B R A N D E I S N A T I O N A L C O M M I T T E E (BNC) National Executive Committee Meeting Monday, October 28 - Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Brandeis University - Usdan Student Center, International Lounge MONDAY, OCTOBER 28 President Barbara Sander called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM and reviewed the upcoming agenda. Attendees then introduced themselves. BOARD ORIENTATION/LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Barbara Sander/ Beth Bernstein Barbara presented a comprehensive overview of the BNC. Slides included BNC’s mission, the three Ws (Who We Are, What We do, and Why We Are Important), the BNC organization chart, the role of the NEC, and the National Center staff, whose roles Janice Fineman described. The BNC’s strategic goals and priorities were reviewed. Beth Bernstein, Director of Communications and Training, followed with a Leadership Development session focusing on motivation, persuasion, and inspiration. A video titled “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” featuring Simon Sinek was shown, after which members were assigned to breakouts to discuss Fundraising, Membership, and Programming. Members were asked to come up with three ideas: two points to ponder and one action item to take when they leave. LUNCH & HOODING CEREMONY FOR FORMER PRESIDENT LESLIE PEARLSTEIN UNIVERSITY UPDATE Stephen Goldstein, Provost Steve said BNC plays an essential role in the University. He noted that Brandeis’s Strategic Plan, a two-year process that created major principles, objectives, and a direction for the university to follow, has started to be implemented. It is a mission-based budgeting model. Some of the changes include an improved and more fiscally efficient dining service and a new childcare center. This year Brandeis received the largest number of student applications, along with the highest percentage of students outside of the northeast corridor. When a member asked about Brandeis’ current endowment, he said it has increased and added that the major campaign will focus on scholarships. Steve said he is grateful for the BNC’s energy and resources. Barbara Sander PRESIDENT’S REPORT Goals for the coming year Strengthen the philanthropic culture of BNC; inspire members to put philanthropy first Increase the pride members have in belonging to BNC Strengthen chapters Make chapters an exciting place to belong Build connections at all levels of BNC Focus of the teams and committees Leadership Development - continuing to concentrate on developing strong leaders Membership - developing new strategies, working in regions, and focusing on the contest Fundraising and campaign - emphasizing BNC’s philanthropic mission Learning Opportunities - energizing the commitment to learning Region Presidents - looking at ways to build region boards to facilitate communication between national teams and regions, and regions and chapters, and looking for opportunities to grow BNC BNC NEC meeting, October 28-29, 2013 1 Communications Advisory Committee - examining how to better communicate with members and strengthening their BNC and University connections Leadership Council - starting to work in regions to build connections between the Council and chapter members Structure Assessment Task Force - establishing the most tangible way to connect all levels of BNC and drafting a report containing ideas for clarifying how all parts of BNC can work together seamlessly to achieve mutual goals Travel in the regions Attended Leadership Development Region Workshops last year in Florida, New Jersey, and MidAtlantic Kansas City Chapter Plans to attend the Florida Region Conclave in December Plans to attend the Western Region Conference and some California chapters in January Will visit chapters in Florida, New York, Washington, DC, and Las Vegas EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Janice Fineman Chapter Status Update A decision was made to close 3 chapters – Kings Point/Tamarac, Riverdale, and Kansas City. Leslie Pearlstein, Ron Levy, and Cynthia Shapiro, NE Region Liaison, and I met with members of the Cape Cod Chapter talk more about the chapter’s future and help them plan some year-round activities. Members formed a program steering committee that has since met. Leslie followed up with an e-mailed letter suggesting ideas that include a visit to campus. Chapter Campus Visits Over the last few months there have been three very successful day-long visits. Gotham, Hartford and Boston chapters each brought an average of 15 people who visited major sites. Each visitor received a follow-up letter that stressed the importance of our financial support. Western Region Conference The National Center is working closely with Region co-presidents on all aspects of the planning of the conference, including publicity. Connecting with our Chapters The goal of strengthening our members’ connections to Brandeis is being kept at the forefront of programming, training, messaging, and in all of our communication efforts. BNC Challenges presented at June’s NEC meeting: Developing new and mentoring more seasoned volunteers; Declining membership; and Members not feeling connected to Brandeis or the national organization. Efforts have resulted in: A new Membership contest Expanded fundraising campaign outreach Working more closely with chapters to help in their fundraising efforts Planning the rollout of the Leadership Development program into the chapters. Communication and messaging strategies continue to be refined, with more emphasis on including stories about people – donors, researchers and students - to make a stronger and more personal connection between what is happening at Brandeis and how it affects everyone. BNC NEC meeting, October 28-29, 2013 2 Efforts to connect our members to Brandeis are continuing through UOWs and the ever-growing Student Ambassador program. Joel Kamer BUDGET & FINANCE Prior to Joel’s report, Janice reported on how FY 13’s $1,445,993 fundraising dollars were allocated. 40% for Sustaining the Mind 36 % for the Library 14% for scholarships & financial aid 10% for other University funds $581,510 $524,677 $197,516 $142,290 Fiscal Year 2013 Results Figures for FY13 were slightly less than budget. Membership dues income was higher than expected, and although chapter revenues were below budget, the revenues minus expenses were higher. Control of national general administration expenses, 9.8% under budget, helped Net National and Chapter Activities exceed expected results. Actual gifts exceeded budget, while planned gifts and bequests fell short. FY 13 total actual was behind what was raised in FY12, due to a shortfall from planned gifts and bequests. First Quarter FY 14 Financial Results (7/1 - 9/30/13) Actual Q1 FY14 compared to Q1 FY13 is 19% lower. National and Chapter Activities Dues - higher than last year and slightly above 81% of the total FY14 budget item. Chapter Revenues Revenues minus expenses are less than last year; outlays for expenses often precede chapter revenues for programs. National General Administration Expenses Higher than last year. Direct to University Gifts 19% ahead of last year. Planned Gifts None to date. Bequests Lower than last year. VICE PRESIDENTS’ REPORTS FUNDRAISING Lydia Axelrod Lydia Axelrod reported in the absence of Carol Rabinovitz, VP of Fundraising The team is trying to create a culture that embraces philanthropy, with a move to identify donors. Campaign liaisons and assistants are covering the campaign, each has chapters which they are responsible for. The price of Sustaining the Mind Tribute Cards has been reduced from $50 to $25 in response to input from chapter leaders. BNC NEC meeting, October 28-29, 2013 3 Mention about the current campaign should be included in chapter bulletins. As of the NEC meeting, Sustaining the Mind has raised $1,223,506. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT (LD) Merle Carrus Training sessions were held in the Mid-Atlantic, New Jersey, New York/So. Connecticut, and Florida Regions. The sessions were all well received as was evidenced by the evaluation forms. The team hopes to create another evaluation method to determine how successful the training is long-term and to assess whether there are new leaders and new people getting involved and being targeted as leader material. This year, training sessions are planned for the Greater Boston area, Western Region, and again in Florida. The Mid-Atlantic Region also hopes to schedule a session to bring in more chapter representation. The immediate goal is to create a survey to assess the needs of chapters before training, so that each workshop will be geared to best meet their needs. The team hopes to conduct a training workshop in one or two chapters in each region by the end of the year LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES (LOs) Stephen Seltzer The team has set the following goals: Ensure that all Learning Opportunities/Study Group chairs are familiar with the LO’s section in BNC’s website, to ensure they are able to use Brandeis faculty-authored study guides. Prepare a short script and request that it be read at chapters’ monthly study group meetings. The readings will better connect members to Brandeis and the BNC. A script was written for an October reading. Team members were assigned chapters to contact about websites and suggested announcements. MEMBERSHIP (MT) Iris Wigal The team is encouraging every chapter to participate in the new membership contest; the chapter that raises the greatest percentage over its FY14 membership goal will win a $500 BNC gift card. Iris asked the NEC to help promote the contest. Both small and large chapters will be able to compete equally. Literature will be e-mailed periodically from the National Center. Copies of the first mass e-mail sent in August were distributed. The MT has begun outreach to Chapter Membership Vice Presidents to assist and provide guidance they might request. Iris asked the NEC to help them realize that in order for chapters to become stronger and remain strong, there must be a solid link between the local and national organization. To date, membership is up 1.1 %, 24 chapters surpassed their goals at this time last year. In FY13, 17 chapters reached their goal. At present there are 7,466 Annual members and 15,643 Life members, a total membership of 23,109. REGION PRESIDENTS (RPs) Marilyn Blankman Establishing Region nominating committees will develop region boards and strengthen all regions. Ideally, region boards will be structured like chapter boards to place the region board in a position to work with both chapters and national teams. By December 1st, there should be a structured nominating committee to present a slate of officers by the end of February. Uniformity of region slates will result in consistency. Suggested positions are President, four vice presidents to represent Membership, Learning Opportunities, Leadership Development, and Fundraising, and consideration for Treasurer and Secretary. Marilyn is working closely with the RPs and liaisons to help them put together their nominating committees and begin this important process. The