DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015 Department Name: Manager: Assessment Contact(s) (if not the director): Department Mission Statement: Department Vision Statement: A.D. Bruce Religion Center Bruce Twenhafel The A.D. Bruce Religion Center provides support and space for the ethical, religious, spiritual and character development of the University community and assists in the development of educated, active, and ethical citizens in the global community. With a broad offering of worship opportunities, education events and cross-cultural programs that enrich the heard and mind and raise the consciousness of the community, the Religion Center hosts a culturally diverse multi-faith community. We celebrate our differences and similarities in a safe and supportive environment. DSAES Mapping: The A.D. Bruce Religion Center will provide the University and the greater Houston community with a safe, supportive space for religious, spiritual, cultural diversity and exploration; will encourage personal, ethical and character development, intellectual engagement and the voluntary exercise of religious & spiritual beliefs; and well promote inter-faith understanding 1. Provide advice, direction and assessment data for the Resident Ministries, the Registered Student Organizations that identify as spiritual/religious and the members of the Campus Ministries Association in support of their activities and special events. DSAES Mapping: 1-D, 4-A 2. Develop a Religion Center STUDENT INVOLVEMENT BOARD [SIB] as an ongoing student leadership development opportunity that will support Interfaith Dialogue and programs & events that will contribute to student success. DSAES Mapping: 1-2, 4-A Department Goals: (include DSAES 3. With the support of a campus-wide planning committee, develop and implement a plan of action for the 50th Anniversary strategic plan mapping) Celebration of the Religion Center scheduled for February 2015 as a means of celebrating campus traditions. DSAES Mapping: 6-C 4. Finalize plans that support the renovation of the current Religion Center facility and the possible addition of new space in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Religion Center in 2015 in coordination with the Director of Development for the Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services. DSAES Mapping: 2-D, 6-C & D 1 DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015 Program or Services Being Assessed: Program or Services Being Assessed: UH campus awareness / perceptions of programs and event services at the A.D. Bruce R Learning Outcome(s) and/or Goal(s) Purpose Method Frequency / Timeline Program Objective(s) Supported Determine the awareness and Needs assessment will provide critical Update survey instrument with support of Fall 2014. 1, 2 perceptions of UH students, faculty information regarding awareness and Campus Labs Labs and in collaboration / and staff of the religious / spiritual perceptions of religious/spiritual programs consultation with the Director of the programs and event services of the and event services at UH; identify areas for Religious Studies program. A.D. Bruce Religion Center. improvement and support for new program and building initiatives. Results: This assessment was not conducted. Action: 2 DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015 Program or Services Being Assessed: Learning Outcome(s) and/or Program Objective(s) Identify first year new students' concept of spirituality and their expectations on how prayer and religion will assist them during their first year in college. Program or Services Being Assessed: Incoming new students perception of faith, prayer and spiritual development Goal(s) Purpose Method Frequency / Timeline Supported Determine if there were any changes in Email survey via Campus Labs to all new Pre-test in September; 1 how new students perceive their students that completed a GET INVOLVED Post in March/April. spirituality and prayer at the beginning of interest inventory at Summer 2014 their 1st year to the end of their 2nd Orientation semester. Results: N=134; 15 respondents / 11.9% response rate. 1. A solid majority of respondents [76.93%] indicated they agreed that UH has been an open and caring university that supported their faith / spirituality. 2. A solid majority of respondents indicated that they felt comfortable in expressing their faith / spirituality with their college peers and to meet with people of other religions [92.31%]. Only 1 person moderately disagreed [7.69%]. However, only 35.71 of the respondents sought out or joined a religious / spiritual student organization. 3. However, 38.46% indicated that they didn’t have opportunities to express their faith / spirituality with faculty and staff. Action: : This information will be shared with members of the Campus Ministries Association. The University of Houston will participate in The Interfaith Diversity Experiences and Attitudes Longitudinal Survey. IDEALS is a national. 4-year, longitudinal study of freshmen that will help UH understand key indicators to track, identify the interfaith initiatives that are most effective, and pinpoint high impact practices for further exploration. 3 DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015 Program or Services Being Assessed: Assess interest in developing a living/learning community to support Interfaith Dialogue. Learning Outcome(s) and/or Goal(s) Purpose Method Frequency / Timeline Program Objective(s) Supported Determine the awareness of living Identify a cohort group of students Email survey via Campus Labs to all September - October 1, 2 learning communities with SHRL and interested in participating in a students with Religious Studies and 2014. identify students wanting to living/learning community that will support Comparative Cultural Studies as either participate in an interfaith dialogue the efforts of further developing interfaith their major or minor. community for fall 2015. dialogue. Results: This assessment was not conducted as the program required active participation with an academic department which was not received. Action: No additional action plans at this time. 4 DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015 Program or Services Being Assessed: Learning Outcome(s) and/or Program Objective(s) Determine the level of customer satisfaction for UH student organizations, colleges & departmental offices and Non-UH customers that have meetings and events in the A.D. Bruce Religion Center Customer satisfaction of UH student organizations, colleges and departmental offices Purpose Method By identifying the level customer Email survey via Campus Labs to all UH satisfaction of UH constituent groups constituent groups at the end of each hosting meetings and events at the month. Religion Center, data will be used identify areas of concern and develop strategies to monitor and improve vent services, increase customer satisfaction and provide documentation / stories for use in training development for student staff. Goal(s) Supported Frequency / Timeline Spring 2015 4 Results: N=144; 11 respondents / 7.64% response rate. 1. ALL respondents were satisfied with the reservation and event planning processes, the set up and the condition of their event space [100%]. 2. Respondents were very satisfied with the AV services provided [72.73%] with one response in the neutral category. Action: Data will be shared with the Office Coordinator and student assistants a means of evaluating and improving web information, update building use policies and review & revise student / staff training on providing excellent customer services. 5 DSA Assessment Plan for AY 2014-2015 Program or Services Being Assessed: Learning Outcome(s) and/or Program Objective(s) Develop customer service stragegies by assessing the level of satisfaction with reservation processes, event management , pricing and staffing fro their special event, e.g. wedding rehearsal and ceremony, memorial service, etc. Program or Services Being Assessed: Customer Satisfacation and Reservation Services for Special Event Services Purpose Method By identifying the level customer Email survey via Campus Labs to all UH satisfaction of customers planing special constituent groups. events at the Religion Center, data will be used identify areas of concern and develop strategies to monitor and improve event services, increase customer satisfaction and provide documentation / stories for use in training development for student staff. Goal(s) Supported Frequency / Timeline Spring 2015 4 Results: N=172; 38 respondents / 22.09% response rate. 1. A majority of the respondents indicated that the staff were knowledgeable and were quick to respond to their questions [86.84%]. 2. The Religion Center web site continues to be a helpful resource for assistance with the reservation processes [78.99%]. 3. While 39.47% of the respondents indicated that the Religion Center wasn’t their first choice, 97.37% said that they would recommend the Religion Center to their family and friends. Action: Data will be shared with the Office Coordinator and student assistants a means of evaluating and improving web information, update building use policies and review & revise student / staff training on providing excellent customer services. In addition, staff will continue to work on developing action plans for the repair and restoration of the Religion Center. 6