midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm Mechanics - Basic Physical Concepts 3 Math: Circle: 2 π r, π r2 ; Sphere: 4 π r2 , (4/3) √ πr 2 −4 a c −b± b 2 Quadratic Eq.: a x + b x + c = 0, x = 2a Cartesian and polar coordinates: y x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ, r2 = x2 + y 2 , tan θ = x Trigonometry: cos α cos β + sin α sin β = cos(α − β) α−β sin α + sin β = 2 sin α+β 2 cos 2 α−β cos α + cos β = 2 cos α+β 2 cos 2 sin 2 θ = 2 sin θ cos θ, cos 2 θ = cos2 θ − sin2 θ 1 − cos θ = 2 sin2 2θ , 1 + cos θ = 2 cos2 2θ ~ = (Ax , Ay ) = Ax ı̂ + Ay ̂ Vector algebra: A ~ =A ~+B ~ = (Ax + Bx , Ay + By ) Resultant: R ~·B ~ = A B cos θ = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz Dot: A Cross product: ı̂ × ̂ = k̂, ̂ × k̂ = ı̂, k̂ × ı̂ = ̂ ¯ ¯ ¯ ı̂ ̂ k̂ ¯ ¯ ¯ ~ ~ ~ ¯ C = A × B = ¯ Ax Ay Az ¯¯ ¯ ¯ B x By Bz C = A B sin θ = A⊥ B = A B⊥ , use right hand rule d xn = n xn−1 , d 1 Calculus: dx dx ln x = x , d sin θ = cos θ, d cos θ = − sin θ, d dθ dθ dx const = 0 Measurements Dimensional analysis: e.g., 2 F = m a → [M ][L][T ]−2 , or F = m vr → [M ][L][T ]−2 PN PN Summation: i=1 (a xi + b) = a i=1 xi + b N Motion One dimensional motion: v = ddts , a = ddtv s −s v −v Average values: v̄ = tff −tii , ā = tff −tii One dimensional motion (constant acceleration): v(t) : v = v0 + a t s(t) : s = v̄ t = v0 t + 12 a t2 , v̄ = v02+v v(s) : v 2 = v02 + 2 a s Nonuniform acceleration: x = x0 + v0 t + 12 a t2 + 1 j t3 + 1 s t4 + 1 k t5 + 1 p t6 + . . ., (jerk, snap,. . .) 6 24 120 720 ttrip v0y 2 = g 1 2 h = 2 g tf all , R = vox ttrip 2 Circular: ac = vr , v = 2 Tπ r , f = T1 (Hertz=s−1 ) q Curvilinear motion: a = a2t + a2r Relative velocity: ~v = ~v ′ + ~u Projectile motion: trise = tf all = Law of Motion and applications Force: F~ = m ~a, Fg = m g, F~12 = −F~21 2 Circular motion: ac = vr , v = 2 Tπ r = 2 π r f Friction: Fstatic ≤ µs N Fkinetic = µk N P Equilibrium (concurrent forces): ~ i Fi = 0 Energy Work (for all F): ∆W = WAB = WB − WA 1 RB F~ · d~s (in Joules) Fk s = F s cos θ = F~ · ~s → A Effects due to work done: F~ext = m ~a − F~c − f~nc Wext |A→B = KB − KA + UB − UA + Wdiss |A→B RB Kinetic energy: KB −KA = A m ~a ·d~s, K = 12 m v 2 R K (conservative F~ ): U − U = − B F~ · d~s B A A Ugravity = m g y, Uspring = 12 k x2 ∂ U From U to F~ : Fx = − ∂x , Fy = − ∂∂yU , Fz = − ∂∂zU Fgravity = − ∂∂yU = −m g, U = −k x Fspring = − ∂∂x 2 ∂ U ∂ U Equilibrium: ∂x = 0, ∂x2 > 0 stable, < 0 unstable W = F v = F v cos θ = F ~ · ~v (Watts) Power: P = ddt k Collision Rt Impulse: I~ = ∆~ p = p~f − p~i → tif F~ dt Momentum: p~ = m ~v x1 +m2 x2 Two-body: xcm = m1m 1 +m2 pcm ≡ M vcm = p1 + p2 = m1 v1 + m2 v2 Fcm ≡ F1 + F2 = m1 a1 + m2 a2 = M acm K1 + K2 = K1∗ + K2∗ + Kcm Two-body collision: p~i = p~f = (m1 + m2 ) ~vcm vi′ = vi∗′ + vcm vi∗ = vi − vcm , Elastic: v1 − v2 = −(v1′ − v2′ ), vi∗′ = −vi∗ , vi′ = 2 vcm − vi R P ~r dm m ~r Many body center of mass: ~rcm = P i i = R mi mi P p Force on cm: F~ext = d~ = M~ a , p ~ = p ~ cm i dt Rotation of Rigid-Body Kinematics: θ = rs , ω = vr , α = art R P Moment of inertia: I = mi ri2 = r2 dm 1 1 2 Idisk = 2 M R , Iring = 2 M (R12 + R22 ) 1 M ℓ2 , I 1 2 2 Irod = 12 rectangle = 12 M (a + b ) Isphere = 25 M R2 , Ispherical shell = 23 M R2 I = M (Radius of gyration)2 , I = Icm + M D2 Kinetic energies: Krot = 12 I ω 2 , K = Krot + Kcm Angular momentum: L = r m v = r m ω r = I ω Torque: τ = ddtL = m ddtv r = F r = I ddtω = I α Wext = ∆K +∆U +Wf , K = Krot + 12 m v 2 , P =τω Rolling, angular momentum and ´ ³ ´ ³ torque Ic + M v 2 Rolling: K = 12 Ic + M R2 ω 2 = 12 R 2 ~ Angular momentum: L = ~r × p~, L = r⊥ p = I ω ~ Torque: ~τ = d L = ~r × d~p = ~r × F~ , τ = r F = I α dt dt 1 dL = τ = mgh Gyroscope: ωp = ddtφ = L L Iω dt Static equilibrium P P~ ~τi = 0 Fi = 0, about any point +mB ~rBcm Subdivisions: ~rcm = mA ~rAcm mA +mB Elastic modulus = stress/strain stress: F/A strain: ∆L/L, θ ≈ ∆x/h, −∆V /V ⊥ midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm Gravity F~21 = −G m12m2 r̂12 , r12 for r ≥ R, g(r) = G M r2 G = 6.67259 × 10−11 N m2 /kg2 Rearth = 6370 km, Mearth = 5.98 × 1024 