Ortonq oI The Bcrltle Think

The Bcrltle oI Ortonq
Think Pair. Share Assignment
You are the commander of a unit of Canadian Soldiers who has beeir
successfully driving the Germans out of Italy. You have been given the
tough job of capturing the town of Ortona.
Ifere is the situation:
The town is full of German Paratroopers, they are very tough and will probably
-/ight to the death.
2. The Germans have knocked down several building spreading rubble and debris
all over the roads making impossible to drive on. Even Tanks cannot go
anywhere but thefew big main roads through the center of town.
3. The Germans have booby-trapped the entrances and doors af buildings
throughout the city.
4. Most of the Germans are hiding in the topfloors of buildings, waiting tofire
down at any Canadians who enter the town.
5. The Germans are equipped with mines and rockets that are capable of
destroying a tank
6. You must take the town quickly. The whole operation Allied Operatlon in Italy
is counting on you.
7. You have soldiers, tanks, explosives, aircraft and heavy cannons (artillery) at
your disposaL
torryn cannot be ignored or bypassed
Step 1:
Make a plan or think'of some ideas that would help the Canadians capture this
town. Reme'mber th€ situation. Also, it is imFortant to try to save as many
Canadian lives as possible.
Step 2:
With a partner, discuss the biggest challenges facing the Canadians and your plans
for taking the cify. Work together and try fe improve your plan. Write down any
new ideas or changes you have made.
: i
Step 3:
Share your ideas with the class. Write down any idea that your classmates have
shared that you consider good.
4 The Battle of Ortona
The cost
oF the battle for
Ortona was enormous. 650
soldiers of the Can.rdian 1st
Division were killed or
wounded before they forced
the Cermans to retreat.
Ortona was an ideal town for
the Germans to defend:
its.streets were dark and
narrow and they set iheir
weapons up to poini from
many of the windows or
slatted floors. The Canadians
realized it would be too
dangerous to fight their way
up the sireets, so they found
a way to move directly from
one building to anoiher.
They would blast a hole
through a connecting wall in
a top storey. Before rhe
eiltv '
smoke cleared, troops raced
through the hole, throwing
grenades and firing machine
guns. The technique was
called "mouseholing", and
soldiers worked their way
down entire blocks without
ever going into rhe street.
"Dambusters" destroy the Ruhr dams--Battle of Atlantic ends, U-boats withdraw to coastal
waters of Europe
Canadians invade Sicily
Canadians invade Ita
Battle of Ortona
Germans surrender at Stalingrad
Allies are victors in North Africa
Allied invasion of Sicil
Mussolini dismissed
Allied invasion of Italy
Italy surrenders
Italy declares war on Germany (Cermans continue
fight in ltaly)