China Ad ertising Ind str Report 2009 2010

China Advertising
Ad ertising Industry
Ind str Report,
Report 20092009
Chinese traditional media witnessed steady progression in
2009 while
hil online
li advertising
d ti i outshined
t hi d th
the others,
characterizing high degree of brand penetration, high
accuracy, huge target audience, etc., and being increasingly
welcomed by advertisers.
Major Segmented Market Scale & Shares of China Advertising Industry, 2009
(Unit: RMB billions, %)
Source: ResearchInChina
The market size of Chinese online advertising in 2009 hit RMB20.7 billion. Among the various major network media,
the online advertising revenue of Baidu ranked the first, reaching as high as RMB4.45 billion, and followed closely by
Google, Sina, and Taobao which took the 2nd to 4th places, respectively. Search engines and portal websites
still dominated the segmented markets of online advertising. E-business media with the representative of Taobao
and video media represented by Youku and Tudou began highlighting their values, and China online advertising
market started to take on pluralistic development
In 2009, Chinese market of radio advertising was sized by RMB13.3 billion, of which, the revenue of radio stations
was RMB7.583 billion, up 4.51% compared with 2008; the market size of TV advertising turned out to be
RMB114.74 billion or so, wherein, the revenue of TV station was RMB65.403 billion, an increase of 7.36% against
2008. It is estimated that the total revenue of TV advertising will see a slight decline in 2010 owing to the
implementation of the Measures for Management on Radio and Television Broadcasting (No.61 Decree). The
advertising resources of powerful TV media are even scarcer; accordingly, there will be more opportunities for
product placement and soft-sell advertising.
In 2009, the market size of China print media was approximately RMB91 billion, of which, the market of
newspaper advertising reached about RMB71.89 billion and that of magazine advertising RMB19.11 billion or
so The development of newspaper media is declining while that of magazine is rising
rising. The access threshold of
newspaper is quite high, competitions mainly exist in big newspapers, the profit model tends to be diversified, and
the profit margin is relatively narrow. On the contrary, the access threshold of magazine is comparably low,
magazines of various categories have their own readers, with the profit primarily from advertising and with
relatively higher profitability.
In 2009, the market size of China outdoor media approximated RMB41 billion. The development of large-scale
outdoor billboards was restricted by policies
policies. The rapidly growing LCD TV advertising in buses and subways
replaced the LCD TV media in commercial buildings, enjoying the top advertising share of outdoor electronic
screen media. Along with the development of urban transportation, media in public vehicles is more likely to
become the mainstream.
With the rapid progress of 3G, the operators give top priority to develop various mobile applications including cell
phone media. In early 2010, the Internet user group of China Mobile reached 233 million, creating lucrative
market space for wireless advertising.
This report casts light on the current development and development prospect in 2010 and key media
corporations of online advertising, print advertising, TV & radio advertising, outdoor advertising, and wireless
Table of Contents
1 Development Environment of China
Advertising Industry
3.5 China’s Brand Advertisers in 2009
3.6 Advantages and Characteristics
1.1 Economic Development
3.7 Ranking of China’s Major Media by Revenue
1.2 Policies & Regulations
3.8 Sina
3.9 Sohu
2 Review of the Advertising Industry in 2009
3.10 Tencent
2.1 Advertising Market Overview
3.11 Netease
2 1 1 Overall Market Size
2.1.2 Change in Advertising Media Structure
2.2 Current Development of Advertising Industry
4 Analysis of Search Engine Advertising
Market in 2009
2.2.1 Advertising Investment of Various Industries,
4.1 Status Quo
4.2 Baidu
2.2.2 Problems
4.3 Google
3 Analysis of Online Advertising Market in 2009
3.1 Status Quo of Online Advertising
5 Analysis of Newspaper and Periodical
Advertising Market in 2009
3.2 Forecast of Market Scale, 2009-2010
5.1 Newspaper and Periodical Advertising Market
3.3 Management Pattern
5.2 Xinhua Media
3.4 Market Segmentation Trend
5.3 B-Ray Media
6 Analysis of Outdoor Advertising Market in
6.1 Status Quo and Characteristics
6.2 Beijing Bashi Media
6.3 Vision China Media
9 Analysis of Wireless Advertising Market in
9.1 Development
9.2 SWOT Analysis
y of Cell Phone Media
6.4 Air Media