kg ³ ´2 2 Circular orbit: ac = vr = ω 2 r = 2Tπ r = g(r) U = −G mrM , M E = U + K = −Gm 2r r0 r2 = 1−ǫ Fluid mechanics Pascal: P = FA⊥1 = FA⊥2 , 1 atm = 1.013 × 105 N/m2 1 2 Archimedes: B = M g, Pascal=N/m2 P = Patm + ρ g h, with P = FA⊥ and ρ = m V R R F = P dA −→ ρ g ℓ 0h (h − y) dy Continuity equation: A v = constant Bernoulli: P + 21 ρ v 2 + ρ g y = const, P ≥0 Oscillation motion f = T1 , ω = 2Tπ 2 2 S H M: a = ddt2x = −ω 2 x, α = ddt2θ = −ω 2 θ x = xmax cos(ω t + δ), xmax = A v = −vmax sin(ω t + δ), vmax = ω A a = −amax cos(ω t + δ) = −ω 2 x, amax = ω 2 A E = K + U = Kmax = 12 m (ω A)2 = Umax = 21 k A2 Spring: m a = −k x Simple pendulum: m aθ = m α ℓ = −m g sin θ Physical pendulum: τ = I α = −m g d sin θ Torsion pendulum: τ = I α = −κ θ Wave motion Traveling waves: y = f (x − v t), y = f (x + v t) In the positive x direction: y = A sin(k x − ω t − φ) λ T = f1 , ω = 2Tπ , k = 2λπ , v = ω k = T q Along a string: v = F µ fixed end: phase inversion open end: same phase General: ∆E = ∆K + ∆U = ∆Kmax 1 ∆m 2 P = ∆E ∆t = 2 ∆t (ωA) ∆m ∆x ∆m Waves: ∆m ∆t = ∆x · ∆t = ∆x · v P = 21 µ v (ω A)2 , with µ = ∆m ∆x ∆m ∆A ∆r ∆m Circular: ∆m ∆t = ∆A · ∆r · dt = ∆A · 2 π r v ∆m 2 Spherical: ∆m ∆t = ∆V · 4 π r v v= q Sound B, ρ s = smax cos(k x − ω t − φ) 1 2 Intensity: I = P A = 2 ρ v (ω smax ) I Intensity level: β = 10 log10 I , I0 = 10−12 W/m2 0 Plane waves: ψ(x, t) = c sin(k x − ω t) Circular waves: ψ(r, t) = √c sin(k r − ω t) Spherical: ψ(r, t) = rc sin(k r − ω t) L ⊥ ⊥ ii) L = r m ∆r −→ ∆A = 21 r ∆r const. ∆t = 2 m = ³ 2´ ³∆t ´2 ∆t r 1 4π 2 π a M 3 2 1 +r2 iii) G a2 = a, a = 2 , T = GM r T Escape kinetic energy: E = K + U (R) = 0 Reflection of wave: ∂s ∆P = −B ∆V V = −B ∂x ∆Pmax = B κ smax = ρ v ω smax ∆m A ∆x Piston: ∆m ∆t = ∆V · ∆t = ρ A v r 2 F = − ddrU = −m G M = −m vr r2 Kepler’s Laws of planetary motion: r0 0 i) elliptical orbit, r = 1−ǫrcos θ r1 = 1+ǫ , 2 ′ v Doppler effect: λ = v T , f0 = T1 , f ′ = λ ′ ′ Here v = vsound ± vobserver , is wave speed relative to moving observer and λ′ = (vsound ± vsource )/f0 , detected wave length established by moving source of frequency f0 . freceived = fref lected Shock waves: Mach Number= vvsource = sin1 θ sound Superposition of waves Phase difference: sin(k x − ωt) + sin(k x − ω t − φ) Standing waves: sin(k x − ω t) + sin(k x + ω t) Beats: sin(kx − ω1 t) + sin(k x − ω2 t) Fundamental modes: Sketch wave patterns λ String: λ 2 = ℓ, Rod clamped middle: 2 = ℓ, Open-open pipe: λ 2 = ℓ, Open-closed pipe: λ 4 =ℓ Temperature and heat Conversions: F = 95 C + 32◦ , K = C + 273.15◦ Constant volume gas thermometer: T = a P + b Thermal expansion: α = 1ℓ ddTℓ , β = V1 ddTV ∆ℓ = α ℓ ∆T , ∆A = 2 α A ∆T , ∆V = 3 α V ∆T Ideal gas law: P V = nRT = N kT R = 8.314510 J/mol/K = 0.0821 L atm/mol/K k = 1.38 × 10−23 J/K, NA = 6.02 × 1023 , 1 cal=4.19 J Calorimetry: ∆Q = c m ∆T, ∆Q = L ∆m R First law: ∆U = ∆Q − ∆W , W = P dV −H ℓi ∆T Conduction: H = ∆Q ∆t = −k A ∆ℓ , ∆Ti = A ki Stefan’s law: P = σ A e T 4 , σ = 5.67 × 10−8 m2WK 4 Kinetic theory of gas 2 m vx x F = ∆p ∆t = d N 2 Pressure: P = NAF = mVN vx2 = m 3V v K 1 P = 23 N V K, K x = 3 = 2 k T , T = 273 + Tc , P V = N k T , n = N/NA , k = 1.38×10−23 J/K, NA = 6.02214199 × 1023 #/kg/mole Constant V: ∆Q = ∆U = n CV ∆T Constant P: ∆Q = n CP ∆T Ideal gas: ∆px = 2 m vx , C γ = CP , CP − CV = R V CV = d2 R, for transl.+rot+vib, d = 3 + 2 + 2 Adiabatic expansion: P V γ = constant t 1 Mean free path: ℓ = (v vrms = √ 12 ) t π d2 n rel rms V 2 π d nV midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm Question 1, chap 16, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points 3 6. The diagrams below show different standing waves on a 90 cm string. Which of these waves has a 60 cm wavelength? 7. 1. 8. 2. 9. 3. Explanation: A standing wave on a string has nodes where the string does not vibrate; these nodes are spaced half-wavelength from each other: 4. x0 = 0, x1 = λ , 2 x2 = 2 × λ , 2 λ λ , x4 = 4 × , . . . . 