MSU College of Engineering Newsletter - Fall 2001

Conoco presents $10,000 to the COE. Left to right: Robert
Marley, John Sears, Terry Indreland and Linda Thompson.
MSU’s Chemical Engineering Department
celebrated a milestone this summer with a
$10,000 donation from Conoco. This puts
Conoco’s support of the department over the last
15 years at more than half a million dollars.
Company representatives Linda Schrage
Thompson, ’84 ChemE, Terry Indreland (ret.),
’68 ChemE, and public affairs director John
Bennitt presented the gift in July.
“Conoco’s gifts have provided not only funds
to purchase equipment but also the flexibility to
allow students to design and build equipment
they will use,” said John Sears, ChemE
department head. Conoco’s support over the
years has included a donation of $75,000 in
1991 for MSU’s Engineering Research Center.
Since 1995, the company has given $260,000 for
the EPS Chemical Process Laboratory. Conoco
has also funded American Indian Science
“The Chemical Process Lab work includes
developing scientific approaches which have
special interest to Conoco.” said Jay Churchill,
general manager of Conoco’s Billings refinery.
Conoco’s giving to MSU has been fueled in
part by the urging of more than 50 MSU grads
employed by Conoco. Conoco is the fourth
largest U.S. petroleum company and a major
integrated energy company with operations in
more than 40 countries. It operates pipelines
across Montana, the state’s largest refinery in
Billings, and has an active marketing network
throughout Montana.
Conoco Milestone
A Publication of the MSU College of Engineering for Alumni, Friends and Faculty
FALL 2001
COE Receives $5 Million Gilhousen Gift
As the world moves further into the information
age, the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering (ECE) at Montana State University’s
College of Engineering is poised to be on its cutting
edge, thanks to a $5 million gift from wireless
pioneer Klein Gilhousen and his wife Karen.
The gift, made through the Gilhousen Family
Foundation, is the largest gift in MSU history.
Neither of the Gilhousens attended MSU, but made
the gift because of their commitment to MSU and
to a program that deeply interests them.
Gilhousen is a pioneer in CDMA technology used
digital wireless communications such as digital
Recruitment is underway for a prominent
phones. He was part of a team of seven that in
specialist to fill the new Gilhousen Chair in
1985 founded a small
company in San
This individual will help
Diego which became
develop a nationally
recognized telecommunications program at MSU.
He graduated from
UCLA in electrical
“The Gilhousen funds
engineering and is an
will bring about a
IEEE Fellow with a
visibility for the program
distinguished interwith a major research
national career in
activity, graduate student
funding, prominent vistechnology. A named
itors and the creation of
of more than
MSU President, Geoff Gamble, with Karen & Klein
industry partnerships,” said
Gilhousen and Jim Peterson, ECE department head.
55 U.S. patents,
Jim Peterson, department
Gilhousen currently
serves as the senior vice president for technology for
Also funded by the Gilhousen gift is the Gilhousen QUALCOMM. MSU awarded Gilhousen an
Undergraduate Scholars Program. The first seven honorary doctorate degree in May.
scholarships of $3,500 each have been awarded for
Gilhousen also serves on advisory boards for the
fall. Peterson expects that scholarship number to COE, the ECE department and the Burns
grow to 12 within the next one to two years.
Telecommunications Center.
Robert J. Marley Named COE Dean
Robert J. Marley, an industrial engineer and
specialist in ergonomics who has been at MSU’s
College of Engineering for more than a decade,
has been appointed dean of the college. Marley
served as interim dean since the retirement of
David Gibson. He was selected at the conclusion
of a national search, and his three-year appointment began July 1, 2001.
Marley is a graduate of Wichita State University,
where he earned a bachelor’s degree in general
science and subsequently worked as a
rehabilitation engineer for a nationally prominent
disability research group. He returned to WSU
and received a master’s and Ph.D. in industrial
engineering specializing in ergonomics. Marley
came to MSU in 1990 as an assistant professor
in the Industrial & Management Engineering
Department. In 1994 he received the Dow
Outstanding New Faculty Award by the American
Society for Engineering Education. He held the
position of associate dean for the college from
1995-2000. Marley maintains teaching and
research interests in the areas of upper-extremity
and low back injuries and recently co-authored a
textbook, Applied Occupational Ergonomics.
Robert J. Marley
Assistant to the Dean for Academic
Programs and Diversity
Heidi Sherick
Associate Dean for Research
Bill Costerton
EMPower Program Director
Mary Lukin
Development and Public Relations Director
Linda Wyckoff
Dean Emeritus
David F. Gibson
Department Heads
Chemical Engineering
John Sears
Civil Engineering
Joel Cahoon
Computer Science
Denbigh Starkey
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Jim Peterson
Letter from the Dean
Dear Friends of the COE,
I am pleased to update you on several ongoing sincere respect you have for your COE education.
college initiatives. We are piloting efforts to Many of you are outspoken in sharing your loyalty
identify struggling students early in their plan of with others. Your pride, hard work and technical
abilities are certainly not lost
study and provide targeted
on your employers.
resources to improve their
performance and opporI recently attended a large
tunity to succeed. We have
banquet with engineering
also overhauled our scholareducators and industry repship award process to offer
resentatives. At my table was a
larger, multi-year awards to
senior VP for a major corpoutstanding freshmen.
oration (who recruits at many
of the top universities). He
The Montana Board of
caught a glimpse of my nameRegents recently approved
tag, stopped and said, “Ah,
changes to our doctoral
Montana State! Now there’s a
program. We requested appuniversity where the students
roval to utilize “discipline”
have attitude!” At first I was a
based titles that are more
Dean of the College of Engineering,
bit shocked, then rememversatile since some research
Robert Marley
bered hearing him earlier
specialties tend to come and go
over time. We added new options under our Ph.D. define “attitude” as the student’s commitment to
in Engineering rubric: applied mechanics, completing a project on time and on budget while
chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical not being afraid to experiment with new ideas. It
and computer engineering, environmental was a distinct pleasure to hear this compliment,
engineering, industrial engineering, and mech- especially in the company of several fellow deans!
anical engineering. Regents will consider a separate
Technical ability, hard work, commitment,
Ph.D. program in computer science later this year loyalty, pride and “attitude”… I certainly wish I
(currently, CS students are admitted under the could capture the formula for such attributes in
ECE option).
students. But it’s a testament to our faculty and
These are examples of efforts toward continuous staff and, of course, our alumni that our college
improvement in the college. This philosophy is holds its current reputation for excellence. I vow to
certainly familiar to all of you. Our new ABET do all we can to uphold this tradition. In future
and CSAB accreditation standards are designed to issues, I will share ideas with you as to how the
encourage continuous improvement in higher COE will play an even larger role in the economic
education, as well. Our faculty and staff are development of the state and region. This edition
committed to living up to this philosophy to help features our COE “Honor Roll of Donors.” As
always, thanks to you who have chosen to provide
the COE deliver the highest quality education.
I cannot improve upon the absolute loyalty and such meaningful support to the college. Your
pride our alumni show for this college and continued generosity is greatly appreciated.
university. During my travels it’s a true thrill to visit
with you and hear your fond memories and the Robert Marley
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Vic Cundy
Center for Biofilm Engineering
Bill Costerton
Montana Manufacturing Extension Center
Steve Holland
Airforce ROTC
Lt. Col. Curt Weidner
Lt. Col. Charles Kibben
Sherick Joins COE Staff
Heidi Sherick, ’91 BioSci, has
been appointed as assistant to the
Programs and Diversity. Sherick
replaces Paul Kraft, who held a
similar position in the college last
year. Heidi graduated from MSU
in 1991 with a double major in
biology and broad field science teaching. After
graduating, she taught science and coached in the
Idaho Falls public school system for six years. She
returned to MSU in 1997 as the assistant director of
the Alumni Association, managing alumni
programs and events for the past four years.
While a student at MSU, Sherick was active in
many organizations. She has a passion for working
with students in all capacities. She is a Butte
native, and her core family (as well as many
cousins) all attended Montana State. Sherick is
pursuing her master’s degree in higher education
administration and will complete those studies in
December 2001.
Honor Roll of Donors We would like to thank all those alumni, friends and corporations who generously donated to the College of Engineering during this
fiscal year (July 2000-June 30, 2001). Your support is vitally important to the college and enables us to provide our students with the very best skills to ensure their success.
Your generosity has enabled us to provide scholarships, state-of-the-art equipment and excellent facilities for our students. Donors listed in italics contributed $500 or more to
the college, including matching gifts. The * denotes deceased. The ** denotes annual gifts made all or in part to the Air Force and Army ROTC programs, now departments of the
College of Engineering. Your support and involvement continue to advance the tradition of excellence exemplified by Montana State University engineers.
Class of 1927
John Morrison Sr.
Class of 1928
William Benjamin
Howard Moon
Class of 1930
John & Marjorie ‘32 Eagle
Robert Hawks*
Frithiof Johnson
Frank Stermitz
Gardner “Pete” Waite
Class of 1931
Victor “Keith” Ario
Frank Ceserani
Class of 1933
Rudolph Stokan
Class of 1934
John & Ella Mae Cromer
Arnold & Rose Hanson
David Mason
Kenneth & Evelyn Tirsell
Class of 1935
James Baltzell Jr.
