2004-05 Political Economy Seminars Fall 2004 Speaker Title October 12 Matthew O. Jackson Caltech Vote Buying with Eddie Dekel and Asher Wolinsky. October 26 Romain T. Wacziarg Stanford GSB Death and Development (co-authored with John McMillan and Peter Lorentzen) November 9 Massimo Morelli Ohio State Self Enforcing Voting in International Organizations November 23 Tasos Kalandrakis University of Rochester Genericity of Minority Governments: the Role of Policy and Office December 7 Catherine Hafer NYU Standoff and Coordination Winter 2005 Speaker Title January 18 Roberto Rigobon MIT Rule of Law, Democracy, Openness, and Income: Estimating The Interrelationships February 1 Alan Wiseman Ohio State Bargaining in Legislatures over Particularistic and Collective Goods March 1 Adam Meirowitz Princeton University Exclusionary Deliberation: The design of deliberative institutions to aggregate preferences and Information In defense of exclusionary deliberation: communication and voting with private beliefs and values March 15 Bård Harstad Northwestern University Harmonization and Side Payments in Political Cooperation March 29 Diego Comin NYU Lobbying and Technology Diffusion Spring 2005 Speaker Title April 12 Dave Baron Stanford GSB Strategic activism and nonmarket strategy April 26 Craig Volden Ohio State Intergovernmental Grants: A Model of Political Competition in a Federal System June 7 Ken Shotts Stanford GSB Information, Ideology, and Representation: The Case of Elected Prosecutors 2003-04 Political Economy Seminars Fall 2003 Speaker Title October 7 Jonathan Bendor Stanford Satisficing versus Optimizing with Sunil Kumar October 21 Romain Wacziarg Stanford A Monte Carlo Study of Growth Regressions joint will Bill Hauk November 6* Joel Waldfogel Wharton--University of Pennsylvania Does the New York Times Spread Ignorance and Apathy? November 18 David Baron Stanford Persistent Media Bias December 2 Marco Battaglini Princeton Policy Advice with Imperfectly Informed Experts December 16 Betsey Stevenson Forrester Research Harvard University The Internet and Job Search Winter 2003 Speaker Title January 20 Keith Krehbiel Stanford University Strategic Appointments February 3 George Akerlof UC Berkeley Identity and the Economics of Organizations February 17 Justin Wolfers Stanford University Disagreement About Inflation Expectations February 27°° Ebonya Washington MIT Econ How Back Candidates Affect Voter Turnout and Candidate Positioning March 2 Daniel Carpenter Harvard University A Theory of Approval Regulation March 16 Ronny Razin NYU Group Decision-Making in the Shadow of Disagreement March 30 Sven Feldmann University of Chicago Lobbying Bureaucrats: Delegation and Influence Under Alternative Political Structures Spring 2004 Speaker Title April 13 Sean Gailmard University of Chicago Fairness and Entitlement in Majoritarian Decision-Making May 11° John Roemer Cancelled due to illness. To be rescheduled in the Fall May 25 Brian Knight Brown University Are Policy Platforms Capitalized into Equity Prices? Evidence From the Bush/Gore 2000 Presidential Election June 1¹ Alberto Alesina Harvard University Bureaucrats or Politicians? 2002-03 Political Economy Seminars Fall 2002 Speaker Title September 10 David Baron Stanford University Private Politics and Private Policy: A Theory of Boycotts September 24 Justin Wolfers Stanford University Is Business Cycle Volatility Costly? Evidence from Surveys of Subjective Wellbeing October 8 David Lee UC Berkeley Joint seminar with Economics Dept. Public Economics Seminar Policy Convergence or Divergence? Evidence from U.S. House Roll Call Voting Records October 22 James Andreoni Leadership Giving in Charitable Fund-Raising University of Wisconsin Joint seminar joint with Economics Dept. Public Economics Seminar November 5 Steve Callander Northwestern University Bandwagons and Momentum in Sequential Voting" and "Vote Timing and Information Aggregation November 19 David Stromberg Stockholm University - IIES Radio's Impact on Public Spending December 3 Keith Krehbiel Stanford University Partisan Roll Rates in a Nonpartisan Legislature Winter 2003 Speaker Title January 14 Barry Weingast Stanford University CANCELLED January 28 Leeat Yariv UCLA Putting Your Ballot Where Your Mouth Is: An Analysis of Collective Choice with Communication February 11 Tom Palfrey An Equilibrium Model of Federal Mandates Caltech