WELCOME! Miss Stewart, Mrs. Jensen, & Miss King 2014-2015 KEEP IN TOUCH WITH US! Miss King Mking11@houstonisd.org Miss Stewart bstewar4@houstonisd.org Mrs. Jensen mjensen@houstonisd.org Conference Times: M, W, F 1:50 E-mails are the BEST! WHO TEACHES WHAT? Miss King Math Handwriting Spelling Miss Stewart Reading Social Studies Mrs. Jensen • Writing • Science OUR GOALS • For students to feel… – successful – confident – responsible – independent – that school is relevant! ATTENDANCE First bell rings at 7:35 a.m. Late bell rings at 7:45 a.m. Report card incentives for no absences in a nine week period Written absence note required within 3 days for an excused absence (email ok, voicemail not) Late Arrivals/Early Dismissal (i.e. Doctor) Reasons to be absent fever above 100 degrees vomiting DRESS CODE Red, white, or blue polo shirts Bush logo t-shirts Skirts/shorts must be past the fingertips No shoes with wheels Red, white, or blue sweaters and sweatshirts No backpacks with wheels MORNING ROUTINE Bell rings at 7:35 Arrive to class and unpack Walk down do breakfast cart, if needed Sharpen pencils Write in agenda Add daily salary to checkbook Homework checked Begin morning work Pack up tote Be ready to switch by 8:00 sharp! DAILY SCHEDULE 8:00 – 9:30 Switch 1 9:30 – 9:50 Track and restroom 9:50 – 11:20 Switch 2 11:20 – 12:20 Switch 3 12:20 – 12:55 Lunch/restroom 12:55 – 1:25 Switch 3 1:25 – 1:50 recess/water 1:50- 2:35 Ancillary 2:35 - Dismissal AGENDA AND HOMEWORK FOLDER Both come home every night All assignments copied in the morning into agenda HW folder (purple) Tests listed two days before in the agenda and on the board. Agendas must be signed nightly by parents HOMEWORK Agendas are written in daily. Please sign each night so we know that YOU know what is for homework! IN BACKPACKS DAILY: Homework Folder Word Work Folder Agenda CLASSROOM ECONOMY Students “earn” money for meeting the expectations of a fourth grade student Daily salary- $20 Credits Debits Fun Friday Daily ledger comes home once a week with conduct grade at the top Parent signs and returns If your child forgets their homework, and you bring the homework folder or any academic item to the office, they will still receive a debit for not having the work initially, or on time. STUDY HALL Tutorials/reteach if necessary Incomplete or missed class work Retests Make-up tests If a student has a busy evening, they may stay in at study hall and work on homework for that night. WEDNESDAY…. VERY IMPORTANT DAY! Red folders go home every Wednesday. Parents keep graded papers but RETURN CONDUCT LEDGER * Conduct ledger should be stapled on top and must be signed. Communication for parents (Paw Prints and any other notices). PROGRESS REPORTS AND REPORT CARDS Progress reports midway through nine week period. Progress reports can now be e-mailed straight to the parent. All assignments listed with grades received on each report. Report cards signed and returned each nine weeks TESTS & QUIZZES Quizzes and daily grades may be announced or unannounced Tests will be announced two days in advance in the agenda. All papers with a failing grade, below 70, will be given an opportunity for a redo, except for Benchmarks, spelling tests, and math fact tests. GRADESPEED Language percentages will be 80% class work and 20% tests Math, Reading, Science, and Social Studies not weighted. IMPORTANT DATES ITBS- May 4th-12th STAAR Math-April 21 Reading-April 22 Writing-March 30 & 31 Practice Exams/Benchmark Tests Promotion/Retention Policy Knowledge Fest Project: TBA MATH Homework Monday through Thursday Problem solving strategies/showing work Quiz or test every Friday (based on objectives covered that week) Math Facts Quizzes (Study flash cards at home-addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) Enrichment Projects NEW MATH BOOK! SCIENCE Hands on learning through lab experiments Scientific Inquiry, Matter, Electricity, Earth Science, Solar System, Life Cycles, Adaptations NEW TEXTBOOK! Empty 2-liter bottles Cooperative learning groups STAAR test in 5th grade SOCIAL STUDIES Cooperative work groups Focus on Texas History Native Americans, European Explorers, From Settlement to Statehood, Geography Work is completed individually or with a group, and tests are open – book. All major tests have a study guide READING Guided Reading “Just Right” book Daily 5: read to self, read to someone, listen to reading, word work, work on writing Novels Poem of the Week Literature Circles Word Work Wednesdays I-Station (monthly assessments) SPELLING Test every Friday (unless told otherwise) Words given on Monday (students will receive a list) Homework Monday and Tuesday with studying on Thursday WRITING Daily Edits-Morning work Mon. and Tues. Personal Narrative and Expository Writing Presentations to illustrate each; Parent Writing Night – November 6th – 6:00-7:30 in the cafeteria Spring Writing Informational February 3th 7:007:30 am. and 3:00-3:30 Journals Grammar Personal Narrative and Expository Composition 1 inch binder to create writing portfolios PARENT INVOLVEMENT PTO Membership Background check form needed Book Order Helper Science Supply Providers Field Trip Chaperones (1 for each trip)