Team 12: Iron Man Modified Running Cart Final Design Report Allen Bosscher Andrew Vriesema Lukas Woltjer ENGR 339/340 Senior Design Project Calvin College 15 May 2014 COPYRIGHT © 2014 Team 12 and Calvin College. All Rights Reserved Executive Summary This report outlines and describes the research, design decisions, final design, and constructed prototype that team 12, Iron Man, has worked on over the past year through the Calvin College senior design project. Team 12 has designed and built an off-road capable running cart that can be easily collapsed and transported. For this design, the team has made the vehicle as light as possible while maintaining the necessary strength to carry the designated carrying load. The team has specifically designed the running cart with a handicapped or mentally disabled passenger in mind. This was accomplished through working closely with several caretakers and care centers with intimate knowledge of what features would be required in such a project. The important aspects for this design that needed significant engineering focus were the collapsibility, quick-wheel change, overall passenger comfort, and maneuverability of the running cart. The team also designed the prototype and final design to be as inexpensive as possible for future manufacturing and business possibilities. Through the research, analyses, and created prototype presented in this report, Team 12 has concluded that the objectives of this project were met, as a lightweight, collapsible, and handicapped capable running cart was created. Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................1 1.1 Team Members ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Description of Calvin College and Senior Design Course .................................................... 2 1.3 Project Definition .................................................................................................................. 2 2. Project Management ..............................................................................................3 2.1 Team Organization ................................................................................................................ 3 2.1.1 Team Member Roles ...................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Organization Chart ......................................................................................................... 4 2.1.3 Team Meetings ............................................................................................................... 5 2.1.4 Team Documents ............................................................................................................ 5 2.2 Schedule Management .......................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Budget ................................................................................................................................... 6 2.4 Method of Approach ............................................................................................................. 6 3. Requirements .........................................................................................................8 3.1 Functional Requirements....................................................................................................... 8 3.1.1 Strength Requirement ..................................................................................................... 8 3.1.2 Mobility Requirement..................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Performance Requirements ................................................................................................... 9 3.2.1 Transportable Requirement ............................................................................................ 9 3.2.2 Multiple Surface Requirement...................................................................................... 10 3.2.3 Easy Entry and Exit Requirement ................................................................................ 10 3.2.4 Passenger Comfort Requirement .................................................................................. 11 3.3 Interface Requirements ....................................................................................................... 11 3.3.1 Customer Interaction Requirements ............................................................................. 11 3.3.2 Cost Requirements ........................................................................................................ 12 3.4 Team Deliverables............................................................................................................... 12 4. Task Specifications ..............................................................................................14 4.1 Schedule .............................................................................................................................. 14 5. Research ...............................................................................................................16 Page i 5.1 Material Options .................................................................................................................. 16 5.2 Similar Projects ................................................................................................................... 16 5.2.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................... 16 5.2.1 Analyses........................................................................................................................ 17 5.3 Resources ............................................................................................................................ 20 5.4 Safety Requirements ........................................................................................................... 20 6. Design ..................................................................................................................22 6.1 Design Criteria .................................................................................................................... 22 6.2 Primary Application ............................................................................................................ 22 6.2.1 Primary Application Design Criteria ............................................................................ 22 6.2.2 Primary Application Alternatives ................................................................................. 22 6.2.3 Primary Application Design Decision .......................................................................... 23 6.3 Frame Material .................................................................................................................... 23 6.3.1 Frame Material Design Criteria .................................................................................... 23 6.3.2 Frame Material Alternatives ......................................................................................... 24 6.3.3 Frame Material Design Decision .................................................................................. 25 6.4 Quick Change Wheel Design .............................................................................................. 26 6.4.1 Quick Change Wheel Design Criteria .......................................................................... 26 6.4.2 Quick Change Wheel Design Alternatives ................................................................... 27 6.4.3 Quick Change Wheel Design Decision ........................................................................ 29 6.5 Collapsible Design .............................................................................................................. 31 6.5.1 Collapsible Design Criteria .......................................................................................... 31 6.5.2 Collapsible Design Alternatives ................................................................................... 32 6.5.3 Collapsible Design Decision ........................................................................................ 33 6.6 Fabric Material Design ........................................................................................................ 34 6.6.1 Fabric Material Design Criteria .................................................................................... 34 6.6.2 Fabric Material Design Alternatives............................................................................. 34 6.6.3 Fabric Material Design Decision .................................................................................. 35 6.7 Easy Entry and Exit Design ................................................................................................ 36 6.7.1 Easy Entry and Exit Design Criteria............................................................................. 36 6.7.2 Easy Entry and Exit Alternatives.................................................................................. 37 Page ii 6.7.3 Easy Entry and Exit Design Decision........................................................................... 37 6.8 Block Diagram .................................................................................................................... 38 6.9 Preliminary Design .............................................................................................................. 38 6.9.1 Initial Sketch ................................................................................................................. 38 6.9.2 Initial Computer Model ................................................................................................ 39 6.9.3 Finite Element Modeling .............................................................................................. 40 6.10 Final Design ...................................................................................................................... 42 6.11 Applicable Design Norms ................................................................................................. 42 6.11.1 Transparency .............................................................................................................. 43 6.11.2 Stewardship ................................................................................................................ 43 6.11.3 Caring ......................................................................................................................... 44 6.11.4 Trust ............................................................................................................................ 44 6.12 Calculations ....................................................................................................................... 44 6.12.1 Frame Stress Calculations .......................................................................................... 44 6.12.2 Frame Deflection Calculations ................................................................................... 47 6.12.3 Weight Estimations..................................................................................................... 48 6.12.4 Center of Gravity Calculations ................................................................................... 50 7. Prototype Construction ........................................................................................51 7.1 Materials Acquisition .......................................................................................................... 51 7.2 Frame Construction ............................................................................................................. 52 7.3 Addition of Key Features .................................................................................................... 52 7.3.1 Collapsing Mechanism ................................................................................................. 52 7.3.2 Quick-change Wheels ................................................................................................... 53 7.3.3 Sliding Seat Mechanism ............................................................................................... 55 7.4 Modifications and Revisions ............................................................................................... 55 7.5 Final Touches ...................................................................................................................... 56 7.6 Prototype Budgeting............................................................................................................ 57 8. Prototype Testing .................................................................................................59 8.1 Transportability ................................................................................................................... 59 8.2 Deflection Test .................................................................................................................... 62 8.3 Flutter Test .......................................................................................................................... 63 Page iii 9. Business Analysis ................................................................................................65 9.1 Marketing Study .................................................................................................................. 65 9.1.1 Competitive Analysis ................................................................................................... 65 9.1.2 Target Markets .............................................................................................................. 65 9.2 Cost Estimate....................................................................................................................... 66 9.2.1 Development ................................................................................................................. 66 9.2.2 Production ..................................................................................................................... 67 10. Suggested Modifications ....................................................................................70 10.1 Brake System Changes ...................................................................................................... 70 10.2 Caster Flutter ..................................................................................................................... 70 10.3 Sliding Seat ....................................................................................................................... 70 10.4 Seat Cushion...................................................................................................................... 70 10.5 Quick-change Rear Axle ................................................................................................... 70 11. Conclusion .........................................................................................................72 12. Acknowledgements ............................................................................................73 13. References ..........................................................................................................74 Appendix A. Pro-forma Financial Statements .........................................................78 Appendix B. User Manual .......................................................................................81 Appendix C. Work Breakdown Structure ................................................................85 1st Semester Tasks ..................................................................................................................... 85 2nd Semester Tasks .................................................................................................................... 87 Page iv Table of Figures Figure 1: Team 12 – Iron Man ........................................................................................................ 1 Figure 2: Organization Chart .......................................................................................................... 4 Figure 3: Gantt Chart Example Section ........................................................................................ 14 Figure 4: Carrying Weight vs. Selling Price ................................................................................. 17 Figure 5: Vehicle Weight vs. Selling Price ................................................................................... 18 Figure 6: Product Weight vs. Carrying Weight ............................................................................ 19 Figure 7: Quick Release Skewer Examples .................................................................................. 28 Figure 8: Quick Release Hitch Pin................................................................................................ 28 Figure 9: Hitch Pin and Clip ......................................................................................................... 29 Figure 10: Quick Connect Hitch Pin Example ............................................................................. 29 Figure 11 : Jointed Design Examples ........................................................................................... 33 Figure 12: System Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 38 Figure 13: Initial Hand Sketch ...................................................................................................... 39 Figure 14: Initial Computer Model ............................................................................................... 39 Figure 15: Initial Frame Design .................................................................................................... 40 Figure 16: Forces Acting on the Frame of the Cart ...................................................................... 40 Figure 17: Simulation Results....................................................................................................... 41 Figure 18: Final Designed Computer Model ................................................................................ 42 Figure 19: Beam Loading Diagram .............................................................................................. 45 Figure 20: Final Finite Element Loading ...................................................................................... 46 Figure 21: Final Finite Element Stress Results ............................................................................. 46 Figure 22: Sample Beam Calculations Worksheet ....................................................................... 47 Figure 23: Sample EES Calculations ............................................................................................ 48 Figure 24: Sample EES Results .................................................................................................... 49 Figure 25: Method of Determining Frame Weight ....................................................................... 49 Figure 26: Final Cart Weight Determination ................................................................................ 50 Figure 27: Final Prototype ............................................................................................................ 51 Figure 28: Completed Collapsing Mechanism ............................................................................. 53 Figure 29: Demonstration of Rear Quick-Release Mechanism .................................................... 54 Figure 30: Demonstration of Front Quick-Release Mechanism ................................................... 54 Page v Figure 31: Front Wheel Mount Used for Testing and Modification ............................................. 56 Figure 32: Sewing Process for Assembly of the Seat Back .......................................................... 57 Figure 33: Cart in Honda Civic Trunk .......................................................................................... 61 Figure 34: Deflection Test Setup .................................................................................................. 62 Figure 35: Deflection Test Results ............................................................................................... 63 Page vi Table Of Tables Table 1: Frame Material Design Criteria ...................................................................................... 23 Table 2: Frame Material Alternative Properties ........................................................................... 25 Table 3: Frame Material Decision Matrix .................................................................................... 26 Table 4: Quick Wheel Change Design Criteria ............................................................................ 26 Table 5: Front Wheel Quick Change Decision Matrix ................................................................. 30 Table 6: Rear Wheel Quick Change Decision Marix ................................................................... 30 Table 7: Collapsibility Design Criteria ......................................................................................... 31 Table 8: Collapsible Method Decision Matrix.............................................................................. 33 Table 9: Fabric Material Design Criteria ...................................................................................... 34 Table 10: Fabric Material Decision Matrix .................................................................................. 35 Table 11: Easy Entry and Exit Design Criteria ............................................................................. 36 Table 12: Easy Entry and Exit Decision Matrix ........................................................................... 37 Table 13 : Final Team Prototype Budget ...................................................................................... 58 Table 14: Timed Transportability Test ......................................................................................... 60 Table 15: Cart Dimensions ........................................................................................................... 60 Table 16: Trunk Dimensions for Chrysler Town and Country ..................................................... 61 Table 17: Trunk Loading Tests ..................................................................................................... 61 Table 18: Flutter Test Speed Results ............................................................................................ 64 Table 19: Team Budget ................................................................................................................. 67 Table 20: Estimated Fixed Costs .................................................................................................. 67 Table 21: Estimated Variable Costs .............................................................................................. 68 Table 22: Pro-forma Statement of Income.................................................................................... 78 Table 23: Pro-forma Statement of Cash Flows ............................................................................. 78 Table 24: Break-Even Analysis .................................................................................................... 79 Table 25: Break-Even Analysis (continued) ................................................................................. 80 Table 26: Iron Man Corporation Budget ...................................................................................... 80 Page vii 1. Introduction Team 12 (Iron Man) is composed of three senior engineering students, all pursuing a degree in engineering with a mechanical concentration at Calvin College in Grand Rapids. Each member provides a variety of experiences, skills, and background to this project. The team consists of (from left to right in Figure 1): Lukas Woltjer, Andrew Vriesema, and Allen Bosscher. 1.1 Team Members Figure 1: Team 12 – Iron Man Allen Bosscher Allen was born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is a senior engineering student at Calvin College and expects to graduate in May 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree with a mechanical concentration. Allen has interned at Rapid-Line, a metal fabrication company, for the past three years. Through this internship he has learned valuable insight into production and design engineering. Allen will continue working at Rapid-Line full time as a Design and Manufacturing Engineer upon graduating. Lukas Woltjer Lukas was born in Nashville, Tennessee and has lived in Washington State and Portland, Oregon. He is a senior engineering student at Calvin College and expects to graduate in May 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree with a mechanical concentration. Lukas has interned at Calvin College as a student researcher, Cascade Engineering as a renewable energy intern, and Oregon State University as a technical lab assistant. Lukas has accepted a position at K-Line Industries as a Mechanical Design Engineer. Page 1 Andrew Vriesema Andrew was born and raised in North Haledon, New Jersey. He is a senior engineering student at Calvin College and expects to graduate in May 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree with a mechanical concentration. Andrew has interned at Rapid-Line for the past six months. He has accepted a position at LG Chem as a Production Engineer. 1.2 Description of Calvin College and Senior Design Course Calvin College is a Christian liberal arts college located in Grand Rapids, Michigan with an enrollment of approximately 4,000 undergraduate students.1 Calvin offers an ABET-accredited Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree (BSE), with concentrations in Chemical, Civil & Environmental, Electrical & Computer, and Mechanical Engineering. In conjunction with this project, the team has taken part in a design course required for all senior engineering students at Calvin College. This course is taught by four professors, one from each engineering concentration offered at Calvin. This course lasts over both semesters and has five outcomes upon completion of the course: to be able to define, plan and implement a major project; to participate effectively as a team member; to understand business and finance; to launch a successful career; and to integrate the Calvin education.2 1.3 Project Definition The project the design team has worked on includes researching, designing, constructing, and testing of a running cart, usable by a person with moderate physical disabilities. The project definition was to design and construct an improved running cart specifically for disabled passengers. In order to accomplish this project, several features were outlined that needed to be met in order to achieve the project definition: the design must be light-weight, easy and comfortable to use by both the runner and the passenger, able to travel well on various surfaces, easy to transport, and low cost. To achieve these objectives, the team worked closely with caretakers and care institutions who have significant experience in assisting disabled people. The team also employed best practices in machine design and structural analysis to ensure the safety of the passenger and runner, and to ensure reliable performance of the cart. Page 2 2. Project Management 2.1 Team Organization 2.1.1 Team Member Roles Many of the larger tasks associated with the design project were completed as a team, with a specific team member designated in charge of particular responsibilities within these tasks. Allen Bosscher was in charge of the research, team management, decision making, and creating and updating the necessary larger assignments required for this project. He coordinated with the rest of the team about which areas of the project needed to be researched more in depth as the project proceeded and was in charge of compiling all collected research. He was also in charge of maintaining the team’s schedule, which included setting up most of the team meetings and keeping track of the various assignments that were required as part of the course. Allen was also in charge of the decision making process for this project, which included deciding upon the best course to pursue for each team member, as well as what needed to be accomplished by when. Finally, Allen was the primary person in charge of creating and updating the larger papers and presentations that were required as part of the course. This included being the lead on the Project Proposal and Feasibility Study (PPFS), the Final Design Report, the CEAC presentation, faculty review, and in-class presentations. Lukas Woltjer was the webmaster and was responsible for updating and maintaining the team’s website. This included updating the website as required through the course, as well as adding various other sections as he saw fit in order to provide a good overview of the project. He was also the primary contact between the team and the resources gained through this project, which meant he was the primary face of this project to outside resources. He also was the primary person in charge of ordering the materials required for this project. Lukas was also the primary lead on refining the designed computer models for the project. He was in charge of how the design options were modeled and analyzed through a variety of methods such as finite element analysis (FEA). Lukas was also in charge of most of the initial prototype construction, which included welding and assembling the frame. Andrew Vriesema was in charge of testing the constructed prototype, which included outlining the necessary tests and assigning which team members would do which tests. He was also the lead on the initial computer model, which provided a great baseline for the project. Besides these primary roles, Andrew greatly assisted Allen and Lukas in their roles, providing his assistance whenever necessary. Page 3 2.1.2 Organization Chart Figure 2: Organization Chart The team’s organizational chart is displayed in the above figure. This chart outlines the organization of groups and individuals related to this project. The team recognized three distinct divisions within this project: project resources, design resources, and the administrative resources. Each of these groups had distinct influences on the project as a whole. Page 4 2.1.3 Team Meetings Formal team meetings were held approximately twice a week for roughly thirty minutes each, which varied according to the amount of work that needed to be discussed. During these meetings the team reported on what work was accomplished and planned out what tasks needed to be completed next. Meetings with outside resources were scheduled as necessary in order to have all team members present. Meetings with the team’s advisor, Professor Ned Nielsen, were conducted when it was necessary to seek out his assistance throughout the duration of the project. 2.1.4 Team Documents All electronic documents are saved on Calvin College’s “Shared Drive” through the file path S:\Engineering\Teams\Team12. Additionally, hard copies of research documents and important correspondence are compiled by Allen Bosscher and are available upon request. The design team also has a team website located at the following URL: This is maintained by Lukas Woltjer and contains important documents and general team information, links to outside resource web pages, and updates on the project. 2.2 Schedule Management The team decided to dedicate as much time as was needed at the beginning of the first meeting of each week on reviewing the schedule of tasks. The team updated the schedule as needed when new issues and other project necessities arose. Allen Bosscher was the primary schedule coordinator, and updated the rest of the team on what tasks needed to be completed first and the deadlines associated with them. Allen was also in charge of submitting the necessary assignments as part of the senior design course in which the team was enrolled. Priority was assigned to tasks which require immediate response, which include unforeseen issues and customer relations. The design team will strive to minimize the amount of unforeseen issues, allowing the team to focus on important yet non-urgent tasks. This was suggested by Professor David Wunder, as urgent and important tasks are typically large time sinks, forcing the team to deviate from the predicted schedule. In this way, the schedule was used as a management tool, as it clearly outlined what aspects of the project needed to be accomplished when. The team was able to very easily see what needed to be accomplished by maintaining the schedule through keeping it up to date with the actual project’s progress. This enabled Allen, the lead for the team’s management, to quickly delegate and assign tasks to all of the team’s members. When scheduling issues arose the team worked through them as a team, making sure to work out meeting times which fit all of the team member’s individual schedules. The largest sources of these scheduling conflicts consisted of scheduling around practice times Page 5 for those members on sports teams, as well as the work schedules of all members. The number of hours worked on the project per week per team member was varied quite largely, with a range between five and fifty hours, depending on the tasks outlined through the team’s meetings and the necessary course assignments. 2.3 Budget Lukas Woltjer was the primary budget coordinator, and was in charge of maintaining the budget and adjusting it as the design progressed. All team members had access to the budget, and were able to purchase necessary materials already listed on it without conferring with other team members. Adjustments which added to the budget were made with team consensus, and were only suggested if an important and necessary need arose which required the reallocation of funds. Increase of the budget, especially in costs which only emerged once the project progressed beyond the initial design stage, were avoided when possible, but the team made sure there was a contingency which allowed for these unforeseen costs to be covered within the initial budget approved by Calvin College. This budgeting method was suggested by Professor Matthew Heun, and has been successfully implemented in many critical projects. Because the budget is indicative of the overall cost of the running cart, great care was taken to ensure it was accurate and that costs were kept low. The detailed project budget appears in the prototype construction section of the report. The budget was used to great lengths as a management tool, as it provided a good idea of the overall stage of the prototype construction. The extended budget forecasting the costs in the event of full-scale production appears in the business analysis section. The budget also clearly displayed all of the necessary objectives identified with this project through the allocation of funds toward their respective sections. 2.4 Method of Approach The team's approach was to break the project down into four stages, which involved iteration and overlap at some stages. The first stage was to research currently available and similar projects, to see how the team could differentiate the final design product and provide a unique service or experience to the end user. This stage also included interacting with those who would potentially use such a product, which helped guide the overall objectives of the project and outline necessary features. The second stage of the project was to design, model, and analyze the prototype primarily through the use of computer software such as SolidWorks, Mathcad, Engineering Equation Solver (EES), and Excel. Hand calculations and sketches were also created, mostly during the initial stages of the design process. The third stage of the project was to construct the modeled prototype, using the purchased materials and making use of the resources available to the team, including the metal shop on Calvin College’s campus and Rapid-Line, a Page 6 metal fabrication company which graciously allowed the team to use their facilities as needed. The fourth and final stage was to test and analyze the completed prototype. This included making modifications during the construction stage, performing technical tests and human trial runs using the product, as well as creating a business analysis which detailed all of the team’s suggested changes to the prototype, in order to create the best possible model for the end user. Team communication was primarily achieved through the biweekly face-to-face meetings previously mentioned. However, if issues or questions arose outside of these meeting times which required other team member input, communication was then primarily achieved through email. For the quicker questions or ideas which required a shorter response time table, or where easily answered by only one team member, communication was achieved through text messages or phone calls. Team communication with outside resources was also accomplished primarily through email and phone calls, as the team realized that face-to-face meetings with these resources would take even more time away from their responsibilities. There were several key Christian principles that guided the teamwork, behavior, and relationships present throughout this project. Showing respect toward each team member, through listening and considering all ideas and treating one another equally, was crucial to the project’s success. The team also recognized the strengths and weaknesses of each team member, and allocated responsibilities according to the God-given talents present in each member. Whenever disagreements emerged within the project the team attempted to remain as level headed as possible. However, the team acknowledges that sin is present in the world, so heated arguments did occur. These arguments were quickly solved through the intervention of the remaining team member, at which time a decision was reached. Page 7 3. Requirements The overall project definition for the running cart was to design and construct an improved running cart specifically for disabled passengers. The product needed to be designed in such a way as to allow a teenage handicapped child to be able to get outdoors and experience nature in a way that they would not normally be able to. This meant that the running cart design would need to have several key requirement groups: functional, performance, and interface. The team formulated requirements and goals according to the S.M.A.R.T. goal guidelines identified through research. This guideline seeks to create goals that are: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound.3 3.1 Functional Requirements Functional requirements for this project were requirements, identified by either the team’s resources or through the team’s research to be necessary in order to deliver a completed project, that involve physical properties on the designed prototype. These functional requirements defer from performance requirements in that performance requirements by definition have some ability to be directly measured and quantified, allowing performance requirements to achieve various levels of success. In comparison, functional requirements are those which need to be met in order to have a functional prototype, and are more basic in nature. 3.1.1 Strength Requirement The first functional requirement identified for this project was strength. The designed prototype needed to be strong enough to support a teenage child over potentially tough terrain. This meant that the frame of the design must be able to be strong enough to survive repeated drops of more than two feet, as this was the predicted displacement of the product in unloading and loading. The frame must be strong enough to survive repeated use on various surfaces, particularly bike trails, where the surface is often not smooth. The strength of the cart is an important aspect of the design. The design team initially designed the product to be able to support a 150 pound carrying capacity, but as the project progressed and additional testing and calculations were performed, the team was able to update the supported carrying capacity to support 200 pounds, while still maintaining adequate safety factors. The frame must also be rigid enough to handle the various terrains with ease. 3.1.2 Mobility Requirement The next functional requirement identified with this project was that the running cart must be mobile, i.e. able to be moved easily by a caretaker. This requirement is the basic form of the performance requirement of multiple surface capability, as the prototype must be able to function first on the most widely used surface, which the team identified as cemented streets or sidewalk. This mobility requirement means that Page 8 the cart must be able to easily move through the caretaker exerting force on the product in the direction of desired motion. This requirement is purposefully very broad, as all this requirement entails is that the prototype is able to move through a caretaker’s actions. 3.2 Performance Requirements Performance requirements for this project were requirements, identified by either the team’s resources or through the team’s research to be necessary in order to deliver a completed project, that involve features present on the designed prototype. These performance requirements are able to be directly measured and quantified, allowing various levels of success to be achieved. 