t!. (>EE e€ (., ar\ /E r;\ /A. e) ffie 91, Me T. tr-E F--H g_ff W'^g* fl _€ E V_W " flEHH+-G#*e*E€EEF E- E EE E€ The British Prime Minister from 1937, Neville Chomberloin, believed in oppeosement. The mojor oim wos ro ovoid onorher European wor. 'Appease' literally meons pccify, soofhe or satisfy. In 1938, Germany ond Ausfrio joined together - this wos known os the Anschluss. Hiiler cloimed he was uniting oll German speaking paople in one'greater Germany'. Seeingthis,6ermon speoking people in the Czechoslovokia (mainly Iiving in on oreo known os the Sudetenlond - shsded on the map) begon to demond they become por-f of Germany too. Hitlar mode sure these people received support from 6ermony. However, Hitler couldn't just toke over the areo. Czechoslovokio wos o powerful new country ond hod the bocking of fhe Soviet Union. Pr!\ Chomberloin wos determined wor. to ovoid He mode many trips oround Europe in September 193E ortempiing'io mcke anf oomon+< Chomberloin took ihe leod ond the French followed. The French slso wished to ovoid If ihey didn't 9o to wor, then neither would the Soviet Union. wor of oll ccsis. As s f inol ci-iemPt to ovoid wor, o conf erence in Munich wcs orgonisad. Hitler, Dolodier (French PM) ond (leadar of Itoly) oli met in Munich to Chomberloin, AAussolini discuss Czechoslovokio. The Czechoslovokion government was not invited. It wos decided thot Germony would occupy the Sudetenlond within 10 doys ond other porrs of Czechaslovokio would go to Polond ond Hungory' The French ond Briiish governments ogreed' The Czechoslovokion government wos iold to agree or f ace GermonY alone. By Mr Fieid www.SchoolHistory.co.ul( Chombarloin wcs congratulated in Britain for cvoiding war. Brifain cnd Fronce hcd givan in fo Hitler's demands, but in reiurn Hitler had promised fo not toke over any more lond. A l:> Chamberlsin wos ver/ plaased soying; However', not everyone wos so pleosed: .i.F- "Peace in our time" - Chamberlain returning from Munich showing a piece of paper with Hitler's promise of peace. g EGSKS Compie;e in full seniences 1. Why were the countries of Europe so keen to avoid another war? 2. What did l{itler ciaim when he united Germany aad Austria? 3. What was the part of Czechoslovakia where most Gerrnan speakers lived ca.lled? 4. Give two reasons why Germany coulcin't just take over Czechoslovakia. 5. i) Which four countries were at the Munich conference? ii) In your opinion, should any other countries have been invited? Why? 6. What was agreed at the Munich conference? 7. Why did many people feel giving in to Gennany at Munich was a good idea? 8. Translate source A, Chamberlain's opinion of the Munich Agreement, into your own words. 9. Using sources B and C, explain what Churchilf thought of the Munich Agreement. i0. ln your opinion, how do you think the peopie of Czechosiovakia felt about the agreement? l-Remember the different areas of Czechoslovakia.] In eorly tg3g, Hitler ordered his armed forces fo prepare to'smcsh fhe remoinder of ihe Czech siote'. OnL5 Morch 1939, Germon troops invaded the remoining port of 6zechoslovokio. BONU5 QLJESTTCN: WA5 TIIE PCLiCY CF APPEASEIlAENT JUSTIFTED? 'E=, uc3 gffi3c€3c,e cq ;\;e t: g.€\-t #"t u,b fn ihe box below there are q number of orguments. Some Prove thot oppeasement WAS q mistoke ond some suggest thot appeasement WASN'T o mistoke. .\ ft encouroqed Hitler 6iving into Hitler only mode him f eelhe could do whct he wonted - wiihout fear of being stopped. r \ Germony wos orowino stronoer Allawed Germany to grow stronger mecnt it would be f ar more difticult to Br"rt"rl ^::i:*i:ffir toin hod j:::? ::'T;jil,[# "'.*"1 r"'"' \ \ def eqt. Munich Acreamen-l wos o disoster Churchill soid Czechoslovokic wos socriTicea, f or nothing - Hiiler hod fooled everyone. \ Fear of onother wor to ovoid onother ferrible wor qnd did everyfhing possible. People wcnted \ Co^,nunitt'oYn'9 Flitler wcs determined fo Ar r..r "1"^t t.fi:*.tl;Yf;5;5 ond Fror When Britoin ilil;; ;Jo*" worried ond begon thinking Hi.irer, L^.,+ /=D.6^A Dower - :',"-"].t:n"'i,?i;:' Hitler had mode his plans cleor _ oppeosement wcs cleorly cioomed Hitier just lied. questions on the ofher side toble onsweri'he u<inn vnrrr.omnle,te,d u"Y rvY'v, uvrlii\-/JlllY lvui worksheet. Al\AKE SURE yOU FULLy EXPLAIN e ACA Ai'JSWERI til nnlint ^4 from ihe sta"t - of this fficcffie a tR !'3 .\ r+ saaesf,aEcc? i, Why might it be said that Germany deserved a fair deal? 2. Why was giving extra land to Germany dangerous? 3. Appeasement meant Britain and France gave Hitler what he wanted - why was this a bad idea? 4. \lVhat did the policy of appeasement give Britain a chance to do? 5,_ls there any evidence to suggest appeasement was a popular idea in 1938? 6 \A/hat clicl neonie want to avoid another war? vr v. !gllqL 7, Appeasement meant a strong German leader was supported how did this benefit Britain and France? L With ihe policy of appeasement, the USSR becanie worried what was the result of this? 9. Why should the politicians of 1938 have realised Hitler would not keep to his promises at the Munich Conference? Extension 1 Imagine you are Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. You havejust returned from the Munich Conference and are very pleased with the deal you have made. However, Churchill is strongly criticising you: Write a speech to defend your policy of appeasement. (Use your table and answers Extension to help you,) 2 Now change sides. lmagine you are Winston Churchill - number one critic of Neville Chamberlain. Having heard the speech defending apPeasement: Write a speech to attack and rubbish the policy of appeasement. Extension 3 Having looked at both sides, write a paragraph explaining your opinion of = nna: cornont . Wasita . 1A/^vvd> ;+ ^ lL d policy which made sense in 1938 or terrible and predictable mistake? By lvlr Field www.SchoclHistcry.co.uK