Joint seminar with the Economics February 25 Adam Meirowitz Princeton University March 11 Steve Levitt University of Chicago Joint seminar with the Economics March 25 Tim Groseclose Stanford University A Measure of Media Bias Spring 2003 Speaker Title April 8 James Snyder MIT Legislative Effectiveness and Legislative Life April 22 Edward Glaeser The Politics of Hate Harvard University Joint seminar with the Economics May 6 Rohini Pande Women, Marriage and Politics: The Political Salience of Changing Family Columbia University Form in Europe Joint seminar with the Economics May 20 Jonathan Rodden Reviving Leviathan: Fiscal Federalism and the Growth of Government MIT Joint seminar with the Economics June 3 Enrico Spolaore Brown University Accountability and Representation with Uncertain Policy Constraints Adjustments in Different Government Systems 2001-02 Political Economy Seminars Fall 2001 Speaker Title September 18 Witold Henisz University of Pennsylvania Interest Groups, Political Institutions and Electricity Investment (with Bennet Zelner) October 2 Nicola Persico University of Pennsylvania The Drawbacks of Electoral Competition (with Alessandro Lizzeri) October 16 Robin Burgess London School of Economics The Political Economy of Government Responsiveness: Theory and Evidence from India (with Timothy Besley) October 30 Dean Lacy Ohio State University Nonseparable Preferences in Survey Responses November 13 Rafael di Tella Harvard University A New Explanation for European Unemployment Based on Rational Institutions" (with Robert MacCulloch) November 27 Daniel Treisman UCLA Rational Appeasement Winter 2002 Speaker Title January 22 Mo Fiorina Stanford University The 2000 US Presidential Election: Can Retrospective Voting Be Saved? February 5 John Donohue Stanford University Legalized Abortion and Crime (joint with Steve Levitt) February 14 Michael McBride Yale University Discrete Public Goods Under Threshold Uncertainty - Theory and Experiments February 19 Imran Rasul LSE Household Bargaining Over Fertility: Theory and Evidence From Malaysia March 5 Raquel Fernandez New York University Marrying Your Mom: Mothers, Sons, and Women's Work and Education March 19 J.R. De Shazo UCLA Devolution, Political Markets and Market Power Spring 2002 Speaker Title April 2 Brandice Canes MIT Bureaucratic Decisions and the Lower Courts: An Analysis of Wetlands Permitting April 16 Raymond Fisman Columbia University Tax Rates and Tax Evasion: Evidence from "Missing Imports" in China April 30 Gérard Roland UC Berkeley A Normal Parliament? Party Cohesion and Competition in the European Parliament 1979-2001 May 14 Tim Groseclose GSB, Stanford University Notes on Extreme Sample Selection Bias: Conditions that Cause the Correlation Between Two Variables to Switch Signs (with Jeff Milyo) May 28 Catherine Wolfram University California, Berkeley Pharmaceutical Prices and Political Activity May 30 Ken Shotts Northwestern A Time to Lead and a Time to Pander: The Conditional Nature of Presidential Responsiveness to Public Opinion 2000-01 Political Economy Seminars Fall 2000 Speaker Title October 3 Antonio Rangel Stanford University Legislative Institutions (with Doug Bernheim and Luis Rayo) October 17 Simon Jackman Stanford University The Statistical Analysis of Legislative Roll Calls: a Unified Approach (with Joshua Clinton and Doug Rivers) October 31 Tim Groseclose Stanford University Why a Teaspoon of Position-Taking Drowns a Mountain of Policy Preferences: A Theoretical Result (with Jeffrey Milyo) November 14 Antonio Merlo University of Pennsylvania A Structural Model of Government Formation (with Daniel Diermeier) December 12 Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes Harvard University Soft Lending and Hard Landing: Related Lending in Mexico (joint with Rafael La Porta and Guillermo Zamarripa) Winter 2001 Speaker Title January 9 Adam Meirowitz Stanford University Simple Spatial Models of Delegation (with Jon Bendor, Ami Glazer, Tom Hammond) February 6 Romain Wacziarg Stanford University Stages of Diversification (with Jean Imbs) February 20 Keith Krehbiel Stanford University Testing Theories of Legislative Choice March 6 Alison Alter Stanford University Electoral Exuberance? Political Business Cycles and the Stock Market? (joint with Lucy Goodhart) March 20 José Tavares UCLA Does Right or Left Matter? Cabinets, Credibility and Fiscal