Joseph Cox
Class of 1936
George Cookson
Samuel & Bernice Rhyneer
Stanley & Muriel Sichveland
Allan & Elvira Sollid
Harry Veldhuis
Class of 1937
Logan & Eleanore Cowles
Robert* & Barbara Kennedy
Marvin & Alice* ‘38 Meyer
Carl Winberg
Class of 1938
Bernard & Betty ‘38 Carlson
Ralph Cook
W. Chester Fitch
Jack Goe*
Edwin & Virginia Hahn
Robert McKee
Marvin & Madge ‘41 Vasboe
Stephen & Ruth Willey
Class of 1939
Earle Allen
Thomas & Geraldine ‘39 Ashton
Peter & Florence Link
Victor & Kathryn Murphy
Robert Noble
Ozzy Olson
Gerald & Ardys ‘40 Peterson
George & Lillian ‘40 Reed
Thomas & Dorothy Sparling
Class of 1940
William & Beatrice Alexander
Melvin & Selma Burns
George Clemow**
Lyle Clow
Errol & Ruth Durnford
John Gates
Charles McKnight
Paul Oien
William Pattison
George Porter
William & Loraine Roberts
John Vollmer
George Frank
William & Eloise Gibbs
Robert & Josephine Johnson
Victor Kiesling
Francis & Myrtle Ramstad
Rae & Martha Steven
Walter Thieme
Lewis & Jean Thompson
George & Jean ‘44 Wallis
William Weber
Class of 1943
Dwight Aitchison
Kenneth Hageman
Donald Kampschror
John & Florence McCarvel
John & Margaret Medlin
T. Mack & Dorothea Quinn
Howard & Margaret Wagar
Class of 1944
Paul & Virginia Barrett
Mary Bates
Robert & Annabel ‘47 Durnford
George Fisher
Lewis Mayfield
Benjamin & Marian Prichard
Joseph Schmit
Class of 1945
Barry & Margaret ‘47 Nolan
George & Ruth Raab
Class of 1946
Gordon & Lucille Mullin
Class of 1947
Theodore & Daisy Crater
Robert & Jean ‘50 Crecelius
Robert Jr. & Kathlyn Dyer
Leroy & Rose Heerwald
Clyde & Helen Hinton
Paul & Ruth ‘45 Hippely
Howard & Jeanne ‘63 Huffman
Gordon & Mary ‘46 Lindner
Thomas Sweeney**
Robert & Charlotte Tietjen
Class of 1948
Dean & Caroline Danforth
James Eddy
John Facey
Edwin & Norma Granley
George & Helen ‘48 Hoffman
Wayne Huffmon
Bruce Kline
James & Margaret ‘46 Lyons
Clark & Louise McKee
Frank & Marjorie ‘46 Nyman
Robert & Eunice Oertli
Lester & Alfreda Persson
Roderick & Betty Peterson
John Sr. & Betty ‘46 Robertson
Howard & Eileen Schlepp
Melvin & Mary Stokke
Russell & Leta Thompson
Richard & Wilamet ‘50 Williams
Melvin Jr. & Florence Yates
Class of 1949
James & Virginia ‘45 Barfknecht
Daniel & Barbara Dougherty
John & Sylvia Fiske
Henry & Jan Gay**
Leonard & Norma Gustafson
Fred & Mabel ‘46 Heckerman
James Houtz
Jack Howard
Class of 1941
Benjamin Hurlbut
Charles Barnard**
Don & Mary Hurwitz
Charles & Helen ‘43 Beardslee
Russell & Patricia Johnson
Albert & Phyllis Evans
Emil Jr. & June Kindschy
William & Louise Fraser
Wallace & Merle McMannis
Elbert & Doris Herrick
Hugh & Mildred Norville
Marcus & Mary Hilden
Jack & Jean Petlin
Melbourne & Elizabeth ‘42 Jackson William & Charlotte Polich
James MacArthur
Dan Pyfer
Charles Melnick
Clyde & Mary Roark
Fred* Jr. & Kathryn Parker
Charles & Margaret Sedenquist
Leland & Bettye Rice
Kenneth Shearer
George & Elizabeth Sedenquist
Willis & Beverly Stenehjem
Merril & Sally Slind
Edward & Marion Stewart
John Yeates
Melvin Tarum
Donald & Marjorie Thorson
Class of 1942
Charles Totten
Carl & Mary Anderson
John & Eleanore ‘43 Dahl
Class of 1950
Louis DeFrate
Theodore Bair
Merlin Fisk
George & Edith Bower
William & Eva ‘48 Chittick
Donald & Joann Cissel
Denny & Leola Condotta
Thomas & Dorothy Connelly
Felix Cunningham
Jack & Patricia Dresner
George Duncan
Hector & Mary ‘53 Durocher
Erdem & L. Ergin
Duane Hamilton
Harold & Roberta Harding
William Hulben
Philip & Eunice Hutton
Gordon & Lois Jacobson
Earl & Patricia ‘48 Johnson
Harold & Phyllis Johnson
Nick & Patricia ‘50 Kleinschmidt
Albert & Betty ‘47 Kraft
John & Nona Lansberry
John & Frances MacCarley
Constantine Markellis
Donald & Bonnie ‘50 Marquis
Robert & Elaine Michaels
Maynard & Esther ‘51 Myers
Joseph O’Neill
Earl Rangitsch
David & Jean Robinson
Michael & Esther Scalera
Paul & Marguerite Schmidt
James & Bessie Selkirk
Roger & Anneliese Sherman
Thomas Smith
Raymond & Inace Spannring
Jerome Tackes
Lyal & Marilyn Viers
Donald & Ruth Voelker
Class of 1951
Albert Adams
Wallace & Olga Ames
Delbert Ballard
David & Elsie Bartley
Perry & Lillian Brackett
Philip & E. Davis
Kenneth & Jo ‘54 Duncan
Willis & Ina ‘47 Foreman
Richard & Helen Gould
Vernon & Jessie ‘49 Hagen
Allan & Mary ‘51 Hammell
William & Ellen ‘52 Hanser
Richard Harry
Clifford & Edith Hurlbert
Oscar Koski
William & Lilly Lee
George & Bernadette Lohse
Robert MacDonald
Bradley Munro
John Nelson
Jay & Elizabeth ‘50 Preston
Arthur & Shirley Quinnell
Warren Roberts
Thomas Sanborn
Fred Schilling
Harold & Donna Schmitt
Paul & Roberta Scotten
Ray & Dolores Shavere
John & Lucy Smarz
George Jr. & Janet Sonntag
Clarence & Doris Strand
Joseph Todaro
Cyrus & Jean ‘47 Varnum
Frederick & Mable Voegeli
Carl & Rebecca Walter
Donald & Lillian Weinberg
IH Yang
Class of 1952
Gordon & Celestine Babbitt
Jack & Wanda Brown
Charles Collins
John & Mary Coykendall
Robert & Phyllis Ekblad
Donald Elwell
Lewis & Bobbie Erickson
David & Gretchen Evans
Charles Fahlgren & Katherine Harley
Charles & E. Fargo
Ernest & Monique Guenin
William & Marjorie ‘56 Hunt
William Hursh
James Hurtle
Jay* & Miriam Jelinek**
Jack Lang
Robert & Delores Merrill
Benjamin & Jean Miller
William & Myra Moore
H. Stan & Dorothy Olson
Oscar Petersen
Emile & Letitia Ruffier
Roger Rumph
Allen & Joella Schroeder
Conrad Schure
Victor & Nancy Scovill
Stanley Sternik
Carl & Miriam Tripp
John & Barbara Urick
Charles & Daisy Whalen
Class of 1953
William & Patricia Boyle
Paul Brohaugh
Richard & Ann Dye
Walter Heald
James & Adrienne Howe
Earl Kleinfelder
Floyd Jr. & Chris MacSpadden
Paul Petersen
Darreld & Sylvia Sunmark
Clarence & Rosalie Tarum
Tommy & Marillyn ‘53 Thomas
Oswald & Mildred Tjeltweed
Class of 1954
William & Billie ‘57 Beadle
John Beer
Dean & Sharon ‘55 Berwick
Alvin Droge
Ronald Jr. & Edith Dundas
John & Loretta Goodenbour
Russell & Mary Holecek
Chao Hsiao
Joseph & Georgia ‘54 Jaskot
Donn & Carole Lehfeldt
Ray & Jean Lorenz
Robert & Doris Lowney
Robert & Loaline McKechnie
John & Dorothy Sheffield
Richard & Patricia Waterman
Kenneth & Mary ‘53 Williams
Class of 1955
Robert & Cynthia Aal
Dale Benson
Harley Dykema
Peter & Evelyn Forsythe
Howard & Anina Gullickson
Robert & E. Kleymans Hubbard
Theodore Larsen
Wilbur & Elizabeth ‘51 McGuire
John Morrison Jr.
Walter Palmer
Eugene & Shirley Spildie
Gerald & Betty Tait
James & Janice ‘58 Thurston
Ernest & Margaret Valach
Jack White
Class of 1956
Lester & Alice ‘58 Ammondson
Richard & Rita ‘55 Borsheim
Ronald Dohlen
Walter & Karen ‘58 Egged
Peter Erickson
Leroy & Josephine Hanson
John Hunt
Gerald & Joyce Jacobson
Charles & Marilyn Keith
Robert & Grace ‘57 Lacy
Donald & Mary Lashway
John & Louise ‘60 Mudie
Frank Neill Jr.
Clifford & Pearl Poor
Richard Richter
Donald & Donna Sager
David & Helen Schoonen
George Schulke
Lee & Joan Smith
George Van Noy
Frederick & Rose Walter
William West
Class of 1957
Ronald & Ann Afdahl
Arthur & Mary ‘57 Allison
Kenneth & Ellie Bandow
Robert & Carole ‘58 Beatty
Dan & Joyce Bradshaw
Francis & Connie ‘56 Durfee
Richard Espeland
Perry & Maria Francis
Arthur & Donna Halvorson
Roger & Linda Johnson
William & Donna ‘74 Lance
George & Verna Miller
George Paugh
Thomas Pemberton
Warren & Patricia Scarrah
Ronald & Verona Skabo
Darold Skerritt & Judith Lind
Donald & Sandra Tracy
Donald & Angelique Violette
Roy Wells
Robert Zimdar
Class of 1958
Carl & Peggy ‘58 Backe
Charles & Ingeborg Bentz
Frank Jr. & Bette Bergren
Roger & Kathleen Casterline
Joe & Lorrie Chenoweth
William & Helen Congdon
Robert & Sharon Currie
Neal & Phyllis ‘60 Egan
D. & Ruby ‘58 Fulton
Allen & Carole Griggs
Rodger Hankins
Ralph & Mary Huntsinger
Alexander & Edna Laport
William Morrelles Jr.
M. Keith & Ellen Opprecht
Conrad & JoAnn Roseburg
Robert Ross
Carmen & M. Sande
George Savoy
Harold & Korene Schultz
Gordon Spaberg
John & Catherine Walsh
Fred & Geraldine ‘58 Walter
Robert & Carol Walter
Robert & Donna Wilde
Richard Wocasek
Donald & Patricia Wodrich
Leslie & Darlene Zuck
Class of 1959
Eugene Conner
Gerald & LaDona Geise
Albert Griffith
Lloyd Hanson
Ralph & Eva Hogan
R. Terry & Perrylee Holzworth
Donald Johnson
Gale & Garnet ‘59 Johnson
Allan & Linda McDonald
William & Linda Miller
John & Judith Nance
Lawrence Orr
Bert & Deanna ‘59 Rice**
William & Jo Anne Schultz
Leonard & Helen ‘57 Steffan
Sterling Stetson
Robert & Patricia Sullivan
Jerry Voight
Ronald Watson
Richard & Donna Wegner
Homer & Betty Wheeler
Larry & Arlyss Wilkerson
Wilson & Louise ‘57 Williams
Del & Marilyn Wilson
Wilhelm & Joyce Wurst
Paul Jr. & Arlene Wylie
Class of 1960
Norman Asbjornson
Harold & Desta ‘60 Aure
Larry Cooper
Russell Estes
Robert & Betty ‘60 Hansen
Wallace & Kristin Haugan
Robert & Colleen Hauswirth
James & Ardis ‘59 Hill
LeRoy & Judith Hofferber
Donald & Joan Holtz
Charles Hughes
Martin Johansen
Jack & Geneal ‘57 Kanalz
James & Laura Kasner
Robert & Ardyce ‘62 Kelly
Carl & Karen Maehl
John & Dorothy Myers
Arthur Neill
Peter & Kathleen Pappas
Norman Rognlie
Duane & Frances ‘58 Rohrer
Allen Schwartz
Alton Smith
William & Barbara Trewhella
Richard & Patricia ‘60 Uhlrich
Wallace & Margaret Yates
Class of 1961
Hugh & Carol Corn
Gordon Dalen
James Godward Jr.
