The Digestive System 4 steps of food processing: 1. Ingestion: ___________________________________________________.

The Digestive System
4 steps of food processing:
1. Ingestion: ___________________________________________________.
2. Digestion: ___________________________________________________.
3. Absorption: ____________________________________________________________.
4. Egestion: _____________________________________________.
Digestive System = ___________________
In humans:
 The digestive system is just one long tube; meaning it is ________________________.
 Known as the ________________________________.
1. Ingestion
A. Starts with the _______________
 Teeth __________________________________.
 Structure of teeth determine function.
i. Incisors: ___________________________________.
ii. Canine: ___________________________________.
iii. Molars: ___________________________________.
B. Chewing stimulates ________________________.
 Saliva: ______________________________________.
 Muscular _________________ moves the food between the teeth for crushing until
it forms a ________________________________________.
C. Pharynx
 ______________ moves to pharynx by the __________________________________.
 Pharynx is a ___________________________________________________________.
D. Esophagus
 The bolus ___________________________________________________________.
 These _____________________________________.
2. Digestion
E. Stomach
 Sphincters: ____________________________________.
 ____________ are similar to drawstrings on a bag. When the muscle
____________, _________________________.
 The _____________________ connects the ___________________________.
 The ____________________ connects the ____________________________.
Cells in the stomach release ______________________________________________.
o Acid destroys _________________.
o Mucus protects ____________________________.
If the mucus barrier is damaged, an ____________ results: _________________ can
digest the __________________________.
_____________ breakdown food into ______________________________________.
_____________ continues so food moves down digestive tract.
Food which leaves the stomach is called ____________.
 Complete diagram below.
 Read and make additional notes on: p. 324-327, #1-7.
2. Digestion (Continued)
F: Small Intestine
 The first portion of the small intestine is the _____________.
 Secretions from the ________________________________________________.
 The pancreas releases _____________________________________________________.
 ______________ goes into the small intestine from ________________.
 Partly digested food still contains stomach acids.
 __________________________________________.
 The 2nd and 3rd parts of the small intestine are the _________________________.
 __________________ breakdown of food occurs in the
G. Liver
 The liver is an ____________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________.
 The ___________________ stores the bile until it is needed.
 A _________________ connects the ____________________________________.
 Liver stores ______________________________________________________.
H. Pancreas
 The pancreas produces _________________________________________ so that the
small intestine is protected from stomach acid.
 The ___________________ releases base into small intestine.
 Chyme  ____________________________
3. Absorption
I. Small intestine
 ______________________ occurs ONLY in the _______________________________.
 Usable products of digestion: such as ___________________________________.
o Removed from the digestive tube and _____________________________.
 _____________________ of the small intestine is made up of ___________
o ___________________________ for absorption.
4. Egestion
G. Large intestine
 _______________________ in the large intestine.
 _____________________ sends a signal to the brain to __________________________
 Peristalsis continues through _________________________
o _________________________ compact the _____________________
o _____________________ usually occur about 1hr after a meal, ____________
________________, making room for the next meal
o Normally takes ____________________________
 Read and make additional notes on: p. 328-330, #8-12.
 Summarize the 4 conditions of the digestive system that disturb homeostasis on p.
332-333. Complete p. 333, #13-16.
The Circulatory System
Red blood cells carry ______________________________________________________.
_______________ are vessels that ________________________________
___________ are vessels that ________________________________
Blood ___________________ all around your body in ___________________________
Inside the heart are _____________________. Each chamber is a _________________.
The pumping pushes _______________________________.
The Mammalian Heart – Use p. 273/4 to label the diagram below.
Self-Study Section
 Read and make notes on:
o p. 269-275.
 Pulmonary vs. Systemic Circuit
 Blood Vessels in the Human Body
 3 Main Functions of the Heart
o p. 269, #5-7.
o p. 271, #8-10.
o p. 272, #11-13.
o p. 275, #14-16.
The Respiratory System
Read and make notes on p. 300-309.
 p. 300, #1, 2.
 p. 302, #3-7.
 p. 305, #8-10.
 p. 306, #11-13.
 p. 308-309: Summarize the 4 conditions of the respiratory system that disturb
homeostasis. #14-16.
Structure of the Alveoli