranks of leadership, and ways to help bring in peer members who will
understand the BNC mission and in turn become financial supporters both individually and collectively. Carol
called on committee member Ellen Kaplan to explain a strategy map that was distributed. Ellen created the map
to list ideas and help the committee prioritize what needs to be done in Fundraising, Learning Opportunities, and
Membership. A consultant is identifying demographics of likely future members and testing messaging to see
what would attract people to BNC. Suggestions:
 Send Alumni College to the chapters. It was pointed out that some of the sessions will be taped, and
it will be necessary to determine the quality and feasibility of sending them.
 Have Region Presidents more involved with alumni clubs in their areas.
Carol asked the NEC to list some of the reasons why they felt Brandeis University is unique.
 It is the only Jewish-supported nonsectarian university in the US
 It offers an opportunity for students to engage in discussions and view the world in different ways
 Brandeis responds to the students’ culture and to their needs
 There is a sense of community, camaraderie, and passion
 It fosters an intellectual environment where ideas are discussed at student gatherings
 Students find a unique combination of liberal arts and in-depth and interactive research
BNC NEC Meeting, October 17-18, 2011
Carol continued, commenting that Brandeis-authored materials connect members to Brandeis, but the members
are not aware of them and do not use them. She asked how the materials can be brought to chapters. Discussion:
 A visit to campus makes the Brandeis connection; chapters could plan a trip to the Boston area and
include Brandeis; build into the trip’s cost a contribution to BNC
 Ask regions to encourage chapters to honor long-time members
 Jewish centers and programs on campus make Brandeis unique; the marketing committee should
highlight them
 Sell the BNC by sending students, faculty, and administrators to chapters
Carol said fundraising and philanthropy are top priorities; the programming is a benefit of membership. It would
be beneficial for information about visioning to be sent to the CIOs.
As a part of the meeting, the NEC visited the Volen National Center for Complex Systems, where members heard
Professor Eve Marder talk about the neurosciences and neurodegenerative research taking place. The NEC also
had the opportunity to tour Professor Marder’s laboratory.
Beth Wolfson
Beth reported on the new fundraising campaign: Sustaining the Mind: Scientific Research and Scholarships. An
e-mail blast was sent to chapter and region presidents announcing the campaign. One of the steps is to draft and
send information to the chapters on how to form campaign committees, and what to look for in a potential
committee member.
The Team and National Staff are in the process of creating campaign kits that will include
background on the campaign, information about the sciences and research in neurodegenerative
diseases at Brandeis, a letter from President Lawrence, and information to assist chapters in their
fundraising efforts.
The University’s Publications Department is designing materials for the campaign along with book
marks and note cards. Information will be disseminated via Imprint, Connections, the BNC website,
and speakers.
The Team will be working to strengthen Planned Giving outreach efforts and major donor
In response to the chapters’ request, a new $1,000 level called “Sustainers” has been created for
donors who make a gift of $1,000 or more in one BNC year.
The Goals and Awards Committee has established some campaign awards that will go into effect this
The Team is discussing the creation of a Virtual Tribute Wall tied to the BNC website; donors would
be listed by chapters.
 It is important to contribute major gifts in addition to the $1,000 NEC gift; Beth said the Team will
also concentrate on planned gifts.
 Send President Lawrence’s letter that is included in the campaign kit to members; it could also be
inserted in chapter bulletins and sent to the Brandeis community.
 Every study group leader should talk about the campaign.
 Chapters could select a “campaign month” to publicize the initiative; National could designate a
“campaign month” for total immersion and membership involvement.
 The NEC needs to raise awareness of the excellence of the sciences at Brandeis and raise their
donations to a higher level.
BNC NEC Meeting, October 17-18, 2011
There could be an Honor Roll for those who are Sustainers three years in a row; present them with a
hand-written note instead of a certificate.
Solicit a multi-year gift, not an annual one; have a process automatically in place.
It is easier to solicit $5,000; asking for $1,000 is selling BNC short.
Members can use an IRA rollover for charitable gifts.
BNC is reaching out to non-members; a thank-you certificate is effective.
Carol Rabinovitz reported on the campaign’s Sustainers Program, which recognizes donors of $1,000 or more.
 For the initiative to be a success, it will be essential for every region, chapter, and member to
personally support the fund and to encourage those in their communities to also be supporters.
 There are sample fundraising letters in the kits.
 Nineteen NEC members pledged to become Sustainers.
Janice conducted a solicitation training exercise. She asked:
 How many have asked for major gifts? Answer: Many.
 What worked when doing a solicitation? Answers: Listening; being enthusiastic and excited; sharing
one’s passion and the “Brandeis story.” If one is a donor oneself, tell people you are supporting the
 How would you present the campaign to someone? Answer: could report on what was heard and
seen on campus
Janice told the NEC to not be afraid to ask for large gifts: mention that others have given $1,000 in the chapter.
One needs to rely on individuals who know members who will be interested in the campaign’s purpose.
Si Atlas
Si reviewed the FY11 financial results. He noted that all categories were favorable to budget. When comparing
FY11 to FY10, Net National and Chapter Activities were up over $54,000, and Donations, Planned Gifts, and
Bequests were down $309,000, resulting in Total Net Income down $255,000.
He also reviewed the First Quarter FY12 financial results. Membership is down 3% year over year; dues and
annual membership figures over the next two months need to be monitored closely. Net National and Chapter
Activities are down $74,000, while Donations, Planned Gifts, and Bequests are up $459,000. Therefore, Total
Net Income is up $385,000.
Ellen Atlas
Chair, Goals & Awards
The Team had two conference calls. The first was devoted to the financial and membership goals for 2011-12;
these were met with approval by the Region Presidents (RPs). The Criteria for Awards/Recognition for 2011-12
were reviewed during the second call. While most criteria will remain the same, there will be some changes, as
shown in a report that was included in the NEC meeting packet:
 So chapters will be more aware, the criterion that “In addition, chapters must self-recommend
themselves for consideration for Chapter of the Year Award.” will also be prominently placed and
underlined in the last line of a paragraph under the Mission Statement.
 Two new national awards were added, one referring to the campaign: for the “Chapter that has the
greatest number of $1,000 and above donors in each region, and the other appearing under
Outstanding Learning Opportunities Program: “A listing of Brandeis-authored materials replaces
others that are no longer relevant.”
BNC NEC Meeting, October 17-18, 2011
The RPs felt it would be helpful for the Goals & Awards Team to call chapters after the information about goals
and awards was received. The Team discussed ways to make awards more relevant so that chapters would strive
to achieve their goals. It felt there was a lack of excitement when chapters did not receive their awards in the
presence of competing peers. Ideas that were presented included distributing the information at Leadership
Training sessions, and establishing a different fiscal year for awards
The team will continue the discussion. Ellen asked the NEC to think about ways to make achieving awards more
Joanie Small
In Joanie’s absence, Barbara Katz, Team member, referred to Joanie’s report that was included in the packet.
Twenty chapters made their membership goals for the year ending June 2011, and 25 of the 54
chapters reached 90% or more of their goals.
Men’s groups and younger boomer age programs are attracting new members through programming
and learning opportunities.
Ventura, Seattle, and Palm Gardens Chapters closed last June due primarily to aging populations and
a lack of leadership. With the new national Leadership Team in place, Joanie felt those factors can be
The Membership Team continued to reach out to chapters via phone calls, e-mails, and “pod calls.” Large chapter
pod calls were welcomed, and ideas were shared by chapters of like sizes.
The Team would like to have data tracking figures on a month to month, year to year basis, so that comparisons
can be made. The most important factor is retention. There is a need to inform prospective new members that
BNC is a fundraising organization and that chapters hold membership orientations.
Meeting reconvened at 10:10 AM
Eduardo Keane ‘14
Savannah Pearlman ‘12
Eduardo and Savannah, NEC Student Representatives and BNC Student Ambassadors (SAs), reported on their
own activities and other SAs. They said they enjoy conversing with chapters and being a face for the student
body. They are in touch with chapters and attend their events. Currently there are 15 active members, and more
are being sought. Some of their profiles are posted on the BNC’s website, and more will be forthcoming.
Now that BNC Student Ambassadors are an official Brandeis University club, they are able to advertize the SA
program at club fairs.
Ron Levy
Ron referred to his distributed report. He said the New Jersey chapters, while still a part of the NY/NJ/So. CT
Region, now has its own Region Liaison. The Team had discussed various topics:
BNC NEC Meeting, October 17-18, 2011
The frequency of region meetings
The dearth of Study Groups’ usage of Brandeis-authored materials. Many chapters find the materials
dated and irrelevant to their needs.
A Region Presidents Handbook is being updated.
An event featuring Anita Hill will be held in May in New Jersey. It is difficult getting attendees at
region board meetings. A predominant reason is the congested traffic.
Gotham Chapter is doing well, and Nassau/North is experiencing an increase in membership.
Phyllis Perkal, Western Region Co-President, summarized her Western Region report that had also been
 Several chapters have realized the importance of charging sufficiently for their events, some have
increased them, and are using tier levels for contributions.
 Many chapters added new learning opportunities programming.
 Membership figures are ahead of last year’s at this time.
 Ten of the 23 chapters are now servicing their members electronically; 7 chapters have their own
 Chapters are advertising events and imparting information about Brandeis via their local TV
 Phyllis and Sue Karp, Western Region Co-Presidents, continue to visit chapters, starting with those
most in need of contact.
 A Western Region Desert Retreat and Training Conference will be held on January 22-24.
 Two new awards have been created: Western Region Woman of the Year, and a Golden Citation for
many years of devotion.
There was discussion about the lack of e-mail addresses and that some members are reluctant to share their
addresses. Suggestions;
 Create an incentive to motivate them to submit addresses. State “We need your e-mail” rather than
“Would you give us your e-mail.”
 Phoenix chapter will charge an annual fee for those who want to receive “snail mail.”
Steve Seltzer
Team members have been trained in the use of the L.O. section of the BNC website and will now train chapters.
The L.O. team will ask chapters that have not previously used Brandeis materials to utilize them in at least one
study group. They will also ask chapters to discuss the BNC mission at their opening meetings and also talk
about the university. Discussion:
 Send 12 blurbs about the university to Study Group chairs
 Inform the chairs about exciting events and programs taking place on campus
 Link people who have specific interests with relevant materials
Barb Sander
The Team is developing a training/orientation manual with two parts: how to identify leaders and how to train
them at all levels. The team felt that all of the goals could be divided into two parts - one would concentrate on
identifying future leaders and, and the other would consist of five critical components of training.
Part 1 would:
 Define leadership traits
 Determine what to look for
 Create incentives to lead.
BNC NEC Meeting, October 17-18, 2011
Part 2 would consist of five critical components of training:
 Introduce the 3 Ws (Who we are, What we do, Why we are important)
 Provide inspirational information to make the connection that fundraising is the first priority
 Develop skills and strategies to build leadership
 Expand leadership
 Evaluate the effectiveness of training
Suggestion: Chapters hold a “passover” meeting where chairs pass on information and materials to successors.
Leslie asked the NEC to identify chapter leaders who might be potential NEC members; there was a suggestion
that the current NEC receive a list of criteria.
Phyllis Perkal noted the Western Region Conference on January 22-24, 2012, will include innovative workshops
and a university speaker. The conference theme will be the new fundraising campaign and the Visioning project.
The meetings will be open to all chapter boards and members.
Leslie Pearlstein
Leslie closed with the following requests of the NEC: - that they:
 Ask their communities to participate in the new campaign by identifying and helping to solicit
 Set an example by making a donation to the campaign. Leslie’s goal is for 100% participation from
the NEC.
 Contribute at the Sustainer level.
 Forward names of emerging leaders they might meet in their travels.
 Continue to publicize the use of BNC Art Cards
Leslie looked forward to seeing everyone at the next NEC meeting on June 5-6, 2012.
Meeting adjourned at noon.