Marshall III & Peggy Guile
Lynn Johnson
Dick & Ruth Kanemasu
Robert Klatte
Robert & Martha Kolb
Samuel & Frances ‘62 Lowman**
Stanley & Eva Marshall
Robert & Diane Miller
Robert & Carol Phaneuf
Erlind & Janis ‘61 Royer
Richard & Joan Siderius**
David & Helen ‘62 Sloan
Gerald & Deanna Steele**
Glee & Dolly Stocker
Douglas & Mary Towner
Robert Von Eschen
Sidney Wu
George & Yoshiko Yamamoto
Class of 1962
Eugene Bratton
Richard & Deanna Bruckner
Larry Clawson
Richard & Judith ‘62 Golberg
Mark Hannah
John & Margaret Lillberg
Marvin & Marcia Lindseth**
Wesley & Margaret Nottingham
Dennis & Frances ‘62 Osgard
Frank & Gloria Perusich
Leland Platt
James & Rosina Raisler
Roger Rawls
Larry & Judy Redekopp
Bruce & Jeanette Rehard
Norman & Merry Shyne
Edwin Strommen
Curtis Zook
Class of 1963
William & Rebecca ‘65 Alzheimer
Geoffrey & Lois ‘65 Chance
Ronald & Theresa Cowger
John De Boer
Robert Drain
Herman Erhard
Donald & Roberta Garfield
Ronald & Catalina Hall
Donald Henderson
Gordon & Shirley Huffer**
James Jarrett
Frederick & Barbara Mayer
Hartvig & Susanne Melbye
James Nordahl
W. Larry Olson
Joe & Judith Petrin
Jesse Rehard
John & Patricia Russell
Paul & Rosemarie Simacek
Raymond & Dorothy Smith
Paul & Myrna Stav
LeRoy Stevens
Navin & Karen Trivedi
Robert & Kathleen ‘63 Ylinen
Carl & Kathy Linden
John & Bonnie Lundborg
William & Cheryl ‘71 McCraw
Robert Peccia
Michael & Betty ‘65 Riley
James & Jane Schneider
Robert Stitt
David Strah
Class of 1966
James & Betty ‘63 Anderson
Bruce Ball
Michael & Lynn ‘71 Bolin
Roger Corcoran
Byron & Patricia Danzer
Joseph & Helen Donahue
Richard & Judith ‘71 Haney
Richard & Dana Herbert**
Ronald Jarrett
William Johnston
Byron & Sara Kane
James & Sharon Lencioni
James Lockwood**
J. B. & Marsha McNeil
Jack & Ann Morgenstern
Carl & Pamela Peil
Knut & Kay ‘65 Raade
Gordon & Kathleen ‘66 Reistad
Robert & Dicksy Rhoads
Raymond & Susan ‘67 Ricketts
John Rogers
H. Gregory & Jacqueline Schmitz
William Jr. & Barbara Tamietti
John Venrick
Joseph & Jean Westover
Gary & Mary ‘66 Weyermann
James & Shelia Zody
Class of 1967
Brian Applebury
Jerry Beto
Richard & Diane ‘67 Cromer
Roger Democh
James Fasbender
David & Pamela Fisher
Gion & Lynda Gibson
Gary & Marilyn Hendrix
Irving & Barbie Hoffman
David & Patsy Johnson
James Kaip
David Kem & Judith Raines
William & Judy Kembel
Donald Lammers
Benjamin Jr. & Kathleen ‘69 Laws
Toby & Dorothy Markowitz
Garry & Linda McElderry
Ken Page
Roger & Christine Parlett
Jack Jr. & Ida Roadhouse
Dale & Melanie ‘68 Rowlison
Joseph & Susan ‘68 Schlechten
Edward Smith
Roger Staab
Frederick & Dotty Tindall
Jerry & Joan Townsend
Carlos & Emma Trevejo
Gary Wolf
Jerry & Darlene Woodward
Class of 1968
James & Marcia ‘69 Collins
James & June Eldred
Lawrence Erlenbusch
Class of 1964
Greg & Gloria Ethridge
Andrew Barnard
Dwayne & Sharon ‘66 Field
Philip Buckley
Charles & Gloria ‘68 Garrison
Gene Carlson
Arthur & Mary Goddard
Robert & Janet Casne
R. Wayne & Betty Griffing
Jim & Sandra ‘64 Cummings
Sterling & LaVonne Haaland
Richard & Pennie Frank
William & Carolyn ‘85 Hartsog
David Fredenberg
William & Eileen Hyslop
Roger Freeberg**
Donald & Debbie Klempel
Peder Hildre & Susan Markel** John Klovstad
Curtis & Joyce Ingebretson
Donald Lovely
Carl & Nancy ‘66 Robertson
Larry May
Arthur & Gaby Tennant
Richard & Myrna Metz
David & Cheryl Whitcomb
Robert & Judith ‘67 Moline
Harold & Patricia ‘68 Mueller
Class of 1965
John & Judy ‘66 Nerison**
John & Louise ‘64 Alderson
Jerry Peterson
Mickey & Luana Beary
Steven Quist
Jack & Patricia ‘65 Coe
Rodney & Vicki ‘69 Schmall
Darrel & Loretta ‘67 Coverdell
Michael Stoianoff
Roger & Cheryl Hanson
James & Linda Svenvold
George Harryman
Craig & Kathleen ‘68 Wentzel
Richard Haun
Class of 1969
Michael Addy
Richard Beitel
John Berg & Carolyn Boyd
Eddy Crowley
Gregory & Candace ‘69 Cunniff
Dennis & Ruth ‘72 Fladstol
David Funk
Don & Navel Gossman
Richard Havunen
James & Janet Hopper
Richard & Linda Joki
Harold Krogstad
Warren & Barbara Lee
Jay Mackey
Leslie & Sandra Mauws
Barrie & Norma McCullough
John Myrna
Frederick Nelson III
Ralph & Bonnie ‘67 Robertson
Thomas & June Sage**
James & Margaret Troske
Eugene & Carol Woodward
Thomas Zadick
Class of 1970
Robert & Margaret Allen
Daniel Battleson
Ronald & Mary ‘69 Billstein
Kenneth Bogner
Robert & Dona Boschee
Thomas Buller
James & Myrna Carpita
Cheuk & Wing Chan
Robert & Lola Copenhaver
John & MaryKay ‘69 Dissel
John & Paula ‘70 Gorton
James Halvorson
Edward & Betty Handl
Margaret Hofacker
Dean & Penny ‘70 Johnson
Robert Knipfer
John Levesque
Larry & Linda Lind
Thomas Lorang
Robert & Sandra Morgan
Gary & Mary Pickens
Phillip Pollard
Vivek Savur
Roger Somerville
Alan & Pat Stilley
Ronald Torgerson**
William & Valerie Turnquist
William & Ruth Van Dyken
Shoou-I & Jeanny Wang
William & Roxane ‘71 Weikel
Richard Wilmont
Class of 1971
Roy & Sandra ‘71 Anderson
Kenton & Helen Aznoe
Jay Billmayer
Dale Butterfield
Vijay & Carol Chaudhri
Douglas Collins
Ronald Combs
Fred & Vernetta Dalbec
David & Diana ‘70 Davallou
Allan Fedoruk & Sandy Henderson
John Garry
George Gasper
Harry Hughes
Gary & Margaret Jardee**
Neal & Ann ‘73 Kerzman
Charles & Barbara Kurtz
Kerry & Sharon LaDuke
Kenneth Lantta
Robert & Deborah Marvin
Carolyn Matzke
Jack & Vicki ‘71 Pawlitschek
Linda Reynolds
William & Carol ‘71 Rhoads
Scott & Deborah Richlen
Michael & Diane Ross
Russell & Gail ‘75 Roy
Bill Sager
Richard & Starlet Schulte
Carl & Dixie ‘71 Swanson
Alan & Judith ‘70 Towlerton
Class of 1972
Timothy Sr. & Sandra Berry
John & Patrice Brewer
Lloyd Brown
Michael & Diana ‘75 Brown
Ann & Robert Cicale
Wayne & Camille Culp
Barry Damschen
Paul & Catherine ‘72 Dawson
Richard & Shari DeVore
Clarence & Linda Eggen
Stanley Ekegren
Gary & Elaine Evertz
Michael Fraser
Stephen Gamradt
Robin & Katherine Grossman
Hee Hong
Alvah Hughes III
Alan Hustad
James & Carolyn Kruger
David & Catherine Markwald
Richard & Carrie Mountain
Clark & LeLani ‘74 Mozer
William & Barbara ‘74 Nagengast
James Nelson
Timothy & Janice ‘88 Nett
Lara Noren
Larry & Barbara Olson
Robert & Judith Peters
Terence & Jane Richmond
Vernon & Paula ‘71 Roberts
Paul & Barbara Skelton
Dale Spracklin
Robert Stevens
Gary & Connie ‘73 Stewart
Edward & Karen ‘72 Tabacco
Frank & Jenny Votapka
Jack & Kathy ‘74 Walton
David & Ora Whitley
Class of 1973
Earl & Connie ‘73 Bartram
James & Theresa ‘78 Blazek
Harold Boe
Denis & Ilene ‘72 Bourdeau
Lee & Connie Cameron
Thomas & Christine Caplis
Daniel Cheever
Dinesh & Renika Desai
Conwell Dickey
Larry Farnes
James & Voni Fletcher
Margaret & Michael Gipps
James & Jill Girolami
Richard & Donna Hartman
Danny & Danna Holmes
William & Jeanette Kloos
Paul & Deborah ‘74 Kober**
Stephan Kujawa
V. & Linda ‘73 Lakshminar
Thomas Larson
William & Patricia ‘72 Law
Steven & Donna Luther
Kim & Debra Mills
James Murray
Kenneth & Alma Nakano
Donald & Diann Neal
James & Shelley ‘73 Rodenberg
Bruce Rost
John Sand
William & Janice Saner
Raymond & Carole Scheuffele
Kent & Doris ‘74 Seaton
Norman & Diane ‘75 Spaeth
Thomas II & Lynda Stokes
Randall & Sally Sullivan
William Vanderloos
George & Celestine Wheatcroft
Class of 1974
Gary & LaDonna ‘77 Bergman
Richard & Pamela Boyce
Ducie Chads
Raymond & Marcia ‘73 Cline
Wayne Curtis
Thomas Danielsen
Robert & Lynne ‘72 Dillon
Keith Downey
Douglas & Becky Fischer
Wayne & Sandra Halverson
James & Carol Harkins
Richard Hausken**
John Hinman
Steven & Deborah Itoh
James Jovanovich & Lynn ‘91 St
Thomas & Constance Keyes
Patrick & Mary ‘75 Kimmet
Douglas & Karen Lehnen
Michael & Patricia ‘72 Lowe
Merle Menghini
Kenneth & Cindy Munski
Daniel Nefzger
Thomas Odt
Douglas & Sharon Oellermann
Michael Peris
Michael & Barbara ‘74 Phillips
Verlin & Patricia ‘74 Reichelt
William Sentman
Donald & Donna Shaver
Robert & Marilyn ‘74 Shepard
David Sire
H. Terry & Marj ‘76 Smith
Class of 1975
Robert & Shelley Astle
Ronald & Bonnie Baldwin
Patrick & Sally ‘75 Coghlan
Cass & Sheila ‘75 Conitz
Russell & Delilah Duffy
Kermit & Earline ‘76 Eck
Dennis Helgeson
Steven & Gretchen Holland
Michael & Maria ‘75 Ketterling
Stephen & Jacqueline McGuire
Kenneth Melder
Richard Richter
Kipp Riebe
Candace Roberts
Loren Schillinger
Phillip Stenberg
William Stone
Alan & Karen ‘76 Traeholt
Franklin Wilson
Larry Witwer
Walter Wood
Kenneth & Maureen Yaw
Class of 1976
David & Karen Anderson
Kenneth & Ann Anderson
David Baird
Lyle & Peggy ‘79 Biekert
Gary Bird
Steve Birrer
Douglas & Kari Chandler
Ronald & Connie ‘76 Clayton
Michael Curtis
Touraj Davallou
James & Karen ‘78 Durnford
Alan Ehlert
Dan Fraser
Dennis & Margaret Fried
Paul & Jane Fuglevand
Bruce & Beth ‘75 Hammell
Lewis & Karmen Hammermeister
Sally Hickey
Leon Howe III
Stephen & Marlyn Kenney
Ronald & Kay Kent
Wilbun Mitchell Jr.
