E ngineering COE's Specialized Cleanroom is First of its Kind in the State

First Time, First Finish
for MSU's Concrete
Canoe Team
Last spring, Civil Engineering students placed
first overall against teams from nine other western
colleges in the Pacific Northwest Regional
Concrete Canoe Competition. The team name,
Golden Stonefly, was inspired by MSU school
colors and a Montana fishing fly. The ten-member
team represented MSU at the regional competition
in Washington State. The students brought home
4 trophies due to a winning oral presentation and
a clever design featuring an original transverse
and longitudinal rib system. In June, the team
advanced to the national canoe competition held
in Washington, D.C. The canoe performed well
at the national competition, with an 18th place
finish. It stood out for its original design and fly
fishing theme. Next year’s canoe is expected to
outperform the Stonefly with design changes to
the hull, mold and concrete mixture.
A Publication of the MSU College of Engineering for Alumni, Friends and Faculty
FALL 2004
COE's Specialized Cleanroom is
First of its Kind in the State
The Montana Microfabrication Facility
In this research and pseudo manufacturing
(MMF) is the first microfabrication cleanroom
environment, lab technicians can create particles
in the state. Located
2000 times smaller
in Cobleigh Hall,
than the diameter of a
the MMF is a room
human hair. “It would
contained within a room
be hard to overstate
– an ultra clean research
the significance of
environment. Powerful,
this new facility” said
HEPA filters keep the
engineering Dean
air free of contaminating
Robert Marley. “The
particles. The MMF is
MMF laboratory
a grade 100 cleanroom
will serve as a focal
on a scale which ranges
point for numerous
from 1 (critically clean) Phillip Himmer, interim MMF lab manager in ECE,
researchers from across
and Rob Moran, a junior in ECE, use the Montana
to 10,000 (less clean).
MSU and in many
Microfabrication Facility’s Angstrom sputtering system. They
The initial investment
private industries who
are depositing a thin film of silicon dioxide onto a silicon
to construct and equip
substrate as part of a micromachining process. This is one of seek to design and build
many uses of the state-of-the-art equipment.
the facility came from
the ultra-miniature
combined state and
devices required for
federal sources and totaled nearly $3.5 million.
tomorrow’s technological applications.”
MSU Ranks Top Ten in Goldwater Scholarships
MSU engineers and computer scientists
helped Montana State University achieve top
ten national ranking in Barry M. Goldwater
Scholarships. A total of 43 Goldwater
Scholarships have been awarded to MSU
engineering, math, and science students
since the program’s inception. The fund
was established in honor of Senator Barry
Goldwater to maintain a source of skilled
scientists, mathematicians and engineers. Angela
Kimmel has been awarded a $7,500 Goldwater
Scholarship for 2004-2005. Kimmel is a senior
earning a double major in Computer Science
and Electrical Engineering.
Steve Shaw Selected as a Top Engineer
2004 Golden Stonefly Team.
Starting at bottom left and moving clockwise: *Jayme
Berard, ’04 CE; Matt Klara; *Bruce Leffing, ’04 CE;
Brenda Leffing; Anders Larsson, faculty advisor; Eric
Anderson; *Ray Gamradt, senior in CE; *Nichole
Anderson, senior in BREN-CE; *Thaddeus Lesnik,
Junior in CE.
*Denotes team members
The National Academy of
Engineering (NAE) has selected
Steven Shaw, professor of Electrical
Engineering, as one of the top
young engineers in the country.
Outstanding engineers between the
ages of 30 and 45 were chosen to
participate in the U.S. Frontiers of
Engineering Symposium. The goal
of the symposium was to create a
network of skilled engineers where
new techniques and approaches
are transferred across fields. Shaw,
30, was one of 83 scientists from
industry, academia, and government
given this honor. All engineers
chosen are performing “leading-edge
engineering research and technical
work,” according to an NAE
Robert J. Marley
(406) 994-2272
Associate Dean for Research
and Graduate Studies
Anne Camper
(406) 994-2272
Assistant Dean
for Undergraduate Programs and Diversity
Heidi Sherick
(406) 994-2272
Senior Director of Development
and External Affairs
Linda Wyckoff
(406) 994-2223
Assistant Project Director
Hewlett Designing Our Community Program
Sheree Watson
(406) 994-6723
Director of Strategic Projects
Carolyn Plumb
(406) 994-5940
Department Heads
Chemical & Biological Engineering
Ronald Larsen
(406) 994-2221
Civil Engineering
Brett Gunnink
(406) 994-2111
Computer Science
Michael Oudshoorn
(406) 994-4780
Electrical & Computer Engineering
James N. Peterson
(406) 994-2505
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Vic Cundy
(Jay Conant as of Jan 1, 2005)
(406) 994-2203
Center for Biofilm Engineering
Phil Stewart, Interim Director
(406) 994-2890
Montana Manufacturing Extension Center
Steve Holland
(406) 994-3812
Western Transportation Institute
Stephen Albert
(406) 994-6114
Airforce ROTC
Lt. Col. Kraig Evenson
(406) 994-4022
Lt. Col. Timothy Lolatte
(406) 994-4044
Letter from the Dean
Dear Friends of the COE,
Greetings from the College of Engineering at State COE will be well positioned to help lead
Montana State University! It has been a busy and curricular development in this area.
positive fall season on campus.
The Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Our student diversity efforts in the college Technology (ABET) recently assessed our CE,
have been revamped under the leadership of CET, CpE, ChemE, EE, IE, ME, MET, and
Assistant Dean, Heidi Sherick,
CS programs. The process
and corporate sponsors have
has been very positive and all
stepped up to lend their
programs were reaccredited.
support. These include Cargill,
Our CS accreditation team was
here in October; that report is
Boeing, Fluor Government
forthcoming. Interestingly, CS
Group, Chevron-Texaco, 3M,
accreditation is now managed
and others. We also received
by the same organization
significant support from the
that handles engineering,
William and Flora Hewlett
ABET. Our CS department
Foundation for recruitment and
experienced one of the first
retention programs for Native
self-studies and site visits to be
American students. These
conducted in the nation using
combined efforts have resulted
the new criteria developed by
Dean of the College of Engineering,
in the tripling of enrollment of
ABET. MSU-COE’s stated
Robert Marley
Native American freshmen in
objectives, outcomes and
engineering this year (just the
measures used for accreditation
second year of our new program). Efforts are also were cited this year by engineering educators at a
in place to encourage more young women to study major educational assessment conference as a “best
engineering or computer science. The Society of practice” example. This citation speaks highly
Women Engineers (SWE) has reached new levels of the quality our faculty has achieved in this
of activity and participation and for the 3rd year extremely important activity.
in a row, the college’s Student Ambassadors are led
This academic year marks a continuation of
by a young woman, this year Angie Kimmel (EE, transformation within the college. Faced with
CS). The MSU-COE has a new student chapter of multiple retirements of faculty members across
“Engineers Without Borders.” Students are raising departments, we are looking at these adjustments
money to travel to Kenya to design a water system as an opportunity for strategic evaluation and
for a school in a small village.
change. Dr. Vic Cundy will be stepping down
We have renamed and revamped our Chemical as head of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering.
Engineering Department and it is now the Dr. Cundy’s leadership has been extraordinarily
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering. valuable to the college. He will rejoin the full-time
While the degree granted is still ChemE, the change faculty and is looking forward to re-engaging
reflects a new arena of engineering education and in research and teaching. A national search is
research. Biology will soon be recognized as the underway for a new head to lead the M&IE
next “fundamental science” for engineers, much department.
like physics and chemistry have been during the
Thank you all for your interest in and loyalty to
last century. Bioprocess engineering is now a the college. Your participation and support is vital
required course. ChBE students must also take a to allowing us to achieve our mission.
biochemistry or microbiology class. The Montana
Roberts Hall Houses Hall Of Fame
In 2002, the Montana Society of Engineers (MSE)
established the Montana Professional Engineers Hall
of Fame. Each year, MSE honors engineers who
made significant contributions to the development
of Montana and the engineering profession. Hall
of Fame award recipients are honored at a ceremony
in the fall, and plaques detailing their careers and
accomplishments are mounted in the west wing of
Roberts Hall in the College of Engineering.
• Harold S. Hanson, Billings (EE ’50, MT State College)
• Paul Schmechel, Butte (EE ’53, MT State College)
• Leland J. Walker, Great Falls (CE ’44, Iowa State
• John H. Morrison, Helena (CE ’27, MT State College)
• Ben F. Hurlbut, Billings (CE ’49, MT State College)
Honor Roll of Donors 2003-2004 We would like to thank all those alumni, friends and corporations who generously donated to the College of
Engineering during this fiscal year (July 1, 2003-June 30, 2004). Your support is vitally important to the college and enables us to provide our students with the very best
skills to ensure their success. Your generosity has enabled us to provide scholarships, state-of-the-art equipment and excellent facilities. Donors listed in italics contributed
$1000 or more to the college, including matching gifts. The * denotes deceased. The ** denotes annual gifts made all or in part to the Air Force and Army ROTC programs, now
departments of the College of Engineering. Your support and involvement continue to advance the tradition of excellence exemplified by Montana State University engineers.
Class of 1928
William Benjamin*
Class of 1930
Frithiof & Lillian* Johnson
Class of 1931
V. Keith Ario*
Class of 1933
Rudolph Stokan
Class of 1934
Arnold* & Rose Hanson
Class of 1935
James Baltzell Jr.
Dean & Jayne Stebbins
Class of 1936
Stanley & Muriel Sichveland
Allan & Elvira Sollid
Harry Veldhuis
Class of 1948
John Facey
H. Tom & Frances ‘47 Fagrelius
Donald Fisk
Charles & Paula ‘51 Goedecke
Edwin Granley
George & Helen ‘48 Hoffman
Wayne Huffmon
Bruce Kline
Lewey Lorenzen*
James & Margaret ‘46 Lyons
Clark & Louise McKee
Akira Murakami
Frank & Marjorie ‘46 Nyman
Robert Oertli
Roderick Peterson
John Sr. & Betty ‘46 Robertson
Howard Schlepp
Melvin & Mary Stokke**
Russell & Leta Thompson
Richard & Wilamet ‘50 Williams
Richard Harry
Clifford Hurlbert
George & Bernadette Lohse
Robert & Jean MacDonald
Bradley Munro
John Nelson
Robert Nickelson
Jay & Elizabeth ‘50 Preston
Arthur* & Shirley Quinnell
Warren Roberts
Thomas Sanborn
Fred Schilling
Harold & Donna Schmitt
Paul & Roberta Scotten
John & Lucy Smarz
Clarence Strand
Joseph Todaro
Frederick & Mable Voegeli
Carl & Rebecca Walter
IH Yang
Class of 1952
Jack Brown
Class of 1937
John & Alice ‘55 Cassidy
James & Virginia ‘45
Marvin Meyer
John & Mary Coykendall
Carl Winberg
Robert & Phyllis Ekblad
Eugene Coleman
Class of 1938
Donald & Beverly Elwell
Kenneth Emerson
Bernard & Betty ‘38 Carlson
Lewis & Bobbie Erickson
John & Sylvia Fiske
W. Chester Fitch
David & Gretchen Evans
Henry & Jan Gay**
Robert & Virginia McKee
Charles Fahlgren & Katherine
James & Mary Houtz
Class of 1939
Charles & Elizabeth Fargo
Benjamin Hurlbut
Thomas & Geraldine ‘39
Ernest & Monique Guenin
Don Hurwitz
William & Marjorie ‘56 Hunt
Russell & Patricia Johnson
Peter & Florence Link
William Hursh
Emil Kindschy Jr.
