DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015

Department Name:
Assessment Contact(s)
Department Mission Statement:
Department Vision Statement:
Department Goals: (include DSAES
strategic plan mapping)
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
Department of Campus Recreation
Kim Clark, 713-743-5478, kdclark@central.uh.edu
Tamsen K. Burke, 713-743-0243, tburke@uh.edu
Campus Recreation provides the UH community an inclusive environment that cultivates the development of life
skills through engaging and meaningful recreational programs, facilities, and services.
University of Houston Campus Recreation aspires to create a culture of: 1) Intentionality - by creating experiential
learning opportunities utilizing extraordinary facilities, programs and services, 2) Engagement - by promoting growth
through inclusion of the diverse UH community, and 3) Student success - by creating a student driven department
with professional leadership.
1) Marketing and Communications - Expand and improve marketing and communication efforts to effectively
promote facilities, programs and services. DSAES Initiative: 4a, 5b, 5c
o Assess current promotional practices to determine the most effective methods of communication to students and
the greater community.
o Expand methods of promotion beyond CRWC.
o Collaborate with Donor Relations to increase awareness of services to alumni.
o Incorporate additional methods to effectively communicate with student staff about current/upcoming events and
2) Development - Foster an environment that supports and encourages student and professional development.
DSAES Initiative: 1d, 2c, 3b, 6a
o Collaborate with DSAES partners to create service learning based programming.
o Support student involvement in professional organizations and attendance of workshops, conferences, and acquire
3) Facilities - Provide quality facilities and equipment to meet the recreation and fitness needs of the UH community.
DSAES Initiative: 2b, 2c, 2e, 6d, 6e
Assess and explore feasibility of repurposing under utilized facility space including the combat room and racquetball
o Expand Wi-Fi capabilities throughout CRWC, the leisure pool and both fields.
o Install shade structure at leisure pool.
4) Fiscal Management - Promote an atmosphere of transparency and fiscal responsibility. DSAES Initiative: 2b, 2c, 5c
o Develop and implement long-term plan for rate increases for member services and rental rates.
5) Programs - Provide recreation and fitness opportunities to promote healthy lifestyles that engage the campus
community. DSAES Initiative: 1d, 2b, 2e, 3b, 4a
o Identify additional or different special events to host each year.
6) Operational Processes - Cultivate an environment of personal and departmental accountability as demonstrated
through policies and procedures, reporting structures, and assessments. DSAES Initiatives 2b & 2e
o Review and modify departmental policies, processes, and procedures to maximize efficiency.
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
Program or Services Being Assessed: Facility and Operations (which include Aquatics, Membership Services, Reservations, Marketing and Open Recreation)
Learning Outcome(s) and/or Program
Frequency / Timeline
Goal(s) Supported
Department management staff will seek to
gain insight into the usage needs, guest
satisfaction, and scheduling of the Campus
Recreation and Wellness Center (CRWC) and
other associated spaces and services
through the delivery of a survey aimed at a
variety of target markets. These will include
student participants, faculty / staff
members, the UH community and external
user groups. Students who use the
Department of Campus Recreation facilities
will be able to identify learning outcomes
they have gained that will contribute to the
successful pursuit of educational goals.
The purpose of this assessment has
three components: 1) to gather
information about the facilities and
operational services within the
Department of Campus Recreation in
order to continue to better provide
these services to the UH community, 2)
to gather the necessary data to
understand which areas are meeting
Departmental goals and which areas
need specific attention to be improved
and 3) to understand the impact the
Department has on student's learning
and development.
Each of the facility and, or
operational functional areas will
administer a survey through
Campus Labs Baseline. The
surveys will contain a mixture of
standardized questions that are
relative to all facility and
operational areas in the
Department of Campus
Recreation and a subset of
questions specific to each
functional area.
Surveys focused on each
functional area will be
administered once during
the academic year.
Timing will vary based on
the functional area. All
results will be tabulated
and synthesized during
Summer of 2015.
Department Goal # 1, DSAES
Initiatives 1d, 2c, 3b, 6a
Department Goal # 3, DSAES
Initiatives 2b, 2, 2e, 6d, 6e
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
• Facilities and Operations Assessment survey was administered to patrons of the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center (CRWC) Spring 2014, with 158
respondents to the survey.
