St. Marguerite d’Youville Secondary School
The Ontario Curriculum,
Grades 11 and 12: Science,
Revised 2008
1.0 credit value
2014 – 2015
Units Of Study
# of Classes
Metabolic Processes
Molecular Genetics
Population Dynamics
% of Mark
Term Work
Knowledge & Understanding
Thinking and Investigation
Final Assessment
Final Examination
Term Work = 70%
Final =
Assessment tasks may include unit tests, quizzes, lab reports, unit projects, research
and position papers, portfolios, performance tasks, and journal entries.
Students’ competency in the areas of teamwork, organization, independent work
skills, work habits/homework and initiative will also be assessed. These skills affect
student achievement indirectly.
Be an ACTIVE LEARNER in class, answer and ask questions, get involved, make learning fun.
Review notes DAILY. Complete ALL homework, labs and assignments ON TIME. Late assignments will
be assessed a 10% penalty. If an assignment is late more than one day the student risks earning a zero
for that assignment. This is consistent with the d’Youville Assessment and Evaluation Policy located in
the student agenda.
GOOD ATTENDANCE is essential. You are responsible for all missed work including labs.
Any missed tests or quizzes dealt with in accordance with the d’Youville Assessment and Evaluation
Policy. See your student agenda for more details.
Follow ALL SAFETY rules in the lab and work COOPERATIVELY in groups.
Extra HELP is available on Tuesdays in room 308 at 2:30pm or by special appointment (Use it!).
Show R E S P E C T for yourself, your teacher and your peers.
The Textbook Replacement Value is $75 (Nelson Biology 12). There is no deposit required. However,
textbooks must be brought to the final exam in the same or better condition or fines will be assessed.
Class Policy and Expectations
The prerequisite for this course is SBI 3U1. In order to be prepared for this grade 12 course, it is
recommended that students have earned at least 65% in day-school SBI 3U1. The expectations outlined in
this handout are no greater or less than those of employers and university or college instructors. Therefore,
the atmosphere of the class will be a useful preparation for the world that students will enter upon completion
of high school. It should be made clear from the beginning that students who fail to meet the expectations
outlined below will suffer the consequences of their failure.
The textbook is on LOAN for the semester. Loss or damage to the textbook will result in a fine up to and
including replacement cost of the text. Even excessive wear and tear may result in a fine. It is highly
advised that you cover your textbook to protect it from damage throughout the semester. See the class web
page for a video lesson in covering your text.
Nelson Biology 12
Replacement Cost:
Labs and Assignments
There will be a number of labs/activities performed in this course for which the students will be responsible.
Attendance is essential for success since practical lab and organizational skills will be evaluated as the
student performs the experiment.
All labs or assignments are to be handed in at the beginning of the period on the due date. For many
assignments students will be required to submit their work in class, or online (, or both. Failure
to submit work on time in any required format will be considered late, and will be subject to a late penalty of
10% in accordance with the d’Youville Assessment and Evaluation Policy located in the student agenda.
It is expected that the students write ALL unit tests on the announced dates. Failure to do so will result in a
mark of zero.
1. Illness – A call to the attendance office from a parent/guardian must be provided explaining the
absence on the day of the absence. Otherwise, this absence is considered a skip. When a
test is missed due to a legitimate absence, the student will write the test the day they return. If
the class was skipped, the student will earn a zero on that test.
2. School Activity – Tests will be written without penalty on a day mutually agreed upon between
the teacher and student provided the teacher has been informed of the absence at least two
days before the start of the test. The test will be written before the scheduled absence.
Students are expected to spend at least fifteen minutes per night reviewing material covered that day in
class on top of the time they will spend on written assignments, labs, etc. Students should be attempting all
chapter review questions as the topics are covered. Any difficulties or issues must be addressed
immediately. The student will know well before the teacher does if they are having difficulty understanding
the work.
The uniform is part of the School Board’s policy. The uniform must be worn properly at all times. There are
no exceptions.
Lab Safety
Students will NOT touch any lab equipment unless instructed to do so by the teacher. Students who are
negligent or who violate the d’Youville Science Department Safety Agreement will be removed from the
classroom during a lab activity and will therefore forfeit any evaluation of the lab work.
It is the responsibility of the student to obtain any work/notes missed during an absence. After reading the
notes, it is encouraged that the student sees the teacher with anything that cannot be understood. If a lab
activity is missed due to illness, the student must obtain any data and observations from another student and
still complete the lab report. Any missed quizzes, tests or labs shall be dealt with in accordance to the
d’Youville Assessment and Evaluation Policy. Please see your student agenda for more details.
Students must come to class prepared. Students who must leave class to retrieve something they forgot to
bring to class will be marked late. No student will be permitted to leave the classroom unless for a specific
appointment (a release note must be provided at the beginning of class) or in emergencies.
Class starts on time. If the lesson has started and the student is not yet seated and prepared for class that
student will be considered late. Please see the student agenda for the school policy regarding lates.
Students will address others respectfully in tone and choice of language. Offensive language will not be
tolerated. Likewise, students must raise their hand in order to contribute to the classroom discussion. If not,
the learning environment is degraded for all, and the pace of the course is slowed, and the content cannot
be covered in the time allotted. Therefore, TALKING OUT OF TURN IS UNACCEPTABLE.
Academic Honesty and Plagiarism
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. All lab work must be completed individually. The only part of a lab that is
allowed to be the same is the group data. All other conclusions, discussion questions, and even the display
of the data (i.e. graphs, tables) must be of the student’s own design. For lab and research assignments,
proper citations for all reference material must be provided. If a student submits a lab or assignment without
providing complete citations and references, their work will not be evaluated until it is resubmitted including
the citations. If the resubmission is after the due date, it will also be considered late and subject to the 10%
late penalty. Please see the student agenda for the school policy and for the proper format that should be
used when making citations.
Extra Help
Extra help is always available. Please consult your teacher to make arrangements as soon as a problem
arises and she/he will try to accommodate you as quickly as possible.
Take responsibility for your own education. You will only get something out of this course if you get involved
in class and commit yourself to doing the best work possible. There is an extensive amount of additional
resources on the class web page (
Notice to Parent/Guardian:
Please read this course outline. The material was discussed in class today with your son/daughter. Please
familiarize yourself with the policies for SBI 4U1. Please sign below to indicate that you have reviewed the
material in this handout. If you have any questions or comments, now or any time during the semester, do
not hesitate to call me at the school. (905-789-5560)
Your Grade 12 Biology Teacher
Parent/Guardian signature:
Student Name: (print):
Student signature: