DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015


Department Name: UH Health Center

Assessment Plan for Academic Year: 2014-2015

Executive Director: Vacant

Assessment Contact(s)

(if not the director):

Lindsay M. Barber, MSA

DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015

Department Mission Statement: Our mission is to keep students healthy while they achieve their academic goals.

Department Vision Statement:

The UH Health Center will be recognized by the campus community as an exemplary provider of compassionate, comprehensive, and costeffective primary medical and psychiatric care and health promotion through an array of healthcare services and programs aimed at augmenting student success.

1. Increase access to quality healthcare for students by expanding participation in the Student Health Insurance Plan as well as commercial insurance plans. DSAES Intitiatives: 1B, 2E, 5C

2. Contribute to student success and retention by increasing utilization of the UH Health Center by students with health concerns. DSAES

Intitiatives: 1A, 4A, 4C

Department Goals: (include DSAES strategic plan mapping)

3. Construct a facility capable of housing the planned growth of the UH Health Center that will be required to serve a Tier One campus in the 21st Century. DSAES Intitiatives: 1D, 1E, 2B, 2E, 6E

4. Increase utilization of measurable health initiatives, such as tobacco cessation and condom use to prevent STIs and unintended pregnancy. DSAES Intitiatives: 1B, 1D, 2E, 3B, 4A

5. Provide high-quality mental health services that complement and augment those provided by CAPS. DSAES

Intitiatives: 1B, 1E, 1F, 4B, 5D


DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015

Program or Services Being Assessed: Utilization of Student Portal through new EMR Program

Learning Outcome(s) and/or

Program Objective(s)


Utilization of the student portal within the Electronic Medical Record

To empower students to engage in their own healthcare decision-making processes


Track specific utilization via:

-Total portal logins will allow for the development of individual patient health initiatives.

regarding acute and chronic health conditions.

-Unique portal logins

-Online scheduling

Monthly Department

Goal(s): 2

Results: Student Portal named "HEALTHY COOG" was launched 04/01/2015. The data is reflected from 04/01/2015-08/31/2015. Total Portal logins= 6196, Unique

Portal logins=790, Actual Appointments made=182. (*Data collected in PNC: OpenChart: Audit Log: Portal Access)

Action: Continue to promote use of and encourage patients and providers to utilize this patient web portal for convenient and secure exchange of personal health information. Postcards with Healthy Coog info and QR reader to myhealth.uh.edu are given to patient by nurse at time of visit and should increase awareness and its use.

Program or Services Being Assessed: Quality & Patient Satisfaction

Learning Outcome(s) and/or

Program Objective(s)


Using features of the Electronic

Medical Record product, intend to see an increase in patient satisfaction with their care at the Health Center, including:

-Overall service rating

-Provider and Staff rating

-Department rating

-Likelihood of recommendation

-Comparison of outside facility experiences

To demonstrate increased rates of satisfaction with care received at the

Health Center as a result of the implementation of patient-supportive features of the EMR.


Distribute, collect and analyze patient satisfaction data through routine surveys of Health Center users via student

Electronic Medical Record portal.


(May & December)





DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015

Results: Fall 2014 response rate=13, Spring 2015 response rate=14, Summer 2015 response rate=3. Majority of 30 responses were very satisfied with check-in process(83.76%), service received by front desk(89.68%), nurse(91.37%), provider(88.89%), lab technician(85%), time provider spent listening and answering questions(88.89%), explanation of treatment plan(88.89%), Pharmacy staff and services(88.89%), overall satisfaction with all services(70.77%). 96.66% of all respondents would recommend the UH Health Center to others. Reponse rate is low comparable to amount of total visits. The survey and collection method have been streamlined to include iPads and point of care collection to increase response rate for FY16.

Action: Eliminate use of this paper survey and promote taking of more valuable survey on iPad upon checkout. Began using Campus Lab created online survey at beginning of Fall Semester and will review responses on a monthly basis with feedback to providers on a semester basis or sooner if negative feedback or issues needed to be addressed immediately. Can utilize this data for next AAAHC visit.

