Alan Neaigus, Ph.D.. Alan Neaigus, Ph.D. Academic training: Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles. Sociology, 1976 M.C.R.P. Rutgers University. City and Regional Planning, 1981 M.A. University of California, Los Angeles. Sociology, 1970 B.A. University of California, Los Angeles. Sociology, 1968 Academic and research appointments: 2009 to present 2008 to present 2003 to present 2002 to 2008 1995 to 2008 1993 to 1995 1990 to 1993 1988 to 1990 1979 to 1982 1978 to 1979 1977 to 1978 Senior Research Scientist Center for Drug and Social Policy Research Graduate College of Social Work University of Houston Houston, Texas Director of Research HIV Epidemiology Program Bureau of HIV Prevention and Control New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene New York, New York Adjunct Associate Professor Department of Epidemiology Joseph L. Mailman School of Public Health Columbia University New York, New York. Deputy Director Institute for International Research on Youth at Risk National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. New York, New York. Principal Investigator National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. New York, New York. Project Director/Co-Investigator National Development and Research Institutes, Inc. (Formerly Narcotic and Drug Research, Inc.) New York, New York. Project Director Narcotic and Drug Research, Inc. New York, New York. Senior Research Associate, Narcotic and Drug Research, Inc., New York, New York. Research Analyst, Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. Research Analyst, Department of Human Ecology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Instructor, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison, New Jersey Instructor, Page 1 Alan Neaigus, Ph.D.. 1976 to 1977 1972 to 1976 California State University, Northridge, California Instructor, University of Wisconsin, Platteville, Wisconsin Teaching Assistant, University of California, Los Angeles, California Research Interests Epidemiology of HIV, viral hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections Epidemiology of drug use Social networks Structural and social network intervention research Research Grants Principal Investigator Network Mixing and HIV Risk Among Young Injection Drug Users in Budapest NIDA. 3 R01 DA014515-02S1 09/01/2004 - 01/31/2007 HIV Risk and Neighborhood Networks of IDUs. NIDA. R01 DA014515-01A1 02/01/2003 - 01/31/2007 Non-Injecting Heroin Users, New Injectors and HIV Risk 07/01/95 - 03/31/05 NIDA R01 DA09920 Network Risks among New IDUs in New York and Marseilles 09/30/2001-08/31/2004 NIDA R03 DA14719-01 Co-Principal Investigator Hispanic Heroin Users, Transitions to Injecting and HIV 09/30/2001 - 08/31/2006 NIDA R01 DA13560-01A2 Young Drug Users and HIV Risk in Budapest, Hungary NIDA PA-01-023 “Drug abuse aspects of HIV/AIDS and other infections”. 5/1/2006 Co-Investigator At risk Hispanic gangs: long term consequences for HIV, hepatitis and STI risks NIDA 1R01DA023857-01A2. 09/30/2008 - 06/30/2012 Social Networks of S. Aureus Carriage Among Drug Users NIDA PA-01-023 “Drug Abuse Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Other Infections”. 2004-2006 Women’s Risk Networks: Resources, Infection and Change 06/01/01 - 04/30/05 NIDA Page 2 Alan Neaigus, Ph.D.. Local Context, Social-Control Action, and HIV risk NIMH R01 MH62280 08/01/01 - 07/31/05 Networks, Norms and HIV/STI Risk Among Youth 12/1/99 - 11/30/04 NIDAR01 DA13128 Publications Neaigus A, Miller M, Gyarmathy VA, Friedman SR. HIV sexual risk from injecting drug users among HIV seronegative non-injecting heroin users. In Press, Substance Use and Misuse. Jenness SM, Neaigus A, Hagan H, Wendel T, Gelpi-Acosta C, Murrill CS. Reconsidering the Internet as an HIV/STD Risk for Men Who Have Sex with Men. AIDS Behav. 2010 Jul 28. [Epub ahead of print] Jenness SM, Begier E, Neaigus A, Murrill CS, Wendel T, and Hagan H. Unprotected Anal Intercourse and Sexually Transmitted Diseases in High-Risk Heterosexual Women. Am J Public Health 2010 [Epub ahead of print]. Jenness SM, Neaigus A, Hagan H, Murrill CS, Wendel T. Heterosexual HIV and sexual partnerships between injection drug users and noninjection drug users. AIDS Patient Care and STDs. 2010, Vol. 24, No. 3. Gyarmathy VA, Neaigus A, Ujhelyi E. Vulnerability to drug-related infections and co-infections among injecting drug users in Budapest, Hungary. Eur J Public Health 2009 Feb 17 [Epub ahead of print]. Gyarmathy VA, Neaigus A, Mitchell MM, Ujhelyi E. The association of syringe type and syringe cleaning with HCV infection among IDUs in Budapest, Hungary. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2009 Mar 1;100(3):240-7. Epub 2008 Dec 5. Gyarmathy VA, Ujhelyi E, Neaigus A. HIV and selected blood-borne and sexually transmitted infections in a predominantly Roma (Gypsy) neighbourhood in Budapest, Hungary: a rapid assessment. Cent Eur J Public Health. 2008 Sep;16(3):124-7 Valdez A, Cepeda A, Neaigus A, Russell A. Heroin transition risk among daily and non-daily marijuana users who are non-injectors of heroin. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2008 Dec;19(6):442-9 Neaigus A, Zhao M, Gyarmathy VA, Cisek L, Friedman SR, Baxter RC. Greater drug injecting risk for HIV, HBV and HCV infection in a city where syringe exchange and pharmacy syringe distribution are illegal. J. Urban Health. 