429 Shock and Vibration Testing of an AMB Supported Energy Storage Flywheel* Lawrence HAWKIN S**, Bri an MURPH Y ** *, Joseph ZIERER *** and Richard HAYE S* ** Shock and vibrati on testing of an Active Magnetic Bearing (AMB) s uppor ted energy storage flywheel is presented. The flywheel is under development at the University of Texas - Center for Electromechanics (UT- CEM) for application in a transit bus. T he flywheel is gimbal mounted to reduce the gyr oscopic forces transmit· ted to the magnetic bearings during pitching and rolling motions of the bus. The system was placed on a hydraulic ter ra in simulator and driven through pitch, roll and shock motions equivalent to 150% of maximum ex pected bus frame values. Although the AMB control approach was originall y developed specifically to ensure rotor dynamic stability, relative rotor/housing motion was typically less than half of the backup bearing clearance under all tested conditions. Test res ults are presented and compar ed to anal ytical predictions for the 35 000 rpm nomina l operating speed. The impact of the AMB control algorithm is discussed relative to the input fo rcing function. Key Words: L Magnetic Bearings, Flywheel Energy Storage, Magnetic Bearing Shock Response, Flywheel Hatter y Introduction UT-CEM is developing a flywheel energy st orage system, or flywheel battery (F WB), for use in a power-averaging role in a hybrid electric bus. Sever al aspects of this project have been detailed in the literature. Hayes<' 1, described the FWB design considerations and low speed test ing. Hawkins< 21 described the magnetic bearings, control approach and backup bearings for this system. Hawkins<31 descri bed stator power consumption measurements with and without adaptive synchr onous ca ncellation. Murphy(·ll descr ibed the considerations of vehicle/ flywheel dynamics that led to the choices of the orientation of the FWB in the vehicle, the sizing the m agnetic bearings, and the gimbal mounting of the flywheel housing to the vehicle frame. This paper describes shock and vibration testing of the FWB, including the test facility, development of • Received 27th September. 2002 (No. 02-51:14) •• Calnetix, Inc .. 12880 Mo01·e Street , Cerritos, California 90703, USA. E- mail: larry@calnetix.com ... Center for Electromechanics, University of Texas. Mai l Stop R7000, Aust in, Texas 78712, USA JS!VI f: frtlemational Journal requirements, and test results. This is the first controlled, large m otion vibration test of a magnetic bearing supported flywheel battery that is large enough to be used for vehicular power averaging. T he goal of this phase of the development was to design, fabricate, and perform shock and vibration testing on a complete mechanical skid fo r the vehicular flywheel battery. The skid integrates t he FWB, a gimbal mount, gimbal axis damper s, vibra tion isolation, necessary auxil iary subsystems, and electrical connections into a package that is compatible with the Northr op- Grumman Advanced T echnology Transit Bus (AT TB). T esting was accomplished with the flywheel skid mounted on a fully programmable four corner terrai n s im ulator. The test plan was designed to evaluate suitability of the flywheel skid for the trans it bus application and test conditions were developed to exceed the expected loads for the ATTB. 2. Flywheel Battery Ch a racteristics The flywheel r otor, which can operate at up to 40 000 rpm, spins on m agnetic bear ings with a nominal design capacit y of 3 g in all directi ons. This load capacity meets the r equir em ents imposed by typical Ser ies C, Vol. -lll, 1\o. 2 , 200~ 430 operating conditions on a transit bus, but to increase the load margin and tolerance to excessive loads, a nu mber of additional preca utions were taken. F irst, isolat ion mounts ·were insta lled between the flyw heel housing and the m ounting system. This attenua tes the vibration transmitted to the flywheel by approx imately SO% and is most important during the type of ax ial shock loading tha t occurs when hitting a pothole, curb, or other suspension bottoming event. Second, by us ing a gimbal m ount wi th appropr iate dampi ng the gyr oscopic fo rces transmitted