Victor & Kathryn Murphy
Jack Lang
Hugh & Mildred Norville
Robert Noble
Robert & Delores Merrill
Jack & Jean Petlin
Ozzy Olson
Benjamin & Jean Miller
Clyde Roark
Class of 1940
Robert Nadler
Melvin & Selma Burns
H. Stan & Dorothy Olson
Kenneth Shearer
George Clemow**
Oscar Petersen
Edward Stewart
Lyle Clow
Emile & Letitia Ruffier
Melvin & Eunice Tarum
Charles & Billie McKnight
Allen & Joella Schroeder
Donald & Marjorie Thorson
William & Margaret Pattison
Conrad Schure
Charles Totten
George Porter
Victor & Nancy Scovill
Class of 1950
Class of 1941
Stanley Sternik
Theodore Bair
Albert Evans
John & Barbara Urick
Philip Beagles
Elbert Herrick
Charles Whalen
George & Edith Bower
Melbourne & Elizabeth ‘42
Class of 1953
Cecil Carlson
Dean & Laberta Croskrey
Donald & Joann Cissel
George Kanta
Frederick Crotty
Denny & Leola Condotta
Leland & Bettye Rice
Richard & Ann Dye
Felix Cunningham
Halroyd & Helen Simmons
Earl Kleinfelder
George & Marian Duncan
Merril & Sarah Slind
Paul & Mary Petersen
Erdem & L. Ergin
John Yeates
Darreld & Sylvia Sunmark
Harold & Roberta Harding
Class of 1942
Tommy Thomas
William & Flora Hulben
Carl Anderson
Philip & Eunice Hutton
Class of 1954
Merlin Fisk
William Beadle
George Frank*
Dean & Sharon ‘55 Berwick
William & Eloise Gibbs
Alvin & Arletta Droge
Francis & Myrtle Ramstad
Ronald Jr. & Edith Dundas
Rae* & Martha Steven
John & Nona Lansberry
Ray Easter
Walter & Jean Thieme
John & Frances MacCarley
John & Loretta Goodenbour
George & Jean ‘44 Wallis
Constantine & Victoria
Charles & Marcia Hendron
William Weber
Cecil Holland Jr.
Class of 1943
Donald & Bonnie ‘50 Marquis Robert & Marie Jacobson
Dwight Aitchison
Robert & Elaine Michaels
Joseph & Georgia ‘54 Jaskot
Kenneth Hageman
Maynard & Esther* ‘51 Myers Donn & Carole Lehfeldt
Martin & Dixie Jacobson
Joseph O’Neill
Ray Lorenz
Donald Kampschror
Earl Rangitsch
Eric & Doris Lowney
John & Margaret Medlin
Russell Rio
Robert & Loaline McKechnie
T. Mack & Dorothea Quinn
Glenn Salo
Donald & Shirley Omlie
George Rosness
Michael Scalera
Richard & Patricia Waterman
Howard & Margaret Wagar
Paul & Marguerite Schmidt
Kenneth & Mary ‘53 Williams
Class of 1944
James Selkirk
Richard Williams
Paul & Virginia Barrett
Roger Sherman
Class of 1955
Robert & Annabel ‘47 Durnford Thomas Smith
Robert Aal
George Fisher
Jerome & Patricia Tackes
Dale & Maria Benson
Lewis Mayfield
Matthew Thornton
Harley Dykema
Joseph Schmit
Lyal & Marilyn Viers
Harry & Donna Fry
Leland & Margaret ‘44 Walker
Donald Voelker
Howard & Anina Gullickson
Class of 1945
Robert & E. Kleymans Hubbard
Barry & Margaret ‘47 Nolan
Class of 1951
John Jr. & Minh Morrison
Raymond & Donna Pike
Albert Adams
Eugene & Shirley Spildie
George & Ruth Raab
Wallace* & Olga Ames
Gerald & Betty Tait
Viggo Andersen
Class of 1946
James & Janice ‘58 Thurston
John & Diane Bader
Gordon & Lucille Mullin
Ernest & Margaret Valach
Jack White
Class of 1947
Joseph Bozzay
Robert Jr. & Kathlyn Dyer
Class of 1956
Perry & Lillian Brackett
Leroy Heerwald**
Lester & Alice ‘58 Ammondson
Kenneth & Jo ‘54 Duncan
Clyde & Helen Hinton
Clyde & Nancy ‘57 Benjamin
Allan & Mary ‘51 Hammell
Paul* & Ruth ‘45 Hippely
Ronald Dohlen
Gordon & Mary ‘46 Lindner
Walter & Karen ‘58 Egged
Class of 1949
Peter & Marjo Erickson
Leroy Hanson
John Hunt
Gerald & Joyce Jacobson
Richard Johnson
Robert & Grace ‘57 Lacy
Donald & Mary Lashway
Robert Lengemann
Frank Neill Jr.
Clifford & Pearl Poor
Donald Sager
David Schoonen
J. Robert & Patricia Sletten
Lee & Joan Smith
Mete & Sule Teoman
George & Ivene ‘55 Van Noy
Frederick Walter
William West
Guy Willson
Class of 1957
Ronald Afdahl
Kenneth & Ellie Bandow
Robert & Carole ‘58 Beatty
Dan & Joyce Bradshaw
John & Nancy Coates
Allen & Myrna ‘55 Dross**
Richard Espeland
Arthur & Donna Halvorson
Gerald & Gladys ‘53 Hoffman
Donald Killmore
Eugene & Mary Kulawik
George & Verna Miller
Thomas Pemberton
Ronald & Verona Skabo
Darold Skerritt & Judith Lind
Donald & Sandra Tracy
Donald & Angelique Violette
Roy Wells
Willis & Nancy Wetstein
Class of 1958
Carl Backe
Fredric & Carolyn ‘58 Beatty
Charles & Ingeborg Bentz
Frank Jr. & Bette Bergren
Roger & Kathleen Casterline
Joe & Lorrie Chenoweth
William & Helen Congdon
John Craig Jr.
Robert & Sharon Currie
Favre & Lois ‘62 Eaton
David Erickson III
Clifford Forester
D. George & Ruby ‘58 Fulton
Rodger & Arline Hankins
Leigh & Joan Johnson
Alexander Laport
William Larson
Robert Linse
James Martin
David McConnon
William Jr. & Beverly Morrelles
Richard & Carol Nisbet
M. Keith & Ellen Opprecht
Conrad & JoAnn Roseburg
George & Marjorie Savoy
Gordon Spaberg
Murray & Thea ‘52 Swenson
Robert & Carol Walter
Donald & Patricia Wodrich
Leslie Zuck
Class of 1959
Jack & Sharlin ‘60 Arnst
Gerald & LaDona Geise
Clarence Gilbertson**
Patrick & Julia Glancy
Lauren & Theora ‘59 Granmo
Lloyd Hanson
Donald & Marguerite
Elmer Johnson
Kenneth & Pat Malberg
Allan & Linda McDonald
William & Linda Miller
Richard Morris
Larry Orr
Howard Place
Bert & Deanna ‘59 Rice**
William Schultz
Leonard & Helen ‘57 Steffan
Sterling & Bonnie Stetson
Robert & Patricia Sullivan
Raymond Urbach
Jerry Voight
Ronald Watson
Richard & Donna Wegner
Homer & Betty Wheeler
Wilson & Louise ‘57 Williams
Del & Marilyn Wilson
Wilhelm Wurst
Paul Wylie Jr.
Class of 1960
Harold & Desta ‘60 Aure
Wesley Boulanger
Larry Cooper
Warren Erickson
Robert & Betty ‘60 Hansen
Wallace & Kristin Haugan
Robert Hauswirth
Edwin & Dorothy ‘59 Hilger
James & Ardis ‘59 Hill
LeRoy & Judith Hofferber
Donald Holtz
Martin Johansen
Jack & Geneal ‘57 Kanalz
James & Laura Kasner
George & Maxine Kawanishi
Robert & Ardyce ‘62 Kelly
Nathaniel Jr. & Ellen
Carl & Karen Maehl
John & Dorothy Myers
Arthur & Marian Neill**
Norman Rognlie
Duane & Frances ‘58 Rohrer
Robert & Joyce ‘60 Rutherford
Alton Smith
Richard & Patricia ‘60 Uhlrich
Class of 1961
William Coey
Hugh & Carol Corn
Gordon Dalen
Marshall III & Peggy Guile
Lynn & Daisy Johnson
Dick & Ruth Kanemasu
Robert Kolb
Samuel & Frances ‘62
Stanley & Eva Marshall
Robert Miller
Erlind & Janis ‘61 Royer
Richard & Joan Siderius**
David & Helen ‘62 Sloan
Gerald & Deanna Steele**
Glee & Dolly Stocker
Douglas Towner
Sidney Wu
George & Yoshiko Yamamoto
Gordon Huffer**
Ralph & Judy Jensen
Dale Johnson
Fritz Nelson III
W. Larry Olson
Raymond Pearson
Harry Jr. & Betty ‘63 Peterson
Joe & Judith Petrin
John & Patricia Russell
Paul & Rosemarie Simacek
Raymond & Dorothy Smith
Paul & Myrna Stav
Navin Trivedi
Class of 1964
Andrew Barnard
Gene Carlson**
Robert Casne
James & Sandra ‘64 Cummings
Richard* & Pennie Frank
Roger Freeberg
James Grose
Peder Hildre
John & Jo Hillard
Curtis & Joyce Ingebretson
Owen & Sandra Kubal
Peter Larson
Robert & Janet Malesich
William Jr. & Josephine Morris
John & Sandra Muster
David & Cheryl Whitcomb
Class of 1965
John & Louise ‘64 Alderson
Mickey & Luana Beary
Thomas & Judy ‘66 Cheetham
Jack & Patricia ‘65 Coe
Darrel & Loretta ‘67 Coverdell
Howard Goff
Roger Hanson
Richard Haun
Carl & Kathy Linden
John & Bonnie Lundborg
Robert Peccia
John Philip
Michael & Betty ‘65 Riley
Eugene Jr. & Sharyn ‘63
James Schneider
Class of 1966
James Anderson
Bruce Ball
Gary Burkart
Richard & Judith ‘71 Haney
Richard & Dana Herbert**
James & Evelyn Hogin
Ronald & Phyllis Jarrett
Class of 1962
Byron & Sara Kane
Eugene Bratton**
James & Sharon Lencioni
Richard & Deanna Bruckner** Donald & Janet Londgren
Larry Clawson
J. B. & Marsha McNeil
Richard & Myrna Dehn
Ronald Moore
Carson & Elizabeth ‘58 Edwards Jack & Ann Morgenstern
Richard & Jordis Foster
Harold & Marilyn ‘65 Nickel
Richard Golberg
Carl & Pamela Peil
Phillip Green
Knut & Kay ‘65 Raade
Mark Hannah
John Rogers
Gordon Hazelton
William & Betty Rogerson
James & Diane ‘63 Jenks**
H. Gregory & Jacqueline
John & Margaret Lillberg
Marvin & Marcia Lindseth
Robert Severson
David & Joyce McClure
Allan & Patti ‘66 Udin
Wesley & Margaret Nottingham James Zody
Dennis & Frances ‘62 Osgard
Class of 1967
Frank & Gloria Perusich
Brian Applebury
James & Rosina Raisler
George & Judith ‘66 Arnett
Roger Rawls
Jerry & Lola Beto
Larry & Judy Redekopp
Roger & Wendy Democh
Bruce & Jeanette Rehard
David & Pamela Fisher
Loring Robbins
Robert & Sandra ‘67 Given
Evon & Linda Stephani
William & Elizabeth Hart
Edwin Strommen
Gary & Marilyn Hendrix
Class of 1963
Irving & Barbie Hoffman
William & Rebecca ‘65
Jack & Leanne Holt**
David & Patsy Johnson
Ronald & Theresa Cowger
James & Mary ‘66 Kaip
John De Boer
David Kem & Judith Raines
Denis Deck
Donald & Sherye Lammers
Robert Drain
Benjamin Jr. & Kathleen ‘69
Martin & Geraldine Drivdahl
Herman Erhard
Toby & Dorothy Markowitz
Eugene & Ellen Greene
Garry & Linda McElderry
Ronald & Catalina Hall
Roger & Christine Parlett
Donald Henderson
Meldon Peterson
Joseph & Susan ‘68 Schlechten
Edgar Scott
Harlan Skillingberg
Edward Smith
Ralph & Lynn Speakman
Roger Staab
Jerry Townsend
Chien-Hsiew Wen
Gary Wolf
Jerry & Darlene Woodward
Wayne York
Class of 1968
Ronald & Beverley Bastin
Ronald Jr. & Sharon ‘76
James & Sheryl Buxton
David & Helen ‘68 Cogley**
James & Marcia ‘69 Collins
Charles Daniels
James & June Eldred
Lawrence Erlenbusch
Greg & Gloria Ethridge
Dwayne & Sharon ‘66 Field
Charles Garrison**
Arthur & Mary Goddard
Sterling & LaVonne Haaland
Henry Jr. & Linda ‘68 House
William & Eileen Hyslop
Donald & Debbie Klempel
John Klovstad
K. Vaughn & Bernadette ‘66
Mark Larsen
Robert Lough
Donald Lovely
Kenneth McCauley
Gary McGregor
Richard & Myrna Metz
Harold & Patricia ‘68 Mueller
John Murphy
John & Judy ‘66 Nerison**
Curtis Nichols
Jerry Peterson
Steven & Nancy Quist
Timothy & Beverly ‘69 Sevick
James & Linda Svenvold
Darrell Walker
Craig & Kathleen ‘68 Wentzel
Class of 1969
John & Mary ‘70 Barr
John Berg
David Butkay
Eddy Crowley
Gregory & Candace ‘69 Cunniff
Gajendra Dubal
Jack Fisher
Dennis & Ruth ‘72 Fladstol
Terry Gernaat
William Hanson
Richard Havunen
Darryl & Karen ‘69 Hess
David & Barbara Hess
William Hettinger
Richard & Linda Joki
Nam & Hae Kim
Gordon & Elizabeth ‘67
Harold Krogstad
Warren & Barbara Lee
Robert & Jan ‘68 Livesay
Jay Mackey
Leslie & Sandra Mauws
John Myrna
Ralph & Bonnie ‘67 Robertson
George & Karen Rule
Thomas & June Sage**
John & Rebecca Schrotenboer
Lynn Simonsen
James & Margaret Troske
Sambasiva Uppala
Eugene & Carol Woodward
Robert Yu
Thomas Zadick
Class of 1970
Robert & Margaret Allen
Kenneth Bogner
Robert & Dona Boschee
Keith & Mary Brophy
Thomas Buller
Claude Burlingame
Cheuk & Wing Chan
Robert & Lola Copenhaver
John & MaryKay ‘69 Dissel
Gordon & Kathleen ‘68 Finney
John & Paula ‘70 Gorton
Edward & Betty Handl
Dean & Penny ‘70 Johnson
James & Linda ‘97 Kaze
Douglas & Marie ‘71 LaDuke
Thomas Lorang
Jonathan & Mary Mill
Gordon Olson
Tom & Jean ‘71 Olson
Donald & Wendy ‘70 Peterson
Gary & Mary Pickens
James & Barbara Pierson
Phillip Pollard
Edgar & Jo Riggs
Roger Somerville**
Ronald & Laura Torgerson**
William & Valerie Turnquist
William Weikel
Richard Wilmont
Class of 1971
Kenton & Helen Aznoe
Dale Butterfield
Vijay & Carol Chaudhri
Tony & Yun-Shan ‘72 Chen
Douglas & Kathryn Collins
Robert Cummings
Alfred & Brooke Cunningham
Fred & Vernetta Dalbec
Allan Fedoruk & Sandy
William Fyock & Carol ‘73
George Gasper
Gary & Robin ‘71 Gray
Richard Kerin**
Neal & Ann ‘73 Kerzman
Kerry LaDuke
Kenneth Lantta
Thomas & Claudia Lindahl
Robert Marvin
Linda Reynolds
William & Carol ‘71 Rhoads
Michael & Diane Ross
Russell & Gail ‘75 Roy
Bill Sager
James & Cherryl Taylor
Robert & Kymn ‘84 Van Dyken
Norman Weber
Class of 1972
Donald Andersen
Michael Anderson
Timothy Berry Sr.
John & Patrice Brewer
Lloyd Brown
Ann & Robert Cicale
Wayne & Camille Culp
Barry & Paddy ‘72 Damschen
Paul & Catherine ‘72 Dawson
Richard & Shari DeVore
Douglas & Cheryl Dusek
Clarence & Linda Eggen
Gary & Elaine Evertz
Stephen & Barbara Gamradt
Robin & Katherine
Jack & Cathy ‘72 Hareland
Hee & Sunwha Hong
David & Mary ‘73 Jochim
Gary & Connie ‘74 Johnson
Robert Jovick
Lloyd McClure
Thomas & Zora McMaster
Richard Mountain
James Nelson
Lara & Stephen Noren
Michael Nutt
Larry & Barbara Olson
Robert Peters
Vernon & Paula ‘71 Roberts
Dale Spracklin
Gary & Connie ‘73 Stewart
Margaret Striebel
Edward & Karen ‘72 Tabacco
Joel Timmerman
Frank & Jenny Votapka
Jack & Kathy ‘74 Walton
David & Ora Whitley
Richard & Elsie ‘73 Wodnik
Class of 1973
William Arendt
Earl & Connie ‘73 Bartram
Harold Boe
Denis & Ilene ‘72 Bourdeau
Terrance Brandt
Thomas Caplis
Daniel & Karen Cheever
John & Delores Cicon
Donald & Parnian Davis
Conwell Dickey
James & Voni Fletcher
Margaret & Michael Gipps
Richard & Donna Hartman
Danny Holmes
Leland & Ruth Jensen
William & Jeanette Kloos
Norbert Kniepp
Stephan Kujawa
Venkatachalam & Linda ‘73
Thomas Larson
Johnson & Rita Liao
Steven Luther
Gregory & Patricia Moore
Donald & Diann Neal
James & Shelley ‘73
Bruce Rost
John Sand
William & Janice Saner
Raymond & Carole Scheuffele
Anthony & Joan Shutey
Norman & Diane ‘75 Spaeth
Randall & Sally Sullivan
Robert & Lynette Thomas
William & Darlene Vanderloos
George & Celestine Wheatcroft
Randy Williams
Robert & Glynis Williams
Chic Yang
Class of 1974
George & Peggy ‘78 Anderson
Kenneth Anderson
Jonnie Askin
Gary & LaDonna ‘77 Bergman
Richard & Pamela Boyce
Ronald Brekke**
Ducie Chads
Raymond & Marcia ‘73 Cline
Wayne & Marlene Curtis
John & Elizabeth Daly
Robert & Lynne ‘72 Dillon
Wayne Halverson
Kerry Hanson
Mark & Kathleen ‘74 Hanson
Russell & Margaret ‘74 Hanson
Thomas & Virginia Harn
Richard Hausken & Ruth
John & Terry ‘75 Hinman
Steven Itoh
James Jovanovich & Lynn ‘91
St Sauver
Patrick & Mary ‘75 Kimmet
Douglas Lehnen
James Long
Don Mattson
Kenneth & Cindy Munski
Daniel Nefzger
Thomas Odt
Michael Peris
Michael & Barbara ‘74 Phillips
Craig Rang
Theodore & Heather Reichelt
Verlin & Patricia ‘74 Reichelt
Delbert & Dena ‘74 Richter
William Sentman
David & Vicki ‘76 Shannon**
Donald & Donna Shaver
Robert & Marilyn ‘74 Shepard
Max Sims
H. Terry & Marj ‘76 Smith
Craig Timmerman
Class of 1975
Robert & Shelley Astle
Michael Biegalke
Brian & Wendy Den-Herder
Kermit & Earline ‘76 Eck
Dennis & Sandra Helgeson
Robert & Karen Heyd
Steven & Gretchen Holland
Michael & Maria ‘75 Ketterling
Daniel & Antonette Mahoney
Stephen & Jacqueline McGuire
Kenneth Melder
David & Susan ‘78 Mosser
Kevin & Joan ‘75 Owens
Chris & Karen ‘73 Paul
Kipp Riebe
Candace Roberts
Harold Roberts
Gary & Yvonne Rome
Loren Schillinger
John & Victoria Somppi
Phillip Stenberg
William & Laura Stone
Alan & Karen ‘76 Traeholt
Andrew & Rebecca Tucci
Monte & Barbara Wilke
Franklin & Jeannie Wilson
Class of 1976
David & Karen Anderson
Kenneth & Ann Anderson
Martin & Joan Atwood
William & Gale ‘76 Bacon
David Baird
Thomas & Ranelle Barth
Gary & Mary Bird
Steve Birrer
Dean Jr. & Ellen Burkett
Douglas & Kari Chandler
Larry & Nancy ‘76 Cole
Douglas & Tina Craig
Robert Egging
George Fletcher
Dan Fraser
Bruce & Beth ‘75 Hammell
Sally & John ‘95 Hickey
Leon III & Dianne Howe
Stephen & Lyn Kenney
Ronald & Kay Kent
Russell Malsam
James McElligott
David & Carol Nevin
Janice O’Donnell
John & Shelley ‘78 Pack
Terry & Aleta Parker
Walter & Shirley Rolf
Carl Trebesch
Stephen & Kathleen ‘77
David & Jerry Zahller
Class of 1977
Dana Baham
David Bick
Jay Browne
Emilie & Steven Dohleman
Jerry & Linda Doran
Rajendrakumar Gandhi
Scott Gustafson
Merlin Halden
Robert & Renee Harn
Rodney & Jane Harris
Mark Hastings
Thomas Heinecke
Richard Herman
John Holzberger
Ronald & Sharon Klem
Jeffrey & Dawn Langlinais
Allen Levens
Douglas Luse
Kathryn Marshall
David & Melody ‘80 McIntyre
Richard Miller
John & Elizabeth Monahan
Robert & Kathleen Morrison
Delbert Peck Jr.
