Creative Writing Project These categories are meant to give you an idea of what we are looking for in this assignment. Excellent creative responses will have the following features: 3 Comments CATEGORY Focus/ clarity of The project provides a creative commentary on a particular fairy tale or fairy tale purpose tradition. It is clearly focused and illuminates a critical issue. Title The title sparks the reader’s interest and clearly relates (to) the topic in a creative way. Organization The organization clearly supports the overall point of the draft. The sequence of ideas shapes a clear inner logic. Level of complexity The writing shows a deep understanding of the complexities involved in the chosen topic. This understanding is conveyed through precise language and tone. Human Connection The project compellingly communicates the importance of the topic and conveys a genuine engagement with fairy tale(s) and the particular issue explored. Awareness of intended audience The reader can easily identify the intended audience, in terms of age, and cultural background. Creative Language The draft surprises the reader through its creative language, imagery, and style that help move the reader to see something new about fairy tales or appreciate a detail in a new way. Originality The creative text communicates an original idea and insights. Overall impression/ form-content congruity Form and content are in harmony. The text clearly communicates through all available means: precise language and imagery, appropriate style, genre, and tone. If you decide to include a INTRODUCTION OR AFTERWORD here are a few things to think about. CATEGORY 3 Analysis The introduction illuminates the thinking behind the project in great depth. Focus/ Organization The introduction/afterword is well organized and comments in detail with focus on the selection of the audience, the genre, particular fairy tale(s), and critical approach. It also reveals to the sources of inspiration. Comments