2008 May Vol. 85, No. 3, 309-322. Valdez A, Neaigus A, Kaplan C.D. The Influence of family and peer risk networks on drug use practices and other risks among Mexican-American non-injecting heroin users. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. Feb 2008; vol. 37: pp. 79 – 107. Valdez A, Neaigus A, Cepeda A. Potential risk factors for injecting among Mexican American noninjecting heroin users. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse Volume 6 Number 2. 49-73. Gyarmathy VA, Neaigus A. The relationship of sexual dyad and personal network characteristics and individual attributes to unprotected sex among young injecting drug users. In press. AIDS Behav. 2007 Aug 10; [Epub ahead of print]. Page 3 Alan Neaigus, Ph.D.. Neaigus A, Gyarmathy VA, Miller M, Frajzyngier VM, Zhao M, Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC. Injecting and sexual risk correlates of HBV and HCV seroprevalence among new drug injectors. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2007 Jul 10;89(2-3):234-43. Frajzyngier VM, Neaigus A, Gyarmathy VA, Miller M, Friedman SR. Gender differences in injection risk behaviors at the first injection episode. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2007 Jul 10;89(2-3):145-52 Neaigus A, Gyarmathy VA, Zhao M, Miller M, Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC. Sexual and other noninjection risks for HBV and HCV seroconversions among noninjecting heroin users. J Infect Dis. 2007 Apr 1;195(7):1052-61. Racz J, Gyarmathy VA, Neaigus A, Ujhelyi E. Injecting equipment sharing and perception of HIV and hepatitis risk among injecting drug users in Budapest. AIDS Care. 2007 Jan;19(1):59-66 McMahon JM, Tortu S, Pouget ER, Hamid R, Neaigus A. Contextual Determinants of Condom Use Among Female Sex Exchangers in East Harlem, NYC: An Event Analysis. AIDS Behav. 2006 Jun 16. Gyarmathy VA, Neaigus A, Ujhelyi E, Szabo T, Racz J. Strong HIV and hepatitis disclosure norms and frequent risk behaviors among Hungarian drug injectors. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2006 Apr;82 Suppl 1:S65-9. Neaigus A, Gyarmathy VA, Miller M, Frajzyngier VM, Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC. Transitions to injecting drug use among non-injecting heroin users: social network influence and individual susceptibility. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.Volume 41, Issue 4, April 2006, pp. 493-503. Gyarmathy VA, Neaigus A. The Effect of Personal Network Exposure on Injecting Equipment Sharing among IDUs in Budapest, Hungary. Connections, 2006 15(1): 29-42. Gyarmathy VA, Neaigus A. Marginalized and Socially Integrated Groups of IDUs in Hungary: Potential Bridges of HIV Infection. J Urban Health. 2005 Sep;82(3 Suppl 4):iv101-iv112 Kottiri BJ, Friedman SR, Euler GL, Flom PL, Sandoval M, Neaigus A, Des Jarlais DC, Zenilman JM. A community-based study of hepatitis B infection and immunization among young adults in a highdrug-use neighborhood in New York City. J Urban Health. 2005 Sep;82(3):479-87. Roche B, Neaigus A, Miller M. Street Smarts and Urban Myths: Women, Sex Work, and the Role of Storytelling in Risk Reduction and Rationalization. Med Anthropol Q. 2005 Jun;19(2):149-70 Miller M, Neaigus A. Social networks, HIV transmission, and prevention. Focus. 2005 Jan;20(1):1-5 Friedman SR, Maslow C, Bolyard M, Sandoval M, Mateu-Gelabert P, Neaigus A. Urging others to be healthy: "intravention" by injection drug users as a community prevention goal. AIDS Education and Prevention. 2004. 16 (3) 250-63. Gyarmathy VA., Rácz J., Neaigus A., Ujhelyi E.: The urgent need for HIV and hepatitis prevention in drug treatment programs in Hungary. AIDS Education and Prevention. 2004. 16 (3) 276-87. Clatts MC, Goldsamt L, Neaigus A, Welle DL. The social course of drug injection and sexual activity among YMSM and other high-risk youth: an agenda for future research. Journal of Urban Health 2003 80:iii26-iii39 (2003) Page 4 Alan Neaigus, Ph.D.. Gyarmathy VA., Neaigus, A., Számadó S. HIV risk behavior history of prison inmates in Hungary. AIDS Education and Prevention. AIDS Education and Prevention 2003. 15(6) 561-569. Flom PL, Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Sandoval M. Boundary-crossing and drug use among young adults in a low-income, minority, urban neighborhood. Connections 2003. 24(2):77-87. Friedman SR, Flom PL, Kottiri BJ, Zenilman J, Curtis R, Neaigus A, Sandoval M, Quinn T, Des Jarlais DC. Drug use patterns and infection with sexually transmissible agents among young adults in a high-risk neighbourhood in New York City. Addiction 2003 Feb;98(2):159-69 Tortu S, McMahon JM, Hamid R, Neaigus A. Women's drug injection practices in East Harlem: an event analysis in a high-risk community AIDS Behav. 2003 Sep;7(3):317-28 Miller M, Neaigus A. An economy of risk: resource acquisition strategies of inner city women who use drugs. International Journal of Drug Policy 13 (2002) 409/ 418. Miller M, Neaigus A. Sex partner support, drug use and sex risk among HIV negative non-injecting heroin users. AIDS Care 2002 14(6), 801/ 813. Gyarmathy VA, Neaigus A, Miller M, Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC. Risk Correlates of Prevalent HIV, Hepatitis B Virus, and Hepatitis C Virus Infections among noninjecting heroin users. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2002 Aug 1;30(4):448-56.. Kottiri BJ, Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Curtis R, Des Jarlais DC. Risk networks and racial/ethnic differences in the prevalence of HIV infection among injection drug users. JAIDS 2002 May 1;30(1):95-104. Sifaneck SJ, Neaigus A. The Ethnographic Accessing, Sampling and Screening of Hidden Populations: Heroin Sniffers in New York City. Addiction Research & Theory, 9: (6) 519-543 2001 Neaigus A, Miller M, Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC. “Sexual Transmission Risk among Non-Injecting Heroin Users Infected with HIV or Hepatitis C”. J Infect Dis 2001 Aug 1;184(3):359-63. Neaigus A, Miller M, Friedman SR, Hagen DL, Sifaneck SJ, Ildefonso G, Des Jarlais DC. Potential risk factors for the transition to injecting among non-injecting heroin users: a comparison of former injectors and never injectors. Addiction 96 (6) 839-852. 2001. Neaigus A, Friedman SR, Kottiri BJ, Des Jarlais DC. HIV Risk Networks and HIV Transmission among Injecting Drug Users. Evaluation and Program Planning 24 (2001) 221-226 Miller M, Neaigus A. Networks, Resources and Risk among Women who use Drugs. Soc Sci Med. 2001 Mar;52(6):967-78. Friedman SR, Flom PL, Kottiri BJ, Neaigus A, Sandoval M, Curtis R, Des Jarlais DC, Zenilman JM. Consistent condom use in the heterosexual relationships of young adults who live in a high-HIV-risk neighbourhood and do not use "hard drugs". AIDS Care 2001 Jun;13(3):285-96 Friedman SR, Flom PL, Kottiri BJ, Neaigus A, Sandoval M, Curtis R, Zenilman JM, Jarlais DC. Prevalence and correlates of anal sex with men among young adult women in an inner city minority neighborhood. AIDS 2001 Oct 19;15(15):2057-60. Tortu S*, Neaigus A, McMahon J, Hagen D. Hepatitis C among noninjecting drug users: a report. Subst Use Misuse 2001 Mar;36(4):523-34. Page 5 Alan Neaigus, Ph.D.. Flom PL, Friedman SR, Kottiri BJ, Neaigus A, Curtis R, Des Jarlais DC, Sandoval M, Zenilman JM. Stigmatized drug use, sexual partner concurrency, and other sex risk network and behavior characteristics of 18- to 24-year-old youth in a high-risk neighborhood. Sex Transm Dis. 2001 Oct;28(10):598-607 Tortu, S., McMahon, J., Hamid, R. & Neaigus A. Drug Using Women’s Sexual Risk: An Event Analysis. AIDS and Behavior. 4 (4), 329-340. 2000 Friedman, S. R., Kottiri, B. J., Neaigus, A., Curtis, R., Vermund, S. H., & Des Jarlais, D. C. (2000). Network-related mechanisms may help explain long-term HIV-1-seroprevalence levels that remain high but do not approach population-group saturation. American Journal of Epidemiology , 152 (10), 913-922. Andrade X, Sifaneck S, Neaigus A. Dope sniffers in New York City: an ethnography of heroin markets and patterns of use. Journal of Drug Issues 29 (2), 271-298, 1999. Des Jarlais DC, Friedman SR, Perlis T, Chapman TF, Sotheran JL, Paone D, Monterroso E, Neaigus A. Risk behavior and HIV infection among new drug injectors in the era of AIDS in New York City. Journal of Acquired Immunedeficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology. 1999;20:67-72. Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Jose B, Curtis R, Ildefonso G, Goldstein M, Des Jarlais DC. Networks, Norms, and Solidaristic/Altruistic Action against AIDS among the Demonized. Sociological Focus, 32:127-142. 1999. Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Jose B, Curtis R, Des Jarlais DC. Networks and HIV risk: An introduction to social network analysis for harm reductionists. International Journal of Drug Policy, 9 (1998) 461469. Neaigus A. “The Network Approach and Interventions to Prevent HIV Among Injection Drug Users.” Public Health Reports, 113 (June 1998) supplement 1:140-150. Miller M, Neaigus A, Friedman SR, Andrade X, Atillasoy A, Ildefonso G, Des Jarlais DC. Gender differences in heroin use severity among non-injecting heroin users. In LS Harris (ed), Problems of Drug Dependence 1997. NIDA Research Monograph 178, Rockville, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1998. Neaigus A, Miller M, Friedman SR, Andrade X, Atillasoy A, Ildefonso G, Des Jarlais DC. Gender differences in recent crack use and HIV risk among non-injecting users of heroin. In LS Harris (ed), Problems of Drug Dependence 1997. NIDA Research Monograph 178, Rockville, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1998 Neaigus A, Atillasoy A, Friedman SR, Andrade X, Miller M, Ildefonso GI, Des Jarlais DC. "Trends in the Non-Injected Use of Heroin and Factors Associated with the Transition to Injecting." In James Inciardi and Lana D. Harrison (eds.), Heroin in the Age of Crack Cocaine. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998. pp 131-159. Friedman SR, Furst RT, Jose B, Curtis R, Neaigus A, Des Jarlais DC, Goldstein MF, Ildefonso G. Drug Scene Roles and HIV Risk. Addiction (1998) 93(9), 1403-1416. Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Jose B. (1998). "AIDS research and social theory: selected enigmas and contributions from a long-duration program of applied research." Research in Social Policy 6:137-157. Page 6 Alan Neaigus, Ph.D.. Friedman SR, Jose B, Neaigus A, Goldstein M, Mota P, Curtis R, Ildefonso G, Des Jarlais DC. "Multiple Racial/Ethnic Subordination and HIV among Drug Injectors." In: M Singer (Ed.), The Political Economy of AIDS. Amityville, New York: Baywood Press, 1998. pp. 105-127. Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Jose B, Curtis R, Goldstein M, Ildefonso G, Rothenberg RB, Des Jarlais DC. "Sociometric Risk Networks and HIV Risk." American Journal of Public Health 87(1997);8:12891296. Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC, Neaigus A, Perlis T, Jose B, Paone D. "Epidemics of HIV among drug injectors can be reversed.'" Publicacion Oficial de la Sociedad Española Interdisciplinaria del S.I.D.A. 1997: 182-184. Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Jose B, Curtis R, Goldstein M, Sotheran JL, Wenston J, Latkin CA, Des Jarlais DC. . "Network and sociohistorical approaches to the HIV epidemic among drug injectors". In: Sherr L, Catalán J, Hedge B,(eds.), The Impacts of AIDS: Psychological and Social Aspects of HIV Infection. Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers. 1997. pp. 89-113. Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Jose B, Curtis R, Lovely R, McGrady G, Vera M, Johnson V, White HR, Des Jarlais DC. "Adolescents and HIV Risk Due to Drug Injection or Sex with Drug Injectors in the United States." In L. Sherr (ed.) AIDS and Adolescence. Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers. 1997. pp. 107-131. Friedman SR, Curtis R, Jose B, Neaigus A, Zenilman J, Culpepper-Morgan J, Borg L, KreekMJ, Paone D, Des Jarlais DC. "Sex, drugs, and infections among youth: Parenterally- and sexuallytransmitted diseases in a high-risk neighborhood." Sexually Transmitted Diseases 24(1997);7:322326. Friedman SR, Neaigus A. (1997). Organizações de usários de drogas, coceitos sobre usários de drogas injetáveis e o HIV. In M Baptista & C Inem (eds) Toxicomania: abordagem multidisciplinar. Rio de Janeiro: NEPAD/UERJ:Sette Letras 129-140. Neaigus A, Friedman SR, Jose B, Goldstein M, Curtis R, Ildefonso G, Des Jarlais DC. "High-Risk Personal Networks and Syringe Sharing as Risk Factors for HIV Infection among New Drug Injectors". Journal of Acquired Immunedeficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology. 1996;11:499-509. Friedman, S.R., Neaigus, A., Perlis, T., Jose, B., Sotheran, J.L., Curtis, R., Goldstein, M., Ildefonso, G., Rockwell, R., & Des Jarlais, D.C. Personal, Relationship-Specific, and Event-Specific Influences on Risk Behaviors by Drug Injectors. Publicacion Oficial de la Sociedad Española Interdisciplinaria de S.I.D.A., 7(1996)4:184-186. Friedman, S.R., Perlis, T., Atillasoy, A., Goldsmith, D., Neaigus, A., Gu, X.C., Sotheran, J.L., Curtis, R., Jose, B., Telles, P., & Des Jarlais, D.C. Changes in Modes of Drug Administration and in the Drugs That Are Administered: Implications for Retrovirus Transmission. Publicacion Oficial de la Sociedad Española Interdisciplinaria de S.I.D.A., 7(1996)4:167-169. Grund JPC, Friedman SR, Stern LS, Jose B, Neaigus A. "Syringe-mediated drug sharing among injecting drug users: patterns, social context and implications for HIV transmission". Social Science and Medicine, 42(1996)5:691-703. Jose, B., Friedman, S.R., Neaigus, A., Curtis, R., Sufian, M., Stepherson, B., & Des Jarlais, D. C. “Collective Organization of Injecting Drug Users and the Struggle Against AIDS”. In: T. Rhodes and R. 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Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Jose B, Curtis R, Ward TP. "Social Models for Altering Health-Relevant Behavior." Publicacion Oficial de la Sociedad Espanola Interdisciplinaria de SIDA, 6(3): 153-158, 1995. Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC, Ward TP, Curtis R, Jose B, Neaigus A, Goldstein M. "Harm Reduction Programs in the United States of America". In: J. G_lz (ed.), Harm Reduction: Harm Reduction Treatment of Drug Addicts. München, Baltimore: Urban und Schwarzenberg. 1995. Friedman SR, Curtis R, Ward TP, Jose B, Neaigus A, Goldstein M. "The Emerging Tuberculosis Epidemic: A New Challenge to Harm Reduction in the United States of America". In: J. Gölz (ed.), Harm Reduction: Harm Reduction Treatment of Drug Addicts. München, Baltimore: Urban und Schwarzenberg. 1995. Friedman, S.R., Jose, B., Deren, S., Des Jarlais, D.C., Neaigus, A. & National AIDS Research Consortium. Risk Factors for HIV Seroconversion among Out-of-Treatment Drug Injectors in Highand Low-Seroprevalence Cities. American Journal of Epidemiology, 142 (1995)8:864-874. Goldstein M, Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Jose B. "Self-Reports of HIV Risk Behavior by injecting drug users: are they reliable?" Addiction, Vol 90, 1995, 1097-1104. Neaigus A, Friedman S, Curtis R, Des Jarlais DC, Furst RT, Jose B, Mota P, Stepherson B, Sufian M, Ward T, Wright JW. "The Relevance of Drug Injectors' Social Networks and Risk Networks for Understanding and Preventing HIV Infection". Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 6778, 1994. Curtis R, Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Jose B, Goldstein M, Des Jarlais DC. "Implications of Directly Observed Therapy in Tuberculosis Control Measures Among IDUs." Public Health Reports, 109(MayJune 1994)3:319-328. Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC, Jose B, Neaigus A, Goldstein M. "Seroprevalence, Seroconversion, and the History of the HIV Epidemic among Drug Injectors." HIV Epidemiology: Models and Methods. A. Nicolosi . (Eds) New York: Raven Press, (1994): pp. 137-150. 