Randy & Colleen Pelz
Orville & Kathryn ‘78 Plum
Stephen Radons
John & Linda Roukema
Robert Small & Cynthia
Vince & Arlene Stephens
Stephen Stonehocker
Sterling Sundheim
Daniel & Kathleen Wetstein
Class of 1978
Rudy & Sharon ‘79 Cicon
James Cole
Marsha & Mark ‘77 Costello
Jeffrey & Julia Cross
Donald Egging
Kent Ferre & Helene Jimenez
Mark & Debra ‘87 Fix
Janice Flagan
David Gates
Randy & Jan Geist
Rodney & Joyce Goldhahn
Daniel Goldsworthy
Patrick & Reba Gorton
James & Sue Haas
Alan Haines
Amy & Dennis ‘78 Heidner
James Hill III**
Henry & Judy Koppelman
Richard Kutz
Fritz & Patricia Mehr
Michael & Heidi Merhar
Albert & Maura Nelson
Thomas & Karalee Nelson
Sandra Otto
Andrew Pehl
Lowell & Debra ‘79 Pimley
Kenneth & Leslie Pitman
Glen Quist
William Reid Jr.
Clyde & Margaret Robbe
Jay Sinnott
Douglas & Carol Solberg
Michael Stears
Lyle Swank
Scott & Veronica ‘79 Sweeney
Daniel Tintinger
Sharon Tyler
Ross & Susanne Whelchel
Roger & Cecile Wicks
Brad & JoAnn ‘77 Woolrich
Class of 1979
Anthony Aipperspach
Gary Ball**
James & Lori Boltz
Mark Bowman
Beth Brin
Steven Cisney
John Daggett
John Egeland
Richard & Teresa Ehlert
Daniel & Sarah Ellig
Joel Friedt
James & Carla Gillie
Thomas Gregg
Mark Halverson
Layne & Cathryn Hansen
John Heinecke
Scott Hietpas
Donald & Debra Higgins
Edwin Hill
Brent Jensen
D. Wayne Kern
James King
Warren Kitchel
Paul Koenig
Joylee & Kenneth Kohler
Edward Kommers
Gregg Lynde
William Miller Jr.
James & Gwynne ‘79 Mohl
Larry Moritz
Ross & Cate Nelson
Gordon & Reba ‘79 Neumann
M. LeRoy & Susan Patterson
Lachlan Perks
John Jr. & Jeri Phillips
William & Deborah Reichert**
Tristan Renz
Thomas & Kerianne ‘81
Brad Rogers
Mark & Julie Schneiter
Keith Seifert
Gene & Margaret ‘80
Gordon Steyaert
Fred Tadewaldt
Bradley Talcott & Linda
Herbert Thackeray
Dennis & Kathleen Treu
Jack Vranish
William & Karen Walkowski
Donald & Mary Waltari
Ronald Wilcox
Joyce & Arthur ‘79 Woods
James & Carla ‘80 Young
Class of 1980
William Bowden
Jerome & Sandy Cerkovnik
William & Kathy ‘80 Farthing
Michael & Diane ‘80 Filicetti
Joseph Fleming
Keith & Cindy Ford
Hal & Katherine ‘80 Fuglevand
Lawrence & Nicki Hall
Barry & Mary Hanson
Charles Hanson Jr.
Russ Herrell
Ella Iott
Terry & Karen Johnson
Rena Koinis
Richard & Darla ‘83 LaRoche
Eric Larsen
Frank Liquin
Jeffrey Loving
Scott & Melissa Mathison
Mark & Lauri Miron
Timothy Mohr
Richard Nordquist
Ronald & Terry Novich
Thomas Olson
Ronald & Darlene Ralph
Mark Reid**
Paul & Lori Richards
Michael & Janet ‘79 Rubich**
David & Sandra ‘82 Schmit
David & Jane ‘80 Spomer
Johny Starnes
Elton & Lynn Stickel
Todd & Carol ‘80 Walter
Wayne Whelchel
Lawrence Wirtala
Dallas & Debra ‘81 Wivholm
William Wuertz
Michael & Miriam Yovetich
Class of 1981
David Barney
Donald Bauer
Loren & Susan Blossom
Aaron Bridgewater
Bernard Caulfield
Thomas & Brenda Clark
Anthony & Katherine Clinch
John & Kathy ‘82 Close
Mark & Sun Daggett
Mark Dahl
Rick Drazich
Kurt Erickson
Michael Greenwood
Stephen & Beverly Holnbeck
Kent & Cindy Johnson
Scott & Helen Kestle
Sheryl Lambertson
James & Sandra ‘82 Law
Michael & LuAnn ‘81 Leverson
Duane Loken
Robert & Anita Malahowski
Perry IV & Kathryn Moore
David Nickelson
Robert & Anita Olsen
Robert Olson
J. & Kaye Orosz
Neil & Anita ‘80 Parpart
Mark Peres
Wayne Phelps
Tony & Robin Pistelak
David Pracht & Wendy O’Brien
Patricia Rayman
Carl Reid
Donald & Susan Ressmeyer
Michael & Elizabeth Sampsel
William Sappington
Darrell Scharf
Allan & Kathy Schneider
Timothy & Nancy Schuessler
David & Karen Shropshire
Dale & Janet Shuttlesworth
Robert Simpson
Phillip & Beverly Stark
Robert Swift
Gary Tapp
Bruce & Rebekka ‘79
Peter Turnbull
Robert Ward & Robin Jerke
Bryon & Diane ‘82 Whiteaker
Gary & Teressa ‘80 Whitney
Edward Woodrow
Janet Workman
Zoanne & Robert Zapata
Class of 1982
Lonnie & Shannon ‘79
Craig & Sarah Arnold
Robert Bailes
Matthew Baney
Gregory & Cynthia ‘82 Bergum
William & Nanette Beyer
James Brenna
Joseph Brookshier Jr.
David & Ann Brown
Larry & Cindy Cawlfield
Douglas & Sonja Chandler
Loren & Kristy ‘78 Dommer
Mark & Cheryl Eatinger
Roy Ewen
Michael Flock & Joan
Robert & Rose Flynn
Phillip Gilmore
Vernon Gregoire
Harry Griffith III & Shelly
Harvey & Pamela ‘85 Hergett
Thomas & LaJeannea ‘82
Michael & Stephanie Huppert
Mark Johnke
Derrick Johnson
Vance Johnson
John & Mary Kotson
Mark & Donna Lies
Jon & DeLynn Lindberg
Dennis Lower
John & Susan Mavis
Donald & Donna McCammon
Matthew McCormick
Richard Miner
Theodore & Suzette Moore
Richard Mortimer
D.O. & Laurene ‘82 Nunemaker
Robert Palmer
Martin & Kim ‘82 Price
Ronald Rogerson
Jon Roholt
Melvin & Lupe Roush
Owen & Mary Rumph
William Sagan
Roger Sanders & Margaret
Lonnie & Deanna Schaffer
Jeffrey Secor
Jay Snow
Subramaniam & Sakuntalai
Mary & Mitchell ‘81 Stelling
Scott Strissel
Donald Jr. & Christina ‘86
Jim & Karen ‘80 Tietema
Maren Toohill
Erling & Elizabeth Tufte
Randall Violett
Mark & Deborah Visocan
Daniel & Tami Wilke
Timothy & Julie ‘82 Wood
Class of 1983
John Jr. & Patricia Allaire
Lindsay Anderson
William & Betty ‘75 Campbell
Joseph & Helen Chauvin
Kenneth & Mary Christie
Steven Dennis & Linda ‘83
Jeffrey & Mary Ebert
James & Corinne Erickson
James & Jeanne Fleming
Alfred Goetz III**
Wade Graham
David & Patricia ‘83
Timothy Grove
Nancy Haverkamp
Kevin & Martha Hintt
Wade Hobbs
Thomas Insley
Richard Isbell**
Kevin & Lori King
Timothy Kirkpatrick
Bernard Jr. & Maria Koenig
Scott & Katherine ‘82 Kukes**
Douglas & Denise Lee
Michael & Dora Lindner
Robert Lower
David Loyning
Bret Mathews
Brien & Cynthia McCrea
Stevin Miller
Craig & Dee Mitchell
Myron & Karen ‘83 Moore
Roger Morris
Kenneth & Debra Mosdal
Lori & John Myers
Linda Nelson
Mark Noble
Christian & Julia ‘84 Nygren
Daniel & Roberta Painter
Chia-Ren & Wei Lee Pan
Richard & C. Diane Phillips**
Raymond Raths
Rodney & Lesa Rindal
Peggy & Keith Rose
Steven Schennum
Thomas & Penny Schmidt
Claudia & Billy Scott
Paul Steiner
Brett & Susan Swimley
Darryl & Linda ‘84 Thompson
Levi Todd
Class of 1984
Renee Amicucci & Robert
Jack Anderson
John Armbruster
Doug & Kimberly Barnet
Kim & Ann Beaudry
Neal Blossom & Kathie ‘84
Lewis Brye
Ruth Burris
Allen Creek
Timothy & Deborah ‘83
Steven Daines
Joseph Ellertson
Dennis Epp
Mark Feltis
David & Mary Friese
Mark & Brenda Fuglevand
Bridget & Thomas Garnsey
Gary & Julie ‘84 Grabow
John Hammargren
James Hansen
Robin Hape & Margaret
Daniel & Charlotte ‘84
Larry & Tona Hattery
Gary & Coni Hehn
Steven & Tara Hietpas
Mark & Joni Hinton
Richard & Linda ‘84 Jahr
Daniel & Nancy ‘85 Jochem
Douglas & Doris Keene
Kevin Kenison
William Laport
Scott Larson
David Lindsey
David Macferran
William Martin
David & Suzanne ‘86 Mattson
Michael & Margaret Merwin
Daniel & Twila ‘84 Miller
Clark & Georgia Morgan
Kristine Motta
Michael O’Leary
Eric & Evy Olson
John & Lori Parker
Kevin Parrish
Donna Peterson
David Powell**
Mark & Lori Reinsel
Craig & Karen Rieger
Perry & Julie Robbins
Glenn Rounds
Thomas & Christine Sayers
Scott & Lori Schilling
Michael Schneider
Donald Schott
Bruce Scovill
Vincent Smith & Maria Duran
Kenneth & Linda ‘81 Stahley
David Suvak
Melanie Swenson
Paul & Kathleen ‘83
James Thomson
Martin Jr. & Jolie ‘84 Vigen
William Wagener
Sandra Walimaa
Michael & Jacqueline Weaver
Ronald Weeks
William Wheatley
Steven & Molli Wingert
James & Victoria Wodrich
Roger & Terry Wylie
Class of 1985
Rick & Christina Aaberg
Jim Allen
Todd Allinger
Thomas & Sally ‘79 Amundsen
Loren Andersen
Glen & Michelle Barnett
Scott Busch
Greg Camrud
Kenneth & Kathryn ‘86
Charles & Lauri ‘84 Chvilicek
Michael Colesar
Christopher Conley
Kevin & Patricia ‘84 Cook
David Crawford
Michael & Louellen Crennen
Kevin & Guinevere Cummings
Patrick Cushman
Gerald & Claudia Davis
Mark Drake
Byron Dye
Dennis Enebo
Steven Floth
Thomas Flynn
Jeffrey Gardiner
Ambrey & Sharon Gartner
Silas Gilbert
Mark & Chris Golden
Karl & Elizabeth Graham
Bernard & Josephine ‘84
Brian Helland
Kevin Helmer
Gary Helming
Craig Hoyem
Trent Hudak
Raymond Irion
Gregory Kasper
Scott Keller & Marie ‘00
Alan Klein
David & Karen Krum
Terence Lammers
Lori Larson
Gordon LeBar
Paul & Christie LeBar
Paul Leininger
Keri Lewis
Gary & Connie ‘85 Limesand
Victoria Lynne
Kelly & Patricia Marcum
Michael & Karin ‘84 Maroney
Mitchell Marvosh
James Maynard
Daniel & Lisa ‘85 McCauley
Timothy & Sheryl ‘85
Helene & Thomas Michael
Jerome Mothershead & Janice
Andrew & Carol ‘86 Myxter
Gerald Nerlin
James Nickman
Patrick O’Connor & Crystal
Brett Owens
Donald Jr. & Marcia
David & Jamett Reber
Mark & Veronica Restad
Dana Seitz
Becky & Walter Smith
Scott & Lisa Snavely
Denise Snyder
John & Sherry ‘85 Stewart
Michael Stoeckig & Jennifer
David Swayne
Stephen Taylor
Kenneth & Sheri Townsend
Douglas Van Gorden**
David & Jane Virag
Scott & Maria Wagener
Thomas & Virginia Waldorf
Gary Walter & Terrell
David & Leisa ‘01 Weller
Michael Wieck
Gary & Ralene Wilson
Timothy Wodrich
Mark & Diana ‘85 Woodward
Pamela Ziemann
Class of 1986
Danny Bersch
William & Luann ‘85 Betts
Lawrence & Michelle ‘88
James Bradford
Kevin & Sandra ‘86 Brodie
Wade & Deborah ‘84 Cline
Kevin & Deborah Cushman
Fredrick Daily
Dana & Vincent Deleon
Abhijit & Chaitali Dutta
Duane & Shelly Egging
Alan Erickson
James & Colleen Feltis
Joseph Fisher
William & Vickie Frazer
Stanley Gappa Jr.
Brian & Lisa Havlovick
Cristine Hoferer
Elaine Jacobson
Jerald Kauffman
Katherine Kihara
George Kirkwood
Todd & Laurie ‘86 Klevgard**
David Knarr
Olinda Kober & David
Chris Koch
Amber & Fredric ‘87 Lake**
Jay Landis
Michelle LeClair & Robert
Edward & Jane Losinski
Scott & Malena ‘86 March
Bret & Joni Merrick
Kirk & Raandi ‘86 Miller
Jerry Ojala
John & Alida Olson
John Pierre
Bruce & Melanie ‘86 Randall
Daniel Rathman
Thomas & Martha Roeder
Mark & Kristine Russell
Rhonda & John Salman
Jeffrey Schulz
Nancy & Patrick Seleski
Michael & Susan Sherick
Mark Shyne
Michael & Joan Siderius
Jeffrey & Kelly ‘87 Sipes
Kevin Smith
Lee Snow
Bruce & Cecile Sorensen
Michael Sorenson
Dennis & Joy Stiles
Randi Triem
Robert Wall
Brian & Maureen Walsh
Brian & Jacqueline Wetzsteon
Jeffery Woods
Class of 1987
Christopher & Elissa Allen
Victor Bakke
Mark Bertelsen
Joseph & Nadja Boone
John & Marcie ‘87 Brand
Peggy & Randy Caraway
Gary Creek
Mark Cunnane & Lisa ‘85
William & Mary Daily
Robert & Myrna ‘80 De Lay
Denise & Thomas ‘87 DeLuca
Brian & Barbara Donovan
Thomas Duffy
Douglas Dunbar III
Michael & Catherine ‘88 Fisher
Greta Gilman & Michael Hines
James & Kristine Hall
Brian & Susan ‘87 Hamilton
Robert Harvey
Craig & Deanna ‘85 Hostetler
Neil & Angela Jensen
David Keck
Scott Kufeld
Mark Langen
John & Stephanie ‘87 Lodman
Douglas Mandic
Richard & Susan ‘81 Marvin
Thomas McKenna
Daniel & Tracey Mejdell
Scott Olson
Marcella & Kevin ‘83 O’Toole
Richard & Glenda ‘87 Rall
Douglas & Debra Ries
Richard Robinson
Blayne & Barbara Rummel
Brian Selberg
Brian Shontz
Karen Shyne & Gary ‘88
Mary Stepan-Nye & Bob Nye
Brian & Sheila Tomac
John & Dana Tubbesing
James & Carol ‘89 Tweet**
Thomas Villeneuve & Mary
Michael Wagner
Paul Wegner
Keith & Ruth ‘86 Wheat
Dean Wilkinson
Bruce Williams & Trudi ‘87
Bob Wong
Frank Young
Pamela Zuhoski
Class of 1988
Edward & Terri Austin
Michael & Pamela ‘88 Baeten
Wayne & Darcy ‘87 Belgarde
John Bennett
Kory & Roberta ‘83 Brooks
Ray & Kim ‘92 Center
Trygve Dahle III
Roy Darrow
Susanne & Mark Dauenhauer
Charles Day
Anne & Daryl ‘66 DeFrance
Wendy & Dennis Ferry
James & Catherine ‘89
Richard Ford
Randall & Janet Frey
Dean Gehnert
Lucille & Raymond Glatt
Logan & Tammy ‘86 Good
Brett & Debra Green
Ronald Hanson
James Hathaway
Neil & Julie Heckerman
Larry Kaylor
Jeffrey & Tana ‘87 Larson
Marla Marganian
Margaret Mitchell
Michael Myers & Karen
Todd Palmer
Todd Panasuk
Steven Ramberg
James & Jeanine ‘89 Roesner
Cindy Roske
Darrell Schermerhorn
Daniel & Karrie ‘87 Sherick
Erik & Jacqueline Stam
Timothy & Valerie ‘88 Trefts**
Kirk Van Alstyne
William & Janet Vandersloot
Patrick Whelan**
Charles & Marilyn Whittington
Tyler & Amy ‘85 Winter
Craig & Lisa ‘90 Woolard
Class of 1989
Rodney Adamson
Diane Amdor
Patrick & Shelley Behm
Michael & Jeannie Brandt
Timothy & Kimberlee Brewer
Gary & Sharon Brist
Alan & Nicole Bronec
Karl & Wendy Bumgarner
Kelly Burnaby
Robert & Donna Church
Alan & Ingra ‘88 Craig
Scot Cromer
Martin Dahl
Robert Dixon
Richard & Tracy ‘90 Donaldson
Paul Druyvestein
Wayne & Carrie Egan
Guy Erb
Jennifer Estep
David Heil
Henry Hildreth & Teri ‘76
Andrew & Tia Holt
Robert & Shanna ‘90 Kimball
Ronald & Peachie Kissock
Todd & Christine Koenig
Collin & Kim ‘90 Korich
Craig Northam
Larry & Leigh Olson
Ottly & Suzanne Owens
Marc & Tamera ‘93 Paffhausen
Troy & Kelly ‘89 Pefley
Bryan Robertus
Ron & Nancy Roodell
Laura & Peter Rowley
Sergio & Maria San Martin
Tracy & Sharon Sawyer
Kris & Leslie ‘92 Stauffer
Eric Sverdrup
Brent Tripp**
Bryon & Janet ‘87 Wagner
James Watson & Carol ‘86
Joseph Zuklic
Class of 1990
Daniel & Geraldine ‘89 Arndt
Brian & Tera Bos
Curtis Butt
Darlene & Jeffrey Davis
Douglas & Amy ‘91 Dockter
Richard & Kolette Flood
Marcus Golz
Kelly Gosswiller
Roger & Crisse Hall
Terry Hanser
Ace & Rachelle ‘89 Hill
John Hoyer
Stacy & Shawn Hutchinson**
Tay Johannes
Nicole & Eric Johnson
Magadi Joshi & Vaishali
Ronald Koontz
James & Ellen ‘92 Kriskovich
Judy & Duane ‘89 Leitheiser
Craig Lofgren
Michael & Karen Magone
Satya Malla
Eric & Kathy Malmberg
Darcy & David Matyus
Robert McCann
Larry Jr. & Nancy Merriman
Matthew & Susan ‘90 Michael
Peter Molenda Jr.
