Define the following terms: Chapter 4 Chapter 5

International Business – Chapter 4/5 Test Review
Define the following terms:
Chapter 4
data mining
joint venture
just-in-time system
World Bank Group
Brain drain
Auto Pact
Chapter 5
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
bilateral trade
European Union (EU)
Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
multilateral trade
North American Free Trade Agreement
strategic alliance
trading bloc
World Economic Forum (WEF)
C.D. Howe Institute
The Triad
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
To review key terms:
p. 140 #1 and p. 176 #1
1. Give examples of ways in which new technology, new processes, and new attitudes have
changed Canadian businesses.
2. Discuss at least four major ways that globalization has changed Canadian businesses, giving
3. What are three reasons why some businesses decide to stay domestic rather than enter
international markets?
4. Explain the ways that information be a commodity?
5. What are domestic banks that operate in Canada called?
6. List and explain 5 strategies that companies might use to position themselves globally.
7. What is the difference between a global company and an international one?
8. What are the advantages and challenges of developing a truly global company?
9. What are the advantages that member nations of the European Union (EU) enjoy when
trading with each other.
10. What are the five ways to organize people and resources for international business?
11. When did NAFTA come into effect?
12. What are the arguments for or against freer trade?
13. Give the details of the events that killed the Auto Pact. What countries were involved?
14. What do the World Bank and International Monetary Fund have in common?
15. What is a multinational company? What are the 3 types of MNC’s?