Introduction Optics, the study of light, is the second oldest science (astronomy is the first). Yet at the beginning of the Twenty-First century it has the energy and dynamism of youth. Exciting experimental discoveries and theoretical insights continue to put optics at the forefront of modern research. A revolution occurred in 1960 with the development of the laser, a compact source of spectrally pure, focused, virtually noise-free light. The consequences of that revolution are still unfolding. We are all familiar with the use of lasers as bar-code scanners and as operating devices in compact disk players, although most people are unaware of how these devices actually work. In fact, lasers today are used for a broad variety of tasks. From the “low-tech” application in which laser light replaces the traditional rope and chains used by surveyors to lay out a long straight line, to “high-tech” application in which laser light is used to slow down and cool a beam of atoms. Other applications of the laser include: • A communications medium in high-speed fibre-optic cables. • A precision scalpel for delicate surgery. • Pollution monitoring in the air via light scattering • Studying the details of chemical reactions using femtosecond pulses • As a tool for atomic physics to selectively excite atomic states Lasers are used to produce entirely new states of matter, so-called “phaseonium”, with bizarre optical properties. They have also been used to produce quantum objects of macroscopic size, allowing direct investigation of the weird predictions of quantum mechanics, and as “optical tweezers” to move individual atoms. And most investigators are agreed that the era of the laser is just beginning. Lasers operate according to a few simple principles that we will study in this course. Essentially, a laser requires an optical medium capable of storing energy in long lived excited states of atoms, molecules, or crystals; an efficient way of turning this energy into radiation at the appropriate wavelength; and a specially designed cavity within which electromagnetic oscillations can be sustained and amplified. The course is designed to provide the physical background for understanding what the previous sentence means This is a course in physical optics that covers traditional and modern topics and presents the background necessary for understanding laser operation and the characteristics of laser beams. Physical optics, of course, has many other applications than those associated with lasers and these are not slighted. While the course addresses many questions relevant to laser performance it is not a formal course in laser physics. Such a course would be a natural successor to this one. After a consideration of laser safety the course covers the mathematics of waves, in particular the use of complex numbers to represent the amplitude of oscillating quantities. The polarization concept provides a direct application of these ideas. This is followed by a discussion of the 1.1 optics of thin films. One of the most important applications of thin films in the optics laboratory is the beam splitter. A careful discussion of the beam splitter is presented and is followed by a section on the use of beam splitters in interferometers. Freely propagating light is covered next, beginning with diffraction phenomena. Interference via wavefront division ends this section. The properties of optical gratings are an important application. We next discuss the elements of thermal and atomic spectra. Work with prism and diffraction grating spectrometers culminates in use of an electronic spectrometer (the pc spectrometer made by Ocean Optics). Subsequently, fluorescence is covered because of the background it provides for understanding lasing media. At this point the stage has been set for laser physics. We cover the Schalow-Townes theory of an optical resonator, discuss factors influencing the gain in lasing media, and investigate the longitudinal modes of a gas laser. Following this work, we investigate the Michelson and Fabry-Perot interferometers. Coherence concepts are introduced in the course of that work and the notion of fringe visibility is explored The course then proceeds to a discussion of phase masks, zone plates and holography.. 1.2