to t he mag ne ti c bear ings duri ng pitching and r olling of the A T T B are minimized as well. T hese loads are assoc iated with brak ing. turning or changing inclination of the bus. F ina ll y, in the event that the magnetic bearings a re overloaded, ceram ic rolling element backup bearings provide a low fr ict ion interface between the rotor a nd stator. These would be used in the event of severe operati ng condit ions such as : l ) passing through drainage troughs at 30 mph or greater, 2 ) tr affic accidents, or 3) other conditions that cause the vehicle suspension to bottom. T ables l and 2 summarize F WB and magnetic bear ing characteristics. T he tests reported here were performed on the titanium lest flywheel. When testi ng was completed, the test flyw heel was machined down and a com posite flywheel pressed on, producing the higher energy ca pacity needed fo r the ATTB application. T he final configuration is shown in Fig. 1. 3. Design Considerat ions for Vehicula r FWB Bearing Loads T he interaction between vehicle and flywheel dynamics pr oduces m any sources of bear ing loads not pr esent in a stationary application. These loads were discussed in detai l by Mur phy1'', and are summ arized below . 3. 1 Shock loads Shock event s, such as potholes, arc common occurrences in vehicles and are characteri zed by their brief and tr ansient nature. Shock inputs arc partially filtered by the v ehicle suspension, which will have r igid body natural frequencies of a few herlz. ·with a Radial Bearing (Brg 2) Motor/Generator Table 1 Fly~Yhccl battery characteristics Nom S pin Speed, rad/s (llJm) MIG Power, kW Continuous Peak kg Ro tor Mass, (Ibm) kg-m" Polar Inertia, (lbm-in 2) 2 Transverse Inertia, kg-m (lbm-in 2 ) Rigid Bodv loflt Ill (in) Bearin g Soan, Titanium Test Flywheel 4, 190 (40,000) Composite Flywheel 110 !50 52 (1 14) 0.284 (9691 1.122 (3 825) 0.25 0. 508 (20) 110 150 59 (129) 0.793 .(27042._ 1.375 ( 4689)_ 0.58 0.508 (20) Composite ~-t+-~-- Flywheel Rotor Combo Bear ing (Brg 1) 3,665 (35,000) Fig. 1 Flywheel battery cross-section Bus Frame Vertical Acceleration at Rear Axle Table 2 Magnetic bearing characteristics Bearing Brg Ref Name Capacity, Load N (lbf) Force Constant, N/A (lbf/ A) Neg. Stiffness, N/mm (lbf/in) Air Gap, mm (in) Max Current A Combo Bearing (Radial) Brg I 1115 (250) !56 (35) 1751 (10,000) 0 .508 (.020) 7. 1 St>r iPs C. Vol. 4 6 . No. 2. 2 00:\ Radial Bearing Brg2 670 ( 150) 94 (21 ) 963 (5500) 0.508 (.020) 7.1 Combo Bearing (Axial) Thrust 2230 J 5 0Ql 303 (68) 3502 (20,000) 0.508 (.020) 7.4 5 0 ~ 1i -0.5 <" -1 -1.5 3 3. 5 Fig. 2 Ver tical accelerati on measurement on ATTB rear floor, 4.5 m/s (10 mph) over 0.1 m (4 .0 in) half round speed breaker ]SMC ln!Pmolionol Journal 431 vertical spin axis, the shock loads will be born largely by the thrust bearing. Fil,rure 2 shows vert ical bus frame acceleration measurements made on a bus tra veling over a 0.1 m (4 in) half round speed breaker at 4.5 m/s (10 mph). Other measurements made on an Austin, T exas city transit bus traveling around town produced similar and lower accelerations. 3. 2 Vibration loads Vibra tion is distinguished from shock in that the input and response attain steady state amplitudes that are maintained for an appreciable length of time. Sources are cobblestone roads and general road roughness. However, much of this is at higher frc· quencies that are generally filtered by the tires and suspension of the vehicle. The expected contribution to the bearing loads is on the order of a few tenths of a g. 3. 3 Maneuvering loads Vehicle maneuvering refers to the net rigid body motion of the vehicle, i.e. any event that changes the vehicle linear momentum such as braking, acceleral· ing, or turning. The corresponding linear accelera· tions lead directly to loads on the F\'VB bearings ; however, such loads arc limited to several tenths of a g due to tire adhesion. 3. 