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"Behavioral Outcomes of Organizing Drug Injectors against AIDS", Pp National Institute on Drug Abuse, Community-Based AIDS Prevention among Intravenous Drug Users and their Sexual Partners, Washington DC, Government Printing Office,1991. Friedman SR, Sufian M, Curtis R, Neaigus A, Des Jarlais DC. “AIDS-Related Organizing of IVDUs from the Outside” In Elizabeth Schneider and Joan Huber (eds.), Culture and Social Relations in the AIDS Crisis, 1991 Newbury Park, CA: Sage. Sufian M, Friedman SR, Curtis R, Neaigus A, Stepherson B. “Organizing as a New Approach to AIDS Risk Reduction for Intravenous Drug Users,” Journal of Addictive Diseases, Vol. 10, No. 4, 1991, pp 89-98. Neaigus A, Sufian M, Friedman SR, . “Effects of Outreach Intervention on Risk Reduction Among Intravenous Users,” AIDS Education and Prevention. Vol. 2, No. 4, 1990, pp.253-271. Page 9 Alan Neaigus, Ph.D.. Friedman SR, Neaigus A. “Behavioural and Social Responses of Drug Injectors to the AIDS Threat” (Respuestas Conductuales y Sociales de Los Toxicomanos que se Inyectan Ante La Amenaza del SIDA), Proceedings of the International Congress on Social Problems of AIDS, Bilbao, Spain, December 10-12, 1990. pp. 131-146. Sufian M, Friedman SR, Neaigus A. “The Impact of AIDS on Puerto Rican Intravenous Drug Users” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 12 May 1990, Vol. 12 No. 2 pp. 122-134. Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC, Neaigus A. "AIDS and the New Drug Injector", Nature, 1 June 1989, Vol. 339 Issue no. 6223. Books Friedman S, Curtis R, Neaigus A, Jose B, Des Jarlais DC. Social networks, drug injectors’ lives and HIV/AIDS. Plenum. 1999. Abstracts Neaigus A, Jenness S.M.., Hagan H, Murrill C.S., Wendel T. “Individual and partner characteristics associated with sex partner concurrency among high-risk heterosexuals”. Oral presentation at the 2009 National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA, August 24, 2009 Neaigus A, Friedman S.R., Gyarmathy V.A., Cleland C.M., Des Jarlais D.C. “Heroin injectors who also use non-injection heroin have lower injecting frequency and lower HCV infection rates”. Oral Presentation, 19th IHRA Conference, Barcelona, Spain, May 14 2008 Neaigus A, Zhao M, Gyarmathy VA, Cisek L, Friedman SR, Baxter RC. “Greater drug injecting HIV infection risks in a city where syringe exchange and pharmacy syringe distribution are Illegal”. Oral presentation at the 134th American Public Health Meeting November 6th 2006, Boston, MA Neaigus A, Gyarmathy VA, Ujhelyi E. “Age mixing and injecting risk among IDUs in Budapest, Hungary”. 2006 NIDA International Forum, June 16-19, 2006, Scottsdale, Arizona. Neaigus A, Gyarmathy VA, Zhao M, Frajzyngier VM. “A comparison of sex risk for HIV/STI infection among young injecting and non-injecting heroin users”. Poster presentation at the 133rd American Public Health Meeting, December 12th 2005, Philadelphia, PA. Neaigus A, Gyarmathy VA, Lovell AM, Frajzyngier VM. “Infection discordant injecting dyads, receptive syringe sharing and HIV/HCV transmission probabilities among uninfected young drug injectors in New York City, USA and Marseilles, France”. 2005 NIDA International Forum Linking Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS Research, June 17 – 20, 2005, Orlando, Florida Neaigus A, Gyarmathy VA, Lovell AM, Frajzyngier VM. “Infection discordant injecting dyads and HIV/HCV injecting risk among young drug injectors in New York City and Marseilles”. Oral presentation at the International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Redondo Beach, CA, February 16-20, 2005 Frajzyngier VM, Neaigus A. “The social environment of HIV/HCV risk: a comparison of geographically mobile and geographically stable young, new injectors in New York City”. Poster presentation at the 132nd American Public Health Association Meetings, November 8th 2004, Washington,DC. Neaigus A, Gyarmathy VA, Miller M, Frajzyngier VM, Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC. “Temporal trends in injecting and sexual HIV/related-infection risk among young injecting drug users in New Page 10 Alan Neaigus, Ph.D.. York City before and after the introduction of pharmacy-based syringe sales”. Oral presentation at the 132nd American Public Health Association Meetings, November 8th 2004, Washington,DC. Gyarmathy VA, Neaigus A. “Marginalized and socially integrated groups of IDUs in Budapest – potential bridges of HIV infection”. Oral presentation at “Opportunities, Challenges, and Successes of International Research”, National Institute on Drug Abuse sponsored meeting. Miami Beach, Florida, August 26, 2004 Neaigus A, Gyarmathy VA, Frajzyngier V, Miller M. “Injecting and sex risk correlates of HIV, HBV, and HCV infection among male and female new IDUs”. Oral presentation at the 131st American Public Health Association Meetings, San Francisco, CA, November 17th 2003. Neaigus A, Gyarmathy VA, Miller M. “The prevalence and correlates of HIV, HBV and HCV infection among new IDUs.” Poster presentation at the 6th International AIDS Impact Conference, Milan, July 7, 2003. Neaigus A, Gyarmathy VA, Miller M, Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC. “HIV, HBV and HCV seroconversions among non-injecting heroin users.” Oral presentation at the 4th National Harm Reduction Conference, Seattle, WA, December 2, 2002. Gyarmathy VA, Neaigus A, Miller M, Friedman SR. “Sexual risk for HIV infection among new IDUs.” Oral presentation at the 4th National Harm Reduction Conference, Seattle, WA, December 2, 2002. Neaigus A, Gyarmathy VA, Miller M, Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC. “Injecting equipment sharing and higher-risk networks among new injecting drug users.” Oral presentation at the 130th American Public Health Association meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 11th 2002. Gyarmathy VA, Neaigus A, Miller M, Friedman SR. “Gender differences in the sex risk of HIV and