3.2.1 Transportable Requirement The first performance requirement identified through caretaker surveying for the design is that it needed to be transportable. This meant that the cart would need to be able to fold up or easily come apart so that a caretaker could lift it up and place it in the back of a van or bike rack, enabling the product to be transported to the necessary destination while not in use. There are two sub requirements the team identified to go along with this main requirement: the size and weight of the product. Size Requirement The size of the cart needed to be big enough so that the strength requirement was met, while also maintaining the comfort of the passenger. However, the product also needed to be designed so that it would be small enough to be easily maneuverable while in use and small enough to fit within the trunk of a standard van or on a mounted bike rack. The team identified this size requirement such that a standard sized human could easily maneuver the product while in use and lift a height of two feet off the ground, so that it could be placed onto a bike rack or van trunk. The size of the product was still variable within these requirement, as the product could be designed with a collapsible nature or a sectioned design. If the cart were designed to be able to break apart into sections, the product could be larger than if it were just collapsible, as the sections would be required to meet this specification individually. The length of the cart was chosen such that an average height teenager would be able to comfortably ride in it. The width of the cart was chosen such that the shoulders of the passenger would comfortably fit within the frame design, with additional room on either side. This additional free space on each side of the passenger was deemed necessary through communication with the caretakers, as they explained that handicapped or mentally disabled passengers do not like to feel trapped or contained within a product, as this negatively affects their mood and greatly increases the probability that they will not enjoy the product while riding in it. The height of the cart was constrained such that an average size adult could easily maneuver the product without discomfort. Page 9 Weight Requirement The other requirement detailing the transportable aspect of the product was the overall weight of the design. The product should be light enough for the caretaker to be able to maneuver without issue on a variety of surfaces. Additionally, the product must be light enough so that the caretaker could easily lift the product to place it in the back of a van trunk or onto a mounted bike rack, which the team specified to mean that the product must be able to be lifted a vertical distance of two feet. Through communication with the outside resources acquired through this project, such as the caretakers and hospital staff interviewed, the design team reached a weight goal for the product to not weigh more than eighty pounds. This was selected as the design weight as it enabled the carrying capacity load to be achievable, while still achieving the transportable requirement. 3.2.2 Multiple Surface Requirement The next performance requirement that needed to be achieved for this product to be successful was that the product would need to be able to handle various terrains. This concept was brought up through the caretaker survey, as nearly all caretakers surveyed expressed this feature as being necessary in the final product. The team defined this requirement in two ways: first, that the default tires selected for the product must be able to handle a large amount of terrains, and second, that there be a quick and easy way to switch out all three of the tires on the product, allowing tires made for specific terrain to be used as needed. The team outlined the following terrains as needing to be traversable options in order for the project to be a success: cement, asphalt, bike trail (packed dirt), and grass. The final design, which includes all suggested changes to the prototype, would also need to be able to handle beach terrain, through the use of specialized beach tires with wider tire thicknesses. 3.2.3 Easy Entry and Exit Requirement An additional performance requirement identified through the team’s research was that the product must be designed such that it is easy for the passenger to enter and exit the cart. The team realized that for a large portion of the product’s designed user base it is often the caretaker’s responsibility to greatly assist the passenger enter and exit the vehicle, as they often do not have the necessary motor functions to perform these actions themselves. Communicating with the caretakers made this issue very apparent, as all of the surveyed caretakers expressed their dissatisfaction with the seating systems present in similar models on the market. These products often have a bucket seat, which results in the passenger resting deep with the product’s seat. It is extremely difficult for the caretaker to then reach into this bucket seat in order to lift the passenger out, as this requires additional actions in order to slide the passenger toward the front of the bucket seat before the passenger is able to be rotated and exit the vehicle. These actions put significant strain on the caretaker’s backs and arms, resulting in the caretakers experiencing issues with Page 10 their backs and not being able to operate at full strength for the rest of the day or week. The team therefore realized that the designed product must include a system such that the passenger could easily be assisted when entering and exiting the product. 3.2.4 Passenger Comfort Requirement The final performance requirement was not as quantifiable as the previously mentioned requirements. None the less, it was still a vital requirement for the product to be successful, as not designing the product to include this feature would inevitably result in the product not being used. This requirement was that the passenger needed to feel comfortable while riding in the product. This requirement needed to be clearly visible in the seat design, as this is where the passenger would have the most contact with the product. However, designing a seat which made the passenger feel comfortable was not the only concept that needed to be achieved in order to satisfy this requirement. In addition to the comfort of the seat, the overall product must be pleasing and safe in the passenger’s view. Since the product was designed with handicapped or mentally disabled people in mind, this requirement is even more important. This is because, as the caretakers explained, passengers of these natures focus on minor annoyances much more than the rest of the population. This meant that the comfort of the design did not just extend to the feel of the product, but also to a more mental level. The team strived to design the product in such a way as to alleviate as much of these problems as could be predicted, but acknowledged that this was an inexact process, as everyone has different minor annoyance triggers. The team ended up summarizing this requirement by designing the product such that passengers would not express so much displeasure while riding in the product that they would rather not ride in it. 3.3 Interface Requirements Interface requirements for this project were requirements that involve features more applicable to the caretaker’s needs and desires when not using the product in its primary role. These interface requirements were therefore an extension of the product during times in which the caretaker was not pushing the passenger, applicable to the more administrative features that needed to be present in the design. 3.3.1 Customer Interaction Requirements The customer interaction requirements were chosen by the team through listening to the caretaker’s ideas on a broader level, meaning these requirements were not necessarily features that needed to be present in the design, but rather were requirements that should be present such that the caretaker could spend as little effort as possible in order to feel comfortable with the product. The team outlined these requirements into two main categories: first, the product must be designed in such a way so that its purpose and function is almost inherent within the product, and second, that there would be some type of documentation readily Page 11 available to the caretaker or entity using this product which would detail the necessary features and proper use of the product. 3.3.2 Cost Requirements An additional interface requirement that the team identified was in the cost aspect of the product. Due to medical costs related to disabilities, many families with physically disabled members do not have the opportunity to purchase expensive equipment. This is the primary reason for why a crucial aspect of this project was to aim to keep the total product cost as low as possible, while still achieving all other requirements. The growing trend toward deinstitutionalizing mentally disabled or handicapped children has resulted in families being the most important source of long-term assistance.4 This trend has resulted in families bearing more of the financial burden than was previously required. This concept is evident in a survey of families with a child with special needs, where a full forty percent experienced a large financial burden related to their child’s condition.5 Material Costs The design team recognized that designing the product in a method that minimized material costs was necessary in order to keep the selling price as low as possible. To do this, material options were limited to commonly available metals and polymers, despite having to make weight sacrifices to maintain necessary strength. The design team also realized that this meant that the design should be required to make use of commonly available materials whenever possible, as custom fabricated parts would drastically increase the cost of the product. Manufacturing Costs Manufacturing costs for the budget given to Calvin College were set at $0, as the team did all the required welding, machining, and assembly in-house. However, the team realized that this design project needed to be extended beyond the prototype stage. This meant that minimizing manufacturing costs whenever possible was also a requirement of this project. This requirement greatly guided the design process as a whole, in particular the joining and fabrication processes necessary in creating the final design. Through courses taken as part of Calvin College’s engineering curriculum, the design team was informed of the general principle present in many products; that eighty percent of the cost of the project is determined in the design phase, often before a prototype is even created.6 3.4 Team Deliverables The deliverables for this project were diverse in nature, in order to accommodate the requirements of the course and those selected by the team specific to this project. The Project Proposal and Feasibility Study (PPFS), was the first large deliverable for this project, and was submitted in December, 2013. This Page 12 document outlined all of the work accomplished to that point, and described what work would be accomplished and whether the project was feasible. Other deliverables required by the course that the team submitted were the Final Design Report (which is the document you are currently reading), a working prototype of the team’s design, a team website, and design notebooks. The Final Design Report summarizes all the work that was accomplished through this project. Design notebooks were turned into the team’s advisor, which included important documents created throughout the project in order to show what each team member worked on. These design notebooks included meeting notes, tasks lists, resources, contact information, team communications, and sketches of the design throughout the various stages. The team website was created so that anyone at any time would be able to see the project worked on by the team. This website also includes links to all important documents and information related to the project. The team’s website is found by going to the following link in the web browser of your choice: The team also identified an additional deliverable that was not directly required through the course but was recognized to be necessary in order to deliver the best product possible. This deliverable is a user manual for the prototype, which describes all of the important features in the design, how to use the product safely, and contact information. The user manual is available on the team website, as well as in Appendix B of this report. Page 13 4. Task Specifications 4.1 Schedule The design team realized that detailed task specifications were a key part of the project’s success. Therefore, a work breakdown structure (WBS) was created during the initial stages of the design, and then modified as the project progressed. This work breakdown structure featured only broad tasks, as the team developed a detailed Gantt chart in order to carefully schedule the project. The work breakdown structure appears in Appendix C of this report. This schedule included an approximate time budget for the various tasks, which factored in some slack, as the team acknowledges that even the best laid plans are often ruined in their execution. The design team also created a more detailed schedule using the Microsoft Project software. This enabled the team to create a Gantt chart, which clearly showed dependencies present within the various tasks, time allocated, team members responsible, and due date. This Gantt chart was modified as the need arose, and was incorporated into the team’s shared Google calendar, which showed important milestones. A screenshot of a section of the team’s Gantt chart is shown in the figure below. Figure 3: Gantt Chart Example Section By using the work breakdown structure, Gantt chart, and shared Google calendar the design team was able to clearly see what needed to be completed by what time. This enabled each member to know their Page 14 responsibilities, and allowed the team to stay on task. The team acknowledges that significant changes were made to the initial schedule as the project progressed, as much more design time needed to be allocated than initially estimated. Page 15 5. Research 5.1 Material Options Following the constraints imposed in the requirements section, the design team found four material options for the frame. These options are detailed in the frame material design section of the report. Seat and cushion material options were also researched. These options are detailed in the seat design section of the report. The design team made sure to choose materials that would withstand mold and mildew due to sweat and water and which would maintain integrity when exposed to sunlight repeatedly. Other desirable characteristics included comfort and durability (tear resistance). 5.2 Similar Projects 5.2.1 Overview While the team desired to design and deliver a novel idea, the team did not want to ignore the work done on similar projects. Researching these projects enabled the team to observe areas of improvement and issues that should be avoided through the entire design process. Through research, the team was able to find several similar projects that provided a baseline for which to build the project upon. The first similar idea researched was the project known as “Team Hoyt.” This is a father and son duo who participate in various marathons and triathlons. The son, Rick Hoyt, has cerebral palsy and is limited to riding in a special boat during the swimming portion, the front of a special bicycle during the bike portion, and a special wheelchair during the running portion of the triathlons. This idea is quite similar to the team’s design, as the primary goal of both designs are to enable a parent or family member to more easily involve a disabled or motion-limited child in outdoor endeavors.7 The physical differences the team plans on incorporating are the collapsible design and the quick-change wheels. The design team also desires to make the running cart more affordable than the “running chair” that Team Hoyt uses. The second similar idea comes from the entity known as His Wheels International. This is a non-profit Christian organization which focuses on providing people with lower-body disabilities hand-pedaled “trikes” for transportation.8 Their focus is mainly overseas, where the effects of polio are still common, and where many have no means of transportation or assistance, and must pull themselves around with their hands. His Wheels, although producing a somewhat similar product, are focusing on a much different need. The third similar idea is known as myTEAM TRIUMPH (mTT). This is an organization that provides resources and equipment for disabled “Captains” to participate in long-distance events with the assistance of their “Angels.”9 However, mTT does not manufacture equipment and is therefore not a competitor to Page 16 the designed product detailed within this report. This organization greatly assisted the design team in the initial design stages, particularly the CEO, Ronald Robb. The final similar project that the team looked into while working through this project was a past Calvin College senior design team. This 2008-2009 design team, called TRIumph, worked with myTEAM TRIUMPH on designing and manufacturing a cart that could function both as a pulled bicycle trailer and a pushed running chair.11 This project was primarily used by Iron Man during the initial stages of the team’s design, mostly by showing a clear market the team’s product should enter. The design team began the project by identifying two markets for the product: competitive and recreational. The competitive market actually explains where the team’s name of “Iron Man” came from, as it is named after the series of long-distance triathlon races, termed Ironman Triathlons. Since the previous design team modeled their product for a competitive application, Iron Man ultimately decided to not tread back over this idea, and instead designed the product to be marketed toward the recreational market. 5.2.1 Analyses The design team collected data from approximately fifty similar products, ranging from baby strollers to high end adult running carts. The team was interested in determining the relationships between three variables; carrying weight, selling price, and weight of the vehicle. These relationships are displayed in the following three figures. 3000 Selling Price ($) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Carrying Weight (lb) Figure 4: Carrying Weight vs. Selling Price The above figure displays the vendor designated carrying weight against the selling price of the researched products. There is a direct relationship between these two variables, albeit it a slightly weak Page 17 relationship. This idea complemented the design team’s initial assumptions, as it makes logical sense that increasing the carrying capacity of the product would increase the cost of materials, thereby increasing the selling price of the product. What was interesting about this research was how little of a relationship there was between these two variables, as the linear fit to this data had very poor residual values, especially when the carrying capacity went closer to its upper researched limit of 250 pounds. 3000 Selling Price ($) 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Weight of Vehicle (lb) Figure 5: Vehicle Weight vs. Selling Price This figure displays the product’s listed weight against the selling price of the product. This was an interesting and valuable graph in that it seems to display that there is not a visible relationship between these two variables. This led the team to conclude that there were more important variables in this market than the weight of the vehicle, which is very interesting in that the team had initially assumed that these variables would be directly related, meaning that as the weight of the vehicle increased so would the selling price. However, this is not the case, which caused the design team to do some additional research and thought into the potential reasons as to why this is the case. The design team ultimately was able to reason this relationship out, which provided valuable information which was incorporated into the designed product. The design team reasoned that these variables did not have a visible relationship as the weight of the product is ultimately desired to be as light as possible, while still maintaining all other requirements. This means that while heavier products, which usually indicate more material used, are typically associated with higher selling prices, since the weight of the vehicle is a key selling feature these heavier products are sold at a lower markup due to the market’s demand to have lighter products. Put another way, even though heavier products may use more material, the vendors cannot price them higher, Page 18 as the market desires light products and will not want to purchase an expensive and heavy product. The team also reasoned that there are many different materials employed to create the various products, resulting in the weight being much more based on the material selected than on the size of the product. While the design team was not able to see a relationship in this figure, the team was still able to glean valuable insight into this market which was incorporated into the team’s design. The most important information gained from this figure is that the material used for the product is a much better indicator of the selling price of the product than the weight of the product. This placed a larger emphasis on the material selection aspect of this design, and lessened the focus on the weight of the prototype. The team reasoned that the material of the prototype would almost assuredly be different than the material ultimately selected in the proposed final design. The large amount of plastics made available in a larger scale production design would assuredly lower the weight of the product, while still significantly influencing the selling price of the product. 