4 Gyrodynamic loads Gyrodynamic or gyroscopic loads are pr oduced when the flywheel spin axis is changed, usually due to maneuvering. A spinning flywheel has a relati vely large angular momentum so changing its s pin ax is requires significa nt torque, which must be produced by the magnetic bearings. The required torque. T is: T = lrws& ( 1) where 1P is the polar moment of inertia, ws is the spin speed, and (J is the turning rate of the spin axis. T he associated bearing loads, Fb, are approxi mately : FB= T/b ( 2) vvhere b is the bearing span. \Vhen the flywheel design was initiated, the expected maximum turning rate for the bus was 6.7 degrees/sec (0.1 17 rad/ s). For the com posite flywheel, spinning at 35 000 rpm, this gener· ates a bearing load of 669 N (150 lb) at each bearing. For the titanium test flywheel the same turning rate results in a bearing load of 274 N (54 lb) at the same 35 000 rpm spin speed. 3. 5 Rotating mass imbalance loads Rotating mass imbalance produces synchronous bearing loads that depend on the mass imbalance and the dynamics of the rotor/ bearing system. Although the FWH rotor is well balanced the resul ting bearing loads can still be a significant fraction of bearing capacity. An advantage of using magnetic bearings is that adaptive synchronous cancellation can be used t o nearly eliminate bearing loading due to mass imbal· }Sii'II:; lnl!'m alional }oumal ance. T his has been demonstrated by many authors, and was described for this flywheel by Hawkins(3). 3. 6 Design considerations Of the five loading sources mentioned above, th ree of them, shock, gyrodynamic, and mass imbal· ance, require design consideration to mitigate the loads. The shock loads a re reduced by using elas· tomeric shock isolators between the gimbal mounting fra me and the housing. The mass imbalance loads are reduced as ment ioned above by using adaptive synchronous cancellation. Reducing the gyrodynamic loads require more significant efforts. First, the flywheel is oriented vertically so that yawing (turn· ing) of the bus does not require a change in angular momentum of the flywheel, and thus no bearing reac· tions. During turns the vehicle will also roll (tilt) somewhat, which will still result in bearing reactions if the flywheel hous ing is firmly attached to the frame. Also, acceleration, deceleration, and grade changes (entering or leaving a hill) will result in pitch (front to back) motion of the vehicle, again with bearing reaction loads required to move the flywheel. An a lternative to r igidly mount ing the flywheel housing to the bus is to mount it in a two-axis gimbal, allowing the FWB to pitch and roll somewhat freely relative to the bus. A two-axis gimbal was designed to support the FWB along with a mounting frame used to attach the system to the vehicle. A restoring force is required to give the flywheel a home position that is nominally vertical so that it doesn't drift too far from vertical. This restoring force is provided using gravity, by placing the rotor CG a bout 20 mm (0.75 in) below the gimbal pivot point. Viscous damping is provided by a rotary damper in the gimbal bearings and is adjustable to a limited extent. 4. Test Setup An ex1stmg four- corner terrain simulator was modified to make it suitable fo r testing with the ATTB flywheel. The terrain simulator setup is shown in Fig. 3. The flyw heel battery is at the top of the picture, supported in the two- axis gimbal. The gim· bal fra me is mounted to a support skid through elast omer ic isolation mounts. T he skid, which will later be mounted to the frame of the ATTB, is bolted to the table top of the terrain simulator. T his system utilizes three hydraulic cylinders to simulate the pitch, roll and shock seen on a transit bus. Each of the hydraulic cylinders has a 0.254 m (10 inch) stroke and a 13 380 N (3 000 lb) capacity. A programmable con· troller controls table motion, and inputs and responses were measured with a Zonic signal analyzer and digital data recorde r. Series (, Vol. 46, No. 2 , 20 0:~ 432 Table 3 Simulator table input. rates and angles a ppl ied for aggressive ma neuver ( P = Pitch. N = Roll) Label Description for Nominal Maneuver AI LCI LC2 Bl RTI HI H2 LTl H3 LT2 B2 A2 RT2 LCJ A3 H4 B3 Accelerate to 35 mph 35 mph lane change 35 mph lane change Brake to 20 mph Gentle right tw'n Dip down into culvert Pitch up exiting culvt Hard left tum 7% hill at20 mph Gentle left turn Hard brake to stop Accelerate to 20 