Program or Services Being Assessed: Health Center Utilization

Learning Outcome(s) and/or

Program Objective(s)


Expand patient utilization by increasing Health Center penetration within the University student community.

To demonstrate how well the Health

Center is utilized by UH students and how the Health Center compares in this regard to other university health services


Using other major college health services as benchmarks, measure the number of unduplicated patients seen at the UH

Health Center as a percentage of the total

Monthly Department

Goal(s): 1,2 nationally.

student body.

Results: Total amount of distinct patients for FY15= 10132 (PNC: OpenBilling: Productivity: Utilization by Department: Total Unique Visits). Total FY15

Enrollment= 40959 . Penetration Rate (10132/40959)= 24.74%

Cannot compare with External Body

(Sunbelt Survey) until results for FY15 are released.

Action: Await result of Sunbelt Survey 2015 to make comparisons. Continue to expand patient utilization of UHHC via effective marketing, increased visibility & interaction on campus at different venues and good customer care.


DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015

Program or Services Being Assessed: Clinical Excellence

Learning Outcome(s) and/or

Program Objective(s)

Purpose Method

High quality clinical care is offered to clients in all Health Center clinical settings.

To demonstrate on-going delivery of quality, evidence-based clinical care to clients in all areas of the Health Center.

Specifically, to document increased discussion of tobacco cessation and condom usage using motivational interviewing techniques.

Peer chart review performed to evaluate clinical care provided. Evidence-based criteria used when available. Will participate in American College Health

Association (ACHA) clinical benchmarking criteria and activities.

Bi-Annually (May &



Goal(s): 4,5

Results: Nursing --Chart reviews were done August 2014, January 2015, April 2015, and July 2015. Each chart was reviewed for documentation indicators and quality of care indicators. These were given scores from 0-100%. The total average score for documentation was 95.26%. The total average for quality of care indicators was 100%. Any individual documentation issues noted were addressed by the chief nurse on either one-on-one meeting or with nurses as group.

Results: Chart reviews of doctors and NPs were done in August 2014, January 2015 and May 2015. Each chart was reviewed for documentation indicators and quality of care indicators. These scores are given a 0-100%. The total average score for documentation was 98.2%. The total average score for quality of care indicators was 98.9%. Any individual documentation issues noted were addressed by Chief Physician with the physician or nurse practitioner, on a one-on-one basis.

Action: Continue routine peer chart review on a biannual basis to assure all providers are documenting adequately and accurately. Strive to deliver consistent, high quality clinical care through this process which entails feedback and future correction of any oversights.


DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015

Program or Services Being Assessed: Student Health Insurance

Learning Outcome(s) and/or

Program Objective(s)

Purpose Method

With the changes affecting students as a result of the Affordable Care Act, the acceptance of commercial insurance coverage will increase patient utilization.

To demonstrate the positive outcome of implementing a secondary revenue source in order to increase access to healthcare for students.

Compare utilization rates with selfreported insurance status retrieved from patient at check-in kiosks.

Monthly Department

Goal(s): 1,2

Results: UHHC Administration performed a iPad survey at time of service for HC patients to discover which commercial insurance company they were currently enrolled with. The survey took place from March 16,2015 through the spring semester (mid-May, 2015). The survey had 396 respondents. Of these responses, the insurance that was listed as most students having coverage with (after removing SHIP) was BC/BS at 43.3% among all offered insurance companies (BC/BS, Aetna,

UnitedHealthCare, Cigna, Other). Knowing that the results of this survey would allow us to choose which company to network with in order to receive entrance into

CAQH (ultimate goal), the process to network began with BC/BS of TX the beginning on June 2015. The networking contract has been approved by legal and we are currently awaiting signature of BC/BS of TX legal prior to entering into contractual network with the insurance plan.

Action: Continue to push through legal and formal process to get UHHC contracted with BC/BS. Once accomplished, initiate next step to open gateway for participation in other third party insurance which students commonly carry.