• Facility Usage by respondents reflected the largest use of 66% in the weight rooms. Respondents who use the main gym, played basketball 70%, badminton
23%, and volleyball 8%. Although respondent use was high, it should be noted that respondents 25% main gym users and 36% badminton reported feeling
inadequate space/availability for participation in the sport of their choice. In addition, 15% of weight room users and 7%, cardio area users each shared their
primary concern rooted in the quantity of equipment in the weight room, functionality of the space and maintenance of the equipment.
• In review of the Campus Recreation Services provided to respondents, 85% respondents were well informed of Campus Recreation services available to
• In review of CRWC impact and learning outcome goals on student success, 96% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that the Campus Recreation and
Wellness Center has improved their experience as a U of H student. Furthermore, respondents identified the largest impact to their college experience
through participation was physical health and/or fitness (84%); stress relief and mental health (67%); friendships (59%) and connection to campus community
(53%); most notable is that student identified 67% improvement in their self confidence through participation.
• Through the student development lens, respondents indicated improvements in their social and communication skills (22%), specific job skill acquisition
(20%), and personal awareness/development/accountability (16%) in open-ended responses. While student success improvements occurred, the top three
non-academic barriers to student success at the University of Houston were stress (67%), sleep quality (43%) and quantity (25%). This is a national trend
identified through the ACHA data set conducted by college health services that needs to be addressed through collaboration and partnerships.
• Notable evidence is apparent from data and observation that our fitness spaces are overcrowded. The weight room is particularly impacted during peak
hours. Overcrowding is a concern for higher level of risk for injury and member dissatisfaction with their experience in this space. In addition, aging
equipment and higher cost of preventative maintenance near or are in excess of the cost to purchase new equipment which contributes to overall student
• Currently, CRWC outsourced custodial services and fitness equipment maintenance with the building and natatorium. While 68% of respondents indicated
overall satisfaction with the cleanliness of the locker rooms, 11% indicated dissatisfaction with the cleanliness of the lockers, specifically showers and
bathrooms. While cleanliness has improved since outsourcing of services, specific health issues for showers and bathrooms may be addressed through
revision of cleaning schedules around facility usage times.
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
• In review of the data, on usage for the main gymnasium 70% basketball and 8% badminton and desire for Volleyball, we will continue to meet the needs of
Volleyball set up on request.
• The combat room was constructed for combat-oriented sports when the facility was designed. Its space usage throughout the FY14-15 year was only 11%.
Reflective of the low percentage of use is the current Campus Recreation policy which states that contact based sports may not be practiced during open
recreation However, 72% of respondents who used the space are not in compliance with Campus Recreation policies. This policy was implemented to
manage the risk inherent in these activities however due to its location, access and visibility, its represents a challenge in maintaining a safe environment.
Facility and operations staff will continue to evaluate the use of the combat room, its hygiene and risk/liability for future use. This will be in FY 16 through a
follow up survey.
• Summer 2015, new flat olympic benches were purchased during weight room equipment replacement and a reorganization of the weight room. An
intentional and strategic plan would be to implement the Replacement Plan researched and supported by current vendors starting in Spring 2016 through
Spring 2019 with significant purchases made to remove costly repairs to treadmills and aging cardiovascular equipment. The new equipment has a 2-3 year
warranty for repairs and replacement parts that would significantly off-set operational costs each year which could support building needs such as HVAC
systems that are in dyer need of repair for the age of the building.
Program or Services Being Assessed: Marketing
Learning Outcome(s) and/or Program
The Department of Campus Recreation will
be able to identify the most effective
methods to market its programs and
services. Management staff will also gather
information to assist with targeting campus
locations to focus promotional efforts and
social media sites that most appeal to UH
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
Frequency / Timeline
Goal(s) Supported
This assessment initiative will be
designed to better understand how
well the Department's marketing
message is being received by the UH
community. Results will be used to
develop a more precise marketing plan
that works to improve participation
and awareness.
Focus groups made up of
students will be the primary
instrument used to capture the
information. Specific tools will
be used to track what media
sites and options are being used
by students.
Multiple focus groups will
be held in November of
2014 and March of 2015.
Social media use will be
gathered annually to
quantify effectiveness.
Department Goal # 1, DSAES
Initiatives 1d, 2c, 3b, 6a
Department Goal # 3, DSAES
Initiatives 2b, 2, 2e, 6d, 6e
Department Goal # 4, DSAES
initiatives 2b, 2c, 5c
• The CRWC marketing program conducted two assessment to identify opportunities to improve communication with students about programs and services.