nl]Jh Gentle right tw'n 20 mph lane change Accelerate to 35 mph 5.4% h ill at 35 mph Hard brake to stop 150% x l50%x Angle (deg) P= -0.36 R= -3.0 R= 3.0 P= 0.75 R= -3.0 P= 3.0 P= -3.0 R=6.0 P= -6.0 R=3.0 P= 0.75 P= -0.36 R= -3.0 R= -6.0 P= -0.36 P= -4.6 P= 0.75 Rate (deg/s) 036 4.5 6 0.75 3 0.7 1.5 6 6 1.5 0.75 3.6 1.5 6 0.36 9.3 0.75 Fig. 3 F lywheel batter y system mounted on terrain simulator Liquid dielectric inclinometers were used as pitch and r oll sensors on both the gimbal table and on the FWB. T his type of sensor has the advantage of provi ding an absolute angle (an angle relative to an inertial reference frame), but they have low bandwidth compared to other available angle sensors that measure relative a ngles. 5. Pitch and Roll Testing- Flywheel & Table Response to 150% Simulated Test Route at 35,000 rpm 6 LT1 ~ 4 ~ "'g, 2 0 "C -; ·2 H1 ': LT/( LC2 -;:;v c, LC1 c -4 )_\i~ t~ l1 l'c.B2 v 1\ A2 RTt H2 ~ \ [,1 IR~2~ 1 83 A3 H4 LC3 -6 H3 -8 During testing the flywheel skid was m ounted on the terrain simulator, and operated at speeds up to 3.) 000 rpm . T he fi rst test series involved pitch and roll testing to determine the effects of a variety of m aneuvers on the flywheel system. T he test mat rix included a variety of input amplitudes and rates. The goal was to validate that the flyv.rheel isolation, gimbal and m agnetic bearings could act together to prevent backup bearing impacts during the full range of expected motion. T he nominal input for the terrain simul ator was developed based on information provided by N orlhrop- Grumman. the DOT White Book, and bus frame vibration measurements conducted by UT - CEM. The associated bus maneuvers are listed in Table 3. To verify operation under more aggressive conditions, the nominal amplitude and rate values were increased by 50%. These values are shown in Table 3 and represent the a pproximate maximum rates anticipated under all conditions. The terrain simulator appl ied these rates and amplitudes over a 225 second period to generate the simulated bus test rout e. The response of the gimbal table versus time is shown in Fig. 4, 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time (seconds) I- Table Prtch - · ··Table Roll I Fig. 4 T errain simulator table mot ion, 150% of maximum expected inputs along with annota tions of the specific m aneuvers from The gimbal t able response does not precisely match the terrain simula tor input because of the low bandwidth of the pitch and roll sensors (0.5 Hz)_ Figure 5 shows the displacement orbit at Lhe non thrust end radial magnetic bearing position sensor for the entire 225 second t est. T he peak relative displacement is about 0.18 m m (0.007 in) . T his peak displacement occurr ed during the H4 maneuver (Table 3), an 8.1% hill (L;) 5.4), which had the highest programmed slew rate of 9.3 degrees/sec. T he absolute response ra tes of the gimbal table a nd the FWB during the H4 maneuver are shovvn in Fig_6. T he measured table angular velocity is near to the programmed value. and the flywheel r esponse is about 65% lower at about 2.7 degr ees/sec. This reduced response angle should directly result in a 65% rcducTable:~. * 433 Rod tal Dt splacem ent at Non-Tht USI En d Beanng , H4 Ttme Sli ce 035,--.---,---.---.---.--.---~--.--.--~ 02 I I o . I ' 'I 'I I I I I - ----~---- -- ---: ----- ---- - ~--- - - ----- -:----t I 01 5 ••• - ~ ' I ' ' ' ' ' E E ----~-- -- ' ' • - - - - - - - - - t • - •• - - - - - - ... . - - - - • • • - - . , . - - - - - - - • - . I 0 1 03 I I - - -I ' ' E "'~ o25 I 02 ' ' ... . ' ' ... .... . ...... ~ : ~ : ' . ' ······:-····· j····-·1······ i······:······j---.. · ~·······i ··· ··-~- .... MalllCieard~Ce 0 2~4 mm; .•..• . : .. ···. : .. ····r· ···· ~ : -~ . ' ~005 c:. ~ . ! o 15 ~ 0 "' -o-005 ~-··· ·· . ......: ... . .. : .... . 1 ' ' ··-··-:·····-:···-·-·:-·-···r····-:··-···)·······j····-·-:-···-·r ··- ····-·!····-+··-··:···· ·r····-L ....;. ···]·-·····f-·-·+···· i- .. ( ••••( . ~ .... .L. .... ;. ···1······+······: ..... 01 .. .. .. . "'x . . :. -0 1 -015 -02 q97 ---- -·..---- --- --··' .. -.-- ---------.. .... ··- -- --- ·-. .. . - . 