2 2 A fixed end of the string cannot vibrate, so it must be a node of the standing wave. For the string fixed at both ends, both ends must be nodes of the wave, hence x3 = 3 × 5. correct λ , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . , (1) 2 where n is the number of vibrating segments of the string. More precisely, the wave on the string has n antinodes and n + 1 nodes: One node at each end of the string, plus n − 1 nodes in the middle. The wave in question has wavelength λ = 60 cm on a string of length L = 90 cm, hence L = n× midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm according to eq. (1), n = 4 v 5. L 90 cm = = 3, λ/2 (60 cm)/2 which means the wave has 3 antinodes and 4 nodes: One at each end, and 2 in the middle. In other words, it looks like Explanation: Consider the wave pattern image reflected about the rigid hook on the wall. v . Question 2, chap 16, sect 99. part 1 of 1 10 points The figure below shows a complex wave pattern on a string moving towards a rigid hook at the wall on the right. After some time, the wave is reflected from the wall. v After the time it takes for the wave to be reflected from the wall, this image is the wave pattern traveling to the left along the string. Note: Reflection about a point (hook) is the same as reflection about the y-axis (wall) followed by reflection about the x-axis (string). The leading part of the wave must remain in front and the wave is flipped over. v v v This is the third wave pattern of four possible wave patterns presented by this question. Select the wave pattern for the reflected wave. v correct 1. Question 3, chap 17, sect 2. part 1 of 1 10 points A skyrocket explodes 100 m above the ground. Three observers are spaced 93 m apart, with observer A directly under the point of the explosion. v 2. 100 m v 3. A B 93 m 4. C 93 m Find the ratio of the sound intensity heard by observer A to that heard by observer B. midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm 5 The figure is not drawn to scale. For practical purposes, you may treat each observer as a point on the ground. Correct answer: 1.8649. Explanation: 2.6 kg Let : h = 100 m d = 93 m . and What is the wave speed when the suspended mass is 3 kg? Correct answer: 29.0027. rA = 100 m Source b Explanation: rC rB B b b b A C 93 m 93 m The intensity at a distance r from the source is P I= , 4 π r2 and distances from the source to points A and B are rA = h and p rB = h2 + d2 , so IA r2 h2 + d2 = B2 = IB h2 rA (100 m)2 + (93 m)2 = (100 m)2 Let : m1 = 2.6 kg , m2 = 3 kg , and v1 = 27 m/s . The linear density is s F v1 = , so µ F µ= 2 v1 m1 g = 2 v1 (2.6 kg) (9.8 m/s2 ) = (27 m/s)2 = 0.034952 kg/m . The velocity is s v2 = v1 = = 1.8649 . = Question 4, chap 16, sect 2. part 1 of 1 10 points Tension is maintained in a string as in the figure. The observed wave speed is 27 m/s when the suspended mass is 2.6 kg . The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . r s F , µ (1) so m2 g µ (2) (3 kg) (9.8 m/s2 ) 0.034952 kg/m = 29.0027 m/s . Alternate Solution: Plugging µ from Eq. 1 into Eq. 2, we have r m2 g (2) v1 = µ midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm s or m2 g v12 1 = k A2 = m v 2 + k A2 m1 g 4 r m2 so (3) = v1 m1 s 3 k A2 m = (3 kg) 4 v2 = (27 m/s) (2.6 kg) (3) (3.4 N/m) (0.0483 m)2 = (4) (0.235 m/s)2 = 29.0027 m/s . = 0.107721 kg . Question 5, chap 15, sect 3. part 1 of 1 10 points A block of unknown mass is attached to a spring of spring constant 3.4 N/m and undergoes simple harmonic motion with an amplitude of 4.83 cm. When the mass is halfway between its equilibrium position and the endpoint, its speed is measured to be v = 23.5 cm/s. Calculate the mass of the block. Correct answer: 0.107721. Explanation: Basic Concepts Energy conservation: If K is kinetic energy and U is potential energy, 6 Question 6, chap 17, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points A police car is traveling at a speed vc to the right. A truck is traveling at a speed vt to the right. The frequency of the siren on the police car is fc . The speed of sound in air is va . Let vt be the speed of the observer in the truck, and vc the speed of the source, the police car. vc vt Police Truck Ki + Ui = Kf + Uf Kinetic energy of particle with mass m and speed v: 1 K = m v2 2 Mass m on spring with constant k: r k ω= m and potential energy of a spring at displacement x: 1 U = k x2 2 Period 2π T = ω Solution: Call the maximum displacement (amplitude) A. The halfway displacement is A/2. Energy conservation requires 2 1 1 A 1 2 2 0 + kA = mv + k 2 2 2 2 What is the frequency ft heard by an observer in the moving truck? va − vt va + vc va + vt 2. ft = va − vc va − vt 3. ft = va − vc va + vt 4. ft = va + vc 1. ft = fc fc fc correct fc Explanation: The Doppler shifted frequency f ′ heard in the truck is f′ = va ± vo f, va ∓ vs (1) where va is the speed of sound in air, vo is the speed of the observer, and vs is the speed of the source. The upper sign is used when midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm the relative velocities are toward one another, and vice versa. The relative velocity of the observer is away from the source so the lower sign is used in the numerator (± → −), and the relative velocity of the source is toward the observer so the upper sign is used in the denominator (∓ → −). Therefore Eq. 2 becomes ft = va − vt fc . va − vc Question 7, chap 16, sect 1. part 1 of 1 10 points Sound in air can best be described as which of the following type of wave? 1. Electromagnetic 2. Torsional v= a= 7 dx = ω A cos(ω t + φ) dt dv = −ω 2 A sin(ω t + φ) dt The basic concepts above are enough to solve the problem. Just use the formula for a obtained by differentiating x twice, where t = 1 s: a = −ω 2 A sin(ω t + φ) = −(3.9 rad/s)2 (5.7 m) × sin[(3.9 rad/s) (1 s) + (1.0472 rad)] = 84.3179 m/s2 . The phase φ (given in radians) incorporates the initial condition where the body started (t = 0), meaning it started at 3. Polarized 4. Longitudinal correct 5. Transverse Explanation: A sound wave in the air is propagated by the oscillation of air molecules. It is best described as a longitudinal wave. Question 8, chap 15, sect 2. part 1 of 1 10 points A body oscillates with simple harmonic motion along the x-axis. Its displacement varies with time according to the equation, x(t) = A sin(ω t + φ). If A = 5.7 m, ω = 3.9 rad/s, and φ = 1.0472 rad, what is the magnitude of the acceleration of the body at t = 1 s? Note: The argument of the sine function is given here in radians rather than degrees. Correct answer: 84.3179. Explanation: x = A sin(ω t + φ) x0 = A sin φ = (5.7 m) sin(1.0472 rad) = 4.93634 m and it is now at x = A sin(ω t + φ) = (5.7 m) × sin[(3.9 rad/s) (1 s) + (1.0472 rad)] = −5.54359 m . (These two last facts are not needed to solve the problem but clarify the physical picture.) Question 9, chap 16, sect 2. part 1 of 1 10 points A harmonic wave y = A sin[k x − ω t − φ] , where A = 1 meter, k has units of m−1 , ω has units of s−1 , and φ has units of radians, is plotted in the diagram below. midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm t = 0) At the time t = 0 y = A sin k x − φ 2π = A sin x−φ λ 2π x−φ = A sin 9m A (meters) +1 12 18 Which wave function corresponds best to the diagram? 4π 2π x−ωt− 1. y = A sin 3m 3 2π 5π 2. y = A sin x−ωt− 9m 3 2π 4π 3. y = A sin x−ωt− 15 m 3 2π 2π 4. y = A sin x−ωt− 15 m 3 2π 1π x−ω t− cor5. y = A sin 9m 3 rect 2π 5π 6. y = A sin x−ωt− 3m 3 2π 1π x−ωt− 7. y = A sin 3m 3 4π 2π x−ωt− 8. y = A sin 9m 3 2π 1π 9. y = A sin x−ωt− 15 m 3 2π 2π 10. y = A sin x−ωt− 3m 3 Explanation: From the diagram of the wave function the wave-length λ = 9 m (6 horizontal scale divisions of 1.5 m each, see diagram below). Notice: Since one wave-length is 2 π raπ 2π = dians, each horizontal division is 6 3 radians. The given wave function (sine function with (gray curve in diagram below), therefore φ=1 π 1π = radians . 3 3 Checking the wave function y at x = 0, we have agreement with the diagram below 1π y = sin 0 − = −0.866025 m . 3 At the time t = 0 +1 A (meters) 6 (dark curve in diagram below) is shifted 1 divisions to the right (negative phase shift) of a no-phase-shift sine function 2π x y = sin 9m −1 φ −1 x (meters) 8 9 x (meters) 18 λ=9 Therefore, the wave function is 1π 2π x−ωt− y = A sin . 