UW-MADISON – Department/Unit File Plan Agency # Agency Name 285A UW-Madison Division and Department Records Custodian UDDS# E-mail Phone# Information Type: List types of information does the department or unit manage? Taxonomy and Classification of information What is the filing structure for records in paper and electronic formats? Uniform Naming Conventions Compliance List university policies, State, Federal or external requirements that apply to information Security Classification List what security classification is assigned to information? Access Permissions – list roles with access Repository List where all information is stored in all formats?) Such as Shared network, State Records Center, Box, One Drive, email, in the basement Etc. Process for Information – Process maps How does information come into the department/unit? Retention and Disposition List the applicable record series When is disposition done? How are records disposed of? Is there a records system migration plan? Records Destruction Log for onsite Destruction? Other attachments or references: UW-MADISON FILE PLAN FOR 1