DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015

DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
Department Name:
Assessment Contact(s)
(if not the director):
Department Mission Statement:
University Career Services
Monica Thompson
Monica Thompson, Priyanka Raut, Andrew Tessmer, Rayna Anderson, James Mable, Theresa Cyr, Tiffany Bitting
University Career Services provides quality of services to our constituencies through leadership and quality relationships build
on a foundation of intergrity, UCS constituences include students, faculty, staff, alumni and employers.
University Career Services will be the premier career services provider at the University of Houston.
1. Improve technology to better meet the needs of the students and employers Strategic Initiative 2e
2. Build a stronger UCS presence on campus through increased collaboration and strong partnerships among UH departments.
Strategic Initiative 5c, 6c
3. Improve UCS's infrastructure, support staff professional development, and increase budget and programs offered.
Department Goals: (include DSAES Strategic Initiative 2b
strategic plan mapping)
4. Improve employer development and relations through active engagement; build strong partnerships with employers, UH
alumni and Houston community. Strategic Initiative 3b
5. Develop new and intentional career-related programs and events to engage students and employers. Strategic Initiative 1f
DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
Program or Services Being Assessed: Etiquette Dinner
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Frequency / Timeline
Program Objective(s)
Students will learn professional
To help students learn professional dining Students will complete paper surveys after Fall 2014
dining etiquette while applying
etiquette, and provide an opportunity to the event.
networking and informal
network with employers and learn about
interviewing techniques during the UCS services
course of the event
Results: UCS hosted Etiquette Dinner in Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 and assessed student learning during both these semesters. The paper responses were entered
into baseline. 90% of the respondents said that the event helped them to understand appropriate behavior for eating in a business setting. The top 3 reasons for
participating in the Dinner Etiquette Program were: Learn proper table manners, Develop confidence when interacting with others over a business meal, and Make
a positive impression on a prospective employer. All of the respondents agreed that after attending the dinner, they feel more confident about participating in a job
interview over dinner.
Action: Since we received a great feedback for the event in Fall and Spring semesters, we will continue to organize the Etiquette dinner and assess it, however it will
not be included in the assessment plan for 2015-2016.
DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
Program or Services Being Assessed:
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
To create an opportunity for
graduating students in collaboration
with University Advancement to
engage with employers and practice
networking skills.
Super Senior Welcome
Frequency / Timeline
To help students apply their networking
Students will complete a survey sent via e- Survey will be e-mailed 2
skills and learn about various employment mail after attending the networking event. after two weeks after
the event
Results: This program was not assesed at this time.
Action: The program was slightly restructured and is now called Cougar Connections. A survey will be administered to capture student experience for Fall 2015
Cougar Connection program.
Program or Services Being Assessed: Cougar Pathway (by Symplicity)
Learning Outcome(s) and/or
Program Objective(s)
To facilitate a user-friendly
To measure the simplicity of posting jobs
experience for employers when
with UCS.
posting jobs and recruiting UCS by
offering Cougar Pathway system to
post jobs.
Frequency / Timeline
Combination of online surveys and follow Academic year. (Fall
up phone calls will be used to assess
and Spring)
customer satisfaction. Surveys will be sent
two weeks after posting and phone calls
will be made at the same time.
Results: An online survey was e-mailed in Summer (June) 2015 to employers who had posted jobs on Cogar Pathway in Fall 2014 and Spring 2015. The survey was emailed to 2463 emplyers out of which 277 responded. 70% of the respondents reported moderate to very high satisfaction with using Cougar Pathway to post jobs.
Action: Will continue to survey employers who post jobs on Cougar Pathway. A survey link is e-mailed to employers once their job posting closes (which is 30 days
after they post a job)