Timothy Pirtz
Michael Ronda
Gary Schroeder
John Sheehan
Vernon & Susan Southerland
David & Monica Stephenson
Scott & Jill Thorne
Steve Timmons
Gary Turner
Brian Tweet
Peter & Susan Werner
Class of 1991
Thomas & Sherry Abel
Anthony & Wendy Adams
Todd Adams
Daniel Anderson
Sandra & William David
Roy & Janna ‘91 Aune
Ronald Baiar
Derek & Simone Berger
Robert Berube
Richard & Melissa Beyl
Tyrone Cavanaugh
Cody & Joycelyn Christman
John & Danetta Christman
Bryan Conley
Jay Conway
Lorna Dirks
Justin & Shari Eggart
Prince Emmanuel
Robert & Michele ‘92 Fried
Robert Gates**
Craig Gawreluk
Joseph Haas
Patrick Harmon
Russell Herrin
Kevin & Cathryn ‘86 Joyce
Nathan Lehman
Charles MacDonald
James & Lori ‘92 Malmstrom
Thomas & Donna ‘82
Travis & Sandi ‘90 McRae
Travis & Kara Millhollin
Daniel & Shauna ‘96 Ottman
Timothy & Katherine Padden
Kenneth & Donna ‘91 Potts
Michael Rusinyak
William & Cheryl ‘95
David Smith
Brenda Sonderegger
Brian & Wendy ‘92 Taylor
Gregory Trangmoe
Henry & Andrea Yang
Class of 1992
Susan & Christopher ‘98 Ames
Bryce & Kristin Beecher
Nicole & Kevin ‘93 Benge
Sean & Patricia ‘93 Burke
Dawn & Brett ‘94 Busch
Laura & Arnold Cook
Neil & Wendy Curry
Matthew & Bridget ‘91
Todd & Tana ‘93 Gnose
John Gordineer
Robert & Kimberlie Hardgrove
Sean Hoven
Suzanne Kaminski
Timothy & Stormi ‘92 Kiesow
Stanley & Najjla Leonard
Greg Louie
Kyle Maretech
Paul & Patricia ‘88 McElroy
Brian Mosdal
Mark & Susan Munsinger
Richard Passmore
Keith Phillips
Lisa Potter
Thomas Price**
William Price
Kathleen & Casey ‘92 Carlson
Rick & Lori Shimskey
Roger Solberg
Peter & Karen Southwick
Kary & Melanie ‘92 Tonjum
James & Leslie Walter
Christopher & Angela ‘91
Class of 1993
Travis Addington
Ian Bailey
David Belote
Amy Bergsieker
Terry Danzer
Gregory Darkenwald
Amarnath Duggasani
Joseph & Jami ‘92 Earsley
Shawn Fahrenbruch & Hong
Martin & Heidi Gagnon
Frances Goosey
Carrie Harris
Craig & Doreen Herbert
Julia Hiett
William & Vanessa Hutchison
Clemente & Sharlyn ‘91
Al Kersich
Jeffrey Key
Michael & Traci Kujath
Jay & Jennifer Lane
Jeffrey Lindley
James McCall
Cari McConville
Kevin & Kelly ‘93 McGovern
Gary & Heidi ‘94 Nieboer
Steven & Kelly ‘00 Patterson
Brent Peyton
Dale & Clarisse Roos
Szego Sandor
Stephanie & Shawn
Wayne Thomas
Heather & Joseph Volesky
Rebecca & John ‘84 Zehntner
Class of 1994
Stephen Ayres
Rebecca & Jonathan Bailey
Pamela & Toby Beavis
Douglas Carr
Jennifer Carr
Mark Chandler
Raymond Dombroski
Chris & Shannon ‘93 Frideres
Coby & Dana ‘94 Grove
Nathan & Christina ‘90
Douglas Helmann
Gordon III & Jennifer ‘94
Phillip & Lori Lee
David & Meredith ‘94 Maehl
Paul Jr. & Clarinda Marcoff
Bret Martin**
Paul McCarty
Robert Morehead Jr.
Brian Pilney
Nichole & Michael
Charles & Jennifer ‘92 Salois
Jeremy & Julie Siemens
Daniel Smith
Matthew Smith
Clinton & Nicole ‘92 Sundt
David Youngquist
Class of 1995
Andrew Bench
Anne Camper
Eric & Dawn Corneliusen
Shellee & Ronald Dunlap
Patrick Grace
Paul Hergett
Christopher & Adrienna ‘96
Paul Howard
Jeremy & Naomi ‘94 Jones
Lance Kind
Mark Limesand
Ruowen Liu
Leif Nelson
Xiao Pu
Jonathan & Catherine ‘94
Kevin Scott
Julie & Aaron Shewman
L. Shrihari
Rusty Vaira**
Brian & Diane ‘93 Volk
Wendy & Lafe Warren
Anna Wolfe
Shunong Yang
Class of 1996
Janis & Michael Armondo
Jeffrey Bailey-Darland &
Colette ‘95 DarlandRussell
Mark & Katherine Brooks
Brad Byars
Jason & Jolene Ford
Bradley Forsyth
Denise Hampton
Chad Hanson
Liljana Hristova
Raymond & Heather ‘96
Scott & Janice ‘96 Jones
Kurt & Susan ‘98 Kovich
Kent Lang
Amber Lewis
Juhao Lin
Zachary Lowe
William Mackin
Kevin & Tracey Miley
Jeffrey & Laura Miller
Julie Morman
Todd Mortag
Christopher Muggli
Paul Sanford
Zak Sargent
Daniel Spicer
Toby Strom
Frederick & Natalie ‘96
Douglas & Twilla Vance
Brian VanVleet
Travis & Amanda Vick
Alanna Woods
Bryan Young
Class of 1997
John & Kristi Adams
Bryon Agan
Brent Aleksich
Nathan Binau
William & Barbara Burkland
Michael Calvin
Stuart & Rebecca ‘96 Crane
Cynthia & Robert ‘85 Crayton
Angela & Michael ‘98
Amy Goit
Karli Grimmer
Galen Hafla
Thomas & Barbara ‘70 Hudson
Gabe Jellison
Crystal Kuntz
Michael Meskimen
Marc Moore
Jon Panian
Joseph Roberts**
Weining Ruan
Andrew Ruth
William IV & Melanie ‘95
Karen Scott
Sharla Thomas
Class of 1998
Marc Blanden
Jesse Block
Judel Buls
Todd & Stephanie Combs
Ingrid Emilsson
Ward Feldmann
Jeremy & Katherine Gregory
Christopher Jabs
Douglas Keever
Nicholas Kraus
Katie Radtke
Ryan Salisbury
Shaun & Julene Shea
Shawn Skinner & Marie Pare
Douglas Teller
Katherine Thomas
Stephen Van Mullem
Lei Wei
Jami Wing
Kyle Winling
Class of 1999
David Foltz & Alessandra ‘98
Tyler & Michele Giffin
Katherine & Brian Hoffman
Jeffrey Jones
Jon Koon
Chad Ladner
John Martin
Regan Meredith
Jonathan Netzloff
Brian Pendergast
Thomas & Jennifer Potter
Vincent Sage
Michelle Thomson
Angela & Anthony Watson
Kevin Werhane
Jesse & Jenny ‘98 Wilcox
Class of 2000
Heather Butcher
Jason & Katie ‘00
Ross & Masako ‘00 Hennequin
Jeffrey Hubbach
Kimberley Klepzig & Jason ‘00
Philip Larson
Neal Maben
Jason McMillan
Jessica Meissner
Christian Ostrem
Alyson Phillips
Molly Skorpik
Melinda Talarico
Class of 2001
Benjamin Andreski
Melissa Bilbao
Alex Frank
Klein & Karen Gilhousen
Cynthia Heath
Gregory Jenkins
Curtis Leffers
Jay Mercer
Class of 2002
Alice Burch
Mark Ferrara
Class of 2003
Damon & Lacee Lalum
Robert Rodgers
Mary & Joseph Alford
Tracie ‘00 & Keith Allen**
Carl & Nancy Anderson
Ellen Anderson ‘68
Sue Ankeny ‘93**
Kenneth ‘69 & Elaine
Timothy Barnard
Robert & Anne Barry
Stanley ‘70 & Sally Bell**
James ‘62 & Carolyn Berg**
John Boettcher ‘79**
Thomas Brahms
William Bray
Daniel ‘75 & Kimberly ‘75
David ‘75 & LaVonne ‘76
Joseph ‘70 & Margaret ‘59
David Brown ‘69**
Doug Cairns
Tom ‘71 & Mary ‘71 Capser
Clyde Carpino Jr. ‘70**
Jodi Carson
Paul Christenot ‘67**
Donald ‘64 & Carol ‘61
Ronald & Marie Clare
George Clemow ‘55**
Cynthia Cohan ‘81**
Betty Cohn ‘52
Steven Cordes ‘69**
Kurt & Jacquelyn Corey
Gary Cormier ‘64**
Patrick Dailey ‘88**
James Dancer ‘79**
Joette Daugherty ‘89**
David & Elizabeth
Thomas ‘68 & Vicki ‘67 Duff**
Steven ‘68 & Susan Duganz
William ‘60 & Kay Epperly**
Patricia Erwin-Smith ‘55
John & Emma Felton
Joan ‘78 & Sandy Ferraro
Jeanne Fistedis
Thomas Frisby ‘68**
David & Rebecca Gibson
Catherine & G.B. Givler
Darren ‘87 & Michelle Gray**
Joan Griffith ‘86**
Aaron Hagen ‘95**
Sarah Hall ‘96**
Don ‘56 & Eloise Hargrove**
Thomas ‘78 & Twila ‘03
Arthur ‘68 & Judy ‘67
Paul ‘55 & M. Jean ‘56 Hein**
Rosalie Heinecke
Emmabell Herak
Gerald ‘57 & Jo Hietpas
David Hoag ‘71**
Daniel ‘77 & Patricia Hodge**
Alice Holmquist
Clifford Jr. ‘74 & Betty Holt
Angela ‘93 & Paul Huffman**
Donald Huffman ‘75**
Mark ‘96 & Shelly Huhtanen**
Jonathan ‘87 & Pamela ‘87
Edwin III ‘80 & Kari
William ‘84 & Mary
Jon ‘93 & Janet Johnson**
Patricia Johnson ‘48
Todd Kaiser ‘81
Loren Katzenberger ‘70**
Terry & Dale Kennedy
Tillie Kilby
James ‘81 & Susan ‘81
William Korn ‘68**
William Kortlander
Betty ‘87 & Theodore Lang
John ‘77 & Jody Larned**
Erys Lawlor ‘73
James Lemonds ‘82**
Claire & Bill Leslie
Clark ‘83 & Michelle Lewis
Phyllis Lindsey ‘58
Kristin ‘96 & Matthew ‘88
Arthur Jr. ‘67 & Mary
Thomas ‘95 & Lori Luhrsen**
