D.8: NUCLEAR MEDICINE (AHL) UNDERSTANDINGS - Alpha, beta, gamma, proton, neutron, and positron emissions are used for medical treatment. - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an application of NMR technology. - Radiotherapy can be internal and/or external. - Targeted Alpha Therapy (TAT) and Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) are two methods which are used in cancer treatment. APPLICATION AND SKILLS - Discussion of common side effects of radiotherapy. - Explanation of why technetium-99m is the most common radioisotope used in nuclear medicine based on its half-life, emission type, and chemistry. - Explanation of why lutetium-177 and yttrium-90 are common isotopes used for radiotherapy based on the type of radiation emitted. - Balancing nuclear equations involving alpha and beta particles. - Calculating the percentage and amount of radioactive material decayed and remaining after a certain period of time using the nuclear half-life equation. - Explanation of TAT and how it might be used to treat diseases that have spread throughout the body. NATURE OF SCIENCE - Risks and benefits – it is important to try and balance the risk of exposure to radiation with the benefit of the technique being considered. INTRO: WHAT IS RADIOACTIVITY? -Usually we speak of chemical reactivity in terms of changes to the distribution of ________________ in atoms. Nuclear chemistry involves the changes and emissions that result from the transition of unstable atomic _________________into more stable forms. -Radioactivity involves the spontaneous emission of _______________ and ______________ from the _______________ as an atom decays into a more ______________ form. The emissions are known as ________________. -_______________ atomic nuclei emit ____________________. STABLE NUCLEUS UNSTABLE NUCLEUS (RADIONUCLIDE) RADIATION: emission of particles and energy -Radioactivity is known as _____________________radiation, because it has enough energy to interact with an atom and cause the removal of ________________. *(radiation = ionizing = removal of e- from __________ shells = free ____________ = damage to _____ = __________) TYPES OF RADIATION: A. SUMMARY Common Name Particle *Alpha particle Helium-4 nucleus *Beta particle Positron emission Proton beam Electron Positron Proton Symbol α ; 24 He β- ; eβ+; e+ p ; 11 p ; 1 1 Neutron beam Neutron Charge, e* +2 Mass, u** 4.0 -1 +1 +1 0.0005 0.0005 1.0 Common Sources Particle accelerators H 0 1.0 n ; 01 n Gamma ray Photon γ 0 0 X-ray*** Photon 0 0 *1 e = 1.6 x 10-19 C ; **1 u = 1.7 x 10-27 kg; ***not emitted by radionuclides Bombardment of X-ray tubes B. THE THREE MAIN TYPES OF RADIATION RADIATION TYPE DESCRIPTION - ejection of _____________ particles from the ___________ ALPHA - alpha particle = ___________ nucleus ( 24 He or 24 ) - helium nucleus = __ p+ and __ n0 BETA GAMMA - ejection of ___________ particles from the _____________ - beta particle = _________________ ( 10 ) - formed during the conversion of ______________ to ______________ - emission of very _________ energy gamma (γ) _______________ - results from energy changes in the nucleus and does not alter the _____________ or _____________ numbers - often accompanied by alpha or beta ejection EXAMPLE 238 92 U 234 90 Th 11 5 B PRACTICE: Balancing Nuclear Equations Involving Alpha and Beta Particles: 1. Write nuclear equations for the following reactions, making reference to section 5 of the IB data booklet: (a) the alpha decay of an isotope of radon that has mass number 219 (b) the beta decay of carbon-14 TERMS: NUCLEAR MEDICINE TERM NUCLEAR MEDICINE DEFINITION - uses ___________________ materials in the ___________________ and ___________________ of diseases (esp. cancer) RADIONUCLIDE (RADIOISOTOPE) - unstable _________________ of certain elements that undergo spontaneous ____________________ decay and emit _________________ radiation; administered in the form of water-soluble __________or ______________ that are distributed around the body via _____________; - *Radionuclides exist __________________ (e.g. 235U , 3 H , 40 K ) and all elements with Z = 84 and higher can be produced ______________________ (most that are used in nuclear medicine are produced this way). RADIOTHERAPY - uses ___________________ radiation to treat ______________ INTERNAL RADIOTHERAPY - radiation sources inserted into patient’s body in the form of metal _________ or ______________ that deliver radiation directly to the ________ of the disease EXTERNAL RADIOTHERAPY - cancerous cells destroyed by more powerful sources of ionizing radiation used such as directed beams of gamma rays, protons, electrons, positrons (positively charged electrons), or neutrons RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL - drugs containing a combination of a ___________________ and a ______________________ active compound (e.g. ____________, ___________) - aim of drug is to deliver radionuclides to specific tissues or cellular receptors NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNIQUES (EXAMPLES) NUCLEAR MEDICINE TYPE 1. CANCER _______________ NUCLEAR IMAGING (EXTERNAL) EXAMPLES (a) Scintigram DESCRIPTION - _________ ray photograph generated by nuclear emissions from the body - used to detect _____________ (b) PET (Positron Emission Tomography) - gives 3D images of _______________ concentration in the body where it accumulates in target tissue - application of ________ technology - produces