Keith & Beth Mobley
David & Carol Nevin
Terry & Aleta Parker**
Mary Pearce & David Gray
James Petersen
William & Cheryl ‘76 Sanderson
Jean & Steven ‘76 Sweeney
Robert & Donna ‘77 Uhlrich
Martin Westland
Stephen & Kathleen ‘77 Wright
Class of 1977
Steven Adam
David Bick
Jay & Lynne ‘77 Browne
Emilie & Steven Dohleman
Jerry & Linda Doran
Ralph III & Rosemary ‘77 Dresel
Merlin Halden
Robert & Renee Harn
Marilyn Haugen
Douglas Hucke
Bryce Isaacson
Ronald & Sharon Klem
Jeffrey & Dawn Langlinais
Allen Levens
Douglas & Sue Luse
David & Melody ‘80 McIntyre
John Monahan
Robert & Kathleen Morrison
Danny & Carol ‘75 Pattyn
Delbert Peck Jr.
Eric & Lorraine Peterson
Orville & Kathryn ‘78 Plum
Patrick & Julia Plunkett**
John & Linda Roukema
Robert Small & Cynthia Roberts
Clinton & Yolanda Steele
Vince & Arlene Stephens
Paul & Judith St Sauver
Joseph Sullivan
Sterling Sundheim
Howard & Debra Thompson
Joan Weddle
Class of 1978
Tracy Axelberg
Brian Bodine
Lucy Burris
James Cole
Korbin Creek
Harold Dingman**
Brian & Pamela Feisthamel
Kent Ferre & Helene Jimenez
Mark & Debra ‘87 Fix
David Gates
Randy & Jan Geist
James Gilman
Rodney & Joyce Goldhahn
Daniel & Doreen Goldsworthy
Douglas Gordon
Karen Grauel
James III & Mary ‘78 Hill**
Frederic Kaparich
Henry & Judy Koppelman
Patrick & Deborah Krum
Richard Kutz
Peter & Susan Ledeboer
Michael & Heidi Merhar
Glen & Joan Quist
Edward & Jayne Ralston
Daniel & Veronique Rasky
Clyde & Margaret Robbe
Allen Rymer
Jay Sinnott
David Stone
Lyle Swank
Scott & Veronica ‘79 Sweeney
Allan Timm
Daniel Tintinger
Sharon Tyler
George Webb
Roger & Cecile Wicks
Douglas & Lois ‘75 Zeitner
Class of 1979
Anthony Aipperspach
Lloyd Baker
James & Lori Boltz
Beth Brin
Steven Cisney
Daniel Donovan
John Egeland
Daniel & Sarah Ellig
Joel Friedt
David & Tracey Furman
James & Carla Gillie
Thomas & Kimberly Gregg
Donald & Debra Higgins
John & Linda ‘80 Hightower
Edwin Hill
Warren Kitchel
Paul Koenig
Joylee & Kenneth Kohler
Ronald Leimkuhler
Gregg Lynde
Larry Moritz
Michael & Julie ‘78 Morris
Daniel & Rebecca Nelson
Ronald & Robin Nelson
Gordon & Reba ‘79 Neumann
Emery Newlon
Phillip & Tammy Odegard
Mark & Jan ‘77 Panasuk
M. LeRoy & Susan Patterson
Lachlan Perks
John Phillips Jr.
Tristan Renz
Thomas & Kerianne ‘81 Robertson
Mark & Julie Schneiter
Charles Slaughter
Robert & Mary Solberg
Gene & Margaret ‘80 Spangrude
Jeffrey & Theresa ‘79 Stekly
Gordon Steyaert
Karl Stickel
Fred Tadewaldt
Bradley Talcott & Linda Caricaburu
Herbert Thackeray
Dennis & Doris Walden
William & Karen Walkowski
Donald & Mary Waltari
Ronald & Nancy Wilcox
Timothy & T. ‘80 Wilson
Arthur & Joyce ‘79 Woods
Jeff & Kathy Wright
Class of 1980
Daniel & Laurie ‘82 Bersanti
George & Lynn ‘76 Buker
Jeffrey Butler
Thomas Bybee
Jerome & Sandy Cerkovnik
Michael Eberhard
Joseph Fleming
Cindy Folker
J. Fuglevand
Thomas & Nancy Hansen
Barry & Mary Hanson
Terry & Karen Johnson
Rena & Michael Koinis
Richard LaRoche
Henry & Jessie Lemieux
Frank Liquin
Jeffrey & Mary Loving
Daniel & Cheryl McCauley
William & Teresa Mercer
Mark & Lauri Miron
Timothy Mohr
Richard Nordquist
Ronald & Terry Novich
Larry & Melinda Oliver
Gregory Pezoldt
Paul & Lori Richards
David & Sandra ‘82 Schmit
David & Jane ‘80 Spomer
Johny Starnes
Elton & Lynn Stickel
Todd & Carol ‘80 Walter
Robert & Cynthia ‘80 Weaver
Wayne Whelchel
Kenneth & Elizabeth Wiedrich
An-Gong Yeh
Michael & Miriam Yovetich
Class of 1981
David Barney
Donald & K. Bauer
Mark Bennick
Doug Brandon
Aaron & Mary Bridgewater
Bernard Caulfield
Roald Christensen
Thomas & Brenda Clark
Anthony & Katherine Clinch
John & Kathy ‘82 Close
Rick & Yvette Drazich
Kurt Erickson
Michael Gutkoski & Lioudmila
Craig Heikes
Joseph Higgins
Thomas & Debra Hodgens
Kent & Cindy Johnson
Scott Kestle
Sheryl Lambertson
James Law
Robert Malahowski & Anita Macklin
Mitchell & Dona ‘82 McLain
Stephen & Patricia Miller
Alexander & Edith Morigeau
David Nickelson
J. Thaddeus Orosz
Jean Peachman
Mark Peres
Wayne Phelps
Tony & Robin Pistelak
David Pracht & Wendy O’Brien
Donald Ressmeyer
William Sappington
Darrell Scharf
Allan Schneider
Timothy & Nancy Schuessler
Steven Segota
Phillip & Beverly Stark
Mitchell & Mary ‘82 Stelling
Warren & Donna Steyaert
John & Janis ‘73 Sturgeon
Allan & Ann Toole
Bruce & Rebekka ‘79 Trippet**
Peter Turnbull
Richard & Barbara Urick
Robert Ward & Robin Jerke
Bryon & Diane ‘82 Whiteaker
Gary & Teressa ‘80 Whitney
Mark Wine
Edward Woodrow
Zoanne & Robert Zapata
Class of 1982
Jerry & Tracy Alderman
Eric & Bethany ‘82 Anderson
Craig & Sarah Arnold
Matthew Baney
Gregory Bergum
William & Nanette Beyer
Steven & Kathleen Bishop
John Bowne
James Brenna
Joseph Jr. & Tracey Brookshier
David & Ann Brown
Richard Burleigh Jr.
Mark & Cheryl Eatinger
Joel & Phyllis Ericksen
Michael Flock & Joan Hermenze
Robert & Rose Flynn
Kenneth & Cindy Gordon
Vernon Gregoire
Harry Griffith III & Shelly
John Harbison
Mari Hemstad
Huoyen & Shiuh Hsieh
Michael & Stephanie Huppert
Derrick Johnson
Vance Johnson**
John Jr. & Michelle Jutila
Jeffery & Mary Kato
Timothy & Monica ‘83 Kryzer
Mark & Donna Lies
Dennis Lower
Donald & Donna McCammon
Matthew McCormick
Charles Mcleod
Theodore Moore
Reed Parker & Maria Guerra
James & Deborah Paulbeck
Gregory & Michelle Pfister
Muthuswamy & Rameswari
Ronald Rogerson
Robert Rossberg
Melvin & Lupe Roush
Owen & Mary Rumph
William Sagan
Hatice Sahin
Roger Sanders & Margaret Page
Mervyn & Kathy Soares
Subramaniam & Sakuntalai
Scott Strissel
Jim & Karen ‘80 Tietema
Erling & Elizabeth Tufte
Douglas Vetsch
Karl Warren & Starla ‘82 Enger
Daniel Wilke
Timothy & Julie ‘82 Wood
Class of 1983
John Jr. & Patricia Allaire
Lindsay Anderson & Janet Piehl
Daniel Arriola
John Berggren III
Heather & John Blevins
Kathleen Bryan
Richard Budde
Joseph Burrows
Sandra & Kevin Ruggles
Joseph & Helen Chauvin
Kenneth & Mary Christie
Brian Colony & Shelly ‘86 Whitman
Steven Dennis & Linda FosterDennis
Jeffrey & Mary Ebert
James & Corinne Erickson
Tracy & Edmund ‘79 Freeman
R. Tim & Linda Gardner
Garry & Debra ‘81 Gochenaur
Alfred Goetz III**
Timothy Grove
Nancy Haverkamp
Janet Hickman
Wade Hobbs
Richard Isbell**
Suzanna & Paul ‘81 Jefferis
Bernard Koenig Jr.
