. e l]niversity

Pierre Trudeau
Born October 18, 1919
e Educated at the l]niversity of Montreal and received his Masters
alHaward, Post Graduate Studies in Paris and London
Lawyer, University Professor and Author before entering
Fiery Intellectual who made himself farnous in the debates in
Quebec over Culture and Poiitics in the 50's and 60's
Became Prime Minister in 1968 at 49 years old - young and
He well suited the Radical 60's with his behavior and Politics
Wore casual clothes, drove sports cars, dated models and
Said "The Government does not betrong in the Bedrooms of the
Nation" when asked about new government stances on Divorce
and Homosexuality"
Trudeau had Charisma - magnetic and compelling personal
Excellent debater with sharp wit
Famous for being a world traveler and doing acrobatics and
dancing in front of the Camera
Many Canadians fell in love with Trudeau and his popularity
reached rock star status with much of the country's vouth.
Trudeau Con't
Political Ideas
o Canadian Nationaiist - keep French and English Canada
Believed in Personal Freedoms and a Charter of Rights government should never infringe on people's rights
Reason over ernotion
For democracy to work, citizens must be politically active
Political Record
- Official Languages Act 1969
- October Crisis (implementation of War Measures Act) 1970
- Appointed Muriel McQueen Fergusson first woman Speaker of
the Senate 1972
- Wase and Price Controls 1975
- Significant role in the victory of the "No" forces in the Quebec Referendum on Sovereiqntv-Association 1980
- Appointed Jeanne Sauvd first woman Speaker of the House of
Commons 1980
Canadian Charter of lluman Riehts 198
- Constitution Act (gave Canada full legal independence from
Great Britain) 1982
- Appointed Jeanne Sauvd Canada's first woman Governor General
Pierre Elliott Trudeau:
Will I vote for this man?
Prime Minister Trudeau's
Fill in the following chart as you study the first half of
policies' Under the
period in office. una"r. the second heading, explain Trudeau's
good in your opinion' and
third heading, state those parts of the policy that were
those parts that were not.
What did the PolicY
My assessment (+ and
try to achieve?
1. Official Languages Act
2, The Just SocietY
3. The War Measures Act
4. Economic nationalism
5. Wage and Price controls
will ask you in 1976 whether you
A pollster working for the federal Liberal party
pollster will ask you to explain your
will vote for Trudeau in the next election' The
decision in the following form'
will vote for / against Prime
lf an election is held, I
Minister Trudeau because
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