The first assessment project was the Facility and Operations Satisfaction Survey. Respondents identified the effectiveness of communications were through email (48%), Campus Recreation website (32%), Facebook (28%), and signage in the CRWC and around campus (25%). Facebook is the most heavily utilized
social media platform with 63% reporting using the site/app at least daily. SnapChat and Instagram showed similar usage with 55% and 51% reporting they
use the apps at least daily. Twitter and Tumbler were the least utilized platforms with 59% and 78% reporting that they never use sites/apps, respectively.
• In addition to the survey, Facility and Operations staff hosted two focus group discussions in fall 2014 and spring 2015. The total attendance of 67 students
provided valuable feedback about greater social media presence through Instagram. Students indicated the preferred communication about events and
programs was through emails and newsletters from Campus Recreation directly.
• The Campus Recreation Program Guide prepared and distributed in the fall each academic year was identified as helpful and provide a successful vehicle of
communication with students about programs and services provided by Campus Recreation.
• As a part of the branding strategic plan, CRWC incorporated in spring 2014, the Campus Recreation tag line, “Strengthening the Pride” and #UH with all
promotional materials. In addition, utilizing interlocking UH symbols will be used within the facility.
• As a result of these findings from the focus groups, the marketing team identified a project timeline system for posting certain social media platforms to be
implemented fall 2015. In addition, every month, Facility and Operations will review data from Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to identify if followers and
‘engagements’ (participate) had increased. With high reviews and request for use the SnapChat this platform will be implemented in fall 2015.
• With the success of the “30 Days of Instagram Challenge” in spring 2014, which increased follower numbers by 100 in one month. The Marketing team will
continue shorter contests and daily activities during the 2015-2016 academic year and provide promotional prizes to support increase ‘engagement’ and
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
Program or Services Being Assessed: Employee Culture - Current Employees
Learning Outcome(s) and/or Program
*Students will develop transferable skills
such as time management, conflict
resolution, decision making and others
gained through employment with the
Department of Campus Recreation.
*Professional staff will learn which
development strategies and engagement
opportunities have the most positive impact
on student staff.
This assessment initiative will be aimed
at understanding the value that
current students place on the
experiences, learning opportunities
and interactions they have had
through employment with the
Department of Campus Recreation.
Results will guide future training,
development and incentive programs.
Current student employees will
be asked a series of specific
questions that will focus on
employee culture and
perception during their annual
evaluation meeting with their
direct supervisor.
Frequency / Timeline
Student evaluations are
done once a year. The
timing varies depending
on the program or
functional area.
Goal(s) Supported
Department Goal # 2, DSAES
Initiative: 1d, 2c, 3b, 6a
Employee Culture Interviews
• 134 students from the 5 component areas of Campus Recreation (Aquatics, Competitive Sports, Fitness, Operations, and Outdoor Adventure) completed a 5
question investigational interview with their supervisor prior to their annual employee evaluation.
• The atmosphere of the CRWC was defined as ‘team-oriented, fun, flexible, and motivating’. Interviewed respondents indicated during employment the
culture and interpersonal nature of the work reflected were not related to a patron or co-worker 50% while 50% were directly related to relationships with coworkers. The respondents valued their work because of the diversity of the UH student body, being part of a community, and making new friends. A variety
of transferable skills were identified (in order of strength): Professionalism, Interpersonal Skills, Leadership, Risk Management, and Self-Confidence.
• Relationships with Co-Workers - Responses about the nature of an employee's relationships with co-workers were very generic. Respondents reflected
significantly on their relationships with co-workers outside of their own area and relationships in their own area were weaker. Relationships with co-workers
showed specific area trends such as strong family and friendships.
• Barriers to Performance – The most prevalent barrier across all component areas of the department was lack of or poor communication and the
dissemination of misinformation through professional staff interactions, student-supervisory interactions, peer-to-peer interactions, and customer service
interactions. Also noted were low pay rate, motivation and accountability for co-workers were cited.
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
• The new Campus Recreation Customer Service Philosophy supported ideas of teamwork to engage the campus community was incorporated in the all staff
training, August 2015. Moving forward, it is important that we recognize the importance of our employee's interpersonal relationships to their perceived
value of their jobs and allow for the time, space, and intentional cultivation of these relationships to occur. The departmental Celebrations, Incentive, and
Recognition and Training and Development committee will continue to identify and develop training initiatives to meet this goal for Spring 2016.