Douglas & Denise Lee
Michael & Dora Lindner
Michael & Karin Linn
Bret Mathews
Joseph Michel
Stevin Miller
Scott Mitchell & Barbara ‘76 Bryan
Myron & Karen ‘83 Moore
Kenneth & Debra Mosdal
Scott & Lisa ‘85 Murphy
Lori & John Myers
Christian & Julia ‘84 Nygren
Steven & Peggy ‘83 O’Neil
Chia-Ren & Wei Lee Pan
Timothy Penberthy
Daniel & Linda ‘84 Peters
Richard & C. Diane Phillips**
Raymond Raths
Michael Redmond
Carol Reichert
Rodney & Lesa Rindal
Andrew & Nina Romine
Peggy & Keith Rose
Mark & Paula Scheuffele**
Duane & Mercedes Schlicht
Thomas & Penny Schmidt
Laurie Shammel
Paul & Sandra ‘82 Steiner
Brett & Susan Swimley
Ronald & Linda Torchia
Renita Weber
Class of 1984
Renee Amicucci & Robert Netzel
Jack Anderson
Karen & John Arnold
Doug & Kimberly Barnet
Kim & Ann Beaudry
Edward Bell
James & Victoria Blenkarn
Neal Blossom & Kathie ‘84 Roos
James & Carrie ‘86 Bosshardt
Kevin Brosten
Ruth Burris
Douglas Cosart
Steven Daines
Keith Dehn
Arden Edwards
Joseph Ellertson
Mark Feltis
Stephen & Linda Flynn
David & Mary Friese
Mark Fuglevand
John & Heather Hammargren
James & Sue Hansen
Gail Hash
Larry & Tona Hattery
Gary Hehn
David & Amy Hempleman
Steven & Tara Hietpas
George Hurley
Daniel & Nancy ‘85 Jochem
Robert & Karen Judd
Douglas & Doris Keene
David & Janice ‘85 Kessner
Dale & Brigitte ‘85 Knutson
Man Lam
David & G. Christi Lindsey
Garry & Linda Link
David & Suzanne ‘86 Mattson
Michael & Margaret Merwin
Craig & Kelli Meuchel
Catherine & Mark Murphy
Scott & Alden Nieboer
Steven & Jenny Nitz**
Michael O’Leary
Eric & Evy Olson
John Parker
Kevin Parrish
Mark & Lori Reinsel
James & Carrie ‘86 Reynolds
Craig & Karen Rieger
Perry Robbins
Glenn Rounds
Michael Schneider
Vincent Smith
Dean & Robin ‘82 Snow
Mark & Jennifer Spinti
Reginald & Victoria ‘86 Springer
David & Katherine ‘84 Suvak
Linda & Darryl ‘83 Thompson
Paul & Kathleen ‘83 Thompson
James & Patricia Thomson
Mark Vosburgh
Sandra Walimaa & Mark Bartel
Michael & Jacqueline Weaver
Ronald Weeks & Irenna Garapetian
Robert Weinschrott
William Wheatley
James & Victoria Wodrich
Class of 1985
Rick & Christina Aaberg
Jim Allen**
Thomas & Sally ‘79 Amundsen
Loren Andersen
Enrique Arroyave-Garland &
Liliane Arroyave
D. & Karen Baker**
Glen & Michelle Barnett
Bruce & Lindsay Beighle
Darcy Bellusci
Robert & Marlene Betts
Scott Busch
Kenneth & Kathryn ‘86 Christiansen
Christopher & Lisa Conley
Kevin & Patricia ‘84 Cook
Scott & Mary Craigle
James Cranmer
Michael & Louellen Crennen
Kevin & Guinevere Cummings
Gerald & Claudia Davis
Craig & Valerie ‘85 Deeney
Mark & Nancy Drake
Byron Dye
Thomas & Karen Flynn
Ambrey & Sharon Gartner
Mark Golden
Karl & Elizabeth Graham
David & Patty Grefe
Patrick & Sheryl Gross
Kevin Helmer
Fredrick & Betty ‘85 Higgins
Daniel & Kimberly ‘85 Holland
Craig Hoyem
Trent & Christy ‘84 Hudak
Gregory & Connie Kasper
Kirk Kluesner
David Krum
David & Pamela ‘85 Larson
Lori Larson
Paul & Christie LeBar
Kong Lee & Saw ‘85 Khoo
Keri Lewis
Gary & Connie ‘85 Limesand
Loren & Gay Luinstra
Kelly & Patricia Marcum
Michael Maroney
James Maynard
Daniel McCauley
Tara McCauley
Timothy McGuire**
Helene & Thomas Michael
Jerome Mothershead & Janice
James Nickman
Scott & Marie ‘00 Nopper
Patrick O’Connor & Crystal Haley
Eric & Janice Olsen
John Price
Donald Rasmussen Jr.
David Reber
Dwayne & M. Rehbein
Mark & Veronica Restad
John Jr. & Kay ‘71 Robertson
Sonya & Scott Rosenthal
Henry & Valerie Schnackenberg
David Seese
Dana Seitz
Robert & Lee Shropshire
John Slonaker
Becky & Walter Smith
Denise Snyder
Curtis & Carrie Stahlecker
Rick & Karla Stauffer
Robert Stevenson
John & Sherry ‘85 Stewart
David Swayne
Robert Thelen
Kenneth & Sheri Townsend
David & Jane Virag
Thomas & Virginia Waldorf
Kurt Wallin
Gary Walter & Terrell Patterson
Michael Wieck
Gary & Ralene Wilson
Timothy Wodrich
Mark & Diana ‘85 Woodward
Mary Zapp
Stephen & Karen Zeiler
Class of 1986
Ziad & Deborah ‘86 Alaywan
Rex Baird
Sandra & Kevin ‘86 Brodie
Brent Campbell & Carla Davis
Wade Cline
Kevin & Deborah Cushman
Greg & Angela Dahlstrom
Dana Deleon
Abhijit & Chaitali Dutta
Duane & Shelly Egging
Alan & Jane ‘83 Erickson
James & Colleen Feltis
Stanley Gappa Jr.
Brian & Lisa Havlovick
Dennis & Susan ‘86 Iverson
Elaine Jacobson
Jerald & Mary Kauffman
George Kirkwood
Todd & Laurie ‘86 Klevgard**
Olinda Kober & David Brownlee
Chris Koch
Wallace & Kay ‘88 Lannen
Michelle LeClair & Robert Voke
Scott & Jennifer MacDonald
Kirk & Raandi ‘86 Miller
Todd & Charmaine ‘87 Murphy
Michael & Jill ‘86 Myers
Sarah & William ‘83 Naegeli
John Pierre
Daniel Rathman
Thomas & Martha Roeder
Lloyd & Kathryn Rue
Mark & Kristine Russell
Rhonda & John Salman
Nancy & Patrick Seleski
Michael & Susan Sherick
Mark Shyne
Jeffrey & Kelly ‘87 Sipes
Kevin & Janine Smith
Lee & Sandra ‘89 Snow
Bruce Sorensen
Dennis Stiles
Andrew Thompson
Randi Triem
Gregory & Cherryl ‘86 Underhill
Arthur & LeAnne Viall
Robert Vischer
Dennis Ward
Paul & Chelsey Weber
Brian & Jacqueline Wetzsteon
Jeffery & Maureen Woods
Class of 1987
Christopher & Elissa Allen
Victor Bakke
Laura & Robert Ballard
Joseph & Nadja Boone
Peggy & Randy Caraway
Gary Creek
Robert & Myrna ‘80 De Lay
Brian & Barbara Donovan
Thomas Duffy**
Douglas Dunbar III
Marsha Evans
Mark & Michele Franchi
James Hall
Susan & Brian ‘87 Hamilton
Robert Hatch
Neil & Angela Jensen
Cherice & Ronald ‘88 Jobmann
James Julig
Scott Kufeld
Jeff & Laura ‘88 Lacy
John & Stephanie ‘87 Lodman
Joseph & Linda ‘87 Lucia
Douglas Mandic
Richard Marvin
Thomas McKenna
Daniel Mejdell
Monica Norval
Marcella & Kevin ‘83 O’Toole
Samuel Patton
Douglas & Debra Ries
Richard Robinson
Alan & Christine Schaff
Jeffrey & Susan Schmidt
Karen Shyne & Gary ‘ 88 Bolstad
Mary Stepan-Nye & Bob Nye
Brian Tomac
John & Dana Tubbesing
Thomas Villeneuve & Mary McKinnon
Brent Walton
William & Jacqueline ‘89 Warden
Robert & Deberoh Watkins
Bob Wong
Frank & Sharon Young
Laura & David Young
Pamela Zuhoski
Class of 1988
Thomas & Ann ‘87 Adams
Cindy Roske
Edward & Terri Austin
Kathleen & Darryl ‘86 Batchelor
Jeffrey & Barbara ‘88 Benson
Bruce & Joanie ‘84 Bowen
Roy Darrow
Michael Engbretson
James & Catherine ‘89 Finlayson
Richard Fisher & Tonja ‘89 Arpin
Martin Fox
Ty & Jennifer ‘87 France
Paul & Barbee ‘88 Franzen
Dean Gehnert
Katherine Gennette
Lucille & Raymond Glatt
Brett & Debra Green
Robert & Penny ‘86 Haffner
James Hathaway
Neil Heckerman
Paul Heine
Daen & Mariko Hendrickson
Charles Jr. & Staci ‘88 Hill
Vincent & Anne ‘87 Hull
Seth Huseby
Kerry & Christine Jackson
Richard Kelleher & Sheri ‘88 Lee
Ronald Lewis
Edward Matos
John Mitchell
Margaret Mitchell
Michael Moran
James & Julie Mowat
Michael Myers
Patrick Nanto
Kevin Oliver
Robert Pugh
Steven Ramberg
James & Jeanine ‘89 Roesner
Darrell Schermerhorn
Daniel & Karrie ‘87 Sherick
Erik & Jacqueline Stam
Frank & Naomi ‘00 Stewart
Jeffrey Trowbridge
Kirk Van Alstyne
James & Bettina Walling
Patrick Whelan**
Tyler & Amy ‘85 Winter
Craig & Lisa ‘90 Woolard
Class of 1989
Rodney & Constance Adamson
Bryan Braun
Timothy & Kimberlee Brewer
Alan Bronec
Robert & Donna Church
Scot Cromer
Martin Dahl
Robert Dixon
Richard & Tracy ‘90 Donaldson
Bradley Ebel
Wayne Egan
Julie Flynn & Kyle ‘ 93 Strode
David Heil
Craig & Elizabeth ‘88 Henrikson
Andrew & Tia Holt
Robert Kimball
Ronald Kissock
Todd & Christine Koenig
Collin & Kim ‘90 Korich
Daniel & Samareh Long
Mike McCleary
Jody & Steven ‘86 Morehouse
Gregg Morgan
Michael & Kristen ‘89 Nelson**
Craig Northam
Larry & Leigh Olson
Ottly & Suzanne Owens
Marc & Tamera ‘93 Paffhausen
Bryan Robertus
James & Lynn Rogstad
Ron & Nancy Roodell
Laura & Peter Rowley