images of internal body organs and soft tissue - identifies presence of tumours (c) MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) 2. CANCER ________________ (INTERNAL) *(a) Targeted Alpha Therapy (TAT) **(b) Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) - radioimmunotherapy (See details below.) - 105 B + 01 n 115 B 24 + 37 Li (See details below.) *TARGETED ALPHA THERAPY (TAT) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdEt6wjE1Lg (Ted talk) TAT OVERVIEW / SUMMARY - _________________ (i.e. _____________________/ secondary) cancers USED TO CONTROL - suitable for some pancreatic, ovarian and melanoma cancers BENEFITS - _________________ (i.e. targets cancer cells opposed to healthy cells) - use of alpha emitter = very small ____________ = minimal irradiation of ______________ tissue surrounding the targeted cancer cells much less than ___________ emitter, for example TERM ANTIGEN DEFINITION / TAT CONNECTION - any substance that causes an immune system to produce antibodies against it - In this context, think of an antigen as a unique feature of the cancer cell that makes it different from a _______________ cell. ANTIBODY - ‘Y’ – shaped proteins which function to identify and help remove foreign antigens or targets such as viruses and bacteria - In this context, think of the antibody as a protein attracted only to a specific antigen…the one on the _______________ cell. - antibody ‘___________’ on antigen and then ________ alpha particle thereby ___________________ cell RADIOIMMUNOTHERAPY - uses ___________________ isotopes - immunotherapy refers to the antibody/_______________ interaction RADIOIMMUNOTHERAPY - contains _________________ and _____________ particle emitter (i.e. radioisotope that emits alpha particles) DRUG 208 4 -e.g. Lead-212 = alpha emitter that can be used: 212 82 Pb 2 + 80 Hg PICTORIAL SUMMARY **BORON NEUTRON CAPTURE THERAPY (BNCT) - used to treat brain tumours and recurrent head and neck cancers BNCT (SUMMARY REACTION) 10 5 STEP DESCRIPTION B + 01 n 1 - patient injected with _______-radioactive, non-toxic/inert isotope of ____________ (B-___) …which is ______________ absorbed by ___________ cells (in head an neck) 2 - patient irradiated with (non-toxic) _____________ which are ______________ by B-10 (this causes a _______________ reaction) 3 - Radioactive/dangerous boron (B-____) is converted into an isotope of ___________ (Li-____) - accompanying this conversion is an __________ particle emission which acts directly on tumour (little damage to surrounding healthy cells…alpha particle only has a range of about ____ cell) COMMONLY USED RADIOISOTOPES IN NUCLEAR MEDICINE ISOTOPE m Tc ) *Technetium-99m ( 9943 ‘m’ = metastable (exists for short period) *most commonly used radioisotope in nuclear medicine (over ______% if diagnostics rely on this isotope) ADVANTAGE _______-life EXPLANATION - half-life = _____ hrs - enough time for scanning __________________ - decays quickly enough to minimize _______________ exposure ______________ - _______ RADIATION DOSE - relatively low energy ______________ rays ( approx. same wavelength as ____-rays) escape body and detected by γ camera or traditional X-ray equipment 99 m 43 Tc 99 43Tc + γ - low energy electrons = low radiation dose Lutetium-77 & Yttrium-90 Versatile _______________ properties - technetium has several stable ________________ states readily forms ______________ with _____________ - acts as _____________ by bonding to a wide range of ___________________ active substances (chosen according to organ to be examined) emissions - pure _____________ emitters (decay in one step) 177 90 90 0 0 ; 177 39Y 40 Zr + 1 71 Lu 72 Hf + 1 - Y-90 used in cancer implant therapy -Lu-177 effective on small tumours and gamma imaging HALF-LIFE CALCULATIONS Calculating the percentage and amount of radioactive material decayed and remaining after a certain period of time using the nuclear half-life equation. t DATA BOOKLET: Nt = No(0.5) k *Where: Nt = the mass or amount __________________ after time t No = the _______________mass or amount t = time _______________ k = decay constant = ___________ –life (of radioisotope) SAMPLE PROBLEMS: 1. a) What amount of 128 53 I will be left when 3.65 mol of this isotope is allowed to decay for 15.0 min? The half-life of 128 53 I is 25.0 min. (b) What percentage of the sample has decayed? 2. (a) Technetium-99m has a half-life of 6.01 hours. A fresh sample containing 5.00 g of technetium-99m is prepared from molybdenum-99 in a hospital at 0900 h. Calculate the mass at 1700 h later that day. (b) What percentage of the sample has decayed? *More practice problems: p. 774 of OXFORD text SIDE EFFECTS OF RADIOTHERAPY -Side effects mainly occur as a result of the effects of radiation on the _______________ tissue. The ionizing effects of radiation cause changes in the ____________ of _______________ as well as _______________ cells, particularly in those that divide ______________, such as ______________ follicles. COMMON SIDE EFFECTS - FATIGUE DESCRIPTION - _____________ and regular ________________ are important during treatment - NAUSEA - more common when the treatment is in the area of the ________________ system - HAIR LOSS - this occurs within the treatment area and is usually ________________ - STERILITY - more likely if treatment is close to ______________ or _____________ - SKIN REACTION - skin may become red, sore, or itchy in local area of ___________________