Robert Maher
Margaret ‘94 & Robert Marley
Jane Marquess
Lorna McCormick
Marjorie McGinley
Carl McIntosh
Daniel McRoberts ‘81**
Ronald Meredith ‘68**
Carmen Mezzacappa ‘75
Richard Michelotti Jr. ‘84**
Louise & Robert Montgomery
Alice Murphy
Deborah Nash
Hashem & Maryam Nehrir
Wayne ‘68 & Linda Nelson**
Richard Northey
Donald Nottingham ‘66**
Gary & Joylene Novota
Thomas Overturf ‘64**
Don ‘56 & Mary Patterson**
Wanda & Sam Pearce
Charles Pierson Jr. ‘66**
Dorothy Quick
Jeffrey ‘87 & Heidi Reed**
Donald ‘84 & Susan Reif
Curtis Jr. ‘89 & Mary ‘03
Carolyn & Cecil Rhodes
Bernice Rhyneer
Patricia ‘62 & John ‘63 Robbins
Richard & Mickey Rosa
Kenneth Rose ‘88**
John Jr. ‘68 & Gerri Rouane**
Thomas & Diane Rowader
William ‘86 Schmechel
Anita Schwenneker ‘42
Ann & Malcom Sims
Robert & Hilda Smith
Everett ‘59 & Georgia ‘58
Theresa ‘88 & Thomas
Tobias Stapleton ‘58**
Michael Stark ‘66**
Kevin ‘86 & Raymond
Roberta Struck
Peter Sullivan
Will & Jennifer Swearingen
Molly Tatarka ‘88**
John & Bonnie Taylor
Sharon ‘83 & Patrick Taylor
William ‘48 & Margaret ‘41
Reese ‘64 Thomas**
Edward ‘72 & Joy Thurner**
Katherine Titus ‘52
Randy ‘85 & Deanna ‘86
David ‘78 & Evelyn ‘78 Ulsh**
Colleen & Joseph Unterreiner
Lawrence ‘73 & Betty
Barbara Walsh ‘86
Caryn Walsh ‘84
Catherine Walsh
Elizabeth Walsh
Amelia Weiland
Marla & Daniel Wesen
Mark Whisler ‘01**
Becky ‘81 & John
Andrew Wick ‘71**
James Willoughby ‘64**
Robert Jr. ‘76 & Lanette ‘77
Richard Wolff & Janel Carino
Gerald Woodahl ‘67**
Kathryn Woodburn
Marvin Woodring ‘59**
Cynthia Woods
Linda & William Wyckoff
John Jr. ‘62 & Janet Wylie**
Clifton Youmans ‘93**
3M Company
AAON, Inc.
Abbott Labs**
Abel Engineering
Advanced Silicon Materials, Inc.
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Air Liquide America Corp.
Alaska Section - ASCE
Alcoa Foundation
Alliant Techsystems
Alpine Springs Ranch
American Express Company
American Society of Civil
Amgen Foundation
AMI Semiconductor, Inc.
Andersen Land & Livestock
Architectural Systems, Inc.
Autoliv ASP
The Ayco Charitable Fndn.
Baird’s Angus Ranch
Ball Corp.
Bank of America **
Barnard Construction Co., Inc.
Barry Damschen Cnslt., LLC
Beavers Charitable Trust
Bechtel Foundation
Becton Dickinson & Co.
Ben Laws and Associates, Inc.
Bend Research, Inc.
Boeing Company
Boeing Surplus Store
BP Amoco
BP Matching Fund Program
Brophy Farms, Inc.
Burlington Northern Santa Fe
Burlington Northern Sante Fe
BWC, Inc.
C Marshall & Associates, Ltd.
Calvin Livestock
Cargill, Inc., Oilseeds Group
Caterpillar, Inc.
Cenex, Inc.
Chandler Geotechnical, Inc.
ChevronTexaco Corporation
Chi Epsilon
Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
Cicon and Associates
CMT Group
ConAgra Foundation
Coyote Creek Construction, Inc.
Crossman-Whitney-Griffin, P.C.
Delta Air Lines Foundation
Douglas Barnet & Associates
Dow AgroSciences, LLC
Dow Chemical Company Fndn.
Dufresne Foundation
Duke Power Company
Dynamic Solutions, Inc.
Eagle Butte Farm Partnership
Eli Lilly Foundation
Emergent Solutions
Engineering, Inc.
Exxon Mobil Foundation**
Facility Improvement Corp.
Fidelity Investments Charitable
Gift Fund
First Interstate BancSystem
The Fluor Foundation
Ford Motor Co.
G. L. Projects, LTD
Gannett Foundation
Gardner C Waite Foundation
General Electric Company
Gilhousen Investment Limited
Great Western Energy, Inc.
Hamilton County Board of
Harnish Group, Inc.
Hein Accounting Services**
Hewlett-Packard Co.
HKM Engineering
Hot Springs Telephone Co.
Ingersoll-Rand Co.**
Integrated Weed Control
Intel Foundation
Jim & Linda Svenvold
Charitable Foundation
Johnson Controls
Robert L Jovick
J.U.B. Engineers, Inc.
Kadrmas Lee & Jackson
Kerin and Associates, P.C.**
Kiewit Pacific Co.
KM Construction Company, Inc.
The Lochland Foundation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Lower & Co., P.C.
D. Lower Construction, Inc.
Maple Park Corporation of
MDU Resources Foundation
Medtronic Foundation
Micron Technology
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Minerals Technologies, Inc.
Mobil Retiree Matching Gift
Monsanto Company
Montana Enterprises, Inc.
Montana Section American
Society of Civil Engineers
Montana Society of Engineers
Morgan Stanley ASCE
Morrison Maierle, Inc.
Motorola Company
MSU Student Chapter Association General Contractors
Montana Contractors Assoc.
Munsinger, LLC
Myrna Associates, Inc.
Nance Petroleum Corporation
NIKE, Inc.
North Products, Inc.
Northrop Grumman
NorthWestern Energy
Northwestern Mutual Life
Ins. Co.
Ondeo Nalco Company
Parker-Hannifin Foundation
Pennsylvania Power & Light
Memorial Gifts
Margaret Hines
Deborah A. Hofacker
‘93 El Ed
Roger A. Hofacker ‘39 EE
Ormonde I. Jackson
‘34 CE, ‘51 MS CE
Edwin Jenkins
Phyllis Ann Johannes
‘81 HIST
Earl Wilburn Johnson
‘50 I&ME
Lillian O. Johnson
Gray Jurgens
Alexander Bert Kane
‘29 Chem
Carol Kane
Donna M. Kern ‘78 Nurs
William C. Kilby
Lauren John Krogstad
‘80 AgE
James Gilbert Lehnen
‘51 CE
Robert Edward Lowney
Charles E. Marvin
William E. McKnight ‘50 EE
Charlie Miner
John H. Morrison, Sr.
‘27 BS CE, ‘31 MS CE,
‘68 HDR
Rosalie Morrison ‘29 GS
Theodore R. Murphy
‘50 ME
Glen Nordquist
Michael Northey ‘98 ME
Albert Pike
Samuel Milton Rhyneer
‘36 EE
William Jeffries Roberts
‘40 ChE
Mark Andrew Robinson
‘86 I&ME
Anne Roger
Richard J. Roman
‘39 Ex Bus
Lawrence Eugene
Roseburg ‘63 ME
The MSU Foundation established
the Legacy Circle to recognize those
individuals who have made a gift of
any size through their estate plans.
Through the Legacy
Circle, we have
the opportunity
to thank our
benefactors while
they are living. If you
have made provisions to support
the university or the College of
Engineering in your estate plan
through your Will or Living Trust,
Charitable Remainder Trust, Life
Insurance or Retirement Plan,
we encourage you to let us know.
Edward M. Saltz
‘01 Bus Fin
H. Albert Saner
E. W. Schilling
W. Paul Schmechel
‘53 EE, 92 HDR EE
Geraldine Schure
Julian Schwartz
Jennifer Servo
Ernie Skorpick
Joan M. Spellman
74 BS, 77 MS Micro Biol
Marion Stewart
Dale Swanson
Joseph H. Uhlrich
Paul Eugene Ulrich
Paul Ulrich
Jerry Vollmer
John J. Walsh ‘58 CE
Tom Whelan
John & Louise Alderson
Lewis & Dora Ambrose
V. Keith Ario*
William Benjamin*
Byron Bennett
Melvin & Selma Burns
Bernard & Betty Carlson
William N. Carrico
Frank Conners*
Michael & Luellen Crennen
Richard & Diane Cromer
Cory* & Marge Dogterom
Honorary Gifts
The following individuals have been honored this year through gifts
made to the College of Engineering. We appreciate these tributes made by
friends and loved ones to recognize highly esteemed individuals.
Donald William Boyd
‘61 BS, ‘63 MS EE, 68
PhD Ag Econ
Eldon R. Dodge
‘42 PhD CE
David F. Gibson
Ralph D. Johnson
Brenda Rhodes
Donald A. Pierre
Sonderegger ‘92 MS CS
Knox Walter Pilati ‘89 CET William R. Taylor, ‘63 BS
Halroyd G. Simmons
Soc, ‘66 MS, ‘69 PhD
‘41 ME
Brooke D. Thomas
‘ 99 I&ME
Western Groundwater Services,
Westwater Construction Co.
Williams & Co.
Zoot Enterprises
* Denotes deceased.
** Denotes gifts to Air
Force or Army ROTC.
Italic text denotes gifts
greater than$1000.
Every effort has been
made to ensure the
accuracy of this listing.
