OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT ~ COURSE DESCRIPTION ~ COURSE: Grade 9 Principles of Mathematics CODE: MFM 1P1 PREREQUISITE: Completion of Grade 8 TEXTBOOK: Mathematics 9 (Nelson) Replacement Cost: $80 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course enables students to develop mathematical ideas and methods through the exploration of applications, the effective use of technology, and extended experiences inabstract reasoning. Students will also have opportunities to consolidate core skills, engage in abstract extensions and deepen their understanding of key mathematical concepts. OUTLINE: Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit #1 – Prerequisite Skills (Integers, Fractions) #2 – Measurement: Perimeter, Area, Volume #3 – Measurement Optimization #4 – Proportional Reasoning #5 – Data Analysis #6 – Linear Relations #7 – Algebraic Models #8 – Linear Equations #9 – Geometric Relationships #10 – EQAO/ CA EVALUATION Term Work 70% Culminating Task 5% EQAO CATEGORIES Knowledge/Understanding[K] Application[A] Communication[C] Thinking[T] 10% Final Exam 15% 30% 30% 20% 20% CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Students are expected to attend class, to do their homework regularly, to come to class ON TIME, and with all the necessary materials, to wear the proper uniform, and to adhere to the school’s accepted code of behaviour. PLEASE NOTE: 1. No food or drinks are allowed in the classroom. 2. NO technological devices (cell phones, Ipods, PSPs, walkmans etc..) are allowed in the classroom. MISSED MATERIAL It is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to make up material missed due to an illness or school related absence. Extra help is available by appointment with your teacher!! TESTS/MISSED TESTS Students are expected to be present for ALL math tests. Where possible, appointments should be made after school hours. 1. If a student knows in advance that he/she will be away for a test, he/she must approach the teacher with the valid reason at least two days PRIOR to the test date to make alternate arrangements. 2. If a student is absent on the day of a test, a phone call from a parent/guardian MUST be made to the school before noon on the test day. Then, it is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the teacher, within two days of his/her return, to make up the test. If no arrangements are made, a mark of zero will be assigned and the parents will be contacted. Note: NO tests or quizzes will be dropped and NO rewrites will be permitted. Bonus marks will be awarded toward the test mark for having it signed by a parent/guardian and for having it corrected (by the designated deadline). LATE ASSIGNMENTS An assignment must be handed in the day it is due. It will be considered late after that time. A mark reduction of 10% will be applied to all major assignments submitted late. The teacher will contact the parents within two days after the due date. If the assignment is not submitted within 3 days of the phone call, the assignment will not be accepted and a mark of zero will be assigned. Minor assignments will not be accepted after the others have been returned. An alternative assignment and timeline may be arranged. PLAGIARISM It is theft to use the words or ideas of any other person as if they were your own without acknowledging the source. This applies to any written work, or visual source which includes computers, Internet, etc. Cheating on tests, quizzes and exams is also a form of plagiarism. PLAGIARISM IS A SERIOUS ACADEMIC OFFENCE. STUDENTS WHO ARE GUILTY OF THIS OFFENCE INVITE SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES. I have read and understood the above course description. ______________________________ (Student’s Signature) _____________________________ (Parent’s signature) HAVE A GREAT SEMESTER and remember… MATH IS SOMETHING YOU CAN COUNT ON!!!