9m 3 keywords: Question 10, chap 18, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm 9 ρwater mbl g A light spring with a spring constant of = −1 16.6 N/m rests vertically on the bottom of a ρbl k large beaker of water, as shown in (a). 3 1000 kg/m 2 = −1 The acceleration of gravity is 9.81 m/s . 644.1 kg/m3 A 0.00473 kg block of wood with a density (0.00473 kg) (9.81 m/s2 ) of 644.1 kg/m3 is connected to the spring, and × 16.6 N/m the mass-spring system is allowed to come to static equilibrium, as shown in (b). The = 0.00154453 m . magnitude of the force pulling the spring back to its unstretched position equals k ∆x. m Question 11, chap 17, sect 3. part 1 of 1 10 points ∆x This picture shows the displacements S of the air molecules in a traveling sound wave as a function of distance, x. Sound Wave k k (a) (b) +A How much does the spring stretch? Correct answer: 0.00154453. S Explanation: Basic Concepts: Fnet = FB − Fg,bl − Fspring = 0 FB = mf luid g Fg = m g Fspring = k ∆x m ρ= V Given: k = 16.6 N/m mbl = 0.00473 kg ρbl = 644.1 kg/m3 ρwater = 1000 kg/m3 g = 9.81 m/s2 −A λ/2 3 λ/2 0 λ 2λ Which of the following tubes, closed at the left end and closed at the right end, is closest to the right length ℓ so as to resonate at its fundamental frequency when placed in this sound wave? 1. ℓ = 2. ℓ = 2 λ 1 3. ℓ = λ 2 correct Solution: ρwater V g − mbl g − k ∆x = 0 ρwater ∆x = mbl g − mbl g ρbl k 1 λ 4 4. ℓ = 3 λ 4 5. ℓ = λ 6. ℓ = 3 λ 8 midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm 3 λ 2 1 8. ℓ = λ 8 10 7. ℓ = hℓ 0.83 cm light liquid 2.5 g/cm3 0.93 cm heavy liquid 8.9 g/cm3 Explanation: The tube is closed at the left end requiring an node in the wave form. The tube is closed at the right end requiring an node in the wave form. The displaced between the node on the left and the node on the right is shown in the figure below. This correspondance can be 1 represented by the distance between ℓ = λ 2 and ℓ = λ as shown. Sound Wave +A If the equilibrium configuration of the tube is as shown in the figure, with a difference in the height of the heavy liquid of 0.93 cm, determine the value of the difference in height of the light liquid hℓ . Correct answer: 2.3808. Explanation: Let : ρℓ = 2.5 g/cm3 , ρh = 8.9 g/cm3 , hh = 0.93 cm , and h = 0.83 cm , not required. Also, let h be the height of the light liquid column added to the right side of the U-tube. Consider the pressure at the elevation of the light-heavy liquid interface in the left column and at the same elevation in the right column. By Pascal’s Principle, the absolute pressure at that elevation is the same in both columns. We have, S −A λ/2 3 λ/2 0 λ 2λ So the length of a tube to produce the 1 fundamental resonance should be ℓ = λ . 2 Third of four versions. Question 12, chap 18, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points A U-tube of constant cross-sectional area, open to the atmosphere, is partially filled with a heavy liquid with density 8.9 g/cm3 . A light liquid with density 2.5 g/cm3 is then poured into both arms. Pright = Patm + ρh g hh + ρℓ g h and Plef t = Patm + ρℓ g (hh + h + hℓ ) . From Pascal’s Principle, Plef t = Pright ρℓ (hh + hℓ ) = ρh (hh ) , or ρh hℓ = − 1 hh ρℓ 8.9 g/cm3 − 1 hh = 2.5 g/cm3 = 2.3808 cm . midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm Question 13, chap 17, sect 2. part 1 of 1 10 points Middle C has a speed of 1500 m/s in water and 340 m/s in air. Does it have a longer or shorter wavelength in water than in air and why? 11 P1 P2 1.4 atm 2.13 m/s 0.15 m v2 1. Shorter wavelength in water because the speed of sound is greater in water than in air 7.49 m 0.05 m 2. Longer wavelength in water because water is denser than air Applying Bernoulli’s principle, what is the pressure P1 at the entrance end of the pipe? Correct answer: 286099. 