300 Carrying Weight (lb) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Weight of Vehicle (lb) Figure 6: Product Weight vs. Carrying Weight The above figure displays the product’s weight against the carrying capacity of the product. This figure aligned much more closely with the team’s initial assumptions regarding these two variables, as logically a heavier vehicle would have a higher chance of being able to support a heavier load. However, the linear relationship between these variables was once again very weak, signifying that there are many underlying factors not accounted for in this research. The team reasoned that a significant underlying factor was the company name associated with each product. In specialized markets, where the products can be incredibly Page 19 varied, the concept of brand recognition is very important.10 If several companies have emerged within this market and are associated with higher quality they could afford to raise the selling price of their product. 5.3 Resources The team established several contacts as resources through the duration of this project. The primary knowledge the team gleaned from resources were the specific needs and requirements of a disabled person that pertain to the running cart design. The ideas expressed by the resources were able to be transformed into requirements, necessary features, and design options. The first contact identified was His Wheels International. The team’s communications with this organization mostly pertained to the ergonomics of the design. His Wheels was able to assist the team due to their extensive experience with people with physical disabilities, and was a vital resource for all specific needs corresponding to that. The primary contact with His Wheels was Alice Teisan, the founder and executive director. Communication with Alice was primarily achieved through email exchanges. The second contact identified was Becky Van Zanen. She was a part-time caretaker for a disabled client, and has extensive experience using a running cart. She provided the team with extremely valuable information regarding the importance of various features of a running cart, and represented her client’s needs thoroughly. Her input was able to tailor the design to meet the needs of many disabled people. Unfortunately for the design team, Becky left this part-time job during the second semester, effectively eliminating physical testing with her and her patients. The team was able to overcome this through the use of other resources. The third contact identified was myTEAM TRIUMPH (mTT). This was a contact highly recommended by Becky Van Zanen. This organization provides equipment and resources for disabled participants of long-distance events. The team primarily was in contact with the CEO of mTT, Ronald Robb, and gained valuable information from him regarding ergonomics, competitors, and other design considerations. The final contact identified for this project were the various other caretakers surveyed through several care facilities. These contacts were used solely for the survey, which proved to be valuable during the initial design stage of this project. 5.4 Safety Requirements To ensure the safety of the passenger and runner, the design team considered methods which would prevent any possible form of injury. The possible injury scenarios considered included: roll-over, passenger ejection, collision with stationary objects, collision with vehicles or pedestrians, abrasion from asphalt contact, injury by moving components, skin irritation/damage from unsuitable materials, cuts or Page 20 skin tears from cart entry/exit, neck or head injury from excessive vibration and/or shock, and bruises and cuts to the runner due to insufficient leg clearance. The design team cannot foresee all potential hazards, but it was necessary to thoroughly test the cart and minimize the likelihood and severity of injuries sustained from use of the cart. Through communicating with the team’s resources the team learned that round tubing would be preferred on any surface that the passenger would possible come into contact with. The resources expressed this is of greater importance with handicapped passengers, as they are more likely to injure themselves. Additionally, through the resources the team discovered that rounded edges were better than square, as someone who does not have sensitivity in the feeling of their skin could tear skin off on a sharp edge without knowing or feeling it. The team accomplished this design requirement by thoroughly de-burring all sharp edges and by applying a protective paint layer on the prototype. The fabric material was selected in accordance with the previously mentioned safety requirements in mind. The design team also designed the product such that there was a safety harness for the passenger, as the safety of the passenger was of the upmost importance. Page 21 6. Design 6.1 Design Criteria The team followed several criteria when designing the running cart. The first was that the team strived to make the designed product as simple as possible. This enabled easy and inexpensive product assembly and repair work. Creating a simple design was important in order to maintain the team’s selling price goal of this project. Another design criteria for the running cart was to design the cart to be as light as possible, while still maintaining the necessary strength needed to support a carrying capacity of approximately 150 pounds. The product needed to be light enough so that a caretaker could easily pick it up and place on their transportation method of choice. Also, the team designed the product in such a way that it could be easily collapsed, which furthered the ease of transporting the product. The product also was designed in such a way as to be strong and reliable enough that customers would feel comfortable using the product without worrying about a catastrophic failure. The product also was designed to have interchanging wheels, which allowed the caretaker to easily switch out all three wheels as needed, according to the terrain present during their excursions. The following sections will describe each major design decision made during this project and designed into the prototype, with sections on the feature’s design criteria, alternative options considered, and final design decision. 6.2 Primary Application 6.2.1 Primary Application Design Criteria The first major design decision that the team analyzed was what the primary application for the product should be. This meant identifying which market the product should be designed toward. The design team desired to create and deliver a novel idea which would benefit those in need. The product’s objective was to enable mentally handicapped or disabled passengers to experience the beauty of God’s creation. However, this objective could be achieved by designing a product which could be applicable to several markets, so the design team needed to select a particular market to design the product toward. 6.2.2 Primary Application Alternatives The design team identified two potential markets for this product to be geared toward: competitive and recreational markets. The competitive market would require the product to be designed for triathlons or other events in which the caretaker would need to continuously push the product for distances over one mile. This would mean the product would have a much more limited use, as long distance designs would focus primarily on weight, and place the other design features off to the side unless absolutely necessary. Page 22 The second identified market, the recreational market, would be geared more toward home or caretaker needs. This market would require the product to be used over much shorter distances, but over a wider range of terrains. The most important design features would be much more focused on the comfort of the passenger, as the excursions would not be timed or required to traverse a set distance. This would allow the product to be designed towards a much more general use. 6.2.3 Primary Application Design Decision In order to decide which market the product should be designed for, the design team spoke with the team’s resources and looked into similar projects, which were outlined in previous sections of this report. From this research, the team found a past senior design project, TRIumph, which designed a similar product to be used in the competitive market. This design team did not desire to go back over this design, instead desiring to focus on a more novel design. This led the team to lean towards designing the product to fit within the recreational market. The design team also spoke with the various resources in order to see whether there was a strong demand toward either market. From these communications, it was very clear that caretakers and the other resources desired the product to be designed for the recreational market. This is quite understandable, as many of the team’s resources would be able to use a product designed for the recreational market much more than a competitive design. Therefore, the design team decided to design the product to enter the recreational market. 6.3 Frame Material 6.3.1 Frame Material Design Criteria The second major design decision the team analyzed was the material which would be used for the frame. The criteria the team used to decide upon the final material appears in the table below. Table 1: Frame Material Design Criteria Criteria Weight Cost 25 Strength 25 Manufacturability 20 Durability 15 Stewardship 5 Trust 5 Integrity 5 Page 23 As shown in the table above, the cost and strength of the frame material were designated to be the most important design criteria. This was due to these criteria directly affecting the design requirements. One of the primary goals the team designed towards was to maintain a low cost product, while still maintaining the necessary strength requirements. The manufacturability of the frame material was also designated to be an important design criteria. This took into consideration the ease of purchasing the material, the ease of machining the material using the tools provided in Calvin College’s metal shop, as well as the ease of welding. The durability of the product took into consideration the long term material properties, as well as relative ease of fixing issues that could occur several years into the product’s lifespan. Finally, the team identified three design norms that were directly applicable to the frame material design. As Christians, the team sought to design in such a way as to carefully use the earth’s resources. In this way, the team strived to be good stewards of the earth. Therefore, the team included the design norm stewardship as a design criteria, as the frame material chosen must consider the availability of earth’s resources. Economic and environmental concerns of the material chosen were also included in this criteria. The next design norm integrated into this design decision was trust. This criteria was rather straightforward in the designed product. The team had to choose a frame material that would be credible, dependable, and reliable. Potential users of the product should not be concerned with the frame’s design at first glance. Integrity was the final design norm that directly applied to the frame design. The frame needed to be designed so that it is pleasing and intuitive to use. The material chosen needed to accomplish these goals, so that the passenger and runner would not be uncomfortable with the product. These design criteria proved to exist in tension during the design of this product. Maintaining the low cost of the frame while still reaching the necessary strength and integrity requirements proved challenging, and required significant time in order to weigh all the options and carefully choose the best course. 6.3.2 Frame Material Alternatives The design team researched potential frame material options and narrowed the list down to four: 4130 alloy steel, 6061 aluminum alloy, 3AL-2.5V titanium alloy, and carbon fiber. The other material options that were researched were ultimately eliminated due to the availability of the material as well as the amount of information available. These material options were not commonly used on similar projects and would have added a large amount of difficulty in procuring and using said materials. The team selected 4130 alloy steel as a potential frame material as it is a very common material in frame constructions. This alloy of steel is also easy to machine and weld, which was important to the design team due to the limited welding experience of the team. Steel was also found to be the easiest material to purchase due to its large presence in the manufacturing realm.21 Page 24 The team selected 6061 aluminum alloy as a potential frame material primarily due to its current application in similar products. This alloy is commonly used in bicycle frames, which perform a similar function to the team’s designed frame. Aluminum has a better strength-to-weight ratio than steel, which would result in a stiffer frame than steel. Aluminum is also a very common material in the manufacturing realm, so procuring the material would not prove to be difficult.22 The team selected 3AL-2.5V titanium alloy as a potential frame material due to its high strength-toweight ratio and excellent resistance to corrosion. This titanium alloy is 3.5% aluminum and 2.5% vanadium by weight, which are added to the material in heat treatment processes to result in a higher strength product. This higher strength would result in a frame ideal for off road and rugged use. In addition, a titanium frame would be more durable than most of the other options. However, titanium is more expensive than steel and aluminum and would provide manufacturing issues.23, 24 Carbon fiber was the final potential frame material considered by the team. Carbon fiber is gaining popularity in bicycle frames, mostly due to its light-weight yet corrosion-resistant and high strength properties. Carbon fiber was the most expensive material option, but was found to have the largest strength-to-weight ratio. Beyond this monetary issue, carbon fiber is also more difficult to repair than the other options, as fatigue failure occurs more readily in carbon fiber. Repairing cracks and other fatigue in the frame would require more time and effort than the other options.25 The table below summarizes the material properties for all four material options. Table 2: Frame Material Alternative Properties26 Material Yield Strength Specific Strength Density Tensile Modulus (MPa) (kNm/kg) (g/cm3) (GPa) 4130 Steel 910 254 7.84 200 6061 Aluminum 270 214 2.71 69 3AL-2.5V Titanium 930 288 4.63 110 Carbon Fiber 4000 2457 1.75 250 The material properties displayed above clearly show the differences between each material. As mentioned, carbon fiber is clearly the strongest yet lightest, whereas aluminum yields at a much smaller force. 6.3.3 Frame Material Design Decision In order for the team to decide which material was the best option for this design project, a decision matrix was created. This decision matrix listed the design criteria mentioned earlier and assigned a 1-10 Page 25 value for each material, with 1 being the lowest and least preferred. This decision matrix appears in the table below. Options Table 3: Frame Material Decision Matrix Design Criteria Weight 4130 Steel 6061 Aluminum 3AL-2.5V Titanium Carbon Fiber Cost 25 10 8 5 1 Strength 25 8 6 6 10 Manufacturability 20 10 8 5 3 Durability 15 10 7 5 3 Stewardship 5 8 8 5 3 Trust 5 8 7 6 8 Integrity 5 10 10 7 4 The above decision matrix clearly shows that 4130 steel was the best frame material option for this project. Therefore, the team chose 4130 steel as the frame material for the prototype. However, this decision does not necessarily apply to the final designed product. The design team has catalogued an extensive list of suggested changes to the prototype in order to modify the design into a full-scale production run. These suggested changes appear in section ten of this report. The outcome of using 4130 steel as the frame material is shown in the prototype construction and testing sections of this report. 6.4 Quick Change Wheel Design 6.4.1 Quick Change Wheel Design Criteria The next design feature the team analyzed for this project was the multiple surface capability requirement. The team designed the product in a manner in which the wheels could be quickly and easily removed, so that different wheel options could be used. This allowed the product to easily traverse the applicable terrain options. The constructed prototype was able to travel on the following terrains: road asphalt, sidewalk concrete, compacted dirt bicycle path, and grass. The criteria the team used to decide upon the final quick wheel change method appears in the table below. Table 4: Quick Wheel Change Design Criteria Criteria Weight Cost 25 Ease of change 25 Change-over time 20 Durability 15 Trust 5 Transparency 5 Integrity 5 Page 26 Total 930 740 540 455 As shown in the table above, the cost and relative ease of changing the wheels were designated to be the most important design criteria. This was due to these criteria directly affecting the design requirements. One of the primary goals the team designed towards was to maintain a low cost product, while still enabling the end users to quickly and easily change tire options. The durability criteria took into consideration the long term potential for the designed feature, as well as the relative ease of fixing issues that could occur several years into the product’s lifespan. The team also identified three design norms that were directly applicable to this component. Similar to the frame material, trust was a design norm for the quick wheel change method. The team needed to design this feature in such a way that it was readily apparent to the end users how to operate and change. The final design for the quick wheel change method had to be reliable and easily repeatable. This concept was directly applicable to the next design norm, transparency. The quick wheel change design had to be understandable to someone without extensive technical knowledge. This feature also had to be consistent. The design team strived to eliminate all possible sources of confusion to the end users concerning this feature, as these issues would effectively eliminate the use of the feature. Integrity was the final design norm that the design team determined applied to this component. The design team recognized that this feature in particular needed to be pleasing and intuitive to use. If the end users did not feel comfortable with the quick wheel change design, they would most likely not use it. This would inevitably result in a product that would not perform to adequate levels on the various terrains, leading to an increased potential for damage or even personal injury to occur. These design criteria did oppose each other once the design team began the decision making process. Maintaining the low cost of the quick wheel change method while still reaching the necessary time and ease of assembly requirement proved challenging. 