Adjustments Spring 2001 Speaker Title April 17 David Cutler Harvard University The Economics of Better Health: The Case of Cardiovascular Disease May 1 Dani Rodrik Harvard University Why Are Some People (and Countries) More Protectionist Than Others? (joint with Anna Maria Mayda) May 15 John Duggan University of Rochester Electoral Competition with Policy-Motivated Candidates (with Mark Fey) May 23 Alex Cukierman Tel Aviv University When is the Median Voter Paradigm a Reasonable Guide for Policy Choices in a Representative Democracy? (joint with Y. Spiegel) May 29 Ignacio Ortuno Ortin Universidad de Alicante Public Funding of Political Parties 1999-00 Political Economy Seminars Fall 1999 Speaker Title October 5 Werner Troesken University of Pittsburgh Did the Trusts Have Market Power: Evidence from Distilling, 1881-1899 (with Karen Clay) October 19 Mike Ting Adaptively Rational Voters and Turnout (with Jonathan Bendor and Daniel Diermeier) November 2 Nolan McCarty Columbia University Political Resource Allocation: Benefits and Costs of Voter Initiatives November 16 Sven Feldmann University of Chicago Lobbying Legislatures (with Morten Bennedsen) December 7 Alan Gerber Yale University The Effect of a Nonpartisan Get-Out-The-Vote Drive: An Experimental Study December 14 David Baron Stanford University Competitive Lobbying in a Majority-Rule Institution Winter 2000 Speaker Title January 25 Christophe Crombez Stanford IIS and Katholieke Universiteit, Belgium Institutional Reform and Codecision in the European Union February 8 James Snyder MIT An Informational Rationale for Political Parties (with Michael Ting) February 22 Kevin Grier University of Oklahoma Political Regime Change and the Real Interest Rate March 7 David Laitin Stanford University Sons of the Soil, Immigrants and the State (with Jim Fearon) March 21 David Austen-Smith Northwestern University Redistributing Income under Proportional Representation Spring 2000 Speaker Title April 4 Ken Shotts Northwestern University True Leadership, Pandering, and Fake Leadership: A Theory of Executive Policymaking (with Brandice Canes-Wrone and Michael Herron) April 18 James Robinson UC Berkeley A Theory of Political Transitions (with Daron Acemoglu) May 2 Avinash Dixit Princeton University Fiscal Discretion Destroys Monetary Commitment" (with Luisa Lambertini) May 16 Francisco Rodriguez University of Maryland An Interest Groups Theory of Human Capital Accumulation: Theory and Evidence (with Jose Pineda) May 30 Stephen Coate Cornell University Non-majoritarian Policy Outcomes and the Role of the Initiative" (with Tim Besley) June 13 Francesco Caselli University of Chicago/Harvard Bad Politicians (with Massimo Morelli) 1998-99 Political Economy Seminars Fall 1998 Speaker October 27 Jeffrey Milyo Tufts University Title November 10 Randall Kroszner University of Chicago Corporate Campaign Contributions, Legislator Reputation and Political Ambiguity: An Empirical Analysis November 24 Jeffrey Jenkins Michigan State University Examining the Bonding Effects of Party: A Comparative Analysis of Roll Call Voting in the US and Confederate Houses December 8 Curtis Signorino University of Rochester Statistical Analysis of Finite Choice Models in Extensive Form Winter 1999 Speaker Title January 12 Jonathan Bendor Stanford University Adaptive Political Parties and Downsian Competition January 26 Jeffrey Lewis Princeton University Referendums, Initiatives, and State Legislative Partisanships February 9 Dennis Yao Wharton The Sale of Ideas: Strategic Disclosure, Property Rights, and Incomplete Contracts February 23 Massimo Morelli Iowa State University Demand Competition and Policy Compromise in Legislative Bargaining March 9 Antonio Rangel Stanford University Forward and Backward Intergenerational Goods March 23 Thomas R. Palfrey Caltech An Experimental Study of Jury Decisions (with Richard D. McKelvey) Spring 1999 Speaker Title April 6 Timothy Feddersen Northwestern University Abstention in Elections with Asymmetric Information and Diverse Preferences April 20 Howard Rosenthal Princeton University and CASB The Hunt for Party Discipline May 4 Tim Groseclose Stanford University Buying the Bums Out: What's the Dollar Value of a Seat in Congress? May 18 Alberto Alesina Harvard University Participation in Heterogeneous Communities June 1 James Poterba MIT Fiscal Institutions and the Market for Government Debt