3. Longer wavelength in water because the speed of sound is greater in water than in air correct Explanation: Applying Bernoulli’s principle to the fluid flow at the entrance and exit of the pipe gives 4. Shorter wavelength in water because water is denser than air P1 + ρ g y 1 + 1 2 1 ρ v1 = P2 + ρ g y2 + ρ v22 2 2 Explanation: P1 = P2 + ρ g (y2 − y1 ) + wavelength = velocity frequency The velocity of sound in water is larger than in air. The frequency doesn’t change, so the wavelength in water is larger than in air. Question 14, chap 18, sect 6. part 1 of 1 10 points Note: Patm = 101300 Pa/atm. The viscosity of the fluid is negligible and the fluid is incompressible.. A liquid of density 1335 kg/m3 flows with speed 2.13 m/s into a pipe of diameter 0.15 m. The diameter of the pipe decreases to 0.05 m at its exit end. The exit end of the pipe is 7.49 m lower than the entrance of the pipe, and the pressure at the exit of the pipe is 1.4 atm. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . 1 ρ (v2 2 − v1 2 ) . 2 We also have y2 − y1 = −h, since the entrance height y1 is greater than the exit height y2 . Therefore P1 = P2 − ρ g h + 1 ρ [v22 − v1 2 ] 2 = (141820 Pa) − (1335 kg/m3 ) (9.8 m/s2 ) (7.49 m) 1 + (1335 kg/m3 ) 2 × [(19.17 m/s)2 − (2.13 m/s)2 ] = 286099 Pa . Question 15, chap 18, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points The small piston of a hydraulic lift has a cross-sectional area of 9 cm2 and the large piston has an area of 14 cm2 , as in the figure below. midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm 77 kN F area 9 cm2 14 cm2 12 2. By making a string (a) shorter, (b) tighter, and (c) lighter. 3. By making a string (a) longer, (b) tighter, and (c) more massive. 4. By making a string (a) longer, (b) looser, and (c) more massive. correct 5. By making a string (a) longer, (b) looser, and (c) lighter. What force F must be applied to the small piston to raise a load of 77 kN? Correct answer: 49500. Explanation: Let : A1 A2 W F = 9 cm2 , = 14 cm2 , = 77 kN , and =F. According to Pascal’s law, the pressure exerted on A1 must be equal to the one exerted F on A2 . The pressure P1 = must be equal A1 W due to the load. to the pressure P2 = A2 F W = , so A1 A2 A1 W F = A2 (9 cm2 ) = (77000 N) (14 cm2 ) = 49500 N . Question 16, chap 16, sect 2. part 1 of 1 10 points Explain how you can lower the pitch of a tone on a guitar by altering (a) the length of the string, (b) the tension of the string, or (c) the thickness or the mass of the string. 1. By making a string (a) shorter, (b) looser, and (c) more massive. Explanation: A low pitch will be produced when a guitar string is (a) lengthened, (b) loosened so that tension is reduced, and (c) made more massive, usually by windings of wire around the string. That’s why bass strings are thick. Question 17, chap 16, sect 1. part 1 of 1 10 points Earthquakes produce two kinds of seismic waves: The longitudinal primary waves (called P waves) and the transverse secondary waves (called S waves). Both S waves and P waves travel through the Earth’s crust and mantle, but do so at different speeds; the P waves are always faster than the S waves, but their exact speeds depend on depth and location. For the purpose of this exercise, we assume the P wave’s speed to be vP = 8370 m/s while the S waves travel at a slower speed of vS = 4030 m/s. Suppose a seismic station detects a P wave and then ∆t = 89.3 s later detects an S wave. How far away is the earthquake center? Correct answer: 694.052. Explanation: Suppose the earthquake happens at time t = 0 at some distance d. The P wave and the S wave are both emitted at the same time t = 0, but they arrive at different times, respectively tP = d/vP and tS = d/vS . The S wave is slower, so it arrives later than the P wave, the time difference being d d d(vP − vS ) ∆t = − = . vS vP vP vS midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm Consequently, given this time difference and the two waves’ speeds vP and vS , we find the earthquake center being Finally, the period of the oscillation follows from the angular frequently, vP vS ∆t vP − vS (8370 m/s) (4030 m/s) (89.3 s) = (8370 m/s) − (4030 m/s) d= = 694.052 km . away from the seismic station. Question 18, chap 15, sect 1. part 1 of 1 10 points Hint: Write down equations for x(t) and v(t) and use sin2 + cos2 = 1 to calculate ω. A mass attached to a spring executes simple harmonic motion in a horizontal plane with an amplitude of 2.97 m. At a point 1.5741 m away from the equilibrium, the mass has speed 0.554 m/s. What is the period of oscillation of the mass? Correct answer: 28.5641. Explanation: There are several ways to solve this problem — for example, one may use the energy conservation — but the simplest solution uses nothing but the equation of simple harmonic motion x(t) = A sin(ω t) , 13 T = 2π = 28.5641 s . ω Question 19, chap 18, sect 5. part 1 of 1 10 points Assume: The buoyant force of the air is negligible. Given: The density of the oil is 874 kg/m3 . The density of the water salt mixture is 1153 kg/m3 . A rectangular parallelepiped block of uniform density floats in a container which contains oil and salt water as shown. The block sticks up above the oil by a distance 20 cm. The oil thickness is 30 cm. The block’s depth in the salt water is 20 cm. The horizontal area of the block is 0.03 m2 . 20 cm 30 cm M and its time derivative 20 cm dx v(t) = = A ω cos(ω t) . dt For any angle [such as the phase angle ω t] sin2 (ω t) + cos2 (ω t) = 1 , hence x 2 + A and therefore v 2 ω v 2 = 1, Aω = A 2 − x2 . Consequently, ω=√ v = 0.219968 s−1 . 2 A − x2 Calculate the mass of the block. Correct answer: 14.784. Explanation: Let : d1 = 20 cm = 0.2 m , d2 = 30 cm = 0.3 m , d3 = 20 cm = 0.2 m , A = 0.03 m2 , and midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm The mass of the salt water displaced is M 3 = ρ w d3 A = (1153 kg/m3 ) (0.2 m) (0.03 m2 ) = 6.918 kg . The wave speed relative to a moving observer is ′ v = vsound ± vobserver and the observed frequency is The mass of the oil displaced is M 2 = ρ o d2 A = (874 kg/m3 ) (0.3 m) (0.03 m2 ) = 7.866 kg . Since the weight of the block Mblock g is equal to the weight of the displaced liquid, we have Mblock g = [M2 + M3 ] g Mblock = M2 + M3 = (7.866 kg) + (6.918 kg) = 14.784 kg . Question 20, chap 17, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points An ambulance is traveling north at 60.1 m/s, approaching a car that is also traveling north at 34.3 m/s. The ambulance driver hears his siren at a frequency of 926 cycles/s. The velocity of sound is 343 m/s. 60.1 m/s 34.3 m/s Ambulance 14 Car ′ v f = . λ ′ Note: The wavelength is specified in the reference frame of the medium of propagation. Sound waves always travel at a given speed with respect to their medium of propagation. Note: Both the ambulance and car drivers, as well as any observers at rest (on the side of the road, for example), will measure the same wavelength for the sound from the siren, because length measurements will not depend on the velocity of the measurer. However, as sources/observers move through the medium at different velocities, they see the sound waves move past them at different velocities. As a result, the number of wavefronts passing them in a given time interval (i.e., the frequency of the sound) must change. The relationship between observed frequency and observed wavelength is always given by ′ λ f = vrel , What is the wavelength at the car driver’s position for the sound from the ambulance’s siren? Correct answer: 0.305508. Explanation: Let : vcar vamb vsound f = 34.3 m/s , = 60.1 m/s , = 343 m/s , and = 926 cycles/s . By the Doppler Effect, the wavelength of the sound created by a source with rest frequency f and speed vsource is v ± vsource λ = sound . f where vrel is the relative speed of the sound wave and the observer/source. Therefore, the wavelength of the sound emitted in front of the ambulance is ′ vsound − vamb f 343 m/s − 60.1 m/s = 926 cycles/s λ = = 0.305508 m . The negative sign arises because the ambulance driver is traveling in the same direction as these sound waves and therefore perceives midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm I1 them as being slower than sound waves emit= 10 log10 + 10 log10 (4) ted when the ambulance is at rest. This reI0 sults in a smaller wavelength; intuitively, the = β1 + 10 log 10(4) wavefronts are compressed together