Sergio & Maria San Martin
Tracy & Sharon Sawyer
Kris & Leslie ‘92 Stauffer
Eric Sverdrup
Michael Thomas
James Watson
Joseph Zuklic
Class of 1990
William & Paula ‘91 Anderson
Donna Barton
Brian & Tera Bos
Curtis & Michelle Butt
Robert & Susan ‘91 Currie
Raymond & Heidi ‘91 DeStefano
Douglas & Amy ‘91 Dockter
Barbara Ferguson
Darlene Hodges
David Kelley
Steven Killoy & Danielle ‘91 Dubois
Ronald Koontz
James & Ellen ‘92 Kriskovich
Craig Lofgren
Dana & Cris Lund
Darcy & David Matyus
Heath Maxwell
Robert McCann
Jesse & Rebecca Murdock
Leslie Parsons
Kelly Rebish
Troy & Ronda ‘90 Rippley
Gary Schroeder
Robert & Susan Southerland
Scott & Jill Thorne
Steve Timmons
Tom & Christy ‘90 Wolgamot
Class of 1991
Thomas & Sherry Abel
Anthony & Wendy Adams
Daniel & Mary Anderson
Sandra Anderson
Derek & Simone Berger
Kirk & Tami Broden
Russell Chretien
Cody Christman
Bryan & Jennifer Conley
Jay Conway
Lorna & James Dirks
Justin & Shari Eggart
John Fleming
Alan & Dana ‘80 Frantzich
Robert & Michele ‘92 Fried
Craig & Jill Gawreluk
James Geddes
Joseph Haas
Patrick & Mary ‘92 Harmon
Lance & Lisa ‘91 Hatfield
Kevin & Cathryn ‘86 Joyce
Michael & Susan Krumberger
Charles Liang & Shelia Fang
James & Lori ‘92 Malmstrom
Ladean & Leslie McKittrick
James & Karol Nelstead
Timothy & Katherine Padden
John & Leslie Parks
Kenneth & Donna ‘91 Potts
Brenda & John Sonderegger
M. & Penny Stensrud
Charles Stewart III
Class of 1992
Susan & Christopher ‘98 Ames
Charmin & Bennett Amundson
Robert & Irene Barnes
Laura & Arnold Cook
James Corrick
Troy & Leigh Dugger
Matthew & Bridget ‘91 Ekstrom
Robert Hardgrove
Sean Hoven
Class of 1993
Benjamin Grubb
Liljana Hristova
Britt Ide
Raymond Johnson
Scott & Janice ‘96 Jones
Mollie Kober
Lawrence & Carrie Lavier
Zhongyuan Li
Juhao Lin
Kevin & Tracey Miley
Jeffrey & Laura Miller
Kevin & Jami ‘96 Nielsen
Paul Sanford
Marty Sickler
Daniel Spicer
Frederick & Natalie ‘96 Utroske
Douglas & Twilla Vance
Travis Vick
Shawn & Amy ‘94 Boelman
David Cornelius
Jeffrey Dahlen
Gregory Darkenwald
Jason Ditsworth
Amarnath Duggasani
Shawn Fahrenbruch
Martin & Heidi Gagnon
Shawn Gagnon
Frances Goosey
Craig & Doreen Herbert
Julia Hiett
William & Vanessa Hutchison
Daniel Kern
Jeffrey & Carrie ‘92 Key
Gabor Kincses & Julie ‘91 Sommer
Blaine & Siobhan ‘93 Kubesh
Thomas & Melissa Leonardson
James Magera Jr.
Shrinivas Modayur
Stephanie & Shawn Seymanski
Tom Sherman
Jon & Kiri Stickrod
Wayne Thomas
Heather & Joseph Volesky
Class of 1997
Brent Aleksich
Nathan Binau
Paul Bullock
Stuart & Rebecca ‘96 Crane
Cynthia & Robert ‘85 Crayton
Galen Hafla
Andrew Jacobsen
Veronica Justiniani-Flores
Maureen Kelly
Jason Lowry
Michael Meskimen
Owen Metcalf
Jon Panian
Joseph Roberts**
Weining Ruan
Andrew Ruth
William IV & Melanie ‘95 Schell
Karen Scott
Kim & Tim ‘96 Seidel
Hans & Sue Ann ‘98 Streufert
Sharla Thomas
Alexander Tudor
Sanna Watson
Wilhelmina West
Class of 1994
Class of 1998
Rebecca Bailey
Pamela & Toby Beavis
Richard Bushnell
Jennifer Carr
Mark Chandler
Scott Chestnut
Chris & Shannon ‘93 Frideres
Charles Hedley
Douglas & Carrie ‘94 Helmann
Kevin & Sharon Horrigan
Phillip Lee
David & Meredith ‘94 Maehl
John & Kristina ‘96 Makoff
Paul Marcoff Jr.
Stephen Markovich
Dawn Martin
Patrick & Dana ‘92 McGowen
Brian & Dawn Pilney
Curtis Popp
Nichole & Michael Rottinghaus
Charles & Jennifer ‘92 Salois
Jeremy Siemens
Daniel Smith
George Weber
Erick Auth
Daniel Berkram
Jesse Block
Jesse Bluhm
Todd Combs
Ingrid Emilsson
Andrea & Chad ‘97 Fero
Christopher Jabs
Clayton Jordan
Douglas Keever
Danny & Michelle ‘98 Olson**
Russell Peterson
Katie Radtke
John & Brandi ‘97 Ramage
Kalli Routzahn
Shawn Skinner
Edward Stengel II**
Stephen Van Mullem
Jami Wing
Kyle Winling
Timothy Kiesow
Stanley Leonard
Greg Louie
Kerri & John Millhollin
Jerrold Mitchell
Kevin & Debra ‘92 Morello**
Brian Mosdal
Mark Munsinger
Stephen Murphy
Richard Passmore
Keith Phillips
William Price
Gregory & Karen Raths
Kathleen & Casey ‘92 Carlson
Rick & Lori Shimskey
Roger Solberg
Scott Spicher
Class of 1995
Marcee Allen**
Timothy Brose
Patrick & Tanya ‘97 Call
Jeremiah & Kimberly Easum
Matthew Folwell
Daniel & Deanna Goldberg
Scott Iverson
Jeremy & Naomi ‘94 Jones
James Jurgens
Mark Limesand
Ruowen Liu
Leif & Jennifer ‘94 Nelson
Matthew & Deborah ‘95 Rebsom
Sara & Tim Stahl
Wendy & Lafe Warren
Brady & Michael ‘97 Weber
Joseph Weinberg
Anna Wolfe
Jereen & Kevin ‘95 Wolverton
Class of 1996
Dennis Anderson II
Janis Armondo
Jeffrey & Colette ‘95 Bailey-Darland
Michael Bender
Steven Benzschawel
Mark & Katherine Brooks
Jeffrey Carda
Angela & James ‘95 DiFronzo
Dongrui Fang & Chongyu ‘96 Zhou
Jerome Gannon
Larry & Kelli Gardner
Class of 1999
Paul & Kassie Ashcraft
Steve Green
Katherine Grobe
Justin Harnish
Seth LaLiberty
Matthew Miller
Brian O’Connor
Brian Pendergast
Gerard Perdaems
Warren Tuss
Angela Watson
Richard Wolff
Class of 2000
P. Larson
Tracie ‘00 & Keith Allen**
Thomas ‘49 Ames
Carl & Nancy Anderson
Kevin ‘98 Anderson**
Tammy ‘86 Anderson**
Terry Anderson
Carol & Robert Auld
Kenneth ‘69 & Elaine Baarson**
Joanne & Glen Bailey
Shigeo ‘72 Banks**
Timothy Barnard
William ‘44 & Donna ‘01 Beasley
Richard ‘63 Beham
Byron & Dana Bennett
Robert ‘57 & Emma Bergman
Ronald ‘59 Black**
John ‘79 Boettcher**
Brian ‘99 Boettger**
Jean Bowey
Robert ‘81 Brekke**
Ruth Brekke
Joseph ‘70 & Margaret ‘59
Mary ‘99 & Robert Brown
Donna ‘79 & Dave Byerly
William ‘64 & Mary Cameron**
Carol & Carl Campbell
Duane ‘79 & Cynthia ‘78 Carlton**
Jodi Carson
Stuart Challender
Jean ‘43 Chauner-Caldwell
Donald ‘64 & Carol ‘61 Christenson**
Anthony & Katherine Cicale
Max Clawiter
Patricia Cleavenger
George ‘55 Clemow**
Michael ‘97 Coleman**
Daniel Connors
Cathy ‘86 Conover
Steven ‘69 & Yvonne Cordes**
Cherry & Orel Courteau
Richard ‘61 & Paulette Cronk**
Lester ‘48 & Allena Crouse
Mark ‘71 & Lois Daniels**
Thomas ‘59 & Elizabeth De Young**
Helen ‘59 Diehl
Lois & Bamford Dodge
Charlie ‘65 Donnes & Carol Hardy**
Don ‘96 Doughty**
Margaret Drummond
Thomas ‘68 & Vicki ‘67 Duff**
Dorothy & Tony Dunn
Curtis ‘80 & Sandra Ehman**
Georgia Eiriksson
Joyce ‘80 Elliott**
William ‘60 & Kay Epperly**
Joseph & Wendy Fedock
Joan ‘78 & Sandy Ferraro
Brian Fillmore**
William Fischer
Sharon & Edward Fisher
Jeanne Fistedis
Roberta Flickinger
Betty & Philip Frank
Thomas ‘69 Frisby**
J. & Dana Gelder
David & Becky Gibson
Klein ‘01 & Karen Gilhousen
James Gilman
Patrick ‘93 & Collett ‘95 Gilmore**
Georgia & Alvin Goldenstein
Darren ‘87 & Michelle Gray**
Jeffrey ‘76 Greer
Thomas & Joan Gunn
Sarah ‘96 Hall**
Thomas ‘78 & Twila Harrington**
James ‘72 & Paula Hawkins**
Paul ‘55 Hein**
George & Emily Henson
Emmabell Herak
Pat Hickey
John ‘64 & Jo Hillard
Elaine House
Angela ‘93 Huffman**
Patrick ‘99 & Karlene Hughes**
Jeanne Irish
Edwin III ‘80 & Kari Jenkins**
Margaret & Mark Jensen
William ‘84 & Mary Jimmerson**
Jon ‘93 & Janet Johnson**
Jean & Homer Julian
David ‘68 Kauppi**
Robert & Sarajane Kennedy
Tillie Kilby
Terril & Michael Klanderud
Helene Klebba
Michael & Sandra Knapp
James ‘81 & Susan ‘81 Knoll**
Marilyn ‘74 Kohles
Jay ‘69 & Sandy Kosik**
Charles ‘38 Kuhnert**
Chet Lackey
Orene & Edward LaFortune
Ruby Lammers
John ‘71 & Susan ‘71 Larson**
Donna Leuthold
John ‘76 & Arlyne Lien
Ivan Logan
Madolyn Lange Love
J. ‘60 & Lee Lowell**
Shirley Luhrsen
Jean ‘60 Mac Innes
John & Sandra Mandell
John & Donna Mandeville
Webb ‘72 Mandeville**
Alan & Patty Manning
Margaret ‘94 & Robert Marley
Lacee Mattson
George Jr. & Elizabeth McClure
Mary McCrodden
David ‘75 McGuffey & Christine
Sidonia & R. McIver
Richard ‘84 Michelotti Jr.**
Rock & Linda Miller