9.3 Profit Analysis of Wireless Advertising
6.5 Focus Media
9.4 Typical Company Analysis- Linktone
6.6 Tulip Mega Media
7 Analysis of TV Advertising Market in 2009
7.1 Overview
7.2 Key Industries Maintain TV Advertising
7.3 Development Trend
7.4 Advertising Discrepancies of TV Stations at
Various Levels in China
7.5 China Television Media (CTV Media)
7.6 Gehua CATV
8 Anal
sis of Radio Advertising
Ad ertising Market in 2009
8.1 Features of Radio Advertising
8.2 Development
8.3 Typical Company Analysis-Yuan Chuan Radio
10 Forecast of China Advertising Market in
Selected Charts
Growth of China’s GNP, 2001-2009
y of China’s Fixed Assets Investment, 2001-2009
Growth Rate of Advertising Market, Total Volume VS GDP, 2003-2010E
Market Size & Share of Top 6 Media in China Advertising Industry, 2009
Market Trend of China Online Advertising, 2007-2010
Advertisers Launching Online Hard-sell Advertisements and Quantity of Brands
The Namelist of Top 10 Advertisers by Advertising Expenses
(TV/Newspaper/Magazine), 2009
Telecommunication Advertising Expenses of Top 3 Operators, 2008-2009
Annual Growth Rate of 3 Types of Internet Accesses, 2009
China GDP Business Climate Index and Changes in the Number of Brand Online
Advertisers, 2009Q1-2009Q4
Market Size and Growth Rate of China Online Advertising, 2005-2011E
Market Share of Major Media in China Online Advertising Market, 2009
Online Advertising Operating Revenue of Major Media in China Online Advertising
Market, 2005-2009
Segmented Market Size and Growth Rate of China Online Advertising, 2005-2013E
Launching Expenses of China Brand Networks, 2002-2009
Advertiser Quantity of China Brand Networks, 2002-2009
Top 20 Industries of China Brand Online Advertising by Expenses, 2009
Online Advertising Operating Revenue of Key Media in China Online Advertising
Market, 2009
Operating Data of Sina, 2008Q4-2009Q4
Operating Data of Sohu, 2009Q4-2010Q1
Operating Data of Sohu’s Advertising Business, 2006Q1-2009Q4
Operating Data of Tencent, 2005-2009
Operating Data of Netease, 2008Q4-2009Q4
Advertising Operating Data of Netease, 2007Q4-2009Q4
Model of Factors Influencing Operating Revenue of Search Engines
Market Size of China Search Engine, 2002-2013E
Proportion of China Search Engine Market Size in Total Market Size of Online
Advertising, 2002-2013E
Operating Revenue Proportion of China Search Engine Market, 2003-2009
Operating Revenue Growth of Baidu, 2006Q2-2010Q1
Operating Data of Baidu, 2009Q1-2010Q1
g Data of Google,
g , 2009Q1-2010Q1
Top 10 Newspaper Media by Advertising Expenses in China, 2009
Top 10 Magazine Media by Advertising Expenses in China, 2009
Operating Data of Xinhua Media, 2007-2009
Organization Chart of CTV Media Shareholders
Main Business Revenue of Xinhua Media by Industry/Product, 2009
Main Business Revenue of Xinhua Media by Region, 2009
Operating Data of B-Ray Media, 2009Q1-2010Q1
Advertising Share of Outdoor Video Media, 2008-2009
Trend of Taking Public Vehicles
Operating Data of Beijing Bashi Media, 2007-2010Q1
Main Business Revenue of Beijing Bashi Media by Industry/Product, 2009
Old Collaboration Plan of Beijing Bashi Media and Advertising Agents
New Collaboration Plan of Beijing Bashi Media and Advertising Agents (2010-2016)
Operating Data of Vision China Media, 2008Q4-2009Q4
Operating Data of Air Media, 2008Q4-2009Q4
Operating Data of Airport Digital Frame of Air Media, 2008Q1-2010Q1
Operating Data of Airplane Digital TV Screen of Air Media, 2008Q1-2010Q1
Operating Data of Airport Digital TV Screen of Air Media, 2008Q1-2010Q1
Operating Data of Focus Media, 2008Q4-2009Q4
Quantity of LED Screens in 15 Cities of Tulip Mega Media
TV Population, CATV & DTV Subscriber Numbers, 2009
Top 10 Brands of China TV Media by Advertising Expenses, 2009
Growth in Advertising Rate of Various Channels, 2010 (30” Version)
Growth in Advertising Rate of Various Time Slots, 2010 (30” Version)
Price Markup of CCTV Advertising
Price Markup of Satellite TV Advertising
Operating Data of CTV Media, 2007-2010Q1
Organization Chart of CTV Media Shareholders
Main Business Revenue of CTV Media by Industry/Product, 2009
Main Business Revenue of CTV Media by Region, 2009
Operating Data of Gehua CATV, 2007-2010Q1
Business Revenue of Gehua CATV by Industry, 2009
National Market Share of Radio Stations at Various Levels, 2009
Annual Growth Rate of Top 3 Applications of Internet Access by Cell Phone, 2009
Operating Revenue of Linktone, 2007Q1-2009Q4
Operating Data of Linktone, 2008Q3-2009Q3
How to Buy
Product details
How to Order
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Publication date: May 2010
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