other infections among new injecting drug users.” Oral presentation at the 130th American Public Health Association meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 11th 2002. Neaigus A, Gyarmathy VA, Miller M, Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC. Sexual risk and HIV, HBV and HCV seroconversions among non-injecting heroin users. Poster presentation at The 14th International Conference on AIDS, Barcelona, July 8th, 2002. Gyarmathy VA, Neaigus A, Miller M. Increased sexual risk among women who recently initiated drug injecting. Poster presentation at The 14th International Conference on AIDS, Barcelona, July 8th, 2002. Gyarmathy VA, Neaigus A, Fehér B, Ujhelyi E, Rácz J. HIV prevalence and syringe sharing among young drug injectors in Budapest, Hungary. Poster presentation at The 14th International Conference on AIDS, Barcelona, July 8th, 2002. Miller M, Neaigus A, Serner M, Godfrey C. Nobody knows but me and God: HIV infection disclosure in an African American community. Poster presentation at the 14th International Conference on AIDS, Barcelona, July 9th, 2002. Neaigus A, Friedman SR, Miller M. Network Theory and HIV Risk among Injecting and Non-Injecting Drug Users. Oral presentation at the 96th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, August 21 2001. Page 11 Alan Neaigus, Ph.D.. Neaigus A, Miller M, Gyarmathy VA, Friedman SR. Age mixing patterns and HIV, HBV and HCV infection among new injectors. Oral presentation at the 2001 National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta GA, August 13th 2001. Neaigus A, Miller M. Persaud M. HCV Transmission probability in HCV discordant partnerships among new injectors. Oral presentation at the 21st International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Budapest, Hungary, April 27th 2001. Neaigus A, Miller M, Persaud MN, Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC. “Injecting History and Transitions to Injecting by Non-Injecting Heroin Users”. Oral presentation at the 3rd National Harm Reduction Conference, Miami, Florida, October 22nd 2000. Neaigus A, Miller M, Friedman SR, Hagen DL, Des Jarlais DC. “HIV sexual risk among HIV seronegative non-injecting heroin users. Oral poster presentation at The 13th International Conference on AIDS, Durban, July 11th, 2000. Neaigus A, Friedman SR, Miller M, Jose B, Hagen DL. “Network facilitation and HIV risk among drug users.” Oral presentation at The Second International Network Sampling Workshop, Maastricht, The Netherlands, March 3rd, 2000. Neaigus A, Friedman SR, Hagen DL, Miller M. “Are non-injecting heroin users infected with HIV and/or HCV potential vectors of infection?”. Oral presentation at the 127th American Public Health Association Meeting, Chicago, November 8th 1999. Neaigus A, Hagen DL, Friedman SR. “Network Predictors of Sexual HIV Risk Among Male and Female Non-injecting Heroin Users”. Oral presentation at the 4th International Conference on the Biopsychosocial Aspects of HIV Infection, AIDS Impact, Ottawa, Canada, July 16th 1999. Neaigus A, Hagen DL, Friedman SR. “Personal risk network correlates of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C infection among non-injecting heroin users.” Oral presentation at the 19th INSNA International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Charleston, South Carolina, February 19, 1999 Neaigus A, Hagen DL, Friedman SR, Miller M, Des Jarlais DC. “Transitions to injecting drug use among non-injecting heroin users” Oral presentation at the 126th American Public Health Association Meetings. 1998, Washington DC. Neaigus A, Friedman SR, Hagen DL, Miller M, Des Jarlais DC. “Transitions to injecting and seroconversions for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C among a cohort of non-injecting heroin users”. 12th World AIDS Conference. 1998, Geneva. Neaigus A, Friedman SR, Miller M, Hagen DL, Des Jarlais DC. “Sexual risk networks and HIV risk among non-injecting heroin users”. Oral presentation at the 18th International Network for Social Network Analysis Conference and 5th European International Social Networks Conference, May 21May 31, 1998, Sitges, Spain. Sifaneck S, Neaigus A, Hagen DL. “The Cultural Identities of Non-Injecting Heroin Users in New York City”. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 1998, Washington DC Neaigus A, Miller M, Friedman SR, Ildefonso G, Andrade X, Atillasoy A, Des Jarlais DC. "Gender Differences In Recent Crack Use And HIV Risk Among Non-Injecting Users of Heroin.”. 59th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College On Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc., Nashville, TN, June 16th, 1997. Page 12 Alan Neaigus, Ph.D.. Neaigus A, Miller M, Friedman SR, Ildefonso G, Andrade X, Atillasoy A, Bardell B, Des Jarlais DC. "Non-Injecting Users of Heroin Have Substantial Rates of Infection With Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C." Oral presentation at the 8th International Conference On The Reduction Of Drug Related Harm, Paris, March 24th, 1997. Neaigus A , Friedman SR, Jose B, Curtis R, Goldstein M, Ildefonso G, Des Jarlais DC. "The Relationship of Drug Injectors' Networks and Drug Economy Roles to their Advocacy of the Use of Bleach to Clean Used Syringes." Oral presentation at the 17th International Social Network Conference, San Diego, February 15th, 1997. Miller M, Neaigus A, Friedman S, Des Jarlais DC. “Do drug use patterns affect sex risk among noninjecting heroin users?”