Richard ‘57 & M. Kaye Morris**
William ‘96 Morse Jr.**
John Mounce
Alice Murphy
Deborah Nash
David ‘66 & Linda ‘63 Nelson**
Lori ‘82 & Eric Newman**
Leesa ‘85 & Thomas ‘86 Nopper
Travis ‘98 & Ann ‘00 Norby**
Thomas & Cindy Northey
Murriel ‘62 Oakes
Helen & Barry O’Connor
Thomas ‘64 Overturf**
Jennifer ‘97 Page**
Angelina ‘56 Parsons
Don ‘56 & Mary Patterson**
William ‘87 Paul III**
Wanda & Sam Pearce
Charles Peterson
Shane ‘88 Powell* **
Allen ‘66 & Georgann ‘66 Reel**
Curtis Jr. ‘89 & Mary Reynolds**
Robert Rodgers
Kenneth ‘88 Rose**
John Jr. ‘68 & Gerri Rouane**
Thomas & Diane Rowader
Leif ‘69 Roys**
Richard ‘90 Rudolph**
Robert Sanks
Arnold ‘89 Sauther**
Patricia ‘51 Schmechel
Anita ‘42 Schwenneker
Jolene ‘77 Scott
Dorothy ‘38 & G. Sheckels
Joan & Harry Sheppard
Kurt ‘86 Shevalier**
Georgia ‘44 Simkins
Kelly ‘93 Smith**
M. & Robert Smith
Robert & Hilda Smith
Theresa ‘88 & Thomas Sroczyk**
Tobias ‘58 & Avis ‘57 Stapleton**
Michael ‘66 & Barbara Stark**
George ‘61 & Harriette Staudacher
Fred ‘49 & Marilyn Staudaher
Elizabeth Summers
Dennis ‘88 Swanson**
William & Barbara ‘77 Taylor
Reese ‘64 Thomas**
Katherine ‘52 Titus
Maxine & Keith Trafton
Cynthia ‘87 Tusler & David George**
David ‘78 & Evelyn ‘78 Ulsh**
Patricia Jr. ‘89 & Thomas Valente
Paulette ‘70 & Robert ‘70 Van Nice
Beth Van Pay
Ronald ‘72 & Mary Van Voast**
Barbara & James Wanvig
Vance & Ethel Warwick
Ronald ‘60 & Gretchen Weiss**
Edward ‘81 Welch**
Peter ‘70 & Susan Welliver**
Arli Weniger
Joan & James Westgard
Sten & Jill Westgard
Harvey White
Becky ‘81 & John Whittemore**
James ‘64 Willoughby**
Jeanice Wise
Linda & William Wyckoff
John ‘62 Wylie Jr.**
Clifton ‘93 & Heidi ‘79 Youmans**
Dona ‘89 Zastrow**
Gloria & Ralph Zimmer
Michael ‘72 & Vicki Zimmerman**
3M Company**
Abel Engineering
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Air Products & Chem Corp.
Alcoa Foundation
Alliant Techsystems
Allied Engineering Services, Inc.
Alpine Springs Ranch
Alyeska Pipeline
American Express Company
American Microsystems, Inc.
American Society of Civil
AMOCO Corporation &
ARCO Foundation
Autoliv ASP
B & B Missions
Baird’s Angus Ranch
Ball Corp.
Bank of America Corporate Affairs
Barnard Construction Co., Inc.
Beaudette Consulting Engs.
Bechtel Foundation
Becton Dickinson & Co.
Benchmark-RM, Inc.
Berube Family Foundation
Big Sky Wind Drinkers
Billmayer Consulting Engineers
Boeing Company**
Boise Cascade Corp.
Boston Scientific Corporation
Bridger Engineers, Inc.
B.N. Santa Fe Foundation
BWC, Inc.
C & H Engineering & Surveying, Inc.
Cargill, Inc.
Casne Engineering, Inc.
Caterpillar Company
Celanese Americas Corporation
Cenex, Inc.
Chase Manhattan Corp.
Chevron Corp.
Church & Dwight Co. Inc.
Cisco Systems Inc.
Coal Black Cattle Co., LLC
Columbia Falls Aluminum Co.
ConAgra Foundation
Conoco Inc.
Construction Management Services
Cordant Technologies Foundation
D. Lower Construction, Inc.
Danzer Engineering
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Delta Air Lines Foundation
Diamond K. Feeds & Feeding, Inc.
Douglas Barnet & Associates
Dow AgroSciences, LLC
Dow Chemical Company Foundation
Duffy Ranch
Dufresne Foundation
Duke Power Company
Eaton Corp.
Eli Lilly Foundation
Elk River Concrete Products Co.
of Montana
Engineering, Inc.
Equiva Services LLC
Facility Improvement Corp.
Fidelity Inv. Char. Gift Fund
First Interstate BancSystem Fndn.
First Union Co.
Ford Motor Co.
Foxboro Co.
Gannett Foundation
GenCorp Company
General Electric Company
General Motors Corp
Global One
Great Western Energy Inc.
H2WR, Inc.
Halliburton Foundation
Headwaters Composites, Inc.
Hein Accounting Services**
Hercules Inc.
Hewlett-Packard Co.
Hickory Construction Company
Higgins Consulting Engineers, LLC
Homer A. & Mildred S. Scott
Honeywell Inc.
Hormel Foods Corp.
Hot Springs Telephone Co.
ILX Lightwave Corporation
Integrated Weed Control
Intel Foundation
J C Penney Co.
J.A. Jones, Inc.
Jim & Linda Svenvold Char. Fndn.
Jim Gilman Excavating, Inc.
Johnson Family Charitable
Gifting, LLC
KBC Group, Inc.
Kiewit Companies Foundation
Hot NEW Challenge Leverages COE Gifts
Nalco Chemical Co.
Nance Petroleum Corporation
National Philanthropic Trust
Nissan Motor Corp.
Northern Industrial Hygiene, Inc.
Northwest Endodontics, P.C.
Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.
Osel, Inc.
Pennsylvania Power & Light
Pfizer Inc.
Phillips Petroleum Co.
Plum Creek Foundation
PNM Foundation
Precision Honda**
Primrose Lane Ventures
Procter & Gamble Company
Progressive Engineering
Pyramid Concrete Co.
QWest Foundation
R E V Racing Engines
Ragsdale Family Foundation, Inc.
Raytheon Company
Riverside Flower Fund
Robert Peccia & Assoc.
Rockwell International
Rocky Mountain Engineers
Roscoe Steel & Culvert Company
Safeco Insurance Companies
Sage Ltd., Co.
Sanks Family Limited Partnership
Science Applications Intl. Corp.
Shell Oil Co. Foundation
Silicon Laboratories
Simkins-Hallin Lumber Company
Southdown, Inc.
St. Joe Engineering
Stensrud & Associates
StorageTek Foundation
Story Construction Co.
Super Valu Stores**
Tait & Associates, Inc.
Tamietti Construction Co.
Tektronix Company
Texaco Company
The Ayco Charitable Foundation
The Gilhousen Family Foundation
The Williams Companies, Inc.
Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc.
Timberwolf Corporation
Triplepoint, Inc.
TRW, Inc.**
TTX Company
Turner Corporation
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
United Defense
United Technologies
United Way of King County
UPS Foundation
US Bancorp Foundation
Van Dyken Engineering
Vanguard Char. End. Program
Vaughen’s Price Publishing Co. Inc.
W.T. Warden Companies, Inc.
Washington Mutual Savings Bank
Wells Fargo Bank
Western Engineering Constructors, Inc.
Westwater Construction Company
Williams & Co.
Zoot Enterprises
Every effort has been
made to ensure the
accuracy of this listing.
Should anyone feel an
error has been made,
please contact the
office of the Dean of
Engineering in
Roberts Hall.
Memorial Gifts
Would it make a difference to you if your first-ever gift to the COE were
matched 100% by another donor? Wouldn’t it be great to double the size
of your contribution and its impact while supporting the COE program
or department of your choice? A COE graduate has offered to match
$100,000 in gifts from first-time donors this year, to encourage others to
“give back” to support COE programs. Watch for more details soon….
The following individuals have been honored through memorial gifts made
to the College of Engineering. We are grateful to those who have chosen to
give tribute to their friends and loved ones in this meaningful way.
Inis Lucine Adams
‘44 Micro
Charles G. Anderson
‘33 EE
Elsie Mae Barnard
Lloyd Berg
David Arthur Bergum
‘63 IArts
Emil Matt Blazina
‘47 ME
Berwyn Leroy Brekke
‘56 CE
Vivienne Eileen Cookson
‘37 HomeEc
Gwendolyn Cunningham
‘50 Bus
William E. Parkins Engineering-Physics Award
Congratulations to Lindsey
Nussbaum (right) for receiving the
William E. Parkins
Award for 20012002. Lindsey is a
senior in electrical
engineering, working
on minors in both
math and music. He
previously received a
Goldwater Scholarship for his experience
in optic research and
was selected to attend the NASA
Academy, serving as a research
KM Construction Company, Inc.
Knight-Ridder Inc.
Lake Mechanical Contractors, Inc.
Larson’s Clothing
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Lucent Technologies
Lyondell Chemical Company
Mandeville Ranch & Auction Service
Marathon Oil Foundation
Martin K. Eby Construction Co., Inc.
MATRIX-5 Technologies, Inc.