197 2 197 4 197 6 197 8 . T1me. sec -~ .' ' Radtal L oad at Non-Th rust End Beanng, H4 Ttme Shce -0 25 ~~"-'-'-'"-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'=~,_=~==~="-'':-"':'--'-'-'-=' -0 2 0 02 700~~~=;~~~==~~~==~~ Loa~ Capacity 670iN X ax1s displacemen t, mm 600 .... -. Fig. 5 Displacement orbit at non- thrust end radial posit ion sensor throughout the test , ; . : ; , i··.. -. ~ - ·- ... ·i· ....--~ · ..... i.. ---. ~ -- · ... ~- ..... -~- .... ·i-.... :. :. :. .: :. : :. . .: ' 500 ••.•. ' ; ..... -: .......;..•.. - -~.- .••. ; •••.. • ; ..... • ~- •••.• -~ .. -.. -~ ...•. 2. : • : : : : : -o' : : ' : • : : (15 ' • ' • ' • • g> : :• :• : : :' : : • • : : ' • 3 400 . --... i .. .... {. ----..;..... --~ - - ... -f.·- .. -~ -- - -- - ~- ... ·--~- .. --.:.- -.-- Flywheel & Table Pitch Rate ~ Ql 0 • :• 9 -g f'' 8 7 I I I I 6 0: 5 \ \ \ I 4 3 2 I 1 --~ 0 197.0 f -197.5 I I '\ I/ I • 197 ~/ / '\ I \''- 198.0 198.5 Time (sec) - Table 1 Fig. 6 Simulator table and FWB r esponse to 150% of max imum expected inputs (deg/ scc) t ion in the necessary bearing reactions during the maneuver. A two second time slice from the H4 maneuver is shown in Fig. 7. I<adial displacement. x· , from the non- thrust end position sensor is shown in the upper figure and radial reaction load, Ft> , at the non-thrust end bearing is shown in t he lower. T he loads are calculated from the measured coi l curren t. f c, and displacement as follows : F b=Kf f c+Knx Va lues for the bearing fo rce constant, Kf, and the nega tive stiffness, Kn are given in T able 2. Both data sets were low pass filtered at 75 Hz to take out the synchronous response. In Fig. 7, two spil<es (most noticeable on displacement) occur about 0.5 seconds apa r t (197.7 sec a nd 198.2 sec) . T hese spikes corre} S/V/ /,· fntPma t irma/ Journal +-. : . ' '' ' : : 0 ' ' . ..... -:-- .... -- ~ ;-- -.- --. : : : - --- ~---·--·;.·- -- - -~--- -- . o ~~~~--~~~~~--~~~--~~~~ I / I..--- I - Flywheel : ' \ v : . . ....:..... -- :·. ----. ·;·.. ...' .... ' \ \ : 200 ••..•. : ..•. • • ; . ..•.• : : ~ 3(X) ··---- ~ ------~ -- - - ---;--··- -· r -- --·;···--- ~ 197 2 197 4 197 6 197 8 198 198 2 198 4 198 6 198 8 T1me. sec 199 Fig. 7 !\ on-thrm;t end bearing radial position (top) and rad ial loads (bottom) during maneuver H4 spond to the star t a nd end of the sim ulated hill. At the start of the hill the terrain simulator begins changing the pitch from 0 to 4.65 degrees over a 0.5 second per iod (9.:~ degrees/sec) . T he impulse at the st art and end of the maneuver causes the displacement spikes. This is an unintentional consequence of the test apparatus dy namics ; however. similar im pulses might be expected to occur along with many of the real world events in Table 3. The response during the peri od where the pitch is be ing steadily changed does not show a significant change in displacement , but does show a load increase of approximately 75 to 100 N. Per Eq. ( 2 ) , the load would be approximately 333 N (75 Jbf) if the flyw heel were not gi mba led. T his correlates reasonably well with the angle rate difference in Fig. 6. 6. Shock Testing The terrain simulator was also used to perform vertical shock testing, to determine the ver tical acceleration that could be to lerated before impacting the backup bearings. Figure 8 shows the results from one S,rie8 C, Vol. ! J.{>, No.2, :w o :~ 434 Vertical Shock Test 2.4 9 Input Vertical Shock Analysis 2.4 9 Input ~------------------------------~ 0 3 0.2 0.2 :§ 1 0.1 c .e Eo eE. .. ;; ~ -1 -2 -3 A).ial Olsplacomen t ~Vertical Table Acce~ration J....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _----1. 