. 125th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 11, 1997, Indianapolis, IN Neaigus A , Friedman SR, Jose B, Curtis R, Goldstein M, Ildefonso G, Des Jarlais DC. "Determinants Of IDUs Telling Other IDUs To Clean Their Syringes With Bleach." Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association 124th Annual Meeting, New York, New York, November 19, 1996. Neaigus A , Friedman SR, Jose B, Curtis R, Goldstein M, Ildefonso G, Des Jarlais DC. "Drug Injectors' Social Networks Can Be Risk Factors For Syringe Sharing." Oral presentation at the 11th International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, July 8th, 1996. Neaigus A , Friedman SR, Jose B, Curtis R, Goldstein M, Des Jarlais DC. "HIV Serostatus, Risk Behaviors and Risk Reduction Among Structurally Central IDUs." Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association 123rd Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, October 31, 1995. Neaigus A , Friedman SR, Jose B, Curtis R, Goldstein M, Des Jarlais DC. "Location in Large-Scale (Sociometric) IDU Social Networks Affects Probability of HIV and HBV Infection." Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association, 122nd Annual Meeting, Washington DC, November 1994 Neaigus A, Friedman SR, Jose B, Goldstein M, Ildefonso G, Curtis R, Des Jarlais DC. "Syringe Sharing and the Social Characteristics of Drug Injecting Dyads." Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association, 121st Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Ca, November 1993. Neaigus A, Friedman SR, Jose B, Goldstein M, Curtis R, Ildefonso G, Des Jarlais DC. "Latino Race/Ethnicity and Injecting at Outside Settings are HIV Risk Factors Among New Injectors." Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association, 121st Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Ca, November 1993. Curtis R, Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Jose B, Des Jarlais DC. "TB Among Injecting Drug Users: Current Strategies May Be Counterproductive." Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association, 121st Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Ca, November 1993. Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Jose B, Goldstein M, Curtis R, Des Jarlais DC. "Female Injecting Drug Users Get Infected With HIV Sooner Than Males." Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association, 121st Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Ca, November 1993. Friedman SR, Jose B, Neaigus A, Goldstein M, Ildefonso G, Des Jarlais DC. "Consistent Condom Use By HIV Seropositive Injecting Drug Users With Their Non-Injector Sexual Partners." Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association, 121st Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Ca, November 1993. Page 13 Alan Neaigus, Ph.D.. Goldstein M, Neaigus A, Ildefonso G, Mota P, Jose B, Friedman SR.."Quality of Data Provided by IDUs About HIV Risk Network Members." Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association, 121st Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Ca, November 1993. Goldstein M, Neaigus A, Ildefonso G, Mota P, Jose B, Friedman SR.. "Characteristics and Serostatus of Pairs of Injecting Drug Partners with an HIV Negative Member." Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association, 121st Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Ca, November 1993. Jose B, Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Goldstein M, Des Jarlais DC. "Possible Parenteral Transmission of Syphilis among Drug Injectors." Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association, 121st Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Ca, November 1993. Neaigus A, Friedman SR, Jose B, Goldstein M, Curtis R, Ildefonso G, Des Jarlais DC. "Risk Factors For HIV Infection Among New Drug Injectors". Poster presentation at the IX International Conference on AIDS/IV STD World Congress, Berlin, June 1993. Friedman SR, Jose B, Neaigus A, Goldstein M. Ildefonso G, Des Jarlais DC, . "Widespread Condom Use By Seropositive Injecting Drug Users With Non-Injector Sexual Partners". Poster presentation at the IX International Conference on AIDS/IV STD World Congress, Berlin, June 1993. Friedman SR, Jose B, Neaigus A, Goldstein M, Mota P, Des Jarlais DC . "Multiple Minority Status as an HIV Risk Factor Among Drug Injectors." Poster presentation at the IX International Conference on AIDS/IV STD World Congress, Berlin, June 1993. Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Jose B, Goldstein M, Curtis R, De Jarlais DC, . "Female Injecting Drug Users Get Infected Sooner Than Males". Poster presentation at the IX International Conference on AIDS/IV STD World Congress, Berlin, June 1993. Neaigus A, Friedman SR, Curtis R, Jose B, Des Jarlais DC. "Shooting Gallery Use Has Declined but Outside Settings May Spread HIV". Oral presentation at American Public Health Association, 120th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 1992. Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC, Deren S, Jose B, Neaigus A, National AIDS Consortium. "HIV Seroconversion among Female Drug Injectors Who Have Sex with Women". Oral presentation at American Public Health Association, 120th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 1992. Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC, Deren S, Jose B, Neaigus A. "HIV Seroconversion among IDUs in High and Low Seroprevalence Cities". Presented at American Public Health Association, 120th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 1992. Jose B, Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Curtis R, Des Jarlais DC. "Frontloading is Associated with HIV Infection among Drug Injectors in New York City." Presented at the American Public Health Association, 120th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 1992. Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC, Jose B, Neaigus A, Goldstein M. "Seroprevalence, Seroconversion, and the History of the HIV Epidemic among Drug Injectors." Presented at the Conference on Models and Methods of Epidemiologic Research on HIV Infection, Capri, Italy, September 1992. Friedman SR, Des Jarlais DC, Deren S, Jose B, Neaigus A. National AIDS Research Consortium. "HIV Seroconversion Among Street-Recruited Drug Injectors in 14 United States Cities." Poster presentation at the VIII International Conference on AIDS/III STD World Congress, Amsterdam, July 1992. Page 14 Alan Neaigus, Ph.D.. Neaigus A, Friedman SR, Curtis R, Jose B, Furst RT, Des Jarlais DC. "The Emergence of Outside Injection Settings as Sites for Potential HIV Transmission in New York City." Published abstract at the VIII International Conference on AIDS/III STD World Congress, Amsterdam, July 1992. Jose B, Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Curtis R, Des Jarlais DC. "Frontloading is Associated with HIV Infection among Drug Injectors in New York City." Oral presentation at the VIII International Conference on AIDS/III STD World Congress, Amsterdam, July 1992. Neaigus A., Friedman SR, Curtis R., Jose B, Furst R.T.. "Social Networks, Weak Ties and HIV Risk". Oral presentation at the 12th International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, San Diego, California, February 1992. Friedman SR, Jose B, Neaigus A, Rivera-Beckman J, Sufian M, Des Jarlais DC. "Risk Reduction Among Drug Injectors Following Low-Intensity Outreach." Presented at the American Public Health Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 1991. Neaigus A., Friedman SR, Jose B, Stepherson B, Sufian M, Des Jarlais DC. "Declines in Syringe Sharing During the First Injection". Poster presentation at the 7th International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. Friedman SR, Jose B, Neaigus A, Sufian M, Goldsmith D, Des Jarlais DC, . "Peer Mobilization and Widespread Condom Use by Drug Injectors." Presented at the VII International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy, June 1991. Neaigus A.. "Street Outreach to Drug Injectors; Approaches and Results from Recent Evaluations". Presented at the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute Working Conference on Community HIV Prevention and Primary Care, New York Academy of Medicine, New York, May 1991. Friedman S., Neaigus A., . "Risk Networks, Social Networks, Biography, and Historical Change." Presented at the National Institute of Drug Abuse Technical Review, Bethesda, Maryland, May 1991. Neaigus A, Friedman SR, Jose B, Sufian M, Stepherson B, Goldsmith D, Mota P, Des Jarlais DC. “Social Networks and HIV Risk Behavior among Street IV Drug Users.” Presented at the 11th International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Tampa, Florida, February 1991. Friedman SR, Neaigus A. "Behavioural and Social Responses of Drug Injectors to the AIDS Threat," (Repuestas Conductuales y Socialles de Los Toxicomanos que se Inyectar Ante La Amenanza del SIDA) Presented at the International Congress on Social Problem of AIDS, Bilbabo, Spain, December 1990. Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Jose B, Sufian M, Stepherson B, Manthei D, Mota P, Des Jarlais, . "Behavioral Outcomes of Organizing Drug Injectors against AIDS," Presented at the Second Annual NADR National Meeting in Bethesda, Maryland, November 1990. Friedman, SR, Sufian M, Neaigus A, Stepherson B, Manthei D, Des Jarlais DC, . “Behavioral Outcomes of Organizing IV Drug Users against AIDS” Presented at the American Public Health Association, 118th Annual Meeting, New York, Sept./Oct. 1990. Neaigus A, Friedman S, Sufian M, Stepherson B, Goldsmith D, Mota P, Des Jarlais DC, “Social Contact and Risk Reduction among IV Drug Users” Presented at the American Public Health Association, 118th Annual Meeting, New York, Sept./Oct. 1990. Page 15 Alan Neaigus, Ph.D.. Neaigus A, Friedman S, Sufian M, Stepherson B, Goldsmith D, Mota P, Des Jarlais DC, “Peer Culture and Risk Reduction among IV Drug Users,” 6th International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, June 1990 Neaigus A, Friedman SR, Sufian M, . “Barriers to Risk Reduction Among Intravenous Drug Users”, 1st National AIDS Demonstration Research Annual Meeting, Rockville, MD, 1989. Neaigus A, Sufian M, Friedman SR, .“Effects of Outreach Intervention on Risk Reduction Among Intravenous Drug Users”, 117th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL, 1989 Sufian M, Friedman SR, Neaigus A. "Risk Reduction After Outreach Intervention Among Intravenous Drug Users", 5th. International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada, 1989. Friedman SR, Neaigus A, Goldsmith D. "Risk Factors for HIV-1 Infection Among Street-Recruited Intravenous Drug Users in New York City", 5th. International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada,1989. Neaigus A. "Projecting AIDS Bed Need in a Municipal Hospital System", American Public Health Association Meetings, Boston, 1988. Page 16