Should anyone feel an
error has been made,
please contact the
office of the Dean of
Engineering in
Roberts Hall.
(406) 994-2272
Legacy Circle
The following individuals have been remembered this year through gifts
made to the College of Engineering. We are grateful to those who have
chosen to give tribute to their friends and loved ones in this meaningful way.
Charles G. Anderson ‘33 EE
Lloyd Berg
Edna Berg
Emil Matt Blazina ‘47 ME
Nicholas J. Clare ‘01 CET
David Cochran
‘38 ME 74 HRD
William David Cummings
‘57 GS
Gwendolyn E. Cunningham
‘50 Bus
Thomas Phillips Duganz
‘92 Ex CE
Kenneth Eugene Erhardt
‘91 CET
Stanley H. Fistedis
‘49 MS CE
John F. Gauen ‘49 ChE
Harold S. “Sonny” Hanson
‘50 EE
The Parents of Mr. & Mrs.
Paul Hein
John P. Herak ‘34 CE
Pfizer, Inc.**
Plum Creek Foundation
PNM Foundation
Portland General Electric Co.
Potlatch Corp.
Procter & Gamble Company**
Raytheon Company
RightNow Technologies
Robert Peccia & Assoc.
Rockwell Collins
Rocky Mountain Engineers
Roscoe Steel & Culvert Co.
Schweitzer Engineering
Laboratories, Inc.
Science Applications
International Corp.
Shell Oil Co. Foundation
Shiloh Structural Engineering
Sparko Upholstery
St. Joe Engineering
Sun Micro Systems
Tektronix Company
Texas Instruments Foundation
Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc.
Triplepoint, Inc.
Turner Corporation
United Defense
United Space Alliance Trust
United Way of Kitsap County
UPS Foundation
US Bancorp Foundation
USG Corporation
Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Wachovia Bank, N.A.**
Washington Mutual Savings
Wells Fargo Matching Gift
Western Connection Real
Western Engineering
Constructors, Inc.
Colby J. Thomas ‘02 ME
Kyle J. Thomas ‘02 CE
U.S. Military
Joseph A. VanMullem, Jr.
‘65 BS, ‘89 MS CE
Theodore T. Williams
John Donald
Lindley Durkee*
Frank* & Martina Eckard
Robert J.*& Eleanore
John F. Gauen*
Jack H. Goe*
Warren & Phyllis Howe
Martin & Dixie Jacobson
Robert & Ardis Kelly
David O. Kem & Judith L.
We wish to include you in the
Legacy Circle and provide good
stewardship of your planned gift.
For more information
about the Legacy
Circle or about
gift and estate
planning, please
contact Alberta
Rivera at (406)
994-2054 or by
e-mail at arivera@montana.edu.
The following list of individuals
includes those who have designated
estate gifts to benefit the College
of Engineering. The * denotes
individuals who are deceased.
Bob & Wendy Kober
Ernest W. Mares*
F. Charles Mercord
Harwood Mullikin*
Robert E. Noble
M. Keith & Ellen Opprecht
Bill & Janet Pascoe
Lester & Patricia Polette
Richard Richter
Len Robbins*
James Robertson*
Howard Robinson*
Raymond Schwietering*
J. Robert & Pat Sletten
Donald & Marjorie Thorson
Walter* & Katherine Titus
James Torrence*
Gardner “Pete” Waite*
Charles Weinschrott*
Willis & Nancy Wetstein
Ted Williams
Walter & Mabel Williams
Faculty Awards
Electrical Engineering Professor
Honored with NSF Award
Dr. James Becker has been awarded a
$400,000 National Science Foundation (NSF)
Faculty Early Career Development Award.
Dr. Becker’s current research focuses on
ways to tap into an unbridled portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum. With NSF funding,
Becker will explore alternative power sources
for submillimeter-wave frequencies.
National Science Foundation Awards
go to Chemical Engineering Professors
Dr. Sarah Codd was awarded the $387,000
NSF Advance Fellowship in recognition of
her potential to increase the representation of
women in science and engineering. Dr. Joseph
Seymour was awarded the $400,000 NSF
Faculty Early Career Development Award in
support of his career development activities in
chemical engineering.
Optical Society of America Fellow Award
Dr. Joseph Shaw, Associate Professor in
Electrical and Computer Engineering, was
recently named a Fellow of the Optical Society
of America (OSA). “Fellow” is a designation
recognizing a small fraction of the members,
denoting them as leaders in the field of optical
research and education.
Outstanding Research & Development
Partnership Award, 2003
Doug Cairns, Mechanical & Industrial
Engineering, and John Mandell, Chemical
& Biological Engineering, received the U.S.
Department of Energy Wind Energy Program
Outstanding Research and Development
Partnership Award for 2003. Their award
recognizes a track record of excellence in
innovation and development of products that
advance the state of wind energy technologies.
Wolff Holds Endowed Chair in COE
The COE has the first fully endowed faculty
chair position at MSU, the Gilhousen Chair in
Telecommunications, named for Qualcomm
co-founder and telecommunications pioneer
Klein Gilhousen and his family. Dr. Richard
Wolff, former Vice-President and Director
of Advanced Network Systems Research at
Telcordia Techonologies, holds the Chair.
Wolff brings to the position 25 years of
experience related to networking and
telecommunication systems. Since joining
MSU, Wolff has researched ways of using
wireless technology for traveler information,
high-speed Internet access and data services
for Montana’s sparsely populated and
geographically dispersed areas.
Roberts Hall Renovation
The Roberts Hall foyer is under renovation
to reveal the rich historic characteristics of the
building. Student meeting and study space on
the second floor level is being englarged and
refurnished. Existing 60’s and 70’s era shop lighting
is being replaced with period lighting. Display cases
in the area will be used to highlight student and
college accomplishments.
Roberts Renovation caption
Slettens Contribute $1 Million to
Establish Engineering Scholarships
Bob and Pat Sletten of Great Falls
have donated $1 million for student
scholarships at MSU. Bob Sletten
graduated from MSU in 1956 with a
degree in Architectural Engineering.
He was awarded an honorary doctorate
in 1995. Pat Sletten’s father, Cecil,
worked for Montana Power Company
for 25 years as an Electrical Engineer.
Half of the Sletten’s gift was
allocated to establish new endowed
scholarships in engineering. A gift
of $200,000 established the SlettenThomas Family Electrical Engineering
Scholarship. A gift of $300,000 set up
an endowment for the Sletten Family
Civil Engineering/Construction
Engineering Technology Scholarship.
Bob Sletten is also the co-chairman
of MSU's scholarship campaign,
"Putting Students First."
Bill Costerton Bids Farewell
This spring was Bill Costerton’s last semester
as director of the Center for Biofilm Engineering
(CBE). Costerton came to MSU in 1993 from
Calgary, Alberta, where he held a research chair
in Microbiology at the University of Calgary.
Costerton's leadership helped the CBE achieve
international acclaim. In his retirement, Costerton
plans to establish a new biofilm center at the
University of Southern California. Bill will
continue to be involved in the Industrial Research
section of the CBE, where he says, his loyalties will
always remain.
95 Robots to Roam Cobleigh Halls
Recent scientific advancements such as NASA’s
Exploration Rover mission robots (Spirit and
Opportunity) on Mars as well as recent popular
television series “Robot Wars” have created a
surge of interest in robots. Tapping
into this enthusiasm, the COE’s
Introduction to Electrical
Fundamentals Lab (EE101) will
teach students to assemble
and test the electronic circuit
components of their own
small autonomous robot
vehicle. Nearly 100 freshmen
will purchase a speciallydesigned kit containing a custom printed
circuit board, a microcomputer chip, motors,
wheels, an aluminum chassis, and electronic
components. To add the robot framework to
the course, instructors built several prototype
robots, tested the sample curriculum on a group
of students, added a one credit lecture component
to EE101, and obtained development
funding through the Montana Space
Grant Consortium Educational
Enhancement Program. Electrical
engineering faculty feel the handson experience combined with a
new lecture component will give
students a solid understanding
and interest in the field and will
bring talented new students to the
electrical engineering program.
The Robots had their public debut on campus
on October 22, when they “performed” during
half-time festivities of the Lady Cats vs. Weber
State University volleyball match.
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Royer Recognized as Alumni of Achievement
The greatest honor is recognition by ones
Academic Faculty of the U.S. Air Force Academy.
peers. MSU alumnus Erlind (Lindy) Royer, ’61
Lindy is semi-retired. He retains a position at
EE, experienced this first-hand when he was
the Air Force Academy as visiting distinguished
nominated by three
professor. He
fellow class of ’61
also works as a
students for the MSU
Alumni Association’s
of a technology
Centennial Alumni
consulting firm.
Achievement Award.
Lindy and his
David E. Sloan,’61
wife Janis came
EE, characterized
back to Bozeman
Lindy as “the
this fall to receive
complete gentleman,
his award as
respecting all around
part of MSU’s
him, and gaining
respect of all who
festivities. They
knew him.” Beyond
were joined by
his college career,
Back row, L-R: Clay Christian; David Sloan, ’61 EE; Gerald
“Lindy” continued
Miller, ’61 Bus; Calvin Christian; Donna Miller, ’61 ElEd; Dave
his exemplary life
Haas, ’61 Phys. Middle row: Marva Christian; Byron Christian.
into and through
Miller; Ronald
Front row: Geoff Gamble, MSU President; Helen Sloan, ’61
a superior career
Wilkerson was
HomeEc; Janis Royer, ’61 ElEd; Erlind Royer, ’61 EE.
in academia, the
unable to attend.
military and in private
Lindy is pictured here flanked by President Geoff
industry. He rose to the rank of Brigadier General
Gamble, family and friends.
in the Air Force. He later served as chairman of the
you to our COE alumni
and friends who have supported Montana
State University’s “Putting Students First”
Scholarship Campaign. The campaign runs
through December, 2005. Several items of
note to share with you:
• Class of ’61 EE grads are exploring setting
up a Class of ’61 endowed scholarship.
David Sloan from northern Calif. has
agreed to work on this with the COE.
• CS alumnus, Carol Reichert ‘83, out of
Beaverton, OR is getting started on an
alumni-supported endowed scholarship for
computer science students.
• Thanks to the following who have
recently established endowed scholarships
to support COE students: Joe ‘63
ChemE and Judy Petrin, The family
and friends of Jack Walsh, Dave ‘78EE,
’80 MS and Cindy Bartle ’79 El. Ed.,
HKM Engineering, Engineering Inc.,
The Valentine Scholarship in memory of
Donald Lindsey ’58 ME.
More in our next newsletter – Linda Wyckoff
Director of Development
(406) 994-2223