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Time (seconds) 0.25 -0.2 -2 -0.3 -3 0.3 Fig. 8 Axial shock test results showing 2.4 g input, FWB response. and relative rot/ hsg displacement of the tests. T he table acceleration, FWB acceleration, and relative r otor / housing displacement are shown in the figure. T he simulator input acceleration is 2.4 g at 100 Hz, the highest input level that could be used without the rotor hitting the backup bearings. The associated FWB response was about 0.8 g (65% reduction) at the 15Hz natural frequency of the FWD mass on the isolator stiffness of 2.2 MN /m (12 500 lbf/ in) . Relative rotor/housing displacement is just below the backup beari ng clearance of 0.25 mm (0.010 in). Although the 2.4 g input is well below the acceleration level measured in an actual bus (Fig. 2), it is desirable to consider improvements and to consider the influence of the higher system mass planned for the composite flywheel. A sim ple 3 degree- of- freedom model was created for this purpose. The simulator table, F WB housing a nd FWB r otor masses were connected by discrete stiffness and damping elements to represent the isolators and axial magnetic bearing. The results, shown in Fig. 9, provide a reasonable match to the data from Fig. 8, although the predicted accelera tion of the FWB housing is somewhat low. The t wo biggest sources of error in the model are : 1 ) the simpl icity of the model compared to the test system, and 2 ) the stiffness and damping of the isolators, which varies with preload. The model is adequate to ser ve its intended purpose of trading- off potential system changes. Since the crit ical parameter for the trade study is axial displacement, the isolator stiffness and damping were increased by 20% from nominal t o match the predicted displacement to the tested value. The model was then used to predict relative rotor housing response due to a 2.4 g input with three var iations : 1 ) increase net magnetic bearing stiffness by 50% (15% increase in compensa tor gain) , increase FWB housing and rotor mass to correspond to the values expected for the composite sysSeries C, Vo l. 4 6 , No. 2, 2003 -0.2 ~----------------------------~ 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 -0.3 03 Time (seconds) Fig. 9 Three dof analysis of axial shock test showing input, FWB response. and rei. displacement Impact of System Changes on Shock Displacement Response .o 25o:---:o=-'os '=·--~o:'-:1:--0::-'-: 15---:0:-':2:----::-0~ 25:---o::':3:----::o ~35:-----::'o4 Time (se c) Fig. 10 Predicted displacement response for various system changes tem, and 3 ) increase both magnetic bearing stiffness a nd FWB housing and rotor mass. The results from t hese three variations are compared t o the nominal model in Fig. 10. Increa sing the stiffness alone attenuat es the peak response by 35%, increasing the mass reduced the peak response by abou t 20%, and the combination of the two decreases the peak response by over 50% . 7. Conclusions The reported testing has verified the suitability of the flywheel batter y skid system for field testing in a transit bus. T he gimbal support reduced the flywheel bearing loads by about 65%. T he shock isolators reduced the transmitted axial shock by 65% . Most importantly, the control of the flyw heel on the magnetic bearings is mai nt ained for shock a nd vibration levels well in excess of the values that are expected in the transit bus. }Silff~ fnlemational }oumrrl 435 Acknowledgements T his wor k was completed under funding provided by the US Dept. of Trans. (DOT) through the South· ern Coalition for Advanced Transportation (SCAT) and by the Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority (HMTA). ( 3) References (I) ( 2) Hayes, R.J.. Kajs, J.P .. Thompson, R.C. and Beno, J.H .. Design and Testing of a Flywheel Battery for a Transit Bus. SAE 01-1159, (1999) . Hawkins, L.A .. Murphy, B.T. and Kajs, J.P .. Analysis and T esting of a Magneti c Bearing iSM/:_' fnlnnatiorutl ./oumal ( 4) Energy Storage Flywheel wi th Gain-Scheduled. MIMO Cont rol, ASME 2000-GT- 405, Presented at ASME IGTI Conference. Munich, Germany, May 8- I l , (2000) . Hawkins, L.A. and F lynn, M., Influence of Control Strategy on Measured Actuator Power Consump· tion in an Energy Storage Flywheel with Mag· netic Bearings, Proc. of the 6th Inti. Symp. on Magnetic Suspension T ech.. Turin, Italy, October 7- ll. (2001) . Murphy, B.T., Beno, J.H. and Bresie, D.A., Bearing Loads in a Vehicular Flywheel Battery, PR224, SAE Int. Congress and Exp., Detroit, Mi· chigan, USA, February, 24-27, ( 1997) . Series C, Vol. -1-6, No. 2. 2003 436 JSME International Journal Information for Authors 1. Originality Papers submitted must be original, and previously unpublished. 2. 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