by the = 20 dB + 10 log10 (4) motion of the siren. = 26.0206 dB . Question 21, chap 17, sect 2. part 1 of 1 10 points The sound of a man shouting at the top of his lungs from a rather large distance away from your ear has loudness of only 20 decibels. What would be the decibel level of four men shouting at the top of their (equally powerful) lungs from the same distance away from you ear? Assume that there is no interference from superposed waves. Question 22, chap 16, sect 3. part 1 of 1 10 points The figure shows two wave pulses that are approaching each other. P 1. β4 = 5 dB 2. β4 = 160 dB 3. β4 = 10 dB 1. 5. β4 = 14 dB 6. β4 = 26 dB correct 2. 8. β4 = 80 dB 9. β4 = 6 dB 10. β4 = 40 dB Explanation: The decibel level β is a logarithmic measure of sound intensity I: I β = 10 log10 . I0 Since we have assumed that there is no interference from superposed waves, four men shouting together produce a sound intensity four times greater than that of just one man (I4 = 4 I1 ), so 4 I1 β4 = 10 log10 I0 Q Which of the following best shows the shape of the resultant pulse when the centers of the pulses, points P and Q, coincide? 4. β4 = 60 dB 7. β4 = 20 dB 15 3. 4. correct 5. Explanation: midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm Notice that the two pulses have the same width and amplitude. Choosing the point P (the same as point Q when the two pulses coincide) as the origin, the two pulses can be described as: P : Q: y1 = y2 = ( A , −d ≤ x ≤ d A , −d ≤ x < 0 −A , 0<x<d Using the principle of superposition, the resultant pulse is 2 A , −d ≤ x < 0 y = y1 + y2 = . 0 , 0<x<d P 16 On a standing wave, the distance of the nearest two nodes is d= λ , 2 where λ is the wavelength. In this problem, x = 0 is a node, which can be seen by adding y1 and y2 . So the smallest positive value of x corresponding to a node is 1 λ 2 1 = (0.909091 m) 2 = 0.454545 m . x= Question 24, chap 11, sect 3. part 1 of 1 10 points Q A thin hoop of radius 3.4 m and mass 12 kg is suspended from a pivot on the hoop itself as shown in the figure. P +Q Question 23, chap 16, sect 4. part 1 of 1 10 points θ A standing wave is a superposition of two harmonic waves described by y1 = A sin(k x + ω t) y2 = A sin(k x − ω t) , and where A = 7.93302 cm, k = 6.9115 m−1 and ω = 15.0796 s−1 . Determine the smallest positive value of x corresponding to a node . Correct answer: 0.454545. Explanation: λ= 2π k 2π 6.9115 m−1 = 0.909091 m . = The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 . Find the period T of small oscillations of this hoop around θ = 0. Correct answer: 5.23385. Explanation: The hoop oscillates as a physical pendulum. Its center of mass is in its geometric center, at distance R = 3.4 m from the pivot. So when it swings by a small angle θ away from the equilibrium position (center directly below the pivot), there is a torque due to gravity force, τ = −mg × R sin θ (1) ≈ mgr × θ midterm 04 – JYOTHINDRAN, VISHNU – Due: May 2 2007, 11:00 pm for small θ. The hoop has moment of inertia I0 = mR2 around its center of mass. The momend of inertia relative to the pivot follows via the parallel axis theorem I = I0 + mR2 = 2mR2 . (2) Consequently, the equation of motion for the swinging hoop I d2 θ =τ dt2 (3) becomes d2 θ 2mR2 × 2 = −mgR × θ, dt Explanation: Basic Concepts: From r m T = 2π , k we have 4 π2 m T2 4 π 2 (0.417 kg) = (0.922 s)2 = 19.3657 N/m . k= The total energy E is, (4) E= which simplifies to d2 θ g =− ×θ 2 dt 2R (5) This is a harmonic oscillator equation with ω2 = g . 2R (6) Translating this angular frequency into the oscillation period, we have T = 2π ωs = 2π = 2π s 2R g (7) 2(3.4 m) 9.8 m/s2 = 5.23385 s. Note that this period does not depend on the hoop’s mass m. Question 25, chap 15, sect 3. part 1 of 1 10 points A(n) 0.417 kg mass is attached to a spring and undergoes simple harmonic motion with a period of 0.922 s . The total energy of the system is 2.1 J . Find the amplitude of the motion. Correct answer: 0.465702. 1 k A2 , 2 where A is the amplitude of motion. Thus r 2E A= s k = 2 × (2.1 J) (19.3657 N/m) = 0.465702 m . 17