Florida and Western Regions already have a structure in place. Sue Karp GOALS AND AWARDS BNC NEC meeting, October 28-29, 2013 4 Chapters have been notified of their goals. Memos to chapter presidents that describe the criteria for goals and awards were distributed to the NEC. In the spring, the committee will focus on encouraging chapters to attain their goals. Sue asked the NEC to explain to the chapters the importance of goals and reminded them that chapters need to fill out the forms in the spring and return them to the National Center. A reminder letter will be sent to each chapter. Beth Bernstein Director, Communications/Training UNIVERSITY on WHEELS (UOWs) Faculty will speak at UOWs in the Western and Florida regions during intersession. Discussions about UOWs are underway with other chapters and regions. Beth said the events should be open to local communities to attract new members and raise more funds. Barbara Sander added that only BNC members can participate in study groups, whereas other events should be open to the public. The BNC is working closely with the Alumni Association; four alumnae will speak at a special Florida event in November which is open to all. M’lissa Brennan Senior Development Officer FUNDRAISING WORKSHOP The NEC viewed a PowerPoint presentation on the solicitation of potential donors that included ideas and suggested tools. The NEC then broke up into groups for role-playing, using prepared scripts. Within each group, one took the role of “asker,” and the other acted as “potential donor.” Barbara Sander said leaders served as models for others, and asked everyone to make BNC a priority by supporting at their highest possible level. Meeting recessed at 4:55 pm. The NEC then went to the National Center to call chapter officers and make a personal connection. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29 Meeting reconvened at 9:10 AM. STRUCTURE ASSESSMENT TASK FORCE (SATF) Ron Levy The Task Force, formed to assess the structure of the BNC and to develop recommendations, submitted a preliminary report that was distributed to the NEC. A committee will be formed to implement the plan and report its recommendations in June. By a show of hands, there was consensus to approve the SATF’s recommendations and the rapid development of an implementation plan. Barbara asked the NEC to e-mail ideas to her, Janice, or Ron. STUDENT AMBASSADORS SPEAKERS Beth Bernstein BNC Student Ambassadors Jasenia Hammond '14, Oluwatomi (Tomi) Jalyesimi '14, and Jacob Abrams '17 introduced themselves and spoke about personal experiences at Brandeis. They all said they loved Brandeis because of the small classes, their interaction with excellent faculty, and outstanding science and other programs. BNC NEC meeting, October 28-29, 2013 5 A Student Ambassador brochure was distributed. Currently there are 29 SA’s in contact with 36 chapters. SAs send letters to chapters, some visit chapters when they are home for intersession, and some conduct tours for chapter visitors from their home areas. The Student Ambassadors plan to be involved with the University’s upcoming ‘Deis Impact program in an intergenerational discussion with the Boston and Norfolk Sharon Chapters about social justice. This idea will also be introduced as a concept for all chapters to implement. Ideas and questions for intergenerational discussions will be sent to chapters. SCIENCE POSSE PROGRAM Irving Epstein Senior Advisor to the Provost for Research The Posse Foundation identifies, recruits, and trains student leaders from urban public high schools to form multicultural teams called “Posses.” Students are selected for their academic, leadership, and communication skills. The Posse Program begins with an intensive 8-month pre-collegiate training program to help promote cross-cultural communication for students while they are on college campuses. Brandeis is the first college in the nation to have a Science Posse. Founded by Professor Epstein and supported by a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Grant, this effort encourages students to pursue the sciences. Brandeis Science Posse Scholars interested in majoring in a science complete a two-week intensive “Science Boot Camp” and enroll in introductory science and math courses in their first year of study. Throughout the four-year program, students work in science labs as soon as possible, receive peer support, and are assigned mentors both as a group and also individually. Their successes have been tangible. Despite many having to cope with personal problems, struggle and setbacks, the students persevere and stay connected to science in some way. CHAPTER WEBSITES AND SOCIAL MEDIA Tamar Vogel Marketing/Communications Specialist Chapters are encouraged to like BNC's social media Facebook and Twitter pages in order to share events, build an online community and partake in BNC's web presence. To date, out of 47 chapters, 7 have their own websites and six are using Brandeis Wordpress blogs. The Boston Chapter’s website was viewed as a sample. Tamar designs the sites and trains three people in each chapter who are familiar with using the Web, Microsoft Word, and basic formatting. OTHER BUSINESS/COMMENTS Planned Giving - Janice showed slides of a new Planned Giving ad to insert in chapter bulletins. Nominating Committee - Barbara said the National Nominating Committee is in place and will begin its work in January. Nominations are needed, as well as help in identifying future leaders. Next NEC meeting - June 2 -3, 2014 Meeting adjourned 12:00 noon. BNC NEC meeting, October 28-29, 2013 6