McKesson Foundation
MDU Resources Foundation
Medtronic Foundation
Mentor Graphics Foundation
Merck Company
Micron Technologies
Microsoft Corp.
Midas Auto Systems
Minerals Technologies, Inc.
Mobil Foundation Inc.
Monsanto Co.
Montana Chapter I.T.E.
Montana Contractors Association
Montana Power Company
Foundation, Inc.**
Mor-Berg, Inc.
Morrison Knudsen Co. Inc.
Morrison Maierle, Inc.
Motorola Company**
Myrna Associates, Inc.
assistant under Philip Luers of
Goddard Space Flight Center.
Lindsey has been on
the COE Dean’s List
four semesters and the
President’s List for
three semesters. The
William E. Parkins
Award goes to a
student pursuing an
undergraduate degree
in engineering, math
or physics, with the
highest GPA from courses in those
Lyle Neil Eberhardt
‘84 EE
Hazel Eddy
Kenneth Eugene Erhardt
‘91 CET
Stanley Fistedis
‘49 MS CE
Duane Robert Hagen
‘53 Art, ‘63 MS Art
John Fred Herink
‘59 ChemE
Phyllis Hillard
Ormonde Jackson
‘34 CE, ‘51 MS CE
Joyce Johnson
‘58 Ex Art Ed
Theodore Thomas Johnson
‘43 EE
Robert A. Kennedy
‘37 ME
William Kilby
Lauren John Krogstad
‘80 AgE
Robert Edward Lowney
Theodore Murphy
‘50 ME
Theo Allen Nelson
‘43 HomeEc
Michael Northey
‘98 ME
Dean Edson Oakes, Sr.
‘45 CE
Arthur Willard Overturf
‘37 GS
Mark Andrew Robinson
‘86 I&ME
Richard Roman
‘39 Ex Bus
Lawrence Eugene Roseburg
‘63 ME
Paul Schmechel
‘53 EE, ‘92 HDR EE
David Thomas Schmidt
‘57 ME
Mary Spain ‘37 HomeEc
Daniel Patrick Sullivan
‘59 Arch
Lilian Vollmer
Legacy Circle
The MSU Foundation established
the Legacy Circle to recognize those
individuals who have made a gift of
any size through their estate plans.
Through the Legacy
Circle, we have the
opportunity to
thank our benefactors while they are
living. If you have made provisions
to support the university or the
College of Engineering in your estate
plan through your Will or Living
Trust, Charitable Remainder Trust,
Life Insurance or Retirement Plan,
we encourage you to let us know.
On-Line Community for MSU Alumni
Engineering alumni are invited to visit Montana State University Alumni
Association’s On-Line Community to access a new set of electronic tools
provided by the MSU Alumni Association.
• On-Line Directory–Find yourself, find your friends, find other MSU
alumni in your area.
• Career Center Services–Network on-line and with other MSU alumni.
Add a job posting, search the postings for opportunities, add a resume or
search for resumes. Become a career mentor, or find one. This section of
the community is dependent on users–the more who use it, the more
useful it will be.
Other features include: permanent e-mail; message boards and chat rooms;
alumni surveys; white and yellow pages.
Contact or call the MSU Alumni Association at
800-457-1696 for access information.
V. Keith Ario
William Benjamin
Byron Bennett
Frank Conners*
Richard & Diane Cromer
Cory & Marge Dogterom
Frank* & Martina Eckard
Jack Goe*
Warren & Phyllis Howe
Robert & Ardyce Kelly
We wish to include you in the
Legacy Circle and provide good
stewardship of your planned gift.
For more information about
the Legacy Circle or
about gift and estate
planning, please contact
Alberta Rivera at (406)
994-2053 or by e-mail at
The following list of individuals
includes those who have designated
estate gifts to benefit the College of
Engineering. The * denotes
individuals who are deceased.
Bob & Jan Livesay
Ernie Mares*
Robert E. Noble
Bill & Janet Pascoe
Len Robbins*
David & Jean Robinson
Walter* & Kathy Titus
James Torrence*
Gardner "Pete" Waite
Faculty Updates
The Sky’s No Limit
Don Rabern, current CE department head,
leaves this fall to become dean of engineering
at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in
Prescott, Arizona. Embry-Riddle is a small
private university specializing in aviation
science and aerospace engineering. Joel Cahoon
will serve as interim department head in CE
through July 2002. Joel served as a professor at
MSU and conducts research in the area of
water resources engineering. Robert Mokwa
also joins the CE faculty this fall teaching soils
classes. He has a strong academic background
in geotechnical and structural engineering.
LTC Charles Kibben arrived at MSU in
June to replace LTC Duane Carlton as the
professor of military science for the Army
ROTC program. Kibben is a career soldier and
Ordnance Officer who has served in North
Carolina, Washington, Kansas, Honduras,
Germany and the UK.
Baldev Thapar, Harley Leach and Hobart
McWillliams recently retired from EE. James
Smith, ECE, has returned to the private sector.
James Becker joins the faculty to teach
communications. His background is high
frequency properties of materials, wave guides,
and applications using MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems) fabrication techniques.
Todd Kaiser will teach electro-magnetics. His
background is in MEMS with applications to
fiber optic switching, electromagnetic theory
and applications. Joseph Shaw joins us to
teach electro-optics. His work is in optical
sciences and remote sensing, imaging, and
atmosphere effects on transmissions.
Frank Albini and Joel Troxler recently
retired from M&IE. Gary Chen joins the
faculty to teach industrial and management
engineering classes. His background is in
concurrent engineering, CAD/CAM/CIM.
ChemE welcomes Joe Seymour who will
teach transport analysis and general
engineering. His interests and research are in
nuclear magnetic resonance imaging.
CS said goodbye to Brenda Sonderegger
who retired last spring after serving 10 years as
an adjunct instructor.
Montana Manufacturing Extension Center
(MMEC) has three new consulting field
engineers: Paddy Fleming, ’90 ME (Kalispell);
Alan Deibert, ’88 I&ME, ’90 MS I&ME
(Bozeman); and Dale Detrick, (Billings).
Montana State University engineering students
are partnering with the Montana Space Grant
Consortium and NASA in researching new
designs for aerodynamic shapes for space vehicles.
The research group consists of graduate and
undergraduate students in mechanical
engineering, mechanical engineering
technology, and chemical engineering,
and is led by M&IE Professor Doug
Cairns. They are building prototype
structures for the SHARP (Slender
Hypervelocity Aerothermodynamic
Research Probes) S1 re-entry vehicle. These
shapes require new advanced ceramic thermal
protection systems, which NASA is researching in
tandem. Current design for the vehicle utilizes
carbon/epoxy and machined aluminum. All
design and manufacturing work is the
responsibility of MSU students.
MSU’s S1 vehicle is scheduled to be launched
this fall near Casper, Wyoming. The goal of the
flight will be to test flight systems and
evaluate the basic aerodynamic properties
of the SHARP body during re-entry. The
project continues with new designs and
testing phases running through the SHARP
S4 launch in fall 2003.
For project information, visit the MSU’s SHARP
S1 Web site at
faculty/cairns/sharp or the NASA Ames Research
Center page at
Tektronix Interdisciplinary Design Team
This past year, Tektronix sponsored an
interdisciplinary design project for seniors from
I&ME, ME, and EE. Bringing students together
from several engineering disciplines made this a
special project for all involved, increasing the
complexity of the project across-the-board. In
addition to supporting design projects, Tektronix
provides COE students with valuable internship
opportunities and regularly recruits and hires
MSU students. The company also supports
faculty research and donates state-of-the-art
equipment to the COE. MSU is one of eight key
schools for the firm and both the company and
the COE benefit from this affiliation. (Tektronix
designs and manufactures test and measurement
equipment to serve manufacturers around the
globe.) Special thanks to Mac Lavier ’96 I&ME
and Bill Law ‘73 EE, ’74 MS EE for their support
of student design teams.
Front row L–R: Sara Mines (I&ME), Robert Stefani (EE),
Jason Walker (ME) Back row L–R: Joe Wright (I&ME),
Brian Taylor (ME), Bill Law (Tektronix), Anthony Veches (EE),
Corey Kopp (EE).
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
FALL / 2001
Office of the Dean
College of Engineering
Bozeman, MT 59717
Permit No. 69
Bozeman, MT 59715
Dr. and Mrs. C. Lester Hogan Honored
A love of young people and teaching highlight a
lifetime of giving for one of MSU’s most distinguished engineering alumni, C. Lester Hogan.
“His whole goal in life has been to teach others
what he knew,” explains Audrey Hogan, his wife of
55 years. “He always has had a constant drive for
education and he instilled the desire to learn in
others. He’s a helper, a mentor, and at heart–a
Lester Hogan is a 1942 chemical engineering
alumnus of MSU. While at MSU, Les Hogan
caught the eye of Dean Cobleigh who recognized
the student’s brilliance. “He came to MSU during
the depression era and the school gave him his first
opportunity to be educated,” Mrs. Hogan said.
After receiving his master’s and doctorate in
physics from Lehigh University, Les’ notable career
in the electronics field includes pioneer work at
Bell Labs, where he invented the microwave gyrator.
He became a professor at Harvard at the age of 33.
For 10 years he was a senior vice president and
general manager at Motorola, during which time it
became the largest manufacturer of semiconductors
in the world. He also served as president and later
as vice chairman of the Fairchild Corporation in
the Silicon Valley.
In 1980, Electronics Magazine named Hogan
“One of the Ten Greatest Innovators in the Past 50
Years.” Dr. Hogan has received honorary doctorates
in engineering from MSU in 1967 and Lehigh in
1971, and an honorary doctorate in science from
Worcester Polytechnic University in 1969. He
received a Berkeley Citation in 1981.
Les and Audrey met and were married while Les
was a graduate student at Lehigh and they have
been lifelong partners in all major career decisions.
Dr. Hogan continues to feel a fondness for and
a connection to MSU. He served on both the
Department of Chemical Engineering and the
College of Engineering Advisory Councils and
held a leadership role in the planning and fund
raising for the Engineering/Physical Sciences
Currently Les and Audrey are retired and live in
Northern California. Dr. and Mrs. Hogans’
generosity to Montana State includes chairing the
fund-raising committee for the new Engineering
Physical Sciences Building through 1997, and
contributing the lead gift for the building. The
beautiful atrium in the new building is named in
their honor. They have also supported some of
MSU’s most outstanding engineering and science
students through endowed scholarships. The
college’s annual fund has also benefited from the
Hogans’ generous support. Their gifts have been
key to the college being able to obtain the latest
computer and laboratory equipment.
This spring, Dr. and Mrs. Hogan were honored
for their long-time support to the college when
they were awarded MSU’s prestigious Excellence
in Philanthropy Award.
The College extends it congratulations and
heartfelt thanks to Dr. C. Lester and Mrs. Audrey