2-34 ''TIIE :i KA]SER'' I "William E, tb.e German Empe.,.-or Saiser), uom 1889, was a vain, boast'ul man who loved pomp and ceremony and longed to be popular. At Ieast one German statesman thoueht he was insane- Certainly he was an hysterical person, moody and liable to sud.d,en challes of mind. Neither was he a ciever politician. Ile chose ministers who were as rash and foolish as himself." "Wi-iliam had always loved the sea. As a boy, he had liked nothing better than to piav wiih boats. A a man, he ionged to own a navy and'even wished io design banleships himself. I{e once said 'Ihe Monarchs of Europe don't respect me. But soon I wili have a great naty. Then thef11 have to be more respecCul'"" "The Kaiser liked to boast the Gerrnany's might. In speeches he wOuld 'raille his S.l:ord' at Russia and Fr-ance. At German miliutl'banque I he would toast the'ciay of reckonin-g' wirh Britain-" t "lfe was lean, tense, with a black moustache that jutted upwards in spikx lrom under a sharp nose. Having been brought up il the military tradition of the Prussiaa aristocrary, he hsl{ hirnsgll- 5tirny crsct; he prccariy s'.ood all t;isstraighter iorrrake-trp-for ijre iacr rha; his left arm had been withered from birth and hung usJless at his side. Ife seldon wore anFhing but a military uniform- llis bristling moustache, stiffposture and uniform became known throughout the world when fnreic'n r-2rrn^ni<tc s5gd him as a convenient slmbol of a war{ike Gen:tany." "I{e was not a panicularly war-llke man, but unfortunately he behaved as if he were. }Ie strutted about in his fine uniforms and made threatening speeches and frightened rhe orher countries of Europe into thinking he wa-nted war". R enrin f er-n" eri frnnr Sr-a rhnrn'rnh ir -CaIUUIUU$rt Ac)uufCe ''KA.ISER \1N,}IE1,1V1 ffi, I - }ryORK S}IEET'' ia 1. After reading the ren:.arks maoe by somg histona.ns on Kajser Wilhel-a II, ctcle woros lrom the iist wb.ich you thfuk describe him best' Miliraristic \, 'r4 Euiperor even-temPered gentle anogant quiet war{ike iruecure moociY boastful genius foolish blufier insane strategY-minded careful childish ' immalurQ bulLYuig resPectul Tla\]llln O re 'u 'handsome the ; -:' (.-#t. i-'--^^':-ilteresting t -.,.;' - 2- a) Can yoi: suggesr Lhree more words, not lisied above which n:ight describe the KaLer? a descriptive parae-raoh about the Kaiser using ai least five of tire woicls you have circled or chosen- b) Write C J. ! Fnr #rrtherriirrttrrinn' tl tat 4!u4J!vr,. Wt 14. -.7..- .' Do you thirk the Kaiser woulci be a good man to have runnins: a) Gemany 1.1 L9142 .' D) U2n?.Oa n Ine lyyu's/ I < ^^n r n Give at least rwo senlences to explain youi answer' ;\vururLvs u v,,, -CSIDCIOUc-1 KC}ULliC3 r -'.( -- ffi ry"rf*ss i'-" ULL i \;.*-;- " **-';sJ.""'' # i +A r'-. r'41. I'm an eagle! / I say I'm an eagle! i Does anyone dare contradict me? easlel / I WILL be an eagle! / Aren't I an eagle? {::- 68,r.{}d Sjitgi -E Lcsdd t;6i* l.*; D*,tffi: t k {"i\*s nr.f .i-+-' t*qi,o'ls*. -'t r r E €t rq [*f- Y-f ORr r{ gr;Ltn*' ruJu isilF$lt xs -fESrl.slu YlI l.u:llftcE 4 t{r&[otii}F rtt-l d: f{d! ** 4;G!.;|!#E.srf q&t#{" Pl* lI AM an