6.4.2 Quick Change Wheel Design Alternatives The team researched potential quick wheel change designs, and were able to determine two main options for the product. The first quick wheel change option has been used on bicycles ever since its creation in 1927 by Tullio Campagnolo, and is commonly referred to as a quick release skewer.27 This design is shown in the following figure. Page 27 Figure 7: Quick Release Skewer Examples 8 The quick release lever is tightened while in use, which secures the wheel and axle to the bicycle’s fork. To remove a wheel equipped with a quick release skewer, the user must simply loosen the quick release lever. This quick wheel change method has both positives and negatives. It is very common in the bicycle realm, so procuring the components would be relatively simple. Additionally, the installation and use of said design is straightforward, minimizing the potential for the end user to become frustrated with the design. However, this method leaves the wheels to be susceptible to theft, as the release mechanism is quite quick and easy. The potential for the wheel to become disengaged while the product is in use is also larger than in other designs, so care would need to be taken to ensure that it is properly tightened. The second quick wheel change option that the team researched was quite similar to the quick release skewer idea, but even less complex. This design option is simply referred to as a quick release hitch pin system. The design option is displayed in the figure below. Figure 8: Quick Release Hitch Pin29 This design option is very inexpensive and quite common, so purchasing this would be straightforward. However, the potential for the end user to incorrectly use this design alternative is larger than with the quick release skewer. This design would also take longer to remove than the skewer and would not be as reliable or understandable to the end user. The next design option operates in much the same way as the quick release hitch pin, yet was different enough to warrant its own section. This option is simple called a hitch pin and clip, and is displayed in the following figure. Page 28 Figure 9: Hitch Pin and Clip12, 13 This option requires the customer to remove the clip from the pin before changing out the wheel, and is composed of two distinct pieces. The final quick wheel change option that the team identified as a possibility was a more complex version of the hitch pin, referred to as a quick connect hitch pin. This design option would only require one hand to remove, whereas both hands are needed for the other design options. An example of the quick connect hitch pin is displayed in the figure below. Figure 10: Quick Connect Hitch Pin Example14,15 This product is very intuitive to use, does not separate into multiple sections, and would not require the customer to bend down as much to remove as the other options. 6.4.3 Quick Change Wheel Design Decision In order to determine which quick wheel change method was the best option for this design project, a decision matrix was created. This decision matrix listed the design criteria mentioned earlier and assigned a 1-10 value for each option, with 1 being the lowest and therefore least preferred. The team realized that the quick wheel change capability for the designed product could use different methods for the front and rear wheels. Therefore, the team analyzed these two sections with separate decision matrices. The decision matrix for the front wheel quick change method appears below. Page 29 Table 5: Front Wheel Quick Change Decision Matrix Ease of Change Changeover Time Durability Trust Transparency Integrity 25 25 20 15 5 5 5 Total QR Skewer 6 7 8 5 9 9 7 685 QR Hitch Pin 9 10 7 6 5 8 7 5 10 6 3 5 5 3 7 5 5 6 4 4 8 675 580 755 Design Criteria Cost Options Weight Pin and Clip QC Hitch Pin The above decision matrix showed the design team that the quick connect hitch pin method was most likely the preferred option for the front wheel quick wheel change capability. The design team therefore designed the initial product with this product. However, as the design progressed, the team determined that using such a system for the front wheel did not work well with how the front wheel was attached to the frame. Since the front wheel was designed to be rigidly attached to an axle, using the quick connect hitch pins were not reasonable. Therefore, the design team looked again at the decision matrix, in order to determine the best possible option that was suitable for the designed front wheel and frame assembly. The only viable option for this assembly was found to be the quick release skewer, which was the second best option in the decision matrix. Therefore, the design team chose the quick release skewer as the final option for the front wheel quick wheel change method. The design team next had to analyze the rear wheel quick wheel change method. The created decision matrix for this option appears below. Table 6: Rear Wheel Quick Change Decision Marix Design Criteria Options Weight QR Skewer QR Hitch Pin Pin and Clip QC Hitch Pin Cost Ease of Change Change-over Time Durability Trust Transparency Integrity 25 25 20 15 5 5 5 9 10 4 6 4 8 7 5 10 6 3 6 7 3 7 6 5 6 5 4 6 The design team realized that the quick release skewer method would not be a feasible design option for the rear wheels, unless the rear wheel and frame assembly was significantly redesigned. These extensive modifications were estimated to be much more involved than the potential benefit from using quick Page 30 Total 695 555 685 release skewer pins on the rear wheels. The design team therefore selected quick release hitch pins as the final option for the rear wheel quick wheel change method. 6.5 Collapsible Design 6.5.1 Collapsible Design Criteria The next major design decision the team analyzed was the collapsible aspect of the design. One of the requirements specified through the research conducted by the team was that the designed product needed to be easily transportable from the care facility to location of interest. The design team determined in order to accomplish this objective the product needed to be designed in such a manner which would allow the product to be easily collapsed, enabling the user to easily transport the product in the trunk of a standard car or on a bike rack. This would allow the product to be used more often and for more varied purposes. The criteria the team used to decide upon the collapsible nature of the product appears in the table below. Table 7: Collapsibility Design Criteria Criteria Weight Ease of use 30 Cost 20 Risk to user 20 Durability 15 Trust 5 Transparency 5 Integrity 5 As shown in the table above, the ease of use for the collapsible design was designated as the most important design criteria. This design feature was interesting, as cost was not the most important design criteria. The design team concluded that designing a low cost collapsible design was not as important as creating a design which would be easy to use and understandable to the end user. The potential risk to the end user was also one of the most important design criteria, as this feature needed to be designed in such a way as to eliminate or minimize all potential personal injury possibilities. The design team did not want the collapsible aspect of the product to present additional risk to the end user, as this would greatly increase the possibility of lawsuits and negative public image. Additionally, if the end user considered the collapsible feature to be potentially dangerous, they would most likely end up not using it, effectively nullifying all of the design team’s work on this feature. Once again, durability was a criteria that the Page 31 design team took into consideration in this feature’s design. This criteria considered the life span of the design, as well as the cost to repair. Finally, the team identified three design norms that were directly applicable to this feature. Trust was once again a design norm. The team needed to design the collapsible nature of the product in such a way that it was readily apparent to the end users how to use. The final design needed to be reliable and safe. The collapsible feature of this product also needed to be transparent to the end users. It was necessary to minimize the injury potential, as well as be readily understood. The design team did not want the collapsibility of the product to confuse the end users, as that would effectively eliminate the use of the feature, as well as increase the injury potential. Integrity was the final design norm that the design team determined applied to this feature. Similar to the quick wheel change, if the end users do not feel comfortable collapsing the product, they will most likely not use it. This would result in a product that would not be as easily transported. Additionally, the potential for the end user to be injured would increase if the collapsible feature was not used, as handling the final design otherwise would be too burdensome. These design criteria were in tension within this feature’s design. While most of the design criteria focused on making the product easier to use and understand, the cost criteria forced the design team to consider the cost of potential safety concerns. The design team made sure to not sacrifice the safety of the design in order to minimize the cost, which was reflected in the relative weight of the design criteria. 6.5.2 Collapsible Design Alternatives The design team identified two distinct collapsible method options through research and communicating with the team’s resources. These collapsible options were: detaching the product into distinct parts, or creating a jointed assembly, which would allow the product to be folded up to occupy a smaller area. The detaching collapsible option would consist of designing the prototype in such a way as to allow it to be taken apart into separate parts. This would be achieved through a design which would use clips and fasteners to attach the distinct parts together. This option would allow the highest transportability of the design, as the three separate parts would be able to be loaded and unloaded from a vehicle separately. The second collapsible option would involve jointed features, allowing the design to fold up. This would minimize the space required to transport the design, and minimize the size of the product, enabling it to be more easily maneuvered and picked up. This design is comparable to jointed systems present in most strollers, folding tables, or jointed ladders. The general concept of this option is displayed in the figure below. Page 32 Figure 11 : Jointed Design Examples16,17,18 6.5.3 Collapsible Design Decision In order to determine which collapsible method was the best option for this project, a decision matrix was created. This decision matrix listed the design criteria mentioned earlier and assigned a 1-10 value for each option, with 1 being the lowest and therefore least preferred. The decision matrix for the collapsible method of the final product appears below. Table 8: Collapsible Method Decision Matrix Options Design Criteria Weight Detachable Jointed Ease of Use Cost Risk to User Durability Trust Transparency Integrity 30 20 20 15 5 5 5 8 6 5 7 6 6 4 6 7 5 5 7 5 7 As you can see, the jointed collapsible design was determined to be the preferred option for this design. Both design options had positives and negatives associated with them, but the design team reasoned that the detachable system would be overly complex to the customers, resulting in a significant amount of time to disassemble and reassemble the product every time it was used. The cost associated with a detachable design was also established to be more than a jointed assembly, due to the necessary clip and fastener strength requirements. However, considering all aspects of both designs, the design team reasoned that the detachable system would be more readily understood to customers. The jointed assembly, on the other hand, was reasoned to be lower cost and more durable. According to the above decision matrix and team research, the jointed design option was selected as the collapsible method for the final design. This design uses a folding linkage to support the handlebars, and cast railing connectors to provide a hinged axis with the lower frame. Page 33 Total 605 625 6.6 Fabric Material Design 6.6.1 Fabric Material Design Criteria The next major design decision the team analyzed for this project was the fabric material of the design, which would be used for the backrest and cover for the seat design. The team designed the product in a manner which placed great importance on the comfort of the passenger. This would enable the product to be used more often and increase the overall enjoyment of the product. The criteria the team used to decide upon the fabric material which would be used in the product appears in the table below. Table 9: Fabric Material Design Criteria Criteria Weight Comfort 40 Cost 20 Durability/Strength 20 Outdoor Capability 15 Trust 5 As shown in the table above, the comfort of the selected fabric material was designated as the most important design criteria. This feature was interesting, as cost was once again not the most important criteria, as the design team concluded that using a low cost fabric was not as important as creating a design which would be comfortable and reliable to the passenger. The durability of the fabric was a criteria that the design team took into consideration in its design. This criteria considered the life span of the fabric, as well its strength. Finally, the team also identified a design norm that was directly applicable to this feature, trust. The team needed to select a fabric which would be reliable and safe. Once again, these design criteria were in tension when designing the product. As reflected in the relative weight of the design criteria, the design team made sure to not sacrifice the comfort of the design in order to minimize the cost, as the fabric material was a very visible feature which would be directly interfaced with the passenger. The outdoor capability and cost criteria were also in tension, as most of the fabric options were available in non-coated options at a much lower cost. However, the design team strived to design the product in such a way as to have a long life cycle, so fabric options which would not perform well in outdoor settings were not selected. 6.6.2 Fabric Material Design Alternatives As the design team did not have much experience in the outdoor fabric realm, significant research was required to determine available fabric options. The design team also traveled to the local outdoor supply Page 34 store Gander Mountain, where the researched fabrics could be physically observed and felt. Through this research and hands-on experience, the design team narrowed down the list of possible fabric materials to three possible options. These options were: coated nylon, polyester, and acrylic canvas. Coated nylon is a common outdoor material used in hammocks, tents, or parachutes. It is stronger and more durable than polyester, but stretches more from extended use.19 From the team’s hands-on experience, nylon was the softest fabric to touch. Nylon is often coated with a urethane ultraviolet protective spray, which protects the fabric from mold and mildew accumulation present in outdoor use. Polyester is the most common outdoor fabric material for seats, covers, and canopies.20 It is the most commonly used base outdoor material due to its well-rounded properties, as it is strong, durable, and low cost. However, polyester does not protect against mold and mildew as well as nylon does, nor did it feel comfortable in the team’s hands-on experience. Acrylic canvas was the final fabric material option recognized for this project. This fabric is commonly used for patio cushions. Acrylic is generally regarded as the most comfortable fabric option for outdoor use, and is also durable and easily cleaned. Similar to nylon, acrylic is resistant to mold and mildew buildup. However, acrylic does not support loads very well and is one of the more expensive outdoor fabric materials available. 6.6.3 Fabric Material Design Decision In order to determine which fabric material was the best option for this project, a decision matrix was created. This decision matrix listed the design criteria mentioned earlier and assigned a 1-10 value for each option, with 1 being the lowest and therefore least preferred. This decision matrix appears below. Table 10: Fabric Material Decision Matrix Options Design Criteria Comfort Weight Nylon Polyester Acrylic 40 9 7 10 Cost Durability/ Outdoor Strength Capability 20 8 6 5 20 9 7 5 15 9 7 9 Trust 5 9 8 6 Total 880 685 765 Based upon this decision matrix and the team’s hands-on experience, the team concluded that coated nylon was the fabric material for this project. To be specific, the design team used 1.9 ounce, 70 denier urethane coated ultraviolet nylon as the fabric material for the prototype. This type of nylon is comparable Page 35 to the fabric used in hammocks or tents, so the outdoor durability of the material was not a concern. This material was also selected due to its high comfort while still remaining cost effective. 6.7 Easy Entry and Exit Design 6.7.1 Easy Entry and Exit Design Criteria The final major design decision the team analyzed for this project was the easy entry and exit mechanism, which would enable the caretaker to assist the passenger when entering and exiting the product. Through the team’s interactions with the resources, this feature was stressed as a necessity, as current bucket seating present in existing competitor products make it very difficult for the caretaker to assist the passenger when entering and exiting. The criteria the team used to decide upon the final entry and exit mechanism used in the product appears in the table below. Table 11: Easy Entry and Exit Design Criteria Criteria Weight Ease of Use 30 Adjustability 20 Durability 15 Cost 15 Transparency 10 Trust 5 Caring 5 The most important criteria of this design were that the feature had to be easy to use and adjustable. This would allow the product to be modified as needed on an individual customer base without extensive modifications to the designed prototype. The durability of the design was also an important consideration, as designing a seat that would potentially fail during the designed lifetime of the product would not be desired. The design norm transparency had a larger weight than in previous design decisions as it was crucial that the easy entry and exit design be as clear as possible to both the caretaker and passenger. Trust and caring were the remaining design norms, and were needed in this feature so that it would consider due care for all individuals involved in this feature, particularly the caretaker. Page 36 6.7.2 Easy Entry and Exit Alternatives The design team identified three design options for the easy entry and exit design of the prototype. They were to design the product with: open seating, adjustable translational seating, and adjustable translational and rotational combination seating. The open seating design would effectively eliminate the need for an adjustable system, as the passenger would be able to very easily enter and exit the product, with minimal help required from the caretaker. This design would closely resemble standard chairs, where the seat does not have support or restraining bars running along the side of the passenger. The adjustable translational seating is the option that is present in many car seats, where there is a system under the seat which enables the user to lift up on a handle and slide the seat forwards or backwards. The final design option was a combined translational and rotational seating option, where the previously mentioned option was combined with the system commonly used in “Lazy Susan” designs. This would enable the seating mechanism to slide forward and then rotate, allowing the passenger to very easily exit. However, this would be costly to implement. 