SELF LEADERSHIP WAYNE CORDEIRO VIDEO OVERVIEW: In his message at Willow Creek Association’s Global Leadership Summit, “Dead Leader Running,” Wayne Cordeiro addresses the unhealthy pace at which pastors and other leaders are prone to live. Wayne begins by reinforcing the truth, “We will teach what we know, but we will reproduce what we are.” Therefore, it is vital for there to be genuine integrity within every pastor—the future of the Church depends on it. This means it is crucial for leaders to pay attention to, and learn from, the storms of their lives. Wayne came to such a storm in his life when he experienced the symptoms of physical and emotional collapse. Sometimes, the only way radical change happens is through radical pain. During times like these you become open to God about issues you were previously blind to, and He can deposit in you valuable lifelong lessons. Wayne got away to spend time with God, to reevaluate what was important in his life and what wasn’t. God used that week to dismantle Wayne and put him back together. He realized he had sacrificed his emotional health, physical wellness, and spiritual health to the hectic pace of ministry. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: A church planter at heart, Wayne Cordeiro is founder and senior pastor of New Hope Christian If you are pushing yourself so hard it is unhealthy, here are a few of the symptoms: Ministry isn’t fun anymore. Making decisions becomes increasingly difficult. Creativity wanes. You are ruled by fear and avoid problems. You can even experience physical symptoms of stress and anxiety. Wayne is seeing these symptoms in younger and younger pastors. TRANSITION TO VIDEO CLIP: Fellowship Oahu in Honolulu, Hawaii. Since 1995, New Hope has grown to 11,000 in weekly attendance with 8,500 of those being new followers of Christ. Wayne offers several principles for sustainable living as a leader. The clip focuses on his first principle; know what fills and drains your tank. Wayne is the author of several books, including: Doing Church as POST CLIP SUMMARY: After the clip, Wayne continues with additional principles. The second is to understand and live out balance in life—for example, your family is also your God given priority, and they need you, too. Third, lead out of rest—don’t violate the natural rhythms of life, including the Sabbath. Fourth, find a lightning rod—someone who can listen to and “ground” your negative energy, frustrations, and anger. Fifth, never neglect daily, focused connection with God. TEAM DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. On a scale of 1 – 10 (1: low/10: high), how would you rate the health of your body, mind, and soul? Why? What symptoms are you experiencing? 2. Take a few minutes to identify the things that “fill” your tank and those things that “drain” your tank. 3. What life-giving activity can you schedule into this week? When will it be? ©2011 Willow Creek Association. Permission granted to the purchaser of the Take Ten product to make copies of the accompanying process tool as needed. a Team, The Divine Mentor, and Leading on Empty.