• The Training and Development committee develop goals and objectives for four areas of focus to address ongoing organizational culture within the student
employee teams utilizing the top 10 employable skills identified by NACE and will continue to explore these co-curricular experiences for Spring 2016.
• It is recommended by the Associate Director of Programs and Assessment after reviewing the results of both the Employee Culture and Employee Exit
Interviews to bring an outside consultant in to conduct a Organizational Culture Inventory for both Individual and Groups systems to address the CRWC
professional staff inconsistencies.
Program or Services Being Assessed: Employee Culture - Exit interviews
Learning Outcome(s) and/or Program
*Students will develop transferable skills
such as time management, conflict
resolution, decision making and others
gained through employment with the
Department of Campus Recreation.
*Professional staff will learn which
development strategies and engagement
opportunities have the most positive impact
on student staff.
This assessment initiative will be aimed
at understanding the value that
outgoing student staff place on the
experiences, learning opportunities
and interactions they have had
through employment with the
Department of Campus Recreation.
Results will guide future training,
development and incentive programs.
These results will be compared to
those collected from current students.
Exit interview will be conducted
with outgoing employees, who
will also be asked to complete a
Campus Labs Baseline survey.
Frequency / Timeline
Goal(s) Supported
Outgoing student staff
Department Goal # 2, DSAES
will be asked to
Initiative: 1d, 2c, 3b, 6a
participate once at the
end of their employment.
Rolling timeline based on
each employee's
departure throughout
the year.
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
• CRWC Exit Interview Survey was conducted from fall 2014 through spring 2015. Twenty three students participated in the exit interview survey. While this
is not a full representation of the student staff several areas within the survey reflected Campus Recreation contributing to student success.
• It is valuable to note that respondents were employed for a varied duration of their employment. 44% of respondents had been in their position one
semester; 26% 2-3 semesters; and 30% employed 4-5 semester. Respondents represented the following program area Fitness, Intramural, Sport Clubs,
Aquatics, and Operations.
• The factors significantly affecting retention within Campus Recreation were graduation and another job represented by 39% equally. While 65% of students
employed responded their employment was satisfying while 35% strongly disagreed.
• The purpose of the survey was to understand the value that outgoing student staff place on the experiences, learning opportunities and interactions with
students, supervisor and administration of Campus Recreation through their employment. Through the survey, 61% of respondents felt their experience
prepared them for a successful future career and 52% stated their employment helped achieve their academic goals. However, 52% of respondents strongly
disagreed the transferable skills learned through their position would benefit them after graduation.
• Twenty one respondents noted the greatest improvement through their employment was attributed to cooperation 85%, communication 80%, and
problem solving 71% which contributed to their student development and success.
• Specific questions and open ended responses revealed factors in which respondents felt dissatisfaction within their employment. Respondents noted their
concerns were related to both management 52% and supervision 26% by Campus Recreation administration (professional staff, graduate assistant) and direct
supervisors versus their peers of 42%. The contributing factors to their dissatisfaction was lack of respect 33%, responsiveness and communication 52%,
employee wages 38%, and insufficient resources/equipment required for position success 35%. As several respondents shared ‘better management and
interactions from staff and among areas would help greatly and address maturity and professionalism.
• Student employee noted during their experience that relationship building was one of the goals contributing to student experiences. However 65% of
respondents felt they did not establish good relationships with their peers yet 61% did form relationships with other program areas.
DSAES Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015
•CRWC Student Training and Development committee implement for Fall 2015 Student Training strategic learning outcomes training plan which utilized the
department values and employable skills by NIRSA/NACA. This will provide employees a direct connection of work skill to the values of the department which
will show knowledge and competency in customer service, communication, safety, and diversity and inclusion) and their value to desirable employable skills
to their current position, how to connect knowledge of training to implement practical work experiences as an employee and how to define identity and
demonstrate awareness and understanding to support respect and inclusivity within facilities, programs, services, membership, and marketing; and create
meaningful relationships with peers, community, and colleagues.
• The committee will conduct a survey for Fall Staff Training to assess if learning outcomes and competencies were achieved. In addition, Spring 2015 will
address ongoing development in the areas of customer service, communication, safety, and diversity.
• Due to the inconsistencies in the Employee Culture Interviews (supervisor to employee) and the Exit Survey (computer response) it is recommended that an
additional survey be conducted in Spring 2016 to assess organizational culture at both the student and professional staff levels.