6.7.3 Easy Entry and Exit Design Decision In order to determine which easy entry and exit design was the best option for this project, a decision matrix was created. This decision matrix listed the design criteria mentioned earlier and assigned a 1-10 value for each option, with 1 being the lowest and therefore least preferred. This decision matrix appears below. Table 12: Easy Entry and Exit Decision Matrix Design Criteria Options Weight Open Seat Translational Combined System Ease of Use Adjustability Durability Cost Transparency Trust Caring 30 10 8 20 3 8 15 9 7 15 8 7 10 9 10 5 9 9 5 5 9 Total 775 800 6 8 5 5 7 8 9 645 As you can see from the decision matrix, the adjustable translational system was the preferred design option for this product. This is because it is a very transparent design, easily understood by the customer, and relatively cheap to implement. Therefore, the design time selected this option in order to accomplish the entry and exit design feature. Page 37 6.8 Block Diagram The block diagram shown below will be used to ensure all necessary considerations will be taken into account in the design process. It will serve as a “map” for the design team as they work on designing and assembling individual components of the cart together, so that all needs are addressed and all requirements are met. Due to the nature of this design, the block diagram is relatively minimal. However, it did clearly outline the importance of certain features that may not have been obvious. For example, realizing that the seat, harness, and back rest are the primary means of interaction with the passenger highlights the importance of these features in building a successful prototype. Without such guidance, the team could have easily given less attention to such aspects, instead focusing on the more technically interesting challenges associated with the design of this cart. Figure 12: System Block Diagram 6.9 Preliminary Design 6.9.1 Initial Sketch The team began the design phase with a rough sketch of what the running cart would look like, which can be seen below. This sketch was developed with the help of Becky and Robert Van Zanen, whose Page 38 extensive experience with disabled people provided valuable insights into the desired qualities of this cart. It illustrates a reclined seating position, a swiveling front wheel, and a collapsing mechanism. These suggestions were taken very seriously by the team, and our final design and prototype reflect these features. Figure 13: Initial Hand Sketch Figure 14: Initial Computer Model 6.9.2 Initial Computer Model This sketch was then drawn on AutoCAD software to get a sense of the necessary scale of the project. The result of this is shown above in Figure 14. The general appearance of the design shown above is the approximate idea of what the team then began to design and model in SolidWorks. Once the team had come up with the initial sketch, it looked for ways to improve the design of the cart. To do this the team conducted research and talked to the contacts that it had made. The initial frame that the team has come up with was drawn using the 3D modeling program SolidWorks, and can be seen below in Figure 15. Page 39 Figure 15: Initial Frame Design This frame design was modeled using 4130 steel as the material, which was the material that the design team concluded was the best option for this project. This frame is still basic in nature, but does display the overall idea of the frame that the design team is considering. 6.9.3 Finite Element Modeling Once the cart had been drawn in SolidWorks, the team modeled the effects of the forces that would occur from a person sitting on it using the program Autodesk Simulation Multiphysics 2012. The initial results were disappointing, and the team decided to further model and simulate the frame. The figure below shows the distribution of the forces on the second iteration of the cart’s frame. Figure 16: Forces Acting on the Frame of the Cart Page 40 The team modeled the cart assuming a downward force of 300 pounds. This downward force of the passenger is represented by the arrows pointing down in the figure above, and is distributed over the area in which the seat is planned to be and ultimately where the passenger will be sitting. The red circles represent the supports of the frame, which in reality are the connections to the wheels. After placing these forces onto the frame design the team then ran the simulation program, which displayed the stress values on the frame. The results of this simulation are shown in the figure below. Figure 17: Simulation Results The simulation determined that the highest stress applied to the cart is 3300 psi. The team compared this to the yield strength of 4130 Steel, which was found to be 60,000 psi. The yield strength of the cart is much greater than the applied stress on the cart due to a 300 pound load. However, this result was not congruent with the results calculated using the beam equations. The beam equations calculated a maximum stress of around 35,000 psi. After double-checking the beam calculations, the team suspected that because of the magnitude of the difference between these results, the FEA model was inaccurate because of inadequate mesh granularity. When using brick elements, it is necessary to maintain at least two elements across the thickness of any material. This requirement was not met in the FEA model above, and as such, the model was revised. To assess the various options for frame and overall cart design, the team evaluated how readily the necessary features could be incorporated into the design. Using this method iteratively, the team approached a final design that met the goals of the project. This guided the team’s approach aside from the strength considerations. The frame was appropriately sized using average human dimensions, and space was allowed in the design to accommodate the other desired features. The iterative design approach proved to be invaluable in achieving a final design the team was confident would meet all of the project goals. Page 41 6.10 Final Design The figure below displays the design team’s final frame design. The collapsible, quick wheel change, and adjustable seat mechanics are factored into this design. Figure 18 shows a render of the final design’s SolidWorks model, and Figure 27 shows the constructed prototype. The final design includes all of the features needed to achieve the project goals. The swiveling front wheel allows for the cart to be easily steered when in use, the quick wheel change designs on all four wheels allow for multiple wheel types to be easily interchanged, and the adjustable sliding seat allows for a greater ease of entry and exit. While the model below shows connectors being used for the frame, the real-life prototype uses welds for increased strength. The use of the connectors allowed for much more flexible modeling than welds would have provided, and were prohibitively expensive to use according to our budget. Corresponding with Calvin’s shop manager, the team decided upon tack-welding the frame components for initial fit testing, and once the function of the design was confirmed, the frame was finish-welded. Details regarding the production process are found in section 7. Figure 18: Final Designed Computer Model The final design’s frame was also simulated using finite element methods to ensure adequate strength. Details regarding the methods and results of this analysis can be found in the calculations section. 6.11 Applicable Design Norms Team 12, Iron Man, integrated design norms throughout the design process, as shown in the decision matrices for each major design decision. While all of the design norms discussed throughout the team’s Page 42 education at Calvin College were factored into this design, the team placed a larger emphasis on four design norms in particular. These emphasized design norms for the project as a whole were: transparency, stewardship, caring, and trust. 6.11.1 Transparency Transparency was critical to the team’s design as the design needed to be readily understood to all parties involved. This means that there must be a very clear and open communication about the designed features and functions of the design to the end users. The product also must be reliable and consistent in application, as transport vehicles in particular face intense scrutiny in the current culture. In order to ensure that the team’s design was as transparent as possible to the clients, the team plans to create a user manual to guide the users through all of the cart’s features and operation requirements. This user manual will include a step by step initial assembly process, which will guide the client through assembling the product from when it is removed from its packaging to when it is fully operational. Additionally, the user manual will include step by step processes describing how to make use of the design’s important features, including how to operate the quick-wheel change mechanism, how to collapse the design into its transportation stage, and how to make use of the sliding seat when unloading and loading the passenger. The transparency of the design goes beyond the user manual, as the team acknowledges that these documents are often ignored or misplaced by the clients. Integrated into the business strategy, if the team were to begin full scale production on this product and bring it to the marketplace, there are accommodations and funds set aside for a member of the staff to be primarily focused on interacting with the customer to ensure their satisfaction. Part order forms will also be included in the final product, enabling the clients to easily order any replacement parts as needed. 6.11.2 Stewardship Stewardship was another crucial design norm throughout this project, as the team strived to carefully consider the environmental impact of the design. This meant that the team had to balance economic, environmental, and human resources against the overall profit of the product. While the team could have used much more exotic materials, such as a carbon fiber frame, the team realized that this would not use environmental and economic resources efficiently. Using more expensive materials not only affects the selling point of the product, it also has the potential to negatively affect the overall experience of the client, as ordering replacement parts could prove more expensive than they were expecting, resulting in the product being tossed aside and not used. Page 43 6.11.3 Caring The design norm of caring was also emphasized throughout the design process. This design norm is displayed in the team’s communications with caretakers, who would potentially end up using this product on a daily basis. As the team did not have much experience in providing care for mentally disabled or handicapped people, it was essential to the product’s success that people with this background and knowledge were integrated into the design process. This was accomplished through distributing surveys to caretakers throughout Grand Rapids, as well as direct communication with several caretakers who graciously volunteered their time and expertise to this project. The design norm caring means that the design must show due care for all people involved or affected by the product. While the comfort and other physical and psychological effects experienced by the passenger of the design were of the utmost importance, the team made sure to also include the needs and desires of the caretaker as well. Since the caretaker would be doing all of the manual labor in assembling, collapsing, lifting, and pushing the design, it was very important to factor in what physical and psychological effects the design would have on them as well. 6.11.4 Trust The final design norm the team focused on throughout this year long project was that of trust. This idea is closely related to that of transparency and integrity, as in order to achieve a design that is trustworthy it is necessary to have an understandable and reliable design, as well as one that is pleasing and intuitive to use. Designing a trustworthy product means that it must be dependable, reliable, and honest to the end client. The design must be credible, meaning that someone without an engineering or technical background be able to view the product and not express concern about its appearance or perceived reliability. Products that are centered on providing care to mentally disabled or handicapped clients in particular need to be trustworthy, as the team discovered in communicating with several caretakers. If the passenger does not view the product in a positive light, it is very difficult to convince them to use it. 6.12 Calculations 6.12.1 Frame Stress Calculations Regarding strength, the team was primarily concerned with ensuring that the frame would not fail as this would result in the most severe mode of failure. The frame also represented a significant amount of the total material used in the cart, and therefore the frame material selection would strongly influence the overall weight of the cart. To minimize weight, thorough calculations were performed to select the best material for this application. Page 44 To begin, the team modeled the frame as a pair of simply supported beams, each carrying half of the total load as a concentrated load at a specified distance of 12 inches (the approximate location of the seat) from the end of the beam. Figure 19 shows the basic beam model used. The maximum stress resulting load was calculated to compare to other models. Figure 19: Beam Loading Diagram53 Additionally, frame was analyzed using Autodesk Simulation Multiphysics as a finite element analysis tool through several iterations. The maximum stress in the long bars was compared to that calculated to the maximum stress calculated using the beam equations as shown in Figure 22. This was used as a check to ensure no errors were done in the FEA model. The stresses calculated in FEA were initially very low compared to those calculated by hand, and this was probably a result of inadequate meshing. Because the model was exported from SolidWorks, the only meshing option was to use brick elements, and this together with the geometry of the frame made a very fine mesh necessary to achieve realistic stresses across the wall thickness of the tube. The final FEA model provided stress results that were relatively close to those found by the beam calculations, and this suggested that the design had been correctly modeled and analyzed. Figures 20 and 21 show the final loading and stress results on the designed frame. Page 45 Figure 20: Final Finite Element Loading Figure 21: Final Finite Element Stress Results Page 46 Figure 22: Sample Beam Calculations Worksheet 6.12.2 Frame Deflection Calculations Because stress cannot be effectively measured in testing, additional calculations were performed to calculate the expected deflections of the frame at the point of loading and stiffness of the frame at the point of load application. These were performed in the same Mathcad worksheet as the stress calculations to ensure the results were being calculated for the same load case. After testing was completed, the stiffness results were compared to test values. This comparison was used as a measure of how effective the calculations were in determining the mechanical behavior of the frame. Potential factors of deviation include the presence of the collapsing mechanism that may act as a truss to stiffen the frame, and weaknesses in the frame caused by the presence of welds connecting the seat support bars. Page 47 6.12.3 Weight Estimations In order to estimate the effects of the use of various materials, the team used Engineering Equations Solver to solve for the total weight of the cart. The dimensions of the tubing were input along with the known material properties. The total frame weight and the total cart weight were estimated using simple mass and density methods along with approximations for the weight of other cart components. Figures 23 and 24 below show a sample of this worksheet, and figures 25 and 26 show the actual cart being weighed with the load cell. Figure 23: Sample EES Calculations Page 48 Figure 24: Sample EES Results These calculations were input so that the design team could easily see the ramifications present when altering the chosen materials or when modifying the prototype design. Figure 25: Method of Determining Frame Weight Page 49 Figure 26: Final Cart Weight Determination 6.12.4 Center of Gravity Calculations Based on the suggestion of the CEAC review panel, the team calculated the center of gravity of the cart to ensure that the cart would remain stable in use. To do this, the team estimated the portion of the total cart’s weight that would be supported by the front wheel and the portion that would be supported by the rear wheel. These estimates, along with the dimensions of the cart, allowed for force and moment summations to be performed, which resulted in a center of mass along the length of the cart. The cart’s design is symmetrical, therefore the center of mass is halfway between the rear wheels along the width of the cart. These calculations and the assumptions they are dependent on were also verified and modified as necessary through the testing process as described in section 7. Page 50 7. Prototype Construction Figure 27: Final Prototype 7.1 Materials Acquisition Due to the diversity of the parts included in the prototype, the team had to look to various sources to find the necessary parts. Whenever possible, parts and materials were ordered through Bob DeKraker from local or online sources with reliable shipping. All metal stock was ordered from Central Iron and Steel in Grand Rapids. Many components such as the brakes, rear wheels, brake levers and cables were found online at and at lower costs than were found locally. When researching options for the front wheel and fork, which was designed to be smaller than most bicycle wheels, online and local options proved to be prohibitively expensive. An alternative was discovered in the form of a used children’s bicycle on sale locally. This bicycle was purchased at a cost lower than either the wheel or fork could be sourced. As a bonus, it included the head tube, which allowed the team more time to focus on the more unique features of the cart instead of fabricating a custom head tube and bearing races. The most challenging acquisition of the project was finding and receiving a sliding seat mechanism. This was ordered well in advance as to provide time for shipping. However, due to delays in shipment, the part arrived on the second-to-last day of prototype construction. This, among other delays, put our final construction schedule far behind the initially planned construction schedule. Page 51 7.2 Frame Construction The frame, composed of welded-seam steel tubing one inch in outer diameter, was built using three primary operations. First, the models was consulted for dimensions, and the metal was cut to the proper length on a horizontal band saw. Next, to increase the strength of the welds, covets were cut into the ends at the necessary angle. Once de-burred, the metal pieces were fitted together by hand, measured to ensure a proper fit, and then tack-welded together. All of these manufacturing processes took place in the Calvin machine shop. After the basic frame was completed tacked together, the wheels were fitted, and the dynamic performance was subjectively evaluated. Any deviations from desired behavior were noted, researched, and the necessary modifications were made before the final welds were made. Once the entire frame was tacked together and checked for proper fit and behavior, finish welds were done to permanently join the frame components. The use of welds ensured that the frame will have longlasting strength and will resist repeated stress well. 7.3 Addition of Key Features Upon completion of the basic frame, the team focused on the integration of the key features into the prototype. 