AMERICA TO THE RESCUE The Military Alliances TheTrumanDoctrineandtheMarshal|Planwereeconomicstrategiesdesignedtofosterthe in czechoslovakia and the Berlin Blockade reconstruction of Europe. Events like the ioup contain communism' intervention was not enough to suggested to the Ameiicans that economic came with Military Defensive systems' A greater detenent was need. The answer The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) brought together 12 countries in a mutual defence NATO was establtsnei",inpti +fr, ig+g. lt pact.Thepurposeofthea|liancewastocountertheperceivedmi|itarythreatfromtheSoviet wiih coilective resistance and to prevent war broc countries. The ailiance met Sovieiexpansion through collective defence' would rearm westem Europe' and assume a By the terms of the treaty, the United states LlJersnip role in the deience of the Western Wgd9. a sufficient did not berieve that the United Nations was NATO signared that the western powers -guarante! of peace in a World dominated by two hostile superpowers' Members of NATO: France, Belgium, the Netherlands' Denmark' Original- the United States, Canada, Britain, ttoinay, lceland, ltaly, Portugal, and Luxembourg. 1952-Greece and TurkeY 1982-5P-ain lnlg55,WestGermanywasa||owedtojoinNATg"T:,ngneryousconcern.WestGermany United Staies would have control of ihe Armed was realmed only with the agreement tn'at tne Forces. The Warsaw Pact the soviet Union met in warsaw with Five days after west Germany joined NATO, to sign the warsaw pact- Modered after NAT.' representatives of *uln sovili saterite stibr predge- to assist each other in the event of attact<' it set up a miritary ailiance in which members with headquarters in Moscow' It also established a unified military command, Y,i,l|lii;, Union, Arbania, Burgaria, czechosrovakia, East Germanv, Hungary, poland, and Romania. Other Military Alliances ailiances of internationar organizations and military NATO was onry one part of the new strategy designed to contain communism' Organization of American States (OAS) lnlg4StheoASwasestab|ishedtoachieve..peaceandjusticeandtopromoteAmerican so|idarity,,'|twasa|soestab|ishedtofightcommunismintheAmer|cas. (SEATO) South East Asia Treaty Organization the U.S., Australia' New Zealand' the paci'il.iuo",l rne iniesa. creareo was of SEATO lt provided for mutual action in the event philippines, Tnaitani, Pakistan, Briiain, and France' an attack or intemal subversion' Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) .+. r6+ar ron:mca c.F after one of grit"in the Baghdad Pact; later renamed CENTO engineered U.S. the ln 1955, "no all.iance in 1958' the signing memDers, lraq, left the event of aggression. rt arso assistance between members in the rnitia*y, .ENTO offered mutuar against the Soviet Union' orovided a mutual defence policy Y;ilff';"q, states was an Associate Member' rran, pakistan, and Britain. The United (NORAD). North American Air Defence Command established nuclear joineo togeiher_to create NoRAD' lt United States ln 1g57, canada thinorthem Arctic' The belief of an imminent "no1n" stations control anO warning tracking, Eventually, surface"tiott source for the creation of NoRAD. the was Arctic the through arso prepared for the soviet Attack stationed themserves in the arctic warheads nucrear bearing to-air missires soviet attack. ..^^ .^^am6^ iho Nr Command (NAADC). North American Aeros ipace Defence ln 1981, NORAD was renamed the