The Sixties : A Decade of Sweepj-ng ChanEes Tha f trg r.\r.\raa< q af c'i-a:rlrr i q q9 f ef Ofm ftpgr^rn Jlrtvvvtl !v!v!ttl ho .rrliet YL 1ult! revolution began in 1960. During the 1960's Quebec sought a more equitable partnership with the rest of Canada and far more control over the social, economic/ and political decisi-ons that af f ected Quebec. The prot.ection of the French language and culture in Quebec became a prJ-mary concern for Orra'nor-korq Yqvv felt that only through separati_on from the rest of Canada coul-d Quebec's interests Some Quebeckers be protected. In fgOg the different separatist groups joined fooefher to create a new nol'itir:al narfrr knntnrn t.he Parti Quebecois; Rene Levesque was elected IeaCer. During the 1960's the FLQ, a mil-itarist errv! ev:Jv I/v4! u+vq4 I/s! eJ J\IrvvYrI aq qJ l-ran4p spneraf i st /'rrrr,rh veY tO USe bOmbS and Ufban Y-vslr/ uvvs!su!ve terrorism tc attack symbols of British power in Orrohor- Canada hosted EXPO '61, the very successful world' s fair held i-n Montreal . In 1958 Pierre Trudeau was elected as Liberal leader; he called a quick electj-on to capitalize L..i - popularrty. - on nrs Despite polltical differences during the 1960's Canadian anC American economies beqan to move closer together. The Autopact of 1965 allowed automotive parts to cross the border without taxation and protected the jobs of Canadian workers. Canadian women began to challenge the traditional and limited roles assiqned. t,o t.hem and demanded rn/1 IllV!V r6 arrrri vVsr9Y. protesi 1- rr no t-uilvho m'i ar clttri ll(rg r'luu! IrrY sixt,ies as the cal1s for peace, disarmament, and toat /vJ\ vvvgrrrv became 'ooDrt'l }/vyulq! social iustice srew; the Beatles led the British Invas]-0n oI musr_c. CANADA - CREATING A *JUST SOCIETY'' From the end of WWfi to 1960, several provinces had passed bills atternpting to limit Racial discrimination, and to encourage fair employment practices. In 1960, The Diefenbaker goYernilnent passed a national Biil of Rights, and several other provinces did the sarne shortly afterwards. At the same time many Social Securify.Acts had been passed which ranged frorn providing unemployment insurance in L940, to old age securif,y in 1951, to hospital insurance (Medicare) in 1957, and a pension plan in 1965. The government also gave equalization payments to the poorer provinces in order to raise their standard of living. il AII these measures were intended to create a safe, and equal society for all. I These measures became especially important in the 1970 when inflation (increases in the price of goods), and an Oil Crisis helped cause unemployment. These and other attempts to naake Canada a better place to live ciulminated in the creation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which becarne a part of our constitution in 1982. This paved the way for a certain level of civil, human, social, and political rights in Canada. This became escpecialiy important with the increase in immigration, and helped protect the rights of newconners from racist policies. ( ' ) _* , -*t' WOMEN'S RIGI{TS - in 1967 the Royal Commission on the Statuspf-Women, concluded in 1970 that many things had to be done in order to promote equalify. - Women's organizations were forrned. In L972 the NAC or ltlational Action Committee pushed for equal pay, and helped introduce a child tax credit. - 1975 was declare International Wornen's Year by the Ilnited Nations in order to promote equality, women's participation in all areas, like politics, and general education of people on the new status of women. - Although rvomen were said to be equal, they often hit an invisible ceiliug which stopped thern from reaching top ennployment positions. - Downsizing of cornpanies meant that many wornen lost their jobs, and cuts to social programs which employ teachers, and nurses also hurt women, who were often employed in the civil service. -Equal rights for women were built into the charter and in 1988 Abortion was legalized, allowing wornen to make decisions about their own bodies. - Women began getting more high paying and well respected jobs. Kim Campbell was Prime Minister for a short period in 1993, and more women then ever were elected to parliarnent in t997.