7.3.1 Collapsing Mechanism The first of these key features is the collapsible handlebar mechanism. This mechanism functions similarly to the collapsing mechanism present in a folding table, and allows for the overall dimensions to be reduced significantly for easy transportation and storage. This design was first tested with a wooden mock-up, and once the design was evaluated, modified, and confirmed to work properly, the links to complete the mechanism were laser-cut from aluminum plate at Rapid-Line and installed on the cart. The steel connectors were also laser-cut at Rapid-Line and welded to the frame in the designated places. Once complete, the mechanism was evaluated a final time and modified slightly by hand as necessary to achieve a smooth collapsing motion. Locking links were also laser-cut out of aluminum plate and fitted on the cart. Figure 28 shows the final linkage installed on the cart, not including the locking links. The mechanism was designed with ease of use in mind. Testing to quantify the performance is documented in section 8. Page 52 Figure 28: Completed Collapsing Mechanism 7.3.2 Quick-change Wheels An essential component of the project, the quick-change wheel mechanism is divided into two areas, front and rear wheel. The rear wheel design is based on a pinned axle and sleeve concept. To prototype this design, a steel axle was selected for strength and ease of manufacture, and a PVC sleeve within the steel rear tube was selected for its light weight and low friction surface. The PVC sleeve was first machined on the outside to fit into the steel tubing. It was then reamed on the inside to provide a close clearance fit with the steel axle. Finally, a clearance hole for the selected locking pin was drilled through all components. Figure 29 shows the final mechanism being used to remove the rear wheel. Page 53 Figure 29: Demonstration of Rear Quick-Release Mechanism The front wheel design was based on existing components to reduce prototyping time and cost. Because wheel and fork connection is very common in bicycles, an existing bicycle quick-release skewer was used. It uses a locking cam to apply pressure to the fork, clamping the wheel on and providing a relatively easy tool-free wheel removal and replacement. Figure 30 shows the quick-release skewer as used on our final prototype. Figure 30: Demonstration of Front Quick-Release Mechanism Page 54 7.3.3 Sliding Seat Mechanism The final key feature for this cart was the sliding seat mechanism which allows for easy entry and exit of the passenger. This mechanism was selected to be based on a car seat mechanism. As mentioned in section 6.7, the car seat mechanism was identified as a robust solution which enabled significant translation of the seat without compromising stability. This was found to be true in the construction of the prototype. While not completely ideal for production use, the seat mechanism ordered and received by the team is adequate for prototype purposes. In addition, the late arrival of the mechanism left too little time to explore alternative solutions. Upon arrival of the seat mechanism, aluminum supports were machined to fit snugly on the support bars, and the seat mechanism was fastened through the supports to the rear support and to the deck forwards of the front support bar. The team took great care to ensure the individual sliding tracks were parallel to each other, as any skew from a parallel alignment would cause significant difficulty in using the mechanism. Finally, the plywood and pine seat top was attached to the sliding mechanism via robust wood screws. The seat was then upholstered with foam and fabric for comfort visual congruity. The entire seat mechanism was thoroughly tested through the range of its motion to ensure smooth operation. While the seat mechanism performed adequately in these tests, it was more difficult to operate than the team had expected. For the next iteration, the team would look to several different suppliers, test the various models, and select a best option from these. 7.4 Modifications and Revisions The first modification was made to reduce the flutter found in the front wheel at higher speeds. A negative caster angle had been previously used in an effort to maintain a forward direction of travel when pushing the cart. However, this had the negative unforeseen consequence of causing the front wheel to easily enter a state of resonance and shake the cart violently. Some research on caster flutter was performed54, and as a result, a slight positive caster angle55 was decided upon and implemented. Figure 31 shows the temporary implementation of this modification. Once the solution was verified to be effective, it was made permanent by finish welding. Page 55 Figure 31: Front Wheel Mount Used for Testing and Modification The second modification necessary was reduction of the rear quick-change axle diameter. The clearance between the steel axle and the PVC insert was too close for the interaction to be classified as “quickchange”. This was likely a result of the local heat generated by welding the nearby steel. Any time welding was performed, the team found problems with the quick-change wheel mechanism. The PVC was repeatedly machined with the use of a ream, but the fit of the axle remained too tight. Therefore, the axle was brought back to the shop and machined to a slightly smaller diameter. After several iterations of machining, sanding, and fitting, the axle was found to fit as the team desired. 7.5 Final Touches To make the cart presentable on senior design night, the team decided to have the steel and aluminum parts powder-coated at Rapid-Line. In addition to being very visually attractive, this coating will serve as a barrier to corrosion throughout the life of the cart. The seat back fabric was then sewn between the top fabric support and the rear seat support. This process was very time intensive and will be modified upon the creation of a second prototype. Figure 32 shows some of this process. To fasten the cushion for the seat back, the team decided to utilize a sewing machine to stitch a fabric pocket for the cushion, and stitch the pocket to the seat back in a few select places. This method greatly reduced the time required to attach Page 56 the cushion. Other finishing touches to the cart involved the addition of a brake, safety harness, and rubber footrests. Figure 32: Sewing Process for Assembly of the Seat Back 7.6 Prototype Budgeting The budget approved for the project was $665. Of this, $80 is a contingency in the case of unexpected expenses. The table below shows the predicted budget break-down and the actual amounts spent. The team found no issue remaining under budget, thanks to thorough cost estimation performed at the beginning of the project. In addition, several parts and materials were donated at no cost. The team sought to minimize costs in prototype construction in order to have the necessary funds to recover from an unexpected failure or additional need. However, there were few unexpected costs, and the project was completed under budget without use of the contingency. Page 57 Table 13 : Final Team Prototype Budget Item Estimated Cost (USD) Metal for frame 150 Bolts and joint fasteners 25 Wheels (all) 100 Brake components 50 Seat materials and padding 40 Sheet metal for passenger deck 20 Bearings 20 Forks/wheel mounts (bike unit) 50 Handles 15 Brake hardware (lever, cable, etc.) 10 Paint 30 Suspension 75 Seat Mechanism Safety Harness Prototype Total 585 Page 58 Actual Cost (USD) 68 48.52 47.27 31.81 47.6 4.22 30 65.11 44.52 110.23 38 545.87 8. Prototype Testing The design team completed construction of the prototype on May 8, 2014. Once this construction was completed, the team began testing and optimizing the prototype as needed. The design team tested the prototype in five primary aspects: the rigidity, transportability, ease of assembly, maneuverability, and ability to travel on a variety of terrains. Each testing area was completed in a week. These tests were performed in coordination with the design team’s resources, which allowed these resources to have direct input into which areas of the prototype needed further work. The rigidity of the prototype was tested through stress and strain calculations through the use of strain gauges when loading the prototype with varying loads. This enabled the design team to determine the upper limit of the transportable weight. The transportability of the prototype was tested using a team member’s car, in order to determine whether or not the design can fit within the designed size constraints. The ease of assembly of the prototype was also tested during this time, as the difficulty of disassembling and assembling the prototype under real life conditions with test subjects was determined. The weight of the design was also tested and optimized at this point, which assisted the design team in determining whether the design is simple and light-weight for the end user to understand and easily handle. Finally, the maneuverability and all-terrain versatility of the prototype was tested in the field through several methods. The prototype was tested on the following surfaces: road asphalt, sidewalk concrete, compacted dirt bicycle path, and grass. The force needed to start, stop, and maintain a set speed was recorded on each terrain, which enabled the team to determine which tires were best for which surface and which terrains the design team should be focused on. 8.1 Transportability The goal for testing the transportability of the cart is to determine if the cart can fit in the back of a car or van, and to see how quickly the cart can be loaded and unloaded. To do this the team performed several timed test with the cart. The first test that the team performed was done to determine the time that it takes to take the wheels off of the cart. This test involved one team member taking off the wheels while being timed by another team member. This was done five times to determine an average time for taking the wheels off. The results of this test are shown in the table below. Page 59 Table 14: Timed Transportability Test Wheels Off (s) Wheels On (s) Collapse (s) Stand Up (s) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 98 56 54 42 43 144 73 69 76 56 16 18 23 15 14 34 23 23 18 17 Avg. 59 84 17 23 Trial The test shows that on average it takes close to 1 minute to take the wheels off of the cart. The opposite timed test was also performed in the same way. One team member put the wheels on while being timed by another teammate. The results of this test can also be seen in the above tables, which shows that it took on average 1:24 to put the wheels on. This gives a total time of approximately 2:24 to take the wheels off and put them back on. The team deemed that this was a good time as the team believes that it is only a small fraction of the time that the team believes the caretaker will be using the cart. A similar test was also performed on the handlebar frame with a team member timing the other on how long it takes for the handlebar frame to be collapsed and put back up. The results of showed that the handlebar frame can be taken down and put back up in approximately 40 seconds. Once this test was completed the team determined if the cart would fit in the back of a car or van. The team used two different steps to show this. The first step that the team took was to measure the overall dimensions of the cart. The dimensions can be seen in the table below. Table 15: Cart Dimensions Height Width Length (in) (in) (in) 16.5 36.25 51.25 These dimensions were then compared to the trunk dimensions of other vehicles. One such vehicle is the Chrysler Town and Country. The dimensions for the town and country are shown in the table below. Page 60 Table 16: Trunk Dimensions for Chrysler Town and Country56 Height Width Length (in) (in) (in) 46.2 49 24.4 While the length of the cart exceeds both the height and width of the Town and Country the team determined that the cart would fit in the trunk if the cart was placed sideways in the trunk and angled along the height of the trunk. After measuring the dimensions of the cart the team then used a Honda Civic to see if the cart could be transported in a small sedan. To do this the team removed the wheels and collapsed the handlebar frame, and placed the cart in the back of the Civic. Figure 33 shows the cart in the back of the Honda Civic. Figure 33: Cart in Honda Civic Trunk The team believes that it is reasonable to assume that because the cart can fit in the back of the small two door Civic that the cart should be able to fit in most vehicles. Once it was determined that the cart was able to fit in the trunk the team measured the time that it took to put the cart in and take the cart out of the trunk. The table below shows both the time it takes to place the cart in and take the cart out of the trunk. Table 17: Trunk Loading Tests Take Out 277 s Place In 210 s The test shows that it takes 3:30 to put the cart into the car and 4:37 to take the cart out of the trunk. The time for putting the cart into the trunk involved taking the wheels of the cart and folding down the handlebar frame. When compared to the times that were recorded for just taking off the wheels and folding down the handlebar frame it can be seen that most of the time putting the cart into the trunk of the Page 61 civic was spent in placing the cart in the trunk. The test for taking the cart out of the trunk was performed by physically taking the car out of the trunk, putting on the wheels, and setting up the handlebar frame. During this test it was observed by the team that the majority of the time getting the cart ready to be used was spent putting the front wheel on. 8.2 Deflection Test Aside from determining how transportable the cart is the team also wanted to determine how strong the cart is, and how much force it would take to push it. To determine the strength of the cart the team measured the deflection of the frame under a measured load. This test was implemented by taking off the wheels of the cart and mounting it on risers. A load was then added to the cart, and a digital calipers was used to measure how much the cart deflected under the load. Figure 34 shows the setup that was used to take the data. Figure 34: Deflection Test Setup Once the data was taken, the deflection of the frame was plotted against the applied load to determine the stress in the frame. The figure below shows the plot of the deflection against load. Page 62 Measured deflection of cart under load 0.080 0.070 Deflection (in) 0.060 0.050 0.040 0.030 0.020 0.010 0.000 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 Load (lbf) Figure 35: Deflection Test Results This graph shows a relatively linear stiffness of the cart. This is expected for steel at small deflections. As the material approaches the yield strength, it would be expected that the data assumes some curvature. Compared to the calculated stiffness of the frame at the same load point, the tested data varied by about 15%. This test confirms the strength of the steel and its use as the frame material. 8.3 Flutter Test Over the course of general testing the team noticed that if the cart reached a certain speed the front wheel would begin to wobble back and forth, or flutter. The team then set out to determine at what speed the flutter would begin. To do this the team planned to load the cart and push it until it reached the flutter speed and record it. This would be done several times to find an average speed at which the front wheel of the cart begins to flutter. Due to lack of a speedometer on the cart the team decided to measure out a certain distance, bring the loaded cart up to the speed of the flutter, and then measure the time that it took to cross that distance. The team used the width of the foyer of the Engineering Building as the distance that the speed would be recorded over. The width of the foyer is 236 in, and the team measured the time to cross it in seconds. The speed was then calculated in in/s and converted to mph. The table below shows the times recorded for crossing the foyer, and the speed that was calculated from that time. Page 63 Table 18: Flutter Test Speed Results Trial 1 2 3 Time to Cross (s) Speed (in/s) Speed (mi/hr) 1.48 1.44 1.35 159.78 163.89 174.94 9.08 9.31 9.94 Avg. 9.44 The data shows that the average speed at which the front wheel of the cart flutters is 9 mph. At this speed a person would be jogging at a fast pace, and because the cart is for recreational use the team believes that most users will not achieve this speed and experience the flutter phenomena. Page 64 9. Business Analysis 9.1 Marketing Study 9.1.1 Competitive Analysis Existing Competitors Companies that could be considered competitors to Iron Man include wheelchair manufacturers, custom running cart makers, high-end running cart makers, and other athletic wheelchair manufacturers. Very few companies with an online presence make a product similar to what the Iron Man team will be producing. These competitors are generally well focused in their respective market, and make a decent product; their products are both comfortable and reliable. Their biggest strength over Iron Man is their name recognition. However, these competitors also have weaknesses. Iron Man has found very few competitors that are effectively targeting the normal family with a disabled child/adult. Such existing products have some design flaws that make it difficult for the caretaker, and hard on the passenger. Products that do not include these design flaws are prohibitively expensive to the normal family, or perform well in some areas while being impractical for storage or poor in comfort. Potential Competitors Companies that could be considered competitors to Iron Man are mostly start-up companies that see the team’s product and want to make it cheaper, or believe they can provide a superior product or the same design at a better profit margin. Large companies that produce wheelchairs or similar products may desire to enter the market, and would present significant competition with their extensive capital for marketing and production. As long as Iron Man’s business continues to build name recognition and maintains a good brand name, competition will likely not be able to take the team’s market share. There appears to be a significantly larger market than the team’s planned capacity, so some competition would most likely not directly affect the customer base Iron Man has built up. Iron Man has to stay competitive in design, cost, and customer support to avoid being put out of business if a large company were to enter the market. 9.1.2 Target Markets An estimated 3.3 million American citizens are bound to a wheelchair.30 Not all of them are limited to the extent that they would benefit from our running chair, but if even 1% was, that gives us a market of 33,000. In addition, it is reported that about 11,000 new spinal cord injuries occur each year, resulting in paraplegia (loss of lower body function), and quadriplegia (loss of function in arms and legs) 31, 32. Based Page 65 upon this research, the design team has identified physically handicapped clients, caretakers, and health organizations as the primary potential target markets. Handicapped Clients The product designed and produced by Iron Man would allow handicapped clients to experience nature in a way that they would not otherwise be able to. Making this product affordable is extremely important to handicapped clients, because they generally have more expenses to cover with a comparably smaller income than others in their age demographic. These clients will be looking for comfort as a primary product feature, as well as features that are targeted towards caretakers. Caretakers Caretakers will be able to better care for their clients by being able to take them out more often and with greater ease. Dependability, light weight, ease of maneuverability, ease of client transfer, and transportability are features that were identified which would be important to caretakers. These features would also benefit the handicapped clients, because it would make it easier for their caretakers to take them outside for a run. Health Organizations Health organizations would be looking for a product with low cost and high dependability. Using this product, they could offer a wider variety of activities to their clients, increasing their reputation and client base. The design team surveyed each of these three demographics in order to gauge what features were most desirable and what price they would be expecting to pay for the product. Through these conversations it was clear to the design team that the overall cost of the product was the primary concern in all three target markets. Following this, the dependability and passenger comfort were emphasized. The need for this product was shown in each of the three target markets, as all of the potential clients that were surveyed expressed the desire to purchase the product. The price of the product varied between the clients, according to what features they mentioned were necessary. The average price from all three surveyed markets came out to roughly be $1,500. This correlates nicely with the design team’s estimated production cost. 9.2 Cost Estimate 9.2.1 Development The development budget for Iron Man is limited to the funds provided through the senior design course at Calvin College as well as any external grants that the team was able to secure. The design team is not Page 66 currently seeking out donors for the project, as the budget submitted by the team to Calvin College was approved. This budget is listed in the table below, which details the estimated cost of all necessary items to produce the design. Table 19: Team Budget Item Estimated Cost [$] Metal for frame 150 Bolts and joint fasteners 25 Wheels (all) 100 Brake component 50 Seat materials and padding 40 Sheet metal for passenger deck 20 Bearings 20 Forks/wheel mounts 50 Handles 15 Brake hardware (lever, cable, etc.) 10 Paint 30 Suspension 75 Total 585 The budget approved by Calvin College was $665, which enables the group a fifteen percent leeway in the overall cost of the design. This will hopefully solve any as of now unforeseen budgetary issues that will emerge as the design progresses. 9.2.2 Production Fixed Costs The estimated complete development costs appear in the table below. Overhead costs are also included. Table 20: Estimated Fixed Costs Item Cost ($) Total Development Budget Design Time ($100/hr) Prototype Tooling and Manufacturing 30,585 30,000 585 36,400 CNC Band Saw 25,000(33) MIG Welder 2,400(34) Knee Mill 9,000(35) Page 67 Other Capital Expenditures 480,000(36) Manufacturing Plant 400,000 Offices 80,000 20,600 Overhead Advertising 5,000 Legal Fees 5,000(37) Interest Fees Electricity 10,000 4,600(38) 567,585 Total Variable Costs The variable costs for the product sold by Iron Man are based upon the estimated market and annual sales. These estimations are described in the financial summary section of the report, and are detailed in the proforma financial statements in Appendix C. The estimated complete variable costs, on a per-unit basis, appear in the table below. Table 21: Estimated Variable Costs Item Cost ($/unit) 245 Machined Components Frame 150(39) Passenger Deck 20(40) Suspension System 75 340 Purchased Components Brake System 60 (41, 42, 43) Bolts and joint fasteners 25(44) Wheels (three per unit) 100(45) Bearings 20(46) Seat Cushion 40(47) Paint 30(48) Forks/wheel mounts 50(49) Handles 15(50) 17 Packaging Cardboard 10(51) Poly-foam 4(52) Instruction Manual 3 200 Labor Saw operator Page 68 40 Mill operator 40 Welder 80 Assembly 40 0 Distribution 802 Total Financial Summary The estimated retail price of the running cart produced by Iron Man is roughly $1,000. This retail price is based off of market data collected by the team, which surveyed the three main target markets, handicapped clients, caretakers, and health organizations. These markets are described in the target markets section of the report. The price anticipated by these clients for such a product averaged around $1,500. The full product cost that the design team expects is roughly $800. The difference between the full product cost and the estimated retail price is the expected profitability per unit for Iron Man. This profitability is therefore $200 per unit. Based upon the pro-forma financial statements prepared by the team this product is therefore expected to be profitable. These statements appear in Appendix C. The break-even point computed by the team will occur in the first year with the 644th unit sold. The expected annual units sold is estimated to be 1,000 units. The design team based these break-even results according to the expectation that Iron Man will have a first year sales revenue of roughly $1,000,000. This is reasonable, as at the expected retail price of $1,000 only 1000 units would have to be sold. As mentioned earlier, roughly 3.3 million American citizens are bound to a wheelchair. Selling 1000 units to this market would correspond to only a 0.03% target market acceptance. Targeting individual American citizens would most likely be the most time consuming and challenging, especially with a start-up company. The design team would therefore achieve these desired annual sales by aggressively targeted the wealthiest target market first, the health organizations. Advertising to this target market would allow name recognition to grow quicker than pursuing the other target markets. There are ten open hospitals in Kent County, Michigan. These would be the first health organizations targeted by the design team due to their close proximity to Calvin College. There are 5,724 hospitals in the United States. The design team estimates that an average of two running carts will be purchased by all interested hospitals, which means to achieve the anticipated annual units sold, 417 hospitals would need to purchase Iron Man’s product. The team anticipates achieving the annual sales volume by selling to each target market. Page 69 10. Suggested Modifications 10.1 Brake System Changes The braking system currently installed on the prototype has not been found to be ideal. Long lengths of cable housing and custom-made cable connections increase the friction with the brake cable and result in a greater than desired force applied to the brake lever necessary to stop the cart. A parking brake mechanism would be very useful for this cart. It was found that when sliding the seat, the cart would tend to move. This requires the caretaker to use one foot to keep the cart steady, and this is not good for day-to-day use. The team desired for the caretakers to be concerned with as few tasks as possible when using the cart, and the need to hold the cart conflicts with this desire. A simple pin or clamp that could be put in place on the existing brake lever should suffice as a parking brake mechanism. If a taller person happened to be riding in the cart there is a potential for said person to hit their head on the brake lever. This could cause an injury, and possibly break the brake lever. To fix this the team would move the handle farther out along the handlebar, and rotate it so that the brake lever was parallel with the bar that attaches to the lower frame. 10.2 Caster Flutter Another improvement that the team would like to make for the next model is to reduce the flutter in the front wheel to allow the user to run at a faster pace. To do this the team would adjust the angle of the front wheel as well as possibly using a smaller wheel. 10.3 Sliding Seat The team also noticed that the sliding mechanism for the seat can be difficult to use. To fix this the team would replace the current sliding mechanism with one that is not as difficult to slide in and out. 10.4 Seat Cushion Another area that the team would like to improve is the seat. Currently the foam padding used to make the seat has a lot of give and lacks support. To fix this the team would add a stiffer foam at the bottom of the seat to add support, and have the spongier foam on top for comfort. 10.5 Quick-change Rear Axle Finally the team identified an area that is not currently a problem but could be in the future. Currently the rear wheels are only supported on one side of the wheel. To improve the life of the wheel axle, and the Page 70 stability of the cart the team would add a bracket from the frame to the outer part of the wheel. This would give support to both sides of the wheel and prevent the wheel axle from bending which would improve the life of the wheel. Page 71 11. Conclusion The team has designed and constructed a running cart according to the initial goals and objectives of the project. The constructed running cart is just a prototype, so the previously mentioned suggested changes should be considered before releasing the product to full-scale production. However, through the team’s design, analyses, simulations, and tests the team has concluded that the overall objectives of the project were met, and are glad to see that the prototype is put to good use, assisting handicapped and mentally disabled passengers to better experience the wonder of God’s creation. Page 72 12. Acknowledgements The design team would like to thank the entire Calvin College engineering department, in particular Professor Nielsen, who served as the team’s advisor for the duration of the project. The team would also like to thank Alice Teisan, the primary contact from the organization His Wheels for her support and advice on design options. Thanks to Curtis Kortman for his initial involvement in the project and for initiating contact with the potential customer. Thanks to Ronald Robb of myTEAM TRIUMPH for meeting with us and providing valuable insight. Thanks to Becky and Robert Van Zanen for providing many design considerations and initial design ideas. 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Pro-forma Financial Statements Table 22: Pro-forma Statement of Income The Iron Man Corporation Pro-forma Statement of Income Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sales revenue 1,000,000 1,100,000 1,210,000 Variable Cost of Goods Sold 553,080 608,180 668,790 Fixed Cost of Goods Sold 190,000 190,000 190,000 Depreciation 7,202 12,772 9,978 Gross Margin 249,718 289,048 341,232 Variable Operating Costs 70,000 77,000 84,700 Fixed Operating Costs 37,600 37,600 37,600 Operating Income 142,118 174,448 218,932 Interest Expense 7,966 14,182 10,682 Income Before Tax 134,152 160,266 208,250 Income tax (40%) 53,661 64,107 83,300 Net Income After Tax 80,491 96,160 124,950 Table 23: Pro-forma Statement of Cash Flows The Iron Man Corporation Pro-Forma Statement of Cash Flows Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 - 800,293 1,391,625 Net Income After Tax 80,491 96,160 124,950 Depreciation expense 7,202 12,772 9,978 Invested Capital (Equity) 535,400 535,400 535,400 Increase (decrease) in borrowed funds 227,600 (50,000) (50,000) Equipment Purchases (50,400) (3,000) (3,000) Ending Cash Balance 800,293 1,391,625 2,008,953 Beginning Cash Balance Page 78 Table 24: Break-Even Analysis Year 1 Sales revenue Year 2 1,000,000 Year 3 1,100,000 1,210,000 Less: Variable Costs: Variable Cost of Goods Sold Variable Operating Costs 553,080 608,180 668,790 70,000 77,000 84,700 Total Variable Costs 623,080 685,180 753,490 Contribution Margin 376,920 414,820 456,510 Less: Fixed Costs Fixed Cost of Goods Sold 190,000 190,000 190,000 Fixed Operating Costs 37,600 37,600 37,600 Depreciation 7,202 12,772 9,978 Interest Expense 7,966 14,182 10,682 Total Fixed Costs 242,768 254,554 248,260 Income Before Tax 134,152 160,266 208,250 Page 79 Table 25: Break-Even Analysis (continued) Year 1 Total Fixed Costs 242,768 Contribution Margin % Break Even Sales Volume Year 2 254,554 38% 248,260 38% 644,084 Break Even Unit Volume Year 3 38% 675,013 644 658,025 675 658 Table 26: Iron Man Corporation Budget Equipment Depreciation Purchases Year 1 Equipment Purchases Year 1 50,400 7,202 Equipment Purchases Year 2 3,000 Equipment Purchases Year 3 3,000 0.1429 12,343 8,815 429 735 0.2449 12,772 0.1749 Interest Expense: Annual interest rate on debt Average debt balance Interest expense 7% Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 113,800 202,600 152,600 7,966 14,182 10,682 Page 80 Year 3 429 7,202 MACRS Rates (7-year recovery period) Year 2 9,978 Appendix B. User Manual Contact Us This product is the result of a year-long senior design project worked on by three members of the senior design engineering course, taught as a section of the Calvin College Engineering Curriculum. To contact the department, please see the information below. Team 12, Iron Man, hopes that this project can help bring joy and fulfillment to your life and the lives of your loved ones. God Bless! 1734 Knollcrest Circle SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 User Manual Phone: (616) 526-6500 Email: Web: Direct Contact for Team 12 (Allen Bosscher) Phone: (616) 581-6453 Email: Web: TEAM 12: IRON MAN Calvin College Engineering Department Team 12: Iron man 1734 Knollcrest Circle SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 Page 81 Team Members Table of Contents Key Features .................................................................................................................... 1 Allen Bosscher Thank You! ....................................................................................................................... 2 Allen Bosscher is a senior engineering student at Calvin College with a mechanical concentration. He has worked for the past three years as an intern for Rapid-Line, a metal fabrication company. He expects to enter the workforce at Rapid-Line following graduation in May. Our Mission ................................................................................................................. 2 Values and Principles ............................................................................................. 2 Cart Assembly ................................................................................................................. 3 Using the Cart .................................................................................................................. 4 Safety.............................................................................................................................. 4 Andrew Vriesema Suggested Care .......................................................................................................... 4 Andrew Vriesema is a senior engineering student at Calvin College with a mechanical concentration. After graduation he is planning on finding a full-time engineering position. He enjoys watching and playing sports, and being outdoors. Team Members ............................................................................................................... 5 Lukas Woltjer Lukas Woltjer is also studying engineering at Calvin College, specifically the mechanical concentration. He will be moving to Holland, MI after graduation. He is an avid biker and enjoys woodworking, and spending time with his wife Daniella. 5 Page 82 Using the Cart Key Features We designed this cart to be as flexible as possible. If you would like to use it on a trail with your 5-year-old son, you may! If you would like to use it on the beach with your 15-year-old daughter, you may! Collapsing Mechanism The unique collapsing handlebar allows the user to easily store or transport the cart. With the wheels removed, the cart will even fit in the back seat of a car! With that said, there are some important points to remember for the safety of you and your passenger. In addition, we would like to highlight some use suggestions resulting from our own inhouse testing. Safety Sliding Seat Ensure that your passenger is always securely buckled in the cart. To improve the quality of life of our customers, we have included a sliding seat which will make the cart easier to enter and exit, reduce back strain and injury for caretakers, and allow the disabled passenger to be taken out more frequently. The passenger weight limit is 200 pounds. The cart has been tested with higher loads, however, we do not sanction overloading the cart. Maintain controllable speeds. While the cart performs very well at moderate jogging/running speeds, there exists the potential for front wheel flutter at high speeds. If flutter occurs, gentle use of the brake will quickly bring the cart back to stable travel. Quick-Change Wheels With quick-change front and back wheels, you will be able to use the Iron Man cart on practically any surface in a matter of seconds. See the Cart Assembly section for operating instructions. When using the cart with tall passengers, be aware that the brake lever is in close proximity to their head. This is a flaw that will be corrected upon request. Suggested Care While the cart is weather-resistant, please avoid exposure of the wheel hubs to sand and dirt. If you must tip the cart on its side, please do so on a clean surface. To clean the cart, simply wipe down the fabric and frame with a moist cloth. 4 Page 83 1 Thank You! Cart Assembly Our Mission From the box to the trail – in minutes! Attach the front wheel We aim to be the leader in providing high quality and affordable running carts to our customers. Thank you for participating with us in this goal by purchasing a running cart! We hope that it will serve you well for many years. Loosen the quick-release skewer, disconnect the brake cable, slide the front wheel in place, and re-tighten the skewer and brake cable. Goal - To design and construct an improved running cart specifically for disabled passengers Attach the rear wheels Remove the quick pin from the axle. Slide the axle into its sleeve, making sure the pin hole is aligned with the hole on the cart frame. Replace the pin, and fasten the security clip. Values and Principles Raise the handlebars Team 12: “Iron Man” desires to show its high regard for all who use our product by creating a quality product that can be depended upon and which shows an effort of care that other products on the market have not. Lift the handlebars until the side linkages are straight. Lift the locking links, and slide them onto the bolt. Tighten the wing-nut to secure the links. The design norms used to design and create your cart are: Transparency Stewardship Enjoy yourself! Caring Enjoy the outdoors, wherever you are. Enables your disabled friend or family member to also enjoy themselves! Trust We hope that through the use of this product you will see the results of these guiding principles on the design. Page 84 2 3 Appendix C. Work Breakdown Structure 1st Semester Tasks Customer Interface: The design team will have to meet with the customer to better understand objectives (10 hours) o Contact customer o Travel to customer’s home o Establish a direct line of communication o Learn about customer’s overall goals and desires for deliverable o Present design iterations and receive feedback o Design and deliver Research: The design team will have to research extensively for this project (30 hours) o Meet with Greg Remelts o Research existing models of tentative design o Research potential construction materials o Research strength and rigidity of possible designs o Research wheel design and easy-change tire methods o Research water-accessible tires Verbal Presentation 1: The design team will present the objective of the project to the senior design class (10 hours) o Prepare for presentation o Introduce and describe project o Identify problem team hopes to solve o Identify customer o Identify influence of Christian faith on project Project Website Posted: The design team will have to design a website which succinctly describes the project while still remaining technical (5 hours) o Team member brief descriptions o Home page o PPFS link o Final report and deliverable information o Overall appearance and functionality Industrial Consultant Review: The design team will have to sit down with an industrial consultant to have a review of the overall project (3 hours) o Prepare for review o Meet with consultant o Take notes o Review suggestions Updated Project Poster (2 hours) o Update and upload project poster o Post new copy on team board Preliminary Cost Estimate: The design team will have to create and estimate an overall cost for the design project (5 hours) o Fill out rough budget in Excel o Meet with Phil Jaspers to discuss material availability Page 85 o o Team operational budget request Production and construction cost estimate Material Design time Fixed costs Distribution Marketing Sales Draft PPFS: An outline of what the final design report will include (20 hours) o Title Page o Copyright Page o Executive Summary o Table of Contents o Table of Figures o Introduction o References o Project Management o Requirements o Research o Task Specifications and Schedule o System Architecture o Design o Testing o Conclusion o Acknowledgements Verbal Presentation 2 (10 hours) o Prepare for presentation o Introduce team o Introduce project o Clearly state May deliverables o Feasibility of project o Create helpful visuals Final PPFS (40 hours) o Update draft PPFS o Extensively look over and refine grammar and sentence structure o Verify data and results Page 86 2nd Semester Tasks Update Frame Model (10 day duration) o Jointed system o Size and system constraints o FEA model update o Verify FEA results with hand calculations Market Research (4 day duration) o Reach out to resources Confirm general features Share current status Ask for suggestions o Research existing competitors Carrying capacity Weight Selling Price Define Tangible and Measurable Goals (2 day duration) o Interface Requirements o Performance Requirements o Functional Requirements Update Website (3 hours) Order Frame Material (1 day duration) o Confirm pricing with vendor o Give order form to Bob Contemporary Issue Paper (2 day duration) o Research ideas o Compile o Write and refine paper Cut Frame Material (5 day duration) Weld Frame Together (5 day duration) o Tack first to see fit and function o Test and refine o Finish welds Verbal Presentation (3 day duration) o Prepare presentation o Rehearse Industrial Consultant Project Brief (1 day duration) Fridays at Calvin Visitors o Update poster o Clean up area o Rehearse general ideas Attach Wheels (2 day duration) o Construct rear wheel custom design o Put on quick release skewer on front wheel Design Banquet Invitation (3 hour duration) Order Remaining Materials (7 day duration) Page 87 o Fabric material o Seat mechanism o Cushion o Brake system o Handlebar tape Complete Assembly (14 day duration) Test and Refine Prototype (5 day duration) CEAC Project Review (2 day duration) o Create presentation o Rehearse Project Night Preparation (10 day duration) o Create final posters o Create user manual o Modify prototype appearance o Create presentation o Rehearse o Clean up area Final Assignments (2 day duration) o Website finalized o Notebooks turned in o Project site cleaned up Final Design Report (5 day duration) o Modify rough draft o Proofread o Turn in report Faculty Review (1 day duration) o Create presentation o Rehearse Page 88