-.-.---- ASE 367K 0 Final Exam Closed Book = 1. (40 prs) Derive the translational ~uations of motion for nonsready gliding flight (T 0) in a vertical plane over a flat earth. Each part of the problem uses the previous parts. .a~l.Gl-Q2ra~, a free-body diagram for gliding flight in which the airplane is descending. The velocity vector should be drawn at an angle t/J,the glide angle, below tIle Xh-axis. Show the various coordinate systems, angles, and forces. c~fih terms of the glide angle q" how are the Qrit vectors of the wind axes related to the unit vectOrsof the :ocal horizon axes? Derive the expression for d iwI dt in the wind a.,'(es. , e.:...~~ ':;Startingfrom the deftnition of velocity, the deftnition of acceleration, and Newton's second law, derive the translational kinematic equations and the translational dynamic equations for gliding flight. 'Write the velocity vector as V Vi and .use</Jfor irs orientation. = List the functionalrelations for D and L. and determinethe number of ~) mathematical degrees of freedom of the equatk!1S of Part c. 2. (40pts) Considerthe glidingflight (T == 0) of an ideal subsonic airplane. /' a. (10) Starting from the equations of motion for nonsteady gliding flight, derive the equationsof motionforquasi-steadyglidingflight. en~~ 4Df-..;in~gQ1i<m-..f~lIb::i:he~~~d detel11line mathematical degrees of freedom of th~ resulting equations. 'L.,e number of ~~,.'Derive the integral equation for the horizontal distance traveled during a descent from one altitude to a lower altitUde in terms of the unknown velocity prof1le V(h). .-' ..~ind the velocity profIle V(h)formaximumrangeandthe maximumrange. 3. - (40 p~) Derme briefly the following items: a. ideal subsonic airplane b. airplane angle of attack c. p. plot d. turnrate e. f. g. h. load factor specific energy coefficient of rolling frictio[l stabilitya:'<.e5 i. pitch axis j. phugoid mode I ( . -----.--."'--, <~. ---, -.--...-- .--....- , -'--- · 4... .=. ~-n.~ tf:,,, f c.~'t'~ ~;~(I£rlwsr/;~", ~-- 4 __c._,____. M- ~ v kw ~ ~ Vc'C>f"1 --~ (0 ~_X-L"£0 ~ ~ ..... ~ i:s.. r-_ V~"";l~, -- I --,---- It,, ~[ -~----..-.--..------- 4l.,~,=_ '--:V~~ ,J.. ~ Vc.~;. f~ t VJ'r.t} !:.~. ., ---- -,,- " I ......-..---- --- -' ,--, , ... -->-~-- .. .. ""-~~ _.,-- '--'--- " "'-' ~---' ~-_. ,,--- - .--... ~ - - -. ~ -,---......--- -,--'--., ~ ~ ,~ - , - ..- ;..: , '"'--'--.--- ~ ~._.- '.,-.....- ~ ~ : :--~ -- -- - - --- -.'--',- -- ---" t ~ ,." ~ ", i - ~,- . -. --"---~.~ . -~ -- - -,- -- --'- ,'.. ~---, ~- - ~ i r ---.- ----- - - .- -~-.__. ~~ . ~ - --~--- ~.- , ,-, -. --- -- '-.-,,.-- ----... I ,! - ._, .-. -_. I , + "-~.-. - - -- ----..